Thank you for purchasing the WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer. This manual contains useful
information about the features of this instrument. To ensure correct use, please read this manual
thoroughly before operation.
Keep this manual in a safe place for quick reference in the event a question arises. The following
manuals, including this one, are provided as manuals for this instrument. Please read all manuals.
Manual TitleManual No.Description
Precision Power Analyzer
Features Guide
Precision Power Analyzer
User’s Manual
Precision Power Analyzer
Getting Started Guide
Precision Power Analyzer
Communication Interface User’s Manual
Precision Power Analyzer
The “EN” and “Z1” in the manual numbers are the language codes.
IM WT5000-01EN This manual. The supplied CD contains the
PDF file of this manual. This manual explains
all the instrument’s features other than the
communication interface features.
IM WT5000-02EN The supplied CD contains the PDF file of this
manual. The manual explains how to operate
this instrument.
IM WT5000-03EN This guide explains the handling precautions,
basic operations, and specifications of this
IM WT5000-17EN The supplied CD contains the PDF file
of this manual. The manual explains the
instrument’s communication interface
features and instructions on how to use
IM WT5000-92Z1Document for China
Contact information of Yokogawa offices worldwide is provided on the following sheet.
Document No.Description
PIM 113-01Z2List of worldwide contacts
• The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice as a result of continuing
improvements to the instrument’s performance and functions. The figures given in this manual
may differ from those that actually appear on your screen.
• Every effort has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure the accuracy of its
contents. However, should you have any questions or find any errors, please contact your
nearest YOKOGAWA dealer.
• Copying or reproducing all or any part of the contents of this manual without the permission of
YOKOGAWA is strictly prohibited.
• The TCP/IP software of this product and the documents concerning it have been developed/
created by YOKOGAWA based on the BSD Networking Software, Release 1 that has been
licensed from the Regents of the University of California.
• Microsoft, Internet Explorer, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 are
registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
• Adobe and Acrobat are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems
• In this manual, the ® and TM symbols do not accompany their respective registered trademark
or trademark names.
• Other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
• 1st Edition: September 2018
IM WT5000-01EN
1 Items That This Instrument Can Measure
Measurement Functions Used in Normal Measurement............................................................... 1-1
The items that you can measure with this instrument are listed below. For details about how the values of the
measurement functions are determined, see appendix 1 in the Getting Started Guide, IM WT5000-03EN. For
explanations of the terms measurement function, input element, and wiring unit, see “What Is a Measurement
The input elements and wiring units referred to in each measurement function table are listed below. However,
the input elements and wiring units that you can measure vary depending on how many input elements are
installed in this instrument.
• Input elements: Element1 to Element7
• Wiring units: ΣA, ΣB, ΣC
• Motor numbers: Motor1 to Motor4
Measurement Functions Used in Normal Measurement
Function DescriptionInput Element Wiring Unit
UrmsTrue rms voltageYesYes
UmnRectified mean voltage calibrated to
the rms value
UdcSimple voltage averageYesYes
UrmnRectified mean voltageYesYes
UacAC voltage componentYe sYe s
UfndFundamental voltage componentYesYes
U+pkMaximum voltageYesNo
U−pkMinimum voltageYesNo
CfUVoltage crest factorYesNo
IM WT5000-01EN
Function DescriptionInput Element Wiring Unit
IrmsTrue rms currentYesYes
ImnRectified mean current calibrated to the
rms value
IdcSimple current averageYesYes
IrmnRectified mean currentYesYes
IacAC current componentYesYes
IfndFundamental current componentYesYe s
I+pkMaximum currentYe sNo
I−pkMinimum currentYesNo
CfICurrent crest factorYesNo
fUVoltage frequencyYesNo
fICurrent frequencyYe sNo
f2UVoltage frequencyYe sNo
f2ICurrent frequencyYesNo
fPLL1Frequency of PLL1NoNo
