1. Read this instruction manual in its en ti ret y before using the I/O Sign al Functions available in the
2. The following wa rni ng symbols are used to indicate precau ti ons th at the user must be aware of
to safely use this equipment. Failure to follow these pre cautions can result in seriou s or possi bly
even fatal injury and damage to products or related equipm e nt or systems.
This sym b ol indica tes the pre sence of a po tentially hazardous condition which, if not avoided,
could result in serious personal injury or death.
This precautionary symbol appears in labels attached to YASNAC products to alert the user to
conditions requiri ng concern for safety.
condition exists. DO NOT TOUCH any electrical connection terminals when the power is on, and
for at least 5 minutes after switching off the power supply. Warni ng l abe l is loc at ed on th e CN C
enclosure as shown:
Printed _______. 1999. The informatio n contained within this document is the proprietary property of
Yasakawa El ectric America, Inc. , and may not be copied, reproduced or transmit ted to other parties withou t
the expressed wr itte n authorization of Yasakawa Electric America, Inc .
No pattent liability is assumed with respect to the uses of the information contained herein. Moreover,
because Yaskawa is constantly improving its high quality product, the information contained in this manaul
is subject to chan ge without notice. Every precaution has been taken in th e preparation of thi s document.
Nevertheless, Yasakawa assumes no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of the information
contained wit hi n thi s publication.
This manual describe s the func tions of I/O signals between the YA SNA C PCNC and PLC. Read this
manual thoro ug h ly so that you wil l be able to use the YASNAC PCNC corr ec tly. Keep this manual in a
safe place and refer to it when ever necessa ry.
Refer to the following manuals when neces sary.
Name of ManualManual NumberContents
Instrucions for connecting YASNAC to machines,
Descri bes the basic configuration
and operational procedures.
Describes the necessary information
how to create a PCNC program.
Describes the PLC instructions and
the process for developing PLC programs
machine interface and external equipment.
Read this manual thoroughly before installing, operating, maintaining or inspecting the Y ASNAC
PCNC. Since the efficient and safe operation of a CNC machine tool is not d etermined by the CNC
only, it is important to also read the machine tool builder’s documentatio n about the machine to ol
condition exists. DO NOT TOUCH any electrical connection terminals when the power is on, and
for at least 5 minutes after switching off the power supply. Wa rni ng l abe l is located on the CNC
enclosure as shown:
YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual
Warning label is located on the CN C operator pane l (wi th 14” CRT) as shown:
This symbol indicates that care should be used in this area.
This instruction label appears o n the enclosure as follows:
Warning labe l is loc ated on the PCNC enclosure as show n:
YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 1: Feed Function
Feed Function
Chapter 1 describes the sign als related to the fe ed func ti on
YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 1: Feed Function
1.1 F-1 Digit Selection Signal
F-1 DigitF-1#30076
By the designation of a single-digit number (1 to 9) following address F, the feedrate corresponding to the designa ted numb er is selec ted. Actu al feedrates to be ca lled in res p ond to designated
one-digit numbers are set for setting parameters pm0820 to pm0828.
When the “F1” input signal is in the “closed state”, the currently selected feedrate can b e
increased or dec rea sed by turning the manu a l pu lse generator.
When the “F1” input signal is in the “ope n state”, it is not possible to change the feedrate by
turning the manua l pul se gene ra to r.
1. If the F1 digit fe ed function is selected , it is not possible to designate feedrates of
1mm/min. to 9mm/min. by the F function. In this case, designation is only possible for
feedrates of 10mm/min. or greater.
2. If the dry run swit c h is O N, t he fee dra te set for dry run operation is valid.
3. The feed override functi on is invalid when the F-1 digit feed function is used.
4. Feedrates set f or sett ing parame ters pm08 20 to pm082 8 rema in v alid even if t he p ower
is turne d OFF.
5. Feedrat es ca lled by the designati on F1 di gi t codes are clamped in t he following manner:
If a parameter in the range from pm0820 to pm 0923 exceeds the value set for pm2864, the feedrate to be calle d is cl amped at the valu e set for pm 2865. If a paramet er se tt ing in the range from
pm0824 to pm0828 exceeds the value set for pm2866, the feedrate to be called is clamped at the
value set for pm28 67.
If the value set for the maximum feed rat e se tt in g parameter for F-1 figit fe ed function is greate r
than the valu e set for the maximum feedrate setting parameter for the nor mal F function, the maximum feedrate for the F-1 digit feed func tion is clamped at the feed ra te set fo r the ma ximum feedrate setting parameter for the normal F function.
