WIKA PASCAL 100, PASCAL 100/IS Operating Instructions Manual

Multichannel Calibrator PASCAL 100 and PASCAL 100/IS
Operating instructions
2 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
Operating instructions PASCAL 100
1 - 85
Rev. 09 – April 2017.
© 2017 WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG All rights reserved. WIKA® is a registered trademark in various countries.
Prior to starting any work, read the operating instructions! Keep for later use!
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 3
1 General Information........................................................................................................... 5
2 Safety ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Intended use .......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Personnel qualification ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Additional safety instructions for instruments with ATEX approval only Pascal 100/IS ....................... 8
2.4 Special hazards ..................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Labelling / safety marks ....................................................................................................................... 10
3 Specifications .................................................................................................................. 11
4 Design and Function ....................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Description ........................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Scope of delivery ................................................................................................................................. 16
4.3 Power supply ....................................................................................................................................... 16
5 Transport, packaging and storage ................................................................................. 17
5.1 Transport .............................................................................................................................................. 17
5.2 Packaging ............................................................................................................................................ 17
5.3 Storage ................................................................................................................................................ 17
6 Commissioning, operation .............................................................................................. 18
6.1 Commissioning .................................................................................................................................... 18
6.1.1 Instrument Overview ............................................................................................................................ 18
6.1.2 Functional Modules .............................................................................................................................. 18
6.2 Pressure ............................................................................................................................................... 24
6.2.1 Pneumatic circuit .................................................................................................................................. 24
6.3 Electrical .............................................................................................................................................. 26
6.3.1 Electrical measurements...................................................................................................................... 26
6.3.2 Thermocouple measurements ............................................................................................................. 27
6.3.3 Thermoresistance measurements ....................................................................................................... 28
6.3.4 Generation of electrical parameters ..................................................................................................... 29
6.3.5 Thermocouple simulation ..................................................................................................................... 29
6.3.6 Thermoresistance simulation ............................................................................................................... 30
6.4 User Interface ...................................................................................................................................... 31
6.4.1 Channel configuration .......................................................................................................................... 33
6.4.2 Other assignments ............................................................................................................................... 39
6.5 Setting channel, function, instrument................................................................................................... 58
6.5.1 Channel setting .................................................................................................................................... 58
6.5.2 Functions setting .................................................................................................................................. 61
6.5.3 Instrument setting ................................................................................................................................ 62
6.6 Channel settings .................................................................................................................................. 64
6.6.1 Offset On – Offset Off .......................................................................................................................... 64
6.6.2 Scaling ................................................................................................................................................. 65
6.6.3 Hold On – Hold Off ............................................................................................................................... 66
6.6.4 Modification of the generation/simulation value ................................................................................... 66
6.7 Report .................................................................................................................................................. 67
6.7.1 Report of Tc/Rtd with dry well calibrator or dry block management .................................................... 72
6.8 Data Logger ......................................................................................................................................... 78
6.9 Communication .................................................................................................................................... 80
6.10 Calibration Examples ........................................................................................................................... 80
6.10.1 Example 1 – Calibration of 2-wire pressure transmitters ..................................................................... 80
4 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
6.10.2 Example 2 – Calibration of PTZ gas volume converters ..................................................................... 81
6.10.3 Example 3 – Calibration of 4-wire RTD’s ............................................................................................. 82
6.10.4 Example 4 – Calibration of Thermocouples ......................................................................................... 83
7 Maintenance, cleaning and servicing ............................................................................. 84
7.1 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................ 84
7.2 Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................... 84
7.3 Recalibration ........................................................................................................................................ 84
8 Dismounting, return and disposal .................................................................................. 85
8.1 Dismounting ......................................................................................................................................... 85
8.2 Return .................................................................................................................................................. 85
8.3 Disposal ............................................................................................................................................... 85
Declarations of conformity can be found online at www.wika.com.
1 General Information
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 5
1 General Information
The Multichannel Calibrator model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS described in the operating
instructions has been manufactured using state-of-the-art technology. All components are subject to stringent quality and environmental criteria during production. Our management systems are certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
These operating instructions contain important information on handling the Multichannel
Calibrator model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS. Working safely requires that all safety instructions and work instructions are observed.
Observe the relevant local accident prevention regulations and general safety regulations for the
range of use of the Multichannel Calibrator model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS.
The operating instructions are part of the instrument and must be kept in the immediate vicinity
of the Multichannel Calibrator model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS and readily accessible to skilled personnel at any time.
