Xerox WorkCentre Pro 420 Service Manual

WorkCentre Pro 420
Service Manual
Septemper 2002
Fuji Xerox of Shanghai Limited
All service documentation is supplied to Xerox external customers for informational purposes only. Xerox service documentation is intended for use by certified, product trained service per­sonnel only. Xerox does not warrant or represent that such documentation is complete, nor does Xerox represent or warrant that it will notify or provide to such customer any future changes to this documentation. Customer performed service of equipment, or modules, com­ponents or parts of such equipment may affect the warranty offered by Xerox with respect to such equipment. You should consult the applicable warranty for its terms regarding customer or third party provided service. If the customer services such equipment, modules, components or parts thereof, the customer releases Xerox from any and all liability for the customer actions, and the customer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Xerox harmless from any third party claims which arise directly or indirectly from such service.
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About This Documentation .............................................................................................. iii
Organization.................................................................................................................... iii
How to Use This Documentation..................................................................................... iv
Other Information ............................................................................................................ v
Reference Symbology..................................................................................................... vi
WorkCentre Pro 420
WorkCentre Pro 420
About This Documentation
Documentation Design and Purpose
This Service Documentation contains diagnostic, repair, and maintenance information, which has been designed to assist the Service Representative in the isolation and repair of faults as well as maintenance of the Printer/Copier.
This documentation assumes that the user is familiar with the electrical and mechanical stan­dards that are commonly used throughout industry, as well as certain Xerox design and docu­mentation conventions. This documentation also assumes that the user has successfully completed any required training and is familiar with the use of any special tools that are required to service this product.
The diagnostic, repair, and adjustment procedures found in this documentation apply equally to all 50 Hz and 60 Hz machine versions. Some procedures, however, may be identified as being applicable to a specific version or machine configuration.
This documentation is divided into six sections. In addition to the Introduction, the following sections are contained within this documentation.
Section 1 - Service Call Procedures
Section 2 - Status Indicator RAPs
Section 3 - Image Quality RAPs
Section 4 - Repair/Adjustment Procedures
Section 5 - Parts List
Section 6 - General Procedures/Information
Section 7 - BSD
This service documentation does not support specific electrical, mechanical, or operational considerations of any accessory device or machine modification not authorized by Xerox Cor­poration for this product.
Service Documentation Revisions
This service documentation may be subject to periodic revision in order to reflect any changes in electrical or mechanical hardware, as well as any possible additions or corrections neces­sary to ensure the technical accuracy of the documentation.
Service Information (Yellow Pages - hardcopy only)
When appropriate, service information in the form of yellow pages (for those with hard copy only) will be distributed and should be incorporated into their service documentation. Service information may include bulletin information, Tag and Kit information, page revisions, or current top problems relative to the repair and maintenance of the machine.
Field Service Bulletins
Field service information specifically applicable to the machine may occasionally be issued in the form of electronic or critical bulletins. Because bulletins contain important information, they should always be retained within this service documentation for quick reference.
A detailed description of the information contained within each section of the service documen­tation will be found in the following subsection.
WorkCentre Pro 420
About This Documentation, Organization
How to Use This Documentation
This section provides the Service Representative with information pertaining to the organiza­tion and use of this service documentation, and includes the following supportive reference data:
Reference Symbology
Signal Nomenclature
DC Voltage Range Specifications
AC Voltage Range and Current Specifications
Section 1: Service Call Procedures
This section is used by the Service Representative as a structured process for determining the type and sequence of actions that are performed during a service call. The Service Call Proce­dures section is designed to assist in the effective recognition of machine symptoms and prob­lems, as well as to provide instructions for the maintenance and corrective actions that are required to return the machine to the full operating condition.
Section 1 of this service documentation is the entry level for all service calls. The Service Rep­resentative should begin each service call with the Initial Action procedure found in Section 1.
The Service Call Procedures section is composed of five integral elements: Initial Action, Sys­tem Checks, Subsystem Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and Final Action. The mainte­nance and diagnostic activities in this section may direct the Service representative to perform additional service activities found elsewhere in the documentation, such as RAPs, removal and replacement procedures, and adjustment procedures.
The Initial Action procedure identifies certain required actions that are necessary to obtain a basic appraisal of machine operation at the start of the service call.
The System Checks subsection is used to test the machine in order to confirm and define the problem areas. This subsection is used to assist the Service Representative in diagnosing the not readily apparent machine problems, or when there are conflicting or ambiguous symptoms present. It is important that this procedure be used in order to ensure that the correct symptom is being diagnosed.
The Subsystem Maintenance subsection contains a specific activity procedure that must be performed on the service call.
Section 2: Status Indicator RAPs
Section 2 of this documentation contains the Repair Analysis Procedures (RAPs) necessary to repair all faults other than the image quality faults. The Service Representative will be referred to this section from some other section of this documentation during the service call. When a machine defect or fault has been resolved by using a RAP, the Service Representative should immediately return to the point in the service call from which section 2 was entered.
There are two types of RAPs found in section 2. The first type is a RAP that is associated with the display of a status code or fault code in the RAP title. The second type is the Other Fault RAP. Other Fault RAPs are diagnostic procedures that are designed to address symptoms or problems that are not identified by, or associated with, a displayed status or fault code.
