Certain components in the Phaser 790/DocuColor
2006 are susceptible to damage from electrostatic
discharge. Observe all ESD procedures to avoid
component damage.
Prepared by:
Xerox Corporation
Global Knowledge & Language Services
800 Phillips Road Bldg. 845-17S
Webster, New York 14580-9791
XEROX®, The Document Company®, the stylized X and the identifying
product names and numbers herein are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION. Other company trademarks are also acknowledged.
While every care has been taken in the preparation of this manual, no liability will be accepted by Xerox Corporation arising out of any inaccuracies or
All service documentation is s upplied t o X erox external customers for informational purposes only. Xerox service documentation is intended for use by
certified product trained service personal only. Xerox does no t warrant or
represent that such documentation i s complete, nor does Xerox represent
or warrant that it will notify or provide to such customer any future changes
to this documentation. Custo mer performed service of equipment, or modules, components or parts of such equipment may affect the warranty
offered by Xerox with respect to such equipment. You should consult the
applicable warranty for its terms regarding customer or third party provided
service. If the customer services such equipment, modules, components or
parts thereof, the customer releases Xerox from any and all liability for the
customer actions, and the customer agree s to indemnify, defend and hold
Xerox harmless from any third party claims which arise directly or indirectly
from such se r vice.
This equipment generates, uses an d can radia te radio frequ ency
energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions documentation, may cau se interferen ce to radio commu ni cations. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class A computing device pursuant to subpart J of part 15 of FCC
rules, which are designed to provide reas onabl e prote ction agains t
such interference when operated in a comme rci al environm en t. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user, at his own expense, will be required to
correct the interference.
This machine contains an invisible laser. There is no visual indication
that the laser beam is present. During servicing, the machine is a
Class 3B product because of the invisible laser. the laser beam could
cause eye damage if looked at directly. Service procedures must be
followed exactly as written without change. The service representative
must observe the established local laser safety precaution s when servicing the machine. Do not place tools with a reflective surface into
the ROS opening. Do not look in the area of the ROS window if the
power is On and the laser is energized.
About this Manual ...........................................................................................................iii
This Service Manual is part of the multinational documentation system for the Phaser 790
Printe r and D C 20 06 Copie r./Prin ter The Se rv ice Do cum ent atio n is u sed in or der t o d iagn ose
machine malfunctions, adjust components and has information which is used to maintain the
product in superior operating condition. It is the controlling publication for a service call. Information on its use is found in the Introduction of the Service Documentation.
Adjustments include procedures for adjusting the parts that must be within specification for the
correct operation of the system.
Use the adjustment procedures for the correct sequence of operation for specifications, warnings, ca utions and notes.
This ma nual contains information that applies to NASG and ESG copiers.
Service Manual Revision
The Service Manual will be updated as the machine changes or as problem areas are identified.
This Service Manual is divided i nto nine sections. The titles of t he sections a nd a description of
the information contained in each section are contained in the following paragraphs:
Section 1 Service Call Procedures
This se ct ion contai ns pr o c ed ur e s t ha t de te r mi ne w ha t ac ti on s are to be t ak e n d ur i ng a service
call on the machine and in what sequence they are to be completed. This is the entry level for
all service calls.
Section 2 Status Indicator RAPs
This s ection co ntains the diagnostic aids for troublesho oting th e Fault Co de and no n-Fault
Code rel ate d faults (with the exceptio n of co py qua lity problem s ) .
Section 3 Image Quality
This sect io n con tai ns t he diagno st i c aid s for trou bl es ho otin g an y cop y qu alit y pr obl ems , as well
as copy quality specifications and copy defect samples.
Section 4 Repairs/Adjustments
This section contains all the Adjustments and Repair procedures.
Repair s include p rocedures f or remov al and replac ement of pa rts which have the fol lowing
special co nditions :
When removal or repla c ement cann ot be determined from the expl oded view of the
Parts List.
When there is a cleaning or a lubricating activity associated with the procedure.
