Xerox DocuPrint 4635 User Manual


Xerox 4635 Laser Printing System

Master Index

April 1995 721P83110

Xerox Corporation

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Publication number: 721P83110

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WARNING: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.

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Xerox DocuPrint 4635 User Manual

Xerox 4635 LPS

Master Index


.BCP command, OR 5-4 to 5-5

.CHAIN, command, OR 5-6

.DELAY command, OR 5-7

.EXIT command, OR 5-7

.HOME command, OR 5-7

.PAUSE command, OR 5-7

.WAIT command, OR 5-8


.25-inch cartridge tape drive cleaning, OG 11-20 components, OG 7-21 features, IP 1-2 to 1-3, OG 1-4 handling, OG 7-23

loading, OG 7-22 unloading, OG 7-22

.5-inch cartridge tape drive cleaning, OG 11-19 features, OG 1-13

handling tapes, OG 7-19 to 7-21 loading tape, OG 7-15 to 7-16 powering

off, OG 7-18 to 7-19 on, OG 7-14 to 7-15

problems, OG 12-32 to 12-35 unloading tape, OG 7-17 to 7-18

5.25-inch floppy disk drive, PR 1-4, 3-1 to 3-2; see also floppy disk

7 X 10 enablement kit, IP 2-4, OG 1-15, 12-4 9-track magnetic tape drive, IP 2-2, PR 1-3, 2-2,

3-1, 3-4

18-track cartridge tape drive, IP 2-2, PR 1-3, 2-2, 3-1, 3-4 to 3-5

300 dpi, PR 2-3

300 spi, FC 5-3 to 5-5 600 dpi, PR 2-3

600 spi, FC 4-3, 5-3 to 5-5 3211/4245

commands, OR I-1 to I-2 FCB, PDL 4-42 to 4-43 mode, OR 7-22 to 7-23 online, PDL 4-39

3480 data format, IP 2-2


compatibility, PDL 3-22 to 3-26 files, converting, OR 10-2 to 10-3

4850/4890 color forms, FC 4-3 6000-series workstations, OR 8-28 7650 Pro Imager scanner, IP 2-7

FC=Forms Creation Guide

IP=Installation Planning

PC=PC User Interface

PDL=PDL/DJDE Reference

7650 Pro Imager, OR 8-28 to 8-29 7650 Pro Imager, PR 2-5 to 2-6

8000 Information Systems workstations, OR 8-28 to 8-29

9700/8700 keyboard, FC 3-23


abbreviating commands, SG 2-3 ABNORMAL command

description, PDL 6-2

ERROR parameter, PDL 6-2 to 6-3 IMISMATCH parameter, PDL 6-3 to 6-4 ISUBSTITUTE parameter, PDL 6-5 marker page, PDL 6-7 to 6-8

OTEXT parameter, PDL 6-5 PAGES parameter, PDL 6-5 to 6-6 parameters, summary, PDL 6-2 recovery, PDL 6-6 to 6-7

REP parameter, PDL 6-6 SECURITY parameter, PDL 6-6


HIP, PC 6-32 to 6-33

HIP print job, OG 8-8 to 8-9 Job Control, PC 7-2 to 7-3 task, OG 5-3 to 5-5


restore process, OR 2-32 save process, OR 2-32

ACCEPT command, HIP, OR 8-17 access

communication modes, PC 6-29 requirements, delivery, IP 3-12 to 3-14 setting, OR 1-28 to 1-31

ACCOUNT command, LPS, OR 3-14 to 3-17 accounting

activity commands, using, OR 3-10 to 3-32 icon, OG 2-9

page, delimiter, PDL 7-27 page, online, OR 3-2 to 3-3 reports, see ACCT command status file

adding data, OR 3-1

data entries, OR 3-4 to 3-9 sysgen parameter, SG 3-7

Accounting windows Activity Report, PC 2-8 Billing, PC 2-12

icon, PC 1-11 menu, PC 2-1

Save Reports, PC 2-11

SFS (Status File Service)

OG=Operator Guide

OR=Operations Reference

PR=Product Reference

SG=System Generation Guide




Clear/Create, PC 2-6 Complete Display, PC 2-3 Format, PC 2-7

Print, PC 2-4 to 2-5 Save, PC 2-5 to 2-6 Search, PC 2-7

User Report, PC 2-9 to 2-10 accounts

data, copying, OR 3-14 to 3-17 establishing, OR 3-14 to 3-15 tape format, OR 3-15 to 3-17

ACCT command

accounting data, PDL 6-9, 6-12 DEPT parameter, PDL 6-14 description, PDL 6-9 to 6-10 example, PDL 6-15

installation accounting, PDL 6-10 to 6-11 overall usage, PDL 6-9, 6-13 parameters, summary, PDL 6-9

points to note, PDL 6-15 USER parameter, PDL 6-14

ACCTINFO parameter, RSTACK command, PDL 7-28 ACCTINFOR entry, OR 3-8

ACFILES command, HIP, OR 8-17 ACT icon, OG 1-11, PR 3-8 Activity Report window, PC 2-8

activity reports, generating, OR 3-10 to 3-13 ACTREPORTS command, HIP, OR 8-18 ADJUST parameter