Skilled personnel must have carefully read and understood the operating instructions, prior to
beginning any work.
The manufacturer's liability is void in the case of any damage caused by using the product
contrary to its intended use, non-compliance with these operating instructions, assignment of insufficiently qualified skilled personnel or unauthorised modifications to the Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS.
The general terms and conditions, contained in the sales documentation, shall apply.
Subject to technical modifications.
Factory calibrations/DKD/DAkks calibrations are carried out in accordance with international
Further information:
- Internet address: www.wika.de / www.wika.com
- Relevant Data Sheet: CT 18.01
- Application consultant: Tel.: (+49) 9372/132-9986 Fax: (+49) 9372/132-8767 E-Mail: testequip@wika.de
1 General Information / 2 Safety
6 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
Explanation of symbols
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation, which can result in serious injury or death, if not avoided.
... points out useful tips, recommendations and information for efficient and trouble -free operation.
WARNING! ... indicates a potentially dangerous situation in a potentially explosive atmosphere, resulting in serious injury or death, if not avoided.
2 Safety
Before installation, commissioning and operation, ensure that the appropriate reference pressure sensor has been selected in terms of measuring range, design and specific measuring conditions. Serious injuries and/or damage can occur should these not be observed.
Further important safety instructions can be found in the individual chapters of these operating instructions.
2 Safety
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 7
2.1 Intended use
The Multichannel Calibrator model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100 IS gauge can be used as a calibration instrument and also for any application which requires accuracy pressure measurement.
The Multichannel Calibrator model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS has been designed and built solely for the intended use described here, and may only be used accordingly.
The technical specifications contained in these operating instructions must be observed. Improper handling or operation of the Multichannel Calibrator model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS outside of its technical specifications requires the instrument to be shut down immediately and inspected by an authorised WIKA service engineer.
Handle electronic precision measuring instruments with the required care (protect from strong magnetic fields, static electricity and extreme temperatures, do not insert any objects into the instrument or its openings). Plugs and sockets must be protected from contamination.
If the Multichannel Calibrator model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS is transported from a cold into a warm environment, the formation of condensation may result in the instrument malfunctioning. Before putting it back into operation, wait for the instrument temperature and the room temperature to equalise.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for claims of any type based on operation contrary to the intended use.
2.2 Personnel qualification WARNING!
Risk of injury should qualification be insufficient! Improper handling can result in considerable injury and damage to equipment.
The activities described in these operating instructions may only be carried out by
skilled personnel who have the qualifications described below.
Skilled personnel
Skilled personnel are understood to be personnel who, based on their technical training, knowledge of measurement and control technology and on their experience and knowledge of country-specific regulations, current standards and directives, are capable of carrying out the work described and independently recognizing potential hazards.
Special operating conditions require further appropriate knowledge, e.g. of aggressive media.
2 Safety
8 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
2.3 Additional safety instructions for instruments with ATEX approval
only Pascal 100/IS
Non-observance of these instructions and their contents may result in the loss of explosion protection.
Battery operation:
Use only the rechargeable battery which is supplied by WIKA! Only charge the battery outside of the hazardous area!
Operation of the serial interface in the hazardous area is prohibited.
Further hazardous area safety instructions! Observe the operating information and the relevant country-specific regulations concerning use in hazardous areas (e.g. EN IEC 60079-14).
The Pascal 100/IS intrinsically safe multichannel calibrator has been designed for use in Ex Hazardous Areas. These are areas where potentially flammable or explosive vapors may occur. These areas are referred to as hazardous (classified) locations in the United States, as Hazardous Locations in Canada, as Potentially Explosive Atmospheres in Europe and as Explosive Gas Atmospheres by most of the rest of the world. The Pascal 100/IS intrinsically safe multichannel calibrator is designed as intrinsically safe. This means that connecting the Pascal 100/IS intrinsically safe multichannel calibrator to equipment that is used within intrinsically safe circuits will not cause an ignition capable arc as long as the entity parameters are suitably matched.
Information/Approval for hazardous locations:
Ex Hazardous Areas
An Ex-hazardous area as used in this manual refers to an area made hazardous by the potential presence of flammable or explosive vapors. These areas are also referred to as hazardous locations.
WARNING! Only gauges powered by batteries are approved for use in hazardous locations. Use only the rechargeable battery which is supplied by WIKA! Only charge the battery outside of the hazardous area!