When the part requires an adjustment after replacement.
When a special tool is required for removal or replacement.
Use the repair proc edures for the correct order of r emoval and replacement, fo r warnings, cautions, an d no tes .
Section 5: Parts Lists
This section con tains the Prin ter/Copier Parts List.
Section 6: General Procedures/Inform ation
This section contains General Procedures, Diagnostic Programs, and Copier Information.
Section 7: Wiring Data
This sec tion contains drawings, lists of plug/jack locations, and diagrams of the power distribution w i re networ ks i n the mac hi ne . I nd ividual w i re networks a r e s h ow n in the Circ ui t D i ag r am s
contained in Section 2. This section also contains the Block Schematic Diagrams.
How to Use this Documentation
The Service Call Procedures in Section 1 describe the sequence of activities used during the
service call. The call must be entered using these procedures.
Use of the Circuit Diagrams
Circuit Diagrams (CDs) are included in Sections 2 (Status Indicator RAPs) and 3 (Image Quality RAPs) of the Service Manual. All wirenets, with the exception of power distribution wirenets,
are shown on the CDs. Po wer distribution wirenets are show n in Section 7 (W iring D ata) of the
Service Manual. The power distribution wirenets on the CDs will end at the terminal board for
the power being distributed. Find the wirenet for that power and locate the terminal board on
the wirenet. Use the wirenet to troubleshoot any power distribution wiring not shown on the
Use of the Block Schematic Diagrams
Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) are included in Section 7 (Wiring Data) of the Service Manual. The BSDs show the functional relationship of the electrical circuitry to any mechanical, or
non-m echa nic al, input s or outpu ts t hroug hout the mach ine. Inpu ts an d out puts suc h as mo to r
drive, mechanical li nkages, operator actions, a nd air flow are shown. The BSDs will provide an
overa ll view of how the entire sub s ys te m, such as ADF, works.
It should be not ed th at the BS Ds no lon ger co nt ain an Inp ut Power Bloc k re f err ing to Chai n 1. It
will be necessary to refer to the Wirenets in order to trace a wire back to its source.
The following reference symbols are used throughout the documentation.
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Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
Warnin gs, Ca utions, and Notes
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes will be found throughout the Service Documentation. The
words WARNING or CAUTION may be liste d on an illustra tion when the specif ic comp onent
associated with the potential hazard is pointed out; however, the message of the WARNING or
CAUTION is always located in the text. Their definitions are as follows:
A Warning is us ed whenev er an op e rat ing or main t en an ce procedu r e, a p rac t ic e, condition, or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury.
A Cautio n is us ed whe ne ver an o perat ing or main te nanc e proc edur e, a p ractic e , cond ition , or
statement, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to the equipment.
NOTE: A Note i s us ed when ev er i t i s n ec e ss ary to hig h l igh t a n op erating or mainten an ce procedure, practice, condition, or statement.
The Flag symbol indicates a reference point into a Circuit Diagram from a RAP. Instructions will
be given to check for an open circuit, a short circuit, or an intermittent condition.
This sy mbol refers to notes which are found on the same page as the Circuit Diagram.
Parts List
In this symbol, exampl e (PL2.1), refers to the Parts List on which the part can be found.
Machine Safety Icons
The following sa fety icons are displayed on the machine:
The Phaser 790/Dc 2006 contains an invisible laser. There is no visual indication that the
laser b eam is pr esent . Du rin g ser vicin g, the mach ine is a Class 3 B pr odu ct bec au se of
the in vi sible laser. th e l as er be am could ca us e ey e d am ag e i f lo ok ed at d i rec t ly. Serv ice
proced ure s must be fol low ed ex ac tly as w ri tte n wi tho ut cha nge. The se r vic e r epr es ent ative m ust observe the establis hed local laser safety precaution s when serv icing the
machi ne. Do not pl ac e t oo ls with a reflective surface in th e ar e a of the Char ge Co r otr o n
or the RO S op eni ng. Do not lo ok in the a rea o f the RO S wind ow if the powe r is O n and
the las er i s en er gized.
