All rights, especially rights to reproduction, distribution, and to the translation, are reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in form of copies, microfilms or other
processes, or transmitted into a language used for machines, especially data processing
machines, without the express written consent of the publisher.
ASIO & VST are registered trademarks of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. All other
mentioned product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
Errors and changes to the contents as well as program modifications reserved.
This product uses MAGIX patented technology (USP 6518492) and MAGIX patent pending
and Samplitude® are registered trademarks of MAGIX AG.
Thank you for choosing Samplitude!
You now have in your possession one of the most successful all-around solutions for
professional audio editing. As a PC-based Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), this software
supplies comprehensive application options for recording, editing, mixing, media authoring,
and mastering. The current version was developed in close collaboration with musicians,
sound engineers, producers, and users. It has lots of innovative functions and incorporates
the comprehensive and advanced development of tried and tested performance features –
unique functionality & sound neutrality, outstanding cutting & editing options, perfect
CD/DVD mastering, and the flexible customization of individual workflows.
There are various tools available to you for every work step – all completely in 32-bit and
available at up to 384 KHz. Outstanding sound based on highly-developed digital
algorithms, absolute phase stability, and the universal use of floating-point calculations
belong to the professional standard boasted by Samplitude.
Supplementary to this print manual, we also recommend the program's help file to find out
about the individual functions in more detail.
You can also visit our support area and the user forum online at to learn more.
The Samplitude team
Copyright 2
Welcome 3
System Requirements 19
General system requirements 19
Hard disk 19
Contact 20
Product activation: 20
Support 20
Sales 20
Installation 21
Automatic registration directly from within the program 21
Activating Samplitude 11 22
Code Meter licence update for version 11 23
Introduction to Samplitude network installation 25
Tips for using the CodeMeter stick: 25
EQ116 37
sMax11 37
Vandal guitars and bass amps 38
Studio essentials 38
Audio pre and post-recording 40
Revolver tracks 41
Synth objects 41
MAGIX Synth 41
MIDI / VSTi features 42
Grid bar/snap button 43
Docking 43
Video 43
New skin interface 44
New default coloring method for the color tool 44
Color mode 45
AAF / OMF import and export 46
Manager 47
New commands 47
What's new since 10.2 47
FLAC format 47
Dithering 47
Spectral Cleaning 48
Take composer 48
FFT Filter 48
MIDI editor 48
Folder tracks 48
New commands 48
What's new since 10.1 49
Synchronization (Sequoia and Samplitude pro only) 49
Hardware controller features 49
System options -> Playback 50
Advanced sidechain functionality 51
Improved automation functionality 51
Optimized multi-CPU strategy 52
Mixer 52
MIDI / VSTi features 52
Audio quantization 53
Grouping 53
Manager 54
File handling/Import/Export 54
New commands 54
Screen elements 55
What is a VIP? 55
Program interface – Overview 55
Toolbars – Overview 68
Samplitude quickstart 77
Initial navigation in the virtual project (VIP) 77
Tutorial: Recording 78
Multi-track recording 82
MIDI recording 83
Objects in the virtual project (VIP) 85
Mixer 86
Effects 87
CD mastering 89
General functions in the project window 92
Section 92
Zooming 93
Scrolling 94
Ranges 95
Working with ranges 95
Markers 98
Scrubbing 100
Samplitude as Wave Editor 102
Hints & Tips 103
Integrating wave files as objects in the VIP 115
Integrating sections from wave projects as objects 115
The difference between loading and importing audio files. 115
Integrating CD tracks as objects into VIP 116
Selecting and Unselecting an Object 116
Object handles 116
Selecting and unselecting several objects, inverting the selection 117
Moving objects 117
Changing the length and start time of an object 118
Duplicating, copying, and inserting objects 118
