WIKA SA-11 Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions Betriebsanleitung Mode d'emploi Manual de Instrucciones
Druckmessumformer für die sterile Verfahrenstechnik
Transmetteurs de pression pour applications stériles
Transmisores de presión para procesos estériles
Female union nut
WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG
Alexander-Wiegand-Straße 30 63911 Klingenberg / Germany Tel. (+49) 9372/132-0 Fax (+49) 9372/132-406 E-Mail info@wika.de www.wika.de
12142425.01 04/2009 GB/D/F/E
Contents / Inhalt / Sommaire / Índice
Contents Page 3 - 4 GB
1. General information
2. Important details for your information
3. Inspect the diaphragm for your safety
4. Technical data
Inhalt Seite 5 -6 D
1. Allgemeines
2. Wichtiges zu Ihrer Information
3. Membran-Prüfung zu Ihrer Sicherheit
4. Technische Daten
Sommaire Page 7 - 8 F
1. Remarques générales
2. Informations inportantes
Pour votre sécurité, contrôler la membrane
4. Caractéristiques techniques
Índice Página 9 - 10 E
1. Información general
2. Información importante
Control de la membrana para su seguridad
4. Datos técnicos
WIKA Operating Instructions / Betriebsanleitung / Mode d'emploi / Manual de instrucciones SA-11
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Se aplican nuestras condiciones actuales de venta y de suministro, que se pueden consultar en www.wika.de
12142425 04/2009 GB/D/F/E
1. General information / 2. Important information
1. General information
The SA-11 pressure transmitter has been designed specifically for the requirements of the food and beverage, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The SA-11 pressure transmitter is particularly suited to the conditions of CIP/SIP cleaning processes due to its chemical resistance towards cleaning fluids and high temperatures. The flush, metal measuring cell is welded directly to the process connection. This guarantees a crevice-free junction between the process connection and the measuring cell; no additional seals are required.
The enclosed operating instructions for the S-10 pressure transmitter (electrical connection: L-plug, M12 x 1 or cable output) or model F-20 (electrical connection: fieldcase) are part of the operating instructions for the Model SA-11 pressure transmitter .
2. Important information
The corresponding data sheet is PE 81.80
For special versions, e.g. SA-11000, please also observe the specifications in the delivery
Key to symbols:
3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc.
European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group
The pressure connection of the SA-11 pressure transmitter is supplied with a special
protection cap to protect the diaphragm within the packaging. Do not remove this protec­tion cap until shortly before mounting, to avoid damaging the diaphragm.
Check whether all items have been delivered.
12142425 04/2009 GB/D/F/E
WIKA Operating Instructions / Betriebsanleitung / Mode d'emploi / Manual de instrucciones SA-11 3
3. Inspect the diaphragm for your safety / 4. Technical data
3. Inspect the diaphragm for your safety
The diaphragm must be inspected before installing and operating the pressure transmitter as this element is essential for safety.
Check for leaking liquid; it shows that the diaphragm is damaged
Check the diaphragm visually for possible damage
Only operate the pressure transmitter if the diaphragm is undamaged
Only operate the pressure transmitter if it is in perfect condition with regard to
4. Technical data
Technical data Model SA-11
Measuring range Overpressure safety Burst pressure Material
Wetted parts Case
System fill fluid
Permissible temperature ranges
Medium Ambient
Storage Compensated temperature range Temperature coefficient within the compensated temperature range
Average TC of the zero point
Average TC of the span Weight
WIKA Operating Instructions / Betriebsanleitung / Mode d'emploi / Manual de instrucciones SA-11
bar 0.25 0.4 0.6 1 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 bar 2 2 4 5 10 17 35 35 80 80 bar 2.4 2.4 4.8 6 12 20.5 42 42 96 96
Stainless steel 1.4435 Stainless steel 1.4571 Synthetic oil, KN 77, FDA approved (optionally Neobee® M-20, KN 59, FDA approved)
°C -20 ... +150 °C -20 ... +80 °C -40 ... +100 °C 0 ... +80
of the span /
of the span /
of the span /
of the span /
kg approx. 0.5
10 K
0.2 for measuring range 0 ... 0.6 bar to 0 ... 0.25 bar
10 K
0.25 for measuring range 0 ... 0.4 bar
10 K
0.4 for measuring range 0 ... 0.25 bar
10 K
12142425 04/2009 GB/D/F/E
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