This publication is subject to replacement by a later edition. To determine whether a later edition exists, or
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As used herein
Life support devices or systems are devices which (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b)
support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for
use provided in the labeling can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. A critical component is any componen t in a li fe supp ort device o r syste m whose failure to p erform ca n be re asonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system or to affect its safety or effectiveness.
Z8, Z8 Encore!, Z8 Encore! XP, Z8 Encore! MC, eZ80, and ZNEO are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Zilog, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.
Revision History
Each instance in the Revision History table below reflects a change to this document from
its previous version. For more details, click the appropriate links in the table.
09AllUpdated for style.All
Using the Program Counter as
a Base Address
SDIVCorrected After address in Example.152
08ADC, ADDUpdated Syntax and Opcodes table.68, 71
07Flags Register (FLAGS)Updated User Flag description.9
Loading an Effective AddressUpdated example.33
System ExceptionsUpdated first paragraph.49
Stack OverflowUpdated second step for Stack Overflow
06Instruction Set ReferenceUpdated Examples for DEC Instruction.65
05Loading an Effective AddressChange in instruction.33
Flags Register (FLAGS), Vectored Interrupts, Instruction Set
04MultipleUpdated ZNEO trademark issues. Applied
Features, Control Registers,
Address Space, I/O Memory,
Direct Memory Addressing
CPU Control Register
Memory Map, Jump Addressing
Internal Nonvolatile Memory,
Internal RAM
Direct Memory Addressing16-bit address range is in highest and low-
Added note.34
Added addressing mode offset description.
Updated with CIRQE bit.9, 41, 65
current publications template.
Clarified size of address space.1, 8, 15,
and 0001 001+ to correct listing order.
(Opcode-to-instruction relationship is not
changed); corrected sequence of unimplemented opcodes and removed duplicate
This user manual describes the CPU architecture and instruction set common to all Zilog
devices that incorporate the ZNEO
internal peripherals and memory, and I/O registers for each device, refer to the device-specific Product Specification.
About This Manual
Zilog® recommends you to read and understand everything in this manual before setting
up and using the product. We have designed this manual to be used either as an instructional manual or a reference guide to important data.
Intended Audience
This document is written for Zilog customers with experience in writing microprocessor,
assembly code, and compilers. Some introductory material is included to help new customers who are less familiar with this device.
Manual Organization
CPU. For complete information about interfaces,
This user manual is divided into nine chapters to describe the following device characteristics:
Architectural Overview
Describes the ZNEO CPU’s features and benefits, architecture, and control registers.
Address Space
Introduces the ZNEO CPU’s unified memory address space, with a memory map illustrating how the available memory areas are addressed.
Assembly Language Introduction
Briefly introduces some of the assembly language terminology used in the following chapters and lists ZNEO CPU instructions in functional groups.
Operand Addressing
Explains ZNEO CPU operand addressing and data sizes.
UM018809-0611Manual Objectives
User Manual
Introduces the use of vectored and polled interrupts to service interrupt requests from
peripherals or external devices.
System Exceptions
Explains system exceptions and the events which cause the processor overflow, stack
overflow, divide-by-zero, divide overflow, and illegal instruction.
Software Traps
Explains the software trap instruction.
Instruction Opcodes
Numerical list of ZNEO CPU instruction opcodes and syntax.
Instruction Set Reference
Alphabetical list of ZNEO CPU instruction descriptions, with syntax and opcodes.
Manual Conventions
The following manual conventions provide clarity and ease of use.
Notations specific to assembly language, address operands, opcodes, and instruction
descriptions are explained in the chapters discussing those topics.
Courier Typeface
User-typed commands, code lines and fragments, bit names, equations, hexadecimal
addresses, and executable items are distinguished from general text by the use
Courier typeface. Where the use of the font is not indicated (for example, Index)
of the
the name of the entity is presented in upper case.
For example, Internal RAM begins at
Binary Values
Binary values are designated by an uppercase ‘B’ suffix. For readability, underscore ‘_’
characters separate large values into four-digit groups, except in program statements.
