WIKA BNA Operating Instructions Manual

Operating instructions Betriebsanleitung
Bypass level indicator, model BNA
Bypass-Niveaustandsanzeiger, Typ BNA
001958.03 03/2019 EN/DE
Operating instructions bypass level indicator, model BNA
Operating instructions model BNA Page 3 - 18
Betriebsanleitung Typ BNA Seite 19 - 33
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Prior to starting any work, read the operating instructions! Keep for later use!
Vor Beginn aller Arbeiten Betriebsanleitung lesen! Zum späteren Gebrauch aufbewahren!
Operating instructions bypass level indicator, model BNA
001958.03 03/2019 EN/DE
Declarations of conformity can be found online at www.wika.com.
1. General information 4
2. Design and function 5
3. Safety 5
4. Transport, packaging and storage 10
5. Commissioning, operation 10
6. Faults 13
7. Maintenance and cleaning 14
8. Dismounting, return and disposal 15
9. Specications 16
001958.03 03/2019 EN/DE
Operating instructions bypass level indicator, model BNA
1. General information
The bypass level indicators described in the operating instructions have been designed and manufactured using state-of-the-art technology. All components are subject to stringent quality and environmental criteria during production. Our management systems
are certied to ISO 9001.
These operating instructions contain important information on handling the instrument. Working safely requires that all safety instructions and work instructions are observed.
Observe the relevant local accident prevention regulations and general safety regulations for the instrument's range of use.
The operating instructions are part of the product and must be kept in the immediate vicinity of the instrument and readily accessible to skilled personnel at any time. Pass the operating instructions onto the next operator or owner of the instrument.
Skilled personnel must have carefully read and understood the operating instructions prior to beginning any work.
The general terms and conditions contained in the sales documentation shall apply.
Subject to technical modications.
Further information:
- Internet address: www.wika.de / www.wika.com
- Relevant data sheet: LM 10.01
1. General information
Operating instructions bypass level indicator, model BNA
001958.03 03/2019 EN/DE
2. Design and function
2.1 Description
The bypass level indicators work according to the principle of
communicating vessels. The bypass vessel contains a oat with a built-in
permanent magnet. This changes its position depending on the level of the medium. Magnetic indicators, switches and level sensors are mounted to the outside of the bypass tube and actuated by the magnetic
eld. Measurement of the level by guided wave radar is also possible. The tting of these options is carried out according to customer speciactions in the factory. The principle structure is described in chapter
5.3 “Commissioning”. Customer-specic versions are manufactured to order.
2.2 Scope of delivery
Cross-check scope of delivery with delivery note.
3. Safety
3.1 Explanation of symbols
... indicates a directly dangerous situation resulting in serious injury or death, if not avoided.
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation that can result in serious injury or death, if not avoided.
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation that can result in light injuries or damage to property or the environment, if not avoided.
2. Design and function / 3. Safety
001958.03 03/2019 EN/DE
Operating instructions bypass level indicator, model BNA
... points out useful tips, recommendations and information for
ecient and trouble-free operation.
3.2 Intended use
The bypass level indicator serves for continuously measuring the level of liquids in vessels.
The scope of application is dened by the technical performance limits
and materials.
The liquids must not have any large contamination or coarse particulates and must not have a tendency to crystallise. Ensure
that the wetted materials of the bypass level indicator are suciently
resistant to the medium being monitored. Not suitable for dispersions, abrasive liquids, highly viscous media and colours.
This instrument is not permitted to be used in hazardous areas! For these areas, bypass level indicators with approval (e.g. in accordance with ATEX) are required.
The operating conditions specied in the operating instructions must
be observed.
Do not operate the instrument in the direct vicinity of ferromagnetic environments (min. distance 50 mm).
Do not operate the instrument in the immediate vicinity of strong
electromagnetic elds or in the immediate vicinity of equipment that can be aected by magnetic elds (min. clearance 1 m).
The bypass level indicators must not be exposed to heavy mechanical strain (impact, bending, vibration).
The instrument has been designed and built solely for the intended use described here, and may only be used accordingly.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for claims of any type based on operation contrary to the intended use.
3. Safety
Operating instructions bypass level indicator, model BNA
001958.03 03/2019 EN/DE
Work on containers involves the danger of intoxication and
suocation. No work is allowed to be carried out unless by
taking suitable personal protective measures (e.g. respiratory
protection apparatus, protective outt etc.).
