Thank you for purchasing YOKOGAWA's TA520 Time Interval Analyzer.
This GP-IB Interface User
's Manual contains useful information about the functions and
commands of the GP-IB interface. To ensure correct use of the GP-IB interface, please
read this manual thoroughly before operating it.
Keep the manual in a safe place for quick reference whenever a question arises.
The following manual is provided with this instrument in addition to this GP-IB Interface
's Manual.
Manual NameManual No.Description
TA520 User's ManualIM 704310-01EDescribes all functions except for the
communications functions for GP-IB interface of
the instrument.
• The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice as a result of
improvements in the instrument
's performance and functions.
• Every effort has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure the accuracy
of its contents. However, should you have any questions or find any errors, please
contact your nearest YOKOGAWA representative as listed on the back cover of this
• Copying or reproduction of all or any part of the contents of this manual without
YOKOGAWA's permission is strictly prohibited.
• IBM PC/AT is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
• Other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
This User's Manual consists of five chapters, an appendix and an index as described
Chapter 1Overview of the GP-IB Interface
Describes the functions and specifications of GP-IB.
Chapter 2Before Programming
Describes formats used when sending a command.
Chapter 3Commands
Describes each command.
Chapter 4Status Report
Describes the status byte, various registers and queues.
Chapter 5Sample Program
Describes a program example written for a IBM PC/AT series personal
computer written in Quick BASIC version 4.0/4.5.
Conventions Used in this Manual
Symbols used for Notes and Keys
Type SymbolDescription
Unitk1000e.g.: 100 kHz
K1024e.g.: 128 KB (memory capacity)
Symbols used in syntax descriptions
Symbols which are used in the syntax descriptions in Chapter 4 are shown below. These
symbols are referred to as BNF notation (Backus-Naur Form). For detailed information,
refer to pages 2-5 and 2-6.
<>Defined valueWINDow<x> <x>=1 to 16WINDOW2
{}One of the options in is selected.MODE {AUTO|MANual}MODE AUTO
[ ]Abbreviated:MEASure[:MODE]
...May be repeated
Contains references including the ASCII character code table.
Provides an alphabetically ordered index.
Provides information that is necessary for proper operation of the instrument.
iiIM 704310-12E
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................. i
How to Use this Manual.............................................................................................................................ii
Chapter 1Overview of the GP-IB Interface
1.1Name of the Parts and Their Functions .................................................................................... 1-1
1.2Connecting the GP-IB Cable..................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3GP-IB Interface Functions and Specifications .......................................................................... 1-3
1.4Settings on the Main Unit ..........................................................................................................1-5
1.5Responses to Interface Messages............................................................................................ 1-6
Press to cancel the
remote mode and enter
the local mode in which
the panel keys are
Press to enter the
communication settings.
Overview of the GP-IB Interface
The word [Remote]
appears in the top right
corner of the screen
when the instrument is in
the remote mode.
Rear Panel
GP-IB connector
The connector used for
connecting the controller
(PC) with the GP-IB
1-1IM 704310-12E
1.2 Connecting the GP-IB Cable
1.2Connecting the GP-IB Cable
GP-IB Cable
The GP-IB connector on the rear panel is a 24-pin connector that conforms to IEEE
Standard 488-1978. Use a GP-IB cable that also conforms to IEEE Standard 488-1978.
Connection Method
Connect the GP-IB cable as shown.
GP-IB connector
GP-IB cable
Points to Note
• Be sure to tighten the screws on the GP-IB cable connector firmly.
• The instrument can be connected to more than one item of equipment (such as a
personal computer). However, it is not possible to connect more than 15 items of
equipment (including the controller) to a single bus.
• If you connect the instrument to more than one other item of equipment, make sure
that a different address is used for each item.
• Each connecting cable must be 2 m or less in length.
• The total length of all the cables must not exceed 20 m.
• While communications are in progress, more than two-thirds of the connected items of
equipment must be turned ON.
• When connecting more than one item of equipment, connect the items so that the
connection route forms a star or linear configuration. Loop or parallel wiring is not
1-2IM 704310-12E
1.3 GP-IB Interface Functions and Specifications
1.3GP-IB Interface Functions and Specifications
GP-IB Interface Functions
Listener function
• Allows you to make the same settings which you can make using the panel keys on
the instrument (except for the power ON/OFF and GP-IB communications settings).
• Receives commands from a controller requesting output of set-up and waveform data.
• Also receives status report commands.
Talker function
Outputs set-up and waveform data.
The listen-only, talk-only, and controller functions are not available on this instrument.
Switching between Remote and Local Modes
Switching from Local to Remote Mode
Remote mode is activated when a REN (Remote Enable) message is received from a
controller while local mode is active.
• The word [Remote] appears in the top right corner of the screen (see page 1-1).
• All front panel keys except the LOCAL key are now inoperative.
• Settings that were entered in local mode are retained.
Overview of the GP-IB Interface
Switching from Remote to Local Mode
Pressing the Local key in remote mode puts the instrument in local mode. However, this
is not possible if Local Lockout has been set by the controller (page 1-7).
• The word [Remote] in the top right corner of the screen disappears (see page 1-1).
• All front panel keys are operative.
• Settings that were entered in remote mode are retained.
1-3IM 704310-12E
1.3 GP-IB Interface Functions and Specifications
GP-IB Interface Specifications
Electrical and mechanical specifications: Conforms to IEEE Standard 488-1978.
Mechanical specifications: Refer to the table below.
Code: ISO (ASCII) code
Mode: Addressable mode/Talk-only mode (switched
Address setting: Addresses 0 to 30 can be selected from the
Remote mode clear: Remote mode can be cleared by pressing the
ListenerL4Basic listener capability, unlisten on MTA
Service requestSR1Full service request capability
Remote localRL1Full remote/local capability
Parallel pollPP0No parallel polling capability
Device clearDC1Full device clear capability
Device triggerDT0No device trigger capability
ControllerC0No controller function
Electrical characteristicE1Open collector
GP-IB setting menu, which is displayed when
you press [GP-IB] soft key after having pressed
the UTILITY key.
However, this is not possible if Local Lockout
has been set by the controller.
untalk on MLA(My Listen Address), No
talk-only capability
(My Talk Address), no listen-only capability
1-4IM 704310-12E
1.4 Settings on the Main Unit
1.4Settings on the Main Unit
1.Press the UTILITY key to display the Utility menu.
2.Press the [GP-IB] soft key to display the GP-IB menu.
3.Use the rotary knob to select the address.