BLOCK command, PDL 4-2 RECORD command, PDL 4-14

Advanced Customer Training (ACT), IP xiii, 3-22, OG 1-10

Advanced Imaging Subsystem, see AIS ADVTAPE parameter, PCC command, PDL 4-9 AIM, OR 1-6

AIS, FC 3-33, OR 7-2, 9-1, PDL 1-2, 1-6 to 1-7, 8-51 alarm, printer, OG 1-9

ALIGN command, LPS, OR 1-17 to 1-19 Align

task, OG 5-5 to 5-7 window, PC 7-5

aligning text, FC 3-23 to 3-27 alignment problems, FC 5-12 to 5-13 ALTER parameter, DJDE, PDL 8-15 altitude, limitation, IP 3-15

ancillary Printer message, see AIM

ANSI carriage control commands, PDL 4-40 ANSI-compatible 0.5 inch tape, IP 2-2 applications, identifying new, IP 5-5

Apply header button, PC 1-13 Apply/Close header button, PC 1-13 arrow keys, PC 1-4, 1-6


job source language, see JSL raster format, PR 4-3

string constants, PDL, PDL 2-7

ASSIGN parameter

CODE command, PDL 4-7 to 4-8 DJDE, PDL 8-15 to 8-16

PCC command, PDL 4-10 to 4-11 STOCKSET command, PDL 6-86

Attention light/alarm

description, IP 1-5, OG 1-11, OR INTRO-7, PR 3-8 enabling/disabling, OG 4-10 to 4-11, OR 11-31 to


remaining on, OG 12-25 turning off, OG 4-12 window, PC 8-6 to 8-7

Audit Log

Administration Utility, OR 3-43 Administration window, OR 3-43, PC 8-30 Constraints/Exceptions, OR 3-42

Default Options window, OR 3-43, PC 8-33 Disk Usage window, OR 3-43, PC 8-31 to 8-32

Display Options window, OR 3-41, PC 8-26 to 8-28 Display window, OR 3-41

Print Options window, OR 3-34 to 3-40, PC 8-22 to 8-25

Reconciliation Error window, OR 3-41, PC 8-34 Save window, OR 3-41, PC 8-29

Search window, OR 3-41

Sequence Error window, OR 3-42, PC 8-35 to 8-36 Stale Date window, OR 3-42, PC 8-37

task, OG 4-25 to 4-26

using, PDL 6-36,6-42 to 6-45 Utility, OR 3-33

window, OR 3-33, PC 8-19 to 8-21 auto

boot option, SG 3-4 sysgen, description, SG 1-1

AUTO command, SG 2-2 Autoscroll buttons, OG 2-8


B4 paper size, FC 3-4 to 3-5 B5 paper size, FC 3-5 backing up

files, OR 3-2, PC 4-2, 3-10, SG 4-4 system, OR 2-10 to 2-45

backward compatibility pointers, OR 3-32

bad blocks, OR 2-5 to 2-7, 2-32 to 2-33 BANNER command

description, PDL 7-10 examples, PDL 7-13 to 7-14 HCOUNT parameter, PDL 7-11 HJOBNO parameter, PDL 7-11 HRPTNA parameter , PDL 7-12 parameters, summary, PDL 7-11 points to note, PDL 7-13 TCOUNT parameter, PDL 7-12 TEST parameter, PDL 7-12 TYPE parameter, PDL 7-13

banner page detection, PDL 7-10, 7-26

FC=Forms Creation Guide

IP=Installation Planning

OG=Operator Guide

OR=Operations Reference

PC=PC User Interface

PDL=PDL Reference

PR=Product Reference

SG=System Generation Guide




bar code

device, IP 2-4, OG 1-15 mode echo, OG 14-3 reader

adjusting, OG 14-4 to 14-6

description, OR INTRO-7, PC 7-8 to 7-9, PR 1-4

state, setting, OR 1-20 to 1-21 status icon, PC 1-10

turning on/off, OG 14-1 to 14-2 Bar Code Alignment Mode, OR 1-21 BAR command, LPS, OR 1-20 to 1-21 BARCODE command

description, PDL 6-15

points to note, PDL 6-16 to 6-17 base components

printer, IP 1-4 to 1-5

system controller, IP 1-2 to 1-4

basic concepts, FC 2-1 to 2-10, PR 2-1 to 2-9 BATCH

mode, graphics, OR 9-2 to 9-5, PDL 9-3 to 9-7 parameter, DJDE, PDL 8-18

BCP command, OR 5-4 to 5-5 BDELETE command

description, PDL 7-14 examples, PDL 7-15 to 7-16 points to note, PDL 7-15 TEST parameter, PDL 7-14

