Phaser® 450 Color Printer
Fast, Photographic-Quality Color
Printing for your Workgroup
Letter- and Letter Extra-sized Color Prints
Record-Breaking Print Speed
Color Matching Made Easy
Wide Variety of Printing Media

The Right Tool
For the Job
Print speed, image quality,
Get the Big Picture:
8.5 x 11-inch Bleeds
Print on Letter- or Letter Extrasize paper. The 450’s image area
has plenty of room for full page
12.7 in.
(323 mm)
bleeds and crop marks.
and page size. Color matching,
compatibility, and media
options. Any way you look
at it, the new Phaser 450 color
printer is the best Letter-size,
photographic-quality printer
for the job. It’s from Tektronix,
the leader in workgroup color
printing. Built for the demands
of the workgroup and priced for
the demands of the workplace.
Photo-realistic color comps and pre-film color
proofs. Use our standard color profiles or
customize your own for the perfect match.
Record-Breaking Print Speed
The 450 is the fastest dye sublimation color printer in its class.
You can print an oversized page
9.3 in.
(237 mm)
of photo-realistic color in just
2 minutes.
Custom Tools
Our PhaserPrint™ plug-in accelerates file
download directly from PhotoShop
Full color RGB files will print in
less than 30 seconds. And our
image replication feature is
ideal for digital photography.
For lasting impressions, our long-life ColorSeal
media protects your color prints from UV light,
fingerprints, and everyday mishaps.
Capture every detail of precise
engineering designs or complex
digital images for scientific analysis.