Xerox DocuPrint 155, DocuPrint 155MX User Manual

Xerox DocuPrint 155, DocuPrint 155MX User Manual

DocuSP IPS Gateway

User’s Guide

Version 1.0 May 2002 720P16890

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Table of contents

1. Getting started

Printing the IPS Gateway User’s Guide...............................................................................


IPS Gateway overview ......................................................................................................


Printer emulation ..................................................................................................


Host environments................................................................................................


Host connectivity options .......................................................................................


The IPDS data stream...........................................................................................


Gateway communications......................................................................................


PostScript Decomposer.........................................................................................


IPS Gateway graphical interface.............................................................................


Display language ..................................................................................................


Processing considerations.................................................................................................


Media selection ....................................................................................................


Spooling versus streaming queue...........................................................................


Spooling queue.........................................................................................


Streaming queue ......................................................................................


IPDS job recovery.................................................................................................




Spooled versus streaming queue................................................................


First In/First Out (FIFO) .............................................................................


Banner pages ...........................................................................................


Offset stacking for unfinished jobs ..............................................................


Customer job accounting ...........................................................................


Resolution and performance ..................................................................................


Specifying margins ...............................................................................................


Gray scale printing................................................................................................


Printer error reporting............................................................................................


Specifying edge treatment .....................................................................................


2. Installation and setup

Requirements ..................................................................................................................


Installation requirements........................................................................................


Licensing requirements .........................................................................................


Contents of the installation CD...........................................................................................


Installing the software .......................................................................................................


Verifying access and establishing passwords ......................................................................


User access levels................................................................................................


Licensing and configuring the software and features ............................................................


Licensing and enabling IPS Gateway......................................................................


Licensing and enabling the PostScript Decomposer .................................................


Licensing and enabling the SNMP Gateway ............................................................


Licensing and configuring TCP/IP Socket Gateway ..................................................


Setting the DocuSP VPS option .............................................................................


Licensing and enabling IPS/NPS ............................................................................


IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)



Table of contents

Defining the IPS Gateway queue .....................................................................................


Managing the print queue ....................................................................................


Setting the TCP/IP Socket Gateway port number in DocuSP ..............................................


Setting up media ............................................................................................................


Setting up media in DocuSP ................................................................................


Setting stock name preferences in DocuSP ...........................................................


Loading IBM AFP resident outline fonts ............................................................................


Enhanced font support ........................................................................................


OS/400 (iSeries) setup ............................................................................


Installing and setting up font support.....................................................................


Removing resident outline fonts ...........................................................................


Defining a logical printer..................................................................................................


Verifying the installation ..................................................................................................


Printing a trace job within IPS Gateway.................................................................


Printing a test job from the host ............................................................................


Uninstalling IPS Gateway ................................................................................................


3. IPS Gateway operation


Starting IPS Gateway from DocuSP ...................................................................................


IPS Gateway window elements..........................................................................................


Operating IPS Gateway ....................................................................................................


System menu options............................................................................................


Logging on to IPS Gateway........................................................................


Logging off IPS Gateway ...........................................................................


Resetting IPDS .........................................................................................


Exiting IPS Gateway..................................................................................


Pausing and resuming IPDS processing .................................................................


Setup menu options ..............................................................................................


Obtaining and updating licenses .................................................................


Changing passwords.................................................................................


Help facility ..........................................................................................................


Displaying DocuSP and SunOS release numbers.........................................


Setting up and managing IPS Gateway...............................................................................


Important setup instructions ...................................................................................


Default values ......................................................................................................


IPDS Setup tab ..................................................................................................


IPDS Resolution .....................................................................................


IPDS Connection ....................................................................................


Socket Gateway Connection ....................................................................


Enhanced Font Support ...........................................................................


Output Setup tab ................................................................................................


Output Resolution ...................................................................................


Stapling .................................................................................................


Segmentation .........................................................................................


Rotation .................................................................................................


Media Setup tab .................................................................................................


Setting up media in DocuSP.....................................................................


Mapping IPDS trays to media definitions ...................................................


Diagnostics tab...................................................................................................


Capturing a trace ....................................................................................


Playing back a trace ................................................................................


Using Debug mode .................................................................................


IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)



Table of contents

4. Messages


Fault messages................................................................................................................


IPDS messages ...............................................................................................................


Trace messages...............................................................................................................


Printer messages .............................................................................................................


Exception messages.........................................................................................................


G. Glossary


IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Table of contents

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


1.Getting started

IPS Gateway operates as a feature of the Document Services Printing (DocuSP) software. It enables Xerox DocuPrint 2000 Series 75 EPS and 90 EPS printers to print jobs received from IBM host computers that use IBM’s Print Services Facility (PSF) to convert Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) data to Intelligent Printer Data Streams (IPDS).

Instructions for installing, setting up, and using IPS Gateway are provided. Information is intended for users who process jobs through IPS Gateway and for the system administrator responsible for system security and license information.

NOTE: Clicking on the light blue text within the body of this PDF file takes you to the named section or feature.

It is assumed that you:

Have a working knowledge of a Sun workstation and the Common Desktop Environment (CDE), including how to use a mouse and standard menus and commands

Know how to open, save, and close files

Are familiar with SunOS release 5.8 or higher

Have a basic understanding of the DocuSP software and how your DocuPrint printer operates

Refer to the DocuSP System Guide for detailed information about DocuSP and the DocuPrint printer series.

For help with Sun workstation questions, refer to the SunOS/Solaris documentation.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Getting started

Printing the IPS Gateway User’s Guide

English, French, German, and Italian versions of the IPS Gateway User’s

Guide are included in Portable Document Format (PDF) on the installation

CD. You can print the User’s Guide on the Sun workstation or from any

PC/workstation using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

To print the User’s Guide on the Sun workstation:

Step 1. Place the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive.

A window labeled “File Manager - cdrom” appears on the desktop if Volume Manager is running on your workstation.

If a File Manager - cdrom window does not appear automatically on the desktop, Volume Manager is not running. To open a File Manager - cdrom window:

a.Right-click on the desktop to display the Workspace Menu.

b.On the Workspace Menu, right-click on Programs>File Manager to display the File Manager - cdrom window.

If the File Manager window appears instead, select the File menu on the File Manager window and then select the Open CD-ROM option to display the File Manager - cdrom window.

Step 2. Right-click on one of these icons in the File Manager - cdrom window:





A menu opens.

Step 3. Select the Print option on the menu to open the Print window.

Step 4. On the Print window, enter the name of the queue you want to use in the Printer box and select Print.

NOTE: Before selecting Print, check the Extended Options on the

Queue Properties window for the specified queue. Ensure that the

Paper Stock option is set to either US Letter or A4.

Step 5. Once the User’s Guide finishes printing, close the File Manager - cdrom window.

Step 6. Remove the installation CD from the CD-ROM drive and store it in a secure area.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Getting started

IPS Gateway overview

IPS Gateway is a feature of the Document Services Printing (DocuSP) system.

IPS Gateway enables the Xerox DocuPrint printer to print jobs received from IBM host computers that use IBM’s PSF/AFP/IPDS. IPS Gateway receives IPDS data, formats it as a PostScript print job, and submits it to a print queue established on DocuSP.

IPS Gateway operates as a separate task under the SunOS/Solaris operating system, receiving the IPDS data stream via TCP/IP or channel connectivity.

Printer emulation

IPS Gateway emulates the IBM 3935 Advanced Function Printer.

Host environments

IPS Gateway operates in these IBM PSF operating system environments:




OS/400 (TCP/IP connectivity only)



NOTE: Although PSF/VSE does not support TCP/IP directly, a printing system with an intermediate device running PSF can attach to a PSF/VSE system, and the intermediate device can furnish the TCP/IP support for the printer.

Host connectivity options

IPS Gateway can receive data from a host in one of two ways:

Through a channel card with bus and tag connectivity

Through a Token Ring or Ethernet interface using TCP/IP

If you require host connectivity using either a channel or Token Ring interface, contact your local Xerox representative to obtain the additional hardware.

