ZTE CBTSI119 Users Manual

cdma2000 Compact Base Transceiver Station
Technical Manual
Version 1.0
ZTE CORPORATION ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057 Tel: (86) 755 26771900 800-9830-9830 Fax: (86) 755 26772236 URL: http://support.zte.com.cn E-mail: doc@zte.com.cn
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2005/05/01 R1.0 Sjzl20051666
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ZXC10 CBTS (V1.0) cdma2000 Compact Base Transceiver Station Technical Manual
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Before using this product, read this important RF energy awareness and control information and operational instructions to ensure compliance with the FCC and IC RF exposure guidelines.
NOTICE: Working with the equipment while in operation, may expose the technician to RF electromagnetic fields that exceed FCC rules for human exposure. Visit the FCC website at www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety
to learn more
about the effects of exposure to RF electromagnetic fields.
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance will void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Any change to the equipment will void FCC and IC grant.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to the FCC and IC Rules. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
For OUTDOOR use, a PNALE Antenna with a maximum gain of 17dBi is authorized for use with this unit. Outside antennas must be positioned to observe minimum separation of 3.0M (9.84 feet.) for 800MHz unit and
2.5M (8.2 feet.) for 1900MHz unit from all users and bystanders. For the protection of personnel working in the vicinity of outside (uplink) antennas, the following guidelines for minimum distances between the human body and the antenna must be observed.
The installation of an OUTDOOR antenna must be such that, under normal conditions, all personnel cannot come within 3.0M (9.84 feet.)for 800MHz unit and 2.5M (8.2 feet.) for 1900MHz unit from the outside antenna. Exceeding this minimum separation will ensure that the worker or bystander does not receive RF-exposure beyond the Maximum Permissible Exposure according to section 1.1310 i.e. limits for Controlled Exposure.
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About this Manual....................................................................................xi
Purpose of This Manual............................................................................................. xi
How to Use This Manual ........................................................................................... xi
Typographical Conventions ...................................................................................... xii
How to Get in Touch................................................................................................ xii
Customer Support ..................................................................................................................xii
Documentation Support..........................................................................................................xii
Chapter 1................................................................................... 13
System Overview................................................................................... 13
Position of BTS in the CDMA System ........................................................................14
System Features..................................................................................................... 16
Multiple Frequency Bands Supported ......................................................................................16
Large Capacity ......................................................................................................................16
Compactness ........................................................................................................................ 16
Technological Advantages ......................................................................................................16
High Reliability ......................................................................................................................17
Flexible Networking ...............................................................................................................17
Smooth Expansion and Upgrade ............................................................................................17
Easy Operation and Maintenance ........................................................................................... 18
International Standards Followed by BTS .................................................................20
Chapter 2................................................................................... 22
BTS Hardware........................................................................................ 22
Hardware Structure................................................................................................. 23
BTS Physical Structure...........................................................................................................23
Logical Structure ...................................................................................................................24
List of All BTS Boards.............................................................................................................25
BDS ....................................................................................................................... 26
BDS Schematic Diagram........................................................................................................26
BDS Working Principle ...........................................................................................................27
Technological Advantages of BDS...........................................................................................27
BDS Hardware Configuration .................................................................................................28
RFS........................................................................................................................ 30
RFS Schematic Diagram ........................................................................................................31
RFS Working Principle ............................................................................................................ 31
Technological Advantages of RFS ........................................................................................... 32
Hardware Configuration .........................................................................................................33
PWS....................................................................................................................... 34
PWS Schematic Diagram .......................................................................................................34
PWS Working Principle...........................................................................................................35
Hardware Configuration .........................................................................................................35
Chapter 3................................................................................... 36
BTS Software ......................................................................................... 36
BTS Software Overview ........................................................................................... 37
CCM Software ......................................................................................................... 39
CHM0 Software....................................................................................................... 40
CHM1 Software....................................................................................................... 41
