WEG SRW 01 User Manual

Smart Relay
SRW 01 (Ethernet)
Motors | Automation | Energy | Transmission & Distribution | Coatings
User's Manual
User’s Manual
Series: SRW 01
Language: English
Document Nº: 10002415831 / 01
Software Version: 2.0X
Publication Date: 11/2017
Summary of Reviews
The information below describes the revisions made to this manual.
Version Review Description
V1.0X R00 First edition
V2.0X R01 General review
QUICK REFERENCE OF THE PARAMETERS .......................................... 0-1
1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................... 1-1
1.1 SAFETY WARNINGS IN THE MANUAL ............................................................... 1-1
1.2 PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS ...............................................................1-1
2 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................... 2-1
2.1 ABOUT THE MANUAL..........................................................................................2-1
2.2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS USED IN THE MANUAL ......................................... 2-1
2.3 ABOUT THE SRW 01 ............................................................................................ 2-3
2.4 SRW 01 IDENTIFICATION LABEL ....................................................................... 2-6
2.5 HOW TO SPECIFY THE SRW 01 MODEL ........................................................... 2-6
2.6 RECEIVING AND STORAGE ................................................................................ 2-6
2.7 POWER FACTOR .................................................................................................. 2-7
3 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION ...................................................... 3-1
3.1 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION ............................................................................ 3-1
3.1.1 Environmental Conditions ..........................................................................3-1
3.1.2 Mounting ...................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION .............................................................................. 3-3
3.3 RELAY POWER SUPPLY ...................................................................................... 3-4
3.4 POWER CABLES .................................................................................................. 3-4
3.5 CURRENT MEASUREMENT UNIT (UMC) CONNECTION ................................. 3-5
3.7 EXTERNAL CURRENT TRANSFORMER (CT) USE ............................................ 3-7
3.8 USB CONNECTION .............................................................................................. 3-7
3.9.1 Identification of the Digital Inputs Types (UC) .......................................... 3-8
3.9.2 Connection of an External Power Supply for the Digital Inputs
(24 Vdc) ..................................................................................................................3-8
3.11 EXPANSION DIGITAL UNIT (EDU) CONNECTION ...........................................3-9
INPUTS ......................................................................................................................3-10
OUTPUTS .................................................................................................................. 3-11
3.14 CONNECTION OF THE EARTH LEAKAGE SENSOR (ELS) ...........................3-11
3.15 SHORT CIRCUIT RANGES (UL) .......................................................................3-12
4 HUMAN-MACHINE INTERFACE (HMI) .................................................. 4-1
4.1 KEYS .....................................................................................................................4-2
4.2 HMI LOCAL MESSAGES .....................................................................................4-2
4.3 PARAMETERIZATION ..........................................................................................4-2
4.4 PARAMETER STRUCTURE ................................................................................. 4-3
4.5 PASSWORD FOR PARAMETERIZATION ............................................................ 4-3
4.6 COPY FUNCTION ................................................................................................. 4-4
4.6.1 Procedure to Be Used to Copy Parameter Sets and/or User Programs
from the SRW 01-A (Source) to the SRW 01-B (Destination) ...........................4-5
5 PARAMETERIZATION ............................................................................. 5-1
5.1 LOCAL/REMOTO..................................................................................................5-2
