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added in subsequent editions.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Before you use this guide................................................................................................1-1
About this guide..... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... .............................................. .........1-1
Specifying the location of the printer discovery file for Windows and Macintosh..5-
Specifying location of the printer discovery file for Solaris only........................5-16
Modifying the printer list....................................................................................5-17
Deleting a printer ..............................................................................................5-17
1 Introduction
This guide consolidates the install instructions for Xerox
Document Submission (XDS) plus the drivers, and Xerox
Document Submission Plus (XDS Plus) into one document.
Generic printing information and job ticket feature information
are found in additional guides.
Before you use this guide
This guide is intended for users of workstations using an
Internet Explorer 5.x or higher web browser and a Windows
operating system, Macintosh, or Solaris workstation.
About this guide
You should be familiar with using a web browser.
Before you perform any procedures in this guide, become
familiar with its contents and conventions.
This guide includes the following conventions:
•Angle brackets: Variable information that is displayed on
your window or that can be entered as part of a command
line is enclosed within angle brackets. Examples include
"Unable to copy <filename>;" “set –p <printer>.”
•Square brackets: Square brackets are used for the
–Names of menu options that you select; for example,
[Printer Default]
–Names of buttons that you select; for example, [OK]
and [Cancel]
Installation Guide1-1
–Names of text boxes, list boxes, and fields; for
example, "the [From] text box," "the [Directories] list
box," “the [Color Source] field”
•Bold: Boldface type is used for the following:
–Directory paths; for example, “Browse to the
Win_nt40/Xeroxdrv directory.”
–Text that you enter; for example, "Enter purple or
–Calling attention to text that is particularly important;
for example, “Select [Stop] on the user interface
window. Do not press the red stop button on the controller.”
–Introductory words or phrases that begin items in a list;
for example,
Hold job: The document is held at the printer...
Cancel job: The document is not printed...
•Note: Notes are hints that help you perform a task or
Related documentation
Further information on the specific Xerox printer and the print
server or controller that is part of your printing system may be
obtained by referring to the documentation that was delivered
with the elements of the system.
Customer Support
To place a customer service call, dial the direct TTY number
for assistance. The number is 800-735-2988.
understand the text. Notes are presented in italics, in
separate paragraphs. Example:
NOTE: You cannot submit a job unless the printer is
connected to your workstation.
1-2Installation Guide
2 Using the DocuSP web
This chapter contains the procedures for accessing the
DocuSP web interface on your workstation. With the web
interface, you use a browser to access windows that enable
you to select a document file, set up a job ticket, and submit
your print job to the printer.
You must satisfy the following prerequisites to use the web
interface for job submission:
•Microsoft Windows software must be installed on your
workstation. If Windows is installed as a shared copy on
your network server, contact your System Administrator.
•A printer with a controller running DocuSP 3.X must be
connected to your workstation.
•Have Internet Explorer 6 or Netscape 6.2.
•Have Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher web browser
installed on your workstation with Service Pack 2.
•Know how to use the tools in Windows or Solaris to
connect to the network disk drives or to disconnect from
the drives to which you are currently connected.
•Know how to access and use your web browser to
navigate on the Internet.
•Know how to save your document as a PDL format file by
using the print-to-file method; or know how to create a
valid TIFF, PDF, or ASCII file.
Accessing the web interface software
To access the web-based web interface using your Internet
browser, follow these steps:
Installation Guide2-1
Using the DocuSP web interface
1. Ensure that the printer controller to which you want to
send jobs is powered on.
2. On your workstation, open your Internet browser (Internet
Explorer or Netscape).
3. Enter http:// followed by the IP address of your printer in
the form Your printer home page is
Your printer home page contains the following fields:
•Job Submission button: Connects you to the job
setup window for the web interface.
•Job Submission Applet button: Connects you to
the XDS Job Submission Applet software, which
enables you to set up and print jobs using XDS Plus
on the Internet without installing it on your workstation.
NOTE: If you are unable to connect to the web interface,
try the following:
a. Select the [Refresh] button on your browser window.
b. If you are unable to display the web interface printer
home page, reboot the printer controller, then return
the login level to Walk-Up User.
4. On the printer home page, select [Job Submission]. The
Job Submission window opens, displaying job setup and
printing options.
For the procedure to print a document using the web
interface, refer to information about printing a document in
the “Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print
Services,” guide.
Exiting the web interface software
To exit the web interface software you may do one of the
•Select the [X] button in the upper-right corner of the
Internet browser window to close the browser window.
•Enter a different web address in the browser address field
and press <Return> or <Enter>.
2-2Installation Guide
3 Installation and
configuration for
This chapter contains the information you need to install the
Xerox Document Submission (XDS) application, the Xerox
PlugIn, and the PPD files for use with third party printer
drivers for a Macintosh workstation. This software enables
users of Xerox supported networks to take advantage of the
many printing options that are offered by the supported Xerox
printing systems.