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 1: Feed Function
1.2 No. 2 G00 Mode Signal
No. 2 G00 Mode InputG002X to G0025#31010 to #31014
No. 2 G00 Mode OutputG002XS to G0025S#36280 to #36284
Axis feed in the G00 mode is controlled by the setting for parameters, i.e. feedrates, acceleration/
deceleration, time constants and S-curve accel/decel coefficients. This funtion has two sets of
parameters rela te d to the execution of the G0 0 code to control feedrate, and the effect of the
accel/decel time constant and S-curve accel/decel according to theinput signal (G002X to G0025).
1.2.1No. 2 G00 Mode Input Signal s (#31019 to #31014)
These signals cha nge over the control mode between the G00 and the second G00 cont rol
mode for the individual axes (X-axis to th e 5t h-axis).
If these sign als ar e “open” the G00 control mode is called.
If these sign als ar e “closed”, the second G00 control mode is called.
1.2.2No. 2 G00 Mode Input Signal s (#36280 to 36284)
These signals are second G00 control mode out pt ut si gna ls for the individual axes
(X-axis to the 5th-axi s).
If these sign als ar e “open” the G00 control mode is called.
If these sign als ar e “closed”, the second G00 control mode is called.
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 1: Feed Function
1.3 Feed Completed Output Signal
Feed Completed Output SignalDEN#35374
For the execution of a part in th e automatic mode, if an axis movement command isdesignated
with a M, S, T and/or B command in the same block , th is outp ut signal indicates the completion
of axis movement.
In a block where axis mo vemen t comm and is designa ted wit h a M, S, T and/ or B comma nd, if th e
axis movemen t co m ma nd has been completed eve n th ough a M, S, T and/or B comman d has not
been completed, the feed completed output DEN is “closed”.
When the FIN input is “opened” from th e “closed” state after the closing if the feed completed
output DEN, the M, S, T and/or B command is assum ed t o have been executed and the feed
comple ted outpu t D EN is “opened”.
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 1: Feed Function
1.4 Feed Override Input and Feedrate Override Cancel Input Signals
Feed Override Input SignalOV1 to OV16#30400 to #30404
Feed Override Input Cancel SignalOVC#30407
(1) Feedrate Override Input Signal
The feedrate override input signal ove rrri des feedrates specified in a part program in
increments of 10 % in the range from 0 to 549%. These input signals are valid in the
automatic mode.
YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 1: Feed Function
Feedrate Override Input Signal Table (conti nue d)
Note: The status of sign als is indicated by “0” or “1”.
0: Open
1: Closed
Feedrate overr ide value of 200% and greate r is opt ional.
(2) Feedrate Override Cancel Input Signal
Feedrate Override
(Automatic Mode)
The feedra te override cancel input signal fixs the override value at “100%”.
If the “OVC” inut signal is “closed”, cutting feed designated in a part program is
executed at t he feedrate sp ec ified in the progra m, regardless of t he status of the
feedrate overr ide input signals.
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 1: Feed Function
1.5 Pulse Handle Axis Selection Signals
HX to H5#30700 to #30704
Pulse Handle Axis Selection Signals
2HX to 2H5#30800 to #30804
3HX to #H5#30810 to #30814
(1) Pulse Handle Axis Selection Signal
The pulse han dle axis selection signals de sinate which of the ax es can be moved by the
operation of the pulse handle for mach ine s so equipped.
By “closing” the signal when the pul se ha ndle is selected, the corresponding axis can be
moved by turning the pul se ha ndl e. If more than one sign al is “closed” at the same time,
“closed ”signals is valid and the corresponding axis ca n be moved by turning the pulse
Prioriry of the Signals (highest to lowest): HX, HY, HZ, H4, H5
(2) Simultaneous 3-axis Pulse Handle Axis Selection Signal
If the machine is equipped with a simultaneous 3-axis feed pulse handle, up to three axes
can be moved at the same time when the signal is “closed”.
No. 1 pulse handle se lection (HX to H5)
No. 2 pulse handle sele ction (2HX to 2H5)
No. 3pulse handle selection (3HX to 3H5)
For each pulse handle axis selection, selection is possible only for one ax is.
If more than one pulse handle is selected for one a xi s, fe ed di sta nces generated by the sele ct ed
pulse handles will overl ap.
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 1: Feed Function
1.6 Rapid T raverse Override Input Signal
Rapid Traverse Override Input SignalROV1 to ROV4#30034 to #30036
The rapid traverse override input signal determines the rapid traverse rate used in the execution
of positioning in automatic operation of CNC program, and also for manual rapid traverse
operation with the RT input “closed”.