Section 3: Image Quality RAPs
Contains the Image Quality Repair Analysis Procedures (IQ RAPs) that are used to diagnose image quality defect problems. The RAPs that are associated with image quality defect symp­toms will contain the prefix “IQ” to differentiate them from other types of machine failure symp­toms.
Section 4: Repairs / Adjustment Procedures
Contains all repair and adjustment procedures for the machine. Repairs (REPs) and adjust­ments (ADJ’s) are identified by the use of a standard chain prefix number.
Section 5: Parts List
Contains a list of spare parts for the machine. All parts list page reference numbers begin with the letters “PL”, followed by a prefix number, a decimal point, and a sequential number used within the subsystem.
Section 6: General Procedures / Information
Contains procedures and information of a general nature that apply to the machine. This sec­tion is divided into two basic parts.: General Procedures and General Information.
The General Procedures subsection contains frequently used procedures that relate to the diagnosis, the setup, or the operation of the machine.
The General Information subsection contains specific information that is pertinent to the opera­tion of the machine, but will not be found in any other part of the service documentation. This information may include product codes, environmental operating data, installation space requirements, and paper and electrical specifications. This subsection may also contain infor­mation regarding supplemental tools and supplies, general service notes, a glossary of com­monly used terms, and a Change Tag Index of authorized machine modifications and retrofits.
The Preventative Maintenance procedure contains a list of the cleaning and lubrication activ­ities that are designed to extend and enhance the reliability and performance of the machine.
The Final Action subsection is used to identify the actions necessary to clear the call with the Customer and to complete any administrative tasks that are associated with completing the service activity.
How to Use This Documentation
Section 7: Wiring Data (Optional)
Contains support information to assjst in the electrical diagnosis of machine problems.
WorkCentre Pro 420
Other Information
The Use of Caution, Warning, and Note statements
Information relative to the completion of a task in a safe or thorough manner will be supplied in the form of a Caution, a Warning, or a Note statement. These statements are found throughout the service documentation.
Cautions, Warnings, and Note statements appear before the steps to which they apply. These statements should be read before continuing to the next step in a procedure.
The definition of a Caution, Warning, or Note is as follows:
Caution - A Caution statement indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to, or destruction of, equipment.
Warning - A Warning statement indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury or loss of life.
Note - A Note statement indicates an operating or maintenance problem, practice, or condition that is necessary to accomplish a task efficiently.
The Use of Acronyms, Abbreviations, Specific or Unique Terms, and Conventions
A list of acronyms and abbreviations used in this service documentation will be found in the Reference Symbology subsection, contained elsewhere in this section.
Specific Terms
Test Pattern 82P524 (inch) and 82P523 (metric) will be referred to in this documentation as the Standard Test Pattern.
The following bolding convention is used in this service documentation:
Bolded numbers or words following the words “Press the” represent the actual keypad button on the Control Console.
The terms “dry ink” and “toner” are interchangeable.
WorkCentre Pro 420
Other Information
Reference Symbology
Introduction to Reference Symbology
This section describes and defines the various acronyms, abbreviations, reference symbols, Signal Nomenclature, and AC and DC power specifications. The following is a description of some of the terms found in this section:
Acronyms are used throughout this service documentation to denote common terminology. Although some acronyms may be unique to this product, most acronyms used in this document are known throughout the service industry. Table 1 lists the acronyms that are found in this ser­vice documentation that enable use of the documentation. A complete list of all acronyms is in Section 6
Reference Symbols
Reference symbols consist of various icons used in this documentation to denote supportive data that can be found in other sections of this documentation. The purpose of these symbols is to inform the Service Representative of procedures, adjustments, or other information that is important for successful diagnosis and repair.
Schematic Symbols
These symbols represent various electrical and mechanical components or devices that are commonly found in Xerox equipment. These symbols are included as an aid to understanding the representations used in the Circuit Diagrams (CD’s).
Table 1 General Acronyms
Acronym Definition
AC Alternating Current ACH Alternating Current High ACN Alternating Current Neutral AMP Ampere BSD Block Schematic Diagram BTU British Thermal Unit
CD Circuit Diagram
IQ Image Quality
DC Direct Current ESD Electrostatic Discharge
HFSI High Frequency Service Item
LED Light Emitting Diode
PL Parts List
PWB Printed Wiring Board
RAP Repair Analysis Procedure VAC Volts Alternating Current VDC Volts Direct Current
AC and DC Voltage References
The expected AC and DC voltage levels found in this machine are defined in this section. These specifications represent the expected range for AC (machine input power source) and DC (machine internal power supplies) voltages that are encountered during normal operation.
Table 2 lists the electrical wire colors that are identified in this service documentation and reflects the use of standardized abbreviations.
Reference Symbology
Table 2 Wire Color Abbreviations
Abbreviation Wire Color
BLK black BLU blue BRN brown
GRAY gray
GRN green
G/Y green/yellow ORN orange PINK pink
RED red
VIO violet WHT white
YEL yellow
Y/G yellow/green
WorkCentre Pro 420
Notes, adjustments, and parts lists, support the checklists and the RAP information. The sym­bols that refer to this supportive data are shown below.
