Liste der Artikulationen für S.Art2!-Voices
Liste relative à la sonorité Super Articulation S.Art2!
Elenco articolazioni voci S.Art2!
S.Art2! Voice Articulation-lijst
Lista brzmień S.Art2! ................................................................................................
Drum/SFX Kit List
Liste des kits de batterie/SFX
Elenco dei kit di batteria/SFX
Drum/SFX Kit-lijst
Lista zestawów perkusyjnych/efektów......................................................................
Style List
Liste der Styles
Liste des styles
Elenco degli stili
Lista stylów...............................................................................................................
Multi Pad Bank List
Liste des banques mutli-pads
Elenco dei banchi multipad
Pulti Pad Bank-lijst
Lista sekwencji Multi Pad .........................................................................................
Ensemble Voice List
Liste der Ensemble-Voices
Liste des sonorités Ensemble Voice
Elenco delle voci di gruppo
Ensemble Voice-lijst
Lista brzmień zespołowych ......................................................................................
Chord Types Recognized in the Fingered Mode
Im Fingered-Modus erkannte Akkordarten
Types d’accords reconnus en mode Fingered
Tipi di accordi riconosciuti in modalità Ditteggiatura
Herkende akkoordtypes in Fingered-modus
Typy akordów rozpoznawane w trybie Fingered ......................................................
Effect Type List
Liste der Effekttypen
Liste des types d’effet
Elenco dei tipi di effetti
Effect Type-lijst
Lista rodzajów efektów .............................................................................................
Effect Parameter List
Liste der Effektparameter
Liste des paramètres d’effets
Elenco dei parametri di effetti
Effect Parameter-lijst
Lista parametrów efektów ........................................................................................
Effect Data Assign Table
Tableau d’assignation des données d’effets
Tabella assegnazione dati degli effetti
Effect Data Assign-tabel
Tabela przypisania danych efektów..........................................................................
Keyboard Harmony/Arpeggio Type List
Tastatur Harmonie/Liste der Arpeggio-Typen
Harmonie clavier/Liste de types d'arpège
Armonia della tastiera/Elenco dei tipi di arpeggio
Toetsenbord Harmonie/Lijst met arpeggiotypen
Harmonia klawiatury/Lista rodzajów arpeggia ..........................................................
Vocal Harmony Parameter List
Liste der Vokalharmonie-Parameter
Liste des paramètres liés à l’harmonie vocale
Elenco dei parametri di armonia vocale
Vocal Harmony Parameter-lijst
Lista parametrów harmonii wokalnej ........................................................................
Parameter Chart
Tableau des paramètres
Prospetto di parametri
Format des données MIDI
Formato dati MIDI
Format danych MIDI .................................................................................................
Song Meta Event List
Liste der Meta-Events der Songs
Liste des méta-événements des morceaux
Elenco dei metaeventi song
Song Meta Event-lijst
Lista metadanych utworu .......................................................................................
Song System Exclusive Message List
Liste der System-Exclusive-Meldungen der Songs
Liste des messages exclusifs au système de morceaux
Elenco di System Exclusive message song
Song System Exclusive Message-lijst
Lista komunikatów System Exclusive dla utworu ..................................................
MIDI Implementation Chart
MIDI Implementation Chart
Prospetto di implementazione MIDI
MIDI Implementation-tabel
Note 36–95pmfflegatospiccato mfspiccato ftremolo glissando down
Genos Data List
S.Art2! Voice Articulation List / Liste der Artikulationen fürS.Art2!-Voices /
Liste relative à la sonorité Super ArticulationS.Art2! / Elenco articolazioni voci S.Art2! /
S.Art2! Voice Articulation-lijst / Lista brzmień S.Art2!
Bend F: Bend Fast, Bend M: Bend Middle, Bend S: Bend Slow, -: No Assign
Genos Data List
S.Art2! Voice Articulation List / Liste der Artikulationen für S.Art2!-Voices / Liste relative à la sonorité Super Articulation S.Art2! / Elenco articolazioni voci S.Art2! / S.Art2! Voice
Bend F: Bend Fast, Bend M: Bend Middle, Bend S: Bend Slow, -: No Assign
Key OnKey Off
Genos Data List
Drum/SFX Kit List / Drum/SFX-Kit-Liste / Liste des kits de batterie/SFX / Elenco dei kit di batteria/SFX /
*1 Alternate Group:
1–95: Playing any instrument within a numbered group will immediately stop the sound of any other instrument in the same group of the same number.
96–127: For these numbers, playing within a specific numbered group will NOT stop other instrument sounds in the same group number. However, the sound of instruments within these
numbers are stopped when playing any instrument of a group whose number is that minus “32.” For example, the sound of an instrument numbered “96” will be stopped by playing
any instrument numbered “64.”
*2 Key Off: Keys marked “” stop sounding the instant they are released.
*3 Revo!: Keys marked “” sound different each time the same key is played, so that the sound is more natural.