Selecting the address
Devices that are connected with the GP-IB cable have their own unique address within
the GP-IB system. This address is used to identify the different devices. Therefore,
when connecting the instrument to another device such as a PC, the address of the
instrument must be selected. The address is selected from the following range. The
default setting is [1].
Selectable range: 0 to 30
Overview of the GP-IB Interface
1-5IM 704310-12E
1.5 Responses to Interface Messages
1.5Responses to Interface Messages
What is an Interface Message?
An interface message (also called an interface command or bus command) is issued by
the controller. Interface messages are classified as follows.
Uni-line messages
Messages are transferred through a single control line. The following three types of uniline message are available.
• IFC (Interface Clear)
• REN (Remote Enable)
• IDY (Identify)
Multi-line messages
Eight data lines are used to transmit a message. Multi-line messages are classified as
Address commands
Valid when a piece of equipment is designated as a listener or a talker. The following
five address commands are available.
• Commands valid for pieces of equipment designated as listeners
GTL (Go To Local)
SDC (Selected Device Clear)
PPC (Parallel Poll Configure)
GET (Group Execute Trigger)
• Command valid for pieces of equipment designated as talkers
TCT (Take Control)
Universal commands
Valid for any item of equipment, irrespective of whether the item is designated as a
listener or a talker. The following five universal commands are available.
SPD (Serial Poll Disable)
In addition to the above commands, a listener address, talker address or secondary
command can be sent in an interface message.
Differences between SDC and DCL
The SDC command is an address command and requires that both the talker and
listener be designated. DCL is a universal command and does not require that the
talker and listener be designated. Hence, SDC is used for specific items of equipment,
while DCL can be used for any equipment connected to the communications bus.
1-6IM 704310-12E
1.5 Responses to Interface Messages
Response to Interface Message
Response to a uni-line message
• IFC (Interface Clear)
Clears the talker and listener. Stops output if data is being output.
• REN (Remote Enable)
Switches between remote and local modes.
• IDY (Identify) is not supported.
Responses to a multi-line message (address command)
• GTL (Go To Local)
Switches to local mode.
• SDC (Selected Device Clear)
Clears the program message (command) which is currently being output. Also empties
the output queue (page 4-5).
• GET (Group Execute Trigger)
Same as *TRG.
COMMunicate:WAIT will be stopped immediately.
• PPC (Parallel Poll Configure) and TCT (Take Control) are not supported.
Responses to a multi-line message (universal command)
• LLO (Local Lockout)
Invalidates the LOCAL key on the front panel, disabling switching to local mode.
• DCL (Device Clear)
Same as SDC.
• SPE (Serial Poll Enable)
Sets the talker function to serial poll mode for all equipment connected to the
communications bus. The controller polls equipment sequentially.
• SPD (Serial Poll Disable)
Clears serial poll mode as the talker function for all equipment connected to the
communications bus.
• PPU (Parallel Poll Unconfigure) is not supported.
Overview of the GP-IB Interface
1-7IM 704310-12E
Chapter 2Before Programming
<Program header>
<Program data>Space
2.1 Messages
Blocks of message data are transferred between the
controller and this instrument during communications.
Messages sent from the controller to this instrument
are called program messages, and messages sent
back from this instrument to the controller are called
response messages.
If a program message contains a query command, i.e.
a command which requests a response, this
instrument returns a response message. A single
response message is always returned in reply to a
program message.
Program Messages
As explained above, the data (message) sent from the
controller to this instrument is called a program
message. The format of a program message is shown
Program message unit
PMT is a terminator used to terminate each program
message. The following three types of terminator are
NL (New Line) : Same as LF (Line Feed). ASCII code
"0AH" is used.
^END: END message defined in IEEE488.1.
(EOI signal)
(The data byte sent with an END
message will be the final item of the
program message unit.)
NL^END: NL with an END message attached
(NL is not included in the program
Program message unit format
The format of a program message unit is shown below.
<Program header>
A program header is used to indicate the command
type. For details, refer to page 2-3.
Before Programming
<Program message unit>
A program message consists of zero or more program
message units; each unit corresponds to one
command. This instrument executes commands one
by one according to the order in which they are
Program message units are delimited by a ";".
For a description of the format of the program
message unit, refer to the explanation given further
<Program data>
If certain conditions are required for the execution of a
command, program data must be added. Program data
must be separated from the header by a space (ASCII
code "20H"). If multiple items of program data are
included, they must be separated by a
"," (comma).
For details, refer to page 2-5.
2-1IM 704310-12E
2.1 Messages
Response Messages
The data returned by this instrument to the controller is
called a response message. The format of a response
message is shown below.
<Response message unit>
<Response message units>
A response message consists of one or more
response message units: each response message unit
corresponds to one response.
Response message units are delimited by a [;].
For the response message format, refer to the next
RMT is the terminator used for every response
message. Only one type of response message is
Response message unit format
The format of a program message unit is shown below.
<Rsps. header><Response data>
<Response header>
A response header sometimes precedes the response
data. Response data must be separated from the
header by a space. For details, refer to page 2-4.
<Response data>
Response data is used to define a response. If multiple
items of response data are used, they must be
separated by a "," (comma). For details, refer to page
If a program message contains more than one query,
responses are made in the same order as the queries.
Normally, each query returns only one response
message unit, but there are some queries which return
more than one response message unit. The first
response message unit always responds to the first
query, but it is not always true that the 'n'th unit
always responds to the
'n'th query. Therefore, if you
want to make sure that a response is made to each
query, the program message must be divided up into
individual messages.
Points to Note concerning Message Transmission
• It is always possible to send a program message if
the previous message which was sent did not
contain any queries.
• If the previous message contained a query, it is not
possible to send another program message until a
response message has been received. An error will
occur if a program message is sent before a
response message has been received in its entirety.
A response message which has not been received
will be discarded.
• If an attempt is made by the controller to receive a
response message, even if there it no response
message, an error will occur. An error will also occur
if the controller makes an attempt to receive a
response message before transmission of a
program message has been completed.
• If a program message of more than one unit is sent
and some of the units are incomplete, this
instrument receives program message units which
the instrument thinks complete and attempts to
execute them. However, these attempts may not
always be successful and a response may not
always be returned, even if the program message
contains queries.
Dead Lock
This instrument has a buffer memory in which both
program and response messages of 1024 bytes or
more can be stored. (The number of bytes available
will vary depending on the operating state of the
instrument.) If both buffer memories become full at the
same time, this instrument becomes inoperative. This
state is called dead lock. In this case, operation can be
resumed by discarding the response message.
