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The System Guide provides the information needed to perform
system administration tasks for configuring and maintaining the
Xerox FreeFlow
This guide is intended for network and system administrators
responsible for setting up and maintaining Xerox printers with
Xerox FreeFlow Print Server soft wa re. System administrators
should have an understandi ng of the Sun works ta tion, a famili arity
with Solaris, and with basic UNIX commands. This includes the
use of text editors such as vi or textedit and the ability to
maneuver within the Solari s environment. To enable them to setup
a customer site, system administrators are expected to have a
working knowledge of Local Area Networks (LANs),
communication protocols, and the applicabl e cli ent platforms.
® Print Server for printing systems.
In general, this document covers information about the Xerox
FreeFlow Print Server that is not covered in the Online Help or
other available guides.
The following list describes the contents of this guide:
•Gateway and Network Configuration
•Backup and Restore
•Accounting and Billing
•Hints and Tips
This guide includes the following conventions:
•Angle brackets - Variable information that is displayed on your
screen is enclosed within angle brackets; for example, “Unable to
copy <filename>.”
System Guidev
Customer support
•Square brackets - Names of options you select are shown in square
brackets; for example, [OK] and [Cancel].
•Notes are hints that help you perform a task or understand the text.
Notes are found in the following format:
NOTE: This is an example of a note.
To place a customer service call, dial the direct TTY number for
assistance. The number is 1-800-735-2988.
For additional assistance, dial the following numbers:
•Service and software support: 1-800-821-2797
•Xerox documentation and software services: 1-800-327-9753
viSystem Guide
Gateway and Network Configuration
1Gateway and Network
Gateway and network configur ation is a set of feat ures that al lows
administrators to integrate the Xerox Fr eeFlow
operation with a variety of protocols and gateways through a
common user interface. The Xerox FreeFlow Print Server gateway
and network configuration also enables system administ rators to
select all the network configur ation setting s without having to work
in the UNIX operating system.
Administrators have a wide range of network options available for
configuration through the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server . IP
settings, network speed, and name service among other settings
can be handled easily and quickly.
This section of the guide describes how to use the Xerox
FreeFlow Print Server interface for the following gateways:
® Print Server
•Job Definition Format (JDF)
•Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
•Novell N etWare
This section also addresses the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server
support for the following network configuration settings:
•IP configuration
•Name services
•Dynamic NDS Updates (DDNS)
•Filing configuration - SMB
•Filing configuration - FTP/SFTP
•Dynamic (DHCP) and Static configuration
•Ethernet speed
•Restore network defaults
System Guide1- 1
Gateway and Network Configuration
Job Definition Format (JDF)
This release of the Xerox FreeFlow® Print Server i n troduces a
new JDF Gateway.
The JDF is a job ticket and workflow specification language. It
provides the means to describe print jobs.
The ability to support JDF job tickets wit h PDF data files adds
flexibility when users want specific settings for jobs instead of
default queue settings.
The benefit of this Gateway is tha t it process es the JDF job ti ckets
and returns updated JDF job tickets cont aining job status
information and the process times requir ed.
Technical Overview
JDF Gateway (JDFGW) processes the JDF job tickets and sets
job attributes accordingly for files to be printed. Upon receiving a
JDF job ticket from Hot Folder (HF) Observer, JDF Gateway uses
JDF Toolkit to process the ticket and submit the data file
associated with the ticket to the FreeFlow Print Server to print.
After each job submission to the FreeFl ow Print Server, JDF
Gateway updates and outputs the JDF job ticket into a specific or
default folder.
The JDF Process
Receive JDF Job Tickets from Hot Folder
Process JDF Job Tickets
When a file is dropped in the Hot Folder, HF Observer checks if
the file is a JDF job ticket. If it is, HF Observer will submit the tick et
The JDF Gateway is invoked to parse the ticket and create a JDF
Node based on the ticket. JDF Toolkit then transforms the JDF
Node into a Combined Digital Printing (CDP) Node.