Same as StandardKit No So und
Drum/SFX Kit-lijst / Lista zestawów perkusyjnych/efektów
MSB (0–127)127127127127
LSB (0–127)0000
PC# (1–128)1259
Note# Note
13C#-1C#0Surdo Mute3Surdo Mute3Surdo Mute3Surdo Mute3
14D-1D0Surdo Open3Surdo Open3Surdo Open3Surdo Open3
15D#-1D#0Hi QHi QHi QHi Q
16E-1E0Whip SlapWhip SlapWhip SlapWhip Slap
17F-1F0Scratch H4Scratch H4Scratch H4Scratch H4
18F#-1F#0Scratch L4Scratch L4Scratch L4Scratch L4
19G-1G0Finger SnapFinger SnapFinger SnapFinger Snap
20G#-1G#0 Click NoiseClick NoiseClick NoiseClick Noise
21A-1A0Metronome ClickMetronome ClickMetronome ClickMetronome Click
22A#-1A#0Metronome BellMetronome BellMetronome BellMetronome Bell
23B-1B0Seq Click LSeq Click LSeq Click LSeq Click L
24C0C1Seq Click HSeq Click HSeq Click HSeq Click H
25C#0C#1 Brush TapBrush TapBrush TapBrush Tap
26D0D1Brush SwirlBrush SwirlBrush SwirlBrush Swirl
27D#0D#1Brush SlapBrush SlapBrush SlapBrush Slap
28E0E1Brush Tap SwirlBrush Tap SwirlBrush Tap SwirlBrush Tap Swirl
29F0F1Snare RollSnare RollSnare RollSnare Roll
30F#0F#1 CastanetCastanetCastanetCastanet
31G0G1Snare SoftSnare Soft 2Snare ElectroSnare Soft
33A0A1Kick SoftKick SoftKick Tight LKick Soft
34A#0A#1 Open Rim Shot
35B0B1Kick TightKick TightKick WetKick Tight
36C1C2KickKick ShortKick Tight HKick
37C#1C#2 Side StickSide Stick LightStick AmbientSide Stick
38D1D2SnareSnare ShortSnare AmbientSnare Snappy
39D#1D#2 Hand ClapHand ClapHand ClapHand Clap
40E1E2Snare TightSnare Tight HSnare Tight 2Snare Tight Snappy
41F1F2Floor Tom LFloor Tom LHybrid Tom 1Tom Room 1
42F#1F#2 Hi-Hat Closed1Hi-Hat Closed1Hi-Hat Closed 21Hi-Hat Closed1
43G1G2Floor Tom HFloor Tom HHybrid Tom 2Tom Room 2
44G#1G#2 Hi-Hat Pedal1Hi-Hat Pedal1Hi-Hat Pedal 21Hi-Hat Pedal1
45A1A2Low TomLow TomHybrid Tom 3Tom Room 3
46A#1A#2 Hi-Hat Open1Hi-Hat Open1Hi-Hat Open 21Hi-Hat Open1
47B1B2Mid Tom LMid Tom LHybrid Tom 4Tom Room 4
48C2C3Mid Tom HMid Tom HHybrid Tom 5Tom Room 5
49C#2C#3 Crash Cymbal 1Crash Cymbal 1Crash Cymbal 1Crash Cymbal 1
50D2D3High TomHigh TomHybrid Tom 6Tom Room 6
51D#2D#3 Ride Cymbal 1Ride Cymbal 1Ride Cymbal 1Ride Cymbal 1
52E2E3Chinese CymbalChinese CymbalChinese CymbalChinese Cymbal
53F2F3Ride Cymbal CupRide Cymbal CupRide Cymbal CupRide Cymbal Cup
54F#2F#3TambourineTa m bo u ri neTambourine LightTambourine
55G2G3Splash CymbalSplash CymbalSplash CymbalSplash Cymbal
57A2A3Crash Cymbal 2Crash Cymbal 2Crash C ymbal 2Crash Cymbal 2
59B2B3Ride Cymbal 2Ride Cymbal 2Ride Cymbal 2Ride Cymbal 2
60C3C4Bongo HBongo HBongo HBongo H
61C#3C#4Bongo LBongo LBongo LBongo L
62D3D4Conga H MuteConga H MuteConga H MuteConga H Mute
63D#3D#4 Conga H OpenConga H OpenConga H OpenConga H Open
64E3E4Conga LConga LConga LConga L
65F3F4Timbale HTimbale HTimbale HTimbale H
66F#3F#4 Timbale LTimbale LTimbale LTimbale L
67G3G4Agogo HAgogo HAgogo HAgogo H
68G#3G#4 Agogo LAgogo LAgogo LAgogo L
70A#3A#4 MaracasMaracasMaracasMaracas
71B3B4Samba Whistle HSamba Whistle HSamba Whistle HSamba Whistle H
72C4C5Samba Whistle LSamba Whistle LSamba Whistle LSamba Whistle L
73C#4C#5 Guiro ShortGuiro ShortGuiro ShortGuiro Short
74D4D5Guiro LongGuiro LongGuiro LongGuiro Long
75D#4D#5 ClavesClavesClavesClaves
76E4E5Wood Block HWood Block HWood Block HWood Block H
77F4F5Wood Block LWood Block LWood Block LWood Block L
78F#4F#5 Cuica MuteCuica MuteCuica MuteCuica Mute
79G4G5Cuica OpenCuica OpenCuica OpenCuica Open
80G#4G#5 Triangle Mute2Triangle Mute2Tri angle Mut e2Triangle Mute2
81A4A5Triangle Open2Triangle Open2Triangle Open2Triangle Open2
82A#4A#5 ShakerShakerShakerShaker
83B4B5Jingle BellsJingle BellsJingle BellsJingle Bells
84C5C6Bell TreeBell TreeBell TreeBell Tree
Open Rim Shot H Short
Snare PitchedOpen Rim Shot
Genos Data List
Drum/SFX Kit List / Drum/SFX-Kit-Liste / Liste des kits de batterie/SFX / Elenco dei kit di batteria/SFX / Drum/SFX Kit-lijst / Lista zestawów perkusyjnych/efektów
*1 Alternate Group:
1–95: Playing any instrument within a numbered group will immediately stop the sound of any other instrument in the same group of the same number.