fPLL2Frequency of PLL2NoNo
Integrated Power (Watt hours)
Function DescriptionInput ElementWiring Unit
ITimeIntegration timeYesNo
WPSum of positive and negative watt
WP+Sum of positive P valuesYesYes
WP−Sum of negative P valuesYesYe s
qSum of positive and negative ampere
q+Sum of positive I valuesYesYes
q−Sum of negative I valuesYe sYe s
WSVolt-ampere hoursYesYes
WQVar hoursYesYes
Function Description
η1 to η4Efficiency
User-Defined Functions
Function Description
F1 to F20 User-defined functions
User-Defined Events
Function Description
Ev1 to Ev8 User-defined events
IM WT5000-01EN
1 Items That This Instrument Can Measure
Harmonic Measurement Functions
Function DescriptionInput ElementWiring Unit
U(k)Rms voltage of harmonic order kYe sYe s
I(k)Rms current of harmonic order kYesYe s
P(k)Active power of harmonic order kYesYe s
S(k)Apparent power of harmonic order kYesYe s
Q(k)Reactive power of harmonic order kYesYes
λ(k)Power factor of harmonic order kYesYes
Φ(k)Phase difference between the voltage
and current of harmonic order k
ΦU(k)Phase difference between the
fundamental signal, U(1), and
harmonic voltage U(k)
ΦI(k)Phase difference between the
fundamental signal, I(1), and harmonic
current I(k)
Z(k)Impedance of the load circuitYesNo
Rs(k)Series resistance of the load circuitYesNo
Xs(k)Series reactance of the load circuitYesNo
Rp(k)Parallel resistance of the load circuitYesNo
Xp(k)Parallel reactance of the load circuitYe sNo
Uhdf(k)Harmonic voltage distortion factorYe sNo
Ihdf(k)Harmonic current distortion factorYe sNo
Phdf(k)Harmonic active power distortion factor YesNo
UthdTotal harmonic voltage distortionYesNo
IthdTotal harmonic current distortionYe sNo
PthdTotal harmonic active power distortion YesNo
UthfTelephone harmonic factor of the
IthfTelephone harmonic factor of the
UtifTelephone influence factor of the
ItifTelephone influence factor of the
hvfHarmonic voltage factorYesNo
hcfHarmonic current factorYe sNo
K−factorK factorYesNo
Phase difference between the
fundamental voltage of element i,
Ui(1), and the fundamental voltage of
element j, Uj(1)
Phase difference between Ui(1) and
the fundamental voltage of element k,
Phase difference between Ui(1) and
the fundamental current of element i,
Phase difference between Uj(1) and
the fundamental current of element j,
Phase difference between Uk(1) and
the fundamental current of element k,
1 i, j, and k are input element numbers. For example, when the number of input elements in wiring unit ΣA is
six and the wiring system of elements 1, 2, and 3 is three phase, four wire, i is 1, j is 2, and k is 3. ΦUi – Uj
represents ΦU1 – U2, the difference between the fundamental voltage signal of element 1, U1(1), and the
fundamental voltage signal of element 2, U2(1). In the same way ΦUi – Uk, ΦUi – Ii, ΦUj – Ij, and ΦUk−Ik
represent to ΦU1 – U3, ΦU1 – I1, ΦU2 – I2, and ΦU3 – I3, respectively.
2 Setting i to an input element, is the same as setting k to 1 in Φ(k).
IM WT5000-01EN
1 Items That This Instrument Can Measure
Harmonic Measurement Function Orders
The harmonic orders that you can specify are indicated below.
Input Element Harmonic Measurement Functions
U( )YesYesYe s2 to 500
I( )YesYe sYe s2 to 500
P( )YesYe sYes2 to 500
S( )YesYe sYes2 to 100
Q( )YesAlways zeroYes2 to 100
λ( )Ye sYe sYes2 to 100
Φ( )YesNoYes2 to 500
ΦU( )NoNoNo2 to 500
ΦI( )NoNoNo2 to 500
Z( )NoYesYe s2 to 100
Rs( )NoYe sYes2 to 100
Xs( )NoYesYe s2 to 100
Rp( )NoYesYe s2 to 100
Xp( )NoYe sYes2 to 100
Uhdf( )NoYesYe s2 to 500
Ihdf( )NoYe sYe s2 to 500
Phdf( )NoYe sYes2 to 500
PthdYe sNoNoNo
UthfYe sNoNoNo
ItifYe sNoNoNo
Functions with parentheses will produce different values depending on which of the following is contained in their
• Total: Total value (The total value of all harmonic components from the minimum order to N.* For information
about how the value is determined, see appendix 12 in the Getting Started Guide, IM WT5000-03EN.)
• 0(DC): DC value
• 1: Fundamental harmonic value
• k: The value of any order from 2 to N.*
Characters or Numbers in Parentheses
Total Value0(DC)1k
* N is the maximum measurable order. he maximum measurable harmonic order is the smallest of the three
orders listed below.
• The specified maximum measurable harmonic order
• The value determined automatically according to the PLL source frequency (see section 6.7 in the Getting
Started Guide, IM WT5000-03EN)
• When the data update interval is 50 ms or Auto, the maximum measurable harmonic order is 100.
