Where to find helpful information
Introduction to the Document WorkCentre 450c
WorkCentre features
Control panel keys
How to navigate the WorkCentre menus
Using the numeric keypad
Understanding the document flow icons
Using the ControlCentre software
Setting the ControlCentre properties
Selecting and Ordering Supplies
WorkCentre 450c Specific ations
Keypad Character Assign ments
Keypad character assignments for North and South
Keypad character assignments for Europe
Thank you for choosing the Xerox Document WorkCentr e
450c, the dependable and efficient multi-function device
that handles your office tasks with ease. The WorkCentre
works the way you do, performing more than one job at a
Using the WorkCentre, you can:
•Send and receive paper and electronic faxes
•Print color and black-and-white documents
•Copy, collate, reduce, and enlar ge documents
•Scan paper documents and convert them to fully
editable electronic docume nts
The WorkCentre CD-ROM includes Xerox Pagis™ Pro 97
and TextBridge™ Pro software. Using Pagis Pro you can
scan, organize, and retrieve the documents in your office.
TextBridge optical character recognition software lets you
easily convert your paper documents to electronic
documents, while retaining text formatting and pictures.
Where to fin d h elp fu l infor mation
Document W orkCentre 450c Quick Installation &
Quick Reference Guide
Step-by-step instructions explain how to set up the
WorkCentre, install the ControlCentre™ software,
and perform frequently used tasks.
Document W orkCentre 450c Guided Tour
An online introduction to the WorkCentre 450c and
its ControlCentre software. To run the guided tour,
click the Help button in the WorkCentre Status
window and then double-click the W orkCentre 450c
Guided T our.
Document W orkCentre 450c Online Help
Concise explanations and procedures on
WorkCentre tasks and features. To open Help, click
the Help button in the WorkCentre Status window.
Document W orkCentre 450c User Guide
This online guide provides complete instructions on
how to use the WorkCentre, descriptions of
maintenance and troubleshooting tasks, and
reference information.
To obtain a printed version of the guide, use the
order form included with the WorkCentre.
Pagis Pro Multimedia Tutorial
A comprehensive and entertaining summary of the
features and benefits of Pagis Pro 97. T o run the
tutorial, insert the WorkCentre 450c CD-ROM,
open the folders (directories):
Engl ish\P agis\ Tutor ial
Double-click Tutorial. exe. For best results, your PC
should be equipped with a sound card and
multimedia speakers.
http://www . teamxrx.com
Visit the Document WorkCentre 450c Web Site for
product and technical information.
1-800-TEAM XRX
(United States and Canada only)
For technical help, call the Xerox Customer Support
Center .
Introduct i on to the Document
WorkCentre 450c
The Document WorkCentre 450c features an easy-to-use
control panel that simplifies your routine tasks. With the
press of a few keys, you fax, print, copy, and scan
Paper tray extension
Paper tray
Printer output tray
Document tray
Scanner cover
Control panel
Document output tray
Using the ControlCentre software, you can efficiently
monitor the WorkCentre’s status from your PC, change any
of the default settings, and set up a Phonebook of speed dial
WorkCentre features
The WorkCentre 450c’s advanced design lets you easily
access its components. Its compact size allows the
WorkCentre to fit into any office environment.
The control panel includes function keys, a numeric
keypad, document flow icons, and a liquid crystal display
(LCD) that shows menus and system messages.
Control panel keys
Press this ke
SCANAutomaticall y r un the scanning application on
MODESwitch among the print modes: print & fax,
FEEDLoad a single sheet of paper into the pr inter,
To do this
your PC.
offline, pr inter only.
or clear a jam m ed page from the printer.
Press this ke
CART RIDGESwitch among the cartri dge maintenance
COPYStart a copy job.
SIZESwitch among the resize options for copies:
JOB STATUSDisplay the WorkCentre’s active and pending
CO VER PAGEToggle the fa x cover page option on and off .
CONFIRMToggle the fax confirmation report feature on
CONTRASTSwitch among the contrast settings for outgo-
ing fax es and copies: light en, nor mal, darke n,
photo lighten, photo normal, photo darken.
RESOLUTIONSwitch among the resoluti on settings for out-
going faxes: standard, fine, superfine.
LEFT ARROWDisplay the previous m enu or option, or when
entering text, move the cursor one position to
the left.
RIGHT ARROWDisplay the next menu or option, or when
entering text, move the cursor one position to
the right.
Press this ke
EXIT/CLEARDisplay the previous menu. When entering
To do this
text, delete the blinking character or, if the
cursor is to the right of the text, delete the last
Clear a document from the scanner.