RMM Software ........................................................................................................42
TRX Software..........................................................................................................43
Chapter 4................................................................................... 44
BTS Networking and Configuration....................................................... 44
Networking through Abis Interface ........................................................................... 45
BTS Networking ...................................................................................................... 47
LS Mode ...............................................................................................................................48
RS Mode ...............................................................................................................................49
LEA Mode..............................................................................................................................49
LEB Mode..............................................................................................................................51
RE Mode ...............................................................................................................................52
ME Mode...............................................................................................................................53
BTS Configuration ...................................................................................................53
BDS Configuration ................................................................................................................. 53
RFS Configuration ................................................................................................................. 54
PWS Configuration ................................................................................................................54
Chapter 5................................................................................... 55
Technical Indices................................................................................... 55
Environment Indices ............................................................................................... 56
Performance Indices................................................................................................ 58
Reliability .............................................................................................................................. 58
Interface ...............................................................................................................................58
Frequency Band .................................................................................................................... 58
Specs of Bands 800 MHz, 450 MHz and 850 MHz.................................................................... 58
Specs of 1.9 GHz and 2.1GHz ................................................................................................61
Clock ....................................................................................................................................62
Noise ....................................................................................................................................63
Appendix A................................................................................ 65
Abbreviations......................................................................................... 65
Figures.......................................................................................... 71
Tables ........................................................................................... 73
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About this Manual
Purpose of This Manual
Current radio mobile networks include CDMA and GSM systems, both are on the way to evolving into 3G radio mobile networks. The purpose of this book is to provide a clear understanding of the technology adopted in 3rd­generaton (3G) networks and build a systematic understanding of the working principles, performance indices, hardware structure and system configuration of ZTE 3G cdma2000 compact-model base station transceiver. This book is intended to help readers make better use of other relevant product literature and lay the foundation for system operation and maintenance.
The all-IP base station mentioned in this manual refers to the base station of cdma2000 system.
In this book, ZXC10 CBTS is briefed as BTS, ZXC10 BSCB, as BSC and ZXC10 BSSB, as BSS.
How to Use This Manual
This manual consists of five chapters:
Chapter 1 System Overview
It describes the position and functions of the BTS in the CDMA system and presents the standards followed by ZXC-BTS.
Chapter 2 Hardware
It describes the overall hardware structure and module functions of the BTS.
Chapter 3 Software
It describes the software structure and function modules of the software in BTS.
Chapter 4 Networking and Configuration
It describes the connection, networking modes and configurations of BTS.
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION xi
ZXC10 CBTS (V1.0)Technical Manual
Chapter 5 Technical Indices
It describes briefly the performance indices of BTS.
Appendix A Abbreviations
It lists the abbreviations used in this manual and other common ones concerning CDMA topics.
Typographical Conventions
ZTE documents employ with the following typographical conventions.
Typeface Meaning
References to other guides and documents.
Note: Provides additional information about a certain topic.
How to Get in Touch
The following sections provide information on how to obtain support for the documentation and the software.
Customer Support
If you have problems, questions, comments, or suggestions regarding your product, contact us by e-mail at support@zte.com.cn. You can also call our customer support center at (86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800­9830-9830.
Documentation Support
ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document. For further questions, comments, or suggestions on the documentation, you can contact us by e-mail at doc@zte.com.cn; or you can fax your comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. You can also explore our website at http://support.zte.com.cn, which contains various interesting subjects like documentation, knowledge base, forum and service request.
xii Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
Chapter 1
System Overview
In this chapter, you will learn about:
Position of BTS in the CDMA system
Architecture, functions and features of BTS
Standards followed by BTS
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 13
ZXC10 CBTS (V1.0)Technical Manual
Position of BTS in the CDMA System
The Base Transceiver Station (BTS) connects a Mobile Station (MS) to the mobile network in a mobile communications system through its radio interface functionalities. It best reflects the radio transmission features in a CDMA system.
BTSB (all-IP BTS), developed by ZTE Corporation, is an IP-based new generation BTS that is designed to fill in the varying needs of our customers. It features large capacity, abundant transmission modes and high adaptability.
An all-IP network is made up of three parts: MS (Mobile Station), RAN (Radio Access Network) and CN (Core Network).
MS: A mobile phone, mobile station or mobile terminal;
RAN: Located between MS and CN and connects these two parts. It
processes radio signals and consists of two parts: BSCB/PCF/IWF (combined as BSCB) and BTS;
CN: Provides authentication at the network side and interfaces with a public network.
As a member of the BTSB family, ZXC10 CBTS is special for its compact structure, in addition to other advantages such as large capacity and high integration level.
The position of BTS in Base Station Subsystem (BSS) is shown in Fig. 1.
