Zoomlion RT35 Operation Manual

Address:Quantang Indust=rial Park, 2nd Yuanda Road, Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hunan Province, China Postcode: 410131 Website: www.zoomlion.com
Edition 1
Zoomlion Cranes appreciates your selection of the ZOOMLION Rough Terrain Crane for your application.
No one should operate the crane unless they read and understand the information in this manual.
When you follow the instructions in this manual, your crane can operate at MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY.
The operator must keep this manual in the cab of the crane. If there is anything in the manual that you do not understand, speak with us. We
(Zoomlion Cranes) are NOT responsible for damages from an operator who does not obey the instructions in the OPERATOR’S MANUAL.
The OPERA T OR’S MANUAL is an important part of the crane. If the crane becomes the property of a different person, make sure that the manual stays in the cab of the crane.
THANK YOU! Mobile Crane Branch Company of ZOOMLION Heavy Industry Science and Technology
Co., Ltd.
Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form, in whole or part, without the prior written consent of Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
Copyright © 20XX, Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
RT35 Rough Terrain Crane I
Hazard Indicators
DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, ATTENTION, NOTE, and IMPORTANT labels are on signs and decals, and as you read this manual to show important instructions. In this manual, DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION labels are before the paragraph or item to which they apply. ATTENTION, NOTE, and IMPORTANT follow the paragraph or item they apply to. The markers are as follows:
Refers to a dangerous situation which, if you do not prevent, will cause death or injury.
Refers to a possible dangerous situation which, if you do not prevent, could cause death or injury.
Refers to a possible dangerous situation which, if you do not prevent, may cause light or moderate injury.
Refers to a situation which, if you do not prevent, may cause property or equipment damage.
Refers to a tip or hint in the operation instructions.
Emphasizes the importance of the data in this manual.
This symbol shows a step or procedure that is not approved and can cause a dangerous situation.
II RT35 Rough Terrain Crane
To owners, users and o perators
............................................................................................ I
Safety 1 Foreword 2 Nomenclature 3 Introduction 4 Safety 5 Operating conditions and points for attentio n
....................................................................................................................................... II
......................................................................................................................... 1-1
................................................................................................................. 2-1
.................................................................................................................... 3-1
.............................................................................................................................. 4-1
........................................................... 5-1
5.1 Operating conditions .............................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Pre-departure checks (to job-site) .......................................................................... 5-3
6 Controls and instruments 7 Operating instructions
............................................................................................. 6-1
.................................................................................................. 7-1
7.1 Safety equipment .................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Starting the engine ................................................................................................. 7-2
7.3 After the engine starts ............................................................................................ 7-2
7.4 Cold weather starting ............................................................................................. 7-3
7.5 Move and park the crane ....................................................................................... 7-3
7.6 Economical driving ................................................................................................. 7-4
7.7 Steering operation .................................................................................................. 7-5
7.8 Braking operation ................................................................................................... 7-6
7.9 Transmission operation.......................................................................................... 7-7
7.10 Towing .................................................................................................................. 7-8
7.11 Outrigger operation .............................................................................................. 7-9
7.12 Hoist operation ................................................................................................... 7-12
7.13 Main boom extend / retract operation ................................................................ 7-22
7.14 Boom derrick operation ...................................................................................... 7-30
7.15 Swing operation ................................................................................................. 7-32
7.16 Multifunctioning .................................................................................................. 7-35
7.17 Jib operation ...................................................................................................... 7-42
7.18 Rooster sheave .................................................................................................. 7-50
7.19 Vehicular operation ............................................................................................ 7-53
7.20 “On tires” lifts ...................................................................................................... 7-57
7.21 Unusual operating conditions ............................................................................ 7-58
8 Transportation and storage
........................................................................................ 8-1
8.1 Transportation ......................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Storage .................................................................................................................... 8-3
RT35 Rough Terrain Crane III
9 Specifications
................................................................................................................ 9-1
9.1 Conversion tables ................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Average weight of materials ................................................................................... 9-3
9.3 Torque ratings ......................................................................................................... 9-5
9.4 Technical specifications .......................................................................................... 9-6
IV RT35 Rough Terrain Crane
The owner of this crane must know federal, state and local rules. When your equipment is in operation, the area must be safe for employees and non-employees. Do not cause damage to other equipment or local structures while you operate this crane. The rules change by location and this manual does not give that data.
ZOOMLION makes manuals for differ ent construction and industrial equipment. It is policy to include applicable national consensus, industry standards and safety data with the manuals. Use these data to give applicable training to personnel who are to operate, do the maintenance and supervise the equipment correctly and safely.