The procedures in this section assume that the user is
familiar with basic Macintosh activities, such as copy and
delete, and is also familiar with setting up printers on the
Macintosh. See your system or network administrator for
The Adobe License agreement
You must agree to the Adobe license and registration
conditions before installing the AdobePS printer driver. The
Macintosh installation displays the license and requests your
agreement before proceeding.
The Adobe Acrobat Reader software may be obtained from
Adobe at the Adobe WEB site:
Installing and configuring the AdobePS driver
This section describes the procedures for installation and
configuration of the AdobePS PostScript print driver, Xerox
PPD files, and Xerox PlugIn using the CD ROM that is
supplied with your printer.
To install the PPDs or drivers from the web, access the
following web site using an internet connection:
Installation Guide3-1
Installation and configuration for Macintosh
Driver Support
The following drivers are supported for the Macintosh:
•AdobePS Native with PPD
•AdobePS Native with PPD and Xerox PlugIn
Workstation requirements
The workstation must meet the following hardware and
software requirements:
Hardware requirements
•A Macintosh Power PC
•4 MB or more memory
•1.5 MB for the XDS application
•500 KB disk space for each PPD and PlugIn to be
•2.1 MB disk space for the AdobePS printer driver
Software requirements
•Mac OS 8.6 through 9.x, or Mac OS X 10.1 or higher in
Classic mode
•For further information on software requirements based
on your workstation platform, read the “ReadMe” file that
is located on the CD ROM. The “ReadMe” document is
located in the AdobePS 8.7 folder, which is in the
AdobePS Driver folder.
Installing the AdobePS driver
Before installing this version of the AdobePS printer driver
and any of the Xerox PPDs or the PlugIn, remove any old
Adobe drivers, Xerox PPDs, and Xerox printer PlugIns from
the Printer Descriptions folder in the Extensions folder. Delete
the “Xerox Printer Preferences” file from the Preferences
folder, then complete the following steps to install the Adobe
PS driver.
3-2Installation Guide
Installation and configuration for Macintosh
1. Insert the CD ROM labeled Xerox Production Print
Services (XPPS) 3.7x Software into the CD ROM drive of
the Macintosh.
2. Double-click the CD icon to open it.
3. Open the OS9 folder.
4. Open the Adobe PS Driver folder.
5. Open the AdobePS folder.
6. Double-click the [AdobePS Installer] icon.
7. On the Adobe PostScript Driver screen, select
8. Select [Accept] on the license screen. The Adobe Installer
screen is displayed.
9. Select [Install] to perform the easy install. The AdobePS
driver is installed.
10.Select [Continue] if you want to install additional drivers.
11.When the installation is complete, select [Restart] to
restart the Macintosh workstation or select [Quit] to exit
the installation program.
Installing the PPD files into a Macintosh OS X environment
Xerox PostScript Printer Description (PPD) files must be
installed for every printer model that you want to use. An
appropriate Xerox PPD is necessary in order to send jobs to
the printer using the AdobePS printer driver. Follow this
procedure to install the PPDs:
NOTE: You must have administrative rights to place the
PPDs in the necessary directory.
1. Insert the CD ROM labeled Xerox Production Print
Services (XPPS) 3.7x Software into the CD ROM drive of
the Macintosh.
2. Double-click the CD icon to open it.
3. Open the OS9 folder.
4. Open the ppds folder.
5. On the hard drive, open the Library folder.
6. Open the Printers folder.
7. Open the PPDs folder.
8. Select the Xerox PPDs that match the printers that you
are installing from the PPDs folder on the CD.
Installation Guide3-3
Installation and configuration for Macintosh
9. Drag the selected icons to the PPDs folder.
10.The PPDs are installed and ready to be set up using the
Print Center.
PPD setup using Print Center
Once you have completed the previous instructions for
installing the PPDs, perform the following instructions:
1. Double-click on the hard drive icon.
2. In the open window, select the applications button in the
3. Open Applications, and select the Utilities folder.
4. Select the Print Center icon.
5. Select [Add Printer...]
6. Select the type of protocol (AppleTalk, etc).
7. Select the correct zone.
8. Choose the printer you wish to set up.
9. Select the printer model (Choose the PPD for your
10.Select [Add].
11.Close the Print Center.
Installing the Xerox PlugIn
The Xerox Job Ticket PlugIn is not necessary in order to print
to a Xerox printer. However, in order to utilize the full feature
set of the selected Xerox printer, you must install the Xerox
1. Insert the CD ROM labeled Xerox Production Print
Services (XPPS) 3.7x Software into the CD ROM drive of
the Macintosh.
2. Double-click the CD icon to open it.
3. Open the OS9 folder.
4. On the hard drive, open the System Folder (ensure that
you open the folder titled “System Folder” and not the one
titled “System”).
5. Open the Extensions folder.
6. Open the Printer Descriptions folder.
7. From the OS 9 folder, open the AdobePS PlugIn folder.
3-4Installation Guide
8. Select the Xerox Job Ticket PlugIn and drag the icon to
9. If prompted to replace an older version, select [Ok].
10.Use the Desktop Printer Utility to set up and configure the
Configuring the printers
After installing the AdobePS driver, PPDs, and PlugIn, you
need to set up and configure the printers for your applications
and XDS.
