The ZTE Multi tool F158 M05 looks like this :
It is recommended that you connect a maximum of 4 handsets at once. It is possible to
configure more handsets and ports but ZTE cannot guarantee the performance of the tool
over 4 ports because of PC variations, speeds, USB bus sharing and processor capabilities
The COM Ports for lines 1-4 are set up by plugging a phone into each port and referencing
Device Manager to see the actual COM port allocated by the PC.
The Software files are embedded into the tool.
Once the COM ports are set you can start the download by pressing the Start All button.
The process is then automated until completion when each line will show PASS or FAIL in the
area marked READY in the above example.
All Possible Interruptions should be removed from the PC:
The PC should not be running any other applications.
The PC should be disconnected from the network to avoid any interruptions due to network
The PC Screen saver should be disabled

Initial Set Up
• Extract the zip file to a suitable location
• Remove the battery and SIM cards from the handsets and connect each handset to a USB
port directly connected to the PC motherboard. USB Hubs are NOT recommended due to
sharing limitations on the USB bus.
• Open Windows Device Manager to note the COM ports allocated to the ZTE Diagnostics
Interface as shown below :
• Repeat until all 4 ports have been recorded
• Run the Multi Tool by double clicking the ‘Multi_M_DL_F158_EU_ENV1.00.01.exe’ file.
• Select Option > Port Setup and fill in the correct port allocations for each USB line 1-4 as
noted in Device Manager. Press OK to set the ports.
• Check that each handset has powered up and is ‘talking’ to the PC by verifying the version
number is displayed on the Upgrade Tool.
• Press Start All to start the upgrade.