Flag Symbol
Indicates part of circuit referred to in RAP.
Figure 1 Flag Symbol
Figure 5 Ground Symbol
Plug / Jack Connector number and pin number
Parts List
The terminology in the figure below refers to the parts list that is located in section 5 of this Ser­vice Documentation. The PL designation is Parts List. The number refers to the 8.5 parts list.
Figure 2 PL Symbol
Refers to notes, usually on same page.
Figure 3 Note Symbol
Miscellaneous Symbols
Descriptions of all commonly used graphic symbols are included to assist in diagnostics.
Feed Back
Feedback signal.
Figure 4 Feedback Symbol
Figure 6 Connector Symbol
LED / Photo transistor Sensor
Symbol identifies sensor used in document and paper path. Blocked and unblocked light switches sensor off and on.
Figure 7 LED Photo transistor Symbol
Tria c
Triac switches AC power via Low Voltage Input.
Figure 8 Triac Symbol
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Machine ground symbol
WorkCentre Pro 420
Motor provides motive force
Figure 9 LED Symbol
Reference Symbology
Without Tag Change
Symbol indicates that the area to which the triangle points has not been modified by the tag number in the circle.
Figure 10 Motor Symbol
Thermistor Bead, used to sense temperature
Figure 11 Thermistor Symbol
Driver controls DC components.
Figure 12 Driver Symbol
Relay, Clutch, or Solenoid.
Symbol indicates that the entire page has not been modified by the tag number in the circle.
Figure 14 Without Tag Symbol
With Tag Change
Symbol indicates that the area to which the triangle points has been modified by the tag num­ber in the circle.
Symbol indicates that the entire page has been modified by the tag number in the circle.
Figure 15 With Tag Symbol
Laser Warning
Symbol is used to warn of possible eye damage from a laser beam if service procedures are not followed exactly as written.
Figure 16 Laser Warning Symbol
Figure 13 Relay, Clutch, or Solenoid Symbol
Reference Symbology
ESD Warning
Symbol is used when components in the copier are susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharge. Observe ESD procedures to avoid component damage.
Figure 17 ESD Caution Symbol
WorkCentre Pro 420
A warning is used to alert the personnel to an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition that, if not strictly observed could result in injury or loss of life.
A caution is used to alert the personnel to an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to, or destruction of equipment.
Signal Nomenclature
The signal is named to imply the condition of the machine when the signal is available. For example:
1. MAIN MOTOR ON= Signal Name
2. (L) = Logic State when the signal is available in it’s named state. In this case the signal is
Lo when the Main Motor is energized.
3. +5 VDC= Logic level when the signal is Hi.
DC Voltage Levels
DC Voltages should be measured between the test point and the machine frame, unless instructed otherwise. Table 3 shows the value of the voltages.
Table 3 DC Voltage Levels
Voltage Specification
+5 VDC +4.75 to +5.25 VDC
+24 VDC +21.6 to +26.4 VDC
Logic Voltage Levels
Measurements of logic levels must be made with reference to the specified ground point, unless some other point is referenced in a diagnostic procedure.
Table 4 Logic Voltage Levels
Nominal Voltage Logic State Actual Voltage Ranges
+5 VDC Hi +2.4 VDC to +5.2 VDC
Lo 0.0 VDC to +0.45 VDC
+24 VDC Hi +22.0 VDC to +25.7 VDC
Lo 0.0 VDC to +3.0 VDC
WorkCentre Pro 420
Reference Symbology
Reference Symbology
WorkCentre Pro 420
Service Call Procedures.................................................................................................. 1-3
Call Flow
Call Flow Procedure ........................................................................................................ 1-5
Status Codes / Other Faults Listing
Status Codes / Other Faults Listing................................................................................. 1-7
Subsystem Maintenance
Periodic Maintenance...................................................................................................... 1-9
Maintenance Procedures ................................................................................................ 1-9
1 Service Call Procedures
Initial Issue WorkCentre Pro 420
Service Call Procedures
Service Call Procedures
Initial Issue
WorkCentre Pro 420
Service Call Procedures
Use Service Call Procedures as a maintenance guide when performing any service on printer/ copier. This is designed to be used with printer/copier Service Documentation and is starting point for all service calls.
Call Flow Procedure
Identifies and classifies machine problems and refers to appropriate RAP for repair. When all problems are repaired, perform Final Actions.
Initial Actions Steps to diagnose faults.
Corrective Actions Steps to repair faults. Choices made based on machine symptom. – Status Codes / Other Faults Listing
List of status codes and other faults with descriptions.
Corrective Actions
Schedule of periodic maintenance to do when copy count reaches specific quantity.
Maintenance Procedures Tables of subsystem components to be maintained with suggested materials
and procedures when that subsystem is repaired by direction from a RAP.
Final Actions Steps to verify machine operation and image quality.
