WIKA R5502 Additional Information

Additional information Zusatzinformation Informations supplémentaires Información adicional
Additional information for hazardous areas Model 55 + option ATEX
Zusatzinformation für explosionsgefährdete Bereiche Typ 55 + option ATEX
Informations complémentaires concernant les zones explosives, type 55 + option ATEX
Información adicional para zonas potencialmente explosivas, modelo 55 + option ATEX
CE Ex II 2G c TX X II 2D c TX X
Additional information model 55 (ATEX)
Zusatzinformation Typ 55 (ATEX)
Informations supplémentaires
type 55 (ATEX)
Información adicional modelo 55 (ATEX)
© 12/2010 WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG All rights reserved. / Alle Rechte vorbehalten. WIKA® is a registered trademark in various countries. WIKA® ist eine geschützte Marke in verschiedenen Ländern.
Prior to starting any work, read the operating instructions! Keep for later use!
Vor Beginn aller Arbeiten Betriebsanleitung lesen! Zum späteren Gebrauch aufbewahren!
Lire le mode d‘emploi avant de commencer toute opération ! A conserver pour une utilisation ultérieure !
¡Leer el manual de instrucciones antes de comenzar cualquier trabajo! ¡Guardar el manual para una eventual consulta!
WIKA additional information model 55 (ATEX)
Page 3 - 12
Seite 13 - 22
Page 23 - 32
Página 33 - 41
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1. Safety 4
2. Commissioning, operation 8
3. Special conditions for use (X conditions) 8
Appendix: EU declaration of conformity 11
Declarations of conformity can be found online at www.wika.com.
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WIKA additional information model 55 (ATEX) 3
1. Safety
Supplementary documentation:
This additional information for hazardous areas applies in conjunction with the operating instructions “Bimetal thermometer,
model 55” (article number 12968065).
1. Safety
DANGER! Danger to life due to loss of explosion protection
Non-observance of these instructions and their contents may result in the loss of explosion protection.
Observe the safety instructions in this chapter and further explosion instructions in these operating instructions.
Follow the requirements of the ATEX directive.
Observe the information given in the applicable
type examination certicate and the relevant
regulations for installation and use in hazardous areas (e.g. IEC 60079-11, IEC 60079-10 and IEC 60079-14).
1.1 Explanation of symbols
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation in the hazardous area that can result in serious injury or death, if not avoided.
4 WIKA additional information model 55 (ATEX)
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1. Safety
1.2 Intended use
These bimetal thermometers are used for measuring temperature in hazardous areas of industrial applications.
The instrument has been designed and built solely for the intended use described here, and may only be used accordingly.
Check whether the classication is suitable for the application (see Ex
marking, chapter 1.5 “Labelling, safety marks”). Observe the relevant national regulations.
The non-observance of the instructions for use in hazardous areas can lead to the loss of the explosion protection. Adhere to the following limit values and instructions (see data sheet).
The manufacturer shall not be liable for claims of any type based on operation contrary to the intended use.
1.3 Responsibility of the operator
The responsibility for classication of zones lies with the plant
operator and not the manufacturer/supplier of the equipment.
1.4 Personnel qualication
The skilled personnel must have knowledge of ignition protection types, regulations and provisions for equipment in hazardous areas.
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WIKA additional information model 55 (ATEX) 5
Thermometer Model TG53 + option ATEX
year 2016
WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG 63911 Klingenberg / Germany
1. Safety
1.5 Labelling, safety marks
Product label (example)
Thermometer Model
“Model” + option ATEX
WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG
63911 Klingenberg / Germany
Model + option ATEX
Year of manufacture
Serial number
Ex marking
II 2G c TX X II 2D c TX X
year “Jahr”
Before mounting and commissioning the instrument, ensure you read the operating instructions!
 
Do not ll the instruments with lling liquid subsequently.
6 WIKA additional information model 55 (ATEX)
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1. Safety
Ex marking
II 2G c TX X II 2D c TX X
Marking Designation Meaning
CE marking European conformity
Specic marking
for explosion protection
II Symbol of the
equipment group
2 Symbol of the
equipment category
G Ex atmosphere Concerning explosive atmospheres caused
D Ex atmosphere Concerning explosive atmospheres caused
Ex Ex marking Standards ISO 80079-36 and ISO 80079-37
TX Maximum surface
X Specic
conditions of use see operating instructions
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WIKA additional information model 55 (ATEX) 7
Ex symbol
Equipment intended for use in other places than underground parts of mines, and in those parts of surface installations of such
mines, liable to be endangered by redamp
and/or combustible dust and an explosive atmosphere.
High safety, approved for zone 1 and 21
by gases, vapours or mists
by dust
applied Symbol indicating the temperature class
The actual maximum surface temperature depends not on the equipment itself, but mainly on the operating conditions.
Ambient temperature with special range
Specic conditions of use apply.
2. Commissioning, operation / 3. Special ...
2. Commissioning, operation
Observe the special conditions (see chapter 3 “Special conditions for use (X conditions)”, point 4).
