Xerox Document Centre 230, Document Centre 220ST, Document Centre 332, Document Centre 340ST, Document Centre 230ST Getting Started

Xerox Document Centre
Companion to Getting Started with
Scanning Services
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Table of Contents
1.Introduction and Scanning Overview ........................................................1-1
Scanning Overview............................. ...... .................................. ..... ...... ...................1-4
Scan Templates. ...... .................................................................... ..... ...... ..... ..............1-6
Overview of Repositories .........................................................................................1-9
2.Set Up Scanning - NetWare .......................................................................2-1
Before You Start .............................................................................................................................2-1
Set Up Options ................................................................................................................................2-2
3.Set Up Scanning - FTP (File Transfer Protocol) ....................................... 3-1
Before You Start .............................................................................................................................3-1
Set Up Options ................................................................................................................................3-2
4. Hints and Tips / Problem Solving ............................................................. 4-1
Hints and Tips .................................................................................................................................4-1
Installation Considerations........................................................................................4-2
Problem Solving .............................................................................................................................4-4
Error Messages..........................................................................................................4-5
5. Glossary ....................................................................................................5-1
Index ............................................................................................................. 6-1
Table of Contents
Companion to Getting Star ted with Scanning Services
Companion to Getting Starte d with Scanning Services
1.Introduction and Scanning Overview
Xerox brings the versatility of network scanning to your workstation. By combining the power of the Xerox Document Centre 220/230/332/340ST, CentreWare Internet Services, and third-party applications, Xerox provides a network scanning solution for all scanning users.
After the optional Scanning Services kit is installed on the Xerox Document Centre 220/230/332/3 40ST, you can select scanning features, scan documents, and transfer them to a file server. The document can then be accessed from your workstation or shared with other users connect ed to the network, if desired. The document can be opened by any software application that can view or edit TIFF/PDF files. For example, Visioneer PaperPort, which is included on a CD R OM with your DC220 /230/332/340ST when you purchase the Scanning Services option can view and edit TIFF files.
1. Introduction
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The DC 332/340ST supports both PDF and TIFF File Formats. The PDF image format is a TIFF image enclosed within a PDF wrapper. The DC220/230ST supports only the TIFF image format.
The scanned image can also be imported into TextBridge Pro for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) processing.
Who Should Use This Guide
This guide is a companion to the Getting Started with Netwo rk Scanning Services guide and is intended to be used by System
Administrators who are setting up network scanning without using CentreWa re Network Sca nning Services. CentreWare Network Scanning Services is intended for use on Windows based workstations.
There are two other options for setting up scanning services:
Setting up Native Scanning
Setting up Scanning Using CentreWare Internet Services
Both of these set up options require the use of procedures in this guide. For Setting up Scanning Using CentreWare Internet Services, you will need to complete some processes here, and then refer to the Getting Started with Internet Services guide to complete the set up. All of the procedures for setting up Native Scanning are included here.
Whether you are setting up Native Scanning or Scanning Using CentreWare Internet Services, there are two options for file transfer. They are:
Setting Up Scanning - NetWare (NCP)
Setting Up Scanning - FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Procedures for both of these file transfer options are contained in this guide.
If you will be using Xero xs CentreWare Network Scan ning Services to set up scanning on the DC220/230/332/340ST, refer to the Getting Started with Network Scanning Services guide now.
To use the procedures in this guide effectively, you must have experience working in a network enviro nment. You mu st also have access to the network and possess Supervisor (Administrator) rights. You may also require documentation provided by network and client workstation vendors.
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What to Do Next
To complete the setup of the DC220/230/332/340ST and your network to enable scanning, perform the following steps.
1. Review the information in the Scanning Overview section of this chapter. Read the entire overview, including the Overview of Repositories.
2. Refer to the appropriate chapter of this guide. Choose from:
Set Up Scanning - NetWare. NCP (NetWare Core Protocol) is available for Ethernet and T oken Ring filing to a NetWare server.
Set Up Scanning - FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP is available for Ethernet and T oken Ring (if PCI card installed) and requires an FTP server running on a server or a workstation.
3. OPTIONAL: If you are using Xerox CentreWare Internet Services to perform network scanning, refer to the Getting Started with Internet Services guide.
