The bimetal thermometers described in the operating instructions
have been designed and manufactured using state-of-the-art
technology. All components are subject to stringent quality and
environmental criteria during production. Our management
systems are certied to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
These operating instructions contain important information on
handling the instrument. Working safely requires that all safety
instructions and work instructions are observed.
Observe the local accident prevention regulations and general
safety regulations, in eect for the instrument's range of use.
The operating instructions are part of the instrument and must
be kept in the immediate vicinity of the instrument and readily
accessible to skilled personnel at any time.
Skilled personnel must have carefully read and understood the
operating instructions, prior to beginning any work.
The manufacturers liability is void in the case of any damage
caused by using the product contrary to its intended use,
non-compliance with these operating instructions, assignment
of insuciently qualied skilled personnel or unauthorised
modications to the instrument.
The general terms and conditions contained in the sales
documentation shall apply.
Subject to technical modications.
Further information:
- Internet /
- Relevant data sheet: TM 53.01, TM 54.01, TM 55.01
These bimetal thermometers are used for measuring temperature in
hazardous areas of industrial applications.
The instrument has been designed and built solely for the intended
use described here, and may only be used accordingly.
The technical specications contained in these operating instructions
must be observed. Improper handling or operation of the instrument
outside of its technical specications requires the instrument to be
taken out of service immediately and inspected by an authorised
WIKA service engineer.
Before installation, commissioning and operation, ensure
that the appropriate bimetal thermometer has been
selected in terms of measuring range, design and specic
measuring conditions. The compatibility of the wetted
parts of the process connection (thermowell, thermowell
stem) with the medium must be tested.
Non-observance can result in serious injury and/or
damage to equipment.
Further important safety instructions can be found in the
individual chapters of these operating instructions.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for claims of any type based on
operation contrary to the intended use.
Risk of injury should qualication be insucient!
Improper handling can result in considerable injury and
damage to equipment.
The activities described in these operating instructions
may only be carried out by skilled personnel who have
the qualications described below.
Keep unqualied personnel away from hazardous
Skilled personnel
Skilled personnel are understood to be personnel who, based on their
technical training, knowledge of measurement and control technology
and on their experience and knowledge of country-specic regulations,
current standards and directives, are capable of carrying out the work
described and of independently recognising potential hazards.
2.3 Additional safety instructions for instruments per ATEX
Non-observance of these instructions and their contents
may result in the loss of explosion protection.
It is imperative that the application conditions and safety
requirements of the EC-type examination certicate are
Temperature measuring instruments must be earthed via
the process connection!
Bimetal thermometers contain no internal heat source, and, when
correctly installed and operated, cause no increase in temperature!
A heat return ow from the process, which exceeds the ignition
temperature of the surrounding hazardous area, is not permitted and
must be prevented through appropriate thermal insulation!
The following surface temperatures must not be exceeded:
Potentially explosive atmosphere
Gas, air, vapour, mistDust, air
1) If dust should settle on the instrument (up to a max. 5 mm layer thickness), a safety margin
of 75 K must be maintained between the minimum ignition temperature of the dust layer
and the surface temperature! For thicker dust layers a greater safety margin should be
2.4 Special hazards
≤ 80 % of the ignition
temperature in °C
≤ 2/3 of the minimum
ignition temperature
in °C
Observe the information given in the applicable type
examination certicate and the relevant countryspecic regulations for installation and use in potentially
explosive atmospheres (e.g. IEC 60079-14, NEC, CEC).
Non-observance can result in serious injury and/or
damage to the equipment.
For additional important safety instructions for insturments
with ATEX approval see chapter 2.3 "Additional safety
instructions for instruments per ATEX".
Residual media in dismounted instruments can result in
a risk to persons, the environment and equipment. Take
sucient precautionary measures.
For lled instruments, make sure that the medium
temperature is lower than 250 °C.
Reason: The sheath also contains a lling liquid; at a
temperature > 250 °C, this liquid may become cloudy or
change colour or, in some cases, may ignite.
2.5 Labelling, safety marks
Product label
Explanation of symbols
Before mounting and commissioning the instrument,
ensure you read the operating instructions!
CE, Communauté Européenne
Instruments bearing this mark comply with the relevant
European directives.
Year of manufacture
ATEX European Explosion Protection Directive
(Atmosphère = AT, explosible = EX)
Instruments bearing this mark comply with the
requirements of the European Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX)
Check instrument for any damage that may have been caused by
Obvious damage must be reported immediately.
5.2 Packaging
Do not remove packaging until just before mounting.
Keep the packaging as it will provide optimum protection during transport (e.g. change in installation site, sending for repair).
5.3 Storage
Permissible conditions at the place of storage:
Storage temperature: -20 ... +60 °C
Avoid exposure to the following factors:
Direct sunlight or proximity to hot objects
Mechanical vibration, mechanical shock (putting it down hard)
Soot, vapour, dust and corrosive gases
Store the instrument in its original packaging in a location that fulls
the conditions listed above. If the original packaging is not available,
pack and store the thermometer as described below:
1. Wrap the thermometer in an antistatic plastic lm.
2. Place the thermometer, along with shock-absorbent material, in the
3. If stored for a prolonged period of time (more than 30 days), place a
bag, containing a desiccant, inside the packaging.