95 MS
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14 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
Chapter 1 - System Overview
As seen from the diagram, BTS is located between mobile stations (MSs) and the Base Station Controller (BSC). It encodes, decodes, modulates and demodulates CDMA signals, performs up-conversion and down­conversion for subscriber data, amplifies RF power, and transmits / receives radio signals.
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ZXC10 CBTS (V1.0)Technical Manual
System Features
Multiple Frequency Bands Supported
BTS supports frequency bands of 450 MHz, 800 MHz, 850 MHz, 1900 MHz and 2100 MHz, as shown in Table 1.
Serial No.
1 800 MHz (Band Class 0) 824~849 869~894
2 1900 MHz (Band Class 1) 1850~1910 1930~1990
3 450 MHz (Band Class 5) 450~457.5 460~467.5
4 2100 MHz (Band Class 6) 1920~1980 2110~2170
5 850 MHz (Band Class 10) 806~821 851~866
Frequency Band
Upper Frequency Limit (MHz)
Lower Frequency Limit (MHz)
Large Capacity
The LRFS (Local RFS) in one cabinet supports up to 12 carrier sectors
and another 12 carrier sectors by connecting an RRFS (Remote RFS).
Two combined BTS cabinets support up to 8-carrier 3-sector or 4-
carrier 6-sector configuration, and another 8-carrier 3-sector or 4­carrier 6-sector configuration by connecting an RRFS.
One BDS supports at least 4-carrier 3-sector configuration (CE resource of 4-carrier 3-sector for EV-DO, and 8-carrier 3-sector or 4­carrier 6-sector for 1X).
The large capacity advantage of BTS allows for less BTS needed for
traffic-hot areas, and in turn saves investment in transmission device, equipment room, power supply and telecom towers.
The compact BTS, as its name implies, is small in size and one cabinet
(W700 × H800 × D800, unit: mm) has only two shelves. It is actually the smallest BTS ever produced by the industry.
The compactness advantage plus high capacity requires less space for
installing the BTS and also other auxiliary equipment.
Technological Advantages
Support smooth evolution to 1X EV-DV and CDMA2000-3X.
Employ all-IP architecture with large switching capacity, high QoS
guarantee and robust reliability.
16 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
Chapter 1 - System Overview
Adopt the IP-based cUDP/PPPMux/MultilinkPPP for its Abis interface for
higher transmission efficiency at a lower cost.
Use the multi-frequency digital intermediate frequency technology to
make do with less RF modules.
Support transmission diversity, intelligent antenna and linear pre-
distortion amplifier.
High channel efficiency.
Support different configurations such as 4-carrier 3-sector, 2-carrier 6-
sector and 1-carrier 12-sector.
Adopt high reuse-efficiency transmission system between its BDS and
RFS subsystems and data of 24 carrier sectors can be transmitted over one fibre pair.
Support dynamic downloading of board software, making upgrade and maintenance convenient.
High Reliability
Advanced EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and EMI
(Electromagnetic Interference) design.
The RRFS supports ring networking through fibres and link backup for
switchover when necessary. Link switchover is independent of board switchover to enhance transmission reliability.
The clock system is compatible with the GPS and GLONASS system.
All important boards are configured in 1+1 hot backup mode.
The GCM provides reliable clock for a short term and ensures the locked status of clock during 72 hours after the GPS synchronous signal is lost.
Flexible Networking
Abis interface for flexible networking:
Support Ethernet direct connection for when BTS and BSC are installed
in the same room or not far from each other.
Support star, chain, tree and ring networking.
Support 75 / 120 E1 interface, 100 T1 interface, and built-in
SDH transmission interface.
The BTS can use 220V AC or –48V DC and it has the built-in primary
power supply.
Smooth Expansion and Upgrade
All boards support hot swapping, convenient for online upgrade and
The Channel Module (CHM) can be configured easily as a subcard.
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 17
ZXC10 CBTS (V1.0)Technical Manual
One BDS supports up to 24 carrier sectors and more BDS shelves can
be added to expand capacity.
Capacity can be expanded with more channel modules and RF
Support RRFS with multiple sectors.
Support CHM configuration of different scales in 1X system, as well as
mixed configuration EV-DO and EV-DV CHMs.