5.2 LOCAL/REMOTE COMMAND .............................................................................5-2
5.3 DIGITAL INPUTS AND OUTPUTS ........................................................................ 5-6
5.4 OPERATION MODES .......................................................................................... 5-10
5.4.1 SRW 01 Check Back .................................................................................5-10
5.4.2 Transparent Mode .....................................................................................5-12 Connection Diagram – Transparent Mode ....................................5-13
5.4.3 Overload Relay ..........................................................................................5-13 Connection Diagram – Overload Relay .........................................5-14
5.4.4 Direct Starter .............................................................................................5-14 Connection Diagram – Direct Starter ............................................5-15 Operation Diagram – Direct Starter ............................................... 5-16
5.4.5 Reversing Starter ......................................................................................5-16 Connection Diagram – Reversing Starter .....................................5-17 Operation Diagram – Reversing Starter ........................................ 5-18
5.4.6 Star-Delta Starter ...................................................................................... 5-19 Connection Diagram – Star-Delta Starter .....................................5-20 Operation Diagram – Star-Delta Starter ........................................5-21
5.4.7 Dahlander Starter ...................................................................................... 5-21 Connection Diagram – Dahlander Starter ..................................... 5-22 Operation Diagram – Dahlander Starter ........................................5-23
5.4.8 Pole Changing Starter ..............................................................................5-23 Connection Diagram – Pole Changing Starter ..............................5-24 Operation Diagram – Pole Changing Starter ...............................5-25
5.4.9 PLC Mode ..................................................................................................5-25 Connection Diagram – PLC ............................................................5-26
5.5 MOTOR CONFIGURATION ................................................................................ 5-26
5.6 COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................. 5-29
5.6.1 Ethernet .....................................................................................................5-30
5.7 PROTECTION CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ............................................5-31
5.7.1 Hysteresis ..................................................................................................5-32
5.7.2 External Fault .............................................................................................5-33
5.7.3 Current Imbalance between Phases .......................................................5-35
5.7.4 Earth Fault ..................................................................................................5-36
5.7.5 Phase Loss (Current) ................................................................................5-37
5.7.6 Overcurrent ................................................................................................ 5-37
5.7.7 Undercurrent ..............................................................................................5-38
5.7.8 Frequency Out of Range ........................................................................... 5-39
5.7.9 Earth Leakage ...........................................................................................5-40 Earth Leakage Protection Operation ............................................. 5-40 Inhibition of the Earth Leakage Protection at Starting ................5-41 Trip Inhibition Function in Case of Short Circuit ..........................5-42 Verification of the Earth Leakage Current Measuring ................. 5-43
5.7.10 PTC Thermal Protection .........................................................................5-43
5.7.11 Overload ................................................................................................... 5-44
5.7.12 Service Factor .........................................................................................5-48
5.7.13 Cooling Time ............................................................................................5-48
5.7.14 Overload Parameterization ....................................................................5-49 Tripping Class Programming Suggestion ...................................5-49