After a CDP Node is formed, the job attributes are converted into
the common CPSS representation.
1-2System Guide
Gateway and Network Configuration
Submit Data Files to FreeFlow Print Server
The JDFGW converts the CPSS represent atio n of job attr ibutes to
the FreeFlow Print Server representation and submits data files
along with these job attributes to the Print Server for printing.
Updates and Outputs JDF Job Tickets:
After each job submission to the FreeFl ow Print Server, JDF
Gateway updates and outputs the JDF job ticket i nto specific or
default folders depending on the job submission status.
The updated JDF job ticket contains a rela tive job status and the
process time required.
The location of a specific folde r is specified in t he JDF job ticket by
"TargetRoute". For example, a JDF job ticket has the following:
<NodeInfo TargetRoute="/var/spool/XRXnps/JDF_Output" />
This means, that the updated JDF job ticket, afte r job submissi on,
is moved to directory: "/var/spool/XRXnps/JDF_Output/"
If such information does not exist in a JDF job ticket, the n the
default folders will be used to hold the updated JDF job ticket.
The default failure folder is named "er ror" and is a sub-di rectory of
Hot Folder directory. The default success folder is named "output"
and is a sub-directory of Hot Folder directory. Both names and
locations of these default folders are configurable via the property
file "/opt/XRXnps/XRXjdf/WEB-INF/classes/config/".
Processes invalid syntax/value JDF Job Tickets
If the JDF job ticket has unsupported structu ral features, such as a
JDF Process node that is subordinate to a Product node, or if it
includes a supported attribute whose value is not supported or
which has an invalid syntax (i.e ., for which JDFToolkit returns a
"Classification of Pr oduct Node failed" error), the job ticket cannot
be converted to a valid print job. In this case, JDF GW puts the
invalid JDF job ticket into the Hot Folder "Error" folder, and
submits an (invalid) empty no data job to alert the FreeFlow Print
Server operator to the error condition.
FreeFlow Print Server will display the fol lowi ng error messages:
•Processing Error - This job cannot be print ed bec ause the J ob
Data File or the Pathname does not exist or the Pathname is
Cancel the job and suggest that the job Data File or the
Pathname be checked prior to resubmitting.
•System error occurred while attempting to process this job.
Please resubmit this job
System Guide1- 3
Gateway and Network Configuration
JDF Workflow Example
1. User enables "hot folder" for the queue in the FreeFlow Print
2. FreeFlow Print Server UI creates an associate Hot Folder for
3. Hot Folder Observer will create an "Error" folder in the Hot
4. FreeFlow Print Server export s the Hot Folder onto t he network
5. User drops a data file, in a specific location in FreeFlow Print
Select clear fault to print this job or
Cancel job and resubmit
the queue.
Folder if a job fails to submit to the FreeFlow Print Server.
for job submissions.
Server. The submitter drops the associated JDF job ticket into
Hot Folder.
6. Hot Folder Observer sends the JDF job ticket to JDFGW.
7. JDFGW processes the ticket and sends job attributes along
with data file into the FreeFlow Print Server for printing.
a. When the job successfully completes printing, JDFGW
writes the updated JDF ticket.
b. If the JDF job ticket is invali d or JDFGW fail s to submit
job into the FreeFlow Print Server, JDFGW writes the
updated JDF ticket to "error" sub folder".
JDF Gateway Considerations
•JDFGW does not support multiple input file s. A JDF ti cket t hat
contains multiple input file specifications (e.g., front cove r,
back cover, and/or body content) must point to a single file.
•A JDF ticket must have "page range" attribute specified in the
input file specification.
•If a JDF ticket has multiple file specifications, each
specification must have "page range" set and be continuous.
•Job Submission Status in the updated JDF ticket only reflects
the status of successful submiss ion i n to FreeFlow Print
•If a JDF ticket contains attr ibutes with invalid syntaxes or
invalid values, it will be moved to the "error" folder.
1-4System Guide
Troubleshooting JDF Gateway
The following logs are important for troubleshooting problems:
If there was no response from the agent to the browser, one or all
of the following can be done.