1. Introduction
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Scanning Overview
Scanning a document has traditionally invo lved a dedicated scanner attached to a single PC. In this environment, a single user at the PC has access to the scanner. Other users cannot scan documents without interrupting the person using the scanner and PC. This is inconvenient and inefficient.
Traditional Scanning
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Scanning with the DC220/230/332/340ST
Using the DC220/230/332/340ST, multiple users can scan and store documents without multiple scanning devices. Using the power of the local area network, multiple users can access the scanner and use it to scan their documents.
Scanning with the DC220/230/332/340ST is acco mplished throu gh the use of a file server. The file server is used as a temporary storage location for the scanned document file. After scanning and sto rage on the file server, the file can be manually retrieved by a user at a network workstation.
Automatic retrieval of the scanned document to a workstation is possible using Xeroxs CentreWare Network Scanning Services. Refer to the Getting Started with Net work Scan ni ng Services guide for more information.
1. Introduction
A dedicated file server is not required. The DC220/230/332/ 340ST can store documents on an existing file server.
File Server
Scanning with the DC220/230/332/340ST
Companion to Getting Started with Scanning Services Page 1 - 5
To perform network scanning, the DC220/230/332/340ST is installed on a local area network. The protocol of the local area network must be NetWare SPX/IPX or TCP/IP. For the user to retrieve the scanned document file, it must be transferred to a file server. The scanning and filing of the document are controlled by a scanning component called a scan template.
Scan Templates
The scan template is essentially a job ticket for the scanned job. The template is user-programmable, and contains parameters for the scanned document. The user can program parameters such as one­sided or two-sided scanning, scanned image size, and the location on the file server where the file will be stored.
The Default Template
A default scan template (@default.xst) is created during the installation of the scanning option and is stored on the DC220/230/ 332/340ST. It is available for all scanning installations.
It is selected at the DC220/230/332/340ST Control Panel Touch Screen to begin the scanning process.
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The Native scanning installations described in this guide provide only the @default.xst template for all scanning users.
In this environment, additional scan templates can easily be created using only Xerox’s CentreWare Internet Services, or the CentreWare Template Utility. You MUST refer to the Getting Started with Internet Services guide to create templates with Internet Services, or the Getting Started with Network Scanning Services guide to use the CentreWare Template Utility.
The Scanning Process
Under the control of the instructions in the scan template, the Xerox DC220/230/332/340ST can scan hard copy documents and create electronic Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) / Portable Document File Format (PDF) files.
The DC 332/340ST supports both PDF and TIFF File Formats. The PDF image format is a TIFF image enclosed within a PDF wrapper . The DC 220/230 ST sup ports on ly the TIFF imag e format.
Using the filing information that is contained in the template, the TIFF/PDF file or files are transferred to a document repository on the file server. The document repository is simply a dir ectory on the file server.
All pages of a multi-page document are scanned prior to the job being sent to the document repository.
Documen t Centre Client Workstation
File S erver
Visioneer PaperPort
1. Introduction
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Scanning Process
After the scanned document files are sent to the file server, the user can retrieve the files from a network workstation.
The three main steps involved in scanning a job are:
1. Scan a hard copy document at the DC220/230/332/340ST. Select a scan template from the Control Panel Touch Screen and
scan the hard copy document at the DC220/230/332/340ST. Scan templates define the Directory and the Document Folder on the server where the scanned file will be stored.
2. The scanned files are sent to a specified location on the file server.
After pages have been scanned and converted to TIFF 6.0 files/ PDF files, the DC220/230/332/340ST logs into an account on the file server and stores the TIFF/PDF files in a specific directory (the document repository) on the file server. As with any user account, access to the file server is controlled by a user name and password.
To name and store the TIFF/PDF files, a numbering scheme (such as 00000001.TIF, 00000002.TIF, 00000003.TIF) is applied to each file. The DC220/230/332/340ST then logs out of the server.
During the transfer of the TIFF/PDF file in a NetW are environme nt, the DC220/230/332/340ST will be already logged in under one license as a printer, and will log in again to transfer the file. After transfer occurs, the DC220/230/332/340ST logs out, making the second user license available again. While available to other users, the second connection is maintained at the NetWare file server as Not logged in. This happens during every scan job. If a license is not available, the file transfer will fail and the DC220/230/332/ 340ST will not retry the operation. If this occurs, the scan job will have to be run again when a license becomes available.