For example, 8-bit binary value
Hexadecimal Values
Hexadecimal values are designated by an uppercase ‘H’ and appear in the Courier typeface. For readability, underscore ‘_’ characters separate lar ge values into four-digit groups,
except in program statements as illustrated in the below examples:
Manual ObjectivesUM018809-0611
Example 1: R1 is set to F8H.
Example 2: 32-bit hexadecimal value 1234_5678H
CPU Core
User Manual
Bit Numbering
Bits are numbered in order of significance, from 0 to n–1 where 0 indicates the least significant bit and n indicates the total number of bits.
For example, 8 bits of a memory byte are numbered from 0 to 7.
Registers, memory bytes, and binary values are illustrated with the highest-numbered bit
on the left and the lowest-numbered bit on the right.
For example, Bit 6 of the value
0100_0000B is 1.
In text, square brackets, [ ], indicate one or more bits of a register, memory location, or
bus. A colon between bit numbers indicates a range of bits. A comma between bit numbers
indicates individual bits as given below:
Example 1: ADDR[31:0] refers to bit 31 through bit 0 of the ADDR bus or memory loca-
tion. ADDR[31] is the most significant bit (msb), and ADDR[0] is the least significant bit
(lsb). ADDR[31:24] is the most significant byte (MSB), and ADDR[7:0] is the least significant byte (LSB).
Example 2: If the value of R1[7:0] is 0100_0010B, the bits R1[6,2] are both 1.
The curly braces, { }, indicate a single register, memory address or bus created by concatenating combination of smaller registers, addresses, buses or individual bits.
For example, the 32-bit effective address {
hexadecimal value (
FFFFH) and a 16-bit direct address. FFFFH is the most significant
FFFFH, ADDR[15:0]} consists of a 16-bit
word (16 bits) and ADDR[16:0] is the least significant word of the resulting 32-bit
Use of the Words Set, Reset and Clear
The word set indicates a 1 is stored in a register or memory bit or flag. The words reset or
clear indicates a 0 is stored in a register or memory bit or flag.
Use of the Terms LSB, MSB, lsb and msb
In this document, the terms LSB and MSB, when appearing in upper case, mean least significant byte and most significant byte, respectively. The lowercase forms (lsb and msb) mean least significant bit and most significant bit, respectively.
UM018809-0611Manual Objectives
User Manual
Use of Initial Uppercase Letters
Initial uppercase letters designate settings, modes, and conditions in general text:
Example 1: Stop mode.
Example 2: The receiver forces the SCL line to Low.
Example 3: The Master can generate a Stop condition to abort the transfer.
Use of All Uppercase Letters
The use of all uppercase letters designates assembly mnemonics or the names of states and
hardware commands.
Example 1: The bus is considered BUSY after the Start condition.
Example 2: A START command triggers the processing of the initialization sequence.
It is important to understand the following safety terms:
Indicates that a procedure or file may become corrupted if you do not follow directions.
Indicates that you are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you work on
any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents.
Manual ObjectivesUM018809-0611
Architectural Overview
Zilog’s ZNEO CPU meets the continuing demand for faster and more code-efficient
microcontrollers. ZNEO CPU’s architecture greatly improves the execution
code developed using higher-level programming languages like ‘C’ language
The key features of ZNEO CPU architecture include:
Highly efficient register-based architecture with sixteen 32-bit registers. All register
operations are 32 bits wide
User Manual
efficiency of
CPU Core
Up to 4 GB linear address space (16 MB on current devices) with multiple internal
and external memory and I/O buses
Short 16-bit addressing for internal RAM, I/O, and 32K of nonvolatile memory
Instructions using memory can operate on 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit values
Support for 16-bit memory paths (internal and external)
Pipelined instruction fetch, decode, and execution
Bus arbiter supports simultaneous instruction and memory access (when possible)
Other features of the ZNEO CPU include:
Direct register-to-register architecture allows each 32-bit register to function as an
accumulator. This improves the execution time and decreases the memory required for
Expanded stack support:
–Push/Pop instructions use one 32-bit register as Stack Pointer
–Single-instruction push and pop of multiple registers
–Stack Pointer overflow protection
–Predecrement/postincrement Load instructions simplify the use of multiple stacks
–Link and Unlink operations with enhanced Frame Pointer-based instructions for
efficient access to arguments and local variables in subroutines
Program Counter overflow protection
User-selectable bus bandwidth control for DMA and CPU sharing
UM018809-0611Architectural Overview
User Manual
Program Control
ZNEO CPU is controlled by a program stored in memory as object code. An object code is
a sequence of numerical opcode and operand bytes. An opcode specifies an instruction to
perform while operands specify the data addresses to be operated upon. Numerical object
code is rarely used to write programs. Instead, programs is written in a symbolic assembly
language using easily remembered (mnemonic) instructions. A program called an assembler translates assembly language into object code.
