Yealink SIP-T52S, SIP-T48G, SIP-T48S, SIP-T46G, SIP-T46S User Manual

Using Enhanced DSS Keys on Yealink IP Phones
Using Enhanced DSS Keys on Yealink IP Phones
This guide provides detailed information for system administrators on how to set up enhanced
DSS keys (EDK) on Yealink IP phones.
The features introduced in this guide apply to Yealink SIP-T54S, SIP-T52S, SIP-T48G/S,
Enhanced DSS Keys (EDK) enables users to customize the functions of a phone’s DSS keys (line
keys, programmable keys and ext keys) and assign functions to custom soft keys. You can use
EDK to assign frequently-used function to DSS keys and custom soft keys or to create menu
shortcuts to frequently-used phone settings as needed.
The following shows the line keys and soft keys on SIP-T46G IP phones:
Application scenarios involve the following:
Adding new DSS keys or soft keys to simplify the operation of common telephony tasks
that may need more than one key press with the default configuration.
Removing certain default DSS keys or soft keys for the functions that may be redundant
or never used.
EDK provides a method of creating interactive macro call sequences that can be executed by the
The line keys are not applicable to SIP-T19(P) E2/CP860 IP phones. The ext keys are only applicable to SIP-T54S/T52S/T48G/T48S/T46G/T46S/T29G/T27P/T27G IP phones. And to customize the functions for ext keys, you have to connect the expansion module to the IP phone in advance.
Using Enhanced DSS Keys on Yealink IP Phones
The interactivity involves the following actions:
Gather input data from the phone's user.
Send SIP signaling requests to a call server (INVITE or REFER).
Cause the phone to perform certain operations such as hang-up a call or place a call on
Emulate a key press on the phone.
Understanding Macro Action Strings
The DSS keys and custom soft keys can be defined by the following macro action strings:
1. Digits
2. $C<command>$
3. $T<type>$
4. $M<macro>$
5. $S<softkey ID>$
6. $K<key name>$
7. $I<menu item ID>$
8. $P<label>&C<characters number allowed>&N&M$
9. $P<prompt num>N<num digits>$
10. $L<label>$
11. $LED<color and time>&L<label>$
Macro Action
The digits to be sent. You can use only *, #, +, 0-9. The
appearance of this parameter depends on the action
Example: *981135.
This is the command. It can appear anywhere in the
action string. Supported commands (or shortcuts)
hang up (hu)
hold (h)
waitconnect (wc)
pause <number of seconds> (p <num sec>) where
the maximum value is 10
Example: 4411$Cwc$$Cp10$ defines dialing
4411>>waitconnect>>connected and lasts 10 seconds.
Using Enhanced DSS Keys on Yealink IP Phones
Macro Action
The embedded action type. Multiple actions can be
defined. Supported action types include:
intercom (not applicable to CP860 IP phones)
Example: *338$Tdtmf$ defines sending the *338 by the
type of dtmf.
Note: We recommend that you always define this field.
If it is not defined, the supplied digits are dialed using
The embedded macro. The <macro> string must begin
with a letter. If the macro name is not defined, the
execution of the action string will be ignored.
Example: $MAA$ means invoking the EDK macro AA.
$S<softkey ID>$
The functionality of performing this action is the same
as that of pressing the desired soft key.
Each soft key has a unique identifier on the IP phone,
you can configure this parameter according to the
system-defined softkey ID. If the softkey ID is not
defined on the phone or there is no matched soft key on
the current screen, the execution of the action string will
be ignored. The softkey ID is case-insensitive.
Example: $Sanswer$ means pressing the Answer soft
Yealink IP phones support customizing soft keys. When
invoking a custom soft key, the prefix “#” must be
Example: If the custom softkey label is IVR1, the custom
softkey ID is custom_macro, then
$S#custom_macro$ means pressing the IVR1 soft key.
Note: To view the softkey ID, you can configure the
value of the parameter “edk.id_mode.enable” to 1
(Enabled) and then long press the Volume Up key when
the phone is idle. For more information, refer to
Configuring EDK ID Mode.
$K<key name>$
The functionality of performing this action is the same
as that of pressing the desired hard key.
Using Enhanced DSS Keys on Yealink IP Phones
Macro Action
Supported key names include:
LineKeyX (for SIP-T48G/S, X=1-29; for
SIP-T54S/T46G/T46S/T29G, X=1-27; for
SIP-T42G/T42S/T41P/T41S, X=1-15; for
SIP-T52S/T27P/T27G, X=1-21; for
SIP-T40P/T40G/T23P/T23G, X=1-3; for SIP-T21(P)
E2, X=1-2).
SoftKeyX (X ranges from 1 to 4)
DialPadX (X ranges from 0 to 9)
ExtX@Y (X stands for the serial number of
expansion module key, Y stands for the serial
number of expansion module; For
SIP-T48S/T48G/T46S/T46G/T29G: X ranges from 1
to 40, Y ranges from 1 to 6; For SIP-T54S/T52S: X
ranges from 1 to 60, Y ranges from 1 to 3; @Y can
be omitted if there is only one expansion module
connected to the phone.)
Menu (You can enter menu by executing this
command at any interface except the
non-executable situations. For example, entering
Using Enhanced DSS Keys on Yealink IP Phones
Macro Action
menu is blocked during an active call.)
Home (You can return back to idle screen by
executing this command at dialing screen for
SIP-T48G/S IP phones)
Example: $KDialPadPound$ means pressing the pound
Note: If a key (e.g., Redial key) is not found but the
function is available, perform the corresponding action.
If a key is not found and the function is unavailable, the
execution of the action string will be ignored.