The method used at a workstation to access the document repository and the method used at the DC220/230/332/340ST to send the documents are indep enden t . F or ins tance, t h e DC22 0/230/ 332/340ST may file the TIFF/PDF images using FTP (File T ransfer Protocol) to an NT Server; while the workstation may retrieve the images using NetBIOS/NetBEUI.
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3. A user retrieves the TIFF/PDF files.
The user manually retrieves the TIFF/PDF files and can then manipulate the electronic file as desired. For example, Visioneer PaperPort, which is included on the Scanning Services option can view and edit TIFF files.
PaperPort has an intuitive interface that enables you to annotate, organize, file, and locate scanned documents. Using PaperPort links, you can transfer documents from the PaperPort desktop to other applications and devices installed on your workstation.
Overview of Repositories
As explained below, there are two different types of repositories available on the file server, Public Repositories and Private Repositories.
Public Repositories
Public repositories can be selected by all users as the destination for their scanned files.
Up to five public repositories can be set up. These are the Default Repository and Repositories 1, 2, 3, and 4. These public repositories can be selected when a scan template is created. The scan template for a public repo sitory includes the n ame and the passwor d requir ed for access to the repository.
When this scan template is selected at the DC220/230/332/34 0ST, the name and password will not have to be entered because the name and password are already contained in the scan template. Be sure to read the Repository Filing Policy information on the next page. The Overwrite Filing Policy allows previously scanned jobs in the directory to be overwritten. This might be an inappropriate Filing Policy choice for a public repository.
Private Repositories
Private repositories require a name and password that is different from the name and password th at the DC220/230/332/34 0ST uses to access the public repositories. The appropriate name an d password must be entered at the DC220/230/332/340ST when the scan
1. Introduction
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template is selected, or the scanning operation will fail. This prevents unauthorized use of private repositories as the destination for scanned files.
The appropriate name may also be preset in the scan template when it is originally created. When a scan template is selected that already has the appropriate name, only the correct password must be entered at the DC220/230/332/340ST.
Repository Filing Policy
The Filing Policy specifies the method used to store the TIFF/PDF images in the document repository. There are several options:
The Overwrite Filing Policy deletes any TIFF files stored in the document repository before sending the newl y scanned fil es for storage. All overwritten files are lost, but since the files are overwritten, disk space is conserved.
The Append Filing Policy does not delete existing files. Newly scanned files are added to existing files in the document repository. It is recommended that you delete old files on a regular basis in order to conserve server space.
The New Exact Filing Policy checks to see if any files already exist in the document repository. If there are no files in the repository, the newly scanned files are sent to it. If there are files stored in the repository, the scan job is aborted.
The New Auto Generate Filing Policy creates a new directory structure, based on the time and date of cr eation, in to which the TIFF images are filed. While this may seem like the safest Filing Policy choice, keep in mind that it also requires more disk space than the Overwrite Filing policy.
Output Image Quality
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Multi-Page TIFF can be enabled using Xerox CentreWare Internet Services. When Multi-Page TIFF is enabled, a single TIFF file will be created for a multi-page document. This single TIFF file will contain all the pages of the document. An .XSM folder is not created when scanning in the Multi-Page TIFF mode. A single TIFF file and a log fil e (.xst) are st ored in the repository for each multi-page document that is scanned.
Portable Document File(PDF). The DC 332/340ST supports both PDF and TIFF File Formats. The PDF image format is a TIFF image enclosed within a PDF wrapper. The DC220/ 230ST supports only the TIFF image format.
Not all applications will accept the Multi-Page TIFF format. Applications that do not support Multi-Page TIFFs will typically import and display only t he first page of the docume nt.
Repository Locking
More than one DC220/230/ 332/340S T can log into a file server and transfer a file to the same document repository, but not at the same time.
When one DC220/230/332/340ST logs in to transfer a file, the document repository is locked. Another DC220/230/332/340ST cannot transfer a file to the repository. This prevents possible corruption of the files.
Multiple Logins
More than one DC220/230/3 32/340ST can transfer fil es to different repositories in the same file server at the same time. This is similar
to more than one user logging into a file server at the same time to transfer files to different directories.
Existing Accounts
1. Introduction
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A DC220/230/332/340ST can use an existing user account if the account is enabled for multiple logins. The account for the scanner is no different from a user account. It is a user account!
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