This user manual provides details about using ZNEO CPU instructions in both object code
and assembly language. Those interested in writing assembly language can skip object
code details handled by the assembler.
Programmers using high-level languages like ‘C’ require this manual while writing optimized routines in assembly language. Otherwise, the compiler or interpreter’s documentation should describe processor-specific details affecting program operation.
Processor Block Diagram
The ZNEO CPU consists of following two major functional blocks:
Fetch Unit
Execution Unit
The Fetch and Execution units access memory through a bus arbiter. The Execution Unit
is subdivided into the Instruction State Machine, Program Counter, Arithmetic Logic Unit
(ALU), and ALU registers. Figure 1 on page 3 displays the ZNEO CPU architecture.
Architectural OverviewUM018809-0611
Fetch Unit
Instruction and
Operand Fetch
Instruction State Machine
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
32-bit ALU Registers, R0-R15
Bus Arbiter
Internal I/O
Execution Unit
User Manual
CPU Core
Fetch Unit
The Fetch Unit’s primary function is to fetch opcodes and operand words (including
immediate data) from memory. The Fetch Unit also fetches interrupt vectors. The Fetch
Unit is pipelined and operates semi-independently from the execution unit. This Unit performs a partial decoding of the opcode to determine the number of bytes to fetch for the
The Fetch Unit operation sequence functions as follows:
1. Fetch the first 2-byte opcode word.
2. Determine number of remaining opcode and operand words (one or two).
3. Fetch the remaining opcode and operand words.
4. Present the opcode and operands to the Instruction State Machine.
A ZNEO CPU instruction is always 1, 2, or 3 words long, including operands, and must be
aligned on an even address.
Figure 1. ZNEO CPU Block Diagram
UM018809-0611Architectural Overview
User Manual
Execution Unit
The Execution Unit performs the processing functions required by the instruction opcodes
and operands which it receives from the Fetch Unit.
Instruction State Machine
The Instruction State Machine is the controller for the ZNEO CPU Execution Unit. After
the initial operation decode by the Fetch Unit, the Instruction State Machine takes over
and completes the instruction. The Instruction State Machine generates effective addresses
and controls memory read and write operations.
Program Counter
The Program Counter contains a counter and adder to monitor the address of the current
instruction and calculates the next instruction address. According to the number of bytes
fetched by the Fetch Unit, the Program Counter increments automatically. The adder
increments and handles Program Counter jumps for relative addressing. The initial value
of the program counter is programmable through the RESET vector.
refer to the ZNEO product specification that is specific to your device for the RESET vector location.
Programs cannot address the Program Counter directly but the instruction
LEA Rd, 4(PC) can be used to load the current Program Counter value (the next instruc-
tion address) into an ALU Register. The JP, CALL, and related instructions are used to
alter the program counter value.
The I/O memory register described in Program Counter Overflow Register on page 9 provides access to the program counter overflow feature.
Arithmetic Logic Unit
The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) performs arithmetic and logical operations on data.
arithmetic operations including addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Logical operations include binary logic operations, bit shifting, and bit rotation.
ALU Registers
The ZNEO CPU provides 16 highly efficient 32-bit registers associated with the ALU.
The 16 ALU registers are named from R0 to R15.
These registers have the following characteristics:
The CPU can access ALU registers more quickly than ordinary internal or external
Architectural OverviewUM018809-0611
All 32 bits of a source or destination ALU Register are used for arithmetic and logical
When an 8-bit or 16-bit memory read is performed, the value is extended to 32-bits in
the destination register. Unsigned (zero) or Signed extension can be specified.
