P. O. Box 10 13 24•D-42513 Velbert, GermanyAm Lindenkamp 31•D-42549 Velbert, GermanyTel. 2051-600-0•Fax 2051-600-127
Ident.-No. 09900069 / 10.02
Yale Electric Chain Hoist CPE
Travel motor
Suspension pinretainer
Suspension pin
Roll pin
Chain end stop
Load chain 11 x 31
Electric control
Centre traverse
Chain hoist
Bottom block
Pendant control
Safety latch
Load hook
Technical data electric chain hoistTechnical data electric trolley
Numberof chain
rating ED
40 / 20
25 / 15
40 / 20
25 / 15
40 / 20
25 / 15
40 / 20
2,3 / 0,5288 / 2
2,8 / 0,7
2,3 / 0,5255 / 1,25
2,8 / 0,755 / 1,25
2,3 / 0,5244 / 1
2,8 / 0,7
2,3 / 0,52
8 / 2
4 / 1
2,5 / 0,6
1 Am
1 Bm
1 Am
1 Bm
1 Am
1 Bm
1 Am
98 -180
180 - 300
98 -180
180 - 300
98 -180
180 - 300
98 -180
180 - 300
98 -180
180 - 300
98 -180
180 - 300
98 -180
180 - 300
11 / 2,8
11 / 2,8
11 / 2,8
11 / 2,8
11 / 2,8
11 / 2,8
11 / 2,8
Fig. 1
0,3 / 0,094040 / 20
0,3 / 0,094040 / 20
0,3 / 0,094040 / 20
0,3 / 0,094040 / 20
0,3 / 0,094040 / 20
0,3 / 0,094040 / 20
0,3 / 0,094040 / 20
rating ED
Yale Electric Chain Hoist CPE
2.1Correct operation3
Maximum capacity3Danger zones3Attaching the hoist / trolley3Temperature range4Regulations4Maintenance / repair4
2.2Incorrect operation4
2.3Initial operation4
Inspection before initial operation4Inspection before starting work4Inspection of load chain4Inspection of chain end stop4Inspection of chain reeving4Inspection of suspension and load hooks5Attaching the load5Inspect the traverse (for trolleys)5Check adjustment of trolley width5
3.1Inspection before assembly5
3.2Electric chain hoist with hook suspension(Standard version)5
3.3Electric chain hoist with trolley5
Assembly of the trolley6
2.4Electrical connection6
Preparation6Mains supply connection6
Attention: All users must read these operating instructions
carefully prior to the initial operation. These instructionsare intended to acquaint the user with the hoist / trolley andenable hime to use it to the full extent of its intendedcapabilities.The operating instructions contain important informationon how to handle the hoist / trolley in a safe, correct andeconomic way. Acting in accordance with these instructionshelps to avoid dangers, reduce repair costs and downtimeand to increase the reliability and lifetime of the hoist / trolley.
Anyone involved in doing any of the following work with thehoist / trolley must read the operating instructions and actaccordingly:
•operation, including preparation, trouble shooting and
•maintenance, inspection, repair
Apart from the operating instructions and the accidentprevention act valid for the respective country and area wherethe hoist / trolley is used, also the commonly acceptedregulations for safe and professional work must be adheredto.Every unit leaving the factory is furnished with a test certificatethat shows the serial number of the hoist / trolley. Thiscertificate has to be filed together with the inspectionmanual (see page 30).
The continuous sound level at the place of work is equal to73 dB. The measurements were taken at a distance of 1 mfrom the hoist at 9 positions in accordance with DIN 45635,precision class 2.
Installation, service, operation7Traversing the trolley7Attaching the load7Lifting / lowering the load7Emergency stop7
6.1Daily checks8
6.2Regular inspections, service and testing8
6.3Load chain9
Lubricating the load chain9Inspecting the load chain for wear9Replace the load chain91-strand design92-strand design9
6.4Load and suspension hooks10
6.6Electric chain hoist in general10
6.7Overload protection device10
Check oil level10Oil change10Disassembly and reassambly11
6.9Maintenance of the motor11
Motor11Disc brake11
2.1Correct operation
Maximum capacity
• The Yale electric chain hoist model CPE is designed to liftand lower loads up to the rated capacity. The lifting capacityindicated on the hoist / trolley is the maximum safe workingload which must not be exceeded.
Danger zones
• Do not lift or transport loadswhile personnel are in thedanger zone.
• Do not allow personnel to passunder a suspended load (seeFig. 2)
• After lifting or tensioning, a loadmust not be left unattended fora longer period of time.