No dead lock will occur, if the size of the program
message including the PMT is kept below 1024 bytes.
Furthermore, no dead lock will occur if the program
message does not contain a query.
2-2IM 704310-12E
2.2 Commands
There are three types of command (program header)
which can be sent from the controller to this
instrument. They differ in the format of their program
They are
• Common command header
• Compound header
• Simple header
Common Command Header
Commands defined in IEEE 488.2-1992 are called
common commands. The header format of a common
command is shown below. An asterisk (
be attached to the beginning of a command.
An example of a common command
*) must always
When Concatenating Commands
Command Group
A command group is a group of commands which have
the same compound header. A command group may
contain sub-groups.
ExampleCommands relating to the sampling
When Concatenating Commands of the Same
This instrument stores the hierarchical level of the
command which is currently being executed, and
performs analysis on the assumption that the next
command to be sent will also belong to the same level.
Therefore, it is possible to omit the header if the
commands belong to the same group.
Before Programming
Compound Header
Commands designed to be used only with this
instrument are classified and arranged in a hierarchy
according to their function. The format of a compound
header is illustrated below. A colon (:) must be used
when specifying a lower-level header.
An example of a compound header
Simple Header
These commands (headers) are functionally
independent of each other and are not arranged
hierarchically. The format of a simple header is shown
An example of a simple header
A mnemonic is a character string made up of alphanumeric
When Concatenating Commands of Different
A colon ( :) must be included before the header of a
command, if the command does not belong to the
same group as the preceding command.
When Concatenating Simple Headers
When you type in a simple header after another
command, you must include a colon (:) before the
simple header.
When Concatenating Common Commands
Common commands defined in IEEE 488.2-1992 are
independent of hierarchical level. Thus, it is not
necessary to add a colon (
:) before a common
2-3IM 704310-12E
2.2 Commands
When Separating Commands with <PMT>
If a terminator is used to separate two commands,
each command is a separate message. Therefore, the
common header must be typed in for each command
even when commands of the same command group
are being concatenated.
Upper-level Query
An upper-level query is a compound header to which a
question mark is appended. Execution of an upperlevel query allows all a group
's settings to be output at
once. Some query groups comprising more than three
hierarchical levels can output all their lower level
In reply to a query, a response can be returned as a
program message to this instrument. Transmitting a
response can restore the settings made when the
query was executed. However, some upper-level
queries will not return set-up data which is not currently
in use. Note that not all a group
's information will
necessarily be sent out as a response.
Header Interpretation Rules
This instrument interprets the header received
according to the following rules.
• Mnemonics are not case sensitive.
"MEASure" can also be written as
"measure" or "Measure".
• The lower-case part of a header can be omitted.
Example"MEASure" can also be written as
"MEASU" or "MEAS".
• If the header ends with a question mark, the
command is a query. It is not possible to omit the
question mark.
Example"MEASure?" cannot be abbreviated to
• If the
"x" at the end of a mnemonic is omitted, it is
assumed to be
anything shorter than
"WINDow<x>" is written as "WIND", this
• Any part of a command enclosed by [ ] can be
CALCulation[:WINDow1]:AVERage? can
be written as
However, a part enclosed by [ ] cannot be omitted if is
located at the end of an upper-level query.
2-4IM 704310-12E
2.3 Response/2.4 Data
On receiving a query from the controller, this
instrument returns a response message to the
controller. A response message is sent in one of the
following two forms.
• Response consisting of a header and data
If the query can be used as a program message
without any change, a command header is attached
to the query, which is then returned.
• Response consisting of data only
If the query cannot be used as a program message
unless changes are made to it (i.e. it is a query-only
command), no header is attached and only the data
is returned. Some query-only commands can be
returned after a header is attached to them.
When returning a response without a header
It is possible to remove the header from a response
consisting of a header and data. The
"COMMunicate:HEADer" command is used to do this.
Abbreviated form
Normally, the lower-case part is removed from a
response header before the response is returned to
the controller. Naturally, the full form of the header can
also be used. For this, the "COMMunicate:VERBose"
command is used. The part enclosed by [ ] is also
omitted in the abbreviated form.
A data section comes after the header. A space must
be included between the header and the data. The
data contains conditions and values. Data is classified
as below.
(Example: Gate time
<Percent>→SAMPle:GATE:TIME 1US)
<Register>Register value expressed as either binary, octal, decimal
or hexadecimal
(Example: Extended event register value
<Character data>Specified character string (mnemonic). Can be selected
from { }
(Example: Selecting of gate mode
<Boolean>Indicates ON/OFF. Set to ON, OFF or value
(Example: Panorama display ON
→DISPlay:PANorama:STATe ON)
<Character string data>Arbitrary character string
(Example: File name to be saved
<Block data>Arbitrary 8-bit data
(Example: Response to acquired waveform data
<<Decimal> indicates a value expressed as a decimal
number, as shown in the table below. Decimal values
are given in the NR form specified in ANSI X3. 42-
<NR1>Integer125 –1 +100000
<NR2>Fixed point number125.0 –.90 +001.
<NR3>Floating point number125.0E+0 –9E–1 +.1E4
<NRf>Any of the forms <NR1> to <NR3> is allowed.
Before Programming
• Decimal values which are sent from the controller to
this instrument can be sent in any of the forms to
<NR3>. In this case, <NRf> appears.
• For response messages which are returned from
this instrument to the controller, the form (<NR1> to
<NR3> to be used) is determined by the query. The
same form is used, irrespective of whether the value
is large or small.
• In the case of <NR3>, the "+" after the "E" can be
omitted, but the
"–" cannot.
• If a value outside the setting range is entered, the
value will be normalized so that it is just inside the
• If the value has more than the significant number of
digits, the value will be rounded.
2-5IM 704310-12E
2.4 Data
<Voltage>, <Time>, <Percent>
<Voltage>, <Time> and <Percent> indicate decimal
values which have physical significance. <Multiplier>
or <Unit> can be attached to <NRf>. They can be
entered in any of the following forms.
<Register> indicates an integer, and can be expressed
in hexadecimal, octal or binary as well as as a decimal
number. <Register> is used when each bit of a value
has a particular meaning. <Register> is expressed in
one of the following forms.
#H<Hexadecimal value made up of the digits 0 to 9, and A to F> #H0F
#Q<Octal value made up of the digits 0 to 7>#q777
#B<Binary value made up of the digits 0 and 1>#B001100
• <Register> is not case sensitive.
