Xerox 4112, 4127 Administrator Guide

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Windows Server, Windows Vista, and Microsoft Network are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
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All product/brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective holders. Permission has been obtained from Microsoft Corporation for use of software screen shots. For information on license, refer to About License.
The data saved in the hard disk of the machine may be lost if there is any problem in the hard disk. Fuji Xerox is not responsible for any direct and indirect damages arising from or caused by such data loss.
Fuji Xerox is not responsible for any breakdown of machines due to infection of computer virus or computer hacking.
1. This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied or modified in whole or part, without the written consent of the publisher.
2. Parts of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.
3. We welcome any comments on ambiguities, errors, omissions, or missing pages.
4. Never attempt any procedure on the machine that is not specifically described in this manual. Unauthorized operation can cause faults or accidents. Fuji Xerox is not liable for any problems resulting from unauthorized operation of the equipment.
An export of this product is strictly controlled in accordance with Laws concerning Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade of Japan and/or the export control regulations of the United States.
XEROX, THE DOCUMENT COMPANY, Ethernet, CentreWare, and the stylized X are registered trademarks of Xerox Corporation. DocuWorks is a trademark of Xerox Corporation and Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. All Xerox and Fuji Xerox product names are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Xerox Corporation and Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ 1
1 Before Using the Machine ........................................................................................ 9
Preface...................................................................................................................... 10
Types of Manuals ...................................................................................................... 11
Using This Guide....................................................................................................... 12
Organization of This Guide................................................................................... 12
Conventions.......................................................................................................... 13
Interface Cables ........................................................................................................ 15
Using the USB Interface ....................................................................................... 15
Using the Ethernet Interface ................................................................................. 15
Power Saver Mode.................................................................................................... 16
Changing the Power Saver Mode Change Interval............................................... 16
Customizing the Control Panel.................................................................................. 18
Table of Contents
Entering Text............................. ...... ................................. ..... ..... ............................... 22
2 Paper and Other Media ........................................................................................... 23
Paper Types .............................................................................................................. 24
Supported Paper Type.......................................................................................... 24
Loading Paper ........................................................................................................... 28
Loading Paper in the Trays 1 to 2......................................................................... 28
Loading Paper in the Trays 3 to 4......................................................................... 29
Loading Tab Paper in the Trays 3 to 4.................................................................. 30
Loading Paper in the Tray 5 (Bypass) .................................................................. 31
Loading Tab Paper in the Tray 5 (Bypass) ........................................................... 32
Loading Paper in the Tray 6 (HCF (A3 1 Tray)).................................................... 32
Loading Tab Paper in the Tray 6 (HCF (A3 1 Tray))............................................. 33
About Weight Switch Buttons for HCF (A3 1 Tray)............................................... 34
Improving the Paper Feeding Performance in Tray 6 (HCF (A3 1 Tray)) ............. 35
Loading Paper in the Trays 6 to 7 (HCF (A4 2 Tray))........................................... 36
Loading Paper in the Tray 8 (Interposer).............................................................. 36
Loading Tab Paper in the Tray 8 (Interposer)....................................................... 37
Changing the Paper Size........................................................................................... 38
Changing the Paper Size for the Trays 3 to 4....................................................... 38
Changing the Paper Size for the Tray 6 (HCF (A3 1 Tray)).................................. 39
Changing the Paper Size for the Tray 6 to 7 (HCF (A4 2 Tray))........................... 39
Changing the Paper Settings..................................................................................... 41
3 Maintenance............................................................................................................. 43
Replacing Consumables............................................................................................ 44
Replacing the Toner Cartridge......... ................................. ..... ...... ......................... 45
Replacing the Waste Bottle... ...... ................................. ..... ..... ............................... 47
Replacing the Staple Cartridge..............................................................................49
Replacing the Booklet Staple Cartridge.................................................................50
Replacing the Staple Waste Container..................................................................51
Emptying the Punch Waste Container...................................................................52
Cleaning the Machine.................................................................................................54
Cleaning the Exterior ............................................. ...... ..... ................................. ....5 4
Cleaning the Document Cover and Document Glass............................................54
Cleaning the Film and Constant Velocity Transport Glass ....................................55
Cleaning the Document Feeder Rollers............................................ ...... ..... ..........56
Printing a Report/List..................................................................................................57
Deleting the Print Job with an Invalid User ID............................................................58
4 Machine Status.........................................................................................................59
Overview of Machine Status.......................................................................................60
Machine Information...................................................................................................61
General Information...............................................................................................61
Paper Tray Status..................................................................................................63
Print Reports..........................................................................................................63
Automatically Printed Reports/Lists. ................................. ..... ...... ..........................6 9
Overwrite Hard Disk...............................................................................................69
Print Mode .............................................................................................................70
Billing Information.......................................................................................................75
Billing Information ..................................................................................................75
User Account Billing Information............................................................................76
5 System Settings ............................ ..... ...... ................................ ...... ..... ...... ...............77
System Settings Procedure........................................................................................78
Step 1 Entering System Administration Mode .......................................................78
Step 2 Entering the System Administrator User ID and Passcode........................78
Step 3 Selecting [Tools].........................................................................................79
Step 4 Selecting an Item on the [Tools] Screen ....................................................79
Step 5 Setting a Feature........................................................................................80
Step 6 Exiting the System Administration Mode....................................................80
System Settings Menu List.........................................................................................81
Common Service Settings..........................................................................................90
Machine Clock/Timers ...........................................................................................90
Audio Tones...........................................................................................................92
Screen/Button Settings......... ...... ..... ................................. ..... ...... ..........................94
Paper Tray Settings...............................................................................................95
Image Quality.........................................................................................................97
Maintenance ..........................................................................................................98
Table of Contents
Watermark .......................................................................................................... 101
Secure Watermark.............................................................................................. 102
Image Log Control ..... ................................. ...... ..... ................................. ..... ...... . 104
Print Universal Unique ID.................................................................................... 105
Other Settings..................................................................................................... 106
Copy Service Settings ...................................................... ..... ..... ............................. 113
Copy Tab - Features Allocation .......................................................................... 113
Preset Buttons .................................................................................................... 114
Copy Defaults ..................................................................................................... 114
Copy Control....................................................................................................... 117
Original Size Defaults ......................................................................................... 119
Reduce/Enlarge Presets....... ...... ..... ................................. ..... ...... ....................... 120
Annotation - Create Comments .......................................................................... 120
Connectivity & Network Setup................................................................................. 121
Port Settings ....................................................................................................... 121
Protocol Settings................................................................................................. 125
Machine’s E-mail Address/Host Name ............................................................... 127