For more information on IBM host connectivity, refer to the IBM 3130, 3160, and 3935 Advanced Function Printers Attachment Configuration Handbook.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Getting started

The IPDS data stream

All AFP resources (print data sets, page definitions, form definitions, page segments, fonts, and overlays) supported by the emulated printer are supported by IPS Gateway. Additionally, there are several IBM data architectures supported within the AFP environment that are fully supported by IPS Gateway, to the level supported by the emulated printer’s capabilities:

MO:DCA-P: Mixed Object Document Content Architecture for Presentation

PTOCA PT1 and PT2: Presentation Text Object Content Architecture

IOCA: Image Object Content Architecture

GOCA: Graphics Object Content Architecture

BCOCA: Bar Code Object Content Architecture

Each of the data objects follow the same object rule of containing delimited fields within the structure fields describing each object.

Gateway communications

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Gateway and TCP/IP Socket Gateway connections are required for running IPS Gateway. Each must be licensed and enabled in DocuSP.

PostScript Decomposer

The PostScript Decomposer is the module that enables PostScript jobs to be printed. This must be licensed and enabled in DocuSP to run IPS Gateway.

IPS Gateway graphical interface

IPS Gateway is a feature of DocuSP with a window similar in design to the DocuSP window. IPS Gateway provides drop-down menus, tabs, and icons. Windows, tabs, and menus are used for specifying print job parameters, displaying messages, and performing system administration and trace functions.

Display language

IPS Gateway is provided in four languages: English, French, German, and Italian. You are prompted to choose the user interface (UI) language during installation of the IPS Gateway software. To change the language, you must reinstall the software.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Getting started

Processing considerations

Note the considerations in this section before installing and setting up IPS


Media selection

IPS Gateway allows you to map trays (specified by AFP/IPDS resources within the host application) to the physical media available in the printer. The Media Setup tab in IPS Gateway allows you to associate each logical IPDS (host) tray with a physical media definition in the printer. See “Media Setup tab” for instructions on defining and mapping media.

Spooling versus streaming queue

You can define the IPS Gateway queue as either a spooling queue or a streaming queue. To determine the best setting for your printing environment, review the sections below and the “Segmentation” section.

Spooling queue

A spooling queue completely spools an IPDS job from IPS Gateway to the DocuSP queue before printing begins. This results in a delay between the submission of the job and the printing of the first page. The delay may be significant for large jobs.

To help improve processing and print time for large jobs sent to a spooled queue, IPS Gateway provides the Segmentation option, which segments large jobs into multiple smaller jobs.

For normal job processing, job segmentation should be disabled. However, Xerox recommends using job segmentation when using a spooled queue for any job over 500 pages. Although possible within the software setup, segmentation to a streaming queue is not necessary since pages are printed as soon as they are received.

Because only one streaming queue can be active at a given time (depending on your other printing applications), you may elect to run IPS Gateway to a spooled queue.

Streaming queue

A streaming queue prints pages as they are received, which results in minimal delay between the time the job is submitted and when printing begins.

Only one streaming queue can be active in DocuSP at a given time. If a non-IPS Gateway streaming queue is active when IPS Gateway submits a job to its streaming queue on DocuSP, IPS Gateway stops processing and posts an “IPDS Not Ready” message until the other streaming queue has completed.

Streaming offers a benefit of being more reliable in the area of IPDS job recovery. See “IPDS job recovery” for more information.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Getting started

IPDS job recovery

In order to understand IPDS job recovery (the completion of an IPDS job after a fault condition), it is important to understand that IPS Gateway marks pages as committed/stacked once they are successfully written to the DocuSP queue socket connection. If the segmentation feature is in use, IPS Gateway marks all the pages in the segment as committed/stacked once the last page in that segment is written to the socket. At this point, the IPDS host considers the pages printed and DocuSP is responsible for printing all pages in the job. The IPDS host software is responsible for recovering up to the last page reported as stacked by IPS Gateway. Therefore, the combination of host recovery and DocuSP recovery is designed to ensure the integrity of each IPDS job when standard printer problems (such as paper jams or supply shortages) occur.

If there is an unexpected or catastrophic error (such as a power failure, operating system crash, or unrecoverable software problem) in either DocuSP or IPS Gateway, IPDS job recovery depends on whether you are using a spooled or streaming queue for printing IPS Gateway jobs.

