Copyright protection claimed includes all forms of matters of copyrightable materials and information now allowed by statutory
or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without limitation, material generated from the software programs which are
displayed on the screen such as styles, templates, icons, screen displays, looks, etc.
, The Document Company®, the stylized X®, CentreWare®, infoSMART®, Made For Each Other®, and
are registered trademarks of Xerox Corporation. Phaser™, PhaserPort™, and PhaserTools™are trademarks of
are registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation.
, Clarendon™, Coronet™, Helvetica™, New Century Schoolbook™, Optima™, Palatino™, Stempel
TrueType is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
Antique Olive
Distributed Print Services
of SP ARC International, Incorporated. SPARCstation
, Arial™, Gill Sans™, Joanna™, and Times New Roman™ are trademarks of Monotype Corporation.
is a registered trademark of M. Olive.
is a trademark of Nebiolo.
, NetWare®, NDPS®, NDS®, and Novell Directory Services® are registered trademarks, and IPX™ and Novell
and Sun Microsystems® are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Incorporated. SPARC® is a registered trademark
are trademarks of Novell, Incorporated.
is a trademark of SPARC International, Incorporated, licensed ex clusiv ely
to Sun Microsystems, Incorporated.
is a registered trademark in the US and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
As an E
efficiency. The E
partner, Xerox Corporation has determined that this product meets th e ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy
NERGY STAR name and logo are registered U.S. marks.
This product uses code for SHA-1 written by John Halleck, which is being used with his permission.
This product includes an implementation of LZW licensed under U.S. Patent 4,558,302.
Other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.
For instructions on how to unpack and set up your printer, see the Setup Guide that
shipped with your printer. Basic information about using your printer and clearing
jams can be found on the Quick Reference Guide.The Quick Reference Guide and
Setup Guide can also be found on the Software and Documentation CD-ROM and at
The front panel on your printer has three components:
■Multi-colored Light Emitting Diode (LED) light
■Alphanumeric display
■Six button cluster.
1. Cancel button
The Alphanumeric Display displays status messages and front panel menus.
2. Return button
3. On-line/Data/Error LED
4. Menu button
5. Status/Error Messages and Menus
6. Up Arrow button
7. OK button
8. Down Arrow button
Printer Tour
Error and Warning Messages
When there is a problem with the printer, the front panel LED (2) blinks red for an error and
yellow for a warning. An error or warning message is displayed in the Alphanumeric
Display (1).
Menu Map
The “Menu Map” is a visual representation of the front panel settings and information pages.
To print the “Menu Map”:
1. At the printer’s front panel, press the Menu button, then press the OK button.
2. Press the OK button to print the Menu Map.
Phaser™ 3450 Laser Printer
Printer Drivers
Print Icon
There are a number of information pages accessible through the front panel. When
the print icon appears before a title in the Menu Map:
1. Select that title at the front panel.
2. Press the OK button to print the page.
Information Pages
Your printer comes with a set of information pages that helps you solve printing problems and
obtain the best results from your printer. Access these pages from the printer’s front panel.
To print information pages:
1. At the printer’s front panel, press the Menu button, then press the OK button.
2. Select Info Pages, then press the OK button.
3. Select the appropriate information page, then press the OK button to print.
Print the “Menu Map” to see other information pages available for printing.
Printer Drivers
Printer drivers enable your computer and printer to communicate and provide access to your
printer features. Xerox makes driver installation easy with its Walk-Up Technology. For more
information about printer drivers, see the video at
Available Printer Drivers
Xerox provides drivers for a variety of page description languages and operating systems. The
following drivers are available:
PCL6 DriverCD-ROM and
Windows PostScript DriverCD-ROM and
The Printer Command Language driver can
be used for applications requiring PCL.
(Default driver)
The PostScript driver is recommended to take
full advantage of PostScript. Available for
Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows
Server 2003.
Macintosh OS DriverCD-ROM and
This driver enables printing from a Macintosh
OS 9.x or higher.