Proxy Server Settings ......................................................................................... 127
Outgoing / Incoming E-mail Settings................................................................... 128
Remote Authentication Server/Directory Service................................................ 130
Security Settings................................................................................................. 134
Other Settings..................................................................................................... 137
Print Service Settings .............................................................................................. 138
Allocate Memory ................................................................................................. 138
Delete Form ........................................................................................................ 140
Other Settings..................................................................................................... 140
Scan Service Settings ............................................................................................. 143
First Tab.............................................................................................................. 143
Scan Defaults...................................................................................................... 143
Scan to PC Defaults............................................................................................ 146
Original Size Defaults ......................................................................................... 146
Output Size Defaults........................................................................................... 146
Reduce/Enlarge Presets....... ...... ..... ................................. ..... ...... ....................... 146
Other Settings..................................................................................................... 146
E-mail Service Settings ........................................................................................... 149
E-mail Control ..................................................................................................... 149
Mailbox Service Settings ......................................................................................... 152
Job Flow Service Settings....................................................................................... 153
Stored Document Settings....................................................................................... 154
Web Applications Service Setup ............................................................................. 155
Server Setup....................................................................................................... 155
Web Browser Setup................................................................................................. 157
Setup....................................................................................................................... 159
Create Mailbox.................................................................................................... 159
Stored Programming.. ...... ................................. ..... ...... ..... ................................. .. 16 1
Create Job Flow Sheet ........................................................................................161
Create Job Flow Sheet Keyword .........................................................................166
Add Address Book Entry......................................................................................166
Create/View User Accounts.................................................................................170
Account Details...................................... ..... ...... ..... ................................. ..... ...... ..173
Reset User Accounts............ ...... ..... ...... ................................ ...... ..... ...... .............173
System Administrator's Meter (Copy Jobs)..........................................................174
Accounting Type.............. ..... ...... ................................. ..... ..... .............................. 17 4
Accounting Login Screen Settings............................... ..... ................................. .. 17 5
Authentication/Security Settings...............................................................................176
System Administrator Settings.............................................................................176
Allow User to Disable Active Settings..................................................................186
Job Status Default ................................. ..... ................................. ..... ...... ..... ........186
Overwrite Hard Disk.............................................................................................186
6 CentreWare Internet Services Settings ................................................................189
Installation of CentreWare Internet Service s.................... ..... ..... ...... ........................19 0
Preparations ........................................................................................................190
Configuration on the Machine................................ ...... ..... ..... .............................. 19 0
Starting CentreWare Internet Services.....................................................................192
Setting Items Using CentreWare Internet Services..................................................193
7 Printer Environment Settings................................................................................197
Print Features Overview...........................................................................................198
Installation When Using USB Port............................................................................201
Step1 Preparations............... ...... ................................. ..... ..... .............................. 20 1
Step2 Configuration on the Machine ...................................................................201
Step3 Configuration on the Computer .................................................................202
CentreWare Internet Services Setting Items .......................................................202
Installation When Using TCP/IP (LPD/Port 9100)....................................................203
Step1 Preparations............... ...... ................................. ..... ..... .............................. 20 3
Step2 Configuration on the Machine ...................................................................203
Step3 Configuration on the Computer .................................................................204
CentreWare Internet Services Setting Items .......................................................204
Installation When Using NetWare ............................................................................206
Step1 Preparations............... ...... ................................. ..... ..... .............................. 20 6
Step2 Configuration on the Machine ...................................................................206
Step3 Configuration on the Computer .................................................................207
CentreWare Internet Services Setting Items .......................................................207
Installation When Using Microsoft Network (SMB)...................................................209
Step1 Preparations............... ...... ................................. ..... ..... .............................. 20 9
Step2 Configuration on the Machine ...................................................................209
Table of Contents
Step3 Configuration on the Computer ................... ...... ................................ ...... . 210
CentreWare Internet Services Setting Items....................................................... 210
Installation When Using Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)......................................... 211
Step1 Preparations ............................................................................................. 211
Step2 Configuration on the Machine............................ ..... ................................. . 211
Step3 Configuration on the Computer ................... ...... ................................ ...... . 212
CentreWare Internet Services Setting Items....................................................... 212
Installation When Using EtherTalk .......................................................................... 213
Step1 Preparations ............................................................................................. 213
Step2 Configuration on the Machine............................ ..... ................................. . 213
Step3 Configuration on the Computer ................... ...... ................................ ...... . 214
CentreWare Internet Services Setting Items....................................................... 214
8 E-mail Environment Settings.. ...... ..... ...... ..... ................................. ..... ...... ..... ....... 215
E-mail Overview ...................................................................................................... 216
Preparations ............................................................................................................ 217
Installation Procedure.............................................................................................. 219
Step1 Enabling Port and Setting TCP/IP............................................................ 219
Step2 Configuring E-mail Environment............................................................... 220
CentreWare Internet Services Setting Items....................................................... 221
9 Scanner Environment Settings ............................................................................ 223
Scan Service Overview ........................................................................................... 224
Configuration of Scan to Mailbox............................................................................. 225
Step1 Enabling Port and Setting TCP/IP............................................................ 225
Step2 Registering a Mailbox............................................................................... 226
Step3 Configuring a Computer ........................................................................... 226
Configuration of Scan to PC.................................................................................... 227
Step1 Preparations ............................................................................................. 227
Step2 Enabling Port and Setting TCP/IP............................................................ 227
Step3 Configuration on a Computer ...................... ...... ..... ..... ............................. 228
Configuration of Network Scanning (Job Template Scanning)................................ 229
Step1 Enabling Port and Setting TCP/IP............................................................ 229
Step2 Configuring the SNMP Port ...................................................................... 230
Configuration of Job Flow Sheets............................................................................ 231
Step1 Enabling Port and Setting TCP/IP............................................................ 231
Step2 Configuring the SNMP Port ...................................................................... 232
Step3 Configuration on the Computer ................... ...... ................................ ...... . 232
10 Encryption and Digital Signature Settings.......................................................... 233
Encryption and Digital Signature Overvie w ...................................... ..... .................. 234
Encryption Features for Communication............................................................. 234
Encryption and Digital-Signature Features for Scan Files .................................. 235
Configuration of HTTP Communication Encryption................................................. 236
Installation Overview.. ...... ..... ................................. ...... ..... ................................. . 236
Step1 Configuration on the Machine ...................................................................236
Step2 Configuration on a Computer ....................................................................237
Configuration of Encryption using IPSec..................................................................238