When an 8-bit or 16-bit memory write is performed, the source register’ s value is trun-
cated (only the least significant 8 or 16 bits are stored in memory.)
instructions; system interrupts; and exceptions use Register R15 as the Stack Pointer.
If not used, R15 behaves like any other ALU Register.
The LINK, UNLINK, and some LD operations use Register R14 as a Frame Pointer. If
not used, R14 behaves like any other ALU Register.
CPU Core
User Manual
Instruction Cycle Time
Instruction cycle times vary from instruction to instruction. Instructions are pipelined
which means the current instruction executes while the next instruction is being fetched.
This allows higher performance at a specific clock speed.
Instruction Fetch Cycles
The following equation is used to calculate the minimum number of cycles required to
fetch an instruction into the CPU:
In the above equation, the following points are true:
Bus wait states is configured on a bus to accommodate memory specifications. The
number of wait states is added to each memory read or write on that bus.
For details about wait states, refer to the ZNEO product specification that is specific to
your device .
The opcode bytes value can be 2, 4 or 6, depending on the instruction. Immediate
operands, if any, are included in the opcode fetch, so they do not affect execution
The bus bytes value can be 1 or 2, for fetches from an 8-bit or 16-bit bus, respectively.
For more details, see the Bus Widths
UM018809-0611Architectural Overview
section on page 19.
User Manual
Execution Cycles
Instructions always begin at an even address; therefore, instruction fetches are not subject
to uneven alignment delays.
An instruction fetch delay cycle can occur if the Fetch and Execution Units request access
to the same bus on the same cycle. In this case, the bus arbiter gives precedence to the
Execution Unit. This kind of delay can be avoided by storing instructions and data in different memory spaces; for example, instructions in ROM or Flash and data in RAM.
The minimum instruction execution time for most CPU instructions is one system clock
cycle. Additional cycles are required for shift, multiply, divide operations, and operations
which read or write memory locations. Table 1 lists minimum Execution Unit cycle times
for the various instructions. The symbol bus_time is described in the text following the
table, as other factors that affect execution of some instructions.
Table 1. Instruction Execution Cycles
InstructionOperand TypesMinimum Execution Unit Cycles
In the above equation, the following points can be considered:
–Bus wait states is configured for a bus to accommodate memory specifications.
The number of wait states is added to each memory read or write on that bus.
–The ceiling function rounds up to the nearest integer. This accounts for a 1-byte
access on a 2-byte bus, which takes a full memory access cycle, not 1/2 cycle.
–The data bytes value can be 1, 2 or 4, depending on the size of the addressed data
(for direct or register-indirect addressed memory).
–The bus bytes value can be 1 or 2, for fetches from an 8-bit or 16-bit bus, respec-
An unaligned 16-bit or 32-bit read or write requires additional cycles. For more
details, see the Bus Widths
section on page 19.
UM018809-0611Architectural Overview
User Manual
For details about wait states, refer to the ZNEO product specification that is specific to
your device .
Control Registers
For LD and LEA instructions, a delay cycle is inserted if a register is loaded immediately before it is used for the base address in a register-indirect instruction.
If execution of an instruction ends before all the next instruction words are fetched,
the Execution Unit delays for the number of cycles required by the Fetch unit to complete the instruction fetch. After an ILL or TRAP instruction executes, the entire next
instruction must be fetched.
The ZNEO CPU and internal peripheral control registers are accessed in the I/O memory
space starting at
FF_E000H (24-bit address space devices). Table 2 lists control registers
common to all Zilog devices that incorporate the ZNEO CPU. In this table, “X” indicates
an undefined hex digit value.
For complete information about peripheral control registers for a particular device, refer to
the device specific Product Specification.
I/O memory locations can be accessed using a 16 bit address operand. For more details, see
the Direct Memory Addressing section on page 29.