Change waveform view 118
Editing fades in the Object Editor or by using the handles. 119
Object effects 119
Locking objects 119
Destructively editing an object 119
Moving to a defined position 120
Group/Ungroup objects 120
Linking objects 121
Overlapping objects 121
Gluing objects 123
Looping objects 123
Trimming objects 124
Replacing an audio file below the object 124
Moving audio material below the object 124
Managers 125
File manager 125
Object Manager 129
Track Manager 131
Marker manager 132
Range Manager 134
Take manager 135
Take composer 137
Comping 139
VSTi manager 140
Routing Manager 141
Mixer 142
Mixer Overview 142
Operating the Mixer 142
Channel strips 145
Master section 149
Global buttons 151
Busses and Routing 155
Effect routing/Plug-ins dialog 157
Effects – Organization and work flow 161
Saving Effect Parameters (Preset Mechanism) 162
Drag & Drop of DirectX and VST plug-ins 162
Effect Routing 163
External hardware effects integration 163
Setting latencies for external effects 166
Integrating external synthesizers 166
Effects and plug-ins in an overview 167
Realtime effects at track, object, and master level 167
DirectX / VST FX 167
VST instruments 167
MAGIX plug-ins 168
Synth object 168
MAGIX Synth 184
Plug-ins at track, object and master level 195
Remix Agent 199
Stereo Editor 200
Stereo dialog options 200
Mid / Side Processing 201
Surround Sound 203
Creating a New VIP with the Mixer in Surround Format 203
Converting an existing stereo VIP into a VIP with mixer in surround format 204
Project Surround Setup 204
Surround Panning 206
Surround Panorama Module 207
Panorama Modes of the Surround Panorama Module 209
2-channel surround mode 212
Stereo and mono signal processing in surround projects 214
Working reciprocally in Stereo and Surround Format 215
Automation of the Surround Panorama Module 216
Effects in Surround Projects 216
Editing Surround Sound Automation 218
Surround track bouncing 218
"File" Menu 348
“Edit” Menu 348
“View” Menu 349
“Track” Menu 350
“Object” Menu 351
Realtime Effects 353
Offline Effects 353
“Range” Menu 354
“CD/DVD” Menu 355
“Tools” menu 355
“Play/Record” Menu 355
“MIDI” Menu 356
“Options” menu 356
“Window” Menu 357
“Help” Menu 357
Mouse 357
Signal flow 358
Recording 358
Playback 358
Signal flow with monitoring 358
Glossary 361
Active section 361
Audio markers 361
Automation 361
AUX bus 361
Clip 362
Context menu 362
Crossfade 362
Destructive editing 362
Fade 363
Grid/Marker bar 363
Handle 363
Hybrid Engine and Economy Tracks 364
Latency 364
Latency comparison 364
Level fader 365
Lock key 365
Marker 365
Mouse modes 365
Menu 366
MIDI object 366
Monitoring 366
Objects 366
Object Editor 366
Object Mode 367
Object-Orientated 367
Play Cursor 367
Range 367
Routing 367
Scroll bar 368
Scrub 368
Section 368
Setup button in the VIP 369
Status display 369
Submix Bus 369
Surround AUX bus 369
Surround sound in Samplitude 369
System Settings 370
Tempo marker 370
Time position input field 370
Title bar 370
Tool bar 370
Tool Tips 370
Track 371
Virtual Project 371
VirtClip 371
Visualization 371
Wave Projects 371
Wave Editing 372
Workspace 372
Zoom 372
Menu reference 373
File menu 374
New Virtual Project (VIP) 374
Open 375
Load/Import 376
Save project 379
Save project as 379
Save project copy 379
Save complete VIP in 380
Save project as EDL 380
Save project as template 380
Burn project backup on CD/DVD 380
Save object 381
Save session 381
Rename project 381
Delete Wave Project(s) 381
Delete virtual project (*.vip) 381
Export audio 381
Batch processing 388
Disconnect Internet 391
FTP download 391
Close project 391
Exit 391
Used projects 391
Rebuild Graphic Data 401
Sections 401
Fix vertically 402
Hide submix/AUX busses 402
Overview mode 402
Show grid 403
Grid lines 403
Units of measurement 403
Snap active 403
Snap and Grid Setup 403
Display 2nd grid 404
Exchange grids 404
VIP Display Mode 404
Store position and zoom level 410
Store zoom level 410
Get position and zoom level 410
Get zoom level 411
Horizontal 411
Vertical 412
MIDI controller/automation 438
Hide automation 439
Display track automation 439
Display object automation 439
Display selected curves only 439
Display unselected curves (cannot be activated) 439