1. In your workstation hard disk directory, open the Adobe
2. Open the Desktop Printer Utility. The New Desktop Printer
Installation and configuration for Macintosh
the Printer Descriptions folder.
printers. Refer to “Configuring the printers,” later in this
PS Components folder.
dialog box is displayed.
If the Desktop Printer Utility does not open to a new
printer dialog box, select [New] from the File pull-down
menu on the workstation menu bar.
3. From the With pull-down menu, select [AdobePS].
4. In the Create Desktop area, select either [Printer
(AppleTalk)] or [Printer (LPR)], depending on which
protocol your network is using. Select [OK].
5. In the [PostScript Printer Description (PPD) File] field,
select [Change].
6. Scroll to the bottom of the printer list, and select the
appropriate Xerox printer that you want to install.
7. Select [Select].
8. For AppleTalk, follow these steps:
a. Select [Change] in the [AppleTalk Printer Selection]
b. Select the AppleTalk zone.
c. Select a PostScript printer from the displayed list of
available printers, then select [OK].
d. Select [Create].
e. If you want to rename the printer, enter the new name
in the [Name] field in the save dialog box that is
f.Select [Desktop] to create the new printer on the
desktop, enter the printer name and select [Save].
Installation Guide3-5
Installation and configuration for Macintosh
For LPR, follow these steps:
a. Select [Change] in the printer Selection field.
b. Enter the address of the printer, either as an IP
c. Enter the name of the desired printer queue in the
d. Select [Verify] to verify the network connection to the
e. Select [Create].
f.If you want to rename the printer, enter the new name
g. Select [Desktop] to create the new printer icon on the
9. Close the Desktop Printer Utility.
address or as a fully qualified URL.
[Queue] field.
printer, then select [OK].
in the [Name] field in the save dialog box that is
desktop, enter the printer name and select [Save].
Installing and configuring XDS on Macintosh
This section explains how to install the Xerox Document
Submission (XDS) application, using the CD ROM that is
supplied with your printing system product.
To install the XDS software from the web, access the
following web site using an internet connection:
Select [Drivers], and locate the file appropriate for your
workstation type and printer model.
Workstation requirements
Your workstation must meet the following hardware and
software requirements:
Hardware requirements
•A Macintosh Power PC
•1.5 MB disk space for XDS
3-6Installation Guide
Software requirements
•Mac OS 8.6 through 9.x or Mac OS X version 10.1 and
higher in Classic mode.
•AdobePS printer driver installed
Installing the XDS software
To install the XDS software, perform the following steps:
1. Delete any existing Xerox Document Submission client
software by selecting the icon, then dragging it to the
trash can icon.
2. Delete the “Xerox Printer Preferences” file from the
Preferences folder.
3. To begin the installation process, do one of the following:
•Access the XPPS version 3.7x software from CD
Installation and configuration for Macintosh
a. Insert the CD ROM labeled Xerox Production Print
Services (XPPS) 3.7x Software into the CD ROM
drive of the Macintosh. The XPPS CD icon appears
on your workstation screen.
b. Double-click the CD icon to open it.
c. Open the OS9 folder.
d. Open the XDS 3.7x folder.
e. Drag the XDS3.7x icon from the XDS folder to the
desired location on your workstation, then release
f.Close all of the windows that are open from the
XPPS CD. Drag the CD icon to the trash can icon,
then release it. The CD is ejected.
•Download the XPPS version 3.7x software from the
a. Access the web site
b. In the [Search] text box at the top of the Xerox
home page, enter XPPS and select [Search].
c. On the search results list, select the item
containing XPPS software version 3.7x for
Macintosh. The XPPS software is downloaded to
your desktop.
d. Open the xpps_for_mac Folder.
Installation Guide3-7
Installation and configuration for Macintosh
4. Double-click the [XDS] 3.7x icon to open it.
5. Select [OK]. The Document Submission window opens.
6. Use the Desktop Printer Utility to configure the printers for
the application prior to submitting a document. Refer to
“Configuring the printers,” earlier in this chapter, and your
Macintosh documentation for the procedures.
NOTE: In order to configure the printers and to print
documents using XDS, you need to install the AdobePS
8.7.3 printer driver. Refer to “Installing and configuring the
AdobePS driver,” earlier in this chapter.
Installing additional products
After you have installed the XDS software, you may select
another product configuration if you have additional
supported Xerox printers to which you will send jobs for
e. Open the XDS folder.
Ejecting the cd
1. Open the XDS icon.
2. From the XDS Splash screen, select [OK].
3. From the Options pull-down menu on your workstation
menu bar, select [Product Configuration].
4. Select the check boxes for the additional products that will
be used, then select [OK].
After you have completed installation, drag the CD icon to the
trash can icon on the desktop. Release the icon. The cd is
3-8Installation Guide
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