BEGIN parameter

DJDE, PDL 8-18 to 8-19 PDE command, PDL 6-80

RRESUME command, PDL 7-32 RSUSPEND command, PDL 7-32

BEGIN SECTION command, FC 3-34 to 3-35 BFORM parameter

DJDE, PDL 8-19

OUTPUT command, PDL 6-47 Billing

report, OG A-1 to A-3 window, PC 2-12


Full Criteria, OG 9-24 to 9-27, PC 6-20 to 6-21 Limits, PC 6-21

Mode, PC 6-9

bin limits, setting, OG 9-26 to 9-27 BINFULL command, OR 10-32 bitmap memory, PR 1-4

blank display, OG 12-28

BLIMIT command, OR 10-30 to 10-31 block

delimiter constant, PDL 4-6 length, PDL 4-6 to 4-7 mode, OR 9-2, PDL 9-2

BLOCK command

ADJUST parameter, PDL 4-2 CONSTANT parameter, PDL 4-3 example, PDL 4-6

FORMAT parameter, PDL 4-3 LENGTH parameter, PDL 4-3 LMULT parameter, PDL 4-4

FC=Forms Creation Guide

IP=Installation Planning

PC=PC User Interface

PDL=PDL Reference

LTHFLD parameter, PDL 4-4 OFFSET parameter, PDL 4-4 parameters, summary, PDL 4-2 points to note, PDL 4-5 POSTAMBLE parameter, PDL 4-5 PREAMBLE parameter, PDL 4-5 sample, PDL 4-7

ZERO parameter, PDL 4-5 BLOCKS READ entry, OR 3-7 BLOCKS SKIPPED entry, OR 3-7 BLOCKSIZE command, HIP, OR 8-18

BMULT parameter, VOLUME command, PDL 4-28 to 4-29

BOF parameter, PDL 8-19 to 8-20 boot

auto, SG 3-4

LPS, OG 4-5 to 4-7, OR 1-3 to 1-4 switch, IP 1-4, OG 1-3, PR 3-3

BOOT command, SG 2-2 boundary line density, FC 5-10

BOX command, FC 3-18 to 3-20, 5-6, 6-4 boxes

adjacent, FC 3-31 to 3-32 drawing, FC 6-4

line spacing, FC 5-9 locating closest, FC 5-7 shading, FC 5-9 to 5-10 specifying, FC 3-18

text in, FC 3-28 to 3-29, 5-7 to 5-9 using, FC 5-6 to 5-7

brightness control thumbwheel, OG 1-10, PR 3-7 BSC files, PR 4-4

BSELECT command description, PDL 7-14 examples, PDL 7-15 to 7-16 points to note, PDL 7-15 TEST parameter, PDL 7-14

BSEQ parameter, DJDE, PDL 8-16 BSIDE parameter, DJDE, PDL 8-17 BSKIP parameter, DJDE, PDL 8-17 BTEXT parameter

DJDE, PDL 8-20 to 8-26

MESSAGE command, PDL 6-36 to 6-39 buffer limitations, form image, FC 5-10 Buffer/Version, PC 6-31

BUFFERSIZE command, HIP, OR 8-19 Bulk Data Transfer Protocol, OR 8-27 button/check boxes, selecting, PC 1-15 bypass transport

electrical requirements, PR 1-7

option, IP 2-3 to 2-4, 3-7, 3-21, PR 1-3, 3-6 to 3-7

Bypass Transport Module, OG 1-14 to 1-15



command, editor, OR 4-16 text parameter, DJDE, PDL 8-26

OG=Operator Guide

OR=Operations Reference

PR=Product Reference

SG=System Generation Guide





enter/exit locations, IP 3-11 lengths, IP 3-10 to 3-11


format files, OR 7-35, PDL 4-48, 8-48 to 8-50 processing, OR 7-38

carriage control commands, PDL 4-40 to 4-41 cartridge tape

description, IP 3-25

drives, naming, OR INTRO-6 to INTRO-7 files, manipulating, OR 2-24 to 2-28 formatting, OR 2-13 to 2-14

catalog level, JSL, PDL 2-11 to 2-12, 3-4 cataloged

CMEs, PDL 6-17 RTEXT files, PDL 6-83

center-aligned text, FC 3-24

centering text in boxes, FC 3-30 to 3-31, 5-8 CHAIN command, OR 5-6 to 5-8


Logon Class Level, PC 8-2 mode, PDL 7-6 to 7-7 Password, PC 8-3 window, HIP, PC 6-31