Phaser™ 3450 Laser Printer
Remote Control Panel
Xerox Walk-Up Printing Driver
UNIX Driver (Linux, Solaris)Web onlyThis driver enables printing from a UNIX
Web onlyThis driver enables printing from a PC to any
Xerox PostScript-enabled printer. This is
especially helpful for mobile professionals
who travel to multiple locations and need to
print to different printers.
operating system.
Printer Driver Features
The following chart displays the Xerox driver features that are available with specific
operating systems.
Poster PrintingPCL6PCL6——
Fit to PageBothBothPostScriptPostScript
Mirrored OutputPostScriptPostScriptPostScript—
Negative OutputPostScriptPostScriptPostScript—
Cover PagePCL6PCL6PostScript—
Remote Control Panel
The Remote Control Panel is a Windows utility that enables you to:
■Set printer-specific settings in the printer
■Download fonts and macros to your printer
The Remote Control Panel can be used for all Windows operating systems with a nonnetworked printer when connected with either the parallel interface or USB interface.
Phaser™ 3450 Laser Printer
Managing Your Printer
Installing the Remote Control Panel
The Remote Control Panel utility can be installed from the Software and Documentation CDROM or at
Changing Settings with the Remote Control Panel
To change settings using the Remote Control Panel:
2. Make changes to the Remote Control Panel settings on the Printing, Config, Job, Test
PCL, Flash Font and Macro, and PS 3 tabs.
For information about the settings on these tabs, access the online help by clicking the
Help button.
3. Send the settings to the printer by clicking the Send button.
Settings selected in the printer driver override settings selected in the Remote Control
Managing Your Printer
There are a number of resources available to help you get the best quality prints from your
Printer’s IP Address
You need your printer’s IP address to change printer settings through CentreWare IS. Follow
these steps to identify your printer’s IP address:
1. At the printer’s front panel, press the Menu button, select Information, then press the
OK button.
2. Select Printer Ident, then press the OK button.
3. Select IP Address, then press the OK button.
Phaser™ 3450 Laser Printer
Printer Settings
CentreWare Internet Services (IS)
CentreWare IS a printer management tool that helps users and administrators accomplish
many tasks. It is available on all networked printers. With CentreWare IS you can:
■Access remote diagnostics and troubleshooting information for printer problems.
■Monitor printer and supply status.
■Link to software updates and Technical Support.
CentreWare IS uses TCP/IP (your printer’s IP address) to communicate directly with an
embedded web server on the printer. CentreWare IS runs on any TCP/IP enabled computer
with a web browser.
Launching CentreWare IS
To launch CentreWare IS:
1. Launch your web browser.
2. Enter your printer's IP address in the browser’s Address field (
3. For detailed information about CentreWare IS software, click HELP on the upper right of
the CentreWare IS screen.
Status Monitor
Status Monitor, installed with your printer driver and available only with Windows on a
network enabled printer, automatically checks the printer status and sends instant notification
to your computer if the printer needs attention.
Whenever the printer is unable to print your document, the printer automatically sends an onscreen message that provides helpful text and illustrations showing how to fix the printer.
Printer Settings
Tray Settings
Tray Sequence
You can specify the sequence the printer uses to select trays containing the correct paper type
and size for a print job. When a tray runs out of the correct paper during printing, the printer
selects the next tray in the sequence containing the correct paper type and size to continue
printing the job.
Phaser™ 3450 Laser Printer
Changing Front Panel Language Display
To change the language used for the text on the front panel, CentreWare IS, and some
information pages:
1. At the printer’s front panel, press the Menu button, select Printer Setup, then press the
OK button.
2. Select General Setup, then press the OK button.
3. Select FP Language, then press the OK button.
4. Select the desired language, then press the OK button.
Your printer uses the following types of fonts:
■Resident fonts
■Fonts downloaded into printer memory
■Fonts downloaded with your print job from the application
■Fonts downloaded into printer optional flash
Resident PostScript Fonts
Printer-resident fonts are always av ailable for printing. All printers are shipped with PostScript
resident Roman fonts. Print a sample of the resident PostScript fonts at the front panel.
