Copyright protection claimed includes all forms of matters of copyrightable materials and information now allowed by
statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without limitation, material generated from the software
programs which are displayed on the screen such as styles, templates, icons, screen displays, looks, and so on.
and Xerox and Design®, Phaser®, PhaserSMART®, PhaserMatch®, PhaserCal®, PhaserMeter™, CentreWare®,
, eClick®, PrintingScout®, Walk-Up®, WorkCentre®, FreeFlow®, SMARTsend®, Scan to PC Desktop®,
This guide is designed for a system administrator with network administrator rights who understands
networking concepts and has experience creating and managing network user accounts.
Use this guide to help you install, configure, and manage your printer on a network.
•Network features are not available when you are connected over USB.
•Embedded fax features are not available for all printer models.
CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn SStteeppss
When you configure the printer for the first time, complete the following tasks.
1.Connect your printer to a network with an Ethernet cable.
2.Confirm that your network recognizes your printer. By default, the printer receives an IP address
from a DHCP server over a TCP/IP network. If you have a different type of network or want to
assign a static IP address, refer to TCP/IP.
3.Complete the installation wizard that launches automatically the first time the printer powers on.
The installation wizard helps you configure basic printer settings such as your location, time zone,
and date and time preferences.
4.To view the new IP address and ensure that the connection is successful, print a Configuration
Report. For details, refer to Printing the Configuration Report.
5.To access Xerox
for your printer. Xerox
software installed on the embedded Web server in the printer. It allows you to configure and
administer the printer from a Web browser. For details, refer to Accessing Xerox
Internet Services.
Note: You can access most configuration settings in Xerox®CentreWare®Internet Services
on the Properties tab.
6.Configure authentication. For details, refer to Setting Access Rights.
7.Configure Security. For details, refer to Security.
8.Enable services in Xerox
9.Configure Accounting. For details, refer to Accounting.
Note: Not all printer models support these features.
CentreWare®Internet Services, open a Web browser, then type the IP address
CentreWare®Internet Services is the administration and configuration
CentreWare®Internet Services. For details, refer to About User
Xerox®Phaser®3330 Printer
System Administrator Guide
More Information
You can obtain more information about your printer from these sources:
Installation GuidePackaged with the printer.
Other documentation for your
Technical support information for your printer,
including online technical support, Online Support
Assistant, and driver downloads.
Information about menus or error messagesPress the control panel Help (?) button.
Information PagesPrint from the control panel, or from Xerox
Order supplies for your
A resource for tools and information, including
interactive tutorials, printing templates, helpful tips,
and customized features to meet your individual
Local sales and support
1.Connect the power cord to the printer. Plug in the power cord to an electrical outlet.
2.Connect one end of a Category 5 or better Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the back of the
printer. Connect the other end of the cable to a correctly configured network port.
3.Turn on the printer.
Xerox®Phaser®3330 Printer
System Administrator Guide
Initial Setup
Assigning a Network Address
The printer acquires a network address automatically from a DHCP server by default. To assign a
static IP address, refer to Configuring the Network Address Manually at the Control Panel.
System Administrator Guide
Phaser®3330 Printer
Initial Setup
Accessing Administration and Configuration
You can access the administration and configuration settings from the control panel or from the
Properties tab in Xerox
buttons that you press to control the functions available on the printer. Xerox
Services is the administration and configuration software installed on the embedded Web server in
the printer. It allows you to configure and administer the printer from a Web browser.
The administrator password is required when accessing locked settings in Xerox
Internet Services or at the control panel. Most printer models have a default configuration that
restricts access to some settings. Access is restricted for settings on the Properties tab in Xerox
CentreWare®Internet Services, and settings at the control panel.
CentreWare®Internet Services. The control panel consists of a display and
AAcccceessssiinngg tthhee CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneell aass aa SSyysstteemm
If you have not changed the administrator password, you can continue to access the administrator
functions at the control panel with the default password. The default administrator password is 1111,
or the device serial number. You can obtain the serial number from inside the front door of the
printer, from the configuration report, and from the home page of the Xerox
To change the administrator password at the control panel:
1.At the printer control panel, press the Menu button.
2.Use the arrow buttons to navigate through the menus.
3.If your menu selection is locked, use the arrow buttons to enter the administrator password, then
press OK. The password is case-sensitive.
4.Make other selections as needed.