CHANGE parameter, CRITERIA command, PDL 7-3 channel-attached

host, PR 2-2

interface, IP 3-21, OR 7-21, PDL 4-39, PR 1-4 character

block orientations, FC 3-26 to 3-27 code

assignment tables, OR B-1 to E-6, PDL C-1 to C-8

identifier, OR 8-46 to 8-47 constants, PDL, PDL 2-6 placement, FC 3-21

set, FC 3-12, PDL 3-21, PR 2-8 spacing, FC 2-2, PDL 3-21 types, PDL 7-8

check boxes, PC 1-15 checklist

installation planning, IP xv to xvi supplies, IP 5-11

checkpoint data, PDL 6-6 to 6-7 chording, mouse, PC 7-12 Class 1 laser, OG iii

Class 2 laser, OG 14-1 cleaning

.25-inch cartridge tape drive, OG 11-20

.5-inch cartridge tape drive, OG 11-19 floppy disk drive, OG 11-20 to 11-21 open-reel tape drive, OG 11-15 to 11-18 reflecting surfaces, OG 11-10 to 11-11 sensors, OG 11-10 to 11-14

supplies, OG 11-1 terminal, OG 11-14

time, pitch mode changes, PR 5-23 to 5-24 Clear button, OG 1-10, PR 3-7

CLEAR command, editor, OR 4-9 Clear Faults button, OG 2-7, PC 1-8

FC=Forms Creation Guide

IP=Installation Planning

PC=PC User Interface

PDL=PDL Reference

clearance, see equipment dimensions; space planning

Clearinghouse Protocol, OR 8-27 client layer, OR 1-6


All Windows button, OG 2-8, PC 1-9 function key, PC 1-4

header button, PC 1-13

CLOSE command, font editor, OR 6-10 to 6-11 CLUSTER.LIB, PDL 5-2


creating, PDL 5-6 to 5-7

CLP command, OR 10-15 to 10-16

CLUSTER (CLU) command, OR 10-14 to 10-16 defining, OR 10-9 to 10-13, PDL 5-5 description, OG 9-3 to 9-4, OR 10-4 to 10-7,

PDL 5-1 to 5-2 examples, OR 10-18

operator tasks, OR 10-18 to 10-22 points to note, PDL 5-5 to 5-6 printing, PR 4-5

stocksets, PDL 5-3 to 5-8 storing, PDL 5-2 to 5-3

using, OR 10-7 to 10-8, 10-16 to 10-17, PDL 5-3 to 5-4

Clusters task, OG 9-13 to 9-16, PC 6-10 to 6-11 CMD files, executing, PDL 1-5

CME command

catalogued, PDL 6-17 CONSTANT parameter, PDL 6-18 description, PDL 6-17

example, PDL 6-21

FONTS parameter, PDL 6-18 to 6-19 LINE parameter, PDL 6-19 parameters, summary, PDL 6-17 points to note, PDL 6-20 to 6-21 POSITION parameter, PDL 6-19 short form, PDL 6-17

copy-sensitive, PDL 4-41 description, PDL 1-9, PR 2-7

string constant, font switch, PDL 6-20 CODE


ASSIGN parameter, PDL 4-7 to 4-8 DEFAULT parameter, PDL 4-8 examples, PDL 4-8

parameters, summary, PDL 4-7 point to note, PDL 4-8

parameter, VOLUME command, PDL 4-29 codes, tape, PDL 4-49


complex form, FC 6-1 to 6-9 techniques, FC 5-13 to 5-15

COLLATE entry, OR 3-8 parameter

DJDE, PDL 8-27

OUTPUT command, PDL 6-47 to 6-48 color forms, FC 4-3

OG=Operator Guide

OR=Operations Reference

PR=Product Reference

SG=System Generation Guide




Combined Remote Interface Board, see CRIB Command Files

creating, PC 5-5

command summary, OR D-1 description, OR 5-1 documenting, OR 5-5

logical processing, OR 5-8 to 5-10 messages, OR 5-5

running, PC 5-4

samples, OR 5-10 to 5-11 summary, commands, OR 5-6 verifying type, OR 5-4

Command Line/Message

entering commands, PC 1-22 to 1-23 TEM mode, PC 1-23

window, PC 1-8 to 1-9 commands

abbreviating, SG 2-3 AUTO, SG 2-2 BOOT, SG 2-2 COMMANDS, SG 2-2

entering, OG 2-20 to 2-21, PC 1-22 to 1-23, SG 2-3

ERASE, SG 2-3, 4-4 FDL

BEGIN SECTION, FC 3-34 to 3-35 BOX, FC 3-18 to 3-20 COMMENT, FC 3-36, 6-2

DO SECTION, FC 3-34 to 3-35 END, FC 3-37, 6-7

END SECTION, FC 3-34 to 3-35 FONT, FC 3-12

FORM, FC 3-3 to 3-4 format, FC 3-2

GRAPHIC, FC 3-33 to 3-34 GRID, FC 3-7 to 3-12 LINE, FC 3-13 to 3-17 LOGO, FC 3-32 to 3-33 PAPER, FC 3-4 to 3-6 SECTION, FC 3-34 to 3-35

summary, FC 3-1 to 3-2, A-1 to A-5 TEXT, FC 3-20 to 3-21

TEXT AT, FC 3-21 to 3-27 TEXT IN BOX, FC 3-28 to 3-32

FORMAT, SG 2-2, 4-4 HOSTCOPY, SG 2-1 TO 2-2 levels, JSL, PDL 2-10, 3-4 to 3-5 MINI, SG 2-3

online specific, PDL 4-40 to 4-41 PDL structure

components, PDL 2-3 to 2-5, 3-5 to 3-6 line length, PDL 2-2

right-part constants, PDL 2-5 to 2-8 SYSGEN, SG 2-2

COMMANDS command, SG 2-2 COMMENT command, FC 3-36, 6-2 comments, PDL, PDL 2-4, 3-6 communicating modes, accessing, PC 6-29 communications link, printer, OR 1-6 to 1-7 comparisons, LPS features, PR 5-13 to 5-16