96–127: For these numbers, playing within a specific numbered group will NOT stop other instrument sounds in the same group number. However, the sound of instruments within these
numbers are stopped when playing any instrument of a group whose number is that minus “32.” For example, the sound of an instrument numbered “96” will be stopped by playing
any instrument numbered “64.”
*2 Key Off: Keys marked “” stop sounding the instant they are released.
*3 Revo!: Keys marked “” sound different each time the same key is played, so that the sound is more natural.
Same as StandardKit No So und
MSB (0–127)127127127127
LSB (0–127)0000
PC# (1–128)17252628
Note# Note
13C#-1C#0Surdo Mute3Surdo Mute3Surdo Mute3Kick Dance 1
14D-1D0Surdo Open3Surdo Open3Surdo Open3Kick Dance 2
15D#-1D#0Hi QHi QHi QHi Q
16E-1E0Whip SlapWhip SlapWhip SlapWhip Slap
17F-1F0Scratch H4Scratch H4Scratch H4Scratch Dance 1
18F#-1F#0Scratch L4Scratch L4Scratch L4Scratch Dance 2
19G-1G0Finger SnapFinger SnapFinger SnapFinger Snap
20G#-1G#0 Click NoiseClick NoiseClick NoiseClick Noise
21A-1A0Metronome ClickMetronome ClickMetronome ClickDance Perc 1
22A#-1A#0Metronome BellMetronome BellMetronome BellReverse Dance 1
23B-1B0Seq Click LSeq Click LSeq Click LDance Perc 2
24C0C1Seq Click HSeq Click HSeq Click HHi Q Dance 1
25C#0C#1 Brush TapBrush TapBrush TapSnare Analog 3
26D0D1Brush SwirlBrush SwirlBrush SwirlVinyl Noise
27D#0D#1 Brush SlapBrush SlapBrush SlapSnare Analog 4
28E0E1Brush Tap SwirlReverse CymbalReverse CymbalReverse Cymbal
29F0F1Snare RollSnare RollSnare RollReverse Dance 2
30F#0F#1 CastanetHi Q 2Hi Q 2Hi Q 2
31G0G1Snare Noisy
32G#0G#1 SticksSticksSticksSnare Dance 1
33A0A1Kick SoftKick 3Kick 3Kick Techno Q
34A#0A#1 Open Rim ShotOpen Rim ShotOpen Rim ShotRim Gate
35B0B1Kick 2Kick GateKick Analog ShortKick Techno L
36C1C2Kick GateKick Gate HeavyKick AnalogKick Techno
37C#1C#2 Side StickSide StickSide Stick AnalogSide Stick Analog
38D1D2Snare RockSnare Noisy 2Snare AnalogSnare Clap
39D#1D#2 Hand ClapHand ClapHand ClapDance Clap
40E1E2Snare Rock TightSnare Noisy 3Snare Analog 2Snare Dry
41F1F2Tom Rock 1Tom Electro 1Tom Analog 1Tom Dance 1
42F#1F#2 Hi-Hat Closed1Hi-Hat Closed1
43G1G2Tom Rock 2Tom Electro 2Tom Analog 2Tom Dance 2
44G#1G#2 Hi-Hat Pedal1Hi-Hat Pedal1
45A1A2Tom Rock 3Tom Electro 3Tom Analog 3Tom Dance 3
46A#1A#2 Hi-Hat Open1Hi-Hat Open1
47B1B2Tom Rock 4Tom Electro 4Tom Analog 4Tom Dance 4
48C2C3Tom Rock 5Tom Electro 5Tom Analog 5Tom Dance 5
49C#2C#3 Crash Cymbal 1Crash Cymbal 1Crash AnalogCrash Analog
50D2D3Tom Rock 6Tom Electro 6Tom Analog 6Tom Dance 6
51D#2D#3 Ride Cymbal 1Ride Cymbal 1Ride Cymbal 1Ride Cymbal 1
52E2E3Chinese CymbalChinese CymbalChinese CymbalChinese Cymbal
53F2F3Ride Cymbal CupRide Cymbal CupRide Cymbal CupRide Cymbal Cup
54F#2F#3 TambourineTam b ou ri n eTambourineTambourine Analog
55G2G3Sp lash CymbalSpl ash CymbalSplash CymbalSplash Cymbal
56G#2G#3 CowbellCowbellCowbell AnalogCowbell Dance
57A2A3Crash Cymbal 2Crash Cymbal 2Crash Cymbal 2Crash Cymbal 2
58A#2A#3 VibraslapVibraslapVibraslapVibraslap Analog
59B2B3Ride Cymbal 2Ride Cymbal 2Ride Cymbal 2Ride Analog
60C3C4Bongo HBongo HBongo HBongo Analog H
61C#3C#4 Bongo LBongo LBongo LBongo Analog L
62D3D4Conga H MuteConga H MuteConga Analog HConga Analog H
63D#3D#4 Conga H OpenConga H OpenConga Analog MConga Analog M
