Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd
Add: Quantang Industrial Park, No. 1636, 2nd Yuanda Road, Economic and
Technological Development Zone, Changsha, Hunan Province, China.
PC: 410131
Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
Edition 1 9, 2014
ZCC1100H Crawler Crane
Lifting Capacity Chart
Operator’s Manual for Crawler Crane
Lifting Capacity Chart for Crawler Crane
To Users
Zoomlion appreciates your selection of ZOOMLION crawler crane for your application.
No one should operate the crane unless they read and understand the information in this manual.
This manual contains t he instructions and data on the safety and operation of the crawler crane.
Follow the operation procedures to make sure that your machine operates at MAXIMUM
EFFICIENCY. The operator must keep this manual in the cab of the crane.
If there is anything in the m anual that is not clear or you do not un derstand, please contact our
service engineer. We (Zoomlion) are NOT respons ible f or dam ages fr om an ope rator who does not
obey the instructions in the Lifting Capacity Chart for Crawler Crane.
The Lifting Capacity Chart for Crawler Crane is an important part of the crane. If the crane becomes
the property of a different person, make sure that the manual stays in the cab of the crane.
The data (data, specif ications, illustrat ions) in this manual is f or cranes in produc tion at the tim e of
this manuals pub lica tio n. We reser ve th e right to m ak e changes to th is m anual at any tim e, without
The manual has been translated to be best of our kno wledg e. Zoomlion assumes no liability for
translation errors. The Chinese version of the Lifting Capacity Chart for Crawler Crane is solely
applicable for factual accuracy.
Thank you!
Mobile Crane Branch Company of Zoomlion H ea v y Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
To Users .............................................................................................................................................. I
Contents ............................................................................................................................................. II
Chapter 1 Important Notes ........................................................................................................ 1-1
Chapter 2 Lifting Capacity on S-1/S-2/S-3A Boom ................................................................. 2-1
Lifting capacity on S-1 boom ..................................................................................................... 2-1
Lifting capacity on S-2 boom ..................................................................................................... 2-3
Lifting capacity on S-3A boom ................................................................................................. 2-12
Chapter 3 Lifting Capacity on SF-1/SF-2 Boom ...................................................................... 3-1
Lifting capacity on SF-1 boom ................................................................................................... 3-1
Lifting capacity on SF-2 boom ................................................................................................. 3-10
Chapter 4 Lifting Capacity on S-3 boom ................................................................................... 4-1
Lifting capacity on S-3 boom ..................................................................................................... 4-1
Chapter 5 Lifting Capacity on SA boom .................................................................................... 5-1
Lifting capacity on SA boom ...................................................................................................... 5-1
IIZCC1100H Crawler Crane
Lifting Capacity Chart for Crawler Crane
Chapter 1 Important Notes
Operator’s Manual for Crawler Crane
Important Notes
Lifting Capacity Chart for Crawler Crane
Important Notes
1. As an important part of the crane, please keep the manual with you all the time!
2. The value given in the lifting capacity chart is the permissible maximum lifting capacity, which is
obtained from calculatio n when the load is suspende d (ac cording to t he standar d ASME/AN SI
B30.5). The val ue can not exceed 75% of the minimum overturning lifting capacit y when the
crane is on firm and flat ground. The operator should restrict or reduce the lifting capacity of the
crane basing on adverse conditions (for example, soft or uneven ground, different leveling
conditions of the ground, influence of the wind force, side load and swinging, lifting operation by
more than one cr ane). If possible, make the foundation accordin g to higher requirements to
ensure safety coefficient.
3. Except assembl y configuration (SA), th e lifting capacity in all other configurations is obtained
when the crane is work ing with 617 40 Lbs (28t ) rear c ounterweight and 220 50lbs ( 10t) centra l
counterweight in 360° range.
4. The crawler carriers of the crane are extended completely.
5. Do not lift a load in the area which is no t in the lifting capacit y range, other wise the cr ane ma y
topple over or be damaged.
6. The value in the chart is the maximum lifting capacity of the crane, including the weight of lifting
device, hook, wire rope at t he en d of hook and so on. And the weight of wire rope is c alculat ed
as 2.0Lbs/ft (3kg/m).
7. The value in bold is the lifting capacity determ ined by the strength of the m achine, while the
value that is not in bold is the lifting capacity determined by the stability of the machine.
8. The sign “*” in the chart indicates that the load capacity of the crane can be completed with the
help of special equipment.
9. The sign “*/*” in the chart indicates “lifting capacity/radius”.