IM WT5000-01EN
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1 Items That This Instrument Can Measure
Wiring Unit Harmonic Measurement Functions (Σ functions)
UΣ( )YesYe s
IΣ( )YesYes
PΣ( )Ye sYes
SΣ( )Ye sYes
QΣ( )Ye sYe s
λΣ( )Ye sYes
Characters or Numbers
in Parentheses
Total Value1
Functions with parentheses will produce different values depending on which of the following is contained in their
• Total: Total value
• 1: Fundamental harmonic value
Delta Computation Functions
For details about delta computation functions, see “Delta Computation (Δ Measure).”
The values returned by the delta computation
functions vary depending on the specified delta
computation type.
Motor Evaluation Functions (Option)
FunctionDescriptionMotor Number Input Element
SpeedMotor rotating speedYesNo
TorqueMotor torqueYesNo
SyncSpSynchronous speedYesNo
SlipSlip (%)YesNo
PmMechanical output of the motor
(mechanical power)
Electrical angles: Phase angles of the
fundamental waves of U1 to I7 with
the rising edge of the signal received
through the Motor1 (MTR1) Z terminal
of the motor evaluation function as the
reference (specify an input element).
Electrical angles: Phase angles of the
fundamental waves of U1 to I7 with
the rising edge of the signal received
through the Motor3 (MTR2) Z terminal
of the motor evaluation function as the
reference (specify an input element).
Auxiliary Input Measurement Functions (Option)
Aux1 to 8Auxiliary inputs 1 to 8
IM WT5000-01EN
1 Items That This Instrument Can Measure
Measurement Range
FunctionDescriptionInput Element Motor Number
RngUVoltage measurement rangeYesNo
RngICurrent measurement rangeYe sNo
RngSpdSpeed measurement rangeNoYes
RngTrqTorque measurement rangeNoYe s
RngAux1 to 8 Aux measurement rangeNoNo
For measurement range functions, data can be acquired using the following methods.
• By setting a user-defined function
• By storing or by saving numeric data
• By outputting through communication
IM WT5000-01EN
Click here.
Click here.
Click here.
1 Items That This Instrument Can Measure
What Is a Measurement Function?
Measurement Function
The physical values (such as rms voltage, average current, power, and phase difference) that this instrument
measures and displays and measurement range and other measurement information are called measurement
functions. Each measurement function is displayed using symbols that correspond to its physical value. For
example, “Urms” corresponds to the true rms voltage.
Element refers to a set of input terminals that can receive a single phase of voltage and current to be measured.
This instrument can contain up to seven elements, numbered from 1 to 7. An element number is appended to
the measurement function symbol for the measured data that this instrument displays, so that you can tell which
data belongs to which element. For example, “Urms1” corresponds to the true rms voltage of element 1.
Wiring System
You can specify five wiring systems on this instrument to measure the power of various single-phase and
threephase power transmission systems: single-phase, two-wire; single-phase, three-wire; three-phase, threewire; three-phase, four-wire; and three-phase, three-wire with three-voltage, three-current method.
Wiring Unit
The wiring unit is a set of two or three input elements of the same wiring system that are grouped to measure
three-phase power. There can be up to three wiring units: ΣA, ΣB, and ΣC.
Σ Functions
The measurement function of a wiring unit is called a Σ function.
For example, “UrmsΣA” corresponds to the average of the voltages of the input elements that are assigned to
the wiring unit ΣA. The average value represents the true rms value.
Element number
Wiring system
Wiring unit
Voltage input
Current input
Measurement Period
For information about the measurement period for computing measurement functions, see “Measurement Period
IM WT5000-01EN
2 Setup Menu
Click here.
This section explains the following settings:
• Navigation
• Setup Menu (Setup, SETUP)
When you start the instrument, the navigation window appears.
Select whether to display the setup menu to configure the instrument or not display the setup menu and change
to the measurement screen.
Setup Menu (Setup, MENU(SETUP))
Configure or execute the following items according to how the instrument is to be used.
The measurement mode is fixed to normal measurement (Normal).
Initialize Settings (Initialize Settings)
You can reset the instrument settings to their factory default values. This feature is useful when you want to
cancel all the settings that you have entered or when you want to redo measurement from scratch.
For information about how initialize the settings, see section 3.7 in the Getting Started Guide, IM WT5000-03EN.
File List (File List)
You can perform file operations such as creating folders on the storage device, deleting and copying files, and
changing file names.