FC=Forms Creation Guide

IP=Installation Planning

PC=PC User Interface

PDL=PDL Reference


Highlight Color compatibility, PDL 3-24 to 3-26 JDL, PR 5-10

LPS features, PR 5-1 to 5-9

paper sizes/stocks, PR 5-8 to 5-10 PDL, PR 5-11 to 5-13

resolution, PR 5-10 Compile

FDL, PC 5-3 to 5-4 PDL, PC 5-2 to 5-3


forms, FC 3-3, 4-1 to 4-6, 6-8 JSL, PDL 3-13 to 3-14

time, FC 4-6

Complete Display, SFS, PC 2-3 to 2-4 components

hardware, PDL 1-2, PR 3-1 to 3-8 main, IP 1-2 to 1-5, PR 1-2 to 1-3 printer

base, OG 1-4 to 11 optional, OG 1-14 to 1-16

software, PDL 1-3, PR 4-1 to 4-6 system controller

base, OG 1-1 to 1-4 optional, OG 1-12 to 1-14


command, LPS, OR 2-8 to 2-10, 7-4 utility, FC 4-6

Compress, PC 4-3 to 4-4

CONCATENATE command, HIP, OR 8-19 to 8-20 concatenated

files, SG A-1

version, software, PR 4-1

Configuration menu, sample, SG 3-3 to 3-6 Configure

feeding device task, OG 9-30 to 9-32 finishing device task, OG 9-30 to 9-32

confirmation windows, OG 2-14, PC 1-17 to 1-18 console log

accessing, OG 4-15 to 4-16 converting, OG 4-22, OR 2-36 deleting, OG 4-21

displaying, OG 4-16 to 4-18 emptying current, OG 4-21 file names, PC 8-11 printing, OG 4-19 to 4-20

requesting log debug information, OG 4-21 saving, OG 4-20

window, PC 8-10 to 8-11 Console Log

Console Log Printer confirmation, PC 8-14 Convert, PC 8-17

Delete, PC 8-16

Display Console Log, PC 8-13 Empty, PC 8-16

Print Console Log, PC 8-13 to 8-14 Save, PC 8-15

Stop Print, PC 8-14 constant mode, PDL 7-6 to 7-7

OG=Operator Guide

OR=Operations Reference

PR=Product Reference

SG=System Generation Guide




CONSTANT parameter BLOCK command, PDL 4-3

CRITERIA command, PDL 7-4 RECORD command, PDL 4-14 TABLE command, PDL 7-35

consumable supplies, IP 5-6 to 5-10, OG B-1 to B-4 Container Size, PC 6-18 to 6-19


button, OG 1-10, 2-8, 5-17, 12-25, PC 1-9, PR 3-7

Input/Output task, OG 5-17, PC 7-12 control

console, printer, IP 1-5, PR 3-6 to 3-8 panels

.5-inch cartridge tape drive, OG 1-14 feeder trays, OG 1-6

HCS bin, OG 1-8

open-reel tape drive, OG 1-13

operator, system controller, OG 1-2 to 1-3 printer, IP 1-4, OG 1-8 to 1-11

record identifiers, FC 4-1 subsystem, PR 2-2

controller panel, system, PR 3-3 conventions

commands, entering, PC 1-22 to 1-23 document, PC xiv

CONVERT command, editor, OR 4-7 Convert, Console Log, PC 8-17 converting

files, supported formats, OR 2-36 to 2-37 preprinted forms, FC 5-13

unit values, FC 5-11 to 5-12 coordinates

negative, FC 2-8, 3-13 specifying, FC 1-1, 3-12 symbols, FC 3-13

x and y, FC 2-7, 3-12 to 3-13 COPIES parameter

DJDE, PDL 8-27 to 8-28 OUTPUT command, PDL 6-48


Labeled Tapes, OG 10-5 to 10-9, PC 3-6 to 3-8 Review, PC 3-12

task, OG 10-4

To/From Floppy, OG 10-12 to 10-13, PC 3-10 to 3-11

Unlabeled Tapes, OG 10-10 to 10-11, PC 3-8 to 3-9

window, PC 3-5

COPY command, LPS, OR 2-14 to 2-18 Copy Modification Entry, see CME copy-sensitive CMEs, OR 7-23

core image file, OR 2-33 Courier Protocol, OR 8-27

COVER parameter, OUTPUT command, PDL 6-48 to 6-49

crash recovery, OR G-1 to G-4 CRIB, OR 7-2, 8-28

CRITERIA command

CHANGE parameter, PDL 7-3

FC=Forms Creation Guide

IP=Installation Planning

PC=PC User Interface

PDL=PDL Reference

CONSTANT parameter, PDL 7-4 description, PDL 7-2 to 7-3 examples, PDL 7-7 to 7-8 LINENUM parameter, PDL 7-4 points to note, PDL 7-7

test expressions, PDL 7-4 to 7-7 cursor

moving, OG 2-5 to 2-6, PC 1-6 to 1-7 types, OG 2-5, , PC 1-5

custom transfer assist blade, OG 11-22 to 11-23 customer

education, IP 3-22 to 3-23 resources, Xerox, PR 6-1 to 6-4 responsibilities, IP xiii, 4-2 service support, IP 5-1 to 5-2 training, IP xiii, 3-22 to 3-23