Initial Issue WorkCentre Pro 420
Service Call Procedures
Service Call Procedures
Service Call Procedures
Service Call Procedures
Initial Issue
WorkCentre Pro 420
Call Flow Procedure
Initial Actions
On Telephone
1. Call Customer and attempt to correct problem over telephone.
2. If problem cannot be resolved over telephone, give Customer your estimated time of arrival.
3. Ask Customer to save copies or prints made when problem occurred.
At Account
1. Check that space requirements and power requirements for machine are met.
2. Ask Operator or Customer to describe problem. If possible, ask Customer to demonstrate problem. Also ask for any additional problems encountered with machine.
3. Make a record of copy meter and Status Code.
4. Enter Diagnostic Mode. Enter [3–2] (GP 7 Status Code History ) and record most recent status code. Continue with R/E button to display all most recent status codes. Press 0 button to display secondary codes.
5. The Service Log and Change Tag Matrix (behind front door) may contain information related to machine problem. Check Service Log and Tag Matrix.
6. Inspect sample copies provided by Customer.
7. Switch off power, wait 5 seconds, and then switch on power.
8. Clear any jammed paper from machine. Make copies (if possible) using Tray 1 (and Tray 2 if present).
Select a tray.
Load the document(s).
ADF Only: Load two (2) 8.5 x 11 inch (A4) documents into the ADF. – Without ADF: Place Standard test pattern on the Document Glass.
Make copies.
9. ADF Only: Using the copies from the first run, put 10 documents in the ADF.
10. Proceed to Corrective Actions.
Corrective Actions
1. Read following 6 items and respond as required. Go to step 2 after responding to one or more of following items.
If a status code is displayed on Control Panel, and any jammed paper is removed, go
to Table 1 in this section.
If Fault History contains several faults with same status code, service this status
If an image defect occurs only in printing mode, go to OF 14-1 PRINTER RAP.
If an image defect occurs in copying mode (printing mode not relevant at this point),
go to Image Quality Diagnostics Overview in Image Quality Section.
If an obvious problem occurs, repair as required and refer to Parts List as required
for Removal, Reinstallation or Replacement information
For other problems not listed above, go to Tab l e 2 in this section.
2. After responding to one or more of previous items in step 1, read following 2 items and respond as required.
If more than 2000 copies have been made since last service call, or if 20 days have elapsed since last service call, go to Periodic Maintenance in this section and per­form actions listed after making repairs required in step 1. Then go to Final Actions
If less than 2000 copies have been made or if 20 days have not elapsed since last service call, go directly to Final Actions to complete service call.
Final Actions
In this section you will make sure that machine is feeding paper correctly, making copies free of defects, and operating to specification. You will also make sure that machine appearance is satisfactory and that administrative tasks necessary to close out a service call are performed.
If machine will not feed paper from all of paper trays, or if machine makes blank or unfused copies, or if a status code is displayed, return to Corrective Actions and make necessary repairs.
1. Load the document(s).
ADF Only: Load two (2) 8.5 x 11 inch (A4) documents into the ADF.
Without ADF: Place Standard test pattern on the Document Glass.
2. Make copies (if possible) using Tray 1, Bypass Tray, and Tray 2 if present.
3. Perform GP 2 Main PWB Generated Image [1–1] to generate ROS Test Pattern. Exit
Diagnostic Mode and make 4 copies of standard test pattern. Examine copies for obvious
image quality defects. Ensure image quality meets specifications in Section 3.
4. Perform GP3 Main PWB [3–11] to generate Printer Test Pattern. If defects are present, go to OF 14-1 PRINTER RAP in Section 2.
5. If machine is used as a printer perform following:
Verify that connections at rear of machine are secure. printer cable must be securely
If used as a network printer, check network connection.
Ask customer to run a print job to verify print operation.
6. If a new Drum Cartridge was installed in machine and problem continues, reinstall old Drum Cartridge in machine. Put new Drum Cartridge in packaging, and ask Customer to store cartridge.
7. Clean machine covers and area around machine.
8. Make 2 copies. Show copies to operator or Customer.
9. Provide operator training if required.
10. Place remaining copy with Service Log.
11. Update Change Tag Matrix as required.
12. Give appropriate copy credits to Customer.
13. Make a record of copy count meter in Service Log. Make a record in Service Log of all necessary actions performed during service call. Also record any changes that were made to NVM.