$I<menu item ID>$
The action to position and enter the desired menu item.
Each menu item has a unique identifier on the IP phone,
you can configure this parameter according to the
system-defined menu item ID. If the menu item ID is not
defined on the phone or there is no matched menu item
on the current screen, the execution of the action string
will be ignored. The menu item ID is case-insensitive.
Example: $Istatus_list& means entering the Status
Note: To view the menu item ID, you can configure the
value of the parameter “edk.id_mode.enable” to 1
(Enabled) and then long press the Volume Up key when
the phone is idle. For more information, refer to
Configuring EDK ID Mode.
number allowed>&N&M$
The user input prompt string. Enable to prompt the
pop-up box, specify the label for the input box, specify
the maximum input characters, specify the character
type for the input box, and specify whether to mask the
input by the “*”.
“label” means the specified label for pop-up box.
“characters number allowed” defines the maximum
number of input characters.
If &N is included, the character type is Number (default
input method: 123). If &N is not included, the character
type is Text (default input method: abc), you can
manually change input method.
If &M is included, the input are masked by the “*”.
Example: $PEnter name&C3&N&M means prompting
an Enter name pop-up box, the maximum number of
input characters is 3, the input type is Number, and the
Using Enhanced DSS Keys on Yealink IP Phones
Macro Action
input is masked by the “*”.
$P<prompt num>N<num
This is a macro substitution string.
prompt num” means which EDK prompt is invoked. It
indicates the X as defined by “edk.edkprompt.X.enable”.
num digits” defines the number of digits or letters that
the user can enter. The user needs to press the Enter
soft key to complete data entry.
Example: $P2N5$ means invoking the EDK prompt 2
and inputting 5 characters at most.
Note: It works only if the EDK prompt has been
configured in advance. For more information, refer to
Defining an EDK Macro.
This is the label for the entire operation. The value can
be any string including the null string (in this case, no
label displays).
This label is used if no label is configured for a Custom
Key or soft key, otherwise this one is ignored. Make this
the first entry in the action string.
Example: $LEDK2$1234$Tinvite$ defines calling out
the number 1234 and using the label “EDK2” for a
Custom Key or soft key.
$LED<color and
(not applicable to SIP-T19(P) E2
IP phones)
The status of the BLF/BLF list key LED. Enable to specify
the LED color for the BLF/BLF list key, and specify the
duration time (in milliseconds) for the corresponding
status of the BLF/BLF list key. The valid value of the
duration time ranges from 100 to 60000ms.
Can be composed of multiple combination of “color”
and “time”. The status will be stuck in an infinite loop
until triggered by other macros.
Supported colors include (must be lowercase):
r (red)
ri (red; red with incoming mark for SIP-T48G/S)
ro (red; red with outgoing mark for SIP-T48G/S)
g (green)
gi (green; green with incoming mark for
go (green; green with outgoing mark for
Using Enhanced DSS Keys on Yealink IP Phones
Macro Action
o (off)
&L<label> (Optional.): You have to put the “&L<label>
last in the command flow.
Example: $LEDg1000o100r300&Lidle$ means an
infinite loop for BLF/BLF list key LED status: grow green
for 1000ms, be in the off state for 100ms and then glow
red for 300ms. At the same time, the label of the
BLF/BLF list key is changed to “idle”.
Note: The last “color” can be configured without “time”,
and it means permanently displaying the last color until
triggered by other macros. This macro can be only used
for BLF/BLF list feature.
Defining an EDK Macro
Before using EDK, you must be familiar with macro language shown in this section. For more
information, refer to Understanding Macro Action Strings.
Using the Enhanced DSS Keys (EDK) List parameters to define a macro is optional and is useful
when defining more than one soft key or DSS key.
The Enhanced DSS Keys (EDK) Prompt parameters must be used if interactivity with user is
implemented as part of any macro. If an EDK macro attempts to use a prompt that is disabled,
the macro execution will be ignored. A prompt is not required for every macro.
To configure EDK macro using configuration files:
1. Add/Edit EDK macro parameters in the configuration file (e.g., features.cfg).
The following table lists the information of parameters:
Permitted Values
Enhanced DSS Keys (EDK) Parameter
0 or 1
It enables or disables the Enhanced DSS Keys (EDK) feature.
Enhanced DSS Keys (EDK) List Parameters
Using Enhanced DSS Keys on Yealink IP Phones
Permitted Values
(X ranges from 1 to 255)
0 or 1
It enables or disables the Enhanced DSS Keys (EDK) macro X.
Note: It works only if the value of the parameter “features.enhanced_dss_keys.enable
is set to 1 (Enabled).
(X ranges from 1 to 255)
It configures the unique identifier used by the soft key or DSS key configuration to
reference the enhanced DSS keys entry for macro X.
It cannot start with a digit. This parameter must have a value, it cannot be left blank.
Note: If there are two or more same macros, the soft key or DSS key will invoke the
macro with a smallest value of X. It works only if the value of the parameter
features.enhanced_dss_keys.enable” is set to 1 (Enabled).
(X ranges from 1 to 255)
It configures the action string that contains a macro definition of the action that the
softkey or DSS key performs.
This parameter must have a value, it cannot be left blank. For a list of macro definitions
and example macro string, refer to Understanding Macro Action Strings.
Note: It works only if the value of the parameter “features.enhanced_dss_keys.enable
is set to 1 (Enabled).
Enhanced DSS Keys (EDK) Prompt Parameters
(X ranges from 1 to 10)
0 or 1
It enables or disables the Enhanced DSS Keys (EDK) prompt X.
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