Installation Overview............................................................................................238
Step1 Import and Configuration of a Certificate...................................................238
Step2 Configuration on the Machine (Configuration of IPSec)............................239
Step3 Configuration on a Computer ....................................................................239
Configuration of E-mail Encryption/Digital Signature ...............................................240
Installation Overview............................................................................................240
Step1 Configuration on the Machine ...................................................................240
Step2 Configuration on a Computer ....................................................................241
Configuration of Scan File Signature (PDF/DocuWorks/XPS Signature).................243
Installation Overview............................................................................................243
Step1 Configuration on the Machine ...................................................................243
Step2 Installation Overview ............. ................................. ..... .............................. 24 4
11 Authentication and Account Administration.......................................................247
Overview of Authentication and Account Administration..........................................248
Overview of Authentication..................................................................................248
Overview of Account Administration....................................................................249
Users Controlled by Authentication .....................................................................250
User Role and Authorization Groups...................................................................250
Types of Authentication .......................................................................................251
Types of Accout Administration...........................................................................252
Relationships Between the Authentication and Accounting Modes.....................253
Services Controlled by Authentication......................................................................254
Services Controlled by Authentication and Account Administration ....................254
Authentication for Job Flow Sheets and Mailboxes..................................................257
When the Authentication Feature is not Enabled ................................................259
When the Authentication Feature is Enabled ......................................................261
Jobs Manageable by Account Administration ..........................................................264
Configuration for Authentication...............................................................................266
Step1 Enabling Authentictaion.................... ...... ..... ................................. ..... ...... ..266
Step2 Changing the Default Authorization Group Settings..................................268
Step3 Creating an Authorization Group....................... ..... ................................. ..26 8
Configuration for Account Administration.................................................................269
Step 1 Selecting an Accounting Type..................................................................269
Step 2 Registering User Information....................................................................269
12 Problem Solving.....................................................................................................271
Table of Contents
Machine Trouble...................................................................................................... 273
Image Quality Trouble ............................................................................................. 278
Trouble during Copying ........................................................................................... 283
Unable to Copy ................................................................................................... 283
The Copy Result is Not What was Expected ...................................................... 284
Trouble during Printing ............................................................................................ 287
Unable to Print .................................................................................................... 287
The Print Result is Not What was Expected ....................................................... 288
Trouble during Scanning ......................................................................................... 289
Unable to Scan with the Machine ....................................................................... 289
Unable to Import Scanned Documents to the Computer.................................... 290
Unable to Send a Scanned Document over the Network (FTP/SMB) ................ 290
Unable to Send E-mail........................................................................................ 292
The Image is not What was Expected ................................................................ 292
Network-related Problems....................................................................................... 294
When using SMB ................................................................................................ 294
When using NetWare.......................................................................................... 295
When using TCP/IP ............................................................................................ 299
When using EtherTalk......................................................................................... 301
CentreWare Internet Services Problems ............................................................ 301
E-Mail Features Problems .................................................................................. 302
Internet/Intranet Connection Problems ............................................................... 303
IPv4 and IPv6 Connection Problems .................................................................. 305
Error Code............................................................................................................... 308
Other Errors........................................................................................................ 358
Paper Jams ............................................................................................................. 359
Paper Jams in the Trays 1 to 4........................................................................... 360
Paper Jams in the Transport Unit 4.................................................................... 360
Paper Jams in Duplex Module 3......................................................................... 361
Paper Jams in the Tray 5 (Bypass)..................................................................... 362
Paper Jams in Tray 5 (Bypass) with HCF (A3 1 Tray)........................................ 363
Paper Jams in the Tray 6 (HCF (A3 1 Tray))...................................................... 363
Paper Jams in the Trays 6 to 7 (HCF A4 2 Tray)) .............................................. 366
Paper Jams in the Tray 8 (Interposer) ................................................................ 369
Paper Jams Inside the Lower Left Cover............................................................ 370
Paper Jams Inside the Main Unit........................................................................ 371
Paper jams Inside the Finisher Left Cover.......................................................... 372
Paper jams Inside the Finisher Right Cover ....................................................... 374
Paper jams Inside the D3 Folder Unit................................................................. 377
Paper jams at the Output Area of the Finisher.................................................... 380
Paper jams in the Interface Module.................................................................... 381
Paper jams in the High Capacity Stacker ........................................................... 383
Document Jams....................................................................................................... 390
Stapler Faults .......................................................................................................... 393
Staple Jams in the Staple Cartridge ....................................................................394
Staple Jams in the Booklet Staple Cartridge .......................................................395
Re-inserting the Staple Cartridge into the Cartridge Unit .........................................397
Correcting the Curl of Outputs (when Only a Finisher is Installed) ..........................399
Correcting the Curl of Outputs (when a High Capacity Stacker is Installed,
or a High Capacity Stacker and Finisher are Installed)............................................401
13 Appendix.................................................................................................................403
Specifications ...........................................................................................................404
Printable Area...........................................................................................................414
Standard Printable Area ......................................................................................414
Extended Printable Area......................................................................................414
Internal Fonts ...........................................................................................................415
Optional Components...............................................................................................417
ESC/P-K Emulation..................................................................................................419
Output Feature.....................................................................................................420
ESC/P-K Emulation Print Features......................................................................420
ESC/P-K Emulation Settings ...............................................................................421
Magnification Table..............................................................................................428
Paper Size and Number of Printable Characters.................................................432
PDF Direct Print .......................................................................................................434
PDF Direct Print Settings...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ................................. ..... ...... ..... ........434
PCL Emulation .........................................................................................................436
HP-GL2 Emulation ...................................................................................................439
Hard Clip Area .....................................................................................................443
Printable Area.................. ................................. ..... ...... ..... ................................. ..44 4
Auto Layout..........................................................................................................446
Notes and Restrictions .............................................................................................453
Notes and Restrictions on the Use of the Machine..............................................453
Notes and Restrictions in the Interrupt Mode ......................................................454
Notes and Restrictions for for Using E-mail Features..........................................455
Notes and Restrictions when Connecting with Internet Service Provider............455
Notes and Restrictions for Using SMB ................................................................457
Notes and Restrictions for Using TCP/IP.............................................................459
Notes and Restrictions for Using EtherTalk.........................................................460
Notes and Restrictions for Using Bonjour............................................................461
Notes and Restrictions for Using Scanner Features............................................461
Notes and Restrictions when Connecting to Internet or Intranet .........................462
Notes and Restrictions for IPv6 Connection........................................................463