We make equipment for heavy-duty labor. Do the periodic inspections regularly because the equipment wears. This prevents accidents, decreases downtime and helps equipment work satisfactorily. The goal of these inspections is to find worn, cracked, damaged parts and loose or missing fasteners before they cause a problem.
Correct training and inspection procedures are necessary to prevent injury to persons, property damage and high maintenance costs.
Read and understand the data that comes with this crane. Help is available from the distributors of your ZOOMLION crane and from the ZOOMLION Mobile Crane Branch Company.
This manual contains the instructions and data on the operation, maintenance, lubrication, and adjustments of the Rough Terrain Crane. Do not operate the crane before you understand the data in this manual.
RT35 Rough Terrain Crane 01 - 1
To help you understand the contents of this manual, refer to the figure below. Each numbered term can represent several components of the same main par t .
1. BOOM SYSTEM = Main boom assy., jib assy., telescoping mechanism, hook block ,
auxiliary hook, hoist rope.
2. SWING SYSTEM = Superstructure, counterweight, main and auxiliary winches, swing bearing, swing redu cer , derricking cylinder, cab, air conditioner and cab heater.
3. CHASSIS = Power system, dr ive system, steering system, air intake system,
exhaust system, cooling system, fuel supply system, chassis frame assy. and vehicle b ody system.
4. OUTRIGGERS = Outrigger beams, outrigger jac ks, cylinders and outrigger floats.
RT35 Rough Terrain Crane 02 - 1
This inspection checklist provides supplementary data to facilitate the correct operation and maintenance of the crane.
RT35 Rough Terrain Crane 03 - 1
Item Adjusting Condition
03 - 2 RT35 Rough T errain Crane
About This Manual General The data (data, speci fica t i ons, illustrations) in this manual is for cranes in production at the
time of this manuals publication. We reserve the right to make changes to this manual at any time, without obligation.
This manual contains the instructions to move and operate the RT75 Crane in the field. Follow the operation and maintenance procedures to make sure that your machine operates at MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY. Use the CRANE PERIODIC INSPECTION CHECKLIST. Keep a maintenance log to monitor all maintenance w ork on the machine.
An example of a Maintenance Log and Crane Periodic Inspection Checklist is at the beginning of this section.
Again, we appreciate your selection of our crane. User safety is most important. To complete on-site tasks safely, operators must be responsible. Obey the instructions that follow:
Complywith Occupat ional Sa fety and H ealth Ad ministr ation (OS HA), Fed eral, State,
and Local Regulations.
Read, Understand, and Follow the instructions in this and other manuals and
documents that come with t he cr ane.
Use Good, Safe Work Practi ces – in a common sense way.  Only have trained operators – directed by informed and knowledgeable job-site
Do not use this cranebefore the portable fire extinguisher, installed in the cab,
agrees with local fire protection rules.
OSHA prohibits the alteration or modification of this crane without written manufacturer’s approv al. Use o nly factory approv ed parts t o serv ice or repair the crane.
If you make modifications/additions "which affect the safe operation of the equipment" to the crane before you use it, the crane owner must make sure that the modifications/ad di t ions agree with OSHA 1926:1412.
RT35 Rough Terrain Crane 03 - 3
Speak with us if special data is necessary for the maintenance or operation of your RT75 Crane. Send your machine model and a serial number to make sure that you receive the correct data.
If there is anything in this manual that is not clear or which you think is necessary, write to the address that follows:
Rough Terrain Crane R & D Institute Zoomlion Mobile Crane Branch Company
Quantang Indus t r ial Park, 2
Yuanda Road, Economic and T e chnological Developm ent Zone, Changsha, Hunan Province, China, 410131
You can also speak to us by telephone at 0086-84671987 (international), 0731-84671987 (domestic).
03 - 4 RT35 Rough T errain Crane
DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION , ATTENTION, NOTE, and IMPORTANT labels are on signs and decals, and as you read this manual to show important instructions. In this manual, DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION labels are before the paragraph or item to which they apply. ATT ENTIO N, NOTE, and IMPO RTAN T follow the paragr aph or ite m they apply to. The markers are as fo ll ow s:
Refers to a dange r ous situation which, i f you do not prevent, will cause death or injury.
Refers to a possible dangerous situation which, if you do not prevent, could cause death or injury.
Refers to a possible dangerous situation which, if you do not prevent, may cause light or moderate injury.
