Yamaha EX5R, EX7, EX5 User's Manual

C1 C2 C3 C4B2 C5 C6
Lyr Part 1 Part 2 Part3 Bank P1 P2 P1 Number 001 001 001 Volume 100 100 100 100 Pan cnt cnt cnt cnt Rev Send 40 40 40 40 Cho Send 0 0 0 0 InsEF Sw off off off Out Sel L&R L&R L&R Detune +0 +0 +0 + 0 MonoPoly poly poly poly poly KeyAsign mlti mlti mlti MDPanVol off off off Layer Sw on on on Nt Lmt L C-2 C-2 C-2 Nt Lmt H G8 G8 G8 VelLmt L 1 1 1 VelLmt H 127 127 127 NoteShft +0 +0 +0 Vel Sens
Additional Performance Setup Tips
The EX Performance mode can be used to create multi-track setups for song playback, layered or split voices for real-time performance, and it includes a comprehensive range of master keyboard functions. In this small leaflet we’ll provide a few extra layering and sequencing tips and techniques that should help you to make full use of the EX synthesizers’ advanced capabilities while avoiding timing problems which can occur if you attempt to push the technology beyond its limits.
Layered and Split Setups
Here are a few examples of layered and split setups that you might like to use as a starting point when creating your own. The procedure for creating each setup is oulined briefly below. Refer to the EX owner’s manual for full details about the functions and parameters used.
Layered Piano & Pad
This is a fairly common layered combination in which a pad voice adds depth and richness to a basic piano sound.
1: Go to the Performance Job mode and execute the Init
Perf function (manual page 173).
2: Engage the Performance Edit mode, press [F3] to go
to the “MLT” (Multi) display, and assign the “P1-001 Natural Grnd” piano voice to Part 1 (manual page
171). 3: Assign the “P2-002 Warmer” pad voice to Part 2. 4: Scroll down to the Part 2 “Layer Sw” parameter and
turn it “On”.
Split Strings & Solo
In this split setup a strings voice is played on the left­hand section of the keyboard while a solo voice is played on the right-hand section.
1: Go to the Performance Job mode and execute the Init
Perf function (manual page 173).
2: Engage the Performance Edit mode, press [F3] to go
to the “MLT” (Multi) display, and assign the “P1-097
Swell String” voice to Part 1 (manual page 171). 3: Assign the “P2-093 TriLead” solo voice to Part 2. 4: Scroll down to the Part 2 “Layer Sw” parameter and
turn it “On”. 5: Scroll down to the “Nt Lmt H” parameter and set the
Part 1 high note limit value to “B2”. 6: Set the Part 2 “Nt Lmt L” parameter to “C3”. 7: Scroll down to the “NoteShft” parameter and set the
Part 1 note shift value to “+12”.
With these setting all keys to the left of C3 should play the string voice while all keys to the right of (and including) C3 should play the solo voice.
Velocity Switching
1 127
Vel Limit Low = 101Vel Limit High = 100
Part 1 Part 2
This setup will produce a piano or brass sound depending on how hard you play on the keyboard.
1: Go to the Performance Job mode and execute the Init
Perf function (manual page 173).
2: Engage the Performance Edit mode, press [F3] to go
to the “MLT” (Multi) display, and assign the “P1-001 Natural Grnd” piano voice to Part 1 (manual page
171). 3: Assign the “P1-065 Sect” brass voice to Part 2. 4: Scroll down to the Part 2 “Layer Sw” parameter and
turn it “On”.
5: Scroll down to the “VelLmt L” parameter and set the
Part 2 low velocity limit value to 101.
6: Set the Part 1 “VelLmt H” parameter to 100.
Layers & Voice Response
EX voices themselves can have from one to four layered elements. Up to 2 of these voices can then be combined (layered or split) in the EX Performance mode for even greater depth and richness. There are limitations, however, and the following points should be kept in mind when combining voices in the Performance mode.
Number of Elements
When two voices which use a large number of element layers are combined in the Performance mode, the extra processing power required can result in sluggish response when notes are played on the keyboard. This may be particularly noticeable on percussive voices which depend on a rapid attack for their sound. If this problem occurs, try combining voices which use fewer elements. The number of elements used by each voice appears in the upper left-hand corner of the Voice Edit display.
Split With Arpeggiator
This example illustrates how the EX Arpeggiator can be used with a split voice.
1: Go to the Performance Job mode and execute the Init
Perf function (manual page 173).
2: Engage the Performance Edit mode, press [F3] to go
to the “MLT” (Multi) display, and assign the “P2-027
CombiComp” voice to Part 1 (manual page 171). 3: Assign the “P2-010 BrethChoir” voice to Part 2. 4: Scroll down to the “Nt Lmt H” parameter and set the
Part 1 high note limit value to “B2”. 5: Set the Part 2 “Nt Lmt L” parameter to “C3”. 6: Go to the “COM/ARP” (Common/Arpeggiator) display
and set the Arpeggiator “NoteLim H” parameter to
“B2” (manual page 160). 7: Select the “041 [PulsLine]” Arpeggiator type.
You should now be able to play the choir voice normally on all keys to the right of and including C3, while the Arpeggiator will apply only to the “CombiComp” voice played on all keys to the left of C3.
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