Storage Device Displayed in the File List
IM WT5000-01EN
2 Setup Menu
Up to 512 files and folders can be displayed in the file list. If there are more than a total of 512 files and
folders in a given folder, the file list for that folder will display only 512 files and folders. There is no way to set
which files and folders are displayed.
Display Format
Select whether to display the file list in a one-column list, two-column list, or using thumbnails.
Sorting the File List
You can sort the file list by file name, size, or date and time.
Selecting Files
Select the files or folders you want to manipulate. Selecting multiple files is useful when you want to copy or
delete multiple files at the same time.
Selecting Files Collectively
• Selecting All Files
When the cursor is on a device or folder in the file list, select ALL Set to select all of the files and folders within
the device or folder that the cursor is on.
• Deselecting All Files
All of the selected files and folders are deselected.
Making Folders (New folder)
You can make folders. You can use the same characters in folder names that you can in file names.
Copying (Copy)
You can copy selected files and folders to other storage devices or folders. You can copy multiple files at the
same time.
Moving (Move)
You can move selected files and folders to other storage devices or folders. You can move multiple files at the
same time.
Renaming (Rename)
You can rename a selected file or folder.
Protecting (Protect)
You can set or release the protection of selected files.
Deleting (Delete)
You can delete selected files and folders.
IM WT5000-01EN
Click here.
20180130_121530_0 (2018/01/30 12:15:30)
Sequence number (0 to 9 then A to Z) for when multiple files
Click here.
2 Setup Menu
Saving Setup Data (Save Setup, SAVE(SETUP))
You can save the setup data of this instrument to the specified storage device. The date, time, and
communication setup parameters are not saved.
The extension is .SET.
File List (File List)
On the file list, specify the save destination. You can perform file operations such as creating folders on the
storage device, deleting and copying files, and changing file names.
Auto Naming (Auto Naming)
The auto naming feature is disabled. The name that you specify using the File Name setting is used. If there is a
file with the same name in the save destination folder, you cannot save the data.
Auto Numbering (Numbering)
This instrument automatically adds a four-digit number from 0000 to 0999 after the common name specified
using the File Name setting and saves files.
Date (Date)
The date and time when the file is saved are used as its name. The file name specified for the File Name setting
is ignored.
A sequence number is appended to the date and time when multiple files are saved at the same time (second).
The number starts at 0 and is incremented by one each time a file is added. The number 9 is followed by letters
of the alphabet.
Save Destination Folder for Storage Caused by User-Defined Events
are saved at the same time (second)
File Name (File Name)
You can set the common file name that is used when the auto naming feature is turned off or when the auto
naming feature is set to Numbering. The maximum number of characters that you can use for file names and
folder names is 32 characters. The following restrictions apply.
• Of those characters on the keyboard that appears on the screen, the characters that can be used are 0-9,
• The following exact strings cannot be used due to MS-DOS limitations:
• Keep the full path name (absolute path from the root folder) within 255 characters. If this is exceeded, an
error will occur when you perform file operations (save, copy, rename, create folder, etc.). When an operation
is being performed on a folder, the full path is up to the name of the folder. When an operation is being
performed on a file, the full path is up to the name of the file.
The following additional restrictions apply when you use the file name auto naming feature.
• If you set auto naming to Numbering, a file name will consist of the characters that you entered for the file
name and a four-character sequence number.
• If you set auto naming to Date, the characters that you entered for the file name will not be used. File names
will only consist of the date information.
IM WT5000-01EN
Click here.
2 Setup Menu
Comment (Comment)
You can add a comment that consists of up to 30 characters when you save a file. You do not have to enter a
comment. You can use all characters and spaces that are displayed on the keyboard.
Settings That Are Shared with Those of Other Menus
The following settings are shared by the menus for saving setup data, storing data, saving data.
• File list display and save destination settings (File List)
• Automatic file naming settings (Auto Naming)
• File name (File Name)
The comment settings (Comment) are shared by the menus for saving setup data and storing data.
Saving (Save Exec)
Saves the data to the specified save destination with the specified file name.
Loading Setup Data (Load Setup, LOAD(SETUP))
On the file list, specify a file to load setup data from. The extension is .SET. For information about how to
configure the file list display and how to operate files and folders, see “File List (File List).”
Loading (Execute Load)
Loads the data of the specified file.
• If you change the extension of the saved data file, by using a PC or some other device, the instrument will
no longer be able to load it.
• When setup data is loaded from a file, the setup data for each key is changed to match the loaded settings,
and it cannot be changed back. We recommend that you save the current settings before loading different
setup data.