The following symbol and statement appear on a label in the machine. The symbol by
itself , or the sym bol and the st atemen t may also appear in the servi ce docu menta tion
and in the training program. When this symbol appears, the service representative is
warned that conditions exist that could result in exposure to the laser beam.
Do not t ry to byp ass an y la ser interl ocks for an y rea son. P erma ne nt eye d ama ge coul d
result if the laser is accidentally directed into your eye.
Figure 1 Laser Hazard Symbol
The adjustment symbol refers to an procedure in the Adjust ment section of t his Manu al.
Test Points, Test Stakes, Test Holes
This symbol is used to indicate that a test point, test stake, or test hole is available for accessing a sign al line . The pref ix befo re th e iden tific at ion num ber in di cate s whe ther the acc ess is a
test point (TP), a test stake (TS), or a test hole (TH).
The bracket symbol indicates a C omponent Control Code se lection in a Diagnostic Program.
Laser Hazard Statement
The use of controls or adjustments other than those specified in the Laser Safety Training Program may result in an exposure to da ngerous laser radiation.
For additional information, review the Laser Safety Training pr ogram.
An arrow points to the location to install, to gain access to, or to release an object.
This symbol indicates that a surface can be hot. Use caution when reaching in the machine to
avoid t ouching the hot surfaces.
Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
Initial Issue
Danger l ab e l in di cates wh er e electrical curr e nt s exist when the m a chine is cl os ed and op er a ting. Use caution when reaching in the machine.
These symbols indicate components that may be damaged by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Field Service Kit
The purpose of the ESD Protection Program is to preserve the inherent r eliability and qu ality of
electro ni c c om po nents that ar e ha nd le d by the Field S erv ic e Pe rs on ne l. Th is pr o gra m is be ing
implem e nte d now as a di r ec t r e su lt of adva nc e s i n m ic ro ci r c uit r y tec h nology, as well as a new
acknowledgment of the magnitude of the ESD problem in the electronics industry today.
This program will reduce Field Service costs that are charged to PWB failures. Ninety percent
of all PWB fa il u res th at are E SD rel at e d do no t occu r immedi at el y. Using th e ESD Fi el d Ser vi ce
Kit will eliminate these delayed failures and intermittent problems caused by ESD. This will
improv e product rel ia bi lity and red uc e ca ll ba cks.
The ESD Field Service Kit should be used whenever Printed Wiring Boards or ESD sensitive
components are being handled. This includes activities like replacing or reseating of circuit
boards or connectors. The kit s hould also be used in order to prevent additional damage when
circuit boards are returned for repair.
The instr uctions for us ing the ESD Fi eld Service Ki t can be found in ES D Field Service Kit
Usage in the Gen eral Pr ocedures secti on of the Service Documentati on.
Signal Nomenclature
Refer to Figure 2 for an example of Signal Nomenclature.
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Figure 2 Signal Nomenclature
Voltage Measurement and Specification s
Measurements of DC voltage must be made with reference to the specified DC Common,
unless some other poin t is refer enced i n a diagnostic procedure. All me asurements of AC volt-
age should be made with respect to the adjacent return or ACN wire.
T able 1 Vol tage Measurement and Specifications
+5 VDC+4.75 VDC TO +5.25 VD C
+24 VDC+23.3 7 VDC TO +27.06 VD C
Logic Voltage Levels
Measurements of logic levels must be made with reference to the specified DC Common,
unless some other point is referenced in a diagnostic procedure.
Table 2 Logic Levels
+5 VDCH= +3.00 TO +5.25 VD C
L= 0.0 TO 0.8 VDC
+24 VDCH= +23.37 TO +27.06 VDC
L= 0.0 TO 0.8 VDC
DC Voltage Measurements in RAPs
The RAPs have been designed so that when it is required to use the DMM to measure a DC
voltage, the first test point listed is the location for the red (+) meter lead and the second test
point is the location for the black meter lead. For example, the following statement may be
found i n a RAP:
There is +5 VDC from TP7 to TP68.