ROV4 can only be use d when the extension ov erride function (optio n) is sel ec ted.
pm2801 to pm2805 x pm2447 (%), or traverse set for pm2447 (see Note 2)
pm2801 to pm2805 x pm2448 (%)
pm2801 to pm2805 x pm2449 (%)
Note 1:The status of signals is indicated by “0” or “1”.
0: Open
1: Closed
Note 2:Interpretation of the val ue set fo r ppm 2447, used for determining the traverse rate F
is indicated below.
pm2000 D3= 0: The uni ts of the value set forpm2447 are “mm/min.”.
pm2000 D3= 1: The uni ts of the value set forpm2447 are “%”.
Feedrate set for
(Feedrate set for
pm2802) x 1/2
(Feedrate set for
pm2802) x 1/4
Feedrate set for
(Feedrate s et for
pm2803) x 1/2
(Feedrate s et for
pm2803) x 1/4
Feedrate set for
(Feedrate se t f or
pm2804) x 1/2
(Feedrate se t f or
pm2804) x 1/4
Feedrate set for
(Feedrate set for
pm2805) x 1/2
(Feedrate set for
pm2805) x 1/4
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 1: Feed Function
1.7Manual Feed Axis/Direction Selection Input Signal
+X to +5#30710 to #30714
Manual Feed Axis/Direction Selection Input Signal
-X to -5#30720 to #30724
The manual feed axis/direction selection input signals determine the direction of axis movement
and the axis to be m oved when the CNC is in t he jog mode, rapid traverse mode or manual step
feed mode.
When the “+” or “-” signals are “closed”, the correspondin g axes are move d. I f more than one
axis is selected, simultaneous axis movement is possible for up to the designated number or
simultaneously controllable axes.
If both the “+” or “-” sig n als of the selec ted axis are “closed” or “opened” at the
same time, the axis cannot be moved. If this occu rs during axis movement, the axis
decelerate s and stops.
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 1: Feed Function
1.8 Solid Ta p
Solid Tap ModeG93M#35381
Spindle Position Loop CommandSLPC#31174
Spindle Position Loop ModeSLPS#36512
Solid Tap Gear SelectionSTPGR#31155
(1) Solid Ta p Mod e Signal
The output signa l is in respon s e to the execution. At th e machin e, the spin dle start ( fo r w ard)
signal should be “opened” at this signal. Then return the spindle positin control loop command
input signal (SLPC ) aft er confirming that the spindle has been stopped by t he spind le ze rospeed signal.
1. If the spindle controller has a soft start circuit, cancel it at the same time when the SLPC is
“opened”, since acceleration an d deceleration are controlled by the NC.
2. All of the following input signals must be “closed”.
The signal is used to con fig ure the spindle position control loop in the NC.
When thi s input si gn al is “opened”, the CNC configur es the position control loop for the
spindle after confi rm ing that the spindle has stopped. It th en re turns the spindle positio n
control loop mode ou tp ut signa l (SL PS).
(3) Spindle Position Loop Mode Output Signal
The output signa l oc curs when the CNC has set the posit i on control loop for the spi ndl e t o
execute so l id tapping.
The executio n of the G93 block is com pleted by the outpu t of t his sig nal.
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 1: Feed Function
(4) Solid Tap Gear Selection Signal
For the machin e equipped withtw0-step gear range , it is possible to execute solid tapping in
both gear ranges A and B (Low and High ). When the signal is “open”, the A gear range is
selected, and when it is “closed”, the B gear range is se lected.
The signal must be set before the designation of the G93 (solid tap command) block. Once set,
the signal status must not b e changed until the solid tap mode is cancelled.
(5) Time Chart for Solid Tap Operation
Solid tap mode
G93 block G94 block
CNC program
1. The G93M signal is “opened” when the G93 block is executed with both the dry run and MST
function lock OFF.
2. The G93M signal is “closed” when the execut io n of the G94 block starts or the CNC is reset.
Spindle start
processing (NC)
3. The G93 block is assumed to have been completed when the SLPS is “opened”, and the pro-
gram advances to the next block.
4. The G94 block is assumed to have been completed when the SLPS is “closed”, and the pro-
gram advances to the next block.
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 2: Saving And Editing Programs
Chapter 2 describes the signa ls for stori n g and e ditin g programs.
This Page is left Blank Intentionally.
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 3: Operation And Display
Operation And Display
Chapter 3 describes the signals related to operation and display.
YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 3: Operation And Display
3.1 Calendar Output Signal
Calendar Output SignalCALEN1 TO CALEN4#35064 TO #35067
By comparing the internal calendar of the CNC with the parameter (date) setting and by
out-pu tting the result of the comparison, it is possible to dispa ly a message such as a regular
maintenance warni n g by using the sequence program.