• Start moving the load only after
Fig. 2
Attaching the hoist / trolley
• The operator must ensure that the hoist / trolley is attachedin a manner that does not expose himself or otherpersonnel to danger by the hoist, trolley, chain(s) or theload.
it has been attached correctlyand all personnel are clear ofthe danger zone.
Yale Electric Chain Hoist CPE
Temperature range
• The hoist / trolley can be operated in ambient temperaturesbetween -10
C und +50OC. Consult the manufacturer in
case of extreme working conditions.
Note:At ambient temperatures below 0
C check the brake
is not frozen.
• The accident prevention act and/or safety regulations ofthe respective country for using manual and electric hoistsmust be strictly adhered to. In Germany these are VBG 8,VBG 9, VBG 9a, ZH 1/25, ZH 1/27, and VDE 0100 resp.VDE 0130.
Maintenance / Repair
• In order to ensure correct operation, not only the operatinginstructions, but also the conditions for inspection andmaintenance must be complied with. If defects are foundstop using the hoist / trolley immediately.
Attention: Before starting work on electrical componentsswitch OFF the main current switch and secure it againstunintentionally being switched back on.
2.2Incorrect operation
• Do not exceed the rated capacity of the hoist / trolley.
• Do not use the hoist / trolley for the transportation ofpeople (Fig. 3)
• Welding on hook and load chain is strictly forbidden. Theload chain must never be used as a ground connection duringwelding (Fig. 4).
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
• Avoid side pull, i.e. side load on either housing or bottomblock (Fig. 5). Lift only when the load chain froms a straightline between both hooks.
• The load chain must not be used for lashing purposes (slingchain) (Fig. 6).
• Do not knot or shorten the load chain by using bolts, screws,screwdrivers or other devices (Fig. 7). Do not repair chainsinstalled in the hoist.
• Do not remove the saftety latch from the suspension orload hooks (Fig. 8).
• Do not use the chain end stop as an operational limit device(see Fig. 1 - chain end stop).
• Do not throw the hoist hoist or trolley down. Always place itproperly on the ground.
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 8Fig. 7
2.3Initial operation
Inspection before initial operation
Each hoist / trolley must be inspected prior to initial operationby a competent person and any failures be removed. Theinspection is visual and functional and shall establish thatthe hoist is safe and has not been damaged by incorrecttransport or storage. Inspections should be made by arepresentative of the manufacturer or the supplier althoughthe company can assign its own suitably trained personnel.Inspections are instigated by the user.
Inspection before starting work
Before starting work inspect the hoist / trolley, chains and allload bearing components every time for visual defects.Furthermore test the brake and make sure that the load andhoist / trolley are correctly attached by carrying out a shortwork cycle of lifting and lowering resp. travelling in bothdirections. Selection and calculation of the proper suspensionpoint and beam construction are the responsibility of the user.
Inspection of load chain
Inspect the chain for sufficient lubrication any visually checkfor external defects, deformations, superficial cracks, wearor signs of corrosion.
Inspection of chain end stop
The chain end stop must be connected to the free (idle) chainstrand (see Fig. 1 - chain end stop).
Inspection of chain reeving
All units with two or more chain strands should be inspectedprior to initial operation for twisted or kinked chains. Thechains of 2-strand hoists may be twisted if the bottom blockwas rolled over (Fig. 9).
Inspection of suspension and load hooks
Inspect suspension and load hooks for deformations,damage, cracks, wear or signs of corrosion.
Yale Electric Chain Hoist CPE
Attaching the load
The load must always be seated in the saddle of the hook.Never attach the load to the tip of the load hook. This alsoapplies to the suspension hook (Fig. 10).
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Inspect the traverse (for trolleys)
Inspect the traverse for correct assembly and visually checkfor external defects, deformations, superficial cracks, wearor signs of corrosion. Especially make sure that the roll pinsare properly fitted to the centre traverse (Fig. 12).
Check adjustment of trolley width
On chain hoists without suspension hook (CPE-VTP/G/E)check that the clearance between the trolley wheel flangeand the beam outer edge is equal on both sides and withinthe tolerances given (see page 6, 2. - 3.). Enlarging theclearances, e.g. to enable the trolley to negotiate tightercurves, is forbidden.
-Check that the capacity indication on hoist and bottom blockmatch.