AAcccceessssiinngg XXeerrooxx®®CCeennttrreeWWaarree®®IInntteerrnneett SSeerrvviicceess aass aa
SSyysstteemm AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorr
Before you begin:
•Locate your printer IP address using the Configuration Report. For details, refer to Printing the
Configuration Report.
•Ensure that TCP/IP and HTTP are enabled. If you disabled either of these protocols, enable them
at the control panel before you access Xerox
•Many features in Xerox
password. The system administrator user name is admin and the default administrator password
is 1111, or the device serial number. You can obtain the serial number from inside the front door
of the printer, from the configuration report, and from the home page of the Xerox
Internet Services.
CentreWare®Internet Services require an administrator user name and
CentreWare®Internet Services.
Xerox®Phaser®3330 Printer
System Administrator Guide
The Installation wizard starts the first time you turn on the printer. The wizard prompts you with a
series of questions to help you configure basic printer settings.
Note: You can change these settings at any time.
For details, refer to the User Guide for your printer.
Atmospheric pressure, determined by altitude, can affect print quality. If the printer is located at an
elevation greater than 8200 feet or 2500 meters, to improve print quality, you can use Altitude
To set Altitude Adjustment:
1.At the printer control panel, press the Menu button.
Note: To navigate through the menu, use the arrow buttons.
2.Navigate to Tools, then press OK.
3.Navigate to Setup, then press OK.
4.Navigate to Machine Settings, then press OK.
5.Navigate to Altitude Adjustment, then press OK.
6.To set the high altitude adjustment, select On, then press OK.
System Administrator Guide
Phaser®3330 Printer
Initial Setup
Initial Setup in Xerox®CentreWare
Xerox®CentreWare®Internet Services is the administration and configuration software installed on
the embedded Web server in the printer. This software allows you to configure and administer the
printer from a Web browser.
Before you begin:
•TCP/IP and HTTP must be enabled to access Xerox
either of these services, enable them at the printer before you access Xerox
Internet Services.
•Locate your printer IP address using the Configuration Report.
Note: If your printer is locked, type the system administrator user name and password
to access the Properties tab. The administrator user name is admin and the default
administrator password is 1111, or the device serial number. You can obtain the serial
number from inside the front door of the printer, from the configuration report, and
from the home page of the Xerox
At your computer, open a Web browser, in the address field, type the IP address of the printer, then
press Enter or Return.
CentreWare®Internet Services. If you disable
AAssssiiggnniinngg aa PPrriinntteerr NNaammee aanndd LLooccaattiioonn
The Description page displays the printer model information and product code or serial number. It
also provides a place to assign a name and location to the printer. Asset tags let you enter unique
identifiers for inventory management.
1.In Xerox
2.For Machine Name, type a name for the printer.
3.For Location, type the location of the printer.
4.For Customer Asset Tag Number and Xerox
5.To enter a physical location or address for the printer, in the Geo-Location field, enter the
geographic latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal form.
The Configuration page provides current detailed configuration information about the device. You
can refer to this page to view information such as installed options, network setup information,
installed software versions, and so on. You can print the page for reference.
1.In Xerox
2.To print the configuration report, click Print System Data List.
Xerox recommends that you change the default administrator password after you configure the
printer. Ensure that you store the password in a secure location. The default administrator password is
1111, or the device serial number. You can obtain the serial number from inside the front door of the
printer, from the configuration report, and from the home page of the Xerox
1.In Xerox
2.Click Maintenance→Administrator Password.
3.Type the password, then type the password again to verify.
4.To save the new password, for Select to save new password, select the check box.
5.Click Save.
CentreWare®Internet Services, click Properties.
Xerox®Phaser®3330 Printer
System Administrator Guide
Computers and printers primarily use TCP/IP protocols to communicate over an Ethernet network.
Generally, Macintosh computers use either TCP/IP or the Bonjour protocol to communicate with a
network printer. For Macintosh OS X systems, TCP/IP is preferred. Unlike TCP/IP, however, Bonjour
does not require printers or computers to have IP addresses.
With TCP/IP protocols, each printer and computer must have a unique IP address. Many networks and
cable and DSL routers have a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. A DHCP server
automatically assigns an IP address to every computer and printer on the network that is configured
to use DHCP.
If you use a Cable or DSL router, refer the documentation for your router for information on IP
If your printer has a valid network address, you can configure TCP/IP settings in Xerox®CentreWare
Internet Services. For details, refer to Assigning a Network Address.
CCoonnffiigguurriinngg IIPPvv44
You can use IPv4 or IPv6 in addition to or in place of the other.