ENTERChoose a menu and display its submenu or
options, or choose the option or text you
MENUDisplay the first top-level menu.
SPEED D IALE nter a speed dial number from your P hone-
PAUSEInsert a timed interval in the dialing sequence.
REDIALRedial the last fax num ber dialed, combine
several numbers during a single dialing
sequence, or add a plus (+) to a speed dial
entry in a Phonebook.
HELPPrint the WorkCentre menus and the current
default settings.
STOPHalt a process or exit the menu system.
STARTBegin the specified job.
How to navigat e the
WorkCentre menus
Using control panel keys and the numeric keypad, you c an
easily navigate the WorkCentre menus. As you navigate the
menus, the LCD displays the options you can choose and
provides helpful prompts to guide you.
To access the WorkCentre menu system, press the MENU
key. The first top-level menu displays:
Menu (1-6)
1 Fax job
To display the second top-level menu, press the RIGHT
ARROW key or the 2 key:
Menu (1-6)
2 Reports
Press the ENTER key to choose the Reports menu and
display the first Reports menu:
Reports (1-2)
1 Print report
Press ENTER to choose the Print report menu and display
the first Print report option:
P rint repor t (1-6)
1 Activity
Press ENTER to choose Activity.
At any time you can press the EXIT/CLEAR key to display
the previous menu or press the STOP key to exit the
Note: To print a diagram of the WorkCentre menus,
press the HELP key.
Using the num eri c keypa d
You use the numeric keypad to enter numbers, letters, and
symbols. Most WorkCentre tasks require a numeric entry,
for example, a fax number. To enter a number at the control
panel, press the number key you want.
The primary letters corresponding to each number key are
shown above the key. Additional characters and symbols
are also assigned to each key on the numeric keypad.
To enter a letter or symbol, you repeatedly press the
appropriate key until the character you want displays on the
LCD. For example, to enter the letter “C,” press the 2 key
three times.
Unders ta nding the
docume nt flow icons
Document flow icons indicate when the WorkCentre is
receiving and sending information.
Indicator lights between the telephone and WorkCentre
icons illuminate when a fax is being sent or received. When
you’re printing or scanning, the indicator lights between the
PC and the WorkCentre icons illuminate.
Using the ControlC entre so ftware
The ControlCentre software on your PC enables you to
easily view the WorkCentre’s status and change any of the
WorkCentre’s default setting s. For faster dialing when
sending faxes, you can use the ControlCentre to set up your
Phonebook of speed dial numbers. You can also get help
quickly on a particular task or dialog box from the
When you start Windows, the WorkCentre 450c icon
automatically displays in the notification area on the
taskbar. (In Windows 3.1/3.11, the icon displays on the
The icon’s appearance indicates the WorkCentre’s
T he WorkC en tre is ready t o use. Y ou can fax , cop y ,
print, or scan a document.
The WorkCentre is not operational and requires
your immediate attention. For example, you might
need to load paper or clear a jam.
T he WorkC e ntre is opera t ional, but wil l soon ne ed a
replacement part. For example, the ink supply may
be running low and you’ll need to install a new ink
When you move the mouse pointer over the
WorkCentre icon in Windows 95, a ToolTip window
displays. The ToolTip provides a brief description of
the WorkCentre’s status.
To open the ControlCentre on your PC, do one
of the
•In Windows 95, double-click the WorkCentre icon
in the notification area on the taskbar.
•In W indows 3.1 or 3.1 1, double-click the
WorkCentre icon on your desktop.
You can also find the WorkCentre icon in the
WorkCentre 450c program folder (program group)
and Windows Control Panel.
The WorkCentre Status window displays, which provides
the information shown below.
Message displayed on
the c ontrol panel LCD
WorkC entre 450c
graphic that changes ,
depending on its status
He lpful status message
I nk level gauges
Condition s under whic h the
WorkC entre 450c Status window
opens on your desktop
Doc ument
flow ic ons
Photo, contrast, and
resolution settings
When the WorkCentre’s status changes, the graphic
indicates the condition and a helpful message appears in the
window. You can find out more about the WorkCentre’s
status, including how to correct a problem, by clicking the
Help button.
Setting the Contro lC ent r e
Using the ControlCentre Properties dialog box, you can
change the conditions under which the WorkCentre Status
window automatically opens on your desktop. For
example, you can set the window to open any time an error
occurs, such as when the WorkCentre is out of paper or ink.
You also use the dialog box to choose which scanning
application to run when you press the SCAN key on the
WorkCentre control panel.
