This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used
in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has
been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart
B of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential
area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take
whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.
EMC directive:
This product observes the rules and regulations of the EMC directive. If so required, a declaration of
conformity in local language stipulating the applied rules and regulations can be obtained.
Company and product names mentioned in this datasheet are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective owners.
Xerox 4500 PS TR
July 1997
We congratulate you on your purchase of the Xerox 4500 PrintServer
Token Ring. The Xerox 4500 PS TR forms part of a series of print servers
developed with the purpose of migrating printing know-how into the LAN
This manual describes the installation and configuration of the Xerox4500 PS TR (used as product name throughout the manual) operating in
different environments and covering these variants:
The user is required working knowledge of the relevant host
environments: PSF/MVS, PSF/2, PSF/AIX, PSF/400, TCP/IP and ida PSS.
For details on the configuration on these environments, see the specific
In addition, the user is assumed working knowledge of the relevant Host
Operating System and relevant LAN based protocols.
In the manual reference is made to PSF for S/370-S/390 - this term is to
be construed as PSF/MVS, PSF/VM and PSF/VSE.
Prerequisite manuals
• The original printer manual
Related manuals
The relevant documentation for the host systems and supported
printers should be consulted.
• For SNMP support, see:
- Simple Network Management Protocol, RFC 1157
- MIB for network management of TCP/IP based internets, RFC 1213
Changes with this revision
July 1997, revision 01
- added sample definition for 3745
- description of FSL top module added in separate file ( FSL_REF.pdf)
Readme files supplied with the product setup files will provide you with details.
Xerox 4500 PS TR
1. Introduction to Xerox 4500 PS TR
The Xerox 4500 PS TR is basically viewed as a “Plug and Go” product in
terms of printing directly from Windows using NetBIOS/NetBEUI. To print
using one of the other protocols supported, a minimum configuration on
protocol level is required. This minimum configuration is system dependent
and no default value will apply. For details on minimum configuration on
protocol level, see the chapter: “Configuration of Xerox 4500 PS TR”.
Each unit is capable of supporting multiple print sessions at the same time,
each with its own resource environment. This ensures maximum use of
downloaded resources and minimises network traffic.
Direct host print
Native data:
The Xerox 4500 PS TR is capable of printing AFP based documents as
well as native data. The Xerox 4500 PS TR - non IPDS offers support for
native and ICDS datastreams. The Xerox 4500 PS IPC offers support for
native, ICDS and IPDS datastreams.
Direct host print via TCP/IP
Support for direct AFP host print via the TCP/IP PPR/PPD bi-directional
protocol allows for direct printing control without the need for configuring
intermediate systems.The ICDS and IPDS modules allow the unit to
communicate directly with IBM mainframe and midrange systems using
the TCP/IP PPR/PPD (Page Printer Requester/Page Printer Daemon) bidirectional protocol.
LAN print
The Xerox 4500 PS TR is a remote device for the Token Ring
environment supporting the most widely used protocols in the LAN
environment. With its capability to handle different network protocols
simultaneously, the Xerox 4500 PS TR is ideal in a mixed environment. It
allows you to connect your printers anywhere in a Token Ring network
giving all network users access to shared printer resources.
Xerox 4500 PS TR output / print share
Although the Xerox 4500 PS TR does not have a spool function, it allows
several print sessions to be active simultaneously. This means that print
data can be received in “parallel” from various print applications .
To avoid print mixing , some sharing functions have been implemented.
See the chapter “Configuration of Xerox 4500 PS TR” for details.
Xerox 4500 PS TR
Redirected host print
The Xerox 4500 PS TR may also be used for redirected printing using the
ida ReRouter, idaMON or idaIPPC.
See the separate document “Redirected SNA AFP Printing - Token Ring”
included on the diskette for details).
Filename: “Redirect”
Xerox 4500 PS TR
1.1 Supported protocols
The Xerox 4500 PS TR provides support for the protocols mentioned in
this section. The multiple procotol support makes it possible to have an
easy conversion to the IBM hosts, Windows NT and 95, Novell NetWare,
OS/2 and UNIX systems.
1.1.1 IPX/SPX protocol
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Application Layer
ENP: Embedded NPrinter
Implements the NetWare remote printing functionality.
Communicates with SPX.
EPS: Embedded PrintServer
Monitors the print queues and printers. Is able to monitor print
queues on different network servers.
Communicates with NCP.