• The date, time, and communication setup parameters are not saved. So even if you load setup data from a
file, the date, time, and communication settings will not change.
• This instrument cannot load setup data that has been saved by a product with an incompatible firmware
• This instrument cannot load setup data that was saved by an instrument with a different element
configuration, different options, etc.
• Selecting the element for setting the measurement range (Element1 to 7, 1 to 7 (ELEMENTS))
• Voltage range (Voltage, VOLTAGE RANGE)
• Auto voltage range (Auto (Voltage), AUTO)
• Current range (Current, CURRENT RANGE)
• Auto current range (Auto (Current), AUTO)
• External current sensor on/off (Ext Sensor)
• External current sensor conversion ratio (Sensor Ratio)
• Scaling (Scaling)
• Line filter (Line Filter)
• Frequency filter (Freq Filter)
• Measurement Period (Sync Source)
Wiring System (Wiring)
The following five wiring systems are available on the instrument. The selectable wiring systems vary depending
on the number of installed input elements.
• 1P2W: Single-phase two-wire system
• 1P3W: Single-phase three-wire system
• 3P3W: Three-phase three-wire system
• 3P4W: Three-phase four-wire system
• 3P3W(3V3A): Three-voltage three-current method
Wiring Unit
Wiring units are sets of two or three input elements of the same wiring system that are grouped together. You
can define up to three wiring units: ΣA, ΣB, and ΣC.
• When there is one wiring unit, that unit is ΣA. You cannot make ΣB or ΣC the first wiring unit.
• When there are two wiring units, those units are ΣA and ΣB. You cannot make ΣC one of the first two wiring
• When there are three wiring units, those units are ΣA, ΣB, and ΣC.
• When there are multiple wiring units, element numbers are assigned to them in ascending order. The element
numbers are assigned to ΣA, ΣB, and then ΣC.
• Wiring units are composed of input elements that are next to each other. Wiring units cannot consist of input
elements that are not next to each other.
• Wiring units cannot consist of input elements that are different types.
Σ Functions
The measurement function of a wiring unit is called a Σ function.
For example, “UrmsΣA” corresponds to the average of the voltages of the input elements that are assigned to
the wiring unit ΣA. The average value represents the true rms value.
IM WT5000-01EN
When the wiring systems
of elements 1 to 7 are set
to single-phase two-wire
When the wiring system of elements 1, 2, and 3 is
of elements 5 and 6 is set to three-phase three-wire
3 Input Settings (Basic Measurement Conditions)
Wiring System Combinations
You can configure any pattern that meets the conditions for wiring units described above.
For details about the relationship between wiring systems and how the values of the measurement functions are
determined, see appendix 1 in the Getting Started Guide, IM WT5000-03EN.
Select the wiring system to match the actual wiring of the circuit under measurement. he method in which the
Σ functions (wiring unit measurement functions) are determined varies depending on the wiring system. If the
selected wiring system does not match the wiring of the actual circuit, measurements and computation will not
be correct.
Wiring System Display
The wiring system settings are displayed on the Elements tab in the input information area on the right side
of the screen. The figure below shows wiring system display examples for a model with seven input elements
set to three-phase four-wire and the wiring system
Settings of Elements Grouped in a Wiring Unit
If a wiring system other than 1P2W is selected when the measurement range, valid measurement range, or sync
source settings of each input element are different, these settings are changed in the manner described below:
• When range Σ link is set to on, the measurement range is set to the greatest of the measurement ranges of
the input elements assigned to the same wiring unit. The external current sensor input range has precedence
over the direct input current range.
• When range Σ link is set to on, The auto range on/off settings are changed to match the setting of the
input element whose measurement range is highest. If multiple input elements are set to a common
highest measurement range, the setting of the input element with the smallest input element number takes
• When range Σ link is set to on, in the valid measurement range settings, all measurement ranges are enabled
• The sync source, line filter, frequency filter, and the group of the harmonic measurement input element are
set to the settings of the input element with the smallest input element number among the input elements
assigned to the same wiring unit.
At the same time that you press 1 to 7 (ELEMENTS) to select the element that you want to set the voltage or
current range of, the keys of the input elements that have been assigned to the same wiring unit illuminate.
Wiring unit and system
The elements that compose
the wiring unit are shown
in the frame.
Wiring unit and system
The elements that compose
the wiring unit are shown
in the frame.
IM WT5000-01EN
3 Input Settings (Basic Measurement Conditions)
Selecting the Element for Setting the Measurement Range
(Element1 to 7, 1 to 7 (ELEMENTS))
The following methods are available for selecting the element for setting the measurement range.