In this example, the red meter lead would be placed on TP7 and the black meter lead on TP68.
Another example of a statement found in a R AP might b e:
There is -15 VDC from TP21 to TP33.
In thi s ex am p l e , t he red me ter lead w o ul d be place d on T P 21 a nd the bl ac k m eter lead w ou ld
be placed on TP33.
If a seco nd tes t poi nt is no t given , it is ass ume d th at the bl ack m ete r lead m ay be at tac hed to
the copier frame.
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Service Call Procedures..................................................................................................1-3
Final Actions....................................................................................................................1-5
1 Service Call Procedures
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Service Call Proce dure s
Service Call Proce dure s
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Service Call Procedur es
Service Strategy
The service strategy for the Phaser 790 Printer and the DC 2006 Copier/Printer is to run to failure. The Repair Analysis Procedures (RAPs) will be used to diagnose and repair any problems.
Problem s that oc cur in the B asic Print er mode wi ll be repa ired befo re problem s that occ ur
when using the accessories.
Image quality problems should be repaired after all other problems are repaired.
Service Call Procedures
The Service Call Procedures are a guide for performing any service on the Phaser 790
Printer and the DC 2006 Copier/Printer. The procedures are designed to be used with the
Phaser 79 0 Printer and th e DC 2006 Copier/ Printer Service Manual. Perform each step in
Initial Actions
The Ini tial Actions gath er informa t io n ab ou t th e condition o f th e ma c hine and the problem t h at
caused the service call.
Call Flow
Call Flow summarizes the sequence of the Service Call Procedures .
Cleaning Proc ed ures
The clea nin g pr o c ed ur e s lis t w ha t nee ds t o be cl ea ne d at ea ch serv ic e call.
Final Actions
The Final Action s will test the copier /printer and return it to th e customer. Ad ministrative activities are also perform ed in the Final Actions.
Initial Actions Procedure
The p urpose of the Initia l Acti ons se ction of the Servic e Cal l Proc edures is to d eterm ine the
reason for the se rvice call and to identif y and organize the actions which m ust be performed.
1.Gather the information about the service call and the condition of the copie r/prin ter.
a.Question the operator(s). Ask about the location of the most recent paper jams. Ask
about th e image qu al ity and the ge neral performanc e of the c op ie r /p r in te r, inc lu di ng
any unusual sounds or other indications (if applicable).
b.Check that the power cords are in good condition, correctly plugged into the power
source, and free from any defects that would be a safety hazard. Repair or replace
the power cords as required. Check that the circu it breakers are not tripped.
c.Ensure that all paper trays are loaded with paper.
d.Inspect an y rejected c op ie s. I n qu ire as to, o r ot he r wis e determi ne, the pap er quality
and weight. The specified paper for optimum image quality for the Phaser 790
Printer is Hammermill Laser Print 24. The specified paper for optimum image quality
for t he DC 20 06 Co pier/P rinter is 24# X erox COLOR Xpre ssions o r Col otech + 90
gms. Look for any damage to the copies, oil marks, image quality defects, or other
indica tions of a problem.
e.Record the billing meter r eadings .
f.Check the Service Log for any recent activities that are related to the problem that
caused the service call or any secondary problem.
2.Check the Image Quality by performing the V isual Calibration (GP 16 ).
a.Run four copies of the 82E13030 Test Pattern.
b.Check the image quality. If the customer has identified any Image Quality Defects or
problem s, go to the IQ1 Imag e Q uality Entry RAP.
3.If there is a problem in the Basic Printer Mode, go to the Call Flow Procedure.
4.If there are no problems in the Basic Printer Mode, go to the Final Actions.
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Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
Service Call Proce dure s
Service Call Procedures, Initial Actions Procedure
Call Flow Procedure
This procedure should be performed at every serv ice cal l.
The copier/printer is capable of making a copy/print to the Output Tray.