64E3E4Conga LConga LConga Analog LConga Analog L
66F#3F#4 Timbale LTimbale LTimbale LTimbale L
67G3G4Agogo HAgogo HAgogo HAgogo H
68G#3G#4 Agogo LAgogo LAgogo LAgogo L
70A#3A#4 MaracasMaracasMaracas 2Maracas 2
72C4C5Samba Whistle LSamba Whistle LSamba Whistle LSamba Whistle L
73C#4C#5 Guiro ShortGuiro ShortGuiro ShortGuiro Short
74D4D5Guiro LongGuiro LongGuiro LongGuiro Long
75D#4D#5 ClavesClavesClaves 2Claves 2
76E4E5Wood Block HWood Block HWood Block HDance Perc 3
77F4F5Wood Block LWood Block LWood Block LDance Perc 4
78F#4F#5 Cuica MuteScratch H 2Scratch H 2Dance Breath 1
79G4G5Cuica OpenScratch L 2Scratch L 2Dance Breath 2
80G#4G#5 Triangle Mute2Triangle Mute2Tri an gle Mu te2Triangle Mute2
81A4A5Triangle Open2Triangle Open2Triangle Open2Triangle Open2
82A#4A#5 ShakerShakerShakerShaker
83B4B5Jingle BellsJingle BellsJingle BellsJingle Bells
84C5C6Bell TreeBell TreeBell TreeBell Tree
Drum/SFX Kit List / Drum/SFX-Kit-Liste / Liste des kits de batterie/SFX / Elenco dei kit di batteria/SFX / Drum/SFX Kit-lijst / Lista zestawów perkusyjnych/efektów
*1 Alternate Group:
1–95: Playing any instrument within a numbered group will immediately stop the sound of any other instrument in the same group of the same number.
96–127: For these numbers, playing within a specific numbered group will NOT stop other instrument sounds in the same group number. However, the sound of instruments within these
numbers are stopped when playing any instrument of a group whose number is that minus “32.” For example, the sound of an instrument numbered “96” will be stopped by playing
any instrument numbered “64.”
*2 Key Off: Keys marked “” stop sounding the instant they are released.
*3 Revo!: Keys marked “” sound different each time the same key is played, so that the sound is more natural.
Same as StandardKit No So und
MSB (0–127)127127127127
LSB (0–127)0000
PC# (1–128)33414249
Note# Note
13C#-1C#0Surdo Mute3Surdo Mute3Surdo Mute3Surdo Mute3
14D-1D0Surdo Open3Surdo Open3Surdo Open3Surdo Open3
15D#-1D#0Hi QHi QHi QHi Q
16E-1E0Whip SlapWhip SlapWhip SlapWhip Slap
17F-1F0Scratch H4Scratch H4Scratch H4Scratch H4
18F#-1F#0Scratch L4Scratch L4Scratch L4Scratch L4
19G-1G0Finger SnapFinger SnapFinger SnapFinger Snap
20G#-1G#0 Click NoiseClick NoiseClick NoiseClick Noise
21A-1A0Metronome ClickMetronome ClickMetronome ClickMetronome Click
22A#-1A#0Metronome BellMetronome BellMetronome BellMetronome Bell
23B-1B0Seq Click LSeq Click LVintage TipSeq Click L
24C0C1Seq Click HSeq Click HVintage Swirl 1Seq Click H
25C#0C#1 Brush TapBrush TapVintage Slap 1Brush Tap
26D0D1Brush SwirlBrush SwirlVintage Swirl 2Brush Swirl
27D#0D#1 Brush SlapBrush SlapVintage Slap 2Brush Slap
28E0E1Brush Tap SwirlBrush Tap SwirlVintage Tap SwirlBrush Tap Swirl
29F0F1Snare RollSnare RollVintage Slap SwirlSnare Roll
30F#0F#1 CastanetCastanetVintage Swirl 3Castanet
31G0G1Snare Jazz HBrush Slap 2Vintage Slap 3Snare Soft
32G#0G#1 SticksSticksSticksSticks
33A0A1Kick SoftKick SoftKick Soft LKick Soft 2
34A#0A#1 Open Rim ShotOpen Rim Shot
35B0B1Kick TightKick TightKick Soft HGran Cassa
36C1C2Kick JazzKick JazzKick Jazz AmbienceGran Cassa Mute
37C#1C#2 Side Stick LightSide Stick Light
38D1D2Snare Jazz LBrush Slap 3Vintage Slap 4Band Snare
39D#1D#2 Hand ClapHand ClapClap PowerHand Clap
40E1E2Snare Jazz MBrush Tap 2Vintage Slap 5Band Snare 2
41F1F2Floor Tom LTom Brush 1Tom Real Brushes 1Floor Tom L
