The oat switches described in the operating instructions have
been designed and manufactured using state-of-the-art technology.
All components are subject to stringent quality and environmental
criteria during production. Our management systems are certied to
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
These operating instructions contain important information on
handling the instrument. Working safely requires that all safety
instructions and work instructions are observed.
Observe the relevant local accident prevention regulations and
general safety regulations for the instrument's range of use.
The operating instructions are part of the product and must be kept
in the immediate vicinity of the instrument and readily accessible to
skilled personnel at any time. Pass the operating instructions on to
the next operator or owner of the instrument.
Skilled personnel must have carefully read and understood the
operating instructions prior to beginning any work.
The general terms and conditions contained in the sales
documentation shall apply.
The model RLS-7000 works according to the oat principle with
magnetic transmission and is suitable for vertical installation. A reed
contact integrated in the guide tube is actuated through the magnetic
eld of a permanent magnet, when a preset switch point is reached. The
permanent magnet is located within a oat, which changes its position
with the level of the medium it is monitoring. The switching status of the
reed contact can be evaluated and processed by a connected control
device. The switching function can be changed between normally closed
and normally open by turning the oat through 180°.
The RLS-8000 is suitable for horizontal installation. The normally open
and normally closed switching function, as it is marked at the process
connection, can be set through a half turn on the mounting thread of the
The instrument must be protected by an external fuse.
3.3 Improper use
Improper use is dened as any application that exceeds the technical
performance limits or is not compatible with the materials.
Any use beyond or dierent to the intended use is considered as
improper use.
Do not use this instrument in safety or emergency stop devices.
3.4 Responsibility of the operator
The instrument is used in the industrial sector. The operator is therefore
responsible for legal obligations regarding safety at work.
Physical injuries
Work on containers involves the danger of intoxication and
No work is allowed to be carried out unless by taking
suitable personal protective measures (e.g. respiratory
protection apparatus, protective clothing etc.).
Injuries through improper use
Improper use of the instrument can lead to hazardous
situations and injuries.
Refrain from unauthorised modifications to the instrument.
Do not use the instrument within hazardous areas.
The safety instructions within these operating instructions, as well as the
safety, accident prevention and environmental protection regulations for
the application area must be maintained.
To ensure safe working on the instrument, the operating company must
that the operating personnel are regularly instructed in all topics
regarding work safety, rst aid and environmental protection
and know the operating instructions and in particular, the safety
instructions contained therein.
that the instrument is suitable for the particular application in
accordance with its intended use.
that following testing, improper use of the instrument is excluded.
3.5 Personnel qualication
Risk of injury should qualication be insucient
Improper handling can result in considerable injury and
damage to equipment.
The activities described in these operating instructions
may only be carried out by skilled personnel who have the
qualifications described below.
Skilled personnel
Skilled personnel, authorised by the operator, are understood to
be personnel who, based on their technical training, knowledge
of measurement and control technology and on their experience
and knowledge of country-specic regulations, current standards
and directives, are capable of carrying out the work described and
independently recognising potential hazards.
Electrical connection errors of the oat switches can destroy
the reed contacts. This can lead to a malfunction in the plant
and thus lead to injury to personnel or damage to equipment.
No direct operation in circuits with inductive loads.
No direct operation in circuits with capacitive loads, e.g.
PLC, PCS or cable lengths > 50 m.
Do not exceed the permissible switching power.
Physical injuries
With oat switches with connection cable without protective
conductor connection, it is possible for the switch to become
live in the event of a malfunction. Any contact can result in
physical or even fatal injury.
Only operate these switches at safety extra-low voltage
in accordance with IEC 60364 (VDE0100) or fit them
so that the float switch is electrically connected to the
equipotential bonding.
Electrical protection class
Depending on the electrical connection, the instruments are designed
in protection class II. The appropriate protection class of the electrical
connection is given in the respective data sheet.
Protection class II:
Protective insulation, no protective conductor connection
When used properly, the oat switches work maintenance-free. They
must be subjected to visual inspection within the context of regular
maintenance, however, and included in the vessel pressure test.
Physical injuries
Work on containers involves the danger of intoxication and
No work is allowed to be carried out unless by taking
suitable personal protective measures (e.g. respiratory
protection apparatus, protective clothing etc.).
Repairs must only be carried out by the manufacturer.
7.2 Cleaning
Physical injuries and damage to property and the
Improper cleaning may lead to physical injuries, damage
to property and the environment and to damage to the
instrument. Residual media in the dismounted instrument can
result in a risk to persons, the environment and equipment.