Display unselected curves (can be activated) 439
Delete curve points 439
Volume curve active 440
Pan curve active 440
Range menu 441
Range all 441
Move play cursor 441
Edit range 442
Range length to 445
Split range 445
Split range for video 446
Store range 446
Get range 446
Get range length 446
Store markers 446
Get markers 447
Markers to range borders 447
Set Markers on Silence 447
Comparisonics audio search 448
Set new Audio marker 448
Copy audio markers to VIP markers 448
Copy VIP marker to audio marker 448
Erase Marker 448
Deletes Markers in Range 449
Delete all markers 449
Recall last range 449
Range Editor 449
Range Manager 449
Edit time display 449
Effects menu 450
Notes on offline effect editing 450
Extended options for destructive effect calculation 451
New topic (16) Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
Amplitude 453
Dynamics (Overview) 455
Frequency/Filter 474
Delay/Reverb 492
Time/Pitch 499
Trackbouncing 613
Range bouncing (internal mixdown) 617
Remove unused samples 617
Delete freeze data 618
Compile project data 618
Waveform Generator 618
SMPTE Generator 619
New manager... 619
Managers 619
Audio marker manager 620
Start Windows Explorer 621
Timestretch/Pitchshift Patcher 621
Remix Agent – Tempo and beat recognition 623
Playback menu 630
Play once 630
Play loop 630
Play in range/loop 630
Play with preload 630
Play only selected objects 630
Play cut 630
Stop 631
Stop and go to current position 631
Restart play 632
Playback options 632
Playback mode 634
Record 636
Capture options 637
Record Mode / Punch In 639
Monitoring 642
Auto JamSession 643
Tempo menu 648
Tempo/time signature 648
Set new tempo marker 648
Set new time signature 649
Set new bar position marker 649
Ignore all time markers / use project beat 649
Working with tempo and beat markers 649
Metronome active 652
Metronome Options 652
Audio quantization wizard 653
Audio quantization – Tutorial 657
MIDI menu 659
New MIDI Object 659
New MIDI track 659
MIDI Editor 659
Object Editor 659
Glue MIDI Objects 659
Trim MIDI objects 659
MIDI bouncing 660
Retrospective MIDI recording 660
Demix MIDI objects by channels 660
MIDI note quantize (standard) 661
advanced MIDI quantization 661
MIDI Humanize Q 662
MIDI quantization settings... 662
MIDI velocity dynamics settings 662
Apply MIDI velocity dynamics 662
Set MIDI velocity to fixed value 662
Randomize MIDI velocity 662
Track options 662
Track MIDI Record 663
MIDI controllers 663
VST instrument editor 663
MIDI Options 664
MIDI Record Mode 664
MIDI Panic – All Notes off 664
CD/DVD menu 665
Import audio CD track(s) 665
Import audio DVD 668
Set CD Track Index 668
Set CD sub index 669
Set CD pause index 669
Set CD end index 669
Set Track Indices on Silence 669
Set track indices on object edges 670
Set track indices on object edges - Options 670
Remove index 670
Remove all indices 670
Make CD 670
Create Audio DVD... 672
Show CDR drive Information.... 675
Show CDR Disc Information... 675
CD Track / Index Manager 676
CD disc options 677
CD text/ MP3 ID editor 677
Set pause time 678
Set start Pause Time.... 678
CD arrange mode 678
Get FreeDB title info 678
FreeDB options 679
Search CD online and set track indices 679
Audio ID 680
Options menu 681
Project properties 681
Project options 687
Track options 687
Synchronization active 687
Synchronization Setup 687
MMC setup 688
Program Preferences 688
System options 704
Window menu 718
Cascade 718
Tile 718
Untile 718
Arrange Icons 718
Main Toolbar 718
Main Toolbar 2 718
Position bar 718
Position bar 2 718
Punch/ Play bar 718
Mouse Mode Toolbar 719
Range bar 719
Grid toolbar 719
Workspace bar 719
Button bar 719
Status bar 719
Mixer 719
Track Editor 719
Time display 719
Visualization 721
Transport Control 728
Manager 728
Video Window 728
Close all Windows 728
Iconise all Wave Projects 728
Hide all Wave Projects 728
Half Height 729
1, 2, … 729
Help menu 730
Help 730
Help Index... 730
Context Help... 730
About Help... 730
About Samplitude... 730
Start Wizard / Tip of the Day 730
System Information... 730
Dongle Activation 730
Index 731
System Requirements
General system requirements
• 512 MB RAM for Windows XP; 1GB RAM for Windows Vista 32
• 1 GB free hard disk space for full installation and the help system.
