Clarity Elite 8x8 Serial Protocol, Version 1.3, 9/16/09
Clarity Elite 8x8 Serial Protocol, Version 1.3, 9/16/09
RS-232 / TCP/IP Port Hardware
TCP/IP Overview
The Serial and TCP/IP port share the same protocol.
The TCP/IP connection is a very simple socket, sometimes referred to as Raw TCP/IP socket, similar
to T elnet, but without the telent protocol overhead. Most telnet clients will allow you to telnet into the
Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 without error.
We use the open source package PuTTY to do our testing. It has a convenient “Raw” mode that works
great with the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8, and is available in Windows and Linux (with a Mac O/
S version in the works). (We are not associated with PuTTY in anyway, but do find it a useful tool
when communicating over TCP/IP and Serial port connections)
The default IP address is and the port is 50005. The serial command “^IPA
xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx$” (See:
IP address, the port number is fixed at 50005.
Once a connection is made it will remain open until closed by the client, or after 10 minutes of retries
at attempting to talk to the client.
“‘IPA’ Set / View TCP/IP Address” on page 38) can be used to change the
RS-232 / TCP/IP Port Hardware
After connecting to the TCP/IP port, all commands are identical to those of the Serial port. All strings
coming from the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 will be sent to both the TCP/IP and Serial port. Any
changes made to the serial protocol will affect both the serial and TCP/IP ports.
The Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 will accept commands from both the Serial and TCP/IP simultaneously , each command will be buffered until the ending ‘$’ is read, at which time the commands will
be executed in the order received. Any responses will be sent to both the Serial port and TCP/IP con
TCP/IP settings used by the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8
Default IP Address:
Port Number:50005
Speed:10 Mbps
RS-232 Pinout and Baudrate Settings
The RS-232 port on the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 is the same format, and pinout, as a PC
modem, and uses the same type of cable as a standard serial modem would, which is a standard straight
through cable. Do not use a cable that is marked as a “Null Modem” cable.
The Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 can also be used with any USB to RS-232 conversion cable, these
are all typically straight through cables. (Be sure to install any drivers that come with the USB to RS-
232 cable you are using.)
The RS-232 port is a female type DE-9 connector (sometimes mistakenly referred to as a DB-9 connector) with the following pinout:
Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 Serial Protocol, Version 1.3a, 9/16/09
RS-232 / TCP/IP Port Hardware
Pin definitions
1 - No Connect6 - No Connect
2 - TX7 - No Connect
3 - RX8 - No Connect
4 - No Connect9 - No Connect
5 - GND
Port settings used by the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8
Data Bits:8
Stop Bits:1
Timing information (unless specified otherwise by a command’s description)
Min character to character time:0ms
Min line to line time:0ms
Min time between commands:0ms
Max time to respond to a request:100ms
Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 Serial Protocol, Version 1.3a, 9/16/09
Command Syntax
Command Syntax
The Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 serial command set uses an ASCII based protocol and a terminal
emulator can be used to test the serial port of the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8.
Each serial command is formatted as:
^CMD param1,param2,...$
^= All commands and responses start with the ‘^’ character.
CMD= The name of the command.
param= Any number of parameters can follow a command.
$= All commands and responses end with the ‘$’ character.
For instance the name of the command to turn power on / off is ‘P’ (must be capitalized) therefore, to
turn on the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 send:
^P 1$-> Command sent to the A/V switch
^+$<- Acknowledgment indicating valid command
^=P 1$<- Response from the A/Vswitch for new setting
Command Syntax
to turn off the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 send:
^P 0$-> Command sent to the A/V switch
^+$<- Acknowledgment indicating valid command
^=P 0$<- Response from the A/V switch for new setting
NOTE:Only the characters between ‘^’ and ‘$’ are valid, any characters sent before the ‘^’ or after the ‘$’
will be ignored.
NOTE:By default, the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 adds a carriage return and a line feed to the end of
its responses, after the ‘$’. This makes testing with terminal software easier. Since they are outside
the ‘^’ and ‘$’ characters, they should be ignored by software drivers. If desired, this behavior also
be disabled. (See:
“‘XS’ Control Settings” on page 31)
Command Responses
Type of Responses and Timing Information
There are three different types of responses: Acknowledgements, Errors and Query Strings.
By default, the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 will always respond to a command, there are no “time-
out” modes, if you send a command and don’t get a response within 100ms, something’s wrong with
the connection.
The Acknowledgement Response
Every command will be followed by an acknowledgement or error response.