1.At your PC, do one
•In Windows 95, click the WorkCentre icon on the
taskbar with the right mouse button and then click
•In W indows 3.1 or 3.1 1, click the W orkCentre icon
on the desktop with the left mouse button and then
click Properties.
of the following:
The ControlCentre Properties dialog box displays.
Co ntrols the display of t he
Work Centre 450c Status
win dow
Displ ays the WorkCentre icon
on the task bar ( or desktop)
Runs the specified scanning
application when you press the
SCAN key
2.Under Display status window, click one of the
•At start-up, to open the WorkCentre Status window
when you run W indows.
•On error , to open the W orkCentre Status window
when an error occurs.
•On warning to open the WorkCentre Status window
when a warning condition occurs.
: You can also click one or more of the Display
status window check boxes in the WorkCentre 450c
Status window to change the condition under which
the window opens.
3.To not display the WorkCentre icon on your taskbar or
desktop, do one
of the following:
•In Windows 95, click Show icon on the taskbar to
remove the check mark.
•In W indows 3.1 or 3.1 1, click Show icon on the desktop to remove the check mark.
You can access the WorkCentre icon from the
WorkCentre 450c program folder (group) and
W indows Control Panel.
4.To choose the scanning application to run
automatically when you press the SCAN key on the
WorkCentre, do the following:
•Click Run scanning application.
•Click the Browse button to find the scanning
application’ s location.
•Click the application and then click Open.
The application’ s location displays in the Run scanning application box.
5.Click OK
Select i ng and Or dering Suppl ies
You can purchase supplies from your local Xerox retailer.
To find the location nearest you, call 1-800-832-6979. If
your retailer is out of stock, you can order supplies through
•In the United States, call 1-800- 822-2200
•In Canada, call 1-800-668-0199 (English) or
1-800-668-0133 (French).
Color ink cartridges
BlackBlack ink cartridg e8R7660
CyanCyan ink cartridge8R7661
MagentaMagenta ink cartridge8R7662
YellowYell o w ink ca r tri d g e8R7663
Color print headBlack housing that holds the
color ink cartridges
High capacity ink
jet cartridge
Storage boxSt or age b ox for t he col or print
Fast, black-only ink cartridge8R7638
head or high capacity ink jet
cartridge, when not in use.
Plain paper and media
Most types of paper will work well in the WorkCentre,
although some variables in paper composition may affect
print quality. Most high-grade photocopying papers and
cotton bond papers produce good results. You should fully
test a paper before purchasing large quantities.
You can order plain paper and media from your local Xerox
retailer. To find the location nearest you, call 1-800-832-
6979. If your retailer is out of stock, you can order supplies
through Xerox:
•In the United States, call 1-800- 822-2200
•In Canada, call 1-800-668-0199 (English) or
1-800-668-0133 (French).
North America
United StatesXerox Image Series LX
(8 .5 x11 in, 24 lb)
Xerox Select Ink Jet Paper
(8 .5 x11 in, 24 lb)
CanadaXerox Image Series LX
(8 .5 x11 in, 24 lb)
Xerox Select Ink Jet Paper
(8 .5 x11 in, 24 lb)
South America
BrazilPapel Xer ox
(216x279 m m, 75 g/m
Papel Xer ox
(210x297 m m, 75 g/m2)
Papel Xer ox
(210x297 m m, 90 g/m2)
Xerox Laserpr int
(210x297 m m, 80 g/m2)
Xerox Colote ch
(210x297 m m, 90 g/m
Xerox Colote ch
(210x297 m m, 100 g/m
Other CountriesContact Xerox for correct
reorder numbers
Specialty print media
Xerox offers a wide range of specialty print media:
transparency film, high resolution paper, photogloss paper,
and a fabric transfer sheet.
For best results, use only specialty media designed for the
WorkCentre. Avoid extremely thin paper, thick paper, or
chemically processed pape r such as thermal fax paper, as
frequent paper misfeeds may occur.
With all specialty media, read and follow the instructions
for proper loading into the document feeder tray.
You can order specialty print media from your local Xerox
To find the location nearest you, call 1-800-832-6979.
If your retailer is out of stoc k, you can order supplies
through Xerox:
•In the United States, call 1-800- 822-2200
•In Canada, call 1-800-668-0199 (English) or
1-800-668-0133 (French).