42F#1F#2 Hi-Hat Closed1Hi-Hat Closed1
43G1G2Floor Tom HTom Brush 2Tom Real Brushes 2Floor Tom H
44G#1G#2 Hi-Hat Pedal1Hi-Hat Pedal1
45A1A2Low TomTom Brush 3Tom Real Brushes 3Low Tom
46A#1A#2 Hi-Hat Open1Hi-Hat Open1
47B1B2Mid Tom LTom Brush 4Tom Real Brushes 4Mid Tom L
48C2C3Mid Tom HTom Brush 5Tom Real Brushes 5Mid Tom H
49C#2C#3 Crash Cymbal 1Crash Cymbal 1
50D2D3High TomTom Brush 6Tom Real Brushes 6High Tom
51D#2D#3 Ride Cymbal 1Ride Cymbal 1
52E2E3Chinese CymbalChinese Cymbal
53F2F3Ride Cymbal CupRide Cymbal Cup
54F#2F#3 TambourineTam b ou ri n eTambourineTa mb o ur i ne
55G2G3Sp lash CymbalSpl ash Cymbal
56G#2G#3 CowbellCowbellCowbellCowbell
57A2A3Crash Cymbal 2Crash Cymbal 2
58A#2A#3 VibraslapVibraslapVibraslapVibraslap
59B2B3Ride Cymbal 2Ride Cymbal 2
60C3C4Bongo HBongo HBongo HBongo H
61C#3C#4 Bongo LBongo LBongo LBongo L
62D3D4Conga H MuteConga H MuteConga H MuteConga H Mute
63D#3D#4 Conga H OpenConga H OpenConga H OpenConga H Open
64E3E4Conga LConga LConga LConga L
65F3F4Timbale HTimbale HTimbale HTimbale H
66F#3F#4 Timbale LTimbale LTimbale LTimbale L
67G3G4Agogo HAgogo HAgogo HAgogo H
68G#3G#4 Agogo LAgogo LAgogo LAgogo L
70A#3A#4 MaracasMaracasMaracasMaracas
71B3B4Samba Whistle HSamba Whistle HSamba Whistle HSamba Whistle H
72C4C5Samba Whistle LSamba Whistle LSamba Whistle LSamba Whistle L
73C#4C#5 Guiro ShortGuiro ShortGuiro ShortGuiro Short
74D4D5Guiro LongGuiro LongGuiro LongGuiro Long
75D#4D#5 ClavesClavesClavesClaves
76E4E5Wood Block HWood Block HWood Block HWood Block H
77F4F5Wood Block LWood Block LWood Block LWood Block L
78F#4F#5 Cuica MuteCuica MuteCuica MuteCuica Mute
79G4G5Cuica OpenCuica OpenCuica OpenCuica Open
80G#4G#5 Triangle Mute2Triangle Mute2Tri an gle Mute2Triangle Mute2
81A4A5Triangle Open2Triangle Open2Triangle Open2Triangle Open2
82A#4A#5 ShakerShakerShakerShaker
83B4B5Jingle BellsJingle BellsJingle BellsJingle Bells
84C5C6Bell TreeBell TreeWind ChimeBell Tree
Open Rim Shot Real Brushes
Side Stick Real Brushes
Hi-Hat Closed Real Brushes
Hi-Hat Pedal Real Brushes
Hi-Hat Open Real Brushes
Crash Cymbal Real Brushes 1
Ride Cymbal Real Brushes
China Cymbal Real Brushes
Ride Cup Real Brushes 1
Splash Cymbal Real Brushes
Crash Cymbal Real Brushes 2
Ride Cup Real Brushes 2Hand Cymbal Short 2
Open Rim Shot
Side Stick
Hand Cymbal
Hand Cymbal Short
Chinese Cymbal
Ride Cymbal Cup
Splash Cymbal
Hand Cymbal 2
1Hi-Hat Closed1
1Hi-Hat Pedal1
1Hi-Hat Open1
Genos Data List
Drum/SFX Kit List / Drum/SFX-Kit-Liste / Liste des kits de batterie/SFX / Elenco dei kit di batteria/SFX / Drum/SFX Kit-lijst / Lista zestawów perkusyjnych/efektów
*1 Alternate Group:
1–95: Playing any instrument within a numbered group will immediately stop the sound of any other instrument in the same group of the same number.
96–127: For these numbers, playing within a specific numbered group will NOT stop other instrument sounds in the same group number. However, the sound of instruments within these
numbers are stopped when playing any instrument of a group whose number is that minus “32.” For example, the sound of an instrument numbered “96” will be stopped by playing
any instrument numbered “64.”
*2 Key Off: Keys marked “” stop sounding the instant they are released.
*3 Revo!: Keys marked “” sound different each time the same key is played, so that the sound is more natural.