Anytime you issue a command and there are no errors, you will receive the acknowledgement
response. Which is:
Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 Serial Protocol, Version 1.3a, 9/16/09
Command Syntax
The Error Response
Every command will be followed by an acknowledgement or error response.
If something is wrong with the command, you will get an error response. Which is
which is the ‘!’ followed by an error number (in ASCII), followed the ‘$’ character.
For instance ‘2’ is not allowed as a parameter in the ‘P’ (power) command, so:
^P 2$-> Command sent to A/V switch
^!2$<- Error response to an out of range parameter
which indicates there was an out of range parameter.
The following are the Error Response codes that can be returned by the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler
1- Unrecognized command.
2- A parameter was out of range.
3- Syntax error, or a badly formed command.
4- Checksum error.
5- Too many or too few parameters.
6- Device busy, cannot process command.
7- Buffer overflow.
8- Command not valid if device is not powered on.
And some more detailed descriptions of their meanings:
Error 1 - The command given was not recognized as a Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 command.
Commands are case sensitive and in the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8, all commands are
upper case.
Error 2 - One of the parameters given was too large, or too small, the command will be ignored.
Error 3 - Something was wrong with the command's syntax. There was possibly extra data at the end
of the line, or non-decimal data as part of a parameter. There cannot be whitespace before or
after a checksum or CRC-8 checkcode, or this error will be returned.
Error 4 - The ':' character was used to indicate a Checksum was appended to the command string, but
the Checksum did not match the calculated one. The command will be ignored.
Error 5 - The number of parameters given does not match the number allowed by this command.
Error 6 - To prevent conflicts between the front panel Setup Mode and the serial port settings, when
the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 is in the Setup Mode, many parameters become read only
and any attempt at writing them will return Error 6. Issuing the “Key Emulation” command
with key code ‘0’ can be used to exit the Setup Mode, at which point the command can be reissued without an Error 6 response.
Error 7 - An internal buffer has overflowed, for instance more than 16 key codes were sent as part of
the “Key Emulation” command.
Error 8 - Power to the device must be ‘ON’ before this command is allowed.
The Query Response
The query response is sent by the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 to indicate a setting has changed, or
as a response to a query command. The query response string consists of the ‘=’ character followed by
the command string of the command being queried.
Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 Serial Protocol, Version 1.3a, 9/16/09
For instance, in the case of the power command:
^P ?$-> Send a power request command to the A/V switch
^+$<- Acknowledgement (the command has no errors)
^=P 1$<- Query response indicating the power is on.
Using Bitmapped Parameters
Reading / Writing Bitmapped Parameters
Some commands accept “Bitmapped” parameters. These are decimal values that represent a series of
flags, or bits, that control, enable and/or disable different device operations.
Binary arithmetic is used to represent bitmapped parameters, it is assumed the reader has some familiarity with binary arithmetic.
An example of a command that uses a bitmapped parameter is the “XS settings” command, which is
defined as:
^XS settings$
Where ‘settings’ is a bitmapped parameter defined as:
For information on what each bit of the XS command does, see: “‘XS’ Control Settings” on page31.
The “Value” row, in the table’s header, refers to the values, that when added together, create the decimal parameter used by the command. For instances if you want the bits ‘ASY’ and ‘IRS’ to be set to 1,
and the rest of the bits set to zero, the parameter’s value would be calculated as: 1+1024, making the
parameter value: 1025.
The command to set those two bits to ones, and reset all the others would be:
^XS 1025$
Individual bits of a bitmapped parameter can be set or reset without affecting the other bits, by prefixing the bitmapped parameter with a ‘+’ to set individual bits, or a ‘-’ to reset individual bits.
For instance in the above example the bitmapped value has been set to 1025. If we would now like to
enable the IR jack, by setting the ‘IRJ’ bit, the following command can be issued:
^XS +2048$
The will set the ‘IRJ’ bit, and have no affect on the others, and the new “XS” value would b e: 3073
If we’d like to now disable the IR jack and the IR sensor, by clearing the ‘IRJ’ and ‘IRS’ bits, we’d use
the value “2048+1024, or 3072 and issue the command:
^XS -3072$
leaving the new “XS” value to be: 1.
Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 Serial Protocol, Version 1.3a, 9/16/09
Basic Control
Reference for Basic Control Commands
These commands are all that are needed for basic control of the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 and
includes power on/off, remapping sources to zones. This section also includes some helpful control
options for changing the way serial commands behave.
The following terms are used through out this manual.
