Yard-Man 12A-556Q713 Owner’s Manual

Operator's Manual
21" Self Propelled
Mulching Mower
Model Series 556
IMPORTANT: Read safety rules and instructions carefully before operating equipment.
Warning: This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-
covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable local or state laws (if any), If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator,
FORM NO. 769-01608
Important Safe Operation Practices Slope Gauge Assembling Your Lawn Mower
Know Your Lawn Mower Operating Your Lawn Mower
Maintaining Your Lawn Mower
Page Content Page
3 Service & Adjustments 13
6 Off Season Storage 14
7 Trouble Shooting 15 9 Illustrated Parts List 16
10 Warranty 20 11
This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new lawn mower. It will help you assemble, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says.
Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the information from it in the space provided below. A sample model plate is
also given below. You can locate the model plate by standing at the operating position and
looking down at the rear of the deck. This information will be necessary to use the manufacturer's web site and/or help from the Customer Support Department or an authorized
service dealer.
Copy the model number here:
WITD LLCYaRD-MaN,f/P o Box3o,,3,
www.yardman.com 330-220-4683
Copy the serial number here:
Please doNOTreturntheunitto the retailer fromwhereit waspurchased,withoutfirstcontactingCustomerSupport.
If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenance of this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below:
Visit yardman.corn for many useful suggestions. Click on Customer Support button and you will get the four options reproduced here. Click on the appropriate button and help is
immediately available.
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If you prefer to reach a Customer Support Representative, please call 1-800-800-7310.
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looking Mr could be just a mouse crick away!
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The engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-related issues with regards to performance, power-rating, specifications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual, packed separately with your unit, for more
WARNING: This symbol points out important safety instructions which, if not followed, could endanger
the personal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in personal injury. When you see this symbol--HEED ITS WARNING.
WARNING: Engine exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit
chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
WARNING: This machine was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this
manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failure to observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death.
1. Read this operator's manual carefully in its entirety before attempting to assemble this machine. Read,
understand, and follow all instructions on the machine and in the manual(s) before operation. Be
completely familiar with the controls and the proper use of this machine before operating it. Keep this manual in a safe place for future and regular reference and for ordering replacement parts.
2. This machine is a precision piece of power equipment, not a plaything. Therefore, exercise
extreme caution at all times. Your unit has been designed to perform one job: to mow grass. Do not
use it for any other purpose.
3. Never allow children under 14 years old to operate
this machine. Children 14 years old and over
should read and understand the operation instructions and safety rules inthis manual and should be trained and supervised by a parent. Only responsible individuals who are familiar with these safe operation rules should use this machine.
4. Thoroughly inspect the area where equipment is to be used. Remove all stones, sticks, wire, bones,
toys and other foreign objects which could be tripped over or picked up and thrown by the blade.
Thrown objects can cause serious personal injury. Plan your mowing pattern to avoid discharge of material toward roads, sidewalks, bystanders and
the like. Also, avoid discharging material against a
wall or obstruction which may cause discharged material to ricochet back toward the operator.
5. To help avoid blade contact or a thrown object injury, stay inthe operator zone behind the handles and keep bystanders, helpers, children and pets at
least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation. Stop machine if anyone enters the area.
6. Always wear safety glasses to protect your eyes during equipment operation and while performing an adjustment or repair. Thrown objects which ricochet can cause serious injury to the eyes.
7. Wear sturdy, rough-soled work shoes and close- fitting slacks and shirts. Shirts and pants that cover the arms and legs and steel-toed shoes are
recommended. Never operate this machine in bare
feet, sandals, slippery or light weight (e.g. canvas) shoes.
8. Do not put hands or feet near rotating parts or
under the cutting deck. Contact with the blade can
amputate hands and feet.
9. A missing or damaged discharge cover can cause blade contact or thrown object injuries.
10. Many injuries occur as a result of the mower being pulled over the foot during a fall caused by slipping or tripping. Do not hold on to the mower if you are falling; release the handle immediately.
11. Never pull the mower back toward you while you are walking. If you must back the mower away from
a wall or obstruction first look down and behind to avoid tripping and then follow these steps:
a. Step back from the mower to fully extend
your arms.
b. Be sure you are well balanced with sure
c. Pull the mower back slowly, no more than
half way toward you.
d. Repeat these steps as needed.
5. Do not operate the mower while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
6. Do not engage the self-propelled mechanism on
units so equipped while starting engine.
7. The blade control handle is a safety device. Never attempt to bypass its operation. Doing so makes the safety device inoperative and may result in personal injury through contact with the rotating blade. The blade control handle must operate easily in both directions and automatically return to the disengaged position when released.
8. Never operate the mower in wet grass. Always be sure of your footing. A slip and fall can cause serious personal injury. If you feel you are losing
yourfooting,releasethebladecontrolhandle immediatelyandthebladewillstoprotatingwithin
9. Mowindaylightorgoodartificiallight;walk,notrun.
10.Stopthebladewhencrossinggraveldrives, walkwaysorroads.
11.Iftheequipmentshouldstarttovibrateabnormally, stoptheengineandcheckimmediatelyforthe cause.Vibrationisgenerallyawarningoftrouble.
catcheroruncloggingthechute.Thecuttingblade continuestorotateforafewsecondsafterthe
engineisshutoff.Neverplaceanypartofthebody inthebladeareauntilyouaresurethebladehas stoppedrotating.
13.Neveroperatemowerwithoutpropertrailshield, dischargecover,grasscatcher,bladecontrol handleorothersafetyprotectivedevicesinplace andworking.Neveroperatemowerwithdamaged safetydevices.Failuretodosocanresultin personalinjury.