• VGA graphics card, minimum resolution 800 x 600 in 256 colors, 1024 x 768
recommended, 32000 colors.
• Windows / ASIO capable 16-bit or 24-bit sound card, digital audio card or multi I/O
• DVD-ROM drive
• Optional: CD/DVD burner
Hard disk
The maximum number of audio tracks depends on the rotation speed, access time, and
data transfer rate of the hard disk. Nowadays, modern UltraDMA hard disks are very fast
and enable the simultaneous use of many audio tracks. Ideally, your hard disk should have
a rotation speed of 7200 RPM (or faster) as well as an access time of under 9 milliseconds.
Audio data should be saved on an external hard disk.
Product activation:
For questions regarding product activation please contact our Samplitude Service Team:
Phone: +49 (0) 5741 3455 30 (Mo - Fri from 9 AM to 5 PM CET)
Fax: +49 (0) 5741 310 768
Or send an email to
Registered users get free technical support:
• Online:
• Email:
Phone: +49 (0) 351 417 4616, Mo-Fri, 10 AM -3 PM CET
If you have questions regarding licensing and upgrades/crossgrades please contact our
Sales Department:
Phone:+49 (0) 5741 3455 25
Fax:+49 (0) 5741 3107 68
Adresses: MAGIX AG
Friedrichstr. 200
10117 Berlin
Borsigstraße 24
32312 Lübbecke
1. Place the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. The installation program starts up automatically. If it does not, open Explorer and click
the letter of the DVD drive. Double-click on start.exe. Here you can learn about the
contents of the Installation CD, visit our website or install additional programs.
3. To begin the installation of Samplitude, click on INSTALL.
4. The Samplitude installation wizard will now start. Just follow the appearing dialogs.
Here you can specify the target folder for the installation and choose to install impulse
responses as well. Click Continue to proceed with the installation.
Once all the files have been copied to the hard disk, a program group will be created. The
installation is now complete. Confirm this with "Finish".
You can now start the program at any time from the Windows Start menu. Under
Programs ->MAGIX -> Samplitude, you can find start menu entries such as:
• Samplitude
• Samplitude Help
• Samplitude Menu Reference
• Readme
• License terms
CodeMeter Dongle Activation/Registration for Samplitude Professional
Samplitude Professional comes with hardware copy protection (dongle), which has to be
registered. The dongle enables the usage of the program on different systems (but not at
the same time), without having to register each computer separately.
Your CodeMeter serial number can be found on your dongle or in the Help menu of
Sequoia under "Help -> About Samplitude". The serial number is on the last line.
Please activate your CodeMeter stick within 90 days after running the program for the first
time. To generate the activation code, you will need to register beforehand.
Automatic registration directly from within the program
(Samplitude Pro)
1. After the program has started, the "Program Activation" dialog appears. Select
Another way to activate the program is by selecting the "Samplitude" menu point from the
"Help" menu and proceeding with "Register Now".
2. In the next dialog, your user code will appear. Click on the link under the "Internet
Activation" section or make a note of your user code should your computer not be
connected to the Internet.
3. If you are already a registered user, log into the Internet support page with your
username (email address) and password. If not, select the "Register Now" registration
dialog and fill in the required fields. Double-check the information you entered and then
click on "Log in" or "Register" in the lower section of the corresponding form. If your
registration was successful, your user details will be sent immediately to your email
4. Now go to "Register Product" on the online support page. To register a new product,
please enter your user code. This appears when starting up Samplitude or in the Help
menu under "Activate Samplitude". The activation code for the dongle will now be created
automatically and sent to the registered email address.
5. Copy and paste the activation code, or type it manually into the empty field. If
successful, confirmation will follow.
If you do not have access to the Internet or an email address, please call the Samplitude
service team on +49 (0) 5741 345 530. Please make sure to have the program's displayed
user code ready.
Activating Samplitude 11
After the program has started, the "Program Activation" dialog appears. Select "Register".
Step 1: Enter the serial number in the next dialog. You will be able to find this on the case
of the software DVD.