Initial Issue WorkCentre Pro 420
Service Call Procedures
Call Flow Procedure
Service Call Procedures
Call Flow Procedure
Initial Issue
WorkCentre Pro 420
Status Codes / Other Faults Listing
Table 1 Status Codes Entry Chart
Status Code / Description Corrective Action
A1–1: Document can not actuate Pre Regi. Sensor after Document
Solenoid is energized
A2–0: Document can not actuate Document Registration Sensor after
actuating Document Presence Sensor
A2–1: After constant-speed feed motor is energized, Document can not
deactivate in time Document Registration Sensor
A2–2: After constant-speed feed motor is energized, document can not
actuate in time Document Exit Switch
A2–3: Document can not deactivate in time Document Exit Switch after
deactivating Document Registration Sensor
A5–0: ADF Cover is open A5 RAP C1–0: Tray 1 fed paper did not actuate Tray 1 Takeaway Sensor in time
after Tray 1 Feed Motor energized
C2–0: Tray 2 fed paper did not actuate Tray 2 Takeaway Sensor in time
after Tray 2 Feed Motor energized
C3–0: Bypass fed paper did not actuate Registration Sensor in time after
Bypass Feed Solenoid energized
C3–1: Bypass fed paper actuated Registration Sensor too early after
Bypass Feed Solenoid energized
C4–0: Tray 1 fed paper did not deactuate Tray 1 Feed Sensor in time C4-0 RAP C4–1: Tray 1 fed paper did not actuate Registration Sensor in time C4-1 RAP C4–2: Tray 2 fed paper did not actuate Registration Sensor in time C4-2 RAP C4–3: Tray 1 fed paper actuated Registration Sensor too early after Tray
1 Takeaway Motor energized
C4–4: Tray 2 fed paper actuated Registration Sensor too early after Tray
2 Takeaway Motor energized
C4–5: Two-side fed paper did not actuate Registration Sensor in time C4-5 RAP C4–6: Two-side fed paper actuated Registration Sensor too early C4-6 RAP C5–0: The Tray 1 Paper Sensor not actuated C5 RAP C6–0: The Tray 2 Paper Sensor not actuated C6 RAP C7–0: The Tray 1 Interlock Switch not actuated C7 RAP C8–0: The Tray 2 Interlock Switch not actuated C8 RAP C9–0: Tray 1 fed paper did not actuate Tray 1 Feed Sensor in time C9 RAP E1–1: Paper did not actuate Fuser Switch in time after Registration
Clutch energized
E1–2: The paper did not de-actuate Registration Sensor in time after
actuating Fuser Switch
E1–3: The paper did not de-actuate Fuser Switch in time after deactuat-
ing Registration Sensor
E1–4: The paper did not actuate Exit Sensor in time after actuating
Fuser Switch
A1-1 RAP
A2-1 RAP
A2-2 RAP
A2-3 RAP
C4-3 RAP
C4-4 RAP
Table 1 Status Codes Entry Chart
Status Code / Description Corrective Action
E1–5: The paper did not de-actuate Exit Sensor in time after de-actuat-
ing Fuser Switch
E2–1: Paper can not actuate in time OCT Exit Sensor after leaving
Fuser Exit Switch
E2–2: Paper can not deactuate in time OCT Exit Sensor after leaving
Fuser Exit Switch
E5–0: Front Door or Side Door is open E5 RAP E6–1: Tray 1 Door interlock is open E6 RAP E6–2: Tray 2 Door interlock is open E6 RAP J1–0: Toner level is low J1 RAP J3–0: Drum Cartridge not installed or incorrectly installed J3 RAP J4–1: Billing Counter missing or not installed correctly J4-1 RAP J4–2: Billing Counter is not a FXSL uniqueware J4-2 RAP J4–3: Billing Counter unit type Error J4-3 RAP J6–1: CRUM Communication Error J6-1 RAP J6–3: Billing Counter Communication Error J6-3 RAP J7–0: Drum Cartridge reached end of service life J7 RAP J8–0: Drum Cartridge not correct J8 RAP J9–1: CRUM is not a FXSL uniqueware J9-1 RAP L9–1: Current login account has no credits L9-1 RAP U1–0: Drive Module speed signal failure U1 RAP U2–1: Scan Home Sensor circuit, Scan Drive Motor, or carriages failure U2 RAP U2–2: The Exposure Lamp not lit or black white strip not sensed U2 RAP U3–0: Laser not detected U3 RAP U4–0: Previous U4 Status Code not cleared U4 RAP U4–1: Fuser overtemperature condition (425° F) is sensed U4 RAP U4–2: Fuser warm up failure occurred U4 RAP U4–3: Fuser warm up time exceeded U4 RAP U5–0: The Fuser temperature dropped below minimum temperature for
more than 5 seconds
U5–1: AC input power problem U5 RAP U6–0: Printer control communication failure U6 RAP U6–1: Drum Cartridge, or Tray 1, or Tray 2 communication failure U6 RAP U6–4: NVM signal failure U6 RAP U7: Control Panel communication from Main PWB failure U7 RAP U8: Control Panel communication to Main PWB failure U8 RAP U9–0: A HVPS output is shorted or overloaded, or intermittent U9 RAP
E2-1 RAP
E2-2 RAP
Initial Issue WorkCentre Pro 420
Service Call Procedures
Status Codes / Other Faults Listing
Table 2 Other Faults Entry Chart
Other Fault Description Corrective Action
Cooling Fan not operating OF 1-3 COOLING FAN RAP Control Panel is blank OF 2-1 BLANK DISPLAY RAP Scanning problem U2 RAP Paper Tray problem OF 7-1 PAPER TRAY RAP Audible Noise / Odor problem OF 16-1 NOISE or ODOR RAP Print problems OF 14-1 PRINTER RAP Copies/prints exit machine in non-standard or dam-
aged condition Intermittent copier/printer operation OF 16-2 GROUND RAP Ground Checkout OF 16-2 GROUND RAP Diagnostics not available U2 RAP
Service Call Procedures
Status Codes / Other Faults Listing
Initial Issue
WorkCentre Pro 420
Periodic Maintenance
Activities to perform if 2K copies or 20 days elapsed since last service call.