1 Before Using the Machine

This chapter describes organization of this guide and conventions.
Preface .......................................................................................................10
Types of Manuals .......................................................................................11
Using This Guide ........................................................................................12
Interface Cables..........................................................................................15
Power Saver Mode .....................................................................................16
Customizing the Control Panel...................................................................18
Entering Text ... ...... ................................. ..... ...... ..... ................................. ...22
1 Before Using the Machine


Before Using the Machine
Thank you for selecting 4127/4112 (hereafter referred to as “the machine”). This guide explains how to operate the machine and the precautions that must be
followed du ring oper ati on. To get the m ost out of the mach ine and to use it effe cti vel y, be sure to read this guide before use.
This guide aimed toward machine administrators, provides maintenance information like how to r eplace consumables, instructions on configurin g your networ k environment, and troubleshooting procedures.
This guide assumes that an operator has a basic knowledge of the operating environment of the personal computer in use, networking environments, and how to operate a personal computer. For information on the environment of the personal computer in use, basic knowledge of networking environments, and how to operate a personal computer, refer to the manuals provided with the personal computer, operating system, and network system.
After reading this guide, be sure to keep it handy for quick reference. It will be useful in case you forget how to perform operations or if a problem occurs with the machine.
Refer to the User Guide for copy/print/scan operating procedures. For information about optional accessories for the printer functionality, also refer to the guide provided with each optional accessory.
In this manual, safety instructions are preceded by the symbol . Always read and follow the instructions before performing the required procedures.
The equipment is certified by NEMKO in compliance with [IEC60950-1 (AS/NZS
3260)]. The equipment is manufactured under an ISO 9001 Quality System. The equipment is also certified in compliance with applicable standards by various national bodies. The equipment was tested and is certified by the New Zealand Ministry of Commerce in conformance with CISPR publ. 22 (AS/NZISS CISPR22:2002) which relates to radio frequency interference regulations, and also complies with the Australian Communication Authority requirements.
NOTE: Machines intended for use in South Korea and Taiwan have been certified separately in compliance with their requirements.
Any unauthorized alteration, which includes the addition of new functions or the connection of external devices, may impact this certification.
Contact your local Xerox representative for a list of approved accessories.