3.3 Improper use
Improper use is dened as any application that exceeds the technical
performance limits or is not compatible with the materials.
WARNING! Injuries through improper use
Improper use of the instrument can lead to hazardous situations and injuries.
Refrain from unauthorised modifications to the instrument.
Do not use the instrument within hazardous areas.
Any use beyond or dierent to the intended use is considered as
improper use.
Do not use this instrument in safety or emergency stop devices.
3.4 Responsibility of the operator
The instrument is used in the industrial sector. The operator is therefore responsible for legal obligations regarding safety at work.
The safety instructions within these operating instructions, as well as the safety, accident prevention and environmental protection regulations for the application area must be maintained.
To ensure safe working on the instrument, the operating company must ensure the following:
The operating personnel are regularly instructed in all topics
regarding work safety, rst aid and environmental protection
and know the operating instructions and in particular, the safety instructions contained therein.
The operating personnel have read the operating instructions and taken note of the safety instructions contained therein.
The intended use for the application is complied with.
Following testing, improper use of the instrument is excluded.
3. Safety
001958.03 03/2019 EN/DE
Operating instructions bypass level indicator, model BNA
3.5 Personnelqualication
Improper handling can result in considerable injury and damage to equipment.
The activities described in these operating instructions may only be carried out by skilled personnel who have the qualifications described below.
Skilled personnel
Skilled personnel, authorised by the operator, are understood to be personnel who, based on their technical training, knowledge of measurement and control technology and on their experience
and knowledge of country-specic regulations, current standards
and directives, are capable of carrying out the work described and independently recognising potential hazards.
3.6 Personal protective equipment
The personal protective equipment is designed to protect the skilled personnel from hazards that could impair their safety or health during work. When carrying out the various tasks on and with the instrument, the skilled personnel must wear personal protective equipment.
Follow the instructions displayed in the work area regarding personal protective equipment!
The requisite personal protective equipment must be provided by the operating company.
3. Safety
Operating instructions bypass level indicator, model BNA
001958.03 03/2019 EN/DE
3.7 Labelling, safety marks
Product label (examples)
Model specication
Material of bypass chamber
PS: Design pressure PT: Test pressure
Permissible medium temperature range
Density of the medium
Float specication
Measuring point number
Serial number
Before mounting and commissioning the instrument, ensure you read the operating instructions!
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3. Safety
001958.03 03/2019 EN/DE
Operating instructions bypass level indicator, model BNA
4. Transport, packaging and storage
4.1 Transport
Check the bypass level indicator for any damage that may have been caused by transport. Obvious damage must be reported immediately.
4.2 Packaging and storage
Do not remove packaging until just before commissioning.
5. Commissioning, operation
Observe all instructions given on the shipment packaging for removing the transportation safety devices.
Remove the bypass level indicator carefully from the packaging!
When unpacking, check all components for any external damage.
5.1 Mounting preparation
Detach the oat attached to the bypass level indicator from the
bypass chamber and remove the transport sleeve.
Remove the protection caps of the process connections.
Ensure that the sealing faces of the vessel or bypass level indicator are clean and do not show any mechanical damage.
Check the connection dimensions (centre-to-centre distance) and the alignment of the process connections on the vessel.
4. Transport ... / 5. Commissioning, operation
Operating instructions bypass level indicator, model BNA
001958.03 03/2019 EN/DE
Initialisation of magnetic display and magnetic switch
Slowly move the enclosed oat from bottom to top on the magnetic
display and then back down again. Align additionally mounted magnetic switches on the basis of the same principle. For bypass level indicators with insulation and magnetic displays
with Plexiglass attachments, the oat
must be moved up and down inside the tube. For magnetic displays with purge gas connections, these connections must have an airtight seal. Please refer in this case to the mounting and operating instructions for magnetic displays with purge gas connections as well.
5.2 Mounting
Observe the torque values of
screws specied in pipetting work.
Install the bypass level indicator without tension.
In the selection of the mounting material (sealings, screws, washers and nuts), take the process conditions into account. The suitability of the sealing must
be specied with regard to the
medium and its vapours.
T = upper projection M = centre-to-centre distance U = lower projection
5. Commissioning, operation
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