3. Special conditions for use (X conditions)
1) Design temperatures
2) Maximum surface temperature
Danger to life from missing instrument grounding
With missing or incorrect grounding, there exists a risk of dangerous voltages (leading to, for example, mechanical damage, electrostatic charge or induction).
Ground thermometer!
Ambient temperature: -20 … +60 °C
Medium temperature: max. +600 °C
(instruments with liquid lling: max. +250 °C)
Observe the surface temperature for ATEX application: The permissible medium temperature does not only depend on the instrument design, but also on the ignition temperature of the surrounding gases, vapours or dust. Take both aspects into account.
For instruments with liquid lling, make sure that the medium
temperature is lower than 250 °C.
The surface temperature mainly depends on the medium temperature. For prevention, consider the maximum medium temperature as maximum surface temperature.
8 WIKA additional information model 55 (ATEX)
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3. Special conditions for use (X conditions)
Instruments for use in hazardous gas/air, vapour/air and mist/air atmospheres:
Temperature class (gas application)
T6 +65 °C T5 +80 °C T4 +105 °C T3 +160 °C T2 +240 °C T1 +250 °C (+360 °C)
1) only for instruments without liquid lling
Hazardous dust atmosphere
For dusts, the procedure specied in ISO/IEC 80079-20-2 for
determining the ignition temperature has to be applied. The ignition temperature is determined separately for dust clouds and dust layers, respectively. For dust layers, the ignition temperature depends on the dust layer thickness per EN/IEC 60079-14.
Ignition temperature of dust
Dust cloud T
Dust layer T
The permissible maximum medium temperature must not exceed the lowest determined value, even in case of a malfunction.
3) Mount the instrument in such a way that, taking into consideration
the inuence of convection and heat radiation, no deviation above
or below the permissible ambient and medium temperatures can occur.
Maximum permissible surface temperature (for the end application)
Maximum permissible medium temperature (in the measuring system)
< 2/3 T
< T
− 75 K − (reduction depending on the
layer thickness)
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WIKA additional information model 55 (ATEX) 9
3. Special conditions for use (X conditions)
4) The end user must ensure that the measuring instrument is connected to the equipotential bonding of the end-use application via the process connection. The sealings used at the process connection must be electrically conductive.
5) Avoid handling of materials that react dangerously with the materials used for the instrument, and substances liable to spontaneous combustion.
6) Avoidance of vibration
Requirements for the installation point
If the line to the instrument is not adequately stable, an instrument holder should be used for fastening. If vibrations cannot be avoided
by means of suitable installation, use instruments with liquid lling. Protect the instruments against coarse dirt and wide uctuations in
ambient temperature.
Permissible vibration load at the installation site
Always install the instruments in locations free from vibration. If necessary, it is possible to isolate the instrument from the mounting
point, e.g. by installing a exible connection line between the
measuring point and the instrument and mounting the instrument on a suitable bracket. If this is not possible, do not exceed the following limits: Frequency range < 150 Hz Acceleration < 0.5 g
7) When using thermowells, they must be lled with a thermal contact medium in order to reduce the heat transfer resistance between the outer wall of the probe and the inner wall of the thermowell. The working temperature of the thermal compound is -40 ... +200 °C.
8) Clean the thermometer with a moist cloth. Ensure that due to the cleaning no electrostatic charge will be generated.
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Appendix: EU declaration of conformity
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WIKA additional information model 55 (ATEX) 11
12 WIKA additional information model 55 (ATEX)
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1. Sicherheit 14
2. Inbetriebnahme, Betrieb 18
3. Besondere Bedingungen für die Verwendung (X-Conditions) 18
Anlage: EU-Konformitätserklärung 21
Konformitätserklärungen nden Sie online unter www.wika.de.
11583747.06 06/2019 EN/DE/FR/ES
WIKA Zusatzinformation Typ 55 (ATEX)
1. Sicherheit
Ergänzende Dokumentation:
Diese Zusatzinformation für explosionsgefährdete Bereiche gilt im Zusammenhang mit der Betriebsanleitung „Bimetallthermometer, Typ 55“ (Artikelnummer 12968065).
1. Sicherheit
GEFAHR! Lebensgefahr durch Verlust des Explosionsschutzes
Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Inhalte und Anweisungen kann zum Verlust des Explosionsschutzes führen.
Sicherheitshinweise in diesem Kapitel sowie weitere Explosionshinweise in dieser Betriebsanleitung beach­ten.
Die Anforderungen der ATEX-Richtlinie beachten.
Die Angaben der geltenden Baumusterprüfbescheini­gung sowie die jeweiligen Vorschriften zur Installation und Einsatz in explosionsgefährdeten Bereichen (z. B. IEC 60079-11, IEC 60079-10 und IEC 60079-14) einhalten.
1.1 Symbolerklärung
... weist auf eine möglicherweise gefährliche Situation im explosionsgefährdeten Bereich hin, die zum Tod oder zu schweren Verletzungen führen kann, wenn sie nicht gemieden wird.
14 WIKA Zusatzinformation Typ 55 (ATEX)
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+ 30 hidden pages