• Response messages are always expressed as
<Character Data>
<Character data> is a specified string of character data
(a mnemonic). It is mainly used to indicate options, and
is chosen from the character strings given in { }. For
interpretation rules, refer to "Header Interpretation
" on page 2-4.
• As with a header, the "COMMunicate:VERBose"
command can be used to return a response
message in its full form. Alternatively, the
abbreviated form can be used.
• The
"COMMunicate:HEADer" command does not
affect <character data>.
• <Multiplier> and <Unit> are not case sensitive.
• [U] is used to indicate [ µ].
• [MA] is used for Mega (M) to distinguish it from Mili.
• If both <Multiplier> and <Unit> are omitted, the
default unit will be used.
• Response messages are always expressed in
<Boolean> is data which indicates ON or OFF, and is
expressed in one of the following forms.
{ON|OFF|<NRf>}ON OFF 1 0
<NR3> form. Neither <Multiplier> nor <Unit> is
used, therefore the default unit is used.
• When <Boolean> is expressed in <NRf> form, OFF
is selected if the rounded integer value is [0] and ON
is selected if the rounded integer is [Not 0].
• A response message is always [1] if the value is ON
and [0] if it is OFF.
2-6IM 704310-12E
2.4 Data/2.5 Synchronization with the Controller
<Character String Data>
<Character string data> is not a specified character
string like <Character data>. It is an arbitrary character
string. A character string must be enclosed in single
quotation marks ( ') or double quotation marks ( ").
<Character string data>'ABC' "IEEE488.2-1987"
• Response messages are always enclosed in double
quotation marks.
• If a character string contains a double quotation
mark (
"), the double quotation mark will be replaced
by two concatenated double quotation marks (
This rule also applies to a single quotation mark
within a character string.
• <Character string data> is an arbitrary character
string, therefore this instrument assumes that the
remaining program message units are part of the
character string if no single (') or double quotation
mark (
") is encountered. As a result, no error will be
detected if a quotation mark is omitted.
<Block data>
<Block data> is arbitrary 8-bit data. <Block data> is
only used for response messages. Response
messages are expressed in the following form.
• <6-digit decimal value>
Indicates the number of bytes of data. (
• <Data byte string>
The actual data. ( ABCDEFGHIJ)
• Data is comprised of 8-bit values (0 to 255). This
means that the ASCII code [0AH], which stands for
[NL], can also be a code used for data. Hence, care
must be taken when programming the controller.
2.5Synchronization with the
On the TA520, there are no overlap commands which
permit the execution of the next command before the
execution of the previous command completes. If
multiple commands are sent sequentially, the
execution of the next command is held until the
execution of the previous command completes.
How to Achieve Synchronization
Synchronization is sometimes required for reasons
other than communications related reasons, such as
the activation of a trigger.
For example, if the program message (see below) is
transmitted to make an inquiry about the data which is
acquired during single measurement, the
"MEMory:SEND?" command will be executed whether
acquisition has been completed or not, causing a
command execution error.
In this case, synchronization with the time at which
acquisition is completed must be accomplished, as
shown below.
Using STATus:CONDition? query
"STATus:CONDition?" query is used to make an
inquiry about the contents of the condition register
(page 4-4). It is possible to judge whether acquisition
is in progress or not by reading bit 0 of the condition
register. The measured data is effective if bit 0 is "1".
"0", acquisition is in progress, thus the
If it is
measured data is not effective.
(Returns to the previous status if bit 0 is
found to be [1] when the response is
Before Programming
A "MEMory:SEND?" query will not be executed until bit
0 of the condition register has been set to [
2-7IM 704310-12E
2.5 Synchronization with the Controller
Using the extended event register
Changes in the condition register are reflected in the
extended event register (page 4-4).
Example STATus:FILTer1 RISE;:STATus:EESE 1;
(Service request is awaited.)
"STATus:FILTer1 RISE" indicates that the transit filter
is set so that bit 0 (
"1" when bit 0 of the condition register is
set to
changed from [
"STATus:EESE 1" is a command used to reflect the
FILTer1) of the extended register is
0] to [1].
status of only bit 0 of the extended event register in the
status byte.
"STATus:EESR?" is used to clear the extended event
The "*SRE" command is used to generate a service
request caused by the extended event register only.
"MEMory:SEND?" will not be executed until a service
request is generated.
Using the COMMunicate:WAIT command
The "COMMunicate:WAIT" command halts
communications until a specific event is generated.
(Response to STATus:EESR? is decoded.)
COMMunicate:WAIT 1;:MEMory:
For a description of "STATus:FILTer1 RISE" and
"STATus:EESR?", refer to "Using the extended event
"COMMunicate:WAIT 1" means that communications is
" on this page.