Architectural OverviewUM018809-0611
Program Counter Overflow Register
Master Interrupt Enable
Chained Interrupt Enable
User Flag 1
Blank Flag
Overflow Flag
Sign Flag
Zero Flag
Carry Flag
The Program Counter Overflow Register (PCOV) implements program counter overflow
protection. For more details, see the Program Counter Overflow
Stack Pointer Overflow
The Stack Pointer Overflow Register (SPOV) is used to provide stack pointer overflow
protection. For more details, see the Stack Overflow
IRET, POP, PUSH, RET and TRAP instructions, system interrupts and exceptions use the
ALU Register. R15 is used as the Stack Pointer.
Flags Register (FLAGS)
section on page 50.
section on page 50. CALL, ILL,
CPU Core
User Manual
This byte register contains the status information regarding the most recent arithmetic,
logical, bit manipulation or rotate and shift operation. The Flags Register contains six bits
of status information that are set or cleared by CPU operations. Five of the bits (C, Z, S, V
and B) can be tested with conditional jump instructions. The
rupt Enable flag, and the CIRQE bit is the Chained Interrupt Enable flag. Figure 2 displays
the flags and their bit positions in the Flags Register.
IRQE bit is the Master Inter-
Figure 2. Flags Register
Interrupts, System Exceptions, and the software Trap (TRAP) instruction write the value
of the Flags Register to the stack. Executing an Interrupt Return (IRET) instruction
restores the value saved on the stack into the Flags Register.
UM018809-0611Architectural Overview
User Manual
Flag settings depend on the data size of the result, which can be 8 bits (Byte), 16 bits
(Word), or 32 bits (Quad, the default). For instructions with destinations in memory, the
mnemonic suffix determines the destination size. If the destination is a register, Flags are
based on the 32-bit result. For more information, see the Memory Data Size
section on
page 30.
Carry Flag
The Carry (C) flag is 1 when the result of an arithmetic operation generates a carry out of
or a borrow into the most significant bit (msb) of the data. Otherwise, the Carry flag is 0.
Some bit rotate or shift instructions also affect the Carry flag. Bit [31] is considered msb
for register destinations; the msb for a memory destination depends on the data size.
Zero Flag
For arithmetic and logical operations, Zero (Z) flag is 1 if the result is 0. Otherwise, the
Zero flag is 0. If the result of testing bits is
0, Zero flag is 1; otherwise, the Zero flag is 0.
Also, if the result of a rotate or shift operation is
0, the Zero flag is 1; otherwise, the Zero
flag is 0. The test considers 32 bits for a register destination or the destination size for a
memory destination.
Sign Flag
The Sign (S) flag stores the value of the most significant bit (msb) of a result following an
arithmetic, logical, rotate, or shift operation. For signed numbers, the ZNEO CPU uses
binary two’s complement to represent the data and perform the arithmetic operations. A 0
in the msb position identifies a positive number; therefore, the Sign flag is also 0. A 1 in
the most significant position identifies a negative number; therefore, the Sign flag is also
1. Bit [31] is considered msb for register destinations; the msb for a memory destination
depends on the data size.
Overflow Flag
For signed arithmetic, rotate or shift operations, the Overflow (V) flag is 1 when the result
is greater than the maximum possible number or less than the minimum possible number
which is represented with the specified data size in signed (two’s complement) form. For
signed data size ranges, see Table 14
occurs. Following logical operations, the Overflow flag is 0.
Following addition operations, the Overflow flag is 1 when the operands have the same
sign, but the result has the opposite sign. Following subtraction operations, the Overflow
flag is 1 if the two operands are of opposite sign and the sign of the result is same as the
sign of the source operand. Following shift/rotation operations, the Overflow flag is 1 if
the sign bit of the destination changed during the last bit shift iteration.
on page 32. The Overflow flag is 0 if no overflow
Architectural OverviewUM018809-0611
CPU Core
User Manual
Blank Flag
For some arithmetic, logical, and load operations, the Blank (B) flag is set to 1 if a tested
operand value is 0 before the operation. Otherwise,
operands might be tested, but which operands are tested depends on the operation being
performed. See the instruction descriptions for details.
B is 0. Both source and destination
Unlike other flags, the
B flag can be altered by POP and some LD instructions. 8-bit or 16-
bit memory operands are tested after unsigned or signed extension, depending on the
the following statement executes,
. For more information, see the Resizing Data section on page 31.