3.2 Electric chain hoist with hook suspension(Standard version)
The suspension hook is connected to the hoist with twosuspension pins. Independent of how the hoist is reeved theload hook must always hang vertically under the suspensionhook. In 1-strand configuration the suspension hook is to beinstalled centred on the marking "1/1", in 2-strandconfiguration centred on the marking "2/1" (see Fig. 11).Attention:Secure the two suspension pins with locking plateafter assembly.Selection and calculation of the suitable suspension pointand beam construction are the responsibility of the user.
Fig. 12
Electric chain hoist with trolley
The trolleys are supplied pre-assembled for beam width Aor B (see table below). This is indicated on the name-plate.Before installation ensure that the trolley width is correct forthe intended carrying beam.
Fig. 11
Yale Electric Chain Hoist CPE
Assembly of the trolley(see Fig. 12)
1.) Unscrew the locking nuts (item 9) and hex. nuts (item 2)from the crossbars (item 1) and remove both side plates(item 6) from the trolley.
2.) Measure the flange width of the beam (see Fig. 11 -measurement "b").
3.) Adjust measurement "B" between the shoulders of theround nuts (item 5) on the threaded crossbars (item 1).Ensure that the 4 bores in the round nuts face towards theoutside. Adjust the measurement "B" to equal measure-ment "b" plus 4 mm. Measurement "A" must be 2 mm oneither side and the suspension traverse (item 4) must becentred between the round nuts.
4.) Replace one side plate (item 6):Replace one side plate ensuring that the roll pins (item 8)
engage into one of the bores in the round nuts. To achievethis it may be necessary to rotate the round nuts slightly.
5.) Replace the washers (item 3) and tighten the hex. nuts(item 2). Screw on the locknuts (item 9) fingertight andtighten a further 1/4 to 1/2 turn.Attention:The locknuts must always be fitted.
6.) Loosely replace the second side plate (item 6) on thecrossbars (item 1). The washers (item 3), hex. nuts (item2)and locknuts (item 9) can be fitted loosely.
7.) Raise the complete pre-assembled trolley to the carryingbeam.
3.4 Electrical connectionAttention
Work at electrical installations may be carried out byelectrical experts only. The local regulations have to bestrictly observed, in Germany DIN 7100 / VDE 0100 andDIN 57113 / VDE 0113.
• Before beginning work on electrical components themains current switch must be switched OFF and securedagainst unintentionally being switched back on.
• Before connecting the chain hoist ensure that theelectrical data on the nameplate match the local supplyspecifications.
• The mains supply cable must be an insulated cable with4 flexible leads. The ground (earth) lead must be longerthan the live leads. For wire cross-section and fusing seetable on page 7.
• The length of the pendant control cable is determined byworking conditions. Attach the tension relief wire in a mannerthat the pendant control cable hangs load-free.
• Wiring and terminal connecting diagrams are includedwith the hoist.
Mains supply connection
1.) The mains supply cable must be connected to theelectric chain hoist before it is connected to the mainssupply.
2.) On chain hoists with an electric trolley (CPE-VTE) thethree phases of the mains supply are to be connected to
the terminal strip within the terminal box on the trolley. Theground/earth wire is to be connected to the special ground/earth connection within the terminal box of the chain hoist.
8.) Engage the second side plate (item 6) ensuring that theroll pins (item 8) engage into one of the bores in the roundnuts (item 5). To achieve this it may be necessary to rotatethe round nuts slightly.
9.) Tighten the hex. nuts (item 2) on the second side plate.Tighten the locknuts (item 9) fingertight and then a further1/4 to 1/2 turn.Attention:The locknuts must always be fitted.
10.) By traversing the trolley check the following:
•that a clearance of 2 mm is maintained on each sidebetween the trolley wheel flanges and the beam outer edge.
•that the suspension traverse is centred below the beam.
•that all 4 locknuts (item 9) are fitted.
11.) Model CPE-VTG only:Tofit the hand chain position the slot on the outer edge ofthe hand chain wheel below the chain guide. Place anyone link of the endless hand chain vertically into the slotand turn the hand chain wheel until the link has passedthe chain guides on both sides.Attention:Do not twist the hand chain when fitting.Geared trolleys are moved by pulling the hand chain.
3.) On chain hoists without electric trolley the mains supplyand the ground/earth wire are to be connected to theterminal strip within the terminal box of the chain hoist.
4.) After removing the terminal box cover, connect the wiringas shown on the wiring diagram label inside the terminalbox cover.
Attention:On hoists with direct control the ground/earthwire should always be connected according to the wiringdiagram. Should the mains supply source not provide aground (earth) connection please consult the manufacturer.