halted until bit 0 of the extended event register is set to
"MEMory:SEND?" will not be executed until bit 0 of the
extended event register is set to [
2-8IM 704310-12E
3.1 Command Listing
Chapter 3Commands
3.1Command Listing
ASCale Group
:ASCalePerforms auto-scaling.3-9
CALCulation Group
:CALCulation?Queries all settings related to statistics.3-13
:CALCulation:AREASets the area to calculate the statistics or queries the current setting.3-13
:CALCulation:AUTot?Queries the value of the constant T for the auto window mode.3-13
:CALCulation[:BLOCk<x>]:TAVerage?Queries the average value during the time variation display.3-13
:CALCulation[:BLOCk<x>]:TFLutter?Queries the flutter value (σ/average value) during the time variation display.3-13
:CALCulation[:BLOCk<x>]:TJITter?Queries the jitter value (P-P/average value) during the time variation display.3-13
:CALCulation[:BLOCk<x>]:TMAXimum?Queries the maximum value during the time variation display.3-13
:CALCulation[:BLOCk<x>]:TMINimum?Queries the minimum value during the time variation display.3-14
:CALCulation[:BLOCk<x>]:TPTopeak?Queries the P-P value during the time variation display.3-14
:CALCulation[:BLOCk<x>]:TRF?Queries the RF value during the time variation display.3-14
:CALCulation[:BLOCk<x>]:TSDeviation?Queries the standard deviation (σ) during the time variation display.3-14
:CALCulation[:BLOCk<x>]:TSNumber?Queries the number of samples on which to calculate the statistics during the time
variation display.3-14
:CALCulation:CONSttSets the value of the constant T or queries the current setting.3-14
:CALCulation:PARameter?Queries the ON/OFF state of each statistical value.3-14
:CALCulation:PARameter:CLEarTurns OFF all statistical values.3-14
:CALCulation:PARameter:AVERageTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the average value during the histogram display or
queries the current setting.3-14
:CALCulation:PARameter:ELERrorTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the Effect Length Error during the histogram display
or queries the current setting.3-14
:CALCulation:PARameter:FLUTterTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the flutter value (σ/average value) during the
histogram display or queries the current setting.3-14
:CALCulation:PARameter:JITTerTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the jitter value (σ/T) during the histogram display
or queries the current setting.3-15
:CALCulation:PARameter:MAXimumTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the maximum value during the histogram display
or queries the current setting.3-15
:CALCulation:PARameter:MEDianTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the median value during the histogram display or
queries the current setting.3-15
:CALCulation:PARameter:MELETurns ON/OFF the calculation of the MELE value during the histogram display or
queries the current setting.3-15
:CALCulation:PARameter:MINimumTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the minimum value during the histogram display
or queries the current setting.3-15
:CALCulation:PARameter:MODETurns ON/OFF the calculation of the most frequent value during the histogram
display or queries the current setting.3-15
:CALCulation:PARameter:PTOPeakTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the P-P value during the histogram display or
queries the current setting.3-15
:CALCulation:PARameter:SDEViationTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the standard deviation (σ) during the histogram
display or queries the current setting.3-15
:CALCulation:PARameter:TAVerageTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the average value during the time variation display
or queries the current setting.3-15
:CALCulation:PARameter:TJITterTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the jitter value (P-P/average value) during the
time variation display or queries the current setting.3-15
:CALCulation:PARameter:TMAXimumTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the maximum value during the time variation
display or queries the current setting.3-16
:CALCulation:PARameter:TMINimumTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the minimum value during the time variation
display or queries the current setting.3-16
3-1IM 704310-12E
3.1 Command Listing
:CALCulation:PARameter:TSDeviation Turns ON/OFF the calculation of the standard deviation (σ) during the time variation
display or queries the current setting.3-16
:CALCulation:PARameter:TPTopeakTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the P-P value during the time variation display or
queries the current setting.3-16
:CALCulation:PARameter:TFLutterTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the jitter value (σ/average value) during the time
variation display or queries the current setting.3-16
:CALCulation:PARameter:TRFTurns ON/OFF the calculation of the RF value during the time variation display or
queries the current setting.3-16
:CALCulation:POLaritySets which polarity to analyze when measuring both polarities during the pulse width
measurement or queries the current setting.3-16
:CALCulation:SUMMation:AVERage?Queries the average value when the windows are summed during multi-window or
auto window mode.3-16
:CALCulation:SUMMation:ELERror?Queries the Effect Length Error when the all windows are summed during multi-window
or auto window mode.3-16
:CALCulation:SUMMation:FLUTter?Queries the flutter value (σ/average value) when the all windows are summed during
multi-window or auto window mode.3-16
:CALCulation:SUMMation:JITTer?Queries the jitter value (σ/T) when the all windows are summed during multi-window or
auto window mode.3-17
:CALCulation:SUMMation:MAXimum?Queries the maximum value when the all windows are summed during multi-window or
auto window mode.3-17
:CALCulation:SUMMation:MEDian?Queries the median value when the all windows are summed during multi-window or
auto window mode.3-17
:CALCulation:SUMMation:MELE?Queries the MELE value when the all windows are summed during multi-window or auto
window mode.3-17
:CALCulation:SUMMation:MINimum?Queries the maximum value when the all windows are summed during multi-window or
auto window mode.3-17
:CALCulation:SUMMation:MODE?Queries the most frequent value when the all windows are summed during multi-window
or auto window mode.3-17
:CALCulation:SUMMation:PTOPeak?Queries the P-P value when the all windows are summed during multi-window or auto
window mode.3-17
:CALCulation:SUMMation:SDEViation? Queries the standard deviation (σ) when the all windows are summed during multi-window
or auto window mode.3-17
:CALCulation:SUMMation:SNUMber?Queries the number of samples on which to calculate the statistics when the all windows
are summed during multi-window or auto window mode.3-17
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:AVERage?Queries the average value during the histogram display.3-17
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:ELERror?Queries the Effect Length Error value during the histogram display.3-18
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:FLUTter?Queries the flutter value (σ/average value) during the histogram display.3-18
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:JITTer?Queries the jitter value (σ/T) during the histogram display.3-18