Whether you are using spooling or streaming queues, jobs (or segments) written in their entirety to the DocuSP queue are recoverable by DocuSP after a DocuSP restart or system boot.

If an unexpected error occurs during the time that IPS Gateway is processing a job and writing pages to the DocuSP queue socket, pages written to a streaming queue will be recoverable by DocuSP. However, when a spooling queue is in use, jobs or segments partially written to the DocuSP queue are not recoverable.

In both cases, pages being processed by IPS Gateway but not yet written to the DocuSP queue are recoverable from the host, which typically resumes printing from the last checkpoint/restart page (see your PSF documentation for more information).

Xerox recommends using a streaming queue without segmentation to optimize IPDS job recovery.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Getting started


Before specifying job segmentation, review the job processing considerations described below.

Spooled versus streaming queue

Segmentation is meant to be used with a spooling queue (not a streaming queue). When using a spooled queue, IPS Gateway normally requires that the entire IPDS data stream be received prior to processing and releasing the data stream to the printer. Segmentation creates a series of small jobs, allowing the printer to begin printing as soon as the specified number of pages is received.

Although it is possible to specify segmentation for a streaming queue, it is not necessary since a streaming queue provides shorter job processing and print time, and segmentation lengthens the print time.

First In/First Out (FIFO)

The IPS Gateway installation software enables the DocuSP First In/First Out (FIFO) feature. Enabling FIFO ensures that segmented jobs are printed in segment sequence by the printer. However, if the printer uses multiple print queues, all queues use FIFO. Therefore, if you segment a large job into multiple smaller jobs, your output may be interleaved with jobs submitted to other queues on the printer.

If the segment order of the output for a segmented job appears to be incorrect, check the FIFO Job Scheduling setting. An intermittent DocuSP problem has been observed where the FIFO Job Scheduling setting has been changed to “off” for no apparent reason. See the DocuSP System Guide for instructions to verify and change the FIFO Job Scheduling setting.

Banner pages

If you enable job segmentation and your printer is set up to generate a banner page for each job, then the printer generates a banner page each time a segment of the job is printed. To prevent banner pages from printing between each segment, turn off the Banner Page option; refer to the DocuSP System Guide for instructions.

Offset stacking for unfinished jobs

If you enable job segmentation and your printer is set up to use the Offset Stacking option for unfinished jobs, then the printer offsets the stack of pages each time a segment of a job is printed. To prevent offset stacking for each segment of a job, disable the Offset Stacking option. Refer to the

DocuSP System Guide for instructions.

NOTE: If you disable Offset Stacking, no jobs will be stacked offset.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Getting started

Customer job accounting

When using job segmentation, the printer tracks each segment as a separate job in the Customer Accounting Log. For example, if you have a 5000 page job and specify a value of 50 in the Segmentation option, the printer records 100 entries in the Customer Accounting Log.

If the Customer Accounting Log reaches the maximum log size value, the oldest record is deleted for each new record added. The minimum log size is 282 and the maximum size is 1000. The log is set to a default of 400 entries at DocuSP installation.

Because job segmentation can cause the log to fill up, you may want to print or export the log data more frequently if your site uses the data for billing purposes.

Before using segmentation, review the log size for your printer and increase the value, if necessary, to help ensure that the log does not fill. You must be logged onto the printer as System Administrator to make any changes to the log size.

To change the log size:

Step 1. Select the Administration icon from the DocuSP window, then select the

Accounting tab.

Step 2. In the Accounting tab, select Options to display the Accounting Options window.

Step 3. In the Logging area, specify the desired maximum log size.

Resolution and performance

IPS Gateway allows documents to be printed at either 300 or 600 dots per inch (dpi) using the Output Resolution option. See “IPDS Setup tab” and “Output Setup tab” for instructions on setting resolution.

Selecting 600 dpi output may improve print quality but may reduce system throughput for complex applications that require scaling.

NOTE: Ensure that the output resolution on the IPDS Setup tab in IPS Gateway matches the resolution on the PostScript/PDF tab under the queue properties in DocuSP. Otherwise, performance may be impacted.

Specifying margins

When migrating applications from other Xerox or IBM IPDS devices, there may be small differences in page positioning due to differences in the imaging hardware.

