Voice Mode
The Voice mode feat ures 1 0 0 authentic Voices.
Many of these Voices have special preset charac-
teristics or embellishments. The Voices are divided
into various cat egories depending on their charac-
teristics or the effects used.
Dual Voices (#41 - # 5 6 ) feature tw o Voices mixed
together in a layer for rich ensemble sounds. Split
Voices (# 57 - #67) also have t w o V oices, but rather
than being layered, each is played from a different
range of the keyboard. Sustain Voices (#68 - # 7 2 )
extend t he sound by adding a natural, slow re-
lease. Harmony Voices (#73 - # 8 5 ) have an addi-
tional one-, tw o- or t hree- note harmony added to
the original monophonic Voice. Finally, Echo
Voices (# 86 - #00) have an echo effect t hat adds
delayed repeats to the original Voice.
Included in the Voices are special PERCUSSION
Voices (# 40 and # 0 0 ) that lets you play various
drum and percussion sounds from the keyboard.
(Refer to the Percussion Assign List page 1 0 .)
Selecting a Voice
1. Press the VOICE button to select the Voice mode.
2 .Use the Numeric Keypad to select the desired
Voice number.
Each Voice is automatically called up with the
most suitable octave range setting. Thus, playing
middle C with one Voice may sound higher or
lower than another Voice at the same key.
3 . Play the newly selected Voice. To change to
another Voice, repeat step 2 above.
You can also play rhythm Styles in the Voice mode
by simply pressing the START/STOP button. The
Style last selected from the Style mode will be
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
The PortaTone is polyphonic up to a maximum of 12 notes.
(Depending on the Voice selected, fewer notes may be
available.) This includes not only the Voices played from the
keyboard, but also the notes in a Style pattern, and so on.
Thus, if you play too many notes at one time, some may not
sound and/or others may be cancelled.
About the Harmony Voices
Since Harmony Voices are designed to automatically
play two or more notes with the notes you play on
the keyboard, only one note can be played on the
keyboard at a time. If several notes are played
together, only the last note or highest note played
will be heard.
The type of harmony used depends on the Voice
that is selected. When a Style or Song/Jam Track is
not being played back, the basic key for the harmony
is always C. When a Style is played or the Stopped
Accompaniment function is active, the harmony
changes according to the chord played with the left
hand. When a Song is played back, the harmony
changes according to the chord progression of the
Song or Jam Track.