Q: What type of fuel should I use for the Yamaha TZ125G1?
Answer: Use leads gasoline with an octane value not less than 100.
Q: oxo, am required oil on me fuel, if yes whats the ration that is required
A: yes you do oil. Castrol A747 mixing ratio is 20:1 which is tw0 twenty to one.
Q: What is the maximum oil that can be used for the transmission?
A: For Let us say, the periodic oil replacement capacity for the transmission is Litre S, o2-3.
Q: What say thee regarding the capacity of the cooling system for the engine?
A: The amount of water in conjunction with all routes and ramge points norm to allow is 0 sus range, i.
Q: What would be the weight of a motorcycle just before it can start?
A: The gross weight as at the engine oil with a tank full of fuel is 81 kilograms.
Q: How high is the saddle on the Yamaha TZ125G1?
A: The yamaha tz125g1 saddle is mounted in a height of 710mm.
Q: Can you tell me just how a cold bike can be brought to start
A: Observance should be made to the appropriate instructions for cold starting procedures in the supplement tram domain.
Q: Is it possible to add any type of engine oil when mixing?
A: No, do not mix with other oils or engine oil except Castrol A747.
Q: What other modifications aside this are required to be done on regular basis?
A: Other periodic checks include transmission oil level clutch adjustment throttle cable adjustment.