5.) After replacing the terminal box cover, connect the otherend of the supply cable to the mains supply.
6.) Check the motor's direction of rotation.The wiring diagram included has been drawn for a normal,
clockwise rotating installation.Should the user's mainssupply not fulfil these requirements, e.g. the hoist lowerswhen lift is selected (or vice versa) switch the unit OFFimmediately and exchange two of the three phaseconnections in the mains connection.
Attention:Under no circumstances may the wiring in the pendant
control be tampered with.
Yale Electric Chain Hoist CPE
CPE 16CPE 25CPE 32CPE 50
CPE 20CPE 30CPE 40
CPE 20CPE 30CPE 40
all data for 400V, 3 Phase, 50 Hz* for direct control ( for low voltage contactor control = 10A )
Prior to operating the hoist, grease the trolley pinions (manualgeared and electric trolleys) and lubricate the load chain whenit is not under load (see page 8).Before the hoist is put into regular service, followingadditional inspections must be made:
•Are all screwed connections on hoist and trolley tightand are all locking devices in place and secure?
•Are the end stops on the trolley runway in place andsecure?
•Is the chain drive correctly reeved?
•Is the chain end stop correctly fitted to the loose end ofthe load chain?
•All units equipped with two or more chain strandsshould be inspected before initial operation for twisted orkinked chains. The chains of 2-strand hoists may be twistedif the bottom block is rolled over.
•Perform an operation cycle without load. The chainshould move in a steady, smooth way. Check the functionof the overload device by raising the bottom block againstthe hoist body (max. 5 sec.).
•Check the brake function when lifting and lowering. Thebraking distance must not be more than 50 mm.
•Traverse the trolley (if available) the complete length ofthe trolley runway ensuring that the 2 - 4 mm lateralclearance between the trolley wheel flange and the beamouter edge is maintained at all times. Check that beamend stops are positioned correctly and secure.
In addition to the recommendation in section 1, followingrules must be strictly maintained to ensure the safeoperation of the hoist:
Installation, service, operation
Users delegated to install, service or independentlyoperate the hoist must have had suitable training and becompetent.
[A]0-50 m50-100 m100-150 m
[A]0-50 m50-100 m100-150 m
Wire cross section in mm
for cable length
Wire cross section in mm∆
for cable length
Users are to be specifically nominated by the company andmust be familiar with all relevant safety regulations.
Traversing the trolley
Plain trolleys: Pull on the load chain of the hoist.Attention:Never pull on the pendant control cable.Geared trolleys: By operating the trolley hand chain.Electric trolleys: By operating the 4- resp. 3-button.For trolleys with two speeds: The first stage of buttondepression activates the slow speed, further depressionactivates the fast speed. Use the slow speed for shortperiods only.Consider the braking distance of the trolley. Do not use thebeam end stops as operational limit devices
Attaching the load
Attach the load to the hoist using only approved and certifiedslings or lashing devices. Never use the load chain assling chain. The load must always be seated in the saddleof the hook. Never attach the load to the tip of the hook.Never remove the safety latch from suspension or loadhooks.
Lifting / lowering the load
The load is lifted by depressing the 5-button, it is loweredby depressing the 6-button. For hoists with two speeds:The first stage of button depression activates the slowspeed, further depression activates the faster speed. Usethe slow speed for short periods only. Do not use the chainend stop as operational limit device.
Emergency stop
All movement can be immediately halted by depressingthe red, mushroom shaped button on the pendant control.Attention: Operating the red emergency button does NOTautomatically disconnect the mains supply to hoist or trolley.Torelease the emergency stop, rotate the button in an anti-clockwise direction.
Yale Electric Chain Hoist CPE
•Service and inspections may only be carried out by acompetent person.
•The inspection must determine that all safety devicesare present and fully operational and covers the conditionof the hoist, lifting gear, accessories and supporting con-structions.
•The service intervals and inspections noted are fornormal working conditions. Adverse working conditions,e.g. heat or chemical environments, can dictate shorterperiods.
•The Yale electric chain hoists conform to FEM group 1Amresp. 1Bm in accordance with FEM 9.511. This results in atheoretical service lifetime of 800 resp. 400 operatinghours under full load. This is equivalent to 10 years undernormal operating conditions. After this period the hoistrequires a general overhaul. Further information is con-tained in VBG 9 resp. FEM 9.755.
6.1Daily checks
1.)Visually check the pendant control switch and cable for
2.)Check that the brake funtions correctly.