Use the Image Shift option in DocuSP to make small adjustments to the page image position, for example to match pre-printed forms. Refer to the DocuSP System Guide for information on shifting images.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Getting started

Gray scale printing

Gray scale printing through IPS Gateway may appear different than that of the IBM IPDS printer being emulated.

Printer error reporting

All IPS Gateway error conditions (such as “Not authorized” and “IPDS Not Ready”) and detected printer error conditions (such as “Out of Paper” and “Printer Door Open”) are reported to the host as “printer-not-ready” intervention required exceptions. For example, if the printer is in a “Printer needs attention” state, IPS Gateway presents the printer-not-ready exception to the host, preventing the host from sending additional pages until the printer is operational again.

Specifying edge treatment

The DocuSP Edge Treatment option lightens the leading edge of a sheet to prevent too much toner from being placed on that edge, which may cause printer jams. The default setting for this option is On. If the IPDS job being printed requires data on the leading edge of the page, you may want to turn edge treatment off, provided the density of the output along that edge is not excessive. For more information on the Edge Treatment option, refer to the DocuSP System Guide.

To switch edge treatment off:

Step 1. Select Switches from the Printer menu on the DocuSP window.

Step 2. On the Switches window, select Off under Edge Treatment, then click OK to close the window.

Step 3. Close the Printer Manager window.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Getting started

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


2.Installation and setup

The requirements and instructions for installing the IPS Gateway software and setting up the printing environment are documented below. Review this entire section before proceeding with the installation. Instructions for removing the IPS Gateway software are also included.

Some setup tasks are performed on the DocuSP window and some are performed on the IPS Gateway window. The main installation and setup tasks are:

Installing the software

Verifying access and establishing passwords

Licensing and configuring the software and features

Defining the IPS Gateway queue

Setting the TCP/IP Socket Gateway port number in DocuSP

Setting up media

Loading IBM AFP resident outline fonts

Defining a logical printer

Verifying the installation

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Installation and setup


This section describes IPS Gateway installation and software licensing requirements.

Installation requirements

The following hardware and software is required to install IPS Gateway:

650 MHz Sun Blade™ workstation with 512MB of memory

One of these Xerox printers:

DocuPrint 2000 Series 75 EPS

DocuPrint 2000 Series 90 EPS

DocuSP, version 3.5 or higher

IPS Gateway does not require any printer memory in addition to that already installed on your DocuPrint printer.

If your IPDS configuration requires a channel connection, you will need an online channel board. Contact your local Xerox representative for more information.

Licensing requirements

This feature must be licensed in IPS Gateway for IPS Gateway to function:


These features must be activated and enabled in DocuSP for IPS

Gateway to function:

IPS Gateway

PostScript Decomposer

SNMP Gateway

TCP/IP Socket Gateway

Licenses are provided by your local Xerox representative prior to installation. The license string and expiration date for each are entered immediately following the software installation.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Installation and setup

Contents of the installation CD

The installation CD contains the files identified in the table below. None of these files are copied to the printer controller disk as part of the installation; access the PDF files and readme.txt file from the CD.

View the PDF versions of the IPS Gateway User’s Guide on any system using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If not already installed, the latest version of Acrobat Reader can be downloaded at no cost from Adobe Systems Incorporated’s web site at:



This script file contains the installation


program for the IPS Gateway software.




This text file contains a description of the


files on the CD and instructions for printing


the IPS Gateway User’s Guide. It also


contains instructions for installing and


removing the IPS Gateway software.

This script file contains a program to


remove the IPS Gateway software.




This PDF file contains the English version


of the IPS Gateway User’s Guide.




This PDF file contains the French version of


the IPS Gateway User’s Guide.




This PDF file contains the German version


of the IPS Gateway User’s Guide.




This PDF file contains the Italian version of


the IPS Gateway User’s Guide.




This compressed tar file contains the IPS


Gateway software.



IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Installation and setup

Installing the software

This section provides instructions for installing IPS Gateway on a DocuPrint controller workstation. The installation program removes any previously installed version of this software before it installs the new version.

NOTE: If installing over any version of IPS Gateway, document your IPS Gateway settings and passwords. They will not be saved when the software is removed.