The copier/printer is capable of making a copy/print to the Top Tray.
The problem is in the paper path.
A Fault Code or a message is constantly displayed.
The Display is blank or garbled.
If one or mo re of the butto ns or LEDs doe s not functi on, go to the
002-702 IOT Control Panel Button/LED RAP.
Go to the 002-701 Blank/Gar bled IO T Display RAP.
Go to the area w here the no ise is bein g gene rat ed and troubl esh oo t
that area.
If a sorter fault code is present, go to the RAP associated with that fault
If a sorter message is present, go to the Section 2, Fault Message/RAP
Cross-Reference Table.
Check for mechanical binding.
Check the AD F Documen t Sensor s for debris or damage.
Check that the document mechanical drives and feed rolls are free from wear, damage, con tamination, and binding.
Check the pape r path se nsors for debri s or dama ge. Chec k that pa per is l oaded in all
trays correctly.
Check the paper path mechanical drives and rolls for contamination, glazing, wear, damage, or binding.
Go to the IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.
If a fault code is dis p laye d, g o to the Fault C o de RAP for th e Fa ul t Cod e th at is
If a message is displayed, go to the Fault Message/RAP Cross-Reference in
Section 2.
Check t he pape r pat h s enso rs fo r de br is or dama ge. Chec k th at pape r is l oa ded i n
all trays correctly.
Check t h e pa pe r p ath m ec hanical dri ves and rol ls f o r contamin a tion, glaz in g, wear, damage, or binding.
The copier is capable of making a copy/print to the Top Tray.
Check t h e pa pe r p ath m ec hanical dri ves and rol ls f o r contamin a tion, glaz in g, wear, damage, or binding.
A Fault Code or message is constantly d isplayed.
The problem is Image Quality.
The problem is in the ADF.
The problem is in the Scanner.
The problem is in the Sorter.
The problem is noise.
The problem is inte r m itt ent. Go to th e BS D an d perform a resistance c he c k o f t h e wires in qu es t io n . G en t ly pu ll on t he wir e s to
ensure that they are properly connected.
If a fault code is displayed, go to the Fault Code RAP for the Fault Code that is displayed.
If a message is displayed, go to the F ault Message/RAP Cross-Reference in Section 2.
Service Call Proce dure s
Call Flow Procedure
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Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
Cleaning Procedures
The purpose is to provide cleaning procedures to be per formed at every call.
Final Actions
The intent of this procedure is to be used as a guide to follow at the end of every service call.
Do not use any solvents unless directed to do so by the Service Manual.
Gene ral Cleaning
Use a dry lint free cloth or a lint free cloth moistened with water for all cleaning unless directed
otherwise by the Service Manual. Wipe with a dry lint free cloth if a moistened cloth is used.
1.Feed Components (Rolls and Pads)
Follow the General Cl eaning procedure above.
2.Dry Ink Dispense Uni ts
Vacuum the Dry Ink Dispense units.
3.Jam Sensors
Clean the sensor s with a dry cotton swab.
4.IBT Cle ani ng
Check the IBT Belt surface and wipe with a dry lint free clot h. If the surface is exce ssively
dirty, replace the IBT Belt (PL 7.2).
5.Fus e r Compon en t s (best cleaned w hen hot).
Wipe with a lint free c loth.
a.Switc h off the power and allow the Exposure Lamp to cool off.
b.Using the optical Cleaning Cloth, clean the front and rear of the Document Glass,
Document Cover, White Reference Strip, Reflector, and Mirror.
c.Clean the Exposure Lamp with a clean cloth and Film Remover.
Check the paper path for debris or damage. Clean the rolls with a clean cloth and Film
Remover as required.
Check the paper path for debris or damage. Clean the Sorter with a dry lint free cloth.
1.Ensure that the exterior of the copier/printer and the adjacent area are clean. Use a dry
cloth or a cloth moistened with water to clean the copier/printer. Do not use solvents.