3.)Check that the overload safety device functions correctly.
4.)Electric chain hoists with trolley:
- Check that the trolley runway is free from obstructions
- Check that the end stops on the trolley runway arefitted and secure.
6.2Regular inspections, service, testing
According to national and international safety regulationshoisting equipment must be inspected at least annually bya competent person. Adverse working conditions, e.g. heator chemical environments, can dictate shorter periods.The commissioning and inspection details can be notedon the test certificate delivered with the hoist or on page 30of this manual.Repairs may only be carried out by specialist workshopsthat use original Yale spare parts.
Attention: Tests must - as far as possible - be carried outin an unloaded condition and the hoist / trolleycurrentless.
Inspection andMaintenance
electrical installationand power supply
Pendant controland support wire
Lubricate load chain
Check for wearin chain drive
Check functionof overload device
Check functionof brake
Inspect chain boltsfor cracks
Inspect suspensionand load hook for cracksand deformation
Check screwedconnections for tightness
Inspect trolleycomponents for cracksand deformation
Check oil level
Oil change
Inspect motor andtransmission of hoist
Inspect motor andtransmission of trolley
Lubricate geared trolleydrive
Initial checksPeriodical checks
after 50operatinghours
after 200operatinghours
after 200operatinghours
Yale Electric Chain Hoist CPE
The Yale load chain is grade 80 chain with the dimensions11x 31 mm. The CPE electric hoists are specially designedto use this type of chain. For this reason only chains thathave been approved by the manufacturer may be used inthese hoists.
Lubricating the load chain
The load chain is to be lubricated before initial operationand every 3 months but the latest after 200 operating hours.Adverse working conditions, e.g. excessive dust or con-tinued heavy duty can dictate shorter periods betweenlubrication.
•Before the chain is lubricated it must be cleaned. Flamecleaning is forbidden. Use only cleansing methods andagents that do not corrode the chain material. Avoidcleansing methods that can lead to hydrogen brittleness,e.g. spraying or dipping chain in caustic solvents. Also avoidsurface treatments that can hide cracks and flaws or othersurface damage.
•The chain must be lubricated in a no-load condition sothat lubricant can enter between the links, e.g. by dipping inoil.
•Motor oil of the voscosity 100, e.g. Shell Tonna T68 canbe used to lubricate the chain. For very dusty applicationsuse a dry lubricant.
Inspecting the load chain for wear
Load chains must be inspected every 3 months or the latestafter 200 operating hours (see VBG 8 § 27 or local regu-lations).
Visually inspect the chain over its full length for defor-mation, cracks, flaws, elongation, wear or corrosive pitting.
Link chains must be replaced when the nominal thickness"d" on any part of the chain has been reduced by more than10% or when the pitch "t" is elongated by more than 2%or over 11 pitches (11 x t) by 2%. Nominal dimensions andwear limits are shown in the following table.
Chains that do not fulfil all requirements must be replacedimmediately.
Link chain 11 x 31 grade 80
Length over 11 pitches
Length of 1 pitcht3132
Mean thickness
d = Nominal thicknessd1, d2= Actual value
d1 + d
Nominal value
Wear limit
Replace the load chain1-strand design
1. Disassemble bottom blockRemove the circlip with suitable pliers. Raise the swiveltube in the direction of the chain and tap out the chain boltwith a drift.Attention: Do not damage the chain bolt bore.
2. Remove the chain end stop.Remove the 2 screws. The chain is now free.
3. Fitting the new chainCut the second to last link open on the loose end of theload chain to form a "C". Remove the last link and connectthe new chain. The new chain must be fitted so that thewelds on the standing links face towards the chain guideand away from the load sheave. Operate the hoist in thelowering direction to feed the chain through the hoist.
4. Fitting lower block and chain end stopSlide the end buffers over the loose ends of the load chainand refit bottom block and chain end stop. The chain endstop must be fitted so that at least 1 link remains free (seeFig. 1)
5. Before initial operation lubricate the unloaded chain andtest all hoist functions under no-load condition.
2-strand design
1. Remove the chain anchor boltThe chain anchor bolt is situated on the underside of thehoist body. With an Allen key remove the grub screw thatserves as locking device. Tap out the chain anchor boltwith a drift from the other side.Attention:Do not damage anchor bolt or bore.