L etter
(8.5x11 in)
Ink Jet Transparency
(4 .2 mil, 20 sheets)
Ink Jet High Resolution Paper
(28 lb, 200 sheets)
double-sided, matte-coated paper
Ink Jet Photo Glossy Paper
(6 mil, 10 sheets)
Ink Jet Fabric Transfer
(10 sheets)
Ink Jet Transparency
(4 .2 mil, 20 sheets)
Ink Jet High Resolution Paper
(104 g/m
double-sided, matte-coated paper
, 200 sheets)
Color Ink Jet
(100 g/m
, 100 sheets)
single-sided, matte- coated paper
Ink Jet Photo Glossy Paper
(6 mil, 10 sheets)
Ink Jet Fabric Transfer (10 sheets)3R93883
WorkCentre 450c Specifications
General Specifications
Power110/220 VAC; 50/60 Hz
Power consumption14 watts, in idle mode
Size and weightHeight (with tr a ys): 11 .5 in (292 mm)
Width: 16.5 in (419 mm)
Depth: 17.25 in ( 438 mm)
Weight: 18 lbs (8.2 kgs)
Environm entTemperature range: 50(F (10(C) to 90(F
Humidity range: 20% to 80%, non-condensing
Fax Specifications
Transmission speed6 seconds per page (CCITT Document
#1; 14,400 bps, standard resolution)
Memory23 pages (CCITT Document #1, stan-
dard resolution)
Speed dialing94 individual entries; 5 group entries
Gr oup dialOne-time transmission and pre-pro-
Distinctive ring detectionUp to th ree different ring patterns
Fax Specifications (Continued
SecurityConfidential send and r eceive
Resolution300 x 300 dpi
Document sizes
(for docum ent tray)
Letter: 8.5x11 in (216x279 mm)
Legal: 8.5x14 in (216x356 mm)
A4: 8.3x11.7 in (210x297 mm)
Document tray capacity20 pages
Modem speed14400, 9600, and 4800 bps
CompatibilityCCITT Group 3, Error Correction Mode
Data compressionMH, MR, and M MR
U nprintable area
(Incoming faxes)
Top, left, and right margins: 5 mm
Bottom margin: 10 mm with high
capacity ink jet cartridge; 12.7 mm with
color print head with black ink cartridge
Printer Specifications
TechnologyThermal ink jet dr op-on-demand
CompatibilityWindows 3.1/3.11, Windows 95, DOS
Print speedB lack and w hite High cap ac ity in k jet cart ridg e:
Up to 6 pages per minute
Col o r pri nt head wit h bla ck ink cartr idge: Up to
4 pages per minute
Color: Up to 1 page per minute
ResolutionBlack and white: 600 x 600, 600 x 300, and
300 x 300 dpi
Color: 600 x 600 and 300 x 300 dpi
Fax (black and white only): 300 x 300 dpi
Media sizes (for
paper tr ay)
Letter: 8.5x11 in (216x279 mm)
Legal: 8.5x14 in (216x356 mm)
A4: 8.3x11.7 in (210x297 mm)
U.S. card stock: 4x6 in, 5x8 in
U.S. No. 10 envelope: 4.12x9.5 in
European DL envelope: 110x220 mm
Paper tray capacity
150 sheets of paper, 20 lb (75 g/m2)
10 sheets of transparency film
10 envelopes
Printer output tray
50 sheets of paper, 20 lb (75 g/m2)
Printer Specifications (Continued
Resident fontsCourier (portrait and landscape)
Pitch: 5, 10, 16.67, 20 cpi
Point size: 6, 12, 24 p t
Univers (portrait and landscape)
Pitch: Proportional
Point size: 6, 12, 24 p t
CG Times (portrait and landscape)
Pitch: P roportional
Point size: 6, 12, 24 p t
Chara cter Se tsHP PC-8, HP Roman-8 , PC-8 Dan/Nor ISO 21,
PC-850, ECMA-94 Latin 1 IS O 8859/1, Germa n ISO 21, French ISO 69, Italian ISO 15,
Spain ISO 17, Swedish Names ISO 11, Swed-
U nprintable area
(PC printing)
ish ISO 10, Norwegian 1 ISO 60, Norwegian 2
ISO 61, Portuguese ISO 16, UK ISO 4, ANSI
PC-852, Latin 2 ISO 8859/2, Latin 5 ISO 8859/
9, HP PC-8 Turkish , Cyrillic 3R, Cyr illic 10N
Top, left, and right margins: 5 mm
Bottom margin: 12.7 mm
Copier Specifications
Copy speedUp to 3 pages per minute
Multiple c opiesUp to 99 copies of multi-page originals
Resolution300 x 300 dpi
Im age quali tyNormal: Bi-level and 4 levels of gray
Halftone: E rror diffusion (10 perceptible levels
of gray)