Transport Layer
SPX:Provides connection oriented services and guarantees packet
SAP:Provides service name to network address resolution.
NCP:Request/response protocol and the interface to the NetWare
operating system.
Network Layer
IPX: Provides connection-less oriented data services.
1.1.2 TCP/IP protocols
The TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) protocol is
routable and enables the Xerox 4500 PS TR to reside on any network in
an Internet environment.
Xerox 4500 PS TR
The following TCP/IP protocols are supported by the Xerox 4500 PS TR:
IP LayerInternet Layer
IP (RFC 791)Internet Protocol
ARP (RFC 826)Address Resolution Protocol
TCP LayerTransport Layer
TCP (RFC 793)Transmission Control Protocol
UDP (RFC 768)User Datagram Protocol
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
If you do not have TCP/IP on the host, redirected printing can be
performed using the ida ReRouter. For details on redirected printing, see
the separate document included on the diskette “Redirected SNA AFP
Printing - Token Ring”.
1.1.3 NetBEUI/NetBios protocol
With support for the NetBeui/NetBios network protocols, the Xerox 4500 PS
TR enables printing from Microsoft (Windows 95 and NT) and IBM LAN
network (OS/2) environments using the SMB (Server Message Block) printer
protocol. As default the NetBEUI/NetBios protocol will be enabled and as such
is ready to print using the default values.
1.1.4 ida 802.2 protocol
Native data is sent via the LPT monitor program idaMON, and IPDS data
is sent via the IPDS redirecter program idaIPPC.
idaMONis a background monitor program which communicates with the
Xerox 4500 PS TR on the Token Ring and with the configuration program
idaPMUTL redirecting LPT print to the Xerox 4500 PS TR.
The idaIPPC is an OS/2 based redirecter included with the Xerox 4500 PS
TR kit which functions as a bridge between the Host and the Xerox 4500
For details on redirected printing, see the separate document included on
the diskette “Redirected SNA AFP Printing - Token Ring”.
Native Printer Data
Xerox 4500 PS TR
1.1.5 PU/LU protocol
When running in SNA IPDS mode, the Xerox 4500 PS TR will provide
support for LU1 IPDS.
The Xerox 4500 PS TR supports SNA IPDS printing via PU2/LU1. It is
installed and behaves as a network connected SNA PU2 cluster controller
with 1 printer attached. This can be equated to a PC with a single LU1
attached printer.
Xerox 4500 PS TR will emuate the IBM 4028, IBM 3116 or similar printers
running IPDS mode.
1.1.6 Illustration
The illustration in the following indicates which printer protocols are used
for the supported datastreams.
- PPR (PSF/xxxx - ida ReRouter)
- ida 802.2 (idaIPPC)
UNIX, etc)
- ida 802.2 (idaMON)
- NetBios/NetBeui
- PPR (PSS, ida ReRouter)
Xerox 4500 PS TR
1.2 The Xerox 4500 PS TR features
The Xerox 4500 PS TR has the following features:
Xerox 4500 PS TR - non-IPDS:
•FLASH prom for firmware upgrading and settings download
- via BOOTP server
For details, see the chapter “Configuration of Xerox 4500 PS TR”.
• Support for SNMP (MIB II)
•Supports multiple protocols
•Supports all printers for LAN data.
•Redirects LAN native data directly to printer
•Support for Novell’s embedded system’s technology (NEST) in the
form of embedded NPRINTER and embedded PSERVER.
•Supports ICDS data streams to PCL and PostScript printers.
•ICDS printing directly from ida PSS - version 7.00 ( non-IPDS) or higher
Xerox 4500 PS TR IPC:
•Multiple IPDS print sessions - each with own resource environment
•Download of font sets
•IBM 3812/16, 3112/16, 3912/16 and 4028 IPDS emulations
•2 - 18 Mb internal RAM for local storage of IPDS resources
downloaded from the HOST.
•Xerox 4500 PS TR IPC prints IPDS data directly from PSF/MVS,
PSF/400, PSF/2 and PSF/AIX.
•IPDS downloadable to Flash PROM from PC or host. The IPDS code
is delivered in AFPDS format and can be printed like any other
AFPDS file. Upon completion of the print job, the IPDS code will have
been upgraded.
Xerox 4500 PS TR
Redirected printing:
•Xerox 4500 PS TR IPC prints redirected IPDS data from PSF/MVS,
Redirection can be accomplished with the following products:
PSF/2, PSF/AIX, ida ReRouter, ida IPPC
1.3 System requirements
This section will briefly touch upon the various software requirements
needed for the environments supported by the Xerox 4500 PS TR.
