Mono Input Channels:
1. Low Impedance (or Low Z) Mic Inputs
The R200 features four low noise, high headroom Low Z mic inputs for use with balanced or low
impedance microphones or low level external equipment with XLR connectors.
2. Line Inputs
The R200 features four balanced/unbalanced high impedance mono line inputs for use with high level
signals with 1/4 phone plug connectors.
3. Low Cut Filter:
The low cut filter can be activated by pressing this button. The slope of this filter is 18dB. 3dB at 75Hz
and should be used when it is necessary to eliminate or reduce background rumble, breathing noises and
4. Gain Control:
The input level on the mic channels is controlled by using the Gain Control maximising the signal to noise
ratio. The Gain control should be used in conjunction with the Peak LED (10) which will illuminate if the
input gain is too high.
5. EQ Section:
Each mono input channel features a three band EQ section. The Hi EQ control has an upper shelf limit of
12kHz, the Mid EQ 2.5kHz and the Low EQ 80Hz. Each control has a range of -15db to +15dB cut and
boost, with a central point of 0 for OFF. The EQ control section should be used in conjunction with the
Low Cut Filter (3) to add extra warmth or extra punch to the mix where necessary.
AUX Section
6. The AUX is set to Pre Fader (independent of the channel fader) and post EQ.
7. The EFX control is set to Post Fader which allows you adjust channel EFX send level to the external effect
Volume and Panning
8. The Pan control adjusts the amount of channel signal sent to the left versus the right inputs. On the mono
channels the controls act as true Pan pots.
9. The level to the main mix bus is controlled by the channel volume control with a range to +15dB.
10. Mic channel level is determined by the GAIN control (4). In addition to main metering, a channel PEAK
LED illuminates when a channel is going into overload. These LED s take their cue from post EQ.
Stereo input Channels:
11. The R200 stereo channel features two unbalanced line level inputs with 1/4 jacks for left and right signals.
12. Left mono input: When the left input is connected only, then the channel operates in mono.
13. -10/+4. Switch: This button lets you choose between the two standard operating levels -10dBv and +4dBu.
Aux send and stereo EFX return
14. The AUX Send and EFX Send are provided on unbalanced 1/4 jacks.
15. The stereo EFX return, If you connect a jack only to the Left socket it will operate in mono.
16. EFX to AUX button: Press the EFX to AUX button can route the EFX return signal to the AUX bus.
17. EFX send level control
18. EFX return level control
R Series Mixers R200