Types of Manuals

Types of Manuals
We provide the following guides for optimum usage of the machine.

Included Manuals

Several manuals are included with this product. They are referred to as accompanying manuals.
These accompanying manuals include descriptions on configurations and operation of the product.
The following manuals are included with the machine.
User Guide
Describes all the necessary steps for copy/print/scan.
Administrator Guide (this guide)
Aimed toward machine administrators, as a guide to setting up the network environment and to solving problems that may occur with the machine.
Quick Reference Guide
Introduces the basic operations of the machine, as well as daily management and maintenance.
Manual (HTML)
A guide for installing print drivers, configuring the printer environment, etc. This manual is included in the CD-ROM of the Driver CD Kit.
Before Using the Machine

Guides for Optional Accessories

Optional accessories are also available for the machine. User Guides are provided with the optional accessories exclusively for 4127/4112. These User Guides are referred to as "guides for optional accessories". Guides for optional ac cessories are provided in two forms, as printed or as On-line Help.
Guides for optional accessories describe all the necessary steps for operating optional accessories and installing software.
1 Before Using the Machine

Using This Guide

Before Using the Machine
This guide aimed toward machine administrators, provides maintenance information like how to r eplace consumables, instructions on configurin g your networ k environment, and troubleshooting procedures.

Organization of This Guide

This guide consists of the following chapters.
1 Before Using the Machine
Describes organization of this guide and conventions.
2 Paper and Other Media
Describes t he ty pe s of pa per th at can be us e d on th e ma c hi ne an d ho w t o lo a d pape r in trays.
3 Maintenance
Describes how to replace consumables and to clean the machine.
4 Machine Status
Describes how to check the faults that occurred on the machine and to print various reports/lists.
5 System Settings
Describes how to configure the system settings.
6 CentreWare Internet Services Settings
Describes how to use CentreWare Internet Services.
7 Printe r Environment Settings
Describes how to set up the printer’s operating environment.
8 E-mail Environment Settings
Describes the configuration to use the E-mail features on the machine.
9 Sc anne r Environment Settings
Describes the configuration to use the scan services on the machine.
10 Encryption and Digital Signature Settings
Describes the configuration to utilize the encryption and digital signature on the machine.
11 Authentication and Account Administration
Describes t he authoriz ation feature for restricting use of the machine, as well as the administration feature for monitoring usage statuses for each feature using the authorization feature.
12 Problem Solving
Describes troubles that may occur with the machine and their solutions.
13 Appendix
Describes the machine specifications, optional accessories, and cautions/restrictions.


Using This Guide
Before Using the Machine
The screen images and illustrations that are used in this guide are based on the
machine configuration with the various options. Some of the items in the screen
images may not be displayed or there may be features that cannot be used
depending on the machine configuration.
In this document, "Computer" refers to a personal computer or workstation.
The following terms are used in this guide: Important : Indicates important information that you should read. Note : Indicates additional information on operations or features.
The following symbols are used in this guide:
" " : • A cross-reference included in this guide.
: • Refers to names of CD-ROM, features, and touch screen
messages and input text.
[ ] : • Refers to folders, files, applications, button or menu names
displayed in the touch screen.
• The names of menus, commands, windows, or dialog boxes displayed on the computer screen and their buttons and menu names.
< > button : Indicates a hardware button on the computer. < > key : Indicates a key on the keyboard of the computer. > : • Indicates a path to a certain item within a procedure on the
control panel. Example: When you see the procedure "select [Tools] > [Setup] > [Create Mailbox]", this means that you need to select [Tools], select [Setup], and then select [Create Mailbox].
• Indicates a path to a certain item within a procedure on a computer. Example: When you see the procedure "to search for files and folders, click [Start] > [Search] > [For Files or Folders]", this means that you need to click [Start], click [Search], and then click [For Files or Folders] in order to search for files and folders.
• The reference is indicated in the following manner: "Refer to "5 System Settings" > "Common Service Settings" > "Audio Tone" in the Administrator Guide." The sentence above means that you need to refer to the section "Audio Tone", which can be found under "Common Service Settings" in chapter 5 System Settings of the Administrator Guide.
Orientation of documents or paper is described in this guide as follows:
, ,Long Edge Feed (LEF):Loading with one of the long edges of the document or
1 Before Using the Machine
, ,Short Edge Feed (SEF):Loading with one of the short edges of the document
or paper.
Before Using the Machine
LEF Orientation
Paper feed direction
SEF Orientation
Paper feed direction

Interface Cables

Interface Cables
When connecting the machine directly to a computer, use either the parallel interface or USB inter face. When co nnecting to a network, us e the Ethernet interface.