The calendar is in the CNC. By comp ari ng the ca le ndar t o the data par amete r sett in g, th e
result of the comparison is output. If the parameter setting is smaller than the CNC calendar
value, the signals (CALEN1 to CALEN4) are output corresponding to the pa ram eter used
for comparison.
For such processing, up to fou r parameters can be used to save the ca le ndar data.
The following shows an example of calendar data settin g for a parameter:
The follow in g table shows th e relationship between the CNC calendar and the calendar signals to be output.
#35064The status of No. 1 calendar
*Output when the CNC calendar data exceed the setting for pm0905
#35065The status of No. 2 calendar
*Output when the CNC calendar data exceed the setting for pm0906
#35066The status of No.3 calendar
*Output when the CNC calendar data exceed the setting for pm0907
#35067The status of No. 1 calendar
*Output when the CNC calendar data exceed the setting for pm0908
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 3: Operation And Display
(2) Calendar Status
The relationship between the CNC calendar data and a parameter setting is indicated below.
Parame ter ValueI/O
Since the calendar da ta tre at e d as bi nary data, comparison is possible even if the mo nt h value
exceeds “12”or day value exce ed s “31”.
For example, if the setting for a parameter is “19999999”, and if the CNC calendar data is
“19960715” (July 15 ,1 996), comparison is made as indicated below.
19960715 - 19999999
Since the result of compari son is negative, the output i s “0” (status of the calendar).
T o clear the calendar status, reset an appropriate value for a calendar parameter. When a
value greater than the CNC calendar data is et, t h e s tatus of the calendar is cleared.
The parameters used as the calendar parameter are indicated below.
YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 4: M, S, T, and B Functio ns
M, S, T And B Functions
Chapter 4 desribes the signals for M, S, T, and B functions.
4.1 Input/Output Signals of M. S, T and B Code s4-2
4.2S5-Digit Command Input Signal4-5
4.3 Gear Range Se le ct ion Input and Output Signals4-9
4.4 Gear Shift Input and Spindle Fixed Speed Input Signals4-11
4.5 Spindle Speed Agre ed Input Signal4-12
4.6 Spindle Speed Override Input Signal s4-12
4.7 Binary Comma nd Input Signals4-14
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 4: M, S, T, and B Functio ns
4.1 Input/Output Signals of M,S,T and B Codes
(1) M, S, T and B Code Output Signals and M, S, T and B Code Re a d O ut put Signals
M code outputMA0 to MA9#35200 to #35211
S code outputSD00 to SDO23#36540 to #36567
Tcode outputTO to T19#35300 to #35323
B code outputB0 to B15#35330 to #35347
M code read outputMF#35350
S code read outputSF#36517
T code read outputTF#35357
B code read outputBF#35355
Kinds and Addresse s of M, S, T an d B Code Output Signals & Read Output Signals
These are output sign al s for the M, S, T and B commands specified in a program.
If a M, S, T and B command is read during the execution of a part program in the automatic
mode, then CNC outputs the signals according to the numeric value specified with address
M, S, T or B.
Then, the M, S, T or B code read ou tput sig nal is “closed” after the e lapse of the time se t fo r
a parameter.
In the case of an S4 digit comm an d, an S cod e sig na l an d S code read signal are not outpu t
since the output is a 12 bit no-c ont act output or analog out put for a S4 digi t command.
1.M commands for logic circuit processing (M90 to M99)
Neither M code nor MFA code is output. M codes are those for interna l processing of the
CNC, and accordin gly, they cannot be used as external M codes.
2.M decode output signa ls (M00R, M01R, M02R and M30R)
Among the M codes, if M00, M01, M02 or M30 is executed, the corre sponding M decode
output signals (M00R(# 35214); M01R(#35215); M 02R(#35216); M30R( #35 217) appear
in addition to the M code and M code read output signals. The M decode output signal is
“opened” at th e start of automatic operation or when the CNC is res et.
If an M command with a dec ode out put signal is specified to gether/along with an a xis
movement com m and in the same block, the M de code output signal appe ars only after the
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 4: M, S, T, and B Functio ns
completion of the specified axis movement although th e M code out put signal ap pears at
the start of the execution o f th at block.
An example of the M decode ou tpt is shown in Fig. 4.1.
Axis movement
M code output
M decode output
Cycle start or
restart signal
Fig. 4.1 M Decode Output Time Chart
(2)M, S, T and B Function Completion Inut Signals
These input signal s indicate the com leti on of a M,S,T or B command to the CNC.