A specific description of system requirements will be provided with each
supported printing environment. You are referred to the specific chapter
describing the environment. See Table of Contents for an overview, or
use the search facility provided with the Acrobat Reader.
1.3.1 All environments:
•Token-Ring LAN Attachment for 4 Mbps or 16 Mbps
Make sure that you have the required LAN cables to attach the Xerox
4500 PS TR .
1.3.2 Direct AFP print - mainframe / midrange
1.3.3 LAN based AFP print
Xerox 4500 PS TR
1.4 Supported printers
The Xerox 4500 PS TR supports the following printers:
Xerox 4505
Xerox 4510
Xerox 4517
Xerox 4520
See the chapter on Installation for details of how to install the Xerox 4500
PS TR interface into the above supported printers.
Xerox 4500 PS TR
2. Installation of Xerox 4500 PS TR
When unpacking the unit, record the universal MAC address on the
label attached to the rear panel of the unit.
Installation, configuration and changes to the mainframe and LAN of
the Xerox 4500 PS TR must only be carried out by a person with
authority and knowledge of the relevant environment.
The interface can be damaged by static discharge. To prevent this
damage, the interface comes wrapped in an antistatic bag.
When you remove the interface from the bag and when you install it, hold
the interface by the edges only. Do not touch the components or
Do not throw away the antistatic bag. If the interface is removed from the
printer later, it should be kept in the antistatic bag.
2.1 Pre-Installation tasks
Prior to installing the Xerox 4500 PS TR, you are to set
- ring speed according to your system requirements and
- check that language setting is correct.
Remaining switches are to be operated by support staff only.
These settings are performed on the Dip switch bank. The DIP switch
bank sits on the interface
2.1.1 Ring speed configuration
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Dip switch number 4 is used for setting ring speed. You can select
connection to the following token ring speeds:
4 Mbaud - Dip Switch must be set to OFF
16 Mbaud - Dip Switch must be set to ON
For details on network cabling connection, see the section on:
“Network Installation”.
Xerox 4500 PS TR
2.1.2 EU - US language settings
Dip switch number 2 is used for language setting.
You can select between EU and US language settings.
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Should you need to change language setting, set dip switch number 2
as follows:
EU language setting - set the switch to OFF
US language setting - set the switch to ON
2.1.3 National language selection - CPGID (IPC)
When you have selected either EU or US settings, you should also
check that you have the correct default codepage for your national
Use the program MakeITDS - supplied with this kit - to change the
CPGID. In the following you will find guidelines for entering the CPGID
default value in the MakeITDS program.
Make a settings printout (e.g. via the test key) containing IPDS settings
and the IPDS resident codepages. The IPDS settings will state the
default codepage (CPGID - Code Page Global ID). See the example of
the IPDS settings in the following.
Firmware Version :Sxx xxx xxx
Basic Information
Installed Memory: 2 Mbytes
Installed Interface: Token Ring
In the test page containing the IPDS resident code pages you will find
the decimal number (second column) to be specified.
Appendix E contains a list of IPDS resident code pages.
In the idaSetup program, you must open the menu “IPDS Setup” (see
section 2.5.2 in the accompanying manual). In the entry field “Default
CPGID” you must enter the decimal number for the required national
You wish to change to the Japanese (English) code page.
Enter decimal no. 281 in the entry field for CPGID.
2.2 Rear panel
Below is an illustration of the rear panel of the Xerox 4500 PS TR and
a short description of the panel elements.
Xerox 4500 PS TR rear panel
TYPE NO. Xxx xxx
Xerox 4500 PS TR
Unshielded twisted pair connector (RJ 45).
If your system is running STP you must connect the cable supplied
with the kit.
LED indicators
The LEDs are used for verification purposes.
The tables below show the LED status once the Xerox 4500 PS TR is
up and running.
Indicating data to the printer.
LED StatusDescription
OFFNo data is being sent to the printer
Blinking (async)Data is being transferred to the printer
Used to indicate the LAN status
LED StatusDescription
OFFNo physical connection to LAN
ONConnection to LAN is established
BlinkingConnection to LAN is established, but no boot
reply has been accepted. Refer to the chapter
“Configuration of Xerox 4500 PS TR for details.
Indicates TCP/IP data transmission activity.