CYCLEFORMS parameter, OUTPUT command, PDL 6-49


D command, editor, OR 4-16 to 4-17 DARKNESS command, LPS, OR 1-25 to 1-26 DATA


DJDE, PDL 8-28

LINE command, PDL 6-27 segment, OR 7-33, PDL 4-47


cables, IP 3-10

types, FC 2-10, PDL 1-8 to 1-10, PR 2-6 date

displays, OR 1-14 to 1-15 setting, OR 1-17

DATE entry, OR 3-4 DDI

description, PR 1-5, 2-2 input source, PR 2-5


commands, OR 5-10 forms, FC 4-5

decurler lever, OG 12-7 DEFAULT parameter

CODE command, PDL 4-8 PCC command, PDL 4-11

TCODE command, PDL 4-24 to 4-25 default printing order option, SG 3-6 defaults, PC xv

DELAY command, OR 5-7 Delete

Console Log, PC 8-16 files, PC 3-11

task, OG 10-14

DELETE command, OR 2-19 deletions, PR 5-21 to 5-22 delimited records, OR 7-40 delimiter

display, PDL 7-27 modes, PDL 7-26

DELIMITER parameter, RSTACK command, PDL 7-28

OG=Operator Guide

OR=Operations Reference

PR=Product Reference

SG=System Generation Guide





access requirements, IP 3-12 to 3-14 turning radius, IP 3-12 to 3-14

see also installation

DENSITY parameter, OUTPUT command, PDL 6-50 DEPARTMENT entry, OR 3-4

DEPT parameter, DJDE, PDL 8-28 description commands, FC 3-12 to 3-34 descriptor page, sample, OR 11-5 desktop

Autoscroll, OG 2-8

Clear Faults, OG 2-7

Close All Windows, OG 2-8 Continue, OG 2-8

Display Faults, OG 2-8

icons, OG 2-8 to 2-10, PC 1-8 to 1-12 messages window, OG 2-7

source display, OG 2-8 status area, OG 2-7 system status, OG 2-8 work area, OG 2-8 window, PC 1-8 to 1-9 see also windows

DESTINATION parameter DJDE, PDL 8-28

OUTPUT command, PDL 6-50 developer, IP 3-25


error handling, DSR, OR 2-32

naming, OR INTRO-6 to INTRO 7, 2-11 to 2-12 diagnostic tasks (OSDS), PR 4-3

dimensions, equipment, IP 3-2 to 3-6, PR 1-6 disk

clearing areas, OR 2-10 description, , IP 2-3 File ID, PC 3-3

free space, required, OR 2-3 management, REA, OR 1-23 to 1-24 memory, expanded, PR 1-4 optimal usage, OR 2-1 to 2-10

saturation, OR 7-29, 9-10, PC 6-25, PDL 8-14 see also system

Disk Saturation task, OG 6-7 to 6-8 disk save and restore, see DSR Disks

Backup, PC 4-2 Compress, PC 4-3 to 4-4

Download Controller (PSC), PC 4-4 to 4-5 File Check, PC 4-5 to 4-6

icon, OG 2-9, PC 1-12 menu, PC 4-1

Purge, PC 4-6 Reallocate

Print File Data, PC 4-8

Print File Size, PC 4-8 window, PC 4-7

dispatchable item, FC 5-3 to 5-5

dispatching code, accessing, OR 1-15 to 1-16


Faults button, OG 2-8, PC 1-9 Print window, PC 3-2 to 3-4

DISPLAY command editor, OR 4-10 LPS, OR 1-19

Display/Print task, OG 10-3

DJD task, description, PDL 1-6, PR 4-3 DJDEs

applying, PDL 8-9 to 8-11 benefits, PDL 8-1 to 8-2 COPIES, processing, PDL 8-14 description, PDL 1-9, PR 2-7, 4-3 duplex printing, PDL 8-13