Ex ib IIC T4 Gb - Tamb: -10°C / 50°C
2 Safety
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 9
2.4 Special hazards WARNING!
When measuring pressure, make sure that the process pressure line is shut off
and depressurised before it is connected to or disconnected from the pressure module.
Disconnect test leads before changing to another measurement or generation
Observe the working conditions in accordance with chapter "3. Specifications".
Always operate the device within its overload limits.
To ensure problem-free operation, only operate the Multichannel Calibrator
model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS on battery power. Only use the mains connection for charging the Hand-held pressure calibrators batteries.
Do not apply a voltage greater than the specified voltage to the instrument.
See chapter "3. Specifications".
Make sure that the test probes never contact a voltage source while the test
leads are connected to the current terminals.
Do not use the calibrator if it is damaged. Before using the multichannel
calibrator, check that there are no cracks or missing plastic parts on the case. Pay particular attention to the insulation of the connectors.
Select the proper function and correct measuring range for the measurement.
Inspect the test leads for damaged insulation or exposed metal. Check the
continuity of the test leads. Damaged test leads should be replaced before using the multichannel calibrator.
When using test probes keep fingers away from the test probe contacts. Keep
your fingers behind the test probes' finger guards.
First connect the common lead, and then the live lead. When disconnecting,
remove the live test lead first.
Do not use the multichannel calibrator if it is not working properly. The
instrument protection might be compromised. If in doubt, have the instrument checked.
Do not operate the calibrator in areas with explosive gases, vapours or dust.
To avoid false readings, which could lead to possible electric shock or personal
injury, charge the rechargeable battery as soon as the battery indicator appears.
In order to avoid any possible damage to the multichannel calibrator or the test
equipment, use the correct leads, the correct function and the correct range for the measuring application.
2 Safety
10 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
2.5 Labelling / safety marks
Explanation of symbols Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
Before mounting and commissioning the Multichannel Calibrator model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS, ensure you read the operating instructions!
CE, European Community
Instruments bearing this mark comply with the relevant European directives.
This marking on the instruments indicates that they must not be disposed of in domestic waste. The disposal is carried out by return to the manufacturer or by the corresponding municipal authorities. See Directive 2002/96/EC.
Only Pascal 100/IS
ATEX European Explosion Protection Directive
(Atmosphère = AT, explosible = Ex) Instruments bearing this mark comply with the requirements of the European Directive 94/9/CE (ATEX) on explosion protection.
IECEx for IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-11
3 Specifications
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 11
3 Specifications
3 Specifications
12 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
3 Specifications
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 13
3 Specifications
14 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
For further specifications see WIKA data sheet CT 18.01 and the order documentation.
4 Design and Function
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 15
4 Design and Function
4.1 Description
Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS is the Professional Advanced Superior Calibrator of latest generation. User friendly interface by a wide display with an industrial touch screen through which it is possible to manage the instrument completely. The operations are simplified thanks to the touch screen: the display changes in a dynamic way according to the user selections, following test by step the operator during the calibration process, decreasing the learning time and the human errors. The touch screen can be operated by nude or gloved hands: dirty parts can be easily removed with a cloth or a sponge. The touch screen can be locked during the measurement process to avoid unintentional pressing of keys. The backlight illumination with LED guarantees a perfect view in case of low environmental visibility. Five keys are present below the touch screen: turn on/off of the instrument, contrast settings and backlight.
The electrical part of Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS consists from two until 4 electrical modules to be selected between the available ones (2 inputs (IN) – 2 outputs (OUT) – one HART module) for measuring and generating mA, mV, V, Hz, Ohm, Pulse, TC/RTD. The Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS consists of two parts: pressure part and electrical one. The pressure part consists of one or two connectors for connecting the external pressure sensors:
pneumatic distribution block
internal manual vacuum/pressure generator with fine adjustment
up to four internal pressure sensors with overpressure valves.
The electrical part consists of up to four electrical module (2 inputs (IN), 2 outputs (OUT) and a HART module) for the measurement and generation of mA, mV, V, Hz, Ohm, Pulse, TC/RTD.
On the front panel of the instrument there are several connectors for:
recharging the battery
RS232 port
Connection to the external pressure transducers
Connection for the environment parameters
(temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure)
Moreover there are the connections to provide 24 V d.c. power supply to the device under test. The Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS is powered with an internal battery pack. The battery allows 6 hours of standard operation before recharging.