Refers to a situation which, if you do not prevent, may cause property or equipment damage.
Refers to a tip or hint in the operation instructions.
Emphasizes the importance of the data in this manual.
This symbol shows a step or procedure that is not approved and can cause a dangerous situation.
RT35 Rough Terrain Crane 04 - 1
The safety symbol, used on the Danger, Warning, and Caution labels, tells personnel of possible death, injury, or property damage. Obey all safety data that follows this symbol to prevent dangerous conditions.
4.3 Hazard classification
Hazard classification is a system to show different classes of possible injury levels. A safety symbol and a signa l w or d show how dangerous the level of possible inj ur y can be.
A signal word without a safety symbol refers to property damage, protection devices, or important data. You will find this system used in this manual and on signs on the crane to help find and prevent dangerous situations.
This section contains the safety rules that you must follow. You must read and understand the Operator’s Manual. I t co nt ai ns the instructions for the specified machine.
All personnel must be safe at t he work location.
A. Moving personnel
Only use a crane to lift personnel when it is the less dangerous mode to move them to areas that are hard to access.
B. Operator’s responsibilities
Read and understand the Operator's Manual. The operator must alway s t hink about the safety of all personnel in the area.  Only personnel who show that they can safely control a RT75 crane can operate the
Comply with the require m ent s, t hat apply, as follows:
Occupational Safety and Hea lt h Administration (OSHA) standards  American National Standards Institute (ANSI)  China National Standar ds G B/ T3811.
Make sure that all the me chanical functions of the crane can operate.
04 - 2 RT35 Rough Terrain Crane
Make sure that the system operating gauges and indicators, and warning signals
Keep all the glazed surfaces, instruments, windows, and lights clea n.  Remove all oil, grease, m ud, ice, and snow from walkway surfaces.  Read and understand all Dec als and Warnings.  Keep all tools and other necessary items in the toolbox.  Do not lift a load without a Load Ratings in the cab. Read and understand the Load Ratings.  Make sure that the load to lift is le ss than the capacity of the crane.  Be in good physical condition and free from effects of alcohol, drugs and medications.
Be sure to not decrease vision, hearing, or reaction time.
Keep personnel, equipment and material that are not necessary for your task at the
job-site out of the area.
The operator must know the hand signals.  When the view of the operator is blocked or if the task is in a dangerous area, use
signal personnel to give di r ect ions.
If a signal person is necessary, the operator must obey only the signals from the
approved signal person. You must obey the STOP signal from all personnel in the area.
Keep a fully charged fire extinguisher and first aid kit in the cab at all times. The
operator must know how to use the fire extinguisher and how to apply the items in the first aid kit.
Look for the movement of other equipment, trucks, and personnel at the job-site.  Personnel must stay off the cr ane platform while the crane is in operation.  All personnel must be in a safe area before you move the hook, boom, load, or
Stop and start the move ment of the loa d smoot hly and move at a spe ed that keeps t he
load in your control.
Keep a minimum of three full wraps of wire rope on the drum.  Use the tag lines to keep the load in c ont r ol.  Keep the load near the ground.  Use the shortest boom possible.  If a load is off the ground or the crane is on, you must stay in the cab.  Always use outriggers as the Load Ratings and Operator’s M anual tells.
RT35 Rough Terrain Crane 04 - 3
C. Signal personnel responsibilities
Use and understand all standard hand signals.  Help the operator to operate safely and satisfactorily. Keep safe all personnel and
Understand the work you must do.  Stay where you can see the full operation and where personnel can see you.
D. Res ponsibilities of all crew members
Correct the conditions an d procedures that are not safe.  Obey WARNING signs.  Do your work safely and do not make dangerous conditions.  Know and understa nd correct procedures for crane erection and r i gging.  Tell the operator and the signal person of dangerous conditions (power lines/cables,
work surface that is not stable etc.).
E. Management responsib ilities
The operator must be competent, in good physical condition and have applicable
The operator, signal person, and riggers must receive training in correct crane
The operator and the signal person must know all standard hand sig nals.  Have a supervisor at the job-site to be responsible for safety.  Give crew members the safety instructions and tell them to report conditions that are
not safe to the supervisors.
Supply the operator with accur at e data on the load that they have to lift .  Make sure that all personnel know applicable OSHA and ANSI B30.5 re quirements
and the instructions in manuals.