1. Enter the following command at a terminal:
ps -ef | grep java
If you see the following line, the JDFGW is likely to be alive.
Since JDFGW shares a single JVM with Internet Services
Gateway, there is no single process dedicated to JDFGW.
In addition to this, look at the JDFGW log file
2. Logging files are located at /var/spool/XRXnps/log/
3. Upon a new restart of FreeFlow Print Server or new restart of
JDFGW, the JDFGW log shows:
Gateway and Network Configuration
2006.06.06 16:27:07 INFO
init [thread-10] Gateway Running on http://[server IP
address will appear]
To indicate that JDFGW is running and now ready to process
JDF tickets.
4. By default, JDFGW is configured to log all messages. There
are many levels of logging:
SEVERE (highest value)
FINEST (lowest value)
If you wish to change the level of logging, you can do so by
editing the configuration file /opt/ XRXnps/configuration/
printSvc.config :
# Set the default logging level for the root logger
.level = <value>
System Guide1- 5
Gateway and Network Configuration
SNMP gateway configuration
SNMP displays the status of network devices. Using the SNMP
tab in the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server Gateways, the
administrator can select among a number of f eatures and s ettin gs
for SNMP.
NOTE: SNMP requires a standard license. The System
Administrator must enable SNMP in License Manager.
Xerox recommends the following third–par ty SNMP software
•IBM Network Printer Manager (XP)
•TNG Unicenter (XP)
•HP OpenView (UNIX, XP)
•Xerox CentreWare (UNIX, XP)
NOTE: The SNMP manager (for example, HP OpenView) may
have a number of requests into the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server
for information. The requested information may not be among the
supported data sets on the Print Server. When this occurs, the
SNMP client/manager displays “no value...etc".
NOTE: You can have more than one SNMP manager running at
the same time.
Additional features supported in SNMP
SNMP support for the following features are product dependent:
•The ability to ‘SET’ attributes.
•The ability to localize text and units of measure.
•The ability to support a number of MIBs related to finishing and
•The ability to perform automatic meter readin g.
The following table specifies which Xerox pr oducts have these
SNMP supported features:
Table 1-1
SNMP Supported Features by Product
and DP
Ability to SET AttributesYYNY
1-6System Guide
Gateway and Network Configuration
Localization of
Finishing Capability for
a Device MIB
Finishing Capability for
a Supply MIB
Finishing Capability for
Print Working Group
Job Monitor MIB
Auto Meter Reading/
Enhancement to
and DP
Changing attributes support
These attributes can be changed via ‘SET’:
For additional information on attri butes, MIBs, and localization,
see device profiles.
SNMP MIB support
The Xerox FreeFlow Print Server SNMP MIB files use the Xerox
Common Management Interface (XCMI) version 4.0. The
following list indicat es the MIB files included for th is version of the
Print Server software:
•rfc1759 - Printer-MIB (XCMI rev 000818) - except fin tables
000817) - rfc2790 is a later version of rfc1514. Specifically
hrDeviceTable and hrPrinter Table: hrSystem, hrStorage,
hrDeviceTable, hrPrinterTable, hrDiskStorageTable,
same as 2.
•06gentc - X
•07gen - X
•10 hosttc - XEROX-HOST-RESOURCES-EXT- TC - same as
•11hostx - XEROX-HOST-RESOURCES-EXT-MIB - same as 2
•15prtrxtc - XEROX-PRINTER-EXT- TC
•rfc1215 - SNMP traps version 1
Additionally the following MIBs files are supported:
•RFC 1213 MIB file
–The system Group
–The Interface Group
–The ip Group
–The icmp Group
–The tcp Group
–The udp Group
–The snmp Group
•Host Resource MIB file
–The System Group
–The Stora ge Group
–The Device Group
•Printer MIB file
–The General Printer Group
–The Input Group
–The Extended Input Group
–The Input Media Group
–The Output Group
–The Extended Output Group
–The Output Features Group
–The Marker Group
1-8System Guide
Gateway and Network Configuration
–The Marker Supplies Group
–The Marker Colorant Group
–The Media Path Group
–The Interpreters Group
–The Channels Group
–The Console Group
–The Alerts Groups
•Finishing MIB
–Finisher Device Group
–Finisher Supply Group
–Finisher Supply, Media Input Group
–Finisher Device Attribute Group
•PWG Job Monitor MIB
–The General Group
–The Job ID Group
–The Job Group
–The Attribute Group
•XCMI Host Extensions
–Device Information Group
–Device Detail Group
•XCMI Service Monitoring MIB, Service Group for Print, Co py
and Scan
•Xerox General MIB file (uses only the 06gentc and 07gen files )
•The xcmGen Base Group
NOTE: The other files in Xerox General MIB are not supported.
Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) support
Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is a function that assists in the
accounting and billing process. The featur e can be supported
•xcmHrDevDetailValue Integer
System Guide1- 9
Gateway and Network Configuration
Localization of text and units of measure
With the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server, SNMP text and units of
measure can be independent of the locality selec ted as pa rt of the
Local User Int e rfa c e (L U I) .
1-10System Guide
Although the default is set so that the SNMP locality and unit of
measure is the same as that of the LUI, the new feature allows the
administrator to select a dif ferent locality or uni t of measure for the
SNMP gateway.
Remote SNMP clients can control the localization of text objects
of syntax
LocalizedDescriptionStringTC by setting the MIB object:
Access is changed from Read-only to Read/Write.
However, Remote SNMP clients cannot control the units of
measure localization of numeric MIB objects. The localization of
these objects can only be controlled fr om the LUI.
SNMP configuration variables
Of the many parameters that are available for SNMP
configuration, only the ones of common interest to Xerox
customers are shown in the following table:
Gateway and Network Configuration
Table 1-2
Parameter NameDescription
Configuration Variables
CommandLineTurn on/off the following flags:
–l: logging to SNMP_DEBUG_LOG
–w: logging to window
Printer operatorThe name of the printer operatorStri ng
Printer administratorThe name of the printer administratorString
Printer administrator
Printer administrator
The location of the office of the printer
The telephone number for contac ting the
printer administrator
Printer locationThe location of the printerString
System Guide1-11
Gateway and Network Configuration
Local User Interface (LUI) mapping to MIB
The following table shows the mapping between the LUI and MIB:
SNMP can broadcast messages about the printer and the jobs on
the system. Printer messages may announce that the printer is
idle, printing, or out of paper. Job messages announce that jobs
are pending, processing, or completed. Other job-related
information may include the job owner’s name, the job quantity,
the job identifier, etc.
The information that is displayed at an SNMP Manager may not
always reflect the exact status of a job or printer on the Xerox
FreeFlow Print Server Controller. Those Managers that do not
support loading of Management Information Bases (MIBs) onl y
displays the printer and job status that they support.
NOTE: “Forwarding” is not a job state that is broadcast by the
controller; therefor e, job forwardi ng information i s not displayed by
the SNMP job managers.
AppleTalk gateway configuration
In Gateways, using the Appl eTalk tab the administrator ca n enable
or disable the protocol. If t he protocol is enabled, the administrator
can also select a default queue set for Appletalk.
Queue server options
In Gateways using the Queue Server tab, the administ rator has
the option to enable or disable NetWare and to define a Preferred
Server Name. This entry field allows the administrator an easy
method to directly point to a replica or NDS server name.
1-12System Guide
NOTE: It is recommended to set this after the fi rst connect attempt
has been made since the Preferred Server Name should be
automatically available under normal conditions.
NetWare gateway configuration
In Gateways using the NetWar e tab, the administrator can
configure the NetWare Network automatically or manually. If the
automatic mode is selected, a “wizard” steps the administrator
through the configuration of the Novell Server and the NetWare
Printer queues for the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server.
If the manual mode is selected, the interface enables manual
entry and filtering for the Novell setups and printer queues.
