UB-DXR15 / UB-DXR12 / UB-DXR10 / UB-DXR8
* Please keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.
Always follow the basic precautions listed below to avoid the possibility of serious injury or even death from electrical shock, short-circuiting,
damages, fire or other hazards. These precautions include, but are not limited to, the following:
• If the bracket arms are attached to the top and bottom surface of the speaker, do not install the speaker vertically.
Otherwise, the speaker weight may cause the bracket to bend.
Always follow the basic precautions listed below to avoid the possibility of physical injury to you or others, or damage to
the device or other property. These precautions include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Before doing any installation or construction work, consult with an installation expert.
• Make sure that the surface this bracket is being mounted on has the strength to handle the weight of both the speaker and this bracket.
• Use bolts and nuts as well as washers for installation and tighten them firmly so that the speaker is secure and does not move.
• Always loosen the corresponding screw before adjusting the angle or direction of the speaker. Never force this adjustment with the screw still
• Some fittings may deteriorate over extended periods of time due to wear and/or corrosion. For optimum safety, the installation should be
checked thoroughly at regular intervals.
Yamaha cannot be held responsible for damage or injury caused by insufficient strength of the support structure or improper installation.
* Illustrations herein are for explanatory purposes only, and may not match actual appearance during operation.
* Company names and product names herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
* Specifications and descriptions in this owner’s manual are for information purposes only. Yamaha Corp. reserves the right to change or modify
products or specifications at any time without prior notice. Since specifications, equipment or options may not be the same in every locale,
please check with your Yamaha dealer.
• スピーカーの天面と底面に取り付けた状態で地面に対して垂直方向にして使用しないでください。スピーカーの重量によってブラケットが
• 設置および取り付け工事につきましては、専門の業者に依頼してください。
• 取り付けの際は、取り付け面が重量に充分耐えられる強度があるか、確認の上で使用してください。
• 取り付けにはボルト、ナット、および座金を使用して、スピーカーが動かないように確実に締めてください。
• スピーカーの角度、方向の調節は、必ず該当するネジをゆるめてから行なってください。ネジをゆるめないで無理に動かさないでください。
• 安全にご使用いただくため、定期的に保守点検を行なってください。摩耗や腐食などにより、部品が劣化する場合があります。
* この取扱説明書に記載されている会社名および商品名は、各社の登録商標および商標です。
* この取扱説明書に掲載されているイラストは、すべて操作説明のためのものです。したがって実際の仕様と異なる場合があります。
* 仕様および外観は改良のため予告なく変更することがあります。

Hexagon bolt
Hexagon bolt
Hexagon bolt
Hexagon bolt
Thank you for purchasing a Yamaha product.
Before you attach the U bracket to your speaker, please be sure to read this Owner’s Manual.
Package Contents
I Brackets x 2
I Rubber spacers, 10mm thick x 2
I M5×10 screws with flat washer and spring washer x 4
I M5×16 screws with flat washer and spring washer x 2
I M8×25 hexagon bolts x 2
Installation Instructions
• Make sure that the wall surface is strong enough to support the
total weight of the speaker and the U bracket. Avoid attaching the
U bracket to drywall, such as acoustic tiles.
• Secure the speaker to the mounting structure with a properly
rated safety wire.
Vertical installation
1 Assemble two L-shaped brackets into a U-shape using
the included M5x10 screws as shown in the figure below.
Peel off the sheet from each rubber spacer, and then
attach the spacers to the inside of each bracket arm by
aligning the holes so that the hexagon bolts can be
I M8 flat washers x 2
I M8 spring washers x 2
I Bottom plate x 1
I Spacers x 2
I Owner’s Manual (this book)
4 Use the included M8x25 hexagon bolts, spring washers,
and flat washers to attach the speaker to the U bracket.
Use the bolt hole in the center of the handle on each
side of the speaker.
2 Make sure that the width of the U bracket matches the
speaker width.
3 Affix the U bracket on the wall or ceiling using
appropriate metal brackets and bolts.
These metal brackets or bolts are not included in the
package. If you are not sure what to use to affix the U
bracket, consult a specialist.
Use the bolt hole on each side of the speaker.
5 Adjust the speaker angle, then tighten the bolts until the
speaker is securely affixed.