Operating Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS user is able to calibrate the whole industrial instrumentation like for example:
Electronic and pneumatic pressure/vacuum transmitter
Electronic and pneumatic differential pressure transmitter
Electronic and pneumatic temperature transmitter (thermocouple and RTD)
Signal converter V, mV, mA, Hz, Pulse, ohm
Signal converter I/P and P/I
Signal isolator mA, mV
Mathematical Device (adder, subtractor, multiplier, divider)
Manometer, Pressure switch
Temperature monitor switch
Thermocouple and thermoresistance
Compensation device (up to 4 in-out signals)
Electronic and pneumatic receiver
Electronic and pneumatic controller
Electronic and pneumatic recorder
Miscellaneous instrument
4 Design and Function
16 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS includes different modules and can be ordered with different hardware configurations.
The hardware configuration depends on the installation of different functional modules:
Two electrical/temperature IN modules (IN A & IN B)
Two electrical/temperature OUT modules (OUT A & OUT B)
Two pressure modules
(each one can support two internal and one external transducer. Total 6 sensors)
One environment parameters module
(atmospheric pressure, ambient temperature and relative humidity)
One power supply 24 V d.c.
One RS-232 communication port
One connection for recharging the battery
One hand pump for pressure or vacuum generation
One fine adjustment for a good regulation of pressure or vacuum
One set of valves for sensor protection against overpressure
Battery Life
In order to preserve battery life is recommended to keep the battery charger connected for no more than 36 hours
Functional module
A functional module is a hardware component that allows the Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS to perform some operations like for example measurement and generation of electrical signals and pressure.
4.2 Scope of delivery
Portable multifunction calibrator model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS
Operating instructions
AC adapter
Pascal report software
RS-232 interface cable
RS-232 to USB adapter
Electrical kit order no. 241076
Pneumatic pressure kit order no. 241028 and 241029
(Depending on pressure range)
3.1 calibration certificate per DIN EN 10204
Cross-check scope of delivery with delivery note.
4.3 Power supply Charging
To avoid false measurements, charge the rechargeable batteries as soon as the battery indicator appears. If the batteries run too low the Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS will automatically shut down.
Use only the original AC/DC converter which is supplied by WIKA
4 Design and Function
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 17
5 Transport, packaging and storage
5.1 Transport
Check the Multichannel Calibrator model Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS for any damage that may have been caused by transport. Obvious damage must be reported immediately.
5.2 Packaging
Do not remove packaging until just before mounting. Keep the packaging as it will provide optimum protection during transport (e.g. sending for calibration).
5.3 Storage Permissible conditions at the place of storage:
Storage temperature: -30 ... +80 °C
Relative Humidity: 10 ... 90 % r. H. (non-condensing)
Avoid exposure to the following factors:
Direct sunlight or proximity to hot objects
Mechanical vibration, mechanical shock (putting it down hard)
Soot, vapour, dust and corrosive gases
Potentially explosive environments, flammable atmospheres
Store the instrument in its original packaging in a location that fulfills the conditions listed above. If the original packaging is not available, pack and store the instrument as described below:
1. Wrap the instrument in an antistatic plastic film.
2. Place the instrument, along with shock-absorbent material, in the packaging.
3. If stored for a prolonged period of time (more than 30 days), place a bag, containing a desiccant, inside the packaging.
6 Commissioning, operation
18 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
6 Commissioning, operation
6.1 Commissioning
6.1.1 Instrument Overview
1 Connectors for external P transducer 10 Hand pump (vacuum/21 bar) 2 Pressure modules 11 Pneumatic distribution 3 IN electrical/temperature modules 12 Fine adjustment 4 OUT electrical/temperature modules 13 Connector RS-232 5 Power ON 14 Connector for battery charger 6 Power OFF 15 Battery 7 Home 16 Environmental Parameter Connector 8 Programmable Function 17 Loop power supply – 24 V d.c. 9 Changing the number of windows
6.1.2 Functional Modules
The functional modules can be classified according to their assignments:
Electrical and temperature signals measurement
Pressure measurement, (2 different modules, up to 4 internal pressure sensors and 2
connectors for external pressure sensor)
Electrical and temperature signals generation/simulation
Pressure generation and regulation
Environmental parameters measurement
Many different configurations are available according to the specific requirements of the user.