Resident PCL6Fonts
For PCL printing, the printer includes many typefaces, including Courier, Times, and Univers
typefaces in medium, bold, italic medium, and italic bold. Print a sample of resident PCL6
fonts at the front panel.
Registering Your Printer
Registering your printer is quick and easy. You can register your printer using one of the
following methods:
■Registration card that came with your printer
■Online form at
Registering your printer provides you with updates and news about your printer.
Phaser™ 3450 Laser Printer
Supported Papers
Supported Papers
Follow the guidelines in these tables to ensure the best print quality and avoid printer jams.
Xerox highly recommends that you print transparencies and other specialty media from
Tray 1 (MPT) for best results.
Supported Papers, Transparencies, and Other Specialty Media
Letter8.5 x 11 in.●●●●
Legal8.5 x 14 in.
US Folio8.5 x 13 in.●●●●
A4210 x 297 mm
B5-JIS182 x 257 mm
ISO-B5176 x 250 mm●●●
A5148 x 210 mm
Executive7.25 x 10.5 in.
Statement5.5 x 8.5 in.●
US Postcard3.5 x 5.5 in.●
Index Card3 x 5 in.●
A6 Postcard105 x 148 mm●
#10 Commercial
3.88 x 7.5 in.
4.13 x 9.5 in.
162 x 229 mm
114 x 162 mm
110 x 220 mm
For information about how to load paper in Tray 1 (MPT), Tray 2, or Tray 3, see the Quick
Reference Guide that came with your printer . The Quic k Refer ence Guide can also be found on
the Software a nd Documenta tion CD-ROM that came with your printer, or at
A minimum clearance of 32 mm (12.6 in.) must be maintained at the rear of the printer.
See the Setup Guide that came with your printer for minimum clearances.
Changing Paper Type and Size at the Front Panel
If you have changed the paper size, at the printer’s front panel:
1. Press the Menu button, select Printer Setup, then press the OK button.
2. Select Paper Handling, then press the OK button.
3. Select Tray [1, 2, or 3] Size, then press the OK button.
4. Scroll to the paper size loaded, then press the OK button.
5. Press the Cancel button to return to the main menu.
If you have changed the paper type at the printer’s front panel:
1. Press the Menu button, select Printer Setup, then press the OK button.
2. Select Paper Handling, then press the OK button.
3. Select Tray [1, 2, or 3] Type, then press the OK button.
4. Scroll to the paper type loaded, then press the OK button.
5. Press the Cancel button to return to the main menu.
Phaser™ 3450 Laser Printer
Adjusting Printing Options
Factors Affecting Printer Performance
Many factors affect a print job. They include the print speed (stated in number of pages per
minute), the media used, download time, and printer processing time.
The computer download time and printer processing time are affected by several factors
■Printer memory
■Connection type (network or USB)
■Network operating system
■Printer configuration
■File size and type of graphics
■Computer speed
Additional printer memory (RAM) may improve ov er all printer functions, but will not
increase the pages per minute (ppm) ability of the printer.
Adjusting Printing Options
Setting Printing Options
Many printing options are available with the Xerox printer driver.
Selecting Printing Preferences in Windows
Printer preferences control all of your jobs, unless you overwrite them specifically for your
job. For e xample, if you w ant to use automatic 2-sided printing for most jobs, set this option in
printer settings.
1. Click Start, select Settings, then click Printers.
2. In the Printers folder, right-click the icon for your printer.
3. From the popup menu, select Printer Preferences or Properties.
4. Make selections from the driver tabs. See the “PCL Printer Driver Options for Windows
Operating Systems” table or “PostScript Printer Driver Options for Windows Operating
Systems” table for specific printing options.
5. Click the OK button to save your selections.
Phaser™ 3450 Laser Printer
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