Using the USB Interface

The USB interface supports USB 2.0. This section describes the installation pro cedure for the USB inter face.
1 Ensure that the machine is off. 2 Connect the USB interface cable to the USB
2.0 interface connector on the side of the machine.
3 Connect the other end of the USB interface
cable to a com puter.
4 Switch on the machine. 5 Restart the computer.
For details of setting items, refer to "Installation When Using USB Port" (P.201)

Using the Ethernet Interface

Before Using the Machine
The Ethernet interface supports the following 2 types.
This section describes the installation procedure for the Ethernet interface.
1 Ensure that the machine is off. 2 Connect the network cable to the Ethernet
interface connector.
Note Prepare a network cable suita ble for you r
network connection. When changing the network cable, consult our customer engineers.
3 Switch on the machine.
1 Before Using the Machine

Power Saver Mode

Before Using the Machine
The machine is installed with a Power Saver feature that will automatically cut off the electricity to the machine if no copy or print data is received for a certain duration.
The Power Saver feature has two modes: [Low Power mode] and [Sleep mode]. The machine enters the Low Power mode after the preset time has elapsed if the
machine is left unused for a fixed period of time. The machine then enters the Sleep mode if a further preset time elapses.
Low Power Mode
In this mode, the power to the control panel and fuser unit is lowered to save power. The touch screen goes out, and the <Energy Saver> button on the control panel lights.
To use the machine, press the <Energy Saver> button. The <Energy Saver> button goes out to indicate that the Power Saver feature is cancelled.
Sleep Mode
In this mode, the power is lowered more than in the Low Power mode. The touch screen goes out, and the <Energy Saver> button on the control panel lights.
To use the machine, press the <Energy Saver> button. The <Energy Saver> button goes out to indicate that the Power Saver feature is cancelled.

Changing the Power Saver Mode Change Interval

The procedure for setting the Power Saver feature is as follows. To activate the Power Saver feature, set both the times until the activation of Low
Power Mode and Sleep Mode.
Note The time to activation of Low Power Mode and Sleep Mode can each be specified in 1
minute increments, from 1 to 240 minutes.
Press the <Log In/Out> button.
2 Enter the Administrator ID with the numeric
keypad or the keyboard displayed, and select [Enter].
Note The default Administrator ID is "11111".
When using the Authentication feature, a passcode is required. The default passcode is "x-admin".
<Log In/Out>button
3 Select [Tools].
4 Select [Machine Clock/Timers].
Power Saver Mode
Before Using the Machine
5 Select [Power Saver/Energy Saver Timers],
and select [Change Settings].
6 Using [ ] and [ ], configure a power saver
mode migration time from 1 to 240 minutes, in 1 minute increments.
From Last Operation to Low Power Mode
Set the time to move to the [Low Power Mode] after the last operation.
Note The default for [From Last Operation to Low Power Mode] is [15] minutes. The Low Power
Mode cannot be disabled.
From Last Operation to Sleep Mode
Set the time to move to the [Sleep Mode] after the last operation.
Note The defau lt for [From La st Operation to Sleep Mode] is [60] minutes. Configure th e [From
Last Operation to Sleep Mode] time to be longer than the [From Last Operation to Low Power Mode] time.
7 Select [Save]. 8 Select [Close] repeatedly until the [System Settings] screen is displayed. 9 Select [Close] to display the [All Services] screen.
1 Before Using the Machine

Customizing the Control Panel

Before Using the Machine
Use the following procedure to select the screen to be displayed when the machine is turned on or exited from the Power Saver mode, to select the screen to be displayed after Auto Clear, to assign features to <Custom> buttons, and to select the features to be displayed on the [All Services] screen.
1 Press the <Log In/Out> button.
<Log In/Out>button
2 Enter the Administrator ID with the numeric
keypad or the keyboard displayed, and select [Enter].
Note The default Administrator ID is "11111".
When using the Authentication feature, a passcode may be requir ed . The de fau l t passcode is "x-admin".
3 Select [Tools].
4 Select [Screen/Button Settings].
5 Select the item to be set or changed.

Setting the Initial Screen

Set the screen to be displayed after turning the machine on or exiting the Power Saver mode. This section describes how to set the [Send from Mailbox] screen as the initial screen, as an example.
1 Select [Screen Default], and select [Change
2 Select [Send from Mailbox].
Note Select [ ] to return to the previous
screen or [ ] to move to the next screen.
Customizing the Control Panel
Before Using the Machine

Setting the Screen to be displayed afte r Auto Clea r

Set the screen to be displayed after Auto Clear. You can select from [Last Selection Screen] and [All Services].
1 Select [Screen After Auto Clear], and select
[Change Settings].
2 Select [Last Selection Screen] or [All

Customizing the [All Services] Screen

By selecting features and their positions, you can customize the [All Services] screen that is displayed when you press the <All Services> button on the control panel. The following are the factory default features displayed on the [All Services] screen.
Note Unsupported features will not be displayed on the screen. Abnormal features will be grayed
out on the screen.
1 Before Using the Machine
Before Using the Machine
Scan to Mailbox
Network Scanning
Scan to PC
Send from Mailbox
Stored Programming
Job Flow Sheets
Web Applications
Print Mode
All Services
You can select a service button. Service buttons are the oval buttons in the [All Services] screen.
If you select [Not Set], the selected button position will remain empty.
All Services - Additional Features
You can select an additional feature button. Additional features appear in the [All Services] screen as rectangular buttons.
If you select [Not Set], the selected button position will remain empty.
The following is the procedure to change the [Language] button displayed at the upper right corner of the [All Services] screen to the [Sample Set] button, as an example.
1 Select [All Services - Additional Features],
and select [Change Settings].
2 Select [Language].
Note Select [ ] to return to the previous
screen or [ ] to move to the next screen.
3 Select [Sample Set].
Note The layout of buttons in this screen is
corresponding to the layout of those on the [All Services] screen.
You cannot assign the same feature to more than one button.