Same as StandardKit No So und
MSB (0–127)127127127127
LSB (0–127)0000
PC# (1–128)57585960
Note# Note
13C#-1C#0Surdo Mute5Surdo Mute3Surdo Mute3Surdo Mute3
14D-1D0Surdo Open5Surdo Open3Surdo Open3Surdo Open3
15D#-1D#0Hi QHi QHi QHi Q
16E-1E0Whip SlapWhip SlapWhip SlapWhip Slap
17F-1F0Scratch H6Scratch H4Scratch H4Scratch H4
18F#-1F#0Scratch L6Scratch L4Scratch L4Scratch L4
19G-1G0Hi-Hat Closed T8 24Finger SnapSnare Hammer
20G#-1G#0 Tom T8 3Snare Break 8Kick Zap HardKick Break 2
21A-1A0Hi-Hat Open T8 24Snare Break 9Snare Garg LSnare Distortion
22A#-1A#0Tom T8 6
23B-1B0Crash T8
24C0C1Triangle Mute1Kick Break DeepKick T8 4Kick T9 2
25C#0C#1 Triangle Open1Snare HipSnare Analog CRSnare Analog CR
26D0D1Wind ChimeSnare Lo-FiSnare T8 7Snare T9 5
27D#0D#1 Tambourine Light 2Snare ClappySnare Clap AnalogClap Analog Sm
28E0E1Tambourine Light 1Snare LdwH MonoSnare T8 6Snare T9 Gate 1
29F0F1Kick HipHop 9Snare Rock RollTom T8 5Snare Rock Roll
30F#0F#1 Hi-Hat Closed Tek3Snare Gate 1Snare T8 5Snare T9 3
31G0G1Kick GateSnare MidKick T8 3Snare T9 4
32G#0G#1 Hi-Hat Open Lo-Fi3Snare Break RimSnare T8 4Snare T9 Gate 2
33A0A1Kick Gran Casa OpenKick Break HeavyKick T8 2Kick T9 4
35B0B1Kick HipHop 1Kick Break 2T8 Kick BassKick T9 1
36C1C2Kick Analog CRKick Break 1Kick T8 1Kick T9 3
37C#1C#2 Snare Analog Sm RimSnare Hip Rim 1Snare T8 RimSnare T9 Rim
38D1D2Snare HipHop 1Snare Break 3Snare T8 2Snare T9 1
39D#1D#2 Snare ClappySnare Break 1Clap T9Clap T9
40E1E2Snare HipHop 2Snare Break 2Snare T8 1Snare T9 2
41F1F2Floor Tom LTom Break 1Tom T8 1Tom T9 1
43G1G2Low TomTom Break 2Tom T8 2Tom T9 2
44G#1G#2 Hi-Hat Pedal HipHop2Hi-Hat Pedal Rock1Hi-Hat Pedal T81Hi-Hat Pedal T91
45A1A2Mid Tom LTom Break 3Tom T8 3Tom T9 3
46A#1A#2 Hi-Hat Open HipHop2
47B1B2High TomTom Break 4Tom T8 4Tom T9 4
48C2C3Ride Cymbal 3Tom Break 5Tom T8 6Tom T9 5
49C#2C#3 Crash Cymbal 3Crash Cymbal 1Crash Cymbal T8Crash Cymbal T9
50D2D3Shaker 2Tom Break 6Tom T8 7Tom T9 6
53F2F3Kick HipHop 2Ride Cymbal Cup 2Ride Cymbal Cup 2Ride Cymbal Cup 2
54F#2F#3 Snare HipHop Rim 2Tambourine 1 HitTambourine RX5Tambourine RX5
55G2G3HipHop Clap 2Splash Cymbal 2Splash CymbalSplash Cymbal 2
56G#2G#3 HipHop Snap 1Cowbell 1Cowbell T8Cowbell 1
57A2A3Snare HipHop 3Crash Cymbal 2Crash Cymbal 4Crash Cymbal 4
58A#2A#3 Electric Clap 2Cowbell RX11VibraslapCowbell T8
59B2B3Kick Hip DeepRide Cymbal 2Ride Cymbal 3Ride Cymbal 3
60C3C4Kick HipHop 3Bongo HConga T8 5Conga T8 5
61C#3C#4 Snare HipHop Rim 3Bongo LConga T8 4Conga T8 4
62D3D4Snare HipHop 5Conga H TipConga T8 3Conga Tip
63D#3D#4 Electric Clap 1
64E3E4Handbell HConga H OpenConga T8 1Conga Open
65F3F4Kick HipHop 4Bongo 2 H
66F#3F#4 HipHop Clap 3Bongo 2 LTimbale LTimbale L
67G3G4HipHop Snap 2Conga OpenGlass HAnalog Click
69A3A4HipHop Flex 1CabasaCabasaCabasa
70A#3A#4 HipHop Flex 2Maracas SlurMaracas T8Maracas Slur 2
71B3B4Shaker 2Timbale HFx Gun 2Fx Gun 2
72C4C5Kick HipHop 5Timbale LFx Gun 1Fx Gun 1
73C#4C#5 Snare HipHop Rim 4Scratch H 3Analog Shaker HScratch H 3
74D4D5Snare HipHop 6Scratch DownAnalog Shaker LScratch Down
75D#4D#5 Snare HipHop 11
76E4E5Kick HipHop 10Wood Block HHi Q 1Hi Q 1
77F4F5Snare HipHop 7Wood Block LHi Q 2Hi Q 2
78F#4F#5 HipHop Clap 5Scratch H 2Scratch H 2Scratch H 2
79G4G5Conga H TipScratch L 2Scratch L 2Scratch L 2
80G#4G#5 Conga H HeelTr iangl e Mu te2Triangle Mute2Triangle Mute2
81A4A5Conga H OpenTriangle Open2Triangle Open2Triangle Open2
82A#4A#5 Conga L Open 1Kick Break 3Analog ShakerAnalog Shaker