NOTE: While performing a repair in a RAP, you may be directed to perform one or more follow­ing activities. When returning here after a repair, skip what is already serviced.
1. Make a copy to run Cooling Fan. If fan is not operating go to OF 1-3 Cooling Fan RAP.
2. Do Paper Feed and Registration Maintenance Procedures (Ta ble 2 ).
3. Do Xerographic maintenance (Table 3).
4. Do Copy Transportation and Fusing Maintenance Procedures (Ta b l e 4 ).
5. Do Document Feeder maintenance procedures (Ta b l e 5 ).
6. Clean top of Document Glass with Lens and Mirror cleaner and a Lint–Free Cloth.
7. Clean Document Cover Pad with Lens and Mirror Cleaner and a Lint–Free Cloth.
8. Every 125K copies:
a. Replace Fuser Module (PL 1.4) (REP 10.1). b. Replace Bypass Feed Roll (PL 6.3) (REP 8.11) and Bypass Retard Pad (PL 6.2)
(REP 8.12).
c. Go to OF 16-2 Ground RAP and perform Ground Check.
Maintenance Procedures
This section contains a list of machine subsystem components to be maintained and sug­gested materials and procedures to be used. You will be referred here from Periodic Mainte­nance, a Status Code, an Other Fault, or an Image Quality RAP.
Service following components as directed. Clean any component that appears contaminated with dirt, paper dust, or dry imager, whenever component is made accessible during repair of machine.
Table 1 Optics Subsystem Maintenance Procedures
Perform this activity whenever Document Glass (REP 6.5) is completely removed. Materials
Perform GP 9 R.
If bottom of Document Glass is cleaned, Image Quality defects will occur if RIS Mod­ule is not vacuumed before reinstalling Document Glass.
Table 2 Paper Feed and Registration Subsystem
Maintenance Procedures
Perform this activity when given direction in Call Flow. Materials
Clean Bypass Feed Roll
Do not clean Retard Pad.
Clean Registration Roll and Idler Roll
Lens and Mirror Cleaner
Lint–Free Cloth
Vacuum Cleaner
Film Remover/General Cleaning Solvent
Lint–Free Cloth
Film Remover/General Cleaning Solvent
Lint–Free Cloth
Initial Issue WorkCentre Pro 420
Service Call Procedures
Periodic Maintenance, Maintenance Procedures
Table 2 Paper Feed and Registration Subsystem
Maintenance Procedures
Perform this activity when given direction in Call Flow. Materials
Clean Registration Roll and Idler Roll. Clean Registration Roll Con­tacts
Film Remover/General Cleaning Solvent
Lint–Free Cloth
Reg Roll
Reg Roll Contacts
Figure 1 Registration
Table 3 Xerographics Subsystem Maintenance Procedures
Perform this activity when given direction in Call Flow. Materials
Clean Transfer/Detack Corotron wire with a cot­ton swab to remove Toner.
Clean Transfer/Detack Corotron housing with a soft brush.
Clean Transfer Detack contacts and corre­sponding contacts on HVPS with a Lint–Free Cloth and Film Remover/ General Cleaning Sol­vent.
Clean Transfer Roll Con­tact with a Lint–Free Cloth and Film Remover/ General Cleaning Sol­vent.
Remove Drum Cartridge (REP 9.1).
Clean any toner from Drum Cartridge.
Clean Drum Cartridge con­tacts
Cotton Swab
Soft Brush
Film Remover/General Cleaning Solvent
Lint–Free Cloth
Reg Roll
Reg Roll Contacts
Vacuum Cleaner
Lint–Free Cloth
Film Remover/General
Transfer Corotron
Figure 2 Transfer
Cleaning Solvent
Detack Corotron
Service Call Procedures
Maintenance Procedures
Table 4 Copy Transportation and Fusing Subsystem
Maintenance Procedures
Perform this activity when given direction in Call Flow or RAP’s Materials
Clean Fuser Roll Make 10 copies of a white
Clean Exit Rollers. Film Remover/General
Cleaning Solvent
Heavy Duty Towel/Clean­ing Cloth.
9/02 1-10
Initial Issue
WorkCentre Pro 420
Table 5 Document Feeder (ADF)
Subsystem Maintenance Procedures
Perform this activity when given direction in Call Flow or RAP’s Materials
Clean Feed Roll, gentle push Roll, Output Roll, Output Pressure Roll, Exit Roll and CVT Roll. Remove offset Receiving Tray (REP 5.3) to approach Feed Roll and gen­tle push Roll.
Clean CVT glass pad. If the bottom of CVT glass is cont­animated, do GP9 RIS/Mirror cleaning.
Clean CVT Roll Film Remover/General
Clean Exit Roll/Idler Roll Film Remover/General
Film Remover/General Cleaning Solvent
Lint-Free Cloth.
Film Remover/General Cleaning Solvent
Lint-Free Cloth.
Cleaning Solvent
Lint-Free Cloth.
Cleaning Solvent
Lint-Free Cloth.
CVT Roll
Image Quality defects will occur if machine is on and cleaning solutions are used on covers. Cooling Fan may draw cleaning solution vapor into machine. Switch off machine before clean-
ing so that Cooling Fan is off.