11 1 2 9 13
17 4 16
6 Commissioning, operation
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 19
GB Input module for electrical/temperature signals
The input module for electrical/temperature parameters measurement is one of those modules
inserted from the instrument’s front panel; two slides drive the module into its position. It is possible
to have up to two input modules in the same instrument: IN A and IN B. This terminology is used also by the software to carry out the connection between physical input IN and software channel. For example: if you connect a thermoresistance Pt100 to module IN A, the temperature measured by this thermoresistance can be displayed in any of the four available windows. The following figure shows the pins connection in electrical/temperature IN module.
Figure 1 – Input panel module Output module for electrical/temperature signals
The output module for electrical/temperature parameters generation or simulation is one of those inserted from the instrument’s front panel; two slides drive the module into its position. It is possible to have up to two output modules in the same instrument: OUT A and OUT B. This terminology is used also by the software to carry out the connection between physical output OUT and software channel. For example: if you connect a signal-receiver to module output OUT A, the current 4…20 mA generated can be displayed in any of the four available windows. The following figure shows the output module for electrical/temperature parameters.
Figure 2 – Output panel module
The 2 INPUT cards and 2 OUTPUT cards are plug and play modules and can be installed by the user himself.
6 Commissioning, operation
20 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
GB Pressure module
The pressure module is installed only at factory location in accordance with the Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS configuration required. It is possible to install two pressure modules, each one can support up to two internal and one external transducers. In total Pascal 100 can accommodate four
internal and two external transducers. Transducer’s selection with range and their resolutions are
in the following table. If requested, one of the standard pressure modules can be changed with one high accuracy pressure module (with one high accuracy transducer).
Internal transducers *
Precision (% FS)
Accuracy (% FS)
Typical Resolution
-60…+60 mbar
0.001 mbar
-500…+500 mbar
0.001 mbar
-900…+1500 bar
0.01 mbar
0…7 bar
0,1 mbar
0…21 bar
0.1 mbar
0…50 bar
1 mbar
0…100 bar
1 mbar
600…1300 mbar abs.
0.01 mbar
0…1500 mbar abs.
0.01 mbar
0…2500 mbar abs
0.01 mbar
0…5 bar abs.
0.1 mbar
0…7 bar abs.
0.1 mbar
0…21 bar abs.
0.1 mbar
0…81 bar abs.
1 mbar
0…100 bar abs.
1 mbar
External transducers *
Precision (% FS)
Accuracy (% FS)
Typical Resolution
-60…+60 mbar
0.001 mbar
-500…+500 mbar
0.001 mbar
-900…+1500 bar
0.001 mbar
0…7 bar
0.1 mbar
0…21 bar
0.1 mbar
0…50 bar
1 mbar
0…100 bar
1 mbar
0…200 bar
10 mbar
0…400 bar
100 mbar
0…700 bar
100 mbar
0…1000 bar
100 mbar
0…1500 mbar abs.
0.01 mbar
0…2500 mbar abs
0.01 mbar
0…5 bar abs.
0.1 mbar
0…7 bar abs.
0.1 mbar
0…21 bar abs.
0.1 mbar
0…81 bar abs.
1 mbar
0…100 bar abs.
1 mbar
* Other ranges available on request
6 Commissioning, operation
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 21
GB HART module
The HART module allows communication with HART instruments (usually transmitters) permitting to acquire digital measurements, instrument data and modifying settings. It can be inserted in the front panel in place of OUT A or OUT B module. It is a fully galvanically isolated board (like IN and OUT modules) from internal electronics of the Pascal. The module allow the 24V to supply directly the output loop for the transmitter.
Further, it can supply a 250Ω load resistance electronically switchable necessary to HART
communication, permitting to avoid the use of an external one. The following figure shows the pin connections in HART module:
Figure 3 – HART module HART wiring
Depending by several factors and combination that the user can found in a plant, there are many wiring possibility depending by:
Using module internal or external Power Supply. Using internal or external load resistance. Simultaneous analog connection of AO TRX to one Input module for mA reading
Please consider, if the user enable the internal load resistance, this will be connected between the +HART and COM terminals. Here same examples:
Figure 4 - Case 1: 24V from module, 250Ω from module
HART slave
6 Commissioning, operation
22 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
Figure 5 - Case 2: 24V from module, 250Ω external
Figure 6 - Case 3: 24V external, 250Ω from module
HART slave
HART slave
24V ext.