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:MAXimum?Queries the maximum value during the histogram display.3-18
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:MEDian?Queries the median value during the histogram display.3-18
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:MELE?Queries the MELE value during the histogram display.3-18
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:MINimum?Queries the minimum value during the histogram display.3-18
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:MODE?Queries the most frequent value during the histogram display.3-18
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:PTOPeak?Queries the P-P value during the histogram display.3-19
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:SDEViation? Queries the standard deviation (σ) during the histogram display.3-19
:CALCulation[:WINDow<x>]:SNUMber?Queries the number of samples on which to calculate the statistics during the histogram
COMMunicate Group
:COMMunicate?Queries all settings related to communications.3-20
:COMMunicate:HEADerSets whether or not to attach headers to query responses or queries the current
:COMMunicate:VERBoseSets whether or not to use the full or abbreviated form for query responses or
queries the current setting.3-20
:COMMunicate:WAITWaits for the specified extended events to occur.3-20
:COMMunicate:WAIT?Creates a response when the specified extended events occur.3-20
3-2IM 704310-12E
3.1 Command Listing
DISPlay Group
:DISPlay?Queries all settings related to the display.3-22
:DISPlay:BACKlightTurns ON/OFF the back light or queries the current setting.3-22
:DISPlay:BLOCkSets the block to be displayed or queries the current setting.3-22
:DISPlay:BRIGhtnessSets the brightness of the screen or queries the current setting.3-22
:DISPlay:DOTConnectTurns ON/OFF the dot connection function during the time variation display or queries
the current setting.3-22
:DISPlay:DOTTypeSets the display format of the measurement point during the time variation display or
queries the current setting.3-22
:DISPlay:GRAPhsizeSets the size of the graph display or queries the current setting.3-23
:DISPlay:GRIDTurns ON/OFF the grid during the time variation display or queries the current setting. 3-23
:DISPlay:ITEMSets the display format or queries the current setting.3-23
:DISPlay:OVERlapSets whether or not to superimpose the polarity display (ON/OFF) when measuring
both polarities or slopes.3-23
:DISPlay:PANorama?Queries all settings related to the panorama display.3-23
:DISPlay:PANorama:AREASets the panorama display range or queries the current setting.3-23
:DISPlay:PANorama[:STATe]Turns ON/OFF the panorama display or queries the current setting.3-23
:DISPlay:PANorama:ZOOM?Queries all settings related to the zoom function of the panorama display.3-23
:DISPlay:PANorama:ZOOM:ADJustAdjusts the zoom setting of the panorama display.3-23
:DISPlay:PANorama:ZOOM:POSitionSets the zoom position of the panorama display or queries the current setting.3-23
:DISPlay:PANorama:ZOOM:SPANSets the zoom range of the panorama display or queries the current setting.3-23
:DISPlay:SITemSets the type of statistical values to display or queries the current setting.3-23
:DISPlay:SSTYleSets the format of the statistics display or queries the current setting.3-24
:DISPlay:STATisticTurns ON/OFF the statistics display during the histogram or time variation display or
queries the current setting.3-24
:DISPlay:WINDowSets the window to display or queries the current setting.3-24
FILE Group
:FILE?Queries all settings related to files.3-25
:FILE:CDIRectoryChanges the current directory.3-25
:FILE:DELete:BINaryDeletes the binary measurement data file.3-26
:FILE:DELete:BMPBMP Deletes the screen image file.3-26
:FILE:DELete:POSTscriptDeletes the post script screen image file.3-26
:FILE:DELete:SETupDeletes the setup information data file.3-26
:FILE:DELete:STATisticDeletes the statistics data file.3-26
:FILE:DELete:TIFFDeletes the TIFF screen image file.3-26
:FILE:DELete:TEXTDeletes the text measurement data file.3-26
:FILE:DRIVeSets the drive.3-26
:FILE:FORMatFormats the floppy disk.3-26
:FILE:FREE?Queries the drive free space in number of bytes.3-26
:FILE:LOAD:BINaryLoads the binary measurement data.3-26
:FILE:LOAD:SETupLoads the setup information data.3-26
:FILE:MDIRectoryCreates a directory.3-23
:FILE:PATH?Queries the current directory.3-26
:FILE:SAVE?Queries all settings related to saving the file.3-27
:FILE:SAVE:ANAMingTurns ON/OFF the auto naming function for saving files or queries the current setting. 3-27
:FILE:SAVE:BINarySaves the measured data in binary format.3-27
:FILE:SAVE:COMMentSets a comment in the top left corner of the screen or queries the current setting.3-27
:FILE:SAVE:SETupSaves the setup information data.3-27
:FILE:SAVE:STATisticSaves the statistical data.3-27
:FILE:SAVE:TEXTSaves the measured data in text format.3-27
HCOPy Group
:HCOPy?Queries all settings related to the output of the screen image data.3-28
:HCOPy:ABORtAborts the hard copy.3-28
:HCOPy:ANAMingTurns ON/OFF the auto naming function for saving the screen image to files or queries
the current setting.3-28
3-3IM 704310-12E
3.1 Command Listing
:HCOPy:COMMentSets a comment in the top left corner of the screen or queries the current setting.3-29
:HCOPy:COMPressionTurns ON/OFF the compression when saving the screen image in BMP or TIFF
format or queries the current setting.3-29
:HCOPy:DEViceSets the output destination of the screen image or queries the current setting.3-29
:HCOPy[:EXECute]Executes a hard copy of the screen image.3-29
:HCOPy:FILenameSets the name of the file in which to save the screen image or queries the current
:HCOPy:FORMatSets the format of the file in which to save the screen image or queries the current
:HCOPy:TONESets the color for saving the screen image or queries the current setting.3-29
HHIStogram Group
:HHIStogram?Queries all settings related to the histogram display during the hardware histogram
:HHIStogram:AUTO?Queries all settings related to the auto window mode.3-31
:HHIStogram:AUTO:MODulationSets the modulation method during auto window mode or queries the current setting. 3-31
:HHIStogram:AUTO:TTYPeSets how the constant T is determined during the auto window mode or queries the
current setting.3-32
:HHIStogram:MARKer?Queries all settings related to the marker.3-32
:HHIStogram:MARKer:LOWSets the position of the low marker or queries the current setting.3-32
:HHIStogram:MARKer[:STATe]Turns ON/OFF the markers or queries the current setting.3-32
:HHIStogram:MODESets the mode or queries the current setting.3-32
:HHIStogram:MULTi?Queries all settings related to the multi-window mode.3-32
:HHIStogram:MULTi:SIZESets the number of windows or queries the current setting.3-32
:HHIStogram:MULTi:TVALueSets the value of the constant T or queries the current setting.3-32
:HHIStogram:MULTi:UPDateChanges the window setting based on the value of the constant T.3-32
:HHIStogram:MULTi:WINDow<x>?Queries all settings related to each window.3-32
Queries all settings related to the horizontal axis of each window.3-32
Sets the center position of the horizontal axis of each window or queries the current