5.7.15 Tripping Class Programming Example .................................................. 5-50 Reduction of the Time from Cold to Warm Starting ................... 5-51
5.7.16 Phase Sequence ......................................................................................5-51
5.7.17 Voltage Unbalance .................................................................................. 5-51
5.7.18 Phase Loss (Voltage) ............................................................................... 5-52
5.7.19 Overvoltage ..............................................................................................5-53
5.7.20 Undervoltage ...........................................................................................5-54
5.7.21 Underpower ............................................................................................. 5-54
5.7.22 Overpower ...............................................................................................5-55
5.7.23 Power Under Factor ................................................................................ 5-56
5.7.24 Power Over Factor .................................................................................. 5-57
5.7.25 Reset Button ............................................................................................ 5-58 Reset ...............................................................................................5-58 Trip Test .......................................................................................... 5-58
5.7.26 Reset to the Factory Settings ................................................................5-59
5.7.27 Auto-Reset ............................................................................................... 5-60
5.7.28 Ladder Program Execution ....................................................................5-60
5.7.29 User Parameters .....................................................................................5-61
6 MONITORING ......................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 MONITORING PARAMETERS ............................................................................. 6-1
7 DIAGNOSIS ............................................................................................. 7-1
7.1 DIAGNOSIS VIA LEDS ..........................................................................................7-1
7.2 DIAGNOSIS VIA HMI ............................................................................................ 7-2
7.3 HISTÓRICO DE DESARMES ................................................................................7-3
8 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................... 8-1
8.1 MECHANICAL DATA ............................................................................................8-3
Quick Reference of Parameters


Parameter Description Adjustable Range
P000 Access to the Parameters 0 to 9999 0 rw 4-4 P001 Scan Cycle Time 0.0 to 6553.5 ms - RO 5-60 P002 IN % Current 0 to 999 % - RO 6-3 P003 True RMS Current 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 6-3 P004 Average Voltage True RMS 0 to 1000 V - RO 6-3 P005 Line Frequency 0.0 to 99.9 Hz - RO 6-4 P006 Relay Status (binary) bit0 = Error
P007 Relay Status 2 (binary) bit0 = HMI 0 key
P008 Power Factor 0.00 to 1.00 - RO 6-5 P009 Motor Reactive Power 0.0 to 6553.5 kVAr - RO 6-5 P010 Motor Active Power 0.0 to 6553.5 kW - RO 6-5 P011 Motor Apparent Power 0.0 to 6553.5 kVA - RO 6-5 P012 Digital Inputs I11 to I16 Status
P013 Digital Outputs O1 to O4 Status
P014 Last Error 0 to 200 - RO 6-6 P015 Second Error 0 to 200 - RO 6-6 P016 Current Error 0 to 200 - RO 6-6 P020 PTC Value (ohms) 0 to 10000 Ω - RO 6-6 P023 Firmware Version (UC) 0.00 to 655.35 - RO 6-7 P024 Type of Protection (UC) 0 = PTC
P026 Firmware Version (UMC/UMCT) 0.00 to 655.35 - RO 6-7 P027 Firmware Version (EDU) 0.00 to 655.35 - RO 6-7 P029 Value of Addressing Switches 0000h to 00FFh - RO 6-7 P030 L1 Phase True RMS Current 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 6-7 P031 L2 Phase True RMS Current 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 6-8 P032 L3 Phase True RMS Current 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 6-8 P033 Line Voltage L1-L2 0 to 1000 V - RO 6-8 P034 Line Voltage L2-L3 0 to 1000 V - RO 6-8 P035 Line Voltage L3-L1 0 to 1000 V - RO 6-8 P036 Earth Leakage Percentage Current 0 to 3334 % - RO 6-8 P037 Earth Leakage True RMS Current 0.000 to 10.000 A - RO 6-9 P042 Powered Relay Time 0 to 65530 h - RO 6-9 P043 Motor Running Time 0 to 65530 h - RO 6-9 P044 Meter kWh 0.0 to 999.9 kWh - RO 6-9 P045 Meter MWh 0 to 65535 MWh - RO 6-9 P046 Meter kVArh 0.0 to 999.9 kVArh - RO 6-10 P047 Meter MVArh 0 to 65535 MVArh - RO 6-10 P050 Motor Thermal Protection 0 to 100 % - RO 6-10 P051 Current Imbalance Level 0 to 100 % - RO 6-10 P052 Earth Fault Level 0 to 200 % - RO 6-11 P053 Voltage Unbalance Level 0 to 100 % - RO 6-11 P060 Number of Starts 0 to 65535 - RO 6-11