2. Pull the load chain through the bottom block and removethe chain end stop.
3. Fitting the new chainCut the second to last link open on the loose end of theload chain to form a "C". Remove the last link and connectthe new chain. The new chain must be fitted so that thewelds on the standing links face towards the chain guidein the housing. Operate the hoist in the lowering directionto feed the chain through the hoist.
4. Replace chain end stopSlide the buffer pad over the loose end of the load chainand refit the chain end stop ensuring that at least 1 linkremains free (see Fig. 1).
5. Fitting the chain anchor boltInspect the chain anchor bolt for flaws, cracks or burrs.Enter the last link of the other load chain end into the slot intheunderside of the hoist body. Attention: The chain mustnot be twisted. Now enter the chain anchor bolt through theside bore. Move the last link back and forth while enteringthe chain anchor bolt to ensure that it is not trapped anddamaged by the anchor bolt. Secure the anchor bolt withthe grub screw.
6.Assemble the bottom blockCheck the idler sheave for damage. Position the load chainover the idler sheave ensuring that the welds on the standinglinks face away. Grease the needle bearings in the bottomblock halves. Place the load hook assy in the slot providedin one of the bottom block halves and push the completeunit onto the idler sheave. Ensuring that the buffer pad issituated correctly in its groove replace the second bottomblock half and secure with the screws.
Yale Electric Chain Hoist CPE
7. Functional testAll units with two or more chain strands must be inspectedbefore every operation for twisted or kinked chains. Chainson 2-strand units may become twisted if the bottom blockis rolled over. If a strand is twisted disconnect it from thehoist and re-thread it correctly. In some cases it may benecessary to remove the last link.
8. Before initial operation lubricate the unloaded chain andtest all hoist functions under a no-load condition.
6.4Load and suspension hooks
Inspect the hooks for deformation, damage, surface cracks,wear and signs of corrosion as required but at leastannually. Adverse working conditions may dictate shorterperiods. Hooks that do not fulfill all requirements must bereplaced immediately, Welding on hooks to compensatefor wear or damage is not permissible. Hooks must bereplaced when the mouth of the hook has opened morethan 10% (Fig.14) or the nominal value of other dimensionshas decreased by 5% due to wear. Nominal dimensionsand wear limits are shown in the following table.
CPE 16 / 20CPE 25 / 30CPE 32 / 40 / 50
Hook saddleb
Hook saddleh
Hook openinga
In particular check following parts:
• Side plateFor cracks or deformation in particular around the areas ofscrewed connections.
• Trolley wheelsVisually check for cracks and wear on trolley wheel flanges.Grease the transmission.
• CrossbarsIn particular around threaded areas for cracks.
• FastenersCheck nuts, screws and locking devices for tightness.
6.6Electric chain hoist in general
In particular check following parts:
• Threaded connections in generalCheck all nuts, screws and locking devices for tightness.
• Chain containerEnsure the chain container is securely fastened. Checkfor cracks or wear.
• Suspension pins(Connection between hoist and suspension hook resp.trolley) Check for cracks or wear. Ensure all safety devicesare in place and secure.
6.7Overload protection device
The overload protection device ( slipping clutch) is factoryset to 110% ±10% of the rated capacity and can be checkedby lifting a suitable load. If the device slips at the ratedcapacity load it can be adjusted as follows (see Fig. 19):
• Unscrew the threaded pin (9) which locks the strainingscrew (45).
• Increase the moment of friction by turning the strainingscrew (45) in clockwise direction.
• Re-check the adjustment with a suitable load.
• Lock the straining screw (45) with the threaded pin (9).
The gearbox is practically maintenance-free. Service istherefore reduced to changing the oil.
Oil change
The oil (approx. 0,3 l) is to be changed every 5 years or atthe latest after 400 operating hours.Disassemble the gear cover (51) by removing the cylinderscrews (52) and unscrew the screw plug (44). Place thehoist horizontally and turn so that the oil can drain from thefill hole into a suitable container (approx. 30 minutes).Replenish the gearbox oil. We recommend a mineral oilviscosity class ISO-VG 460, e.g. FINA GIRAN L 460. Finallyre-adjust the overload protection device.
Fig. 14
Disassemble the gearbox
Attention:The gearbox has oil lubrication
1.Pull the coupling (50) off the gear shaft (35). Loosen
screws (52) and remove gearbox cover (51).
2.Remove screw plug (44) and seal (45).
3.Place gearbox upside down and drain oil from the fill
hole into a suitable container.
4.Loosen threaded pin (47), remove ball (46) and
unscrew fixing screw (42).
5.Remove cup springs (41).
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