Before storing the instrument (following operation),
remove any residual media. This is of particular
importance if the medium is hazardous to health, e.g.
caustic, toxic, carcinogenic, radioactive, etc.
The use of liquid damping is always recommended for
temperatures near the dew point (±1 °C around 0 °C).
6. Commissioning, operation
The bimetal thermometer must be earthed via the process
When screwing the instruments in, the force required to do this must
not be applied through the casing, but only through the spanner ats
provided for this purpose and using a suitable tool.
Installation with
When mounting a bimetal dial indicating thermometer that can be
rotated and swivelled, the specic instructions must be followed. In
order to set the indicator to the desired position, the following steps
must be taken:
1. The lock nut or union nut must be loosened at the process
2. The hexagon bolts and slotted screws at the swivel joint must be
Make sure to loosen the screws
on the opposite side as well!
3. Position the indicator as required, tighten the hexagon bolts and
slotted screws, and nally tighten the lock nut or union nut rmly.
Permissible vibration load at the installation site
The instruments should always be installed in locations free from
If this is not possible, the following limit values must not be exceeded:
Dry gauges:Frequency range < 150 Hz
Acceleration < 0.7 g (7 m/s
Liquid-lled gauges: Frequency range < 150 Hz
Acceleration < 2 g (20 m/s
When using thermowells, they must be lled with a thermal contact
medium in order to reduce the heat transfer resistance between the
outer wall of the sensor and the inner wall of the thermowell. The
working temperature of the thermal compound is -40 ... +200 °C.
Do not ll hot thermowells. There is a risk of the oil
spraying out!
ensure that the stem does not
touch the bottom of the thermowell
since, due to the dierent
expansion coecients of the
materials, the stem may become
buckled at the bottom of the
Required safety
(Formula for the calculation of
the insertion length l1 see the
respective thermowell's data sheet)
7. Maintenance and cleaning
7.1 Maintenance
These bimetal thermometers are maintenance-free!
The indicator should be checked once or twice every year. For this
the instrument must be disconnected from the process and checked
using a temperature calibrator.
Repairs must only be carried out by the manufacturer.
7.2 Cleaning
Clean the thermometer with a moist cloth.
Wash or clean the thermometer before returning it, in
order to protect personnel and the environment from
exposure to residual media.
Residual media in the dismounted instrument can result
in a risk to personnel, the environment and equipment.
Take sucient precautionary measures.
For information on returning the instrument see chapter
8.2 "Returns".
8. Dismounting, return and disposal
Residual media in the dismounted instrument can result
in a risk to persons, the environment and equipment. Take
sucient precautionary measures.
8.1 Dismounting
Risk of burns!
Let the instrument cool down suciently before
dismounting it! During dismounting there is a risk of
dangerously hot pressure media escaping.
8.2 Returns
Absolutely observe when shipping the instrument:
All instruments delivered to WIKA must be free from any
kind of hazardous substances (acids, bases, solutions,
When returning the instrument, use the original packaging or a
suitable transport package.
1. Wrap the instrument in an antistatic plastic lm.
2. Place the instrument, along with shock-absorbent material, in the
packaging. Place shock-absorbent material evenly on all sides of
the transport packaging.
3. If possible, place a bag, containing a desiccant, inside the
4. Label the shipment as transport of a highly sensitive measuring
Enclose the completed return form with the instrument.
The return form is available in the 'Service' section on
8.3 Disposal
Incorrect disposal can put the environment at risk.
Dispose of instrument components and packaging materials in an
environmentally compatible way and in accordance with the countryspecic waste disposal regulations.
Konformitätserklärungen nden Sie online unter
11583747.02 04/2012 GB/D/F/E
WIKA Betriebsanleitung Typen 53, 54, 55 (ATEX)
1. Allgemeines
1. Allgemeines
Die in der Betriebsanleitung beschriebenen Bimetall-Thermometer
werden nach den neuesten Erkenntnissen konstruiert und gefertigt.
Alle Komponenten unterliegen während der Fertigung strengen
Qualitäts- und Umweltkriterien. Unsere Managementsysteme sind
nach ISO 9001 und ISO 14001 zertiziert.
Diese Betriebsanleitung gibt wichtige Hinweise zum Umgang mit
dem Gerät. Voraussetzung für sicheres Arbeiten ist die Einhaltung
aller angegebenen Sicherheitshinweise und Handlungsanweisungen.
Die für den Einsatzbereich des Gerätes geltenden örtlichen Unfallverhütungsvorschriften und allgemeinen Sicherheitsbestimmungen
Die Betriebsanleitung ist Produktbestandteil und muss in unmittelbarer Nähe des Gerätes für das Fachpersonal jederzeit zugänglich
aufbewahrt werden.
Das Fachpersonal muss die Betriebsanleitung vor Beginn aller
Arbeiten sorgfältig durchgelesen und verstanden haben.
Die Haftung des Herstellers erlischt bei Schäden durch bestimmungswidrige Verwendung, Nichtbeachten dieser Betriebsanleitung, Einsatz ungenügend qualizierten Fachpersonals sowie
eigenmächtiger Veränderung am Gerät.
Es gelten die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen in den Verkaufsunterlagen.