• 1 to 7 (ELEMENTS) keys
• Element 1 to 7 of the S menu
When range Σ link is set to on, the selected elements will switch for each wiring unit according to the wiring
IM WT5000-01EN
Click here.
3 Input Settings (Basic Measurement Conditions)
Voltage Range (Voltage, VOLTAGE RANGE)
The voltage range can be fixed (when auto range is set to off) or determined automatically (when auto range is
set to on).
Fixed Ranges
When the voltage range is fixed, you can select a range from the available options. The selected voltage range
does not change even if the amplitude of the input signal changes. Set the range in reference to the rms value of
the input signal.
760901 (30A High Accuracy Element), 760902 (5A High Accuracy Element)
• When the Crest Factor Is Set to CF3
Select from 1.5V, 3V, 6V, 10V, 15V, 30V, 60V, 100V, 150V, 300V, 600V, and 1000V.
• When the Crest Factor Is Set to CF6 or CF6A
Select from 0.75V, 1.5V, 3V, 5V, 7.5V, 15V, 30V, 50V, 75V, 150V, 300V, and 500V.
Auto range
• Set the range in reference to the rms value of the input signal. For example, if you are applying a 100-Vrms
sinusoidal signal, set the range to 100 V.
• When measuring a signal other than a sine wave (such as a distorted wave), you can obtain accurate
measurements by selecting the smallest measurement range that does not produce any of the conditions
• The input peak over-range indicator at the top of the screen illuminates or blinks in red.
• The measured values of the voltage and current are indicated as being overload values (“-OL-”).
• The peak over-range indicator may not illuminate or blink in the following cases.
• If the pulse width is narrow, and the peak value of the waveform cannot be acquired at the sampling rate
of this instrument (approximately 10 MS/s).
• If the high frequency components of the pulse waveform attenuate due to the bandwidth limitations
of this instrument measurement circuit, causing the waveform peak value to be less than the peak
overrange detection level.
• When the secondary output of a VT (voltage transformer) is being applied to the voltage input terminal, set
the voltage range according to the maximum value of the VT output. Then, use the scaling feature to set
the VT ratio.
IM WT5000-01EN
3 Input Settings (Basic Measurement Conditions)
Auto Voltage Range (Auto (Voltage), AUTO (VOLTAGE RANGE))
When auto range is turned on, the range change automatically according to the amplitude of the input signal as
described below. The different ranges used in the auto range are the same as those available for the fixed range.
760901 (30A High Accuracy Element), 760902 (5A High Accuracy Element)
Range increase
The measurement range is increased when any of the following conditions is met.
• The crest factor is set to CF3 or CF6 and the data of measurement function Urms or Irms exceeds 110% of
the measurement range.
• The crest factor is set to CF6A and the data of measurement function Urms or Irms exceeds 220% of the
measurement range.
• The crest factor is set to CF3 and the data of Upk* or Ipk* exceeds approximately 310% of the measurement
• The crest factor is set to CF6 or CF6A and the data of Upk* or Ipk* exceeds approximately 620% of the
measurement range.
* Even if the null feature is on, the values are determined as if it were off.
• When a wiring unit is configured, the measurement range is increased on all input elements in the wiring unit
when any of the elements in the unit meets the range-increase conditions described above.
Range decrease
The measurement range is decreased when all the following conditions are met.
• The data of Urms or Irms is less than or equal to 30% of the measurement range.
• The data of Urms or Irms is less than or equal to 105% of the next lower range.
• The crest factor is set to CF3 and the data of Upk* or Ipk* is less than or equal to 290% of the next lower
• The crest factor is set to CF6 or CF6A and the data of Upk* or Ipk* is less than or equal to 580% of the next
lower range.
* Even if the null feature is on, the values are determined as if it were off.
• When a wiring unit is configured, the measurement range is decreased on all input elements in the wiring unit
when all the elements in the unit meets the range-decrease conditions described above.
• If you disable a measurement range in the valid measurement range settings, that measurement range is
• When non-periodic pulse waveforms are applied, the range may not remain constant. If this happens, use
IM WT5000-01EN
skipped, and the auto range feature operates using only the valid measurement ranges.
the fixed range setting.
Click here.
Click here.
3 Input Settings (Basic Measurement Conditions)
Current Range (Current, CURRENT RANGE)
The current range can be fixed (when auto range is set to off) or determined automatically (when auto range is
set to on).