1.In Xerox
2.Click TCP/IP.
3.For Protocol, select Enabled.
4.For Host Name, type a unique name for your printer.
5.For IP Address Resolution, select an option. Fields that appear depend on the option that you
•STATIC: This option disables dynamic addressing and allows you to type a static IP address.
•BOOTP: This option allows the printer to obtain an IP address from a BOOTP server that does
•DHCP: This option allows your DHCP server to assign an IP address to the printer. Dynamic
Type the Machine IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway Address.
not respond to DHCP requests.
DNS Registration is enabled.
6.For Domain Name, type the fully qualified domain name of your authentication server.
7.For DNS Configuration, type the IP address for up to three servers.
8.To send a release request to the DHCP and DNS servers, for Dynamic DNS Registration, select
Enabled. If the servers grant the request, when the printer is powered off, the current IP address
and dynamic DNS name are released.
9.For Zero-Configuration Networking, perform the following steps.
•To configure the printer to assign itself an address if a DHCP server does not provide one, for
Self-Assigned Address, select Enabled.
•To allow users to see and connect to the printer using Bonjour, for Multicast DNS, select
10.Click Apply.
System Administrator Guide
Phaser®3330 Printer
Network Connectivity
CCoonnffiigguurriinngg IIPPvv66
IPv6 hosts can automatically configure themselves when connected to a routed IPv6 network using
the Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6 (ICMPv6). ICMPv6 performs error reporting for IP
along with other diagnostic functions. When first connected to a network, a host sends a link-local
multicast router solicitation request for configuration parameters. If suitably configured, routers
respond to this request with a router advertisement packet containing network-layer configuration
Xerox®Phaser®3330 Printer
System Administrator Guide
Network Connectivity
Printers use Service Location Protocol (SLP) to announce and look up services on a local network
without prior configuration. When SLP is enabled, the printer becomes a Service Agent (SA) and
announces its services to User Agents (UA) on the network using SLP.
Directory Agents (DA) are components that cache services. They are used in larger networks to reduce
the amount of traffic. DAs are optional. If a DA is present, then User Agents (UAs) and System Agents
(SAs) are required to use it instead of communicating directly with the printer.
SNMP version 1 (SNMPv1) is the initial implementation of the SNMP protocol. SNMPv1 operates over
protocols such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
SNMPv2c includes improvements in performance, confidentiality, and manager-to-manager
communications over SNMPv1, however it uses the simple-community based security scheme of
3.For Allow SNMPv3 with SNMPv1/v2c, select Enable.
4.For SNMPv3, select Enable.
Note: Some options become editable after you enable SNMPv3.
5.For User Name, type the administrative user name for SNMPv3 authentication.
6.For Authentication Password, type a password. The Authentication Password is used to generate
a key used for authentication.
7.For Algorithm, select an encryption checksum algorithm.
8.For Privacy Password, type a password. The Privacy Password is used for encryption of SNMPv3
data. The passphrase used to encrypt the data must match the passphrase on the Server.
Note: Ensure that the passwords are at least eight characters in length. You can include
any characters except control characters.
9.Click Apply.
System Administrator Guide
Phaser®3330 Printer
Network Connectivity
When running WINS, the printer registers its IP address and NetBIOS Host Name with a WINS server.
WINS allows the printer to communicate using host name only. Using Microsoft Networking removes
significant overhead for systems administrators.
4.For Primary Server IP Address, type the IP address for your primary server.
5.For Secondary Server IP Address, enter the IP Address as needed.
Note: If DHCP is configured, WINS IP addresses are overridden.
6.Click Apply.
Xerox®Phaser®3330 Printer
System Administrator Guide
Network Connectivity
Configuring LPR/LPD
The Line Printer Daemon (LPD) and Line Printer Remote (LPR) protocols provide printer spooling and
network print server functionality for UNIX-based systems, such as HP-UX, Linux, and Macintosh.
1.In Xerox
2.Click LPR/LPD.
3.For Protocol, select Enable.
4.Type an LPR/LPD Port Number or use the default port number of 515.
Raw TCP/IP is used to open a TCP socket-level connection over Port 9100, and stream a print-ready
file to the printer input buffer. It then closes the connection either after sensing an End Of Job
character in the PDL or after expiration of a preset timeout value. Port 9100 does not require an LPR
request from the computer or the use of an LPD running on the printer. Raw TCP/IP printing is
selected in Windows as the Standard TCP/IP port.