B flag is useful for operations involving a null-terminated strings. For example, after
Z is set if the tested byte is a carriage return (0DH), or B
is set if the byte is zero.
CP.B (R6), #0DH
User Flag
The User Flag (F1) are available as general-purpose status bits. The User Flag is unaffected by arithmetic operations and must be set or cleared by instructions. The User Flag
must not be used with conditional Jumps. The User Flag is 0 after initial power-up or
Chained Interrupt Enable Flag
The Chained Interrupt Enable flag (CIRQE) is used to enable or disable chained-interrupt
optimization, which allows program control to pass directly from one interrupt service
routine to another while omitting unneeded stack operations. For more information, see
the Returning From a Vectored Interrupt
Whenever a vectored interrupt or system exception occurs, the previous state of the
flag is copied to
CIRQE after the Flags Register is pushed onto the stack. This disables
interrupt chaining if interrupts are globally disabled (
rupt or system exception occurs.
section on page 44.
IRQE=0) when a nonmaskable inter-
CIRQE flag is unaffected by other operations, but it may be set or cleared by instruc-
tions, if desired. The
CIRQE flag cannot be used with conditional Jumps. The CIRQE flag
is 0 after initial power-up or Reset.
Master Interrupt Enable Flag
The Master Interrupt Enable bit (IRQE) globally enables or disables interrupts. For more
information, see the Interrupts
chapter on page 41.
Condition Codes
The C, Z, S, V, and B flags control the operation of the conditional jump (JP cc) instruc-
tions. Sixteen frequently useful functions of the flag settings are encoded in a 4-bit field
UM018809-0611Architectural Overview
User Manual
called the condition code (cc), which are assembled into each conditional jump opcode.
Table 3 summarizes condition codes and their assembly language mnemonics.
Some binary condition codes are expressed by more than one mnemonic.
The result of the flag test operation determines if the conditional jump executes.
Table 3. Condition Codes
00000BBlankB = 1
00011LTLess Than(S XOR V) = 1
00102LELess Than or Equal(Z OR (S XOR V)) = 1
00113ULEUnsigned Less Than or Equal(C OR Z) = 1
01004OVOverflowV = 1
01015MIMinusS = 1
01106ZZeroZ = 1
01106EQEqualZ = 1
01117CCarryC = 1
01117ULTUnsigned Less ThanC = 1
10008NBNot BlankB = 0
10019GEGreater Than or Equal(S XOR V) = 0
1010AGTGreater Than(Z OR (S XOR V)) = 0
1011BUGTUnsigned Greater Than(C OR Z) = 0
1100CNOVNo OverflowV = 0
1101DPLPlusS = 0
1110ENZNon-ZeroZ = 0
1110ENENot EqualZ = 0
1111FNCNo CarryC = 0
1111FUGEUnsigned Greater Than or
Flag Test Operation
(Jump if T rue)
C = 0
Architectural OverviewUM018809-0611
CPU Core
User Manual
CPU Control Register (CPUCTL)
Bits [1:0] of the CPU Control Register (see Table 4 on page 13) control access to the
ZNEO CPU buses through DMA bandwidth selection.
For more details about the available peripheral control and data registers, and additional
information about DMA operation, refer to the device specific Product Specification.
Table 4. CPU Control Register
Note: R = Read-only; R/W = Read/Write; R/W0 = Read/Write to 0.
Position Description
[7:2]Reserved; must be zero.
[1:0]DMA Bandwidth Selection (DMABW)
The ZNEO CPU can be configured to support four levels of Direct Memory Access (DMA) Con troller bus bandwidth. Write one of the fo llowing values to DMABW[1:0] to se lect the portion of
bus bandwidth allocated to DMA operations:
00 = DMA can consume 100% of the bus bandwidth
01 = DMA is allowed one transaction for each CPU operation
10 = DMA is allowed one transaction for every two CPU operations
11 = DMA is allowed one transaction for every three CPU operations
UM018809-0611Architectural Overview
User Manual
Architectural OverviewUM018809-0611
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