Fixed Ranges
When the current range is fixed, you can select a range from the available options. The selected current range
does not change even if the amplitude of the input signal changes. Set the range in reference to the rms value of
the input signal.
760901(30A High Accuracy Element)
• When the Crest Factor Is Set to CF3
Select from 500mA, 1A, 2A, 5A, 10A, 20A, and 30A.
• When the Crest Factor Is Set to CF6 or CF6A
Select from 250mA, 500mA, 1A, 2.5A, 5A, 10A, and 15A.
760902 (5A High Accuracy Element)
• When the Crest Factor Is Set to CF3
Select from 5mA, 10mA, 20mA, 50mA, 100mA, 200mA, 500mA, 1A, 2A, and 5A.
• When the Crest Factor Is Set to CF6 or CF6A
Select from 2.5mA, 5mA, 10mA, 25mA, 50mA, 100mA, 250mA, 500mA, 1A, and 2.5A.
Auto range
This is the same as the auto range feature for voltage.
• When the secondary output of a CT (current transformer) or a clamp-type current sensor that outputs
current is being applied to the current input terminal, set the current range according to the maximum value
of the CT or current sensor output. Then, use the scaling feature to set the CT ratio or the conversion ratio
of the clamp-type current sensor that outputs current.
Auto Current Range (Auto (Current), AUTO (CURRENT RANGE))
This is the same as the auto range feature for voltage.
IM WT5000-01EN
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3 Input Settings (Basic Measurement Conditions)
External Current Sensor On/Off (Ext Sensor)
To apply the output of current sensors that produce voltage, such as shunts and clamps, to an element’s external
current sensor input terminal (EXT) and perform measurements, set Ext Sensor to on.
External Current Sensor Range
Set the external current sensor range according to the output of the external current sensor.
The external current sensor range can be fixed (when auto range is set to off) or determined automatically (when
auto range is set to on).
Fixed Ranges
When the current range is fixed, you can select a range from the available options. The selected current range
does not change even if the amplitude of the input signal changes. Set the range in reference to the rms value of
the input signal.
760901 (30A High Accuracy Element), 760902 (5A High Accuracy Element)
• When the Crest Factor Is Set to CF3
Select from 50mV, 100mV, 200mV, 500mV, 1V, 2V, 5V, and 10V.
• When the Crest Factor Is Set to CF6 or CF6A
Select from 25mV, 50mV, 100mV, 250mV, 500mV, 1V, 2.5V, and 5V.
Auto range
This is the same as the auto range feature for voltage.
IM WT5000-01EN
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3 Input Settings (Basic Measurement Conditions)
External Current Sensor Conversion Ratio (Sensor Ratio)
Set the conversion ratio used to measure the signal received by the external current sensor input terminal (EXT)
from a current sensor that produces voltage. Set how many millivolts the current sensor transmits when 1 A of
current is applied (conversion ratio). Then, the input signal can be made to correspond to the numeric data or
waveform display data that is obtained when the current is directly applied to the current input terminals.
When using a current sensor that produces current, set the conversion ratio as the CT ratio.
Measurement FunctionConversion
Current IEI
Active Power PEP
Apparent power SES
Reactive power QEQ
Max./min. current IpkEIpk
Data before ConversionConversion
(current sensor output)IS/E
(current sensor output)IpkS/E
Selectable range: 0.0001 to 99999.9999
External Current Sensor Range and Conversion Ratio Configuration Example
When you measure a current with a maximum value of 100 A using a current sensor that produces 10 mV
when 1 A of current is flowing, the maximum voltage that the current sensor produces is 10 mV/A × 100 A = 1 V.
Therefore, configure the settings as indicated below.
• External current sensor range: 1 V
• External current sensor conversion ratio: 10 mV/A
• When you want to divide the external current sensor output by the conversion ratio and read the current of
the circuit under measurement directly, turn the external VT/CT scaling feature off. If the feature is turned
on, the value will be further multiplied by the CT ratio.
• When you are measuring a signal other than a sine wave (such as a distorted wave), you can obtain
accurate measurements by selecting the smallest measurement range that does not produce any of the
conditions below.
• The input peak over-range indicator at the top of the screen illuminates or blinks in red.
• The measured values of the voltage and current are indicated as being overload values (“-OL-”).
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3 Input Settings (Basic Measurement Conditions)
Power Range
The measurement ranges (power ranges) of active power (P), apparent power (S), and reactive power (Q) are
as follows:
Wiring SystemPower Range
1P2W (single-phase two-wire)Current range × voltage range
1P3W (single-phase three-wire)
3P3W (three-phase three-wire)
3P3W (3V3A, three-voltage
three-current method)
3P4W (three-phase four-wire)Voltage range × current range × 3
• When the result of the equation voltage range × current range exceeds 1000 W (VA or var), the displayed unit
changes to kW (kVA or kvar).
