Zebra TTP 101 Installation Manual

TTP 101 Kiosk Printer
Installation Manual
Publ. No.: 38-1201-00, Ed. B
TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 9708
TTP 101 Technical Specification 38-1231-00 (old No. SWC-872)
TTP Operating Instructions 38 1211-00 (old No. SWC-811)
TTP 101 Service Manual 38-1221-00 (old No. SWC-811)
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© SWECOIN AB, 1996 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in parts is
prohibited without written consent of the copyright owner. We have taken great care to ensure that the information in this manual is correct and complete. However, if you discover any errors or omissions, or if you wish to make suggestions for improvements, you are welcome to send your comments to us. SWECOIN AB disclaims any liability resulting from the use of this information and reserves the right to make changes without notice.
Second edition, August 1997 Printed in Sweden
9708 TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 1
1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 3
1.1 About this manual.......................................................................................... 3
1.2 Updating......................................................................................................... 3
2 PRODUCT PRESENTATION .......................................................................................... 4
3 SUMMARY OF CONTROL CODES & ESCAPE SEQUENCES.....................................5
3.1 Character and bit-image graphics commands............................................... 5
3.2 Label- and other top-of-form-oriented commands......................................... 6
4 SOFTWARE COMMAND SYNTAX................................................................................. 7
4.1 Character and bit-image-graphics commands............................................... 7
5 LABEL- AND OTHER TOP-OF-FORM ORIENTED PRINT.......................................... 14
6 ERROR CODES............................................................................................................. 23
7 PRINTER INTERFACES................................................................................................ 24
7.1 Control board SWC-842 .............................................................................. 25
7.1.1 Paper feed switch connector.......................................................... 25
7.1.2 Paper-low switch connector............................................................ 26
7.1.3 Serial interface................................................................................ 26
7.1.5 Parallel interface............................................................................. 27
7.1.6 Power supply interface ................................................................... 27
7.2 Control board SWC-642 .............................................................................. 29
7.2.1 Paper feed switch........................................................................... 30
7.2.2 Serial interface................................................................................ 30
7.2.4 Parallel interface............................................................................. 31
7.2.5 Power supply interface ................................................................... 32
8 TEST PRINT FUNCTIONS............................................................................................ 33
8.1 Self test off-line printout............................................................................... 33
8.2 HEX dump, on-line printout..........................................................................34
9 BASIC CHARACTER SET............................................................................................. 35
10 NATIONAL CHARACTER SETS................................................................................. 36
11 FIRMWARE HISTORY................................................................................................. 37
12 INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS.......................................................................... 38
TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 9708
Please fill in the registration form inserted at the end of this manual and return
it to us through mail or fax. This will put you on our mailing list for keeping you informed of product
changes, manual updates etc.
Registration date (for your own records):
Page Change
Back of title page Publication numbers changed
TTP 101 Operating Instructions
Phone number changed, e-mail and web site addresses added. 3 Section 1.2: Information about BBS replaced by references to web site. 5 Commands ESC ENQ 2 and ESC ENQ 5 added. 7 Description of commands LF and CR modified. 9 Command ESC ENQ 2 added.
10 Command ESC ENQ 5 added 23 Note added
24 — 28 New control board SWC-842 added
29 Second paragraph: Connector J13 changed to J12 (typing error) 37 Firmware versions 1.18 — 1.20 added 38 Section
Installation Considerations
9708 TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 3
1.1 About this manual
This manual contains the information required for installation of the printer and to run it from a host computer such as a PC.
The first chapter summarizes the applicable control codes and escape sequences supported by the printer processor firmware. The summary is followed by chapters describing the command syntax.
Other chapters of the manual contain information about the printer error codes, communications parameters, test print functions, specifications of the serial and parallel printer interfaces, etc.
This edition of the manual is valid for TTP 101 printers with serial number starting from
1.2 Updating
This manual will be updated as, from time to time, printer functions and features may be added or amended. You will always find the latest edition on our web site (http://www.swecoin.se). Printed copies of the current manual edition can be ordered by e­mail, fax or phone.
Registered manual owners will be kept informed about new editions, product changes, etc. through our fax or e-mail bulletin service. To register as a manual owner, either fill in the form at the end of the manual or fill in the requested information when you visit the Technical Support section on our web site to download a manual.
If you require functions not found in the manual edition at your disposal, you are welcome to consult one of our offices for information.
TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 9708
Figure 1. Printer exterior
9708 TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 5
3.1 Character and bit-image graphics commands
Command Hex. Decimal Function Page
LF 0A 10 Line feed 7 CR 0D 13 Carriage return 7 FF 0C 12 Form feed 7 RS 1E 30 Cut and eject paper 8 SI 0F 15 Reset from double-width print mode 8 SO 0E 14 Set double-width print mode 8 ENQ 05 5 Clear presenter 8 CAN 18 24 Clear input buffer 8 ESC @ 1B 40 27 64 Reset, initialize 9 ESC C n1 n2 1B 43 n1 n2 27 67 n1 n2 Set page length 9 ESC ENQ 1 1B 05 01 27 5 1 Status inquiry 9 ESC ENQ 2 1B 05 02 27 5 2 Status enquiry, paper near end, serial 9 ESC ENQ 5 1B 05 05 27 5 5 Status enquiry, paper near end, parallel 10 ESC FF n 1B 0C n 27 12 n Eject only (after cut) 10 ESC f n 1B 66 n 27 102 n Presenter motor drive 10 ESC J n 1B 4A n 27 74 n Paper advance 10 ESC l n 1B 6C n 27 108 n Line feeds before cut 11 ESC M n1 n2 1B 4Dn1 n2 27 77 n1 n2 Top-of-form detection 21 ESC p nnnn 1B 70 nnnn 27 112 nnnn Custom logotype print 11 ESC q n 1B 71 n 27 113 n Burn time adjustment 11 ESC R n 1B 52 n 27 82 n Select national character set 12 ESC RS 1B 1E 27 30 Cut only, no eject 12 ESC S n1 n2 1B 53 n1 n2 27 83 n1 n2 Select graphics mode 12 ESC SI 1B 0F 27 15 Reset from double height 13 ESC SO 1B 0E 27 14 Set double height print 13 ESC T n 1B 54 n 27 84 n Reversed print on/off 13
TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 9708
3.2 Label- and other top-of-form-oriented commands
Command Hex. Decimal Function Page
ESC A n1n2n3 1B 41 n1n2n3 27 65 n1n2n3 Set document length 14 ESC BC b1 1B 42 43 b11 27 66 67 b1 Clear bar code area 14 ESC BS b1...b11 1B 42 53 b1...b11 27 66 83 b1...b11 Reset bar code block 15 ESC BW b1..NUL 1B 42 57 b1...00 27 66 87 b1...0 State bar code data 16 ESC DC d1 1B 44 43 d1 27 68 67 d1 Clear comment area 17 ESC DS d1...d7 1B 44 53 d1...d7 27 68 83 d1...d7 Reserve comment block 17 ESC DW d1..NUL 1B 44 57 d1...00 27 68 87 d1...0 Comment block data 18 ESC E 1B 45 27 69 Clear all label areas 18 ESC GC g1 1B 47 43 g1 27 71 67 g1 Clear graphics area 18 ESC GS g1...g8 1B 47 53 g1...g8 27 71 83 g1...g8 Reserve graphics area 19 ESC GW g1...gn 1B 47 57 g1...gn 27 71 87 g1...gn Graphics data 19 ESC LC l1 1B 4C 43 l1 27 76 67 l1 Clear ruler line area 20 ESC LS l1...l10 1B 4C 43 l1...l10 27 76 83 l1...l10 Ruler line data 20 ESC P n1 1B 50 n1 27 80 n1 Print document (label) 21 ESC X n1 n2 1B 58 n1 n2 27 88 n1 n2 Sense top-of-form position 22 ESC Y n1 n2 1B 59 n1 n2 27 89 n1 n2 Set start position 22
9708 TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 7
4.1 Character and bit-image-graphics commands
LF Line feed
(10) decimal
Prints the data in the input buffer in the current character mode and advances the paper according the selected character height (normal or double height set with commands ESC+SI and ESC+SO, page 13).
The command is ignored if immediately preceded by a CR.
CR Carriage return
(13) decimal
Prints the data in the input buffer in the current character mode and advances the paper according the selected character height (normal or double height set with commands ESC+SI and ESC+SO, page 13).
If the input buffer contains only line space data, line feed is effected. If the buffer contains no data the printer does not react to this command.
FF Form feed
(12) decimal
Prints the data from the input buffer and feeds the paper to the top of the next page as specified with command ESC+C+n1+n2 (see page 9
The TTP 101 is placed in continuous print mode when turned ON or reset (command ESC @, see page 9). This also sets page length = 0, print lines = 0, and skip lines = 0).
TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 9708
RS Record separate
(30) decimal
Cuts the paper and feeds it until the presenter feed rolls pick up the paper edge. For other eject lengths, use command combination ESC+RS (page 12) and ESC+FF
(page 10).
SI Shift in
(15) decimal
Resets from double-width mode, set by command SO, to normal width mode. Valid in double-width mode only.