LPD gateway configuration
In Gateways using the LPD (Line Printer Daemon) tab, the
administrator can enable or disable the LPD protocol, set the
default queue, and set the LPD port. The default port is 515, the
most commonly used port.
Gateway and Network Configuration
Network configuration settings
Within the System Administration part of the user interface,
Network configuration options are present ed.
IP configuration
In Network Configuration, using the IP Address tab, the
administrator can enable or disable IP. If IP is enabled, the
administrator can adjust or change the following settings:
•IP Address
•Host name
•Subnet mask
•Default gateway
The administrator must also select the IP Configuration Method.
The drop down menu presents two options: a “Static” IP
configuration which allows the user to specify the IP values, or
“DHCP” method which allows a DHCP server to provide IP
NOTE: The user is prompted whenever a reboot is required.
System Guide1- 13
Gateway and Network Configuration
Dynamic Host Config Protocol (DHCP)
DHCP automates the configuration of computers using TCP/IP
and performs the following functions:
1. Automatically assigns IP Addresses.
2. Delivers TCP/IP stack configuration parameters like the
3. Provides other configuration infor mation such as printer
Name services
The following services are supported by Xerox FreeFlow Print
Server software.
Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)
subnet masks and default gateway.
addresses, time and news servers.
This network configuration opti on all o ws the administrator to
enable/disable the WINS service. The text entry option when left
blank allows WINS to broadcast the request to the first available
WINS server on the network. WINS provides the ability to easily
locate devices on the network, similar to Domain Name System
(DNS). WINS maintains a database of NetBIOS names-to-IP
address mappings so administrators and applications can specify
a name rather than an IP address for a particular network
resource. One of the problems it solves is the need for manual
updates to a database when information for p articular clients is
Domain Name Service (DNS)
The DNS service maintains host names to IP Address mappings.
DNS is also a Directory Service that stores arbitrar y objects not
necessarily related to name-to-IP inf ormation.
In Network Configuration, using the DNS tab, the administrator
can enable/disable DNS. If enabled is selected, the administrator
must provide the information requested in the text entry windows.
The DNS protocol has also been enhanced to allow for dynamic
updating of DNS. The enhancement is referred to as Dynamic
Domain Name Service (DDNS). To invoke this service the
administrator enables it on the DNS tab.
NOTE: For specific procedures see the Online Help.
1-14System Guide
Network Information Services (NIS/NIS+)
NIS and NIS+ are network lookup services that provide
information that must be known t hrou ghout the ne twor k as well as
all machines on the network.
The administrator can enable or disable either the NIS or NIS+
service. If either of these is enabl ed, the adminis trator must s upply
the information requested by the text fiel ds or choose “Find NIS+
server” which will provide this same information.
NOTE: The server must be configured to accept broadcast
Active Directory Service (ADS)
The Xerox FreeFlow Print Se rver interface provi des a “wizard” that
enables the administrator to add ADS domains and permits Print
Server integration into Windows NT ADS networks.
Gateway and Network Configuration
Network filing config uration
In Network Configuration, the SM/FTP t ab allows the admi nistrator
to enable or disable fil ing using one of t hree different technologies :
1. SMB, the protocol behind WINS.
2. FTP, File Transfer Protocol.
3. SFTP, Secure File Transfer Protocol with encrypt ion.
NOTE: If SMB is selected, the administrator must enable WINS
and specify a NetBIOS name.
LP/LPR compatibility wit h X er ox F re e F lo w Print Server
Xerox FreeFlow Print Server-d riven systems can now be target ed
to existing NPS customers for both black and white, and highlight
color. The Print Server now supports the following options.
NPS lp-o and lpr-c
There is support for NPS lp-o and lpr-c options; the lp/lpr options
are received by the LPR gateway and mapped to Xerox FreeFlow
Print Server attributes.