Easy Operation and Maintenance
Support order wire phone from a BTS to its BSC or to another BTS
through the network management access of SDH.
The RRFS is also available with an orderwire interface for
communicating with the BDS and BSC.
Provide online test and performance evaluation for the BTS through its
BTM (BTS Test Module).
Support local operation & maintenance of BTS through its 10M
Ethernet test port to control BDS and RFS, test their functions and collect their performance parameters.
Support online upgrade. Support remote downloading of logic, MCU
MCU program, BOOT program and FLASH file.
Provide graphical user interface for easy operation and maintenance.
The interface shows the topology maps, tool bars and real rack layout.
18 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
Chapter 1 - System Overview
BTS functions as a bridge connecting mobile stations to BSC in the CDMA system. Details are given below:
BTS communicates with MS (mobile station) through a CDMA air
BTS communicates with BSC (Base Station Controller) through an Abis
In the forward link, BTS first receives data from BSC through the Abis
interface, then encodes and modulates the data, next converts baseband signals into radio frequency signals, finally transmits them through a power amplifier, the radio frequency front end (RFE) and an antenna.
In the reverse link, BTS first receives weak radio signals through the
antenna feeder and RFE. The signals then undergo low noise amplification, down frequency conversion, and decoding and demodulation. Finally, BTS sends the data through the Abis interface to BSC.
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 19
ZXC10 CBTS (V1.0)Technical Manual
International Standards Followed by BTS
1. 3GPP2 C.S0002-A version 6.0 (IS-2000 Release A).
2. 3GPP2 A.S0001-A version 2.0 (3G-IOSv4.1).
3. 3GPP2 A.S0011-A v1.0 (3G-IOS v4.3).
4. ANSI J-STD-008, Personal Station-Base Station Compatibility Requirement for 1.8 to 2.0 GHz Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Personal Communications System, 1996.
5. TIA/EIA/TSB-74, Support for 14.4 Kbps Data Rate and PCS Interaction for Wideband Spread Spectrum Cellular System, 1995.
6. TIA/EIA/IS-95-A, Mobile Station-Base Station Compatibility Standard for Dual-Mode Wideband Spread Spectrum Cellular Systems.
7. TIA/EIA/IS-95, Mobile Station-Base Station Compatibility Standard for Dual-Mode Wideband Spread Spectrum Cellular Systems.
8. TIA/EIA/IS-637 Short Message Services for Wideband Spread Spectrum Cellular Systems, 1997.
9. TIA/EIA/IS-127, Enhanced Variable Rate Codec Speech Service Option 3 for Wideband Spread Spectrum Digital Systems, 1996.
10. TIA/EIA/IS-658, Data Service Interworking Function Interface for Wideband Spread Spectrum Systems.
11. CDG RF36, Markov Service Option for Wideband Spread Spectrum Communications Sytems.
12. TIA/EIA/IS-725, Over-the-Air Service Provisioning of Mobile Stations in Wideband Spread Spectrum Systems, 1997.
13. TIA/EIA/IS-728, Inter-System Link Protocol.
14. TIA/EIA/IS-733, High Rate Speech Service Option 17 for Wideband Spread Spectrum Communication Systems.
15. TIA/EIA/IS-707, Data Service Options for Wideband Spread Spectrum Systems, 1998.
16. TIA/EIA/IS-707-A-2 Data Service Options for Spread Spectrum Systems Addendum 2, 2000.
17. ITU-T Q.714 Signaling connection control part (SCCP).
18. ITU-T Q.704 Signal link (MTP3).
19. ITU-T Q.703 Signal link (MTP2).
20. 3GPP2 C.S0024, cdma2000 High Rate Packet Data Air Interface Specification,December 2001.
21. 3GPP2 A.S0007, 1xEV-DO Inter-Operability Specification (IOS) for cdma2000 Access Network Interface, June 2001.
20 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
Chapter 1 - System Overview
22. 3GPP2 C.S0029, Test Application Specification (TAS) for High Rate Packet Data Air Interface, July 2001.
23. TIA/EIA/IS-97D,Recommended Minimum Performance Standards for Base Stations Supporting Dual Mode Spread Spectrum Systems, 2001.
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 21
Chapter 2
BTS Hardware
In this chapter, you will learn about:
Hardware structure
Composition of subsystems
Features and functions of each subsystem
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