An output. The Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 has eight (8) outputs, known as zones. A single zone
consists of the combination of a YPbPr (component) video channel, a composite video channel, an
analog (L/R stereo) channel, and a digital (SPDIF) channel. For most command lines zones are indi
cated by using a ‘@’ prefix character.
An input, or source. The Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 has eleven (11) video inputs and eight (8)
audio inputs, each consists of the combination of a YPbPr (component) video channel, a composite
video channel, an analog (L/R stereo) channel, and a digital (SPDIF) channel. For command lines that
mix inputs with zones, ‘inputs’ are indicated by numbers without a ‘
Basic Control
@’ prefix.
A channel is a YPbPr (component) video path, or a composite video path, or an analog (L/R stereo)
path, or a digital (SPDIF) path. Channels are used to control breakaway features. All channels can be
switched independently of each other.
The following channels are supported by the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8:
1 - YPbPr (Component) Video Channel.
2 - Analog Audio Channel.
4 - Digital Audio Channel.
On a command line, a channel is indicated by a ‘.’ followed by the channel(s) number. Channel numbers can be combined by adding them together, for instance channel number 6 would refer to both the
Digital and Analog audio channels. (See:
using channels to control breakaway options.)
“‘SZ’ Set Zone(s)” on page 11 for more information on
Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 Serial Protocol, Version 1.3a, 9/16/09
Basic Control Commands
P pPower controlp=power state (0=off, 1=on, +=toggle).
SZ @z,iSet zones to inputs@z=Zone (1-8), i=Input (1-11,+,-).
Turn on / off, or toggle the power state of the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8:
^P 0$Turn off power
^P 1$Turn on power
^P +$Toggle power
^P ?$Query for current setting
Response String:
^=P n$
n = Current power status, 0=Off, 1=On.
The ‘P’ command is an exception to the 100ms rule for response time. When the power to the Clarity
Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 is applied, there is a short delay while the digital audio processors are initial
ized. The power on response string of ‘^P1$’ will not be returned until the Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler
8x8 is fully powered on and ready to accept commands.
‘SZ’ Set Zone(s)
This is the command used to map inputs to any number of zones.
Its different forms are:
^SZ @zone,@zone,in$Map all channels of an input, to a zone or zones.
^ @zone,in$Map only the selected channels of inputs to zones.
^ @zone,+$Sequence zones forward through inputs.
^ @zone,-$Sequence zones in reverse through inputs.
^SZ ?$In polled mode, reads current settings of all logged changes.
^SZ @zone,?$Read current settings of given zones.
Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 Serial Protocol, Version 1.3a, 9/16/09
Basic Control
^ @zone,?$Read current settings of the selected channels of zones.
Response Strings:
^=SZ @zone,in$or,
^ @zone,in$
@zone = One (or more) zones to be mapped.
in= Input to map to given zone(s).
ch= Channel bitmap (Range 1-7).
Composite to Component Video Converters
The Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 has 11 video inputs and 8 audio inputs. The video inputs 9
through 11 refer to the 3 composite to component transcoders. The Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8
does not do upscaling of the Composite video, all composite inputs are converted to 480i component
When selecting inputs 9, 10 and 11, the audio channels will not be af fected, only the video channel will
change to the new settings.
‘SZ’ Examples
The ‘SZ’ command in its simplest form:
^SZ @1,@3,2$
maps the input ‘2’ to the zones ‘1’ and ‘3’. You can also map multiple zones and inputs using a single
command. For instance:
^SZ @1,2,@3,@5,7$
maps the input ‘2’ to zone ‘1’, and also maps the input ‘7’ to zones ‘3’ and ‘5’.
By appending a ‘.’ and a channel bitmap to the ‘SZ’ command, the command can also be used to
breakaway the different channels:
^SZ.2 @1,3
maps only the analog audio from input ‘3’ to zone ‘1’. The YPbPr (component) video and digital audio
channels, on zone 1, remain unchanged.
The channel (the ‘.2’ in the above example) is a bitmapped number that indicates which channel or
channels are to be affected by the command.
The Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 can operate in two different modes, the classic mode, and the
auto-conversion mode. (For more information see:
“‘AUT’ Enable / Disable Auto Conversion of
Analog / Digital Paths” on page 34)
For the classic mode, the channels are mapped as:
1 = YPbPr (Component) Video
2 = Analog Audio
4 = Digital Audio
For the auto-conversion mode, the channels are mapped as:
1 = YPbPr (Component) Video
2 = Audio (both digital and analog)
By adding together the above numbers, you can switch any combination of channels without affecting
the unselected channels.
Clarity Elite 8x8 or Prowler 8x8 Serial Protocol, Version 1.3a, 9/16/09
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