Output sign als MF, S F,TF and BF are “opened” if input signal FIN is “closed” while th e M,
S, T and B code read (MF A, SF,TF and BF) output signal is “open”. Then, when input signal
FIN is “opened” after the confirmation of “opening” of the output signal, the CNC assumes
that the execution of M,S,T or B command has been competed and execures t h ye next step
1. The M code outptu signal is “opened” when the status of input signal FIN changes
from “closed” to “open”. For the S, T and B code outptut signals, the “open” or “closed ”
state is maintained.
2. For T and B codes, there are only bunary outputs and BCD outputs are not given.
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 4: M, S, T, and B Functio ns
(3)Time Chart of M, S, T and B Signals
(a) When an M command is specified:
M code output
Read output
FIN input
Fig. 4.2 M Code Signal Time Chart
(b) When an S,T and/or B com m an d is spe ci fied
To the next step
Fig. 4.2 S/T/B Code Signal Time Chart
(c) When M/S/T/B command is specified with a n axis movement comma nd in the same
4 - 4
YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 4: M, S, T, and B Functio ns
If an M/S/T/B command is specified along with an axis movement command in the same
block, the M/S/T/ B command is ex ec ut ed simultaneously with the axis move me nt.
Axis movement
To the ne xt st ep
M code output
M code read output
FIN input
Fig. 4.4 M/S/T/B Code Signal Time Chart when Specified with
an Axis Movement Command in the Same Block
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 4: M, S, T, and B Functio ns
4.2 S5-Digit Command Input Signal
S Code Analog Output Inverse InputSINV#31104
S Code Analog Output Status OutputSINVA#36500
Spindle Gear Range InputGR1 to GR4#31100 to #31103
The CNC outputs these signals to determine the rotation speed of the spindle motor for “S5-
digit non-cont ac t ou tpu t” or “S5-digit analog outpu t” signals.
GR1 to GR4 (#31100 to #31103) signals input the statu s of gea r ra nge to t he CNC to determine the spindle m otoe speed accordi ng to the sp indle speed specified in a pa rt program.
Input signal SINV is used to invert the polartiy of the analog output signal for the S5-di gi t
analog output spe ci fication.
The M04s (#3538d0) is “opened” at the start of the M03 command, and i t is “closed” at the
start of the M04 command.
(1) 24-bit Non-contact Output for S5-digit Command
In response to the specifi e d sp in dle spe ed a nd th e gear range input (GR1 to GR4), a 23-bit
binary code (0 to +8 388608: spindle speed ) is out put as show n in Fig. 4.5.
: Output when GR1 is “closed”.
The saturated spindle m ot or speed of gear range “GR1”
shoul d be
set for parameter pm1408.
: Output ehen GR2 is “closed”.
The saturated spindle m otor speed of gear range “GR2”
shoul d be
set for parameter pm1409.
: Output ehen GR3 is “closed”.
The saturated spindle m otor speed of gear range “GR3”
S Command
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 4: M, S, T, and B Functio ns
(2) Analog Output for S50-digit Command
In response to the specif ie d spindle speed and the gear range input (SINV), anal og voltage
(-10V to 0V to +10V) is ou tp ut a s shown in Fig. 4.6.
Spindle Motor Speed
Command Output
Spindle Speed
S Comm an d
: Output when GR1 is “closed”.
: Output ehen GR2 is “closed”.
: Output ehen GR3 is “closed”.
: Output ehen GR2 is “closed”.
Fig. 4.6 Analog Output fo r S5-di gi t Command
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YASNAC PCNC I/O Signal Function Manual Chapter 4: M, S, T, and B Functio ns
(3) Time Chart of SINV Inut and SINV Ouput
Analog voltage
100 msec. or shorter
Fig. 4.7 Time Chart of SINV Inut and SINV Ouput
(4) Spindle Speed Clamp
It is possible to set the maximum and minimum spindle speed with parameters for each
of the gear ranges.
Setting the Maximum and Minimum Spindle Speeds
ParameterDescriptionNos. in
pm1404Max. spindle speed when “GR1” input is “closed”
pm1405Max. spindle speed when “GR2” input is “closed”
pm1406Max. spindle speed when “GR3” input is “closed”
pm1407Max. spindle speed when “GR4” input is “closed”
pm1400Max. spindle speed when “GR1” input is “closed”
pm1401Max. spindle speed when “GR2” input is “closed”
pm1402Max. spindle speed when “GR3” input is “closed”
pm1403Max. spindle speed when “GR4” input is “closed”
An example of S5-digit analog output signa ls which are clamped by the set maximum and
minimum spindle speed is shown in Fig. 4.8.
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