2.Check the supply of consumables. Ensure that an adequate supply of consumables is
avail ab le acc ording to loca l op er a tin g pr o c ed ur e s.
3.Conduct any operator training that is needed. Ensure that the operator understands that
the Visu alCal proced ure in the Ope rator Manual should be used to adju st the colors .
Ensure that the operator can perform the VisualCal procedure (reference the GP 16
Visual Calibration procedure).
4.Complete the Se rvice Log.
5.Perform the following steps to make a copy of the Demonstration Original for the Customer:
a.Load Paper in Tray 1 with 8-1/2 x 11 inch (A4) or 11 x 17 inch, 24# Xerox COLOR
Xpressions or Colotech + 90 gms for the DC 2006 Copier/Printer, or Hammermill
Laser Print 24 for the Phaser 790
b.Place Test Pattern 82E13030 on the glass with the short edge of the test pattern reg-
istered to the left edg e of the glass. Sel ect Tray 1 and make a single copy.
c.Print a Configuration Page (GP 14).
d.Print a test page (for the printer only).
e.Present the copies to the customer.
6.Issue copy credits as neede d.
7.Discuss the service call with the customer to ensure that the customer understands what
has been done and is satisfied with t he results of the service call.
NOTE: For all ADF Jam messages displayed on the Scanne r Display, go to the 005-700 RAP.
For all Scanner Error messages displayed on the Scanner Display, which do not have an
associ ated Fault Code RAP, go to the 006-7 03 RAP.
For all Sy st em Er ror(093-XXX) messages displayed on the Scanner Display, go to the 006-
704 RAP.
If the message on the IOT display contains a numeric fault code, go to the RAP for that code.
To find the appropriate RAP for an unclearable message that does not contain a fault code, go
to Table 1. Locate the message in column one, and go to the RAP listed in column two.
T able 1
If this message is displayed Go to this RAP
Check Loading of <tray> In Use007-707 Paper Length Mismatch RAP
Check Sorter Position011-700 Sorter Not In Correct Position RAP
Clear Jam In Area 1008-700 Area 1 Jam RAP
Clear Jam In Area 2008-701 Area 2 Jam RAP
Clear Jam In Area 3008-702 Area 3 Jam RAP
Clear Jam In Area 4008-703 Area 4 Jam RAP
Clear Jam In Area 5010-700 Area 5 Jam RAP
Clear Jam In Area 6008-704 Area 6 Jam RAP
Clear Jam In Duplex Tray008-707 Duplex Tray Jam RAP
Close Area 1001-706 Area 1 Open RAP
Close Area 2001-707 Area 2 Open RAP
Close Area 3001-708 Area 3 Open RAP
Close Area 4001-709 Area 4 Open RAP
Close Area 5001-710 Area 5 Open RAP
Close Area 6001-711 Area 6 Open RAP
Close Duplex Tray008-707 Duplex Tray Open RAP
Close Fr on t C ov er00 1- 704 Front Cov er Op en RA P
Close Paper T ray 1007-700 Tray 1 Open RAP
Close Paper T ray 2007-701 Tray 2 Open RAP
Close Paper T ray 3007-702 Tray 3 Open RAP
Close Sorter Cover011-702 Sorter Top Cover Open RAP
Empty Sorter Bins011-701 S orter Bin Jam RAP
Empty Stacker Tray011-705 Full Sensor RAP
Empty Top Tray008-705 Top Tray Full RAP
Install <col or> Ink Ca rtrid ge009-700 Toner Cartridge Detache d RAP
Install Copy/Print Cartridge003-701 Copy/Print Cartridge Error RAP
Install Waste Container009-703 Waste Container Detached R AP
Jam in Sorter011-701 Sorter B in Jam RAP
Load <s iz e>007-711 Tray 1 Paper Siz e N ot D et ec t ed RA P
007-712 Tray 2 Paper Size Not Detected RAP
007-713 Tray 3 Paper Size Not Detected RAP
Table 1
If this message is displayed Go to this RAP
Load <s ize> In Bypass Tray007-706 Bypass Tray Empty RAP
Load <size> In Tray 1007-703 Tray 1 Empty RAP
Load <size> In Tray 2007-704 Tray 2 Empty RAP
Load <size> In Tray 3007-705 Tray 3 Empty RAP
Order Copy/Print Cartridge003-701 Copy/Print Cartridge Error RAP
Reload <size> in Bypass Tray007-708 Bypass Tray Lift RAP
Reload <size > in Tray 2 007-709 Tray 2 Lift Up RAP
Reload <size > In Tray 3 007-710 Tray 3 Lift Up RAP
Replace Copy/Print Cartridge003-701 Copy/Print Cartridge Error RAP
Waste Container Full009-702 Waste Container Full RAP
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Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
Status Indicator RAPs
Fault Message/RAP Cross-Reference
Status Indicator RAPs
Fault Message/RAP Cross-Reference
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Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
001-701 AC Power RAP
Initial Actions
•Ensure AC Power is available at the wall receptacle.