• Number of displayed digits (display resolution)
For a detailed list of the available voltage and current range combinations and power ranges when all the
elements have the same voltage or current range, see appendix 4 in the Getting Started Guide, IM WT500003EN.
Voltage range × current range × 2
(when the voltage and current ranges on the elements in the
wiring unit are set to the same range)
(when the voltage and current ranges on the elements in the
wiring unit are set to the same range)
In auto range mode, because the voltage and current ranges switch independently according to range
increase and decrease conditions, different power ranges may be set for the same power value.
IM WT5000-01EN
3 Input Settings (Basic Measurement Conditions)
Scaling (Scaling)
You can set coefficients for when you apply a voltage or current signal from an external VT (voltage transformer)
or CT (current transformer).
Turning Scaling On and Off (Scaling)
You can select whether to apply the VT ratio, CT ratio, and power coefficient to applicable measurement
When reading measured values directly by using a VT or CT (or current sensor), select ON. When you select
ON, the “Sc” indicator turns on in the input information area on the right side of the screen.
Applicable Measurement Functions
Voltage (U), current (I), power (P, S, and Q), maximum and minimum voltages (U+pk and U-pk), and maximum
and minimum currents (I+pk and I-pk)
• ON: The measurement functions above are multiplied by the VT ratio, CT ratio, or power coefficient.
• OFF: The measurement functions above are not multiplied by the VT ratio, CT ratio, or power coefficient. The
output values of the VT and CT are displayed directly as numeric data.
VT Ratio (VT Scaling)
Set the VT ratio when applying the secondary output of a VT to the voltage input terminal. Then, set the voltage
range according to the maximum VT output.
Selectable range: 0.0001 to 99999.9999
CT Ratio Preset (CT Preset)
• When using the CT sold separately
Select the CT ratio from the preset settings. Select a preset (CT name) from the following:
If you set this item, the scaling ON/OFF (Scaling) is set to ON.
• When using other sensors
Select Others. If you select Others, the scaling ON/OFF and CT ratio do not change.
CT Ratio (CT Scaling)
Set the CT ratio (or the conversion ratio of the current sensor that produces current) when applying the
secondary output of a CT or clamp-type current sensor that produces current to the current input terminal. Then,
set the current range according to the maximum CT or current sensor output.
Selectable range: 0.0001 to 99999.9999
IM WT5000-01EN
3 Input Settings (Basic Measurement Conditions)
Power Coefficient (SF Scaling, Scaling Factor)
By setting the power coefficient (SF), you can display the measured active power, apparent power, and reactive
power after they have been multiplied by a coefficient.
Measurement FunctionData before ConversionConversion Result
Voltage UU
Current II
Active power PP
Apparent power SS
Reactive power QQ
Max./min. voltage UpkUpk
Max./min. current IpkIpk
Selectable range: 0.0001 to 99999.9999
• If the value of the result of multiplying the measured value by the VT ratio, CT ratio, or power coefficient
(scaling factor) exceeds 9999.99 M, “-OF-” will appear in the numeric data display frame.
• To correctly compute the power and efficiency of Σ functions, set the power coefficients of all elements so
that all power units used in the computation are the same. For example, the efficiency cannot be computed
correctly if elements or wiring units used in the computation have different power units, such as W (watt)
and J (joule). To compute the efficiency correctly, make all the power units the same (either all W or all J).
(secondary output of the VT)U2×VV: VT ratio
(secondary output of the CT)I2×CC: CT ratio
(secondary output of the VT) Upk2×V
(secondary output of the CT)Ipk2×C
P2×V×C×SFSF: Power coefficient
Copying the VT Ratio, CT Ratio, or Power Coefficient (Exec Copy Σ)
Copying the VT Ratio (VT Scaling Copy Exec)
Copy the VT ratio of the selected input element to the other input elements in the same wiring unit.
Copying the CT Ratio (CT Scaling Copy Exec)
Copy the CT ratio of the selected input element to the other input elements in the same wiring unit.
Copying the Power Coefficient (SF Scaling Copy Exec)
Copy the power coefficient of the selected input element to the other input elements in the same wiring unit.
Because the scaling feature sets each input element independently, regardless of the range Σ link on /off
setting, execute copying if necessary.
IM WT5000-01EN
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