FILE command, PDL 4-48 IDEN command

description, PDL 1-6, 8-6 OFFSET parameter, PDL 8-6

OPRINFO parameter, PDL 8-6 to 8-7 point to note, PDL 8-7


SKIP parameter, PDL 8-7 multiple logical pages, PDL 8-13

operator information pages, PDL 8-11 page-oriented, PDL 8-2 to 8-4 parameters

ALTER, PDL 8-15 ASSIGN, PDL 8-15 to 8-16 BSEQ, PDL 8-16



BATCH, PDL 8-18 BEGIN, PDL 8-18 to 8-19 BFORM, PDL 8-19

BOF, PDL 8-19 to 8-20 BTEXT, PDL 8-20 to 8-26 C text, PDL 8-26

CANCEL, PDL 8-26 to 8-27 COLLATE, PDL 8-27 COPIES, PDL 8-27 to 8-28 DATA, PDL 8-28


examples, SEFMAP, PDL 8-47 FEED, PDL 8-29

FILE, PDL 8-29 to 8-30, 8-47 to 8-51 FONTINDEX, PDL 8-30

FONTS, PDL 8-30 to 8-31 FORMAT, PDL 8-31 FORMS, PDL 8-32

GRAPHICS, PDL 8-32 to 8-33 IMAGE, PDL 8-33 to 8-34 INVERT, PDL 8-34 to 8-35 ITEXT, PDL 8-35

JDE, PDL 8-35

JDL, PDL 8-35

MAP, PDL 8-35 MARGIN, PDL 8-36

FC=Forms Creation Guide

IP=Installation Planning

OG=Operator Guide

OR=Operations Reference

PC=PC User Interface

PDL=PDL Reference

PR=Product Reference

SG=System Generation Guide




MODIFY, PDL 8-36 NUMBER, PDL 8-36 to 8-37 OTEXT, PDL 8-37 OVERPRINT, PDL 8-37 to 8-38

points to note, PDL 8-45 to 8-47 PMODE, PDL 8-38



SAVE, PDL 8-39



SRECOVER, PDL 8-43 to 8-44 STIMING, PDL 8-44 STOCKS, PDL 8-44

TMODE, PDL 8-44 TOF, PDL 8-45 TRANS, PDL 8-45 XSHIFT, PDL 8-45


online, PDL 4-40 to 4-41 optimization, PDL 8-14 record-oriented, PDL 8-4 to 8-6

record specification, PDL 8-8 to 8-9 RECORDS READ entry, OR 3-7 restrictions

modifying job parameters, PDL 8-11 to 8-13 online, PDL 8-14

summary, PDL A-1 to A-10

DO SECTION command, FC 3-34 to 3-35 document interleaved, graphics, OR 9-3 to 9-5,

PDL 9-3 to 9-5, 9-7

documentation, other, FC iii, OG v, OR iii, PC iii, xi to xiii, PDL iii, SG iii

DOS, PC 5-22, 8-38

dots, converting, FC 5-11 to 5-12 dots per inch, see dpi

Downloader Controller (PSC), PC 4-4 to 4-5 downloading files, OR 7-34 to 7-41, PDL 4-47

to 4-48 dpi, PR 2-3

DRAIN command, LPS, OR 11-15 drain print queue, PC 6-23

Drain task, OG 6-6

DRAINTIMER command, HIP, OR 8-20 dry ink

cartridge, replacing, OG 11-2 description, IP 3-25

waste container, replacing, OG 11-5 to 11-6 DSR

copying file, OR 2-33 to 2-36 restoring files, PC 3-10 transferring files, PC 5-14 utility, OR 2-28 to 2-33, 7-4

FC=Forms Creation Guide

IP=Installation Planning

PC=PC User Interface

PDL=PDL Reference


Print Tasks, PC 6-27 to 6-28 utilities, PC 5-5


graphics, OR 9-10 to 9-16

online, OR 7-32 to 7-34 , PDL 4-46 to 4-47 status file, OR 3-32

DUPLEX parameter DJDE, PDL 8-28

OUTPUT command, PDL 6-50 to 6-51 duplex, FC 4-3, PDL 8-13

DUPLICATE command, editor, OR 4-11 Dynamic Document Interface, see DDI dynamic job descriptor entries, see DJDEs dynamic job descriptor, see DJD


EBCDIC constants, PDL, PDL 2-7 Echo Protocol, OR 8-27

EDGE command, LPS, OR 1-26 edge lightness, PC 7-7

edgemarking, FC 2-4, PDL 3-15, PR 5-17 to 5-19 EDIT command, editor, OR 4-6

Edit/Open, PC 5-10 to 5-11 editing source files, OR 4-1 to 4-20 editor


files, OR 5-3 to 5-4 summary, OR B-1 to B-2

commands composite, OR 4-4

examples, OR 4-19 to 4-20 listing, OR 4-6 to 4-18

quick reference, PDL E-1 to E-6 stack printing, OR 4-6

syntax conventions, OR 4-5 <TAB> key, OR 4-5

types, OR 4-4

task, OR 7-4, PDL 1-5, PR 4-3 utility, FC 3-2 to 3-3


cables, IP 3-10 to 3-11 requirements, IP 3-15 to 3-20, PR 1-7

Empty, PC 8-16

emulated command codes, OR I-5 to 1-6 END command

editor, OR 4-9 to 4-10 FDL, FC 3-37, 6-7 font editor, OR 6-12

parameter, DJDE, PDL 8-29 PDL, PDL 2-13

End HIP, OG 8-15

END SECTION command, FC 3-34 to 3-35 ENDJOB command, LPS, OR 11-15 Endjob

header button, PC 6-23 task, OG 6-6

ENERGY command, OR 1-19

energy saver mode, timeout value, OR 1-19

OG=Operator Guide

OR=Operations Reference

PR=Product Reference

SG=System Generation Guide




Energy Saver task, OG 4-12 to 4-13, PC 8-7 ENETMAXCONS command, HIP, OR 8-20 Enhanced Advanced Image Processor (EAIPX),