14.Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcancausea burn.Donottouch.
15.Onlyusepartsandaccessoriesmadebythe originalequipmentmanufacturer(O.E.M).Failure
16.Ifsituationsoccurwhicharenotcoveredinthis manual,usecareandgoodjudgment.Contactyour
Slopes are a major factor related to slip and fall accidents which can result in severe injury. Operation on slopes requires extra caution. If you feel uneasy on a slope, do not mow it. Before operating this unit on a slope or hilly area, use the slope gauge on page 6 to measure slopes. If the slope is greater than 15 degrees,
do not mow it.
Mow across the face of slopes; never up and down. Exercise caution when changing direction.
Watch for holes, ruts, rocks, hidden objects, or bumps which can cause you to slip or trip. Tall grass can hide obstacles.
Always be sure of your footing. A slip and fall can cause serious personal injury. If you feel you are losing your balance, release the blade control handle immediately, and the blade will stop rotating
within 3 seconds.
1. Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches or embankments, you could lose your footing or
2. Do not mow slopes greater than 15 degrees as shown on the slope gauge.
3. Do not mow on wet grass. Unstable footing could cause slipping.
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to the presence of children. Children are often attracted to the mower and the mowing activity. They do not
understand the dangers. Never assume that children
will remain where you last saw them.
1. Keep children out of the mowing area and under the watchful care of a responsible adult other than the operator.
2. Be alert and turn mower off if a child enters the area.
3. Before and while moving backwards, look behind and down for small children.
4. Use extreme care when approaching blind corners, doorways, shrubs, trees, or other objects that may obscure your vision of a child who may run into the
5. Keep children away from hot or running engines. They can suffer burns from a hot muffler.
6. Never allow children under 14 years old to operate a power mower. Children 14 years old and over should read and understand the operation
instructions and safety rules in this manual and
should be trained and supervised by a parent.
1. To avoid personal injury or property damage use extreme care in handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive. Serious personal injurycan occur when gasoline is spilled on yourself or your clothes which can ignite.
2. Wash your skin and change clothes immediately.
3. Use only an approved gasoline container.
4. Never fill containers inside a vehicle or on a truck or trailer bed with a plastic liner. Always place
containers on the ground away from your vehicle before filling.
5. Ifpossible, remove gas-powered equipment from
the truck or trailerand refuel it on the ground. Ifthis
isnot possible, then refuel such equipment on a
trailer with a portable container, rather than from a
gasoline dispenser nozzle.
6. Keep the nozzle in contact with the rim of the fuel tank or container opening at all times until fueling is complete. Do not use a nozzle lock-open device.
7. Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other sources of ignition.
8. Never fuel machine indoorsbecause flammable vapors will accumulate in the area.
9. Neverremovegascaporaddfuelwhiletheengine ishotorrunning.Allowenginetocoolatleasttwo minutesbeforerefueling.
10.Neveroverfillfueltank.Filltanktonomorethan_/2 inchbelowbottomoffillernecktoprovidespacefor
12.Ifgasolineisspilled,wipeitofftheengineand equipment.Moveunittoanotherarea.Wait5 minutesbeforestartingtheengine.
13.Neverstorethemachineorfuelcontainerinside wherethereisanopenflame,sparkorpilotlightas
onawaterheater,spaceheater,furnace,clothes dryerorothergasappliances.
14.Toreducefirehazard,keepmowerfreeofgrass, leaves,orotherdebrisbuild-up.Cleanupoilorfuel spillageandremoveanyfuelsoakeddebris.
15.Allowamowertocoolatleast5minutesbefore storing.
1. Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly
ventilated area. Engine exhaust contains carbon
monoxide, an odorless and deadly gas.
2. Before cleaning, repairing, or inspecting, make certain the blade and all moving parts have stopped. Disconnect the spark plug wire and ground against the engine to prevent unintended starting.
3. Check the blade and engine mounting bolts at
frequent intervals for proper tightness. Also, visually inspect blade for damage (e.g., bent,
cracked, worn) Replace blade with the original equipment manufacture's (O.E.M.) blade only, listed in this manual. "Use of parts which do not meet the original equipment specifications may
lead to improper performance and compromise
4. Mower blades are sharp and can cut. Wrap the blade or wear gloves, and use extra caution when servicing them.
5. Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition.
6. Never tamper with safety devices. Check their proper operation regularly.
7. After striking a foreign object, stop the engine, disconnect the spark plug wire and ground against the engine. Thoroughly inspect the mower for any damage. Repair the damage before starting and operating the mower.
8. Never attempt to make a wheel or cutting height adjustment while the engine is running.
9. Grass catcher components, discharge cover, and trail shield are subject to wear and damage which could expose moving parts or allow objects to be thrown. For safety protection, frequently check components and replace immediately with original equipment manufacturer's (O.E.M.) parts only,
listed in this manual. "Use of parts which do not meet the original equipment specifications may lead to improper performance and compromise
10. Do not change the engine governor setting or overspeed the engine. The governor controls the
maximum safe operating speed of the engine.
11. Maintain or replace safety and instruction labels, as
12. Observe proper disposal laws and regulations.
Improper disposal of fluids and materials can harm
the environment.
Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand and follow the warnings and instructions inthis manual and on the machine.
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Do not mow on inclines with a slope in excess of 15 degrees (a rise of approximately 2-1/2 feet every 10 feet). A riding mower could overturn and cause serious injury. If operating a walk-behind mower on such a slope, it is extremely difficult to maintain your footing and you could slip, resulting in serious injury.
Operate RIDING mowers up and down slopes, never across the face of slopes.
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