LED StatusDescription
OFFNo data is being transmitted from the LAN
Blinking (async)The SESSION LED blinks when data is being
processed or received (TCP/IP)
TEST key
The test key can be used for generating a test page.
Xerox 4500 PS TR
2.3 Installation procedure
This section describes the installation of the Xerox 4500 PS TR
interface into one of the supported printers.
Before you start the installation you must power OFF.
2.3.1 Installing into Xerox 4505 / 4510 printer
1. Remove the plastic cover from the rear of the printer.
2.Loosen the thumb screws.
3.Pull out the motherboard by the handle.
4.Dismantle the two blankets indicated as “ A” and “B” in the figure below.
Save the 4 screws for later use.
5. Prior to inserting the interface in the motherboard, you are
recommended to tighten loosely one screw in the interface’s rear panel
and one in the Centronics panel.
6.Place the interface in the slot marked “ A” and place the Centronics in
the slot marked “B”.
Xerox 4500 PS TR
7.Now fasten the two screws you loosely inserted in step 3.
8. Fasten the two remaining screws.
9.Re-insert the motherboard into the printer and fasten the
Turn power ON and generate a settings printout - pressing the test key on
the rear panel - to check that the connection to the printer has been
Xerox 4500 PS TR
2.3.2 Installing into Xerox 4517 printer
1.Loosen the “thumbscrews”.
2.Pull out the motherboard from the printer.
3.Dismantle the two blankets and save the 4 screws for later use (see step
4. Prior to inserting the interface in the motherboard, you are recommended
to tighten loosely one screw in the interface’s rear panel and one in the
Centronics panel.
5.Place the interface in the lower (middle) slot of the motherboard (marked
“A”) and place the Centronics cable in the upper slot (marked “ B”).
6.Now fasten the two screws you loosely inserted in step 3.
7. Fasten the two remaining screws.
8.Re-insert the motherboard into the printer and fa sten the
Turn power ON and generate a settings printout - pressing the test key on
the rear panel - to check that the connection to the printer has been
Xerox 4500 PS TR
2.3.3 Installing into Xerox 4520 printer
1.Loosen the “thumbscrews”.
2.Pull out the motherboard from the printer.
3.Dismantle the two blankets and save the 4 screws for later use (see
step 4).
4. Prior to inserting the interface in the motherboard, you are
recommended to tighten loosely one screw in the interface’s rear panel
and one in the Centronics panel.
5.The interface is to be placed in the slot marked “ A” and the Centronics
in the slot marked “B”.
For optional use
6.Now fasten the two screws you loosely inserted in step 3.
7. Fasten the two remaining screws.
8.Re-insert the motherboard into the printer and fasten the
Turn power ON and generate a settings printout - pressing the test key on
the rear panel - to check that the connection to the printer has been
Xerox 4500 PS TR
2.4 Share timeout
When Xerox 4500 PS TR operates as a print server for multiple
environments simultaneously, print corruption is avoided by excluding all
other printing as long as a print job is being printed. This is done via a
Share Timeout. The Share Timeout defines an idle time for switching
between printer sessions. As a default, the Share Timeout is set to 20
seconds, but this can be changed via the configuration file (See the
various configuration options for details ).
• • The Share Timeout must be set to a value which is less than the
printer’s internal printer share timer.
• • Native Share Strings:
No share string functionality is included in the Xerox 4500 PS TR
when printing non-IPDS data, so it is up to the application to
ensure the correct printer environment.
IPDS Share Strings
To ensure that the printer environment is corre ct for IPDS printing, share
strings can be programmed using the idaSetup (MakeITDS) Setup
IPDS resources downloaded to the printer are del eted on share
boundaries and are therefore downloaded to the next print job (next
2.5 Network installation
1.Switch off the printer.
2.Connect the UTP cable to the network port on the PrintServer.
If you use the STP cable connection, you must use the cable
supplied with the kit to convert STP to UTP cabling.
3.Switch on the printer.
4.Test the Xerox 4500 PS TR (by pressing the TEST key).
Xerox 4500 PS TR
When IP address has been defined:
If the TCP/IP is enabled, the LAN LED will - if BOOTP parameter set to
YES - start to flash as the Xerox 4500 PS TR tries to contact a BOOTP
server. If no BOOTP server is available, the Xerox 4500 PS TR will use
defaults. If valid default values are found, the LAN LED will remain lit.
The printer and network installation is now complete. For advanced
configuration, see the chapter “Configuration of Xerox 4500 PS TR”.