bit1 = Trip bit2 = Alarm/Fault bit3 = Motor On bit4 = Remote Mode
bit1 = HMI I key bit2 = Speed Direction/Speed bit3 = Motor Transition bit4 = Cooling Time
0 to 63 - RO 5-8
bit0 = O1 bit1 = O2 bit2 = O3 bit3 = O4
1 = ELS 2 = PTC/ELS
- RO 6-4
- RO 6-4
- RO 6-6
- RO 6-7
Proprieties Page
SRW 01 | 0-1
Quick Reference of Parameters
Parameter Description Adjustable Range
P061 Number of Overload Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-11 P062 Number of Current Imbalance Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-11 P063 Number of Earth Fault Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-11 P064 Number of Phase Loss (Current)
P065 Number of Overcurrent Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-12 P066 Number of Undercurrent Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-12 P067 Number of Frequency Out of Range
P068 Number of PTC Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-12 P069 Number of Earth Leakage Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-12 P070 Number of External Fault Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-13 P071 Trip Status 1 (binary) bit0 = PTC
P072 Trip Status 2 (binary) bit0 = Phase Loss (Current)
P073 Trip Status 3 (binary) bit0 = Earth Leakage
P075 Alarm Status 1 (binary) bit0 = PTC
P076 Alarm Status 2 (binary) bit0 = Phase Loss (Current)
P077 Alarm Status 3 (binary) bit0 = Earth Leakage
P078 General Trip Status 2 0 to 65535 - RO 6-14 P079 General Alarm Status 2 0 to 65535 - RO 6-15 P080 General Trip Status 0 to 65535 - RO 6-15 P081 General Alarm Status 0 to 65535 - RO 6-15 P082 Total Number of Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-15 P084 Communication Protocol 0 = None
P085 Type of Digital Inputs UC 0 = Invalid
P086 Digital Inputs I5 to I10 Status
P087 Digital Outputs O5 to O8 Status
P100 Number of Voltage Unbalance 0 to 65535 - RO 6-16 P101 Number of Phase Loss (Voltage) 0 to 65535 - RO 6-16 P102 Number of Overvoltage Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-17 P103 Number of Undervoltage Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-17
0 to 65535 - RO 6-12
0 to 65535 - RO 6-12
bit1 = Out of Frequency bit2 = Undercurrent bit3 = Overcurrent
bit1 = Current Imbalance bit2 = Earth Fault bit3 = Overload
bit1 = External Fault bit2 = Trip Test bit3 = Phase Sequence
bit1 = Out of Frequency bit2 = Undercurrent bit3 = Overcurrent
bit1 = Current Imbalance bit2 = Earth Fault bit3 = Overload
bit1 = External Fault bit2 = No Function bit3 = No Function
1 = Modbus-RTU 2 = DeviceNet 3 = Profibus DP 4 = Modbus-TCP 5 = Ethernet/IP 6 = ProfiNet IO
1 = Invalid 2 = 24 Vdc 3 = 110 Vac
0 to 63 - RO 5-9
bit0 = O5 bit1 = O6 bit2 = O7 bit3 = O8
- RO 6-13
- RO 6-13
- RO 6-13
- RO 6-14
- RO 6-14
- RO 6-14
- RO 6-15
- RO 3-8
- RO 5-9
Proprieties Page
0-2 | SRW 01
Quick Reference of Parameters
Parameter Description Adjustable Range
P104 Number of Underpower 0 to 65535 - RO 6-17 P105 Number of Overpower Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-17 P106 Number of Power Under Factor
P107 Number of Power Over Factor Trips 0 to 65535 - RO 6-18 P110 Trip Status 4 (binary) bit0 - Voltage Unbalance
P111 Trip Status 5 (binary) bit0 - Underpower
P115 Alarm Status 4 (binary) bit0 - Voltage Unbalance
P116 Alarm Status 5 (binary) bit0 - Underpower
P118 Parameter Defined by User 1 1 to 1109 5 Sys, rw 7-3 P119 Parameter Defined by User 2 1 to 1109 20 Sys, rw 7-3 P120 Last Error Code 0 to 200 - RO 7-4 P121 Phase L1 Current Last Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-4 P122 Phase L2 Current Last Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-4 P123 Phase L3 Current Last Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-5 P124 Thermal Protection Last Error 0 to 100 % - RO 7-5 P125 Earth Leakage Current Last Error 0.000 to 10.000 A - RO 7-5 P126 Logical Status Last Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-6 P127 Voltage L1-L2 Last Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-6 P128 Voltage L2-L3 Last Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-6 P129 Voltage L3-L1 Last Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-7 P130 Defined by User 1 Last Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-7 P131 Defined by User 2 Last Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-7 P135 Second Error Code 0 to 200 - RO 7-4 P136 Phase L1 Current Second Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-4 P137 Phase L2 Current Second Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-4 P138 Phase L3 Current Second Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-5 P139 Thermal Protection Second Error 0 to 100 % - RO 7-5 P140 Earth Leakage Current Second
