Yamaha SU10 User's Manual

M.D.G., EMI Division ©Yamaha Corporation 1995 VU37330 709CRIT11.2-03B0 Printed in Japan
1 Dogs and cats German shepherd
2 Wild animals Forest wolf
3 Horses, cows, pigs Horse (whinny)
4 Monkeys Chimpanzee
5 Birds 1 Asian cock
6 Birds 2 Bluejay
7 Laughter Laughter 1
Samoyed Cat (domestic) Mountain cat (snarling)
Jaguar Black panther Lion (growling)
Horse (neighing) Horse (galloping) Cow (mooing) Pig (snorting)
(chattering excitedly)
Rooster (crowing) Chick Parrot (“hello”) Goose
Hawk Eagle Loon
Laughter 2 Laughter (comical) Laughter (applause)
* Each sound is played back twice.
8 Anger Anger
9 Crying Crying 1
@ Cheering Cheering 1
A Shouting 1 Shout (male)
B Shouting 2 Halloo!
Sneezes, coughs, yawns
Sighs, breathing, gargling
Anger (female) Booing
Crying 2
Cheering 2 Cheering on
Shout (female) Surprise (male) Surprise (female) Karate
Yee-hah! What? Wow! Hey! No! Whoops!
Sneeze Cough Hiccup Yawn (male) Yawn (female)
Sigh (male) Sigh (female) Breathing Gargling
E Eating and drinking Eating
Eating (apple) Drinking
F Kissing Kissing
G Babies Baby (talking)
Baby (laughing) Baby (crying)
H Applause Applause (sparse)
Applause (hearty)
I Knuckle cracking Knuckle cracking
punching Punch 1
Punch 2
J Footsteps Footsteps
(leather shoes) Footsteps (high heels) Tap dancing
K Doors Door
(open and close) 1 Door (open and close) 2 Jail door (open and close) Keys (jangling) Lock (locking) Doorbell (“ding-dong”)
L Windows, curtains Window
drawers, shelves (open and close)
M Umbrella Umbrella
N Cameras Camera (shutter)
O Clocks
P Telephones Telephone (ringing)
Q Switches Switch (ON, OFF)
R Cards and Cards
slot machines (being shuffled)
Blinds (open and close) Curtains (open and close) Drawer (open and close) China cabinet
(open and close)
Camera (instant)
Clock (ticking seconds) Stopwatch (start, stop) Stopwatch (ticking)
Telephone (ringing signal) Telephone (busy signal) Telephone (answering machine tone)
Slot machine (triple jackpot)
S Drinks Beer (bottle of beer)
T Can openers, Can opener (electric)
aerosol cans Aerosol can
U Baseball Baseball (batting)
V Sports 1 Football
W Sports 2 Basketball
X Sports 3 Ice hockey
Y Sports 4 Tennis
Z Sports 5 Fencing
[ Sports 6 Swimming
\ Automobiles Start engine 1
(engines) Start engine 2
] Automobiles (horns) Car horn 1
` Automobiles (doors)
a Automobiles Windshield wipers
(wipers, turn signals) Turn signal
Automobiles (passing)
c Automobiles Tire squealing
(squeals, brakes) Slam on the brakes
d Motorcycles
e Trains Train (clickety-clack)
f Airplanes Cessna (passing)
Beer (opening a beer can) Wine (pulling the cork) Champagne (pulling the cork) Soda (twisting the cap) Soda (pouring) Automatic vending machine (purchasing)
(shaving cream) Aerosol can (whipped cream) Balloon (blowing up) Balloon (deflating)
Baseball (catching)
Soccer Football (cheerleader’s horn)
Golf (swing) Golf (putting) Golf (into the hole) Bowling
Squash Badminton Ping-Pong
Billiards Curling Archery Darts
Swimming (dive in) Skiing
Car horn 2
Car door open and shut Power windows open and shut
Passing F1 racing
Motorcycle (start engine) Motorcycle (passing) Motorcycle (racing)
Train (passing)
Dual propeller (passing) Jet (passing)
g Helicopters Helicopter (passing)
Helicopter (hovering)
h Boats Boat (passing)
Boat (steam horn)
i Guns Gun 1
Gun 2 Shotgun Machine gun
j Cannons Artillery
k Explosions Explosion 1
Explosion 2
l Car crashes, Car crash 1
glass breaking Car crash 2
Glass breaking 1 Glass breaking 2
m Fire, firecrackers Fire (fireplace)
Fire (forest fire) Firecrackers
n Tearing Tearing cloth
o Power tools 1 Saw
Electric saw Electric drill Electric nailer
p Power tools 2 Pneumatic hammer
Pile driver Chain saw
q Rain, thunder, wind Rain (light rain)
Rain (heavy rain) Thunder Thundershower Wind Wind (storm)
r Rivers, waterfalls, River (murmuring)
ocean River (rapids)
Waterfall (small) Waterfall (Niagara) Ocean (small waves) Ocean (large waves)
s City shopping City shopping area
Cash register
t Bars Bar (small group)
u Parks, Park
construction sites Construction site
v Traffic Traffic (light)
Traffic (heavy)
w Rural Rural
x Jungle Jungle
y Dripping water Dripping (cave)
Dripping (bathroom)
z Sound effects 1 Pounding (wood)
(pounding) Pounding (metal)
Pounding (electronic sound)
{ Sound effects 2 Crushing
(crushing, slamming) Slam
| Sound effects 3 Space
(space) Space (“byonggg”)
} Sound effects 4 Accent 1
(accents) Accent 2
~ Sound effects 5 Byonggg 1
(“byonggg”) Byonggg 2
å Sound effects 6 Whistle 1
(whistles) Whistle 2
ç Sound effects 7 Glockenspiel
(glockenspiel, bicycle horn)
Drum loops 1 Drum Loop 1
¢ Drum loops 2 Drum Loop 5
£ Drum loops 3 Drum Loop 9
§ Metallic percussion loops
Wood percussion loops
Drum percussion loops
Space (takeoff) Space (departing) Space (laser gun)
Byonggg 3 Byonggg 4
Swoosh-thud Siren whistle Descending Ascending
Bicycle horn
(136 BPM) Drum Loop 2 (136 BPM) Drum Loop 3 (136 BPM) Drum Loop 4 (84 BPM)
(136 BPM) Drum Loop 6 (120 BPM) Drum Loop 7 (108 BPM) Drum Loop 8 (108 BPM)
(96 BPM) Drum Loop 10 (96 BPM) Drum Loop 11 (74 BPM) Drum Loop 12 (120 BPM)
Percussion Loop 1 Percussion Loop 2 Percussion Loop 3 Percussion Loop 4
Percussion Loop 5 Percussion Loop 6
Percussion Loop 7 Percussion Loop 8 Percussion Loop 9 Percussion Loop 10 Percussion Loop 11 Percussion Loop 12
ß Techno 1 CS30-1
CS30-2 CS30-3
® Techno 2 CS30-4
CS30-5 CS30-6 CS30-7
© Hip-hop loops 1 Aerosol Weird
Hip-hop loops 2 Bellgroove 1 (fat)
Bellgroove 2 (thin)
¥ Hip-hop loops 3 Dirty 1
Dirty 2 Noisy Pavement Beat
µ Hip-hop loops 4 Jangly 1
Jangly 2 (kick) Jangly 3 (hard)
º Hip-hop loops 5 Heavy 1 (sub)
Heavy 2 (twist)
æ Hip-hop loops 6 QuikDub 1 (Hi)
QuikDub 2 (Lo)
ø Hip-hop loops 7 Ruff 1
Ruff 2 (Kick) Ruff 3 (SnareGate)