Sets the width of the horizontal axis of each window or queries the current setting. 3-33
:HHIStogram:MULTi:WINDow<x>:LABelSets the label of each window or queries the current setting.3-33
:HHIStogram:MULTi:WINDow<x>:MARKer? Queries all settings related to the horizontal axis marker of each window.3-33
Sets the position of the left marker of each window or queries the current setting.3-33
Queries the frequency at the position of the left marker.3-33
Sets the position of the right marker of each window or queries the current setting. 3-33
Queries the frequency at the position of the right marker.3-33
:HHIStogram:SINGle?Queries all settings related to single window.3-33
:HHIStogram:SINGle:HORizontal?Queries all settings related to the horizontal axis of the single window.3-34
:HHIStogram:SINGle:HORizontal:CENTer Sets the center position of the horizontal axis of the window or queries the current
:HHIStogram:SINGle:HORizontal:SPAN Sets the width of the horizontal axis of the window or queries the current setting.3-34
:HHIStogram:SINGle:MARKer?Queries all settings related to the horizontal axis marker.3-34
:HHIStogram:SINGle:MARKer:LEFTSets the position of the left marker or queries the current setting.3-34
:HHIStogram:SINGle:MARKer:LVALue?Queries the frequency at the position of the left marker.3-34
:HHIStogram:SINGle:MARKer:RIGHtSets the position of the right marker or queries the current setting.3-34
:HHIStogram:SINGle:MARKer:RVALue?Queries the frequency at the position of the right marker.3-34
:HHIStogram:SINGle:TVALueSets the value of the constant T or queries the current setting.3-34
:HHIStogram:VERTical?Queries all settings related to the vertical axis during the hardware histogram mode. 3-34
3-4IM 704310-12E
3.1 Command Listing
:HHIStogram:VERTical:AXISSets the type of vertical axis scale or queries the current setting.3-34
:HHIStogram:VERTical:HIGHSets the upper limit of the vertical axis scale or queries the current setting.3-35
INPut Group
:INPut?Queries all settings related to the input section.3-37
:INPut:ACHannel?Queries all settings related to channel A.3-37
:INPut:ACHannel:COUPlingSets the coupling of channel A or queries the current setting.3-37
:INPut:ACHannel:IMPedanceSets the input impedance of channel A or queries the current setting.3-37
:INPut:ACHannel:TRIGger?Queries all settings related to the trigger of channel A.3-37
:INPut:ACHannel:TRIGger:LEVelSets the trigger level of channel A or queries the current setting.3-37
:INPut:ACHannel:TRIGger:MODESets the trigger mode of channel A or queries the current setting.3-37
:INPut:AGATe?Queries all settings related to arming and the external gate.3-37
:INPut:AGATe:LEVelSets the arming or gate level or queries the current setting.3-37
:INPut:BCHannel?Queries all settings related to channel B.3-38
:INPut:BCHannel:COUPlingSets the coupling of channel B or queries the current setting.3-38
:INPut:BCHannel:IMPedanceSets the input impedance of channel B or queries the current setting.3-38
:INPut:BCHannel:TRIGger?Queries all settings related to the trigger of channel B.3-38
:INPut:BCHannel:TRIGger:LEVelSets the trigger level of channel B or queries the current setting.3-38
:INPut:BCHannel:TRIGger:MODESets the trigger mode of channel B or queries the current setting.3-38
:INPut:INHibit?Queries all settings related to the inhibit function.3-38
:INPut:INHibit:LEVelSets the inhibit level or queries the current setting.3-38
MEASure Group
:MEASure?Queries all settings related to the measurement conditions.3-39
:MEASure:FUNCtionSets the measurement function or queries the current setting.3-39
:MEASure:MODESets the sampling mode or queries the current setting.3-39
:MEASure:POLaritySets the polarity during the pulse width measurement or queries the current setting. 3-39
:MEASure:SLOPeSets or queries the slope during period or time interval measurement.3-39
MEMory Group
:MEMory?Queries all settings related to the transmission of the measured data to external
:MEMory:BLOCkSets the block during block sampling or queries the current setting.3-40
:MEMory:BYTeorderSets the transmission byte order of the binary data or queries the current setting.3-40
:MEMory:CLEarClears the measured data.3-40
:MEMory:DATaselectSets the data to transmit or queries the current setting.3-40
:MEMory:ENDSets the data position of the end of the transmission or queries the current setting. 3-41
:MEMory:FORMatSets the format of the transmission data or queries the current setting.3-41
:MEMory:SEND?Transmits the measured data specified with the "MEMory:DATaselect" command. 3-41
:MEMory:SIZE?Queries the number of measured data points.3-41
:MEMory:STARtSets the data position of the start of the transmission or queries the current setting. 3-41
RECall Group
:RECallRecalls the setup information.3-41
SAMPle Group
:SAMPle?Queries all settings related to sampling.3-43
:SAMPle:ARMing?Queries all settings related to the arming function.3-43
:SAMPle:ARMing:DELay?Queries all settings related to the arming delay.3-43
:SAMPle:ARMing:DELay:EVENtsizeSets the arming delay event or queries the current setting.3-43
:SAMPle:ARMing:DELay:MODESets the arming delay mode or queries the current setting.3-43
:SAMPle:ARMing:DELay:TIMESets the arming delay time or queries the current setting.3-44
:SAMPle:ARMing:SLOPeSets the arming slope or queries the current setting.3-44
:SAMPle:ARMing:SOURceSets the arming source or queries the current setting.3-44
:SAMPle:BLOCk?Queries all settings related to block sampling.3-44
:SAMPle:BLOCk:REST?Queries all settings related to the pause period of the block sampling operation.3-44
:SAMPle:BLOCk:REST:EVENtSets the pause time of the block sampling operation in terms of the number of events
or queries the current setting.3-44
3-5IM 704310-12E
3.1 Command Listing
:SAMPle:BLOCk:REST[:MODE]Sets the pause mode of the block sampling operation or queries the current setting. 3-44
:SAMPle:BLOCk:REST:TIMESets the pause time of the block sampling operation or queries the current setting. 3-44
:SAMPle:BLOCk:SIZESets the block size of the block sampling operation or queries the current setting.3-44
:SAMPle:BLOCk[:STATe]Turns ON/OFF the block sampling function or queries the current setting.3-44
:SAMPle:GATE?Queries all settings relatied to the gate.3-44
:SAMPle:GATE:EVENtsizeSets the gate in terms of the number of events or queries the current setting.3-45
:SAMPle:GATE[:MODE]Sets the gate type or queries the current setting.3-45
:SAMPle:GATE:POLaritySets the polarity of the external gate or queries the current setting.3-45
:SAMPle:GATE:TIMESets the gate in terms of time or queries the current setting.3-45
:SAMPle:INHibitSets the polarity of the inhibit input or queries the current setting.3-45
:SAMPle:INTervalSets the sampling interval or queries the current setting.3-45
:SAMPle:RCLockSets the reference clock for sampling or queries the current setting.3-45
SCSI Group
:SCSI?Queries all settings related to SCSI.3-46
:SCSI:HDDSets the SCSI address of the internal hard disk or queries the current setting.3-46
:SCSI:INITializeInitializes the SCSI.3-46
:SCSI:OWNSets the SCSI address of the instrument or queries the current setting.3-46
SSTart Group
:SSTartExecutes single measurement.3-46
STARt Group
:STARtStarts the measurement.3-46