Table 6 Covers Subsystem Maintenance Procedures
Perform this activity when given direction in Call Flow or RAP’s Materials
Clean covers as necessary. Formula A/All Purpose
Heavy Duty Towel/Clean­ing Cloth
Initial Issue WorkCentre Pro 420
Exit Roll/Idler Roll
Figure 3 Registration
9/02 1-11
Service Call Procedures
Maintenance Procedures
Service Call Procedures
Maintenance Procedures
9/02 1-12
Initial Issue
WorkCentre Pro 420
Status Indicator RAPs
+5VDC POWER RAP...................................................................................................... 2-3
+24VDC POWER RAP.................................................................................................... 2-3
A1 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-4
A2 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-8
C1 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-11
C2 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-12
C3 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-14
C4 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-16
C5 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-18
C6 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-19
C7 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-20
C8 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-21
C9 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-22
E1 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-23
E2 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-27
J1 RAP............................................................................................................................ 2-31
J4 RAP............................................................................................................................ 2-32
J6 RAP............................................................................................................................ 2-32
J3 RAP............................................................................................................................ 2-33
J6 RAP............................................................................................................................ 2-33
J8 RAP............................................................................................................................ 2-33
J9 RAP............................................................................................................................ 2-33
J7 RAP............................................................................................................................ 2-34
U1 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-35
U2 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-36
U3 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-38
U4 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-40
U5 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-42
U6 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-43
U7, U8 RAP..................................................................................................................... 2-44
U9 RAP ........................................................................................................................... 2-46
Other Faults
OF 1-1 CONTROL PANEL RAP..................................................................................... 2-47
OF 1-2 MACHINE RUN RAP.......................................................................................... 2-48
OF 1-3 COOLING FAN RAP........................................................................................... 2-51
OF 2-1 BLANK DISPLAY RAP........................................................................................ 2-54
OF 7-1 PAPER TRAY RAP............................................................................................. 2-58
OF 8-1 PAPER DAMAGE or STACKING RAP............................................................... 2-60
OF 14-1 PRINTER RAP.................................................................................................. 2-62
OF 16-1 NOISE or ODOR RAP ...................................................................................... 2-64
OF 16-2 GROUND RAP.................................................................................................. 2-66
2 Status Indicator RAP/Other Faults
Initial Issue WorkCentre Pro 420
Status Indicator RAP/Other Faults
Status Indicator RAP/Other Faults
Initial Issue
WorkCentre Pro 420
CR2 on MAIN PWB is turned on.
Turn OFF the power. Check the connection between P/J 109 on MAIN PWB and LVPS.
This connection is in good condition. YN
Reconnect MAIN PWB and LVPS.
The voltage between P/J102-(+) and GND(-) on MAIN PWB has +24VDC. YN
Turn OFF the power. Check the Connection between P/J 109 on MAIN PWB and LVPS.
This connection is in good condition. YN
Reconnect MAIN PWB and LVPS.
Turn ON the power. Check the voltage between P109-C9(+) and GND(-) on MAIN PWB.
Approximately +5VDC is measured. YN
The voltage between P/J205-2 and P/J205-3 on LVPS has approximately 110/ 220VAC. YN
Check the voltage between ACN and ACH on POWER CORD.
Approximately 110/220VAC are measured. YN
Check the power cord. If no problems are found, check the customer's power supply.
Replace LVPS.
Replace MAIN PWB.
Check the wire between MAIN PWB and the applicable component for an open circuit or poor contact by referring to BSD CHI.
Turn ON the power. Check the Voltage between P109-A31(+) and GND(-) on MAIN PWB.
Approximately +24VDC is measured. YN
The voltage between P/J205-2 and P/J205-3 on LVPS has approximately 110/ 220VAC. YN
Check the Voltage between ACN and ACH on POWER CORD.
Approximately 110/220VAC are measured. YN
Check the power cord. If no problems are found, check the customer's power supply.
Replace LVPS.
Replace MAIN PWB.
Check the wire between MAIN PWB and the applicable component for an open circuit or poor contact by referring to BSD CHI.
Initial Issue WorkCentre Pro 420
Status Indicator RAP/Other Faults
A1–1: Document can not actuate Pre Regi Sensor after Document Solenoid is energized.
Initial Actions
Ensure ADF hinges firmly lean against Top Cover.
Ensure ADF is securely closed. Repair as required.
Ensure offset catch tray is correctly installed if it was removed recently.
Remove ADF drive cover and offset catch tray. Observe the gentle push roll when switching on or off power source of machine.
The gentle push roll must rapidly moves down and up. YN
Remove ADF Rear Cover. Enter [5-5] and turned ON.
The voltage between P/J605-4(+) and GND(-) on ADF PWB has +24VDC. YN
The voltage between Pin 2(+) and GND(-) on Nudger Solenoid has +24VDC. YN
The voltage between Pin 1(+) and GND(-) on Nudger Solenoid has 0VDC. YN
Status Indicator RAP/Other Faults
Initial Issue
WorkCentre Pro 420
CVT Motor rotates. YN
When [5-1] is turned ON, the voltage between P/J603-1(+) and GND(-) on ADF PWB has approximately +1.3VDC. YN
When [5-1] is turned ON, the voltage between P/J103-1(+) and GND(-) on MAIN PWB has approximately +1.3VDC. YN
Replace MAIN PWB.