Step 2: Samplitude calculates a so-called user code once the serial number has been
entered. The actual activation code is generated from this code. An online connection to
our authorization server is necessary for this to work. If your computer has an Internet
connection, press "Send User Code" now.
Alternatively, you can of course transfer the data onto a separate PC if your studio PC does
not have an Internet connection. Simply click on the button to create a text file. You can
then save it on a USB stick or any other portable medium and then copy the content (the
entire URL) into the address box of a web browser.
Data protection reminder: No other private data from your computer will be transmitted
to us during the activation process. Both procedures (online/offline) are identical with
regard to content.
You will now proceed to online product registration. Please make sure when entering your
data that your email address is correct so that we will be able to send you the activation
code once the registration process has been completed.
After registration please check your emails. You can now use the acquired activation code
to perform the last step.
Step 3: Now copy the activation code into the corresponding box in the dialog and then
click on the button beside it to activate. Samplitude is now fully authenticated and ready for
unrestricted use.
Note: Please make sure to keep your serial number and activation code in a safe place. If
you lose it, you will not be able to activate the product again. Substantial changes to the
hardware configuration of your system may require reactivation as it may change the user
code. You can activate the product three times in total. After that you will have to contact
our support.
You can also use a dongle for Samplitude 11. To do so, please select the "Use dongle"
button in the "Program activation" dialog. The CodeMeter Runtime will now start and will
look for license entries. If a registered license is available, the program will start. If a license
is not found, the "CodeMeter License Update" or "CodeMeter Start Wizard" will open. If
you do not own a CodeMeter dongle, you can purchase one from our distributors.
Hint: Optional features such as Cleaning/Restoration Suite can only be activated if you
use a dongle with your Samplitude version.
Code Meter licence update for version 11
Install your version of Samplitude 11 / Sequoia 11.
• for Samplitude / Sequoia: Attach your dongle and start program.
• for Add-On (AAF, C&R Suite…): Start program and attach dongle after CodeMeter "Start
wizard" has opened.
Click the “Update” button in the CodeMeter "Start wizard".
1. Press the “Save” button for saving your CodeMeter Context File (e.g. 1-
1234567.WibuCmRaC). You can save the file at any location on your system and transfer it
to an Internet-enabled PC.
2. Go to our support site at and choose "My Products".
3. Log in using your service login which you usually use on our support page. You will see
your registered program versions under "My Products".
• for Samplitude / Sequoia: Click the "Upgrade" button for the product matching your
dongle and upgrade code.
• for Add-On (AAF, C&R Suite…): Click on “Add new product” next to the desired dongle
serial number.
Now enter your exclusive Upgrade Code (see top of this page!) and upload your saved
CodeMeter control file. You will receive an update control file for your CodeMeter dongle
via email or download (e.g. 1-1234567.WibuCmRaU).
4. Go back to the Start dialog of your program and load this control file by clicking on
"Apply". Your CodeMeter license has now been updated to version 11. You can still use
older program versions with this dongle.
5. Please restart the program.
Your CodeMeter license has now been updated to version 11. You may continue to use
program versions V8, V9, and 10 with this dongle.
Upgrade to Samplitude 11 - Serial number version
1. Install Samplitude 11.
2. Open the following site on any internet PC: and navigate to
"My products".
3. Log in using your service login which you usually use on our support page.
- You will see your registered program versions under "My Products".
- Your Samplitude 10 serial number should have the following structure: S2-12345-12345-
4. Click the "Upgrade" button for this product.
5. Now enter your exclusive Upgrade Code and press “OK”.
6. You will receive a new serial number for Samplitude 11.
7. Start your Samplitude 11 and use this serial number for your product activation.
If you need any help during the update process, do not hesitate to contact our support
Phone: +1 905 470 0400 (Mo-Fr, 10am-2pm, EST)
+49 (0)351 41746-16 (Mo-Fr, 10am-3pm, CET)
Introduction to Samplitude network installation
Configuration of the CodeMeter stick
1. First, install a current CodeMeter Runtime on a network server or on a PC
(Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) that's available over a network. The latest runtime can
be found at
2. Insert the CodeMeter into an available USB port on the server.
3. Start the CodeMeter Control Center via Start/Programs/CodeMeter/CodeMeter
Control Center.