SO Shift out
(14) decimal
Sets double-width mode. The characters are printed in double width. Normal-width and double-width characters can be combined on the same print line. Double-width mode can be combined with double-height mode for printing of "quadruple"
ENQ Clear presenter and report status
(5) decimal
Used to clear the paper path in the presenter, for example, to eject a document not removed during the previous print/cut/eject operation. Status code ACK is returned as a result of a successful clearing. Error code NAK+01 means that the clearing failed. Also see Chapter 6.
CAN Cancel
(24) decimal
Cancels any data previously stored in the input buffer. Commands issued on the same line as the CAN command are not canceled.
9708 TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 9
ESC+ @ Reset
(27)+(64) decimal
Terminates the processing and initializes the control board. The control board is reset to default values, same as at power ON.
Do not use this command as part of print data command strings.
ESC+C+n1+n2 Set page length
(27)+(67)+n1+n2 decimal
Sets the page length valid in character mode. A page consists of a printable area followed by a skip area at the bottom of the page. The
printable area equals the page length n1 minus the skip area n2. The command is ignored if n1 is smaller than n2 or equal to n2. The printer is put into continuous print mode if n1 = 0. n1 and n2 must be 1-byte hexadecimal or decimal numbers. The printer is placed in continuous print mode when turned ON or reset.
ESC + ENQ + 1 Status inquiry
(27)+(5)+(1) decimal
Status inquiry. Results in response ACK if all sensors are clear, NAK + code if one or more sensors report fault condition. See Chapter 6
Compare with ENQ command which also clears the presenter module.
ESC + ENQ + 2 Status enquiry, paper near end (with serial interface)
(27)+(5)+(2) decimal
This command requests a paper-near-end sensor (paper low) status from the printer in a 1-byte format.
Value = (00H) indicates ”No paper” Value = (01H) indicates ”Paper present” at the sensor position
TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 9708
ESC + ENQ + 5 Status enquiry, paper near end (with parallel interface)
(27)+(5)+(5) decimal
This command requests a paper-near-end sensor (paper low) status from the printer in a 1-byte format as follows:
Value = (00H) indicates ”No paper” Value = (01H) indicates ”Paper present” at the sensor position
ESC + FF + n Eject only
(27)+(12)+n decimal
Usually follows an ESC + RS command. ESC+FF+n effects ejection of a previously cut-off document out of the presenter module.
Parameter n represents the number of eject steps (maximum = 255), each one of approximately 2 mm length.
The primary use of this command is to determine if a document is to be fully or partially ejected (partly retained in the presenter module) or to partially eject a long document during ongoing processing, also without a preceding cut command.
ESC + f + n Presenter motor drive selection
(27)+(102)+n decimal
n = 0 Default value. Presenter motor just catches the leading paper edge. If the
printing continues, the paper will form an increasing loop until printing is completed.
n = 1 The leading paper edge is ignored by the presenter sensor and the paper is
fed straight through the presenter module. This function can be turned on/off at any time during an ongoing operation.
ESC + J + n Paper advance
(27)+(74)+n decimal
The value n represents the number of dot lines (at 0.25 mm) at which the paper is to be transported forwards. Maximum value for n = 255, equal to approximately 32 mm.
9708 TTP 101 Kiosk Printer – Installation Manual 11
ESC + l + n Line feeds before cut
(27)+(108)+n decimal
Sets the number of line feeds to be executed before a cut-off. Valid only in combination with the RS command.
ESC + p + nnnn Logotype print
(27)+(112) nnnn decimal
Effects print of customized logotype stored in EPROM. nnnn Represents a four-digit number assigned to customized logotype.
ESC + q + n Burn time adjustment
(27)+(113)+n decimal
Parameter n specifies the burn time for the thermal head resistors. This command adjusts the burn time to obtain the optimal print contrast with the paper quality in use. Each step n represents a pulse width adjustment of approximately 25 us.
n = 5 or 10 Default value (see Note below) n = 1—15 Adjustment range. Adjustment should be done in small steps.
At power-ON, the firmware senses whether there is a solder jumper in position
SW4 (standard) and, if so, presets the burn time parameter value to
ESC q= 10
. The
jumper should always be installed when
the printhead
is supplied with +20 V. This is the case in all TTP 101 printers from serial number 8506 since they have a built-in +20 V regulator.
With earlier printer versions, the solder jumper SW4 should be installed only if the printer control board is supplied with +20 V. If the supply voltage is between +20 V and +24 V, the solder jumper SW4 must be removed to prevent printhead damage. The burn time value will then be preset to the value
ESC q = 5
at power-ON but can be adjusted with the
ESC q command during printing
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