Whirlpool ADN 203, ADN 202, ADN 201, ADN 230, ADN 200 INSTRUCTION FOR USE

ADN 200 ADN 201 ADN 202 ADN 203


Refrigerators – compressor­type appliances with glass doors and with a fan – are designed for storage o foodstuffs and for chilling o drinks and for a short-term storage of them. Above appliances may be used in cafes, bars and the chemist’s for medicine storage.
The appliances are o temperate climatic class “N" and are intended to be used under domestic conditions.
The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation of the appliances at the ambient
temperature from 16 till 32
The appliances meet all up-to­date requirements for household refrigerators and electrical appliances.
The refrigerant R134a may be used in the appliances.
Refrigerants and the blowing agent are ecological – they don’t contain ozone laye demolishing substances.
All required preventive and repair operations should be carried out by qualified specialists.
Since the design of the appliances is continuously being improved, nonessential changes may be introduced
into this Instruction Manual without a special notice.
! In this Instruction you can
find the information how to reduce the environmental impact.

Name of an appliance Larder fridge

Energy consumption:
kWh/24 h kWh/per year
Actual consumption will depend on how the appliance is used and where
it is located.
Total gross volume, L Storage (net) volume, L
Extra data
Overall dimensions, mm Storage shelves area, dm2 Weight, kg Rated supply voltage, V Fluctuation of supply voltage, V Frequency, Hz Rated power input, W Current, A Foaming agent
ADN 200 ADN 202
2.05 748
290 275
220- 230
Cycle pentane
ADN 201 ADN 203
2.14 781
350 320
Before connection the appliance to the mains, check whether the supply cord isn’t damaged.
The plug of the appliance should be connected to the properly fixed, stationary socket providing a good contact. The socket must be with the earth wire.
If the appliance is produced with the special supply cord, it can be exchanged only by the same special supply cord provided by the manufacturer.
After installing the appliance the power supply plug must be accessible.
Clean the dust accumulated on the back wall of the appliance by means of a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner at least once a year.
Protect plastic surfaces of the food storage compartment from any fat, oils, sauces because they can cause cracks of the compartment. In case o unintended spill, immediately clean the surface with a dish washing liquid.
Do not place utensils with
liquid, which can spill over on electrical parts, and electrical heating appliances such as electric fires, irons, grills and others, which can fire the top table of the appliance.
Cleaning the appliance inside, do not forget to disconnect it from the mains.
! Keep ventilation ope-
nings, in the appliance enclosure or in the built in structure, clear o obstruction.
! Do not damage the
refrigerant circuit.
! Do not use electrical
appliances inside the food storage compart­ments of the appliance.
! After switching the
appliance off (while cleaning, removing to another place and so on), it can be repeatedly switched on only after 15 min.
! It is forbidden to touch
switch plugs after switching the appliance off.
leave the door of the
appliance open, if it is switched off for a long time;
while selling, trans-
ferring or scraping the appliance, it is obligatory to inform that isolation contains the foaming agent (gas) – cyclopentane and the refrigerant is
R 134a.
In case of scrapping
the appliance national requirements must be considered referring recycling of the refrigerant and insulation gas. the authorized service before scrapping.
Before studying the text described below, pay attention to the figures.
ADN 201 ADN 203
ADN 200 ADN 202
* - for the refrigerator ADN 202 and ADN 203.
Top mounting panel with
a set of devices 7 Shelf 11 Compressor 8 Cleaner Instruction Manual 9
10 Condenser
1 - switch - (ON), (OFF);
2 - thermostat knob; 3 - thermostat scale - (thermostat); 4 - green signal lamp - (connection to
the mains);
5 - luminaire;
6 - fan.
Scheme of luminaire replacement
" switch off the appliance
from the mains;
" remove end caps 1; " remove the diffuser 2; " remove the lamp 3 (8 W); " assemble in converse
Overall space required fo use of the appliance
Capability to rehang a door for the left-sided opening is provided in the
In this case there is put the complect of plugs in the polythene bag.
It is forbidden to lay the appliance on a floor while changing a door.
ADN 201 ADN 203
ADN 200 ADN 202
- unscrew two screws 7 and remove the bottom bracket 8
together with the set of washers 6 on the axle and the spacer 5;
- unscrew two screws 7 and remove the bracket 11 (for the
appliance ADN200 and ADN202 bracket with the wheel 11);
- remove the door 4;
- unscrew the axle 2 together with the nut 1 and washers 3 from
the upper bracket and screw all this set on the reverse side of the door;
- before hanging the door, turn the door over by 1800 and insert
the upper axle in the door;
- unscrew fixing screws 12 from doors, remove handles 13 and
fix them screwing in free holes on the same side;
- plate 10 remains in its place;
- before screwing the bottom bracket 8 together with the set of
washers and spacers on the reverse side of a cabinet, insert the bracket axle to the door;
- screw the bracket 11 (for the appliance ADN200 and ADN202
bracket with the wheel 11) on the reverse side of a cabinet.