83B4B5Conga L Open 2Kick Break 4Sleigh BellsJingle Bells
84C5C6Kick HipHop 8Kick Break 5Wind ChimeWind Chime
85C#5C#6 HipHop Clap 6Kick Break 6Snare Hip 1Snare Piccolo
86D5D6Snare T8 1Kick Break 7Snare Hip 2Snare T8 7
87D#5D#6 Snare T8 1 H
88E5E6HipHop Clap 7Snare Break 4Snare Break 1Snare Brush Mute
89F5F6Tom T8 1Snare Break 5Kick BlipKick Blip Hard
90F#5F#6 Hi-Hat Closed T8 2Snare Break 6Snare Fx 1Snare Jungle 1
91G5G6Tom T8 2Snare Break 7Kick Fx HammerKick Sustain
Kick Tek PowerKick Tek Power
Kick SlimyKick Distortion RM
1Hi-Hat Closed T81Hi-Hat Closed T91
1Hi-Hat Open T81Hi-Hat Open T91
Conga T8 2Conga Open Slap
Timbale HTi mbale H
Snare Hip GateSnareRckRollDist
Snare Drum&Bass 1
Genos Data List
Drum/SFX Kit List / Drum/SFX-Kit-Liste / Liste des kits de batterie/SFX / Elenco dei kit di batteria/SFX / Drum/SFX Kit-lijst / Lista zestawów perkusyjnych/efektów
*1 Alternate Group:
1–95: Playing any instrument within a numbered group will immediately stop the sound of any other instrument in the same group of the same number.
96–127: For these numbers, playing within a specific numbered group will NOT stop other instrument sounds in the same group number. However, the sound of instruments within these
numbers are stopped when playing any instrument of a group whose number is that minus “32.” For example, the sound of an instrument numbered “96” will be stopped by playing
any instrument numbered “64.”
*2 Key Off: Keys marked “” stop sounding the instant they are released.
*3 Revo!: Keys marked “” sound different each time the same key is played, so that the sound is more natural.
Drum/SFX Kit List / Drum/SFX-Kit-Liste / Liste des kits de batterie/SFX / Elenco dei kit di batteria/SFX / Drum/SFX Kit-lijst / Lista zestawów perkusyjnych/efektów
*1 Alternate Group:
1–95: Playing any instrument within a numbered group will immediately stop the sound of any other instrument in the same group of the same number.
96–127: For these numbers, playing within a specific numbered group will NOT stop other instrument sounds in the same group number. However, the sound of instruments within these
numbers are stopped when playing any instrument of a group whose number is that minus “32.” For example, the sound of an instrument numbered “96” will be stopped by playing
any instrument numbered “64.”
*2 Key Off: Keys marked “” stop sounding the instant they are released.
*3 Revo!: Keys marked “” sound different each time the same key is played, so that the sound is more natural.
Drum/SFX Kit List / Drum/SFX-Kit-Liste / Liste des kits de batterie/SFX / Elenco dei kit di batteria/SFX / Drum/SFX Kit-lijst / Lista zestawów perkusyjnych/efektów
*1 Alternate Group:
1–95: Playing any instrument within a numbered group will immediately stop the sound of any other instrument in the same group of the same number.
96–127: For these numbers, playing within a specific numbered group will NOT stop other instrument sounds in the same group number. However, the sound of instruments within these
numbers are stopped when playing any instrument of a group whose number is that minus “32.” For example, the sound of an instrument numbered “96” will be stopped by playing
any instrument numbered “64.”
*2 Key Off: Keys marked “” stop sounding the instant they are released.
*3 Revo!: Keys marked “” sound different each time the same key is played, so that the sound is more natural.