F. Planning the job
Understand the work that you must do.  Think of all possible dangerous conditions/risks at the job-site.  Know the type of personn el that is necessary.  Give the tasks to perso nnel.  Know the weight of the load t hat you must lift.  Find the lift-radius, boom angle, and the rated lift limit s of the crane.  Tell the signal person how to communicate with the operator.
04 - 4 RT35 Rough Terrain Crane
Use equipment which doe s t he w or k sa f ely.  Make a decision on how to saf ely move equipment to the job-site.  Find gas lines, power line s and st r uct ur es.  Make sure that the work surfac e ca n hold the crane and load.  Find out how to rig the load.  If necessary, make the special safety pr ecautions.  Know the weather conditions.  Keep equipment that is not necessa r y away from the job-site.  Set the crane to use the shortest possible boom and radius.
G. Operator safety check
Safety related items must be in position.  Look at the crane logboo k for m ai nt enance and inspection records.  Make sure to complete necessa r y repairs.  Examine the wire rope for damage (kinks, broken wires etc.).  Make sure that all field mo difications are approved.  Do an inspection for air an d hydraulic oil leaks.  Examine the control posit i ons before you start the engine.  After you start the engine, examine all the instruments and indicators for the correct
Do a test on the controls.  Check brakes.  Lift and hold a load 2 inch (50 mm) off of the wor k sur face to ex a mine t he load brakes.
H. Operator aids check
Anti-Two Block devices  Boom angle indicator  Backup alarms  Swing lockout device  Rated capacity indicator (RCI)
wrap indicator.
I. Operation overload prev ention
Know the weight of the load.  Decrease radius at the start of the lift to let the load radius incr ease during lift.
RT35 Rough Terrain Crane 04 - 5
Know the weight of the hook and rigging.  Know the boom length, jib lengt h, and the area where you have to move the lo ad.  Use next lower rated capacit y w hen wor king at the boom len gth or r adius bet w een the
figures on the rated lifting capacity chart.
Do not lift a load until y ou know if the load is less than the capacity lim it of the crane.  Only operate with the recomm ended counterweights. It is dangerous i f you do not use
the approved charts t o calculate the decrease or increase in cou nt er w eight.
Do not lift the load if winds are dangerous. If necessary, low er t he boom.  See the Load Ratings for poss ib le restrict ions.  Avoid side loading.  Do not let the load or other objects hit the boom.  Release the load slowly, be sure the boom does not tighten against back stops.  Put the boom point directl y above the load.  Be sure that the load hangs free ly.
J. Operation setup
Be sure the load-bearing sur fa ce can hold the weight of the crane and load.  Make crane level, check frequently , and r e-level them when necessary.  Assemble barricades to keep personnel out of the load move radius.
K. Power line safety
Find power lines in the area before you start a task. Follow national and local
regulations and ANSI B30.5 when you operate ar ound power lines.
Do not remove the material fro m below power lines if the boo m or crane can touch the
Do not let the crane or load touch electrical lines. Do not go near the minimum
permitted clearance for op er at ion of a crane near electrical lines.
If you touch the electrical lines, stay on the crane unt il the boom moves off the lines or
until the power line current is off.
Keep all personnel off the crane if it touches power lines. If you must move from the
crane, JUMP, DO NOT STEP OFF. Jump with feet together.
Use a signal person when you operate around power lines
L. Slip and fall prevention
Make sure that you stop the crane before you move on and off the equipment. Do not
Do not use the controls and the st eer in g-wheel as hand holds.
04 - 6 RT35 Rough Terrain Crane
Keep the equipment clean and dr y.  Replace all broken ladders.  Keep the non-slip surfaces in good condit ion.  Wear a safety harness when you climb the counterweight and attach the harness in
the necessary points. Do not walk on the boom!
M. Travel
Be careful when you move cranes on or off the job-site.  Look for personnel, power lines, low or narrow clearance, bridge or road loa d limi ts,
steep hills, or rough terrain.
Correctly stow the boo m b efore you move the crane.  Inflate the tires to the specified pr essure.  Move slowly and prevent sudden movement.  Wear seat belt correctly when you move the crane.  Make sure that the trav el surface can hold the weight of the crane and load.  Always use the park bra ke when you park the crane.
N. Safety sign maintenance
During the daily inspection, make sure that the decals show and are in good condition. Replace all missing or damaged safety signs. The safety of the operator is always important.
Use a weak soap and water to clean the safety signs. Do not use solvent-based cleaners. Solvents can cause da ma ge t o t he saf ety sign material.
The graphics, on the pages that follow, give an example of each safety decal and its location.
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