4. Now open the "WebAdmin" in the CodeMeter Control Center to the bottom left.
Your Internet browser will open.
5. In the WebAdmin go to Settings, check the Start as server box and press Apply.
Note: In the register's "Licenses" subpage, you'll see a list of available license
6. Now go back to the CodeMeter Control Center and exit the runtime in the menu via
"Exit file/CodeMeter". Restart CodeMeter again by clicking "File/Start CodeMeter".
Your server is now ready for action.
Program installation
The program DVD can now be installed on the Windows client PC.
You should also install the current CodeMeter Runtime on the Client PCs in order to
guarantee optimum network performance.
Please make sure your firewall is set up properly. If you have any problems, please
deactivate your firewall as a test.
Register the dongle by first inserting it locally into a client PC or install Samplitude on the
server and register straight away after starting the program. This is necessary to gain
access to the latest updates on our homepage
If you have any questions or require technical support please contact:
Communication with the CodeMeter stick is performed using network components. For
this reason, the TCP/IP protocol must be installed and access to the localhost (
must be permitted. An actual Internet connection will not be established. However, access
to the CodeMeter stick must not be blocked by a firewall.
Restarting the CodeMeter Runtime routines
Should access to the CodeMeter stick be blocked on startup, or while the program is
running, restarting the CodeMeter Runtime may help.
To do this, start the CodeMeter Control Center and go to the "File menu / Exit CodeMeter". Then start from the same area with the command "Start CodeMeter".
This CodeMeter stick restart can be done while the program is running.
System boot problems on certain systems
When the BIOS tries to boot from the CodeMeter stick, some systems may stall while the
system is booting without displaying an error message.
In this case, either the CodeMeter stick should be removed or the booting of USB devices
in the System BIOS should be deactivated. This is not always required with older
motherboards. Update to the latest available BIOS version when you have the chance.
Another option for CM sticks without Flash memory is switching the disk type from "Local
disk" to "Removable disk". This can be done via
Programs/CodeMeter/Tools/CmConfigdisk under Options -> Disk Type.
There is no permanent memory on the standard CodeMeter
Even though there are 2 MB of memory available in the Explorer, the content will be lost
after restarting or transferring the CodeMeter stick to a different system.
To download the latest version of CodeMeter Runtime, please visit:
Before you start working, you should configure your sound card after starting the system
for the first time.
Press the "Y" key on your keyboard, or open the global system settings via "Options >
Here you can recall information on the connected playback and record devices as well as
MIDI, metronome or program settings, and change them if necessary. You can also select
the target folders for projects and VST plug-ins as well as the view options and coloring of
the screen elements. Detailed information on the individual dialogs can also be found in the
menu reference as well as the online help in "Options > System/Options". Subsequently the
most important dialogs are explained.
Audio setup
Enter all fundamental settings for drivers systems, buffers, driver communications, and
monitoring here.
Driver system: For the necessary communication between Samplitude and your sound
card, a so-called driver system is used. In order to take full advantage of the program, we
recommend that you use ASIO.
MME is the standard Windows multimedia driver system with the best compatibility. It
supports 16 bit playback. If you are recording 24/32 bit audio material, then you can use
MME/WDM. This driver system is suited to multi-track recordings of up to 64 tracks that
don't overload monitoring processes. For performance critical recordings this provides
greater security compared to ASIO drivers; in any case, for many sound cards multi-track
recordings are not synchronous with one another
ASIO: Use a sound card model fitted with ASIO drivers if possible. This offers a number of
decisive advantages over the MME/WDM driver system:
• There is lower latency (input/output delay) of the driver system. Resulting response times
during real-time editing are clearly reduced. In this way you have the possibility to use
the software monitoring of the inputs and VST instruments.
• ASIO is intended for editing multi-track recordings with several sound cards which are
using the same ASIO drivers. The sound cards are synchronized by the ASIO driver.
• Advanced hardware monitoring options via use of ASIO direct monitoring are also
ASIO settings
ASIO drivers: Choose the sound card driver which you would like to work with. The drivers
of all ASIO devices installed on the system will be listed here. Clicking on the "Settings"
button opens the settings dialog for the sound card driver. In the display field beside "ASIO
buffer" you'll see the buffer size and bit rate set for the driver. Additionally, Samplitude
shows you the relevant output and input latencies.