OR 7-2

enhanced graphics ink and font memory (EGIFM), IP 2-3

Enhanced Graphics, Ink, Font Memory (EGIFM), OR 7-2

Enhanced Page Buffer & IOT Interface (EPBIX), OR 7-2

entering commands, PC 1-22 to 1-23, SG 2-3 environmental requirements, IP 3-15 to 3-20,

PR 1-6 to 1-7

EOV parameter, VOLUME command, PDL 4-29 to 4-30

equipment dimensions, IP 3-2 to 3-6, PR 1-6 ERASE command

choosing, SG 4-4 function, SG 2-3

erasing, system disk, SG 4-34 error

calculation, text in boxes, FC 5-7 to 5-8 checking forms, FC 4-3 to 4-4

local density, FC 5-5 messages, PR 5-21 page

generation, FC 5-5 setup, FC 5-5 to 5-6

text in boxes calculating, FC 5-7 correcting, FC 5-8 vertical, FC 5-8

windows, OG 2-15, PC 1-18

ERROR parameter, ABNORMAL command, PDL 6-2 to 6-3

Error Protocol, OR 8-27 ESS, PC 1-11


graphic scanners, PR 1-5, 2-5 to 2-6 input source, PR 2-5

interface, OR 8-25, PR 1-5, 2-2 network, FC 4-2

option, SG 3-4 workstations, PR 1-5 XNS, IP 2-2


ACCT command, PDL 6-15

BANNER command, PDL 7-13 to 7-14 BDELETE command, PDL 7-15 to 7-16 BLOCK command, PDL 4-6 to 4-7 BSELECT command, PDL 7-15 to 7-16

BTEXT parameter, MESSAGE command, PDL 6-41 CME command, PDL 6-21

CODE command, PDL 4-8 CRITERIA command, PDL 7-7 to 7-8 END command, PDL 2-13

EXPORT command, PDL 6-26 JOB command, PDL 2-12

LINE command, PDL 6-33 to 6-34 MESSAGE command, PDL 6-34

OUTPUT command, PDL 6-75 to 6-76 PCC command, PDL 4-13

PDE command, PDL 6-82 RAUX command, PDL 7-17 RDELETE command, PDL 7-19

RECORD command, PDL 4-17 to 4-19 ROFFSET command, PDL 7-21 ROUTE command, PDL 6-85

RPAGE command, PDL 7-24 to 7-25 RRESUME command, PDL 7-33 to 7-34 RSTACK command, PDL 7-30 to 7-31 RSUSPEND command, PDL 7-33 to 7-34 SEFFNT command, PDL 4-23 to 4-24 STOCKSET command, PDL 6-87 to 6-88 TABLE command, PDL 7-35 to 7-37 TCODE command, PDL 4-27

VOLUME command, PDL 4-38 EXIT command, OR 5-7

Exit to DOS

system control, PC 8-38 task, OG 4-27

utilities, PC 5-22

expanded system disk memory, IP 2-3 EXPORT command

description, PDL 6-21 to 6-22 examples, PDL 6-26 parameters, summary, PDL 6-22 points to note, PDL 6-25 to 6-26

SEPARATORS parameter, PDL 6-22 to 6-23 SNUMBER parameter, PDL 6-23

SPLIT parameter, PDL 6-24 SRECOVER parameter, PDL 6-24 STIMING parameter, PDL 6-25


F command, editor, OR 4-17

FACEUP parameter, OUTPUT command, PDL 6-51 Fault icon, OG 1-11, 2-8, PC 1-10, PR 3-7 to 3-8 Fault List

icon, OG 1-10, 12-1 screen, OG 12-2, PR 3-7

fault masking, OG 12-1 to 12-2 FCB

3211/4245, PDL 4-42 to 4-43 description, OR 7-24, I-3, SG A-1

parameter, LINE command, PDL 6-27 to 6-28 FCG command

configure device, OR 1-12 display profile labels, OR 1-12 procedures, OR 1-13

SHOW, check device settings, OR 1-13 FCG.LIB, creating, OR 1-8 to 1-12

FCHECK command, LPS, OR 2-5 to 2-7, 7-4 FCP, PDL 1-5, OR 7-3, PR 4-3

FDB, OR 2-36 to 2-37 FDL

capacity limits, FC E-1

command summary, FC 3-1 to 3-2, A-1 to A-5 commands, FC 3-2 to 3-37

FC=Forms Creation Guide

IP=Installation Planning

OG=Operator Guide

OR=Operations Reference

PC=PC User Interface

PDL=PDL Reference

PR=Product Reference

SG=System Generation Guide



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