Rinse or clean the dismounted instrument.
Sufficient precautionary measures must be taken.
Do not use any aggressive cleaning agents.
Do not use any hard or pointed objects for cleaning.
1. Prior to cleaning, properly disconnect the instrument from the process
and the power supply.
2. Clean the instrument carefully with a moist cloth.
3. Electrical connections must not come into contact with moisture!
Physical injuries and damage to property and the
environment through residual media
Residual media in the dismounted instrument can result in a
risk to persons, the environment and equipment.
Wash or clean the dismounted instrument, in order to
protect persons and the environment from exposure to
residual media.
8.1 Dismounting
Only disconnect the measuring instrument once the system has been
depressurised and the power disconnected!
8.2 Return
Wash or clean the dismounted oat switch before returning it, in order to
protect personnel and the environment from exposure to residual media.
Information on returns can be found under the heading
“Service” on our local website.
8.3 Disposal
Incorrect disposal can put the environment at risk.
Dispose of instrument components and packaging materials in an
environmentally compatible way and in accordance with the country-
specic waste disposal regulations.
Do not dispose of with household waste. Ensure a proper
disposal in accordance with national regulations.
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14317448.02 12/2019 EN/DE/FR/ES
WIKA Betriebsanleitung Typen RLS-7000, RLS-8000
1. Allgemeines
1. Allgemeines
Die in der Betriebsanleitung beschriebenen Schwimmerschalter
werden nach dem aktuellen Stand der Technik konstruiert und gefertigt. Alle Komponenten unterliegen während der Fertigung strengen
Qualitäts- und Umweltkriterien. Unsere Managementsysteme sind
nach ISO 9001 und ISO 14001 zertiziert.
Diese Betriebsanleitung gibt wichtige Hinweise zum Umgang mit dem
Gerät. Voraussetzung für sicheres Arbeiten ist die Einhaltung aller
angegebenen Sicherheitshinweise und Handlungsanweisungen.
Die für den Einsatzbereich des Gerätes geltenden örtlichen Unfallverhütungsvorschriften und allgemeinen Sicherheitsbestimmungen
Die Betriebsanleitung ist Produktbestandteil und muss in unmittelbarer Nähe des Gerätes für das Fachpersonal jederzeit zugänglich
aufbewahrt werden. Betriebsanleitung an nachfolgende Benutzer
oder Besitzer des Gerätes weitergeben.
Das Fachpersonal muss die Betriebsanleitung vor Beginn aller Arbeiten sorgfältig durchgelesen und verstanden haben.
Es gelten die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen in den Verkaufsunterlagen.
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.
Weitere Informationen:
- /
- Zugehöriges Datenblatt: LM 50.11 (Typ RLS-7000)
- Anwendungsberater:Tel.: +49 9372 132-0
LM 50.12 (Typ RLS-8000)
Fax: +49 9372 132-406
22WIKA Betriebsanleitung Typen RLS-7000, RLS-8000
14317448.02 12/2019 EN/DE/FR/ES
2. Aufbau und Funktion
2. Aufbau und Funktion
2.1 Funktionsbeschreibung
Der Typ RLS-7000 arbeitet nach dem Schwimmerprinzip mit magnetischer Übertragung und ist für den vertikalen Einbau geeignet. Ein im
Gleitrohr eingebauter Reed-Kontakt wird durch das Magnetfeld eines
Permanentmagneten bei Erreichen eines vorgegebenen Schaltpunktes
betätigt. Der Permanentmagnet bendet sich in einem Schwimmer, der
seine Höhenlage mit dem Flüssigkeitspegel des zu überwachenden
Messstoes verändert. Der Schaltzustand des Reed-Kontaktes kann
durch eine nachgeschaltete Steuereinrichtung ausgewertet und
weiterverarbeitet werden. Die Schaltfunktion kann durch Drehen des
Schwimmers um 180° in Öner oder Schließer umgekehrt werden.
Der RLS-8000 ist für den horizontalen Einbau geeignet. Die Schaltfunkti-
on Schließer oder Öner, wie am Prozessanschluss gekennzeichnet,
kann durch eine halbe Umdrehung des Einschraubgewindes des
Schalters bestimmt werden.
14317448.02 12/2019 EN/DE/FR/ES
WIKA Betriebsanleitung Typen RLS-7000, RLS-8000
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