•Ensure the Power Cord is good. Replace the Power Cord if it is defective (PL 11.1).
Switch off the power. Remove the Rear Cover. Switch on the power. If AC Power is not measured at J34 -2 to terminal N on the Low Voltage Power Supply, replace the Low Voltage Power
Supply (PL 11.1).
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Status Indicator RAPs
Figure 1 001-701 Circuit Diagram
Status Indicator RAPs
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001-702 +5 VDC Power RAP
Initial Actions
•Ensure AC Power is available at t he wall receptacle.
•Ensure the Power Cord is good. Replace the Power Cord if it is defective (PL 11.1).
Switch off the power. Remove the Rear Cover. Switch on the power. +5 VDC is measured
betwe en J33-1 and J33-4.
Switc h off th e pow er. Di sconn ec t J3 2 an d J33 from the Low V o lt ag e Pow er Suppl y. Switch
on the power. +5 VDC is measured between P33-1 and P33-4 on the Low Voltage
Power Supply.
Replace the Low Voltage Power Supply (PL 11.1).
Switch off the power. Reconnect J32 to the Low Voltage Power Supply. Switch on the
power. +5 VD C is measure d between P 33-1 and P3 3-4 on the Lo w Voltage P ower
Go to Flag 2. Refer to the +5 VDC Wirenet to troubleshoot a short circuit in the wires
from P32.
Go to Flag 1. Refer to the +5 VDC Wirenet to troubleshoot a short circuit in the wires from
The Low Voltage Power Supply appears to be operating correctly .
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Status Indicator RAPs
Figure 1 001-702 Circuit Diagram
Status Indicator RAPs
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001-703 +24 VDC Interlocked Power RAP
Initial Actions
Ensure the Left Front Cover, the Registration/Bypass Tray Drawer, and the Main Fuser Assembly are closed and in the correct position.
Ensure that the actuator for the Left Front Cover Interlock is not broken.
Switch off the power. Remove the Rear Cover. Switch on the power. +24 VDC is measured
betwe en J32-5 on the Low Voltage Power Supply and mach ine frame.
+5.0 VDC is measured between J32-18 and machine frame.
Approximately +4.4 VDC is measured between J32-16 and machine frame.
Go to Fla g 6. Check th e wire for an open circuit. If the wire is good, replace the
MCU PWB (PL 11.2).
Replace the Low Voltage Power Supply (PL 11.1).
+5.0 VDC is measured between J33-9 on the Low Voltage Power Supply and
machine frame.
+5.0 VDC is measured be tween J199-1 (brown wire) on the Left Front Cover
Interlock and machine frame.
Go to Flag 5. Check the wir e for an open circuit.
+5.0 VDC is measured between J198-1 (yellow wire) on the Left Fron t Cover
Interlock and machine frame.
Replace the Left Front Cover Int erlock ( PL 11.1).
Check the following:
•Go to Flag 2, Flag 3, and Flag 4. Check the wires for an open circuit.