Transportation board is o foamed polystyrene. Therefore take out adhesive tapes from sides and simply lift the appliance up and take out the board. Strip adhesive tapes off and open the door. Remove the spacer above the door.
Moving the appliance to another place, lift its front so that its supports could not touch the floor.
Adjusting supports, mount the appliance slightly inclined backwards to provide a spontaneous closing of its doors. It is very important that both front supports would abut on the floor uniformly.
Take out two supports 1 from the bag and insert them into the guides 2 in the back part of the table top.
There is provided the bracket with the wheel under the door in order to ensure good door hanging (for the refrigerator ADN200 and ADN202). The door must slide easily by wheel’s surface.
The appliance should be placed in a dry well ventilated room on the flat ground.
The appliance must be kept further from heat sources (furnaces, radiators and etc.) and direct sun rays. Can’t touch heating, gas or other tubes and also heating devices.
If it is impossible to select another place, use an insulating panel.
ATTENTION! Keep ventilation
openings, in the appliance enclosure or in the built - in structure, clear of obstruction.
If doors of the appliance close badly, it is necessary to change
the door gasket.
If this requirement is not fulfilled, the temperature in the refrigerator rises and energy consumption in creases.
Warning! Do not cover the top table openings!
The green signal lamp 4 indicates that the appliance has been connected to the mains. The fan switches on and continuously operates in the appliance with a fan.
The thermostat in "O" (switched off) position switches off from the mains only the compressor.
Temperature in the storage compartment is adjusted by the thermostat knob 2. The thermostat is switched off when the knob on the thermostat scale 3 is turned to the position "0". Turning the thermostat knob clockwise, the temperature in the storage compartment is being reduced.
A thermometer placed
inside the appliance shows an average temperature of the storage compartment.
Lighting of the storage compartment is switched on by pressing the switch 1.
Temperature in the storage compartment depends on the ambient temperature, on the position of the thermostat knob and on quantity of stored foodstuffs.
At the beginning the knob o the thermostat should be turned to the position “3”. I foodstuffs are too cold - to the position “1”-“3”, if foodstuffs are not enough cold – to the position “3”-“5”.
Liquids or foodstuffs absorbing or spreading odours should be stored in closed utensils.
Before loading into the appliance, foodstuffs must be cooled to the room temperature.
The evaporator of the storage compartment is called "crying evaporator". This type of the evaporator is melting constantly when the compressor is switched off (the evaporator may be covered by frost or dew). The melting water flows to the tray on the top of the compressor.
In order to guarantee normal operation of the appliance, clean it at least once a month with warm water or soap and soda solution.
Cleaning the appliance o disconnecting it for any period of time, perform the following procedures:
! disconnect the appliance
from the mains;
! take foodstuffs out of the
! leave the door open.
After cleaning the appliance must be wiped and ventilated. Clean the hole in the gutte by means of the cleaner 8.
! Do not use mechanical
or other devices othe than recommended in this Manual, to remove snow and ice.
! Do not clean the stick
label with liquids containing alcohol.
! Appliances produced
from a stainless steel should be cleaned only with cleansers for those surfaces. ("Bio-chem inox-Protect", "Chromol Edelstahlpfleger" and so on).
We inform that there are some natural noise resources spread by the appliance which are not failures, as follows:
1. Noise spread by working electric motor of the compressor which is stronger for a time during start of the compressor.
2. Noise spread by the refrigerant move along tubes which shows itself by chattering, bubbling, soughing.
Information. If your refrigerator failed or the power break occurred
and you didn’t succeed to remove a failure within 24 hours, switch the refrigerator off, remove foodstuffs, open the door. In order to avoid an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, clean the compartments, wipe dry and ventilate them.
If operation trouble occurs, make sure once more whether you are able to eliminate it.
Use the troubleshooting chart given below for this purpose.
Trouble Possible reasons and ways of elimination
The appliance connected to the mains doesn’t operate (the green lamp doesn’t light).
Increased noise
During opening the doors the gasket goes out
Accumulated water at the bottom of the storage compartment
High temperature in the appliance means.
There is no voltage in the mains or no contact between the plug and the socket. Check voltage in the socket and the contact between the plug and the socket
The appliance is placed incorrectly or the tubes of the cooling system touches the cabinet of the appliance or the wall. Check whether the appliance is placed according to recommendations of this Instruction Manual. Eliminate touching of the tubes. Insert the gasket into its place strongly pressing the inner part of the gasket. If the gasket is poured with oily liquids it is necessary before inserting to clean the gasket and the groove in the door with a dish washing liquid and wipe dry. The system of melted water disposal is clogged. Clean the hole in the gutter by means of the cleaner 8. A lot of warm foodstuffs loaded; doors have been opened for a long time or too often.
Surface of the appliance dews.
The appliance should be transported in the vertical position. Tightly
fasten the appliance in order to avoid any moving or shocks in conveyance.
High relative humidity (over 70 %).
For better repair service together with your written order or order by phone you should indicate data of your appliance. You can find them in the marking label of your appliance – see the fig. below
The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negatyve consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
Vitrinele frigorifice sunt vitrine frigorifice cu un compresor; cu usi de sticla si ventilator. Vitrinele frigorifice sunt produse pentru pastrarea alimentelor, pentru racirea si pastrarea bauturilor pe scurt timp.
Pot fi folosite in baruri, pentru pastrarea cafelei sau pentru pastrarea medicamentelor.
Vitrinele frigorifice fac parte din clasa “N” de temperatura si sunt destinate pentru uz casnic.
Producatorul garanteaza functionarea fara probleme a vitrinei frigorifice intr-un mediu
ambiant de la +16 la +32 oC.
Vitrinele frigorifice intrunesc toate conditiile necesare aparatelor electrice destinate pentru uz casnic.
gentul de racire R 134a poate fi folosit in vitrinele frigorifice.
Toate operatiile de prevenire si reparare necesare vor fi facute numai de catre specialisti cu pregatire.
Intrucat modul de fabricare a vitrinelor frigorificelor este intr­o continua imbunatatire, schimbari ne-esentiale pot fi omise in acest Manual de Utilizare.
Atat vitrinele frigorifice cat si agentul de racire sunt ecologice – nu contin substante ce pot afecta stratul de ozon.
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