The following NPS lp/lpr options are supported:
1. NPS general options
•C”(acct=< te xt)” (account information)
System Guide1- 15
Gateway and Network Configuration
2. Page order override
•C”(format=<pdl>)” (document format)
•C”(pr=<n>-<m>)” (pages to pr in t)
•C”(xshift)” (horizontal image shift)
•C”(yshift)” (horizontal side 2 shift)
•C”(xshiftback=<n>)” (vertical image shift)
•C”(yshiftback=<n>)” (vertical side 2 shift)
•C”(<nostich”l nost aple l stich l staple>l
3. Background forms
•C”(bf=<background form>”) (background form)
•C”(cf=<n>) (cycle from start location)
•C”(disposition=<savemaskG4 llsaveformG4>)”
4. Selectable halft one (not including full color)
•C”(halftone=<defaultHalftone l course l medium l fine l
5. Highlight color (highlight pri nting color)
•C”(hc=<color>)” (highl ight color mismatch action)
•C”(hcm=<abort l ignore l operator>)” (highlight mapping
color scheme)
•C”(hrc=<pictorial l presentation l colorToHighlight l
automatic)” (highlight mapping color)
•C”(mc= <color>)”
6. Hold job for manual release
7. Selectable resolution
•C”(res=< l 300 l 600 l>)
8. Other
NOTE: See “Printing” in this guide for further information on
Highlight color options.
1-16System Guide
Ethernet connection speed
In Network Configuration, using the Connections tab, the
administrator can select the speed of the Ethe rnet. The default is
set to automatic and the software/NIC card automatically detects
and transmits at the highest speed available. However, the
interface also offers 10 mb/sec, 100 mb/sec and 1000 mb/sec as
the situation requires.
The need to set a specific speed may occur if a switch is set to a
particular speed and does not support automatic negotiation.
Under these conditions, the full Xerox FreeFlow Print Server
controller may need to be set to the same speed as the switch.
Restore network factory settings
With the addition of several interface options as well as user
settings, the administrator may want to restore factory settings.
The interface provides a [Restore Defaults] button in Network
Configuration that permits the administrator to restore all settings
or to restore factory settings for onl y those of specific protocols.
Gateway and Network Configuration
System Guide1- 17
Gateway and Network Configuration
1-18System Guide
Backup and Restore
2Backup and Restore
To ensure a smooth transition between Xerox FreeFlow® Print
Server software levels and to maintain the Xerox FreeFlow Print
Server system for the long term, back ing up and restoring system
and configuration information on a regular basis is part of a wellmaintained printing environment.
This section presents the backup and restore capabilities of the
Xerox FreeFlow Print Server controller. Refer to the
documentation that accompanied your system for instructions
specific to your product.
The capabilities are:
•Back up and restore configuration infor ma tion
•Back up and restore system information
System Backup and Restore
It is recommended that the system image be backed up on a
regular basis. Having a current system image ensures that in the
event of a failure of the system or the hard disks, the system can
be easily restored.
•Backup System provides an image or copy of the hard disk,
and places this copy into a protected par ti tion on the Xerox
FreeFlow Print Server hard drive, SCSI t a pe drive, or Unix file
system. Backup System will copy everything on the dis ks that
it supports.
–Backup System provides a quick and e f fici ent way to bri ng
the system back up to a known installation .
–Systems must have a minimum of 36Gbytes of disk space
and DocuSP 5.x software.
NOTE: Additional partitions/drives installed by the customer are
not backed up. These partitions/ drives should be backed up on a
regular basis or when the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server contr oller
has been modified.
•Restore System brings back the entire disk copy for the
system, including the operating system, Xerox FreeFlow Print
Server software, and user opti ons. Only one versi on, at a time,
of a Backup System is supported.
–For new Xerox FreeFlow Print Server systems or systems
that have had a clean installation, the Backup and Restore
System capability is available through the Print Server
System Guide2- 1
Backup and Restore
When to Backup and Restore a System
–For existing Xerox FreeFlow Print Server systems that
have been upgraded without the reinstall ation of the
operating system, backup and restore system proce dures
are the same as in previous releases of the Print Server.