Buffer settings: The VIP object buffer displays the buffer size for the internal processing of
object effects and economy tracks in hybrid mode. In every other monitoring mode it also
determines the editing of track effects. With a smaller VIP object buffer size the amount of
playback delay also sinks (latency). Nevertheless, the processor can be overloaded, and
the effects of this can be heard as interruptions during playback. Large buffer size in fact
increases the stability, but also the latency of the system. In the field below this the
resulting latency is displayed respective to the buffer settings.
Tip: The VIP object buffer size should usually be between 1024 and 8096 samples.
The VIP object buffer size must be at least as large as the ASIO buffer size, and
double the size when the Hybrid Engine is used.
Device query/Driver communication: Here you can specify the bit rate for
communicating with the audio driver for recording and playback. The preset value
correlates to the value on the sound card installed on your system. If the output device is
not able to display at the desired rate, an appropriate lower rate will be dithered and sent to
the driver.
Monitoring settings
Monitoring is defined as listening to the input signals of a recording system, for example,
with the intention of returning these to the musician playing in the music. The routing of
monitor signals is an important and complex process underlying different requirements.
In most cases we recommend using the "Mixer FX Monitoring / Hybrid Engine".
For each selected monitoring setting a matrix display also opens which shows which buffer
sizes are used and what effect the currently selected engine mode has on the latencies.
Hybrid Audio Engine
In general, "hybrid" refers to a system in which two separate technologies are combined
with one another. The Hybrid Audio Engine in Samplitude includes a combination of a low
latency and the classical Samplitude playback engine with higher latency whereby a clearly
defined signal flow between the two exists. The Low Latency Engine reduces response
times when calculating track effects and enables live monitoring at lower latencies. The
integrated classical playback engine, on the other hand, increases performance which
allows the integration of sophisticated object effects, object auxiliaries, and object surround
functions. The Hybrid Audio Engine is based on the ASIO driver system and, thanks to its
low input/output delay at the same performance levels, optimizes the system especially
when working with software instruments and other plug-ins.
Go to System Settings (shortcut "Y") >"Audio Setup" > "Driver System", and select "ASIO".
While ASIO generally ensures that latency, independent of the hardware load, does not
accept values that are too large, a low latency function can also be used if you tick the
"Hybrid Engine"/"Performance Mixer" box in the Monitoring Settings. The Hybrid Engine
facilitates audio monitoring including track effects in the record track and also calculates
the playback tracks at short latency times. Thus the entire mixer can operate in Low
Latency mode, including the bus and master effects, and can be used for editing input
Further information on the Hybrid Audio Engine can be found in the chapter "System
settings" > "Global Audio options" > "Monitoring settings".
Economy Track
To save system resources you can set up a track with effects that will not be used for input
monitoring as an Economy Track. Go to "Track > Track properties > Economy track".
If you have selected the ASIO Hybrid Engine as the driver system, you can take individual
tracks from the Low Latency Engine and process the track effects in the playback engine
with the larger VIP buffer size. This way your system's processor will not be overworked.
Economy Tracks are marked with a green dot in the volume display of the corresponding
channel in the mixer as well as in the track editor. The "Volume" button of the track will be
framed in green.
Note: The Hybrid Engine compensates the latency of track effects in economy tracks to
such an extent that the total latency of the mixer for other tracks does not increase.
Overview of monitoring/engine modes
No audio monitoring (peak meter only): Displays the input level, but cannot be heard.
Hardware monitoring: Audio monitoring via the sound card. This is the only monitoring
option for MME drivers. With ASIO, many sound cards can directly process functions such
as mute/solo, volume, and pan. In this way, even large ASIO or VIP buffers achieve low
latency for fewer samples. You cannot, however, apply any effects to the input signal.
Software monitoring/economy engine: Audio monitoring that takes into account the
recording track levels and the playing of software instruments. This monitoring option is
only available when using ASIO drivers. No effects are applied to the input signals, latency
and CPU load remains the same, even in complex projects.
Track FX monitoring: Audio monitoring including the track effects of the recording track.
This monitoring option is only available when using ASIO drivers. This allows you to apply
effects directly to input signals without taking bus or master effects into account.
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