Check wire between P/J103-1 on MAIN PWB and P/J603-1 on ADF PWB for an open circuit or poor contact.
Document Feed Clutch is energized. YN
When [5-7] is turned ON, the voltage between P/J605-1(+) and GND(-) on ADF PWB has +24VDC. YN
The voltage between Pin 2(+) and GND(-) on Document Feed Clutch has +24VDC. YN
The voltage between Pin 1(+) and GND(-) on Document Feed Clutch has 0VDC. YN
Replace Nudger Solenoid.
When [5-1] is turned ON, the voltage between P/J603-2(+) and GND(-) on ADF PWB has approximately +10VDC. YN
When [5-1] is turned ON, the voltage between P/J603-3(+) and GND(-) on ADF PWB has approximately +5VDC. YN
Replace MAIN PWB.
Check the wire between P/J103-2 on MAIN PWB and P/J603-21 on ADF PWB for an open circuit or poor contact.
When [5-1] is turned ON, the voltage between P/J603-3(+) and GND(-) on ADF PWB has approximately +5VDC. YN
When [5-1] is turned ON, the voltage between P/J103-3(+) and GND(-) on MAIN PWB has approximately +10VDC. YN
Replace MAIN PWB.
Check the wire between P/J103-3 on MAIN PWB and P/J603-3 on ADF PWB for an open circuit or poor contact.
When [5-1] is turned ON, the voltage between P/J601-2(+) and GND(-) on ADF PWB has approximately +10VDC. YN
The Voltage between P/J602-1(+) and GND(-) on ADF PWB has +24VDC.
Replace CVT MOTOR.
Enter[5-7] and press START button.
The voltage between P/J605-5(+) and GND(-) on ADF PWB has +24VDC
GO TO +24VDC Power FIP.
Check the wire between P/J605-5 on ADF PWB and Pin 1 on Document Feed Clutch for an open circuit or poor contact.
Check the wire between P/J605-1 on ADF PWB and Pin 2 on Document Feed Clutch for an open circuit or poor contact.
The voltage between P/J603-10(+) and GND(-) on ADF PWB has +5VDC. YN
The voltage between P/J103-10(+) and GND(-) on MAIN PWB has +5VDC. YN
Replace MAIN PWB.
Check the wire between P/J103-10 on MAIN PWB and P/J603-10 on ADF PWB for an open circuit or poor contact.
Replace ADF PWB.
Enter [5-9].
Initial Issue WorkCentre Pro 420
Status Indicator RAP/Other Faults
Use hand or paper to actuate or deactuate Document Presence Sensor, display should change between "0" and "1". YN
Block the Document Presence Sensor with a blank sheet of paper.
"1"(Low) is displayed. YN
The voltage between Pin 2(+) and GND(-) on Document Presence Sensor has +5VDC. YN
Check the wire between Pin 2 on Document Presence Sensor and P/J103-18 on MAIN PWB for an open circuit or poor contact. If no problems are found, replace MAIN PWB.
The voltage between Pin 1(+) and Pin 3(-) on Document Presence Sensor has +5VDC. YN
The voltage between P/J605-10(+) and P/J605-12(-) on ADF PWB has +5VDC. YN
Go to +5VDC Power FIP.
Check wire of the following:
Between P/J605-10 on ADF PWB and Pin 1 on Document Presence Sen­sor for an open circuit or poor contact.
Between P/J605-12 on ADF PWB and Pin 3 on Document Presence Sen­sor for an open circuit or poor contact.
Check for contamination and improper installation of the Sensor. If no problems are found, replace the Document Presence Sensor.
Document Feed Clutch is energized, and Document Feed Roll is rotated. YN
Check the mechanical load of Document Feed Roll.
Check CVT feed area for obstruction.
Close ADF feed door, put in a sheet of document in Document Feed Tray. Enter [5-14] and press START button. Document should be fed and reach Document Exit Tray. If document is stopped or blocked, repeat the test while observing document and drive.
If pre-input appears slow, clean or replace Feed Roll/Gentle push Roll.
Enter [5-7], Document Feed Clutch is energized. Manually rotate counter-clockwise CVT Roll ( opposite to normal direction) to check the rotation of Feed Rolls. Repair as required.
If the failure of A1 status code continues, replace Document Feed Clutch.
Remove the blank sheet of paper from the Sensor.
"0"(High) is displayed. YN
Remove the connector of Document Presence Sensor.
The display should change to "0" (High). YN
Check the circuit between Pin 2 on Document Presence Sensor and P/J103-18 on MAIN PWB for a short circuit. If no problems are found, replace MAIN PWB.
Check installation of the Sensor and the extraneous light diffraction. If no problems are found, replace Document Presence Sensor.
Check installation of the Sensor. If the failure of A1-1 Status Code continues, replace Document Presence Sensor.
Enter [5-1] and press START button. When CVT MOTOR rotates, enter [7] and press START button.
Status Indicator RAP/Other Faults
Initial Issue
WorkCentre Pro 420
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