NOTE: Do not use a System Restore when there has been a hard
drive failure. The Backup System is only a partition of the hard
NOTE: Refer to the appropriate Online Help for detailed
procedures and SUN documentation for additional information on
saving a system image.
The following items detail when to use the backup and restore
system option.
It is recommended that the System Backup process be completed
after the system has been running in production for a week or two.
The System Backup should be performed once a month, and it
should be completed during a time when the printer is not in use,
such as at night.
Restore System
•To restore the system disk copy after a catastrophic software,
operating system, or other software failure.
•To restore the system when the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server
or the operating system has been compromised i.e. from a
storm or if corrupted by a power surge.
•To restore a known image of the entire system.
•Do not use when restoring after a hard disk failure.
Restore System is performed via the System Restore Disk within
Xerox FreeFlow Print Server software kits. Before a restore is
attempted a previous backup must have been completed.
Restore takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes.
•From the System menu select [Backup/Restore].
•Select the [Restore System] button.
Users are prompted to retrieve the System Restore disk from
the software kit. The cd-rom contains a bootable OS and
pointers to the /XRXbackup folder. It does not contain user
•Insert the System Restore Disk.
•Type boot cd-rom on cd
Files are automatically copied onto the main drive p a rtitions.
2-2System Guide
Configuration Backup
Backup and Restore
The Backup Configuration option allows the Administrator to
select all or some of the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server
configuration settings to backup and then restore. The backup
configuration allows for fast and efficient saving of user settings.
Backup Configuration allows for multiple versions, network
backups, and quick restoration of user information.
Software configuration information should be saved when the
system has been installed and all queues and printers have been
set up. It should also be saved when any printer or queue
properties are changed.
The Configuration Backup option enables you to select among
items like the following:
•User accounts
•Network Setups
•Stock Database/Tray mapping
•Stacker/Finisher settings
•LCDS Resources
•ICC Profiles/TRCs
•Image Quality and Decomposition
•Any mounted local or remote drives
Ideally, the Configuration setti ngs should be backed up at weekly
CAUTION: Use the Xerox FreeFlow Print Service save and
reprint capability to save jobs for future use. Job ticket information
as well as color information is retained for each job.
NOTE: See Online Help for detailed procedures.
When to Backup and Restore a Configuration
The following items detail when to use the backup and restore
configuration option.
It is recommended that the Configuration Backup process be
performed in weekly or monthly interval s, and be completed
during a time when the printer is not in use, such as at night.
The Configuration Backup file can be saved to a shared network
System Guide2- 3
Backup and Restore
Restore Configuration
•To restore customer settings after a hardware or hard disk
•For restoration after a software installation tha t included an
installation of the oper ating system.
•When you only need to restore i ndividual items, s uch as queue
setups, custom security profiles, network and gateway
settings, or paper stock o r tray mappings.
It is not recommended that jobs be backed up using the
Configuration Backup. Use the Print Servi ces feature to save
jobs as TIFF or FRF files on the Xerox FreeFlow Print Server
controller or on another storage location. Using Print Services
saves job ticket information as well as retaining color settings
over software upgrades.
•To restore customer settings after a hardware or hard disk
•For restoration after a full software reload
If only a software upgrade is performed on the Xerox FreeFlow
Print Server controller, the system configuration information is
typically retained.
DocuSP 5.x to Xerox FreeFlow Print Server 6.x upgrade
DocuSP 5.x to Xerox FreeFlow Print Server upgrade 6.x requires
a full reload of the Operating System. The recommended process
•In 5.x, perform a Backup Configuration (all options)
•Full load of the OS and Print Server software
•Print seve ra l prints
•Restore Configuration of the DocuSP 5.x on the Xerox
FreeFlow Print Serve 6.x release.
NOTE: See Online Help for detailed Restore Configuration
NOTE: Backup from 5.x with restore to 6.x following upgr ade is an
intended scenario. Refer to instructions that accompanied your
system for backup and restore procedures specific to your
Frequently asked questions
What is the basic purpose of Configuration Backup and
2-4System Guide
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