MODEL 41342
The Model 41342 Platinum Temperature Probe is an accurate 1000
ohm Platinum RTD temperature sensor mounted in a weatherproof
junction box. The probe is designed for easy installation in YOUNG
Multi-plate and Aspirated Radiation Shields.
For accurate measurements, the temperature probe should be installed
in a protective radiation shield. Use of the probe without a radiation
shield may result in large errors due to solar heating. The probe installs
easily in YOUNG naturally ventilated or aspirated shields. For best
performance, the probe and shield should be placed in a location
with good air circulation clear of large masses (buildings, pavement,
solar panels...), exhaust vents, electrical machinery, motors, water
fountains and sprinklers
The temperature probe is designed to offer years of service with minimal
maintenance. If necessary, the probe may be periodically checked or
recalibrated using normal bath calibration methods. NIST traceable
calibration is available from YOUNG at additional cost.
NOTE: The terminal marked "EARTH GND" should be connected
to properly grounded tower or grounding conductor as close to the
sensor as possible. Failure to do so may result in damage due to
static discharge.
This product has been tested and shown to comply with European CE
requirements for the EMC Directive. Please note that shielded cable
must be used.
Resistance vs. Temperature for 1000 nominal probe
Temperature Coefcient = 0.00375 / /°C
Resistance °F
1226.445 140
1205.659 130
1184.837 120
1163.978 110
1143.081 100
1122.148 90
1101.177 80
1080.169 70
1059.124 60
1038.042 50
1016.922 40
995.766 30
974.572 20
953.340 10
932.069 0
910.759 -10
889.407 -20
868.013 -30
846.576 -40
825.093 -50
Transfer function calculated from manufacturer's data:
C° = (1.1279x10
F° = (2.0302x10
R2) + (2.3985x10
R2) + (4.3174x10
°C Resistance
60 1226.445
50 1189.005
40 1151.445
30 1113.764
20 1075.963
10 1038.042
0 1000.000
-10 961.837
-20 923.550
-30 885.132
-40 846.576
-50 807.873
R) - 251.1326
R) - 420.0387
REV B062309
This product is warranted to be free of defects in materials and construction for a period of 12 months from date of initial purchase. Liability is
limited to repair or replacement of defective item. A copy of the warranty
policy may be obtained from R. M. Young Company.
Measuring range: -50 to +50°C
-50 to +150°F
Accuracy at 0°C: ±0.3°C
±0.1°C (optional)
Time Constant: 42 seconds in 43408 shield.
Sensor type: 1000 Platinum RTD
Output signal: 4 wire RTD
Recommended Cable: 2 pair shielded, 22 AWG (#18723)
Recommended Radiation Shields:
Model 41502 Compact Aspirated Radiation Shield
Model 41003P Multi-Plate Radiation Shield
Declaration of Conformity
R. M. Young Company
2801 Aero Park Drive
Traverse City, MI 49686 USA
The undersigned hereby declares on behalf of R. M.
Young Company that the above-referenced product, to
which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the
provisions of:
Council Directive 2004/108/EC (December 15, 2004)
on Electromagnetic Compatibility
David Poinsett
R&D Manager
R. M. YOUNG COMPANY 2801 Aero-Park Drive , Traverse City, Michigan 49686 U.S.A.
TEL (231) 946-3980 FAX (231 ) 946-4772