Cautions for Users
Use of AC682 EV-DO Modem (hereinafter referred as “modem”), while running a notebook PC with a battery, may
cause earlier exhaustion of the battery than usual due to additional consumption of electric currents.
Be cautious when you touch a modem with a bare hand after long use, it may cause a burn due to its high temperature.
Pick it out with the antenna after separation.
Do not allow children or pets to approach or touch the modem when separated from a notebook PC or PDA.
Do not give impact to the modem or throw it away.
Use the leather case provided along with the modem when you carry the modem.
When the modem is lost or stolen, immediately report it to the corresponding telecommunication operator.
Do not recklessly lend your own modem to anybody else.
Do not attach an additional device which may cause alteration in performance of the product registered for the type
This modem sends and receives the radiofrequency (RF) energy in status of power-on. The radiofrequency (RF)
energy may affect a human body.
Use the modem in the manner you use a notebook PC in general.
Be noticed that most of electronic devices are designed to be free from the RF energy but there are some products
that may be out of order due to the RF energy.
Medical Devices Industry Association recommends the patients using a pacemaker not to use RF using devices such
as cell phones, wireless modems and so on because using those devices in the range of 15cm from the pacemaker
may affect the pacemaker. In an inevitable situation, make it sure to keep the distance of more than 15cm between the
modem and the pacemaker. To minimize the possible interference, use the modem on the opposite side of the
pacemaker. Do not use it if possible.
If you use a medical device, ask the manufacturer if the device is free from the RF energy. Some hospitals use RF
medical devices. Separate the modem from a notebook PC or a PDA when entering a hospital.
The modem may affect the functions of a hearing-aid.
The places banning use of cell phones may require prohibit use of modems.
Separate the modem from a notebook PC or PDA we you get on an airplane.
Separate the modem from a notebook PC or PDA to avoid interference with explosive operations at a blasting area or
a place posted “Turn off a walkie-talkie”.
And follow all the instructions shown in the area:
Hold yourself in installing or using the modem at the places such as danger areas of gas leakage, chemical storage
facilities, decks of a vessel and so on.

AC682 Modem Install
Insert AC682 to the USB ports of your laptop or PC. The installation procedures are the Windows 2000 and
Windows XP.
Start setup
If the auto run does not start after inserting the CD, please double-click on “Setup.exe” file on
CD-ROM to start the installation.If you have already inserted your Modem into your PC, remove the Modem
and double-click “Setup.exe”
Start Auto Run

Install Shield Wizard... click 'next' Choose the installation directory and click "Next" to continue.
Click "Install" to continue.

AC682 Modem is configuring your new software installation.
Check device

Ports installation.
You will be shown to these prompts listed above.