Assigning Features to <Custom> Buttons

Assign features to the <Custom> buttons on the control panel: Custom 1 to Custom 3. By assigning features to the <Custom> buttons, you can switch to the features without
returning to the [All Services] screen. If you do not want to assign any feature to a button, select [Not Set].
By factory defaults, [Copy] is assigned to the <Copy> button and no feature is assigned to the <Custom 2> or <Custom 3> button. The features assigned to the buttons are selected from the features displayed on the [All Services] screen and [Language].
Attach the labels included in this product when you have changed the assignment. If you have used a feature for which no label is provided, use a blank label and write down the feature using a permanent marker, and then attach the label to the appropriate button.
The following is the procedure to assign [Send from Mailbox] to the <Custom 2> button, as an example. The same procedure can be used for the <Custom 3> button.
1 Select [Custom Button 2], and select
[Change Settings].
2 Select [Send from Mailbox].
Note Select [ ] to return to the previous
screen or [ ] to move to the next screen.
Customizing the Control Panel
Before Using the Machine

Changing the Feature Screen

You can customize the screen layouts for the following features listed on the [All Services] screen.
Scan to Mailbox
Network Scanning
Scan to PC
For information on how to change the settings, refer to "Copy Tab - Features Allocation" (P.113), and "First Tab" (P.143).
1 Before Using the Machine

Entering Text

Before Using the Machine
During operations, a screen for entering text sometimes appears. This section describes how to enter text.
You can enter the following characters: numerals, letters, and symbols.
Item Description
Entering letters and numerals If you select [Shift], uppercase letters appear. To return to
the lowercase letters, select [Shift] again.
Entering symbols Select [Symbol].
Note Depending on the keyboard, the [Symbol] button
may be displayed as [More Characters].
Entering a space Select [Space]. Deleting characters Select [Backspace]. You can delete one character at a

2 Paper and Other Media

This chapter describes the types of paper that can be used on the machine, precautions when handling paper, and how to load paper in trays.
Paper Types .... ...... ..... ................................. ...... ..... ..... ...............................24
Loading Paper ............................................................................................28
Changing the Paper Size............................................................................38
Changing the Paper Settings......................................................................41
2 Paper and Other Media

Paper Types

This section describes the kinds of paper available for this machine. Use of inappropriate paper may result in paper jams, cause reduced print quality,
malfunctions and other trouble. To make full and effective use of the machine's
Paper and Other Media
performance, we recommend using only paper recommended by Fuji Xerox. If you want to use paper not recommended by Fuji Xerox, contact our Customer
Support Center.
Do not use conductive paper such as carbonic paper or coated paper. When paper jam occurs, it may cause short-circuit and eventually a fire accident.
Important • The printed image may fade due to moisture such as water, rain or vapor. For more