STATus Group
:STATus?Queries all settings related to the communication status.3-47
:STATus:CONDition?Queries the status register.3-47
:STATus:EESESets the extended event enable register or queries the current setting.3-47
:STATus:EESR?Queries the extended event register and clears the register.3-47
:STATus:ERRor?Queries the error code and message.3-47
:STATus:FILTer<x>Sets the transition filter or queries the current setting.3-47
:STATus:QMESsageSets whether or not to include the message information in response to the
"STATus:ERRor?" command or queries the current setting.3-47
STOP Group
:STOPStops the measurement.3-48
STORe Group
:STOReStores the current setup information.3-48
SYSTem Group
:SYSTem?SYSTem Queries all settings related to the group.3-48
:SYSTem:BEEPTurns ON/OFF the beep sound or queries the current setting.3-48
:SYSTem:CLICksoundTurns ON/OFF the click sound or queries the current setting.3-49
:SYSTem:DATESets today's date or queries the current setting.3-49
:SYSTem:HDDMotorTurns ON/OFF the HDD motor while waiting or queries the current setting.3-49
:SYSTem:TIMESets the current time or queries the current setting.3-49
:SYSTem:WARNingTurn ON/OFF the warning display or queries the current setting.3-49
THIStogram Group
:THIStogram?Queries all settings related to the histogram of the time stamp mode.3-52
:THIStogram:HORizontal?Queries all settings related to the horizontal axis of the histogram of the time stamp
:THIStogram:HORizontal:CENTerSets the center value of the horizontal axis or queries the current setting.3-52
:THIStogram:HORizontal:SPANSets the width of the horizontal axis or queries the current setting.3-52
:THIStogram:ISI?Queries all settings related to the inter-symbol interference analysis.3-52
:THIStogram:ISI:MARK<x>Sets the mark or queries the current setting.3-52
:THIStogram:ISI:MODESets the trigger mode or queries the current setting.3-52
:THIStogram:ISI:POLaritySets the polarity or queries the current setting.3-52
3-6IM 704310-12E
3.1 Command Listing
:THIStogram:ISI:SIZESets the number of windows or queries the current setting.3-52
:THIStogram:ISI:SPACe<x>Sets the space or queries the current setting.3-53
:THIStogram:ISI[:STATe]Turns ON/OFF the inter-symbol interference analysis function or queries the current
:THIStogram:ISI:TARGetSets the item to be analyzed or queries the current setting.3-53
:THIStogram:ISI:TRIGgerSets the trigger condition or queries the current setting.3-53
:THIStogram:ISI:TVALueSets the value of the constant T or queries the current setting.3-53
:THIStogram:ISI:UPDateChanges the window setting based on the constant T.3-53
:THIStogram:ISI:WINDow<x>?Queries all settings related to each window.3-53
Queries all settings related to the horizontal axis of each window.3-53
Sets the center value of the horizontal axis or queries the current setting.3-53
Sets the width of the horizontal axis or queries the current setting.3-54
:THIStogram:ISI:WINDow<x>:LABelSets the label of each window or queries the current setting.3-54
:THIStogram:ISI:WINDow<x>:MARKer?Queries all settings related to the horizontal marker cursor of each window.3-54
Sets the position of the left marker or queries the current setting.3-54
Sets the position of the right marker or queries the current setting.3-54
:THIStogram:MARKer?Queries all settings related to the markers.3-54
:THIStogram:MARKer:LEFTSets the position of the left marker or queries the current setting.3-54
:THIStogram:MARKer:LOWSets the position of the low marker or queries the current setting.3-54
:THIStogram:MARKer:LVALue?Queries the frequency at the left marker position.3-54
:THIStogram:MARKer:RIGHtSets the position of the right marker or queries the current setting.3-55
:THIStogram:MARKer:RVALue?Queries the frequency at the right marker position.3-55
:THIStogram:MARKer[:STATe]Turns ON/OFF the marker or queries the current setting.3-55
:THIStogram:VERTical?Queries all settings related to the vertical axis.3-55
:THIStogram:VERTical:AXISSets the type of vertical axis scale or queries the current setting.3-55
:THIStogram:VERTical:HIGHSets the upper limit of the vertical axis scale or queries the current setting.3-55
TVARiation Group
:TVARiation?Queries all settings related to the time variation display.3-56
:TVARiation:HORizontal?Queries all settings related to the horizontal axis of the time variation display.3-56
:TVARiation:HORizontal:MINimumSets the left end of the horizontal axis scale or queries the current setting.3-57
:TVARiation:HORizontal:SPANSets the width of the horizontal axis scale or queries the current setting.3-57
:TVARiation:MARKer?Queries all settings related to the markers.3-57
:TVARiation:MARKer:HIGHSets the position of the high marker or queries the current setting.3-57
:TVARiation:MARKer:LEFTSets the position of the left marker or queries the current setting.3-57
:TVARiation:MARKer:LOWSets the position of the low marker or queries the current setting.3-57
:TVARiation:MARKer:LVALue?Queries the measured value at the left marker position.3-57
:TVARiation:MARKer:RIGHtSets the position of the right marker or queries the current setting.3-57
:TVARiation:MARKer:RVALue?Queries the measured value of the right marker position.3-57
:TVARiation:MARKer[:STATe]Turns ON/OFF the marker cursor or queries the current setting.3-57
:TVARiation:VERTical?Queries all settings related to the vertical axis.3-57
:TVARiation:VERTical:CENTerSets the center value of the vertical axis or queries the current setting.3-58
:TVARiation:VERTical:SPANSets the width of the vertical axis or queries the current setting.3-58
UNIT Group
:UNIT?Queries the default units for voltage, time, and frequency.3-58
:UNIT:VOLTageSets the default unit for voltage or queries the current setting.3-58
:UNIT:TIMESets the default unit for time or queries the current setting.3-58
3-7IM 704310-12E
3.1 Command Listing
Common Command Group
*CAL?Performs calibration and queries the result.3-59
*CLSClears the standard event register, extended event register and error queue.3-59
*ESESets the value for the standard event enable register/queries the current setting.3-59
*ESR?Queries the value of the standard event register and clears it at the same time.3-59
*IDN?Queries the instrument model.3-59
*OPCClears/does not clear the OPC event on completion of execution of the specified
overlap command.3-59
*OPC?Creates a response on completion of execution of the specified overlap command. 3-59
*RSTInitializes the set-up information.3-60
*SRESets the value of the service request enable register/queries the current setting.3-60
*STB?Queries the value of the status byte register.3-60
*TRGPerforms single measurement.3-60
*TST?Executes a self-test and queries the test result.3-60
*WAIWaits for the command following "*WAI" until execution of the designated overlap
command is completed.3-60
3-8IM 704310-12E
3.2ASCale Group
The commands in this group deal with auto scaling.
FunctionPerforms auto-scaling.
Description Auto-scaling is not possible in the multi-window
and auto window modes.
3.2 ASCale Group
3-9IM 704310-12E
3.3 CALCulation Group
3.3CALCulation Group
The commands in this group deal with statistical calculations.
3-10IM 704310-12E
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