Same as StandardKit No So und
MSB (0–127)127127127127
LSB (0–127)0000
PC# (1–128)73878889
Note# Note
18F#-1F#0Loop Element 1f SCScratch L4Scratch L4Scratch L4
21A-1A0Loop Element 1i SCMetronome ClickMetronome ClickMetronome Click
22A#-1A#0Loop Element 1f SCMetronome BellMetronome BellMetronome Bell
23B-1B0Noise Up 1 SCSeq Click LSeq Click LSeq Click L
24C0C1Kick TB SCSeq Click HSeq Click HSeq Click H
30F#0F#1 Loop Element 2i SCCastanetCastanetCastanet
31G0G1Snare 1 SCSnare Studio 2Snare Soft Power 1Snare Soft Power 2
32G#0G#1 Snare 1 83PSticksSticksSticks
33A0A1Kick 2 81PKick Ambience HKick Ambient+Kick Ambient+
34A#0A#1 Snare 4 SCOpen Rim ShotOpen Rim Power 1Open Rim Power 2
35B0B1Kick 2 SCKick Ambience LKick Power OpenKick Power Open
36C1C2Kick 1 SCKick StudioKick Power MuteKick Power Mute
37C#1C#2 Side Stick PowerSide StickSide Stick PowerSide Stick Power
38D1D2Snare 2 SCSnare Studio MSnare Power 1Snare Power 2
39D#1D#2 Snare 3 SCHand ClapHand Clap PowerHand Clap Power
40E1E2Snare 6 SCSnare Studio LSnare RoughSnare Loose
41F1F2Tom 1 SCFloor Tom LTom Power 1Tom Power 1
42F#1F#2 Hi-Hat Closed 1 SC1Hi-Hat Closed1
43G1G2Tom 2 SCFloor Tom HTom Power 2Tom Power 2
44G#1G#2 Hi-Hat Closed 2 SC1Hi-Hat Pedal1Hi-Hat Pedal Power1Hi-Hat Pedal Power1
45A1A2Tom 3 SCLow TomTom Power 3Tom Power 3
46A#1A#2 Hi-Hat Open 1 SC1Hi-Hat Open1Hi-Hat Open Power1Hi-Hat Open Power1
47B1B2Tom 4 SCMid Tom LTom Power 4Tom Power 4
48C2C3Tom 5 SCMid Tom HTom Power 5Tom Power 5
49C#2C#3 Crash Cymbal 1 SCCrash Cymbal 1
50D2D3Tom 6 Hi SCHigh TomTom Power 6Tom Power 6
52E2E3Impact 6 SCChinese Cymbal
53F2F3Crash Impact SCRide Cymbal Cup
54F#2F#3 TambourineTam b ou ri n eTambourineTambourine
55G2G3Crash Cymbal 2 SCSplash Cymbal
56G#2G#3 Cowbell 1CowbellCowbellCowbell
57A2A3Crash Cymbal 3 SCCrash Cymbal 2
58A#2A#3 Snare 5 SCVibraslapVibraslapVibraslap
59B2B3Snare 7 SCRide Cymbal 2
60C3C4Snare 8 SCBongo HBongo HBongo H
61C#3C#4 Snare 9 SCBongo LBongo LBongo L
62D3D4Snare 10 SCConga H MuteConga H MuteConga H Mute
63D#3D#4 Clap 7 SCConga H OpenConga H OpenConga H Open
64E3E4Clap 1 SCConga LConga LConga L
65F3F4Clap 2 SCTimbale HTimbale HTimbale H
66F#3F#4 Clap 3 SFX SCTimbale LTimbale LTimbale L
67G3G4Clap 6 SCAgogo HAgogo HAgogo H
68G#3G#4 Clap 5 SFX SCAgogo LAgogo LAgogo L
69A3A4Shaker 4 SCCabasaCabasaCabasa
70A#3A#4 Shaker 3 SCMaracasMaracasMaracas
71B3B4Clap 8 SCSamba Whistle HSamba Whistle HSamba Whistle H
72C4C5Echo Shot 1 SCSamba Whistle LSamba Whistle LSamba Whistle L
73C#4C#5 Echo Shot 2 SCGuiro ShortGuiro ShortGuiro Short
74D4D5Echo Shot 3 SCGuiro LongGuiro LongGuiro Long
75D#4D#5 Echo Shot 4 SCClavesClavesClaves
76E4E5Hi-Hat Closed 3 SCWood Block HWood Block HWood Block H
77F4F5Hi-Hat Closed 4 SCWood Block LWood Block LWood Block L
78F#4F#5 Hi-Hat Closed 5 SCCuica MuteCuica MuteCuica Mute
79G4G5Hi-Hat Open 2 SCCuica OpenCuica OpenCuica Open
80G#4G#5 Shaker 1 SC2Triangle Mute2Tri ang le M ute2Triangle Mute2
81A4A5Shaker 2 SC2Triangle Open2Triangle Open2Triangle Open2
82A#4A#5 Shaker 6 SCShakerShakerShaker
83B4B5Shaker 5 SCJingle BellsJingle BellsJingle Bells
84C5C6Reverse 1 SCBell TreeWind ChimeWind Chime
85C#5C#6 Reverse 3 SC
87D#5D#6 Long Snare SC
88E5E6LpDr Kick SC
89F5F6LpDr Hi-Hat 1 SC
90F#5F#6 LpDr Snare SC
91G5G6LpDr Hi-Hat 2 SC
Loop Element 1a SC
Loop Element 1b SC
Loop Element 1c SC
Loop Element 1d SC
Loop Element 1e SC
Loop Element 1g SC
Loop Element 1h SC
Loop Element 2a SC
Loop Element 2b SC
Loop Element 2c SC
Loop Element 2d SC
Loop Element 2h SC