•If the w ires are go od, chec k the conn ectors between th e Low Voltage Po wer
Supply and the Left Front Cover Interl ock for bent or bro ken pin s or for damaged connectors (P/J70, P/J71, P/J97, and P/J91).
Replace the Low Voltage Power Supply (PL 11.1).
The Low Voltage Power Supply appears to be operating correctly .
Initial Issue
Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
Status Indicator RAPs
Figure 1 001-703 Circuit Diagram
Status Indicator RAPs
Initial Issue
Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
001-704 Front Cover Open RAP
Initial Actions
Ensure the Right Front Cover is closed and that the actuator for the interlock is not damaged.
Access the Digital Input (DI) test from the Control Panel. Enter code [73]. Press the Item/Enter
button. The display indicates 0.
Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2 and check the wires for an open circuit. If the wires are good,
replace the Right Front Cover Interlock (PL 11.2). If the problem continues, replace the
MCU PWB (PL 11.2).
The problem may be intermittent. Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2 and check for loose or damaged
connections or damag ed wires. If the proble m persists, replace the Right Fr ont Cover Interlock
(PL 11.2). If the problem continues, replace the MCU PWB (PL 11.2).
Initial Issue
Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
Status Indicator RAPs
Figure 1 001-704 Circuit Diagram
Status Indicator RAPs
Initial Issue
Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
001-705 ROS +5 VDC Switched Voltage RAP
Initial Actions
Check the following:
•Ensure the Right Front Cover is closed.
•Ensure the Top Cover is correctly pos itioned and is ac tuating the Top Cover Inter lock.
Switch off the power. Remove the Rear Cover. Switch on the power. +5 VDC is measured
betwe en J32-22 on the Low Volta ge Power Supply an d machine frame.
Replace the Low Voltage Power Supply (PL 11.1).
Remove the Top Cover. Actuate the T o p Cover Interlock. +5 VDC is measured between
J125-1 on the ROS Assemb ly and machine frame.
With the Top Cover Interl o ck st il l actuated , +5 V DC is measured be t ween FS2 (blue
wire) on the Top Cover Interlock and machine frame.
+5 VDC is measured between FS1 (blue wire) on the Top Cover Interlock and
machine frame.
+5 VDC is measured between J194-1 (bl ue wire) o n the Right Fron t Cover
Interlock and machine frame.
+5 VDC is measured between J193-1 (brown wire) on the Right Front
Cover Interlock and machine frame.
Go to Flag 3. Check the wir e for an open circuit.
Replace the Ri ght Front Cover Interlock (PL 11.2).
Go to Flag 2. Check the wir e for an open circuit.
Replace the Top Cover Interlock (PL 11.1).
Go to Flag 1. Check the wir e for an open circuit.
The ROS +5 VDC Switched circuit appears t o be functioning correctly.
Initial Issue
Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
Status Indicator RAPs
Figure 1 001-705 Circuit Diagram
Status Indicator RAPs
Initial Issue
Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
001-706 Area 1 Open RAP
Initial Actions
Perform the following:
•Check the actuator for the Bypass Tray Interlock. Ensure it is not broken or damaged.
•Ensure the Bypass Tray is clos ed and is in the operating position.
Access the Digital Input (DI) test from the Control Panel. Enter code [77]. Press the Item/Enter
button. The display indicates 0.
Go to Flag 1 an d Fl a g 2. Ch ec k the w ire s fo r an op en ci rcu it . If th e wir es are go od , rep la ce
the Bypa ss Tra y Inte rlo ck (PL 4.1 ). If th e pr oble m co ntinu es, r epl ace th e MC U PWB (PL
The problem may be intermittent. Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2 and check for loose or damaged
connections or damaged wires. If the problem persists, replace the Bypass Tray Interlock (PL
4.1). If the problem c ontinues, replace the MCU PWB (PL 11.2).
Initial Issue
Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
Status Indicator RAPs
Figure 1 001-706 Circuit Diagram
Status Indicator RAPs
Initial Issue
Phaser 790/DocuColor 2006
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