CHAPTER 4 Adjustment
1 Outline .................................................................... 4-1
1-1 Robot parameter settings ................................................................ 4-2
2 Setting the origin position ....................................... 4-3
2-1 Mark method (R-axis) ..................................................................... 4-4
2-2 Stroke end method (X, Z, Y axes) ................................................... 4-5
3 Adjustment of the belt tension ................................ 4-6
3-1 Adjustment of X,Y, Z axis motor belt tension .................................. 4-6
3-2 Adjustment of Z axis tip belt tension
(YP320X, YP320XR, YP330X, YP340X) .......................................... 4-7
3-3 Adjustment of Z axis tip belt tension (YP220BX, YP220BXR) .......... 4-8
3-4 Adjust the X-axis belt tension (YP220BX, YP220BXR)..................... 4-9
CHAPTER 5 Periodic Inspecition
1 Introduction ............................................................ 5-1
2 Inspection ............................................................... 5-3
2-1 Daily Checklist .............................................................................. 5-3
2-2 Six Month Inspection ..................................................................... 5-4
3 Replacement of Motor ............................................ 5-5
3-1 Replacement of X, Y, Z axis motors
(YP320X, YP330X, YP340X, YP320XR) .......................................... 5-5
3-2 Replacement of X and Z axis motor (YP220BX, YP220BXR) ........... 5-7
3-3 Replacement of R axis motor (YP220BXR, YP320XR, YP340X)....... 5-8
4 Belt replacement method ........................................ 5-9
4-1 Replacement of the X and Z axis belts
(YP320X, YP330X, YP340X, YP320XR) .......................................... 5-9
4-2 Replacement of Y axis belt (YP330X, YP340X) ............................. 5-10
4-3 Replacement of Z axis belt (YP220BX, YP220BXR) ....................... 5-11
4-4 Replacement of X axis belt (YP220BX, YP220BXR) ...................... 5-12
4-5 Replacement of Z axis tip section belt
(YP320X, YP330X, YP340X, YP320XR) ........................................ 5-13
4-6 Replacement of Z axis tip section belt (YP220BX, YP220BXR) ..... 5-14
5 Sample troubleshooting......................................... 5-15
6 Spare parts list....................................................... 5-17