6 Commissioning, operation
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 23
Figure 7 - Case 4: 24V external, 250Ω external
Figure 8 - Case 8: 24V from module, 250Ω from module, mA reading by IN module Environmental parameters module (optional)
This module allows to measure: temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure. These parameters represent the most important factors that affect the calibration results. This module is connected to Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS with a multiple pin connector present in Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS front panel. This module is plug & play and the relevant information about the environmental parameters are displayed on the status bar at the top of the screen. This information is automatically reported on the calibration report.
Max. resolution
-10 +50 °C
2.7 °C
3.0 °C
0,1 °C
Barometric pressure
650 … 1150) mbar
4 % fs
5 % fs
1 mbar
Relative humidity
10 90 %
12 %
15 %
1 %
HART slave
24V ext.
6 Commissioning, operation
24 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
6.2 Pressure
6.2.1 Pneumatic circuit
Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS can be equipped with four internal and two external pressure sensors. The internal sensors work only with clean dry gas (like dry air) whereas the external sensors can work with gas or liquid. Gas is related to pneumatic circuit and liquid to hydraulic circuits. Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS has a pneumatic circuit that gives possibility to execute a large number of calibration in an easy way for connecting the device under test. An integrated pump and a fine adjustment allow to generate the required pressure. The generated pressure, according to the model, can be distributed in parallel to all sensors. The sensors whose ranges are much lower than the maximum pressure generated in the pneumatic circuit are protected from overpressure by a mechanical valve that closes the circuit when the pressure gets over its range. Switching the pressure-vacuum selector in the vacuum position is possible to generate vacuum (pressure under the barometric)
For example, if we want to measure a signal from pneumatic instrument 3 - 15 PSI or to measure high gas pressure over 21 bar and we use an internal sensor directly connected to the process, we must pay attention not to damage it by applying pressure over its range.
Figure 9 – Direct transducer
Direct transducer
6 Commissioning, operation
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 25
There are three different pneumatic schemes available in a standard Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS configuration:
This is an example of pneumatic circuit with two sensors in parallel to the pump. One of
them is protected by an overpressure valve, the other one is not protected because it has a full-scale equal to the maximum pressure generated by the pump. See following:
Figure 10 – Circuit with two sensors in parallel
This is an example of pneumatic circuit with two sensors: one sensor connected in parallel
to the pump with over pressure protection, and one sensor directly connected for measuring the external pressure signals without overpressure protection. See following:
Figure 11 - Circuit with transducer connected to process
Transducer 1
Transducer 2
Transducer 1
Transducer 2
Pressure- Vacuum variator
6 Commissioning, operation
26 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS
This is an example of pneumatic circuit with four sensors: three of them are connected in
parallel to the pumps and one straight to external. Two of them are protected by overpressure valves, the other one is not protected because it has its full-scale equal to the maximum pressure generated by pump. See following:
Figure 12 - Circuit with four transducers
6.3 Electrical
The Pascal 100 or Pascal 100/IS is a multifunction calibrator. The electrical modules can be maximum four, two of them are input modules (IN A – IN B), and the other two are output modules (OUT A – OUT B).
6.3.1 Electrical measurements
The instrument is able to measure voltage, current, resistance and frequency. To optimize the resolution and get better measurement results, there are three ranges for voltage measurement, two for resistance measurements, one range for current and three ranges for frequency. Ranges of measurement and resolutions are specified in following table:
Max resolution
(-100…100) mV
0.0001 mV
(-22) V
0.000001 V
(-80…80) V
0.00001 V
(-100…100) mA
0.0001 mA
(0…400) Ω
(0…10000) Ω
0.01 Ω
(0.4…50000) Hz
0.001 Hz
0,4…20 Hz
Open - Closed
Table 1 - Range of input signals
Pressure- Vacuum variator
Transducer 1
Transducer 3
6 Commissioning, operation
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal 100 and Pascal 100/IS 27
6.3.2 Thermocouple measurements
The electrical module measures signals from the thermocouple and shows it in different engineering units (°C, °F, K). Thermocouple types, measuring range, linearity error and related resolutions are given in the following table:
Table 2 – Thermocouple measurements table
It is possible to perform the measurement in two different ways: with internal reference (cold junction), with external reference cold junction by entering the reference value through the keyboard. When internal reference cold junction is selected, the ambient temperature is measured through the thermocouple pins using a special thermoresistance. This temperature value is used for compensation. The Standard connector Mignon for thermocouple is shown in Figure 1. The thermoresistance for compensation of the reference cold junction is integrated in the same connector.
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