Lithionics Battery
Xantrex SW3012 Programming Guide
Rev. 0 ©2017 Lithionics Battery
DESCRIPTION: The scope of this document is to provide tested and approved settings for the Xantrex
SW3012 using a Lithionics Battery 12.8V LiFePO4 battery system. Firmware version “3.08.00 BN 9" must be
used which was specifically developed with Xantrex for the SW3012 to work with the more powerful and
much lower internal resistance Lithionics Battery products. Please refer to the SW3012 Owners Guide for
further information on how to install and operate your SW3012 especially the section “Configuring the
Freedom SW using the SCP” Page 33.
PH: 727.726.4204 | FAX: 727.797.8046 | WEB: LITHIONICSBATTERY.COM

1. Using the SCP display/interface select your SW3012
2. Press the Enter, Up and Down arrow together to enter
Advanced Settings Mode
3. Once Advanced Settings Mode has been enabled enter the following settings into their respective menus
Inverter Settings
Low Batt Cut Out 12.1V*
LBCO Delay 10Sec
High Batt Cut Out 15.2V
Charger Settings
Batt Type Custom
Custom Settings Eqlz Support Disabled
Bul k Vol tage 14.6V
Absorb Vol tage 14.6V
Fl oat V oltage 13.4V
Batt Capacity [Enter Ah of Your System]
Max Charge Rate 100%
Charge Cycle 3 Stage
Default Batt Temp Warm**
Recharge Vol ts 12.4V ***
Absorb Ti me 30min****
Auto Charge Enable Enabl ed
*Use 12.1V for systems which have “RVC” Enabled in the Lithionics Battery Management System. For systems with “RVC”
Disabled this can be set lower between 11.2V – 12.0V which will allow a lower depth of discharge.
** Do NOT use the Xantrex battery temperature sensor as it is not needed with the Lithionics Battery LiFePO4 battery system.
*** This is the recommended setting but should be adjusted depending on the installation site’s intended usage pattern.
Ex. 1 - Grid-Tie Home/Building UPS would use a higher recharge voltage (ex. 13.3V) to ensure the battery is fully
charged and ready for when Grid power is lost.
Ex. 2 – Off-Grid Solar System where energy from the battery is stored during the day and then intentionally
consumed during the night will use a lower recharge voltage setting (ex. 12.0 – 12.4V).
**** 30min setting is the recommended starting point but it may need to be reduced/increased due to varying Ah capacity sizes
of different Lithionics Battery LiFePO4 battery systems. This can be determined experimentally by monitoring the absorb stage of
charging cycle. Ideally absorb time should end when charging amperage is at 1/30
Example: System is a 12V 600Ah, absorb time should end when amperage reduces to 600Ah/30 = 20A. So by watching
the absorb cycle and timing it, when the charging amperage naturally reduces to 20A at this time point in minutes is
what the absorb time should be set to.
PH: 727.726.4204 | FAX: 727.797.8046 | WEB: LITHIONICSBATTERY.COM
the capacity of the system or less.