Supported Paper Type

When using commonly used paper (known as printable paper) for copying or printing, make sure that it complies with the following specifications.
information, contact our Customer Support Center.
Paper tray Weight Loadable quantity
Tray 1 52 to 216 g/m
Ream Weight: 45 - 186 kg
Tray 2 1,600 sheets
Tray 3 to 4 550 sheets
Tray 5 (bypass) 52 to 253 g/m
Ream Weight: 45 - 217 kg
Tray 6 to 7 (HCF (A4 2 Tray)) (optional)
Tray 6 (HCF (A3 1 Tray)) (optional)
Tray 8 (Interposer) (optional)
52 to 216 g/m Ream Weight: 45 - 186 kg
52 to 253 g/m Ream Weight: 45 - 217 kg
60 to 220 g/m Ream Weight: 52 - 189 kg
1,100 sheets (80 g/m2)
(80 g/m
(80 g/m2) Up to 27mm 250 sheets
(80 g/m2) 2,000 sheets
(80 g/m2) 2,000 sheets
(80 g/m2) 200 sheets
(80 g/m2)
The following table lists the paper types supported for each paper tray.
Paper Types
Paper Type
Plain Paper Recycled Paper Plain Pape r (Side 2) Transparency ­Labels 1 106 - 216 Labels 2 217 - 253 Lightweight 52 - 63 Heavyweight 1 Heavyweight 2 Tab Stock 1 Tab Stock 2 Hole Punche d 64 - 105 Coated Paper 1 106 - 105 Coated Paper 1A 106 - 135 Coated Paper 1B 136 - 216 Coated Paper 2 217 - 253
64 - 105
106 - 216 217 - 253 106 - 216 217 - 253
Tray 1-2 Tray 3-4
Tray 5
Tray 6-7
(HCF (A4
2 Tray))
Tray 6
(HCF (A3
1 Tray))
Tray 8
Paper and Other Media
*: Plain Paper (Side 2) means the paper already printed on the one side (i.e., scrap paper). O: Available X: Not available
Important • Printing with paper whose type or si ze differs fr om the paper sp ecified by the print driv er, or
printing from a tray not supporting the loaded paper can result in paper jams. To ensure correct printing, select the correct paper size, paper type, and paper tray.
Note Weight mea ns a weight of 1 m
Ream weight means weight of 1,000 sheets of paper in duodecimo size (788 x 1,091 mm).
When copying with a non-standard size paper from the Tray 5 (bypass), you must manually
enter the paper size. If you use non-standard size paper often, you can preset the size on the machine. Then the preset size appears under [Standard Sizes] in the [Tray 5 (Bypass)] screen. For more information, refer to "Tray 5 (Bypass) - Paper Size Defaults" (P.96).
of a paper sheet.
Recommended paper
Paper GSM
FX P Paper 64 g/m Blue Wrap 80 g/m FXK-X 75 g/m GA37(PackageOrange) 70 g/m Business 80 g/m
2 2 2 2 2
2 Paper and Other Media
Usable paper
Paper stock that can be used
Paper and Other Media
Special Media
Purple Wrap 80 : Plain paper Green Wrap recycled 80 : Plain paper Multipurpose75 75 : Plain paper Business (3R91820) 80 : Plain paper No.6N Green Stripe 70 : Plain paper Xerox No.1 80 : Plain paper 060L99081/060L99082 80 : Plain paper Xtra 75 : Plain paper Xtra 80 : Plain paper Solution 75 : Plain paper
(Unit : g/m
) and Paper type
Copy or print can be made on the following paper by using tray 5 (bypass). These papers are called Special Media. The types of the special media that can be used are as follows.
Paper Paper Type
Labels 3R97408 Label Tabs Index Label 3R96296 Label TransparencyType C (OHP) OHP
Note For more information about other heavyweight or special media, contact our Customer
Support Center.
When making copies, refer to "3 Copy" in the User Guide. When printing, refer to the online help.
Storing and Handling Paper
Please keep the following points in mind when storing paper
Store paper inside a cabinet or other dry place. Paper that has absorbed moisture can cause paper jams and image quality defects.
After opening a package of paper, wrap up the remaining paper to store it. It is recommended that you include moisture prevention packets.
Paper should be stored flat to prev ent bends or warping.
Please adhere to the following when setting paper into the tray
Align the stack of paper neatly before setting it in the tray.
Do not use paper that is folded, creased, or heavily warped.
Do not use waved or curled paper.
Do not load paper of mixed size together into the tray.
Paper Types
Transparency paper and label paper can cause paper jams, and multiple sheets can be fed to the printer at once. Be sure to carefully fan these types of paper.
When continuously outputting onto transparencies, transparency sheets may sometimes stick to each other. Remove transparencies from the output tray every 20 or so sheets, and fan them to cool them down.
Paper and Other Media
2 Paper and Other Media

Loading Paper

This section describes how to load paper.
Types of paper loaded in trays
Paper and Other Media
The machine automatically detects the size and orientation of loaded paper in trays. You need to set a paper type, however. Normally, each of the trays is set to plain paper. When loading paper other than plain paper in trays, change the paper type settings. Paper can also be named and set as user-defined paper. Up to five paper types can be set as user-defined paper.
For information on changing the paper type in trays, refer to "Changing the Paper Settings" (P.41).
Automatic Tray Selection
If you set paper source on the [Paper/Output] tab to [Paper Tray] in the PCL print driver's properties screen when making prints, the machine automatic all y sele cts the corresponding paper tray according to the size and orientation of the document to print. This is called [Automatic Tray Selection].
When making copies, automatic tray selection is active if [Auto Paper] is selected for [Paper Supply]. If the machine detects two or more corresponding trays in the automatic tray selection, the machine gives higher priority to the tray having the highest [Paper Type Priority] set at [Paper Tray Settings]. During automatic tray selection, trays whose [Paper Type Priority] setting is set to [Auto Paper Off] are not targeted in the automatic tray selection. Also, if the [Paper Type Priority] setting is exactly the same, the tray priority is determined by [Paper Tray Priority].
Note The Tray 5 (bypass) cannot be selected in the automatic tray selection.
When the machine runs out of paper during copying or printing, select the tray containing the
paper of the same size and ori entation that was being used for copying or printing, and continue copying or printing (Auto Tray Switch feature). During this operation, a tray containing paper of type whose [Paper Ty pe Priori ty] setting is set to [Au to Paper O ff] cannot be switched to.
For information about setting [Paper Type], [Paper Type Priority], [Paper Tray Priority], and setting the paper substitute feature, refer to "Paper Tray Settings" (P.95). The same settings can also be made from CentreWare Internet Services.
Adding paper
When the machine runs out of paper during copying or printing, a message is displayed on the control panel display. Add paper according to the displayed instructions. Copying or Printing is automatically resumed when paper is added.
Note Fan the paper well before loading paper in a tray. It prevents paper from sticking to each
other and reduces paper jams.

Loading Paper in the Trays 1 to 2

The following describes the procedure for loading paper in the Trays 1 to 2. When the machine runs out of paper during copying or printing, a message is displayed
on the control panel display. Add paper according to the displayed instructions. Copying or printing is automatically resumed when paper is added.
Note Before loading paper in a tray, fan the paper well. It prevents paper from sticking to each
other and reduces paper jams.
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