To install the IPS Gateway software:

Step 1. Place the IPS Gateway CD into the CD-ROM drive.

Step 2. If Volume Manager is running on your workstation, a window labeled “File Manager - cdrom” appears on the desktop. Close the File Manager - cdrom window.

Step 3. Open a terminal window and change to this directory, or to wherever your CD-ROM directory resides, by entering this command:

cd /cdrom/cdrom0

Step 4. Enter this command to start the installation program:


Step 5. You are asked if you want to continue with the installation. Enter y to continue with the installation or n to cancel the installation procedure.

If you enter “n,” the installation stops and you are returned to a command prompt on the terminal window. IPS Gateway is not installed.

Step 6. When prompted, enter the root password.

Step 7. If a previous version of the software is installed, the program asks you to confirm that you want to remove the currently installed version. Enter y to remove the previous version and install the new version. The program begins installing the IPS Gateway packages.

NOTE: Any previous IPS/NPS license is retained in the newly installed version.

If you enter “n,” the installation stops and you are returned to a command prompt on the terminal window. The new version of IPS Gateway is not installed.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Installation and setup

Step 8. After the IPS Gateway packages are successfully installed, you are asked to choose the language for the IPS Gateway user interface. Enter 1 for English, 2 for French, 3 for German, or 4 for Italian.

NOTE: To change the language of the IPS Gateway user interface, reinstall the IPS Gateway software.

Step 9. A message appears on the terminal window indicating that the installation of IPS Gateway is complete. You are prompted to reboot your workstation. Enter y for the installation program to reboot your workstation or n to end the installation.

If you enter “n,” IPS Gateway installation is not complete until you reboot your workstation. Refer to the DocuSP System Guide for system reboot procedures.

Step 10. Remove the installation CD and store it in a secure area. The IPS Gateway software is installed.

IPS Gateway is not accessible through the DocuSP menu until the IPS Gateway feature license is activated and DocuSP is restarted.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Installation and setup

Verifying access and establishing passwords

When IPS Gateway is first installed, the default user access level is Walk

Up User. The initial passwords are:

Trusted User: trust

System Administrator: administ

Passwords are case-sensitive.

If the installation is being performed by a Xerox Customer Services Analyst or Engineer, ensure that your system administrator has access to IPS Gateway before the analyst or engineer leaves the site. Your system administrator should also change the initial passwords for security reasons; to do this, follow the procedure in “Changing passwords.”

User access levels

There are three user levels available to access IPS Gateway, each with its own level of feature access.

Walk Up User The Walk Up User has limited access rights to IPS Gateway. This is the access level assigned when IPS Gateway is first started. The Walk Up User can do the following:

Log on to IPS Gateway

Access the Help facility

Pause and resume IPS printing

Minimize the IPS Gateway window

This user cannot change any IPS Gateway settings.

Trusted User The Trusted User requires a password and can perform the same functions as the Walk Up User. Additionally, the Trusted User can:

• Change and save IPS Gateway settings

• Use the diagnostic functions

• Exit IPS Gateway

System Administrator The System Administrator requires a password and can perform the same functions as the Trusted User. Additionally, the System Administrator can:

Change passwords

Enter and change software licenses

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


Installation and setup

Licensing and configuring the software and features

This section provides instructions for licensing and configuring these features/functions:

IPS Gateway

PostScript Decomposer

SNMP Gateway

TCP/IP Socket Gateway

DocuSP VPS option


NOTE: After licensing/configuring the first five features in the bulleted list above, you must restart DocuSP to enable the features before licensing the IPS/NPS software.

Licensing and enabling IPS Gateway

When IPS Gateway is installed, it is added to the DocuSP list of features available for licensing and use. Until a valid license string and expiration date are entered, IPS Gateway cannot be started.

To license IPS Gateway:

Step 1. Log on to DocuSP as System Administrator using the Logon option on the System menu.

Step 2. From the Setup menu, click Feature Licenses and then double-click the IPS Gateway feature option.

Step 3. On the Properties window enter the software license string and expiration date for IPS Gateway.

Step 4. In the License area, select Activate.

Step 5. In the Feature area, select Enable and click OK.

IPS Gateway User’s Guide (5/2002)


+ 51 hidden pages