2.6 Installing upgrade modules
This section provides installation guidelines for IPDS or FSL upgrade modules.
1. Disconnect all cables to the Xerox 4500 PS TR.
2. Loosen the thumbscrews and pull out the interface
3. Place the Xerox PS upgrade module (be it IPDS or FSL) on the 4
plastic spacers on the base module. Make sure that the pins on the
connector J(x) fits correctly.
4. Remount the interface into the printer and fasten the 2 thumbscrews
loosened in step 2.
5. Generate a settings printout to verify the installation of the upgrade
The printer and network installation is now complete. For advanced
configuration, see the chapter “Configuration”.
Firmware download when the PrintServer is equipped with a top
module can be done easily via Psinst32. See this section for
Xerox 4500 PS TR
3. Configuration
This chapter describes how the PrintServer may be subject to a more
advanced configuration using the supported setup facilities (see below).
However, with a minimum configuration of the selected protocol, the
PrintServer is ready for operation. For details on operation based on default
settings, see below.
3.1 Introduction to configuration
When installing your PrintServer, first of all you must configure the
protocol needed in order for the system to be able to communicate with
your PrintServer.
Thus, you should ensure that the protocol you want to use for printing
has been enabled on the PrintServer. For example, if you wish to print
from Novell you need to enable the IPX/SPX protocol and configure it and
if you need to print SNA print from a host, you should enable the SNA
(PU/LU) protocol and configure it. These two protocols are not enabled by
default in the product. This configuration is carried out in PSinst32 or
using one of the following tools:
⇒ Web Browser
⇒ Telnet
⇒ Configuration file
⇒ BOOTP server
See the section on “Minimum Configuration” for more details on minimum
setup via each tool.
When you are sure that you have configured the PrintServer according to
your specific needs (see this chapter: chapter 3), you will have to make
the needed definition on the system in order to be able to send print to
the PrintServer. For this you proceed to the chapters 4-17.
Xerox 4500 PS TR
3.1.1 Which Configuration Tool Do I Choose to Configure My PrintServer?
When delivered, the product has a MAC address but no IP address.
If the PrintServer is to be used for TCP/IP print, you need to
define an IP address in the PrintServer. If you wish to
configure via the Web browser or using Telnet, you need to
define an IP address in the PrintServer as well. You do this
in Psinst32 or via BOOTP.
About the IP Address
The IP address is unique in the Internet environment and consists of a
network ID and a host ID. Psinst32
See section 3.3 for details BOOTP Server
BOOTP may also send config files as well as download firmware. See
section 3.7 for details.
3.1.2 In General on Configuration...
The PrintServer can be subject to advanced configuration in general. This
can be done in a number of ways which will be dealt with later in this
document. The various configuration methods are:
⇒ configuration via PSinst32
⇒ configuration using Web browser
⇒ configuration via Telnet
⇒ configuration using a configuration file
⇒ configuration using BOOTP server
Xerox 4500 PS TR
3.2 Minimum configuration
With a minimum configuration on protocol level in addition to the default
settings, the PrintServer is ready for operation.
A minimum configuration is necessary as it is system dependent and no
default value will apply in this case. The parameters stated in the minimum
configuration are mandatory settings for the PrintServer to become
To set the minimum configuration parameters, use either the program
PSInst32 or the minimum configuration file supplied with the configuration
The minimum configuration only covers the most basic printing needs and a
more advanced configuration will have to be done using of the other
supported configuration methods.
This program is described later in this chapter.
Minimum configuration file
Modify the parameters in the minimum configuration file to suit your system
configuration. A sample configuration file is shown later in this chapter. For
download of the configuration file, see the section “Configuration using
Setup file”.
3.2.1 Mandatory settings
If you wish to operate via the TCP/IP protocol, the parameters below must
be set. These are system dependent and thus the default values will not
apply. Once these parameters have been defined, printing via LPD and
PPD ports can be performed.
Mandatory parameters:
IP address
Subnet mask
These parameters should not be chosen
at random. Contact your system
administrator for details.
IP address
To receive data on your network you need to define an IP address.
This IP address is unique in the Internet environment and consists of a
network ID and a host ID. The IP address uses the address classes A,
B and C for the various network sizes.
Xerox 4500 PS TR
Subnet masks are determined by assigning ones to bits belonging to
the network ID and zeros to bits belonging to the host ID.
The subnet masks may be represented in 32-bit values or as dotted
decimal notation.