P141 Logical Status Second Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-6 P142 Voltage L1-L2 Second Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-6 P143 Voltage L2-L3 Second Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-6 P144 Voltage L3-L1 Second Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-7 P145 Defined by User 1 Second Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-7 P146 Defined by User 2 Second Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-7 P150 Third Error Code 0 to 200 - RO 7-4 P151 Phase L1 Current Third Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-4 P152 Phase L2 Current Third Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-4 P153 Phase L3 Current Third Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-5 P154 Thermal Protection Third Error 0 to 100 % - RO 7-5 P155 Earth Leakage Current Third Error 0.000 to 10.000 A - RO 7-5 P156 Logical Status Third Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-6 P157 Voltage L1-L2 Third Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-6 P158 Voltage L2-L3 Third Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-6 P159 Voltage L3-L1 Third Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-7
0 to 65535 - RO 6-17
bit1 - Phase Loss (Voltage) bit2 - Overvoltage bit3 - Undervoltage
bit1 - Overpower bit2 - Power Under Factor bit3 - Power Over Factor
bit1 - Phase Loss (Voltage) bit2 - Overvoltage bit3 - Undervoltage
bit1 - Overpower bit2 - Power Under Factor bit3 - Power Over Factor
0.000 to 10.000 A - RO 7-5
- RO 6-18
- RO 6-18
- RO 6-18
- RO 6-19
Proprieties Page
SRW 01 | 0-3
Quick Reference of Parameters
Parameter Description Adjustable Range
P160 Defined by User 1 Third Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-7 P161 Defined by User 2 Third Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-7 P165 Fourth Error Code 0 to 200 - RO 7-4 P166 Phase L1 Current Fourth Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-4 P167 Phase L2 Current Fourth Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-4 P168 Phase L3 Current Fourth Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-5 P169 Thermal Protection Fourth Error 0 to 100 % - RO 7-5 P170 Earth Leakage Current Fourth Error 0.000 to 10.000 A - RO 7-5 P171 Logical Status Fourth Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-6 P172 Voltage L1-L2 Fourth Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-6 P173 Voltage L2-L3 Fourth Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-6 P174 Voltage L3-L1 Fourth Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-7 P175 Defined by User 1 Fourth Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-7 P176 Defined by User 2 Fourth Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-7 P180 Fifth Error Code 0 to 200 - RO 7-4 P181 Phase L1 Current Fifth Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-4 P182 Phase L2 Current Fifth Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-4 P183 Phase L3 Current Fifth Error 0.0 to 6553.5 A - RO 7-5 P184 Thermal Protection Fifth Error 0 to 100 % - RO 7-5 P185 Earth Leakage Current Fifth Error 0.000 to 10.000 A - RO 7-5 P186 Logical Status Fifth Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-6 P187 Voltage L1-L2 Fifth Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-6 P188 Voltage L2-L3 Fifth Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-6 P189 Voltage L3-L1 Fifth Error 0 to 1000 V - RO 7-7 P190 Defined by User 1 Fifth Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-7 P191 Defined by User 2 Fifth Error 0 to 65535 - RO 7-7 P200 Password Status 0 = Inactive
1 = Active 2 = Change Password
P202 Operation Mode 0 = Transparent
1 = Overload Relay 2 = Direct Starter 3 = Reversing Starter 4 = Star/Delta 5 = Dahlander 6 = Pole Changing 7 = PLC
P204 Counter Reset / Factory Settings 0 = No Function
1 = Reset of the Motor Running Time 2 = It resets the Protection counters and the Number of Starts counter 3 = Resets Power Meters 4 = Reset Trip History 5 = Reset to the Factory Settings
P205 Reading Parameter Selection 1 = P002 (% IN Current)
2 = P003 (True RMS Current) 3 = P005 (Line Frequency) 4 = P006 (Relay Status (binary)) 5 = User defined
P206 User Selection 1 to 1109 3 Sys, rw 4-3 P208 Check Back Type 0 = Motor Current
1 = Digital Input Ix 2 = Simulation
P209 Execution Time 0.1 to 99.0 s 0.5 s Sys, CFG 5-11 P210 Star/Delta Time 1 to 999 s 25 s Sys, CFG 5-19 P211 Check Back Time 0.1 to 99.0 s 0.5 s Sys, CFG 5-12 P212 Motor Transition Time 0.01 to 99.00 s 0.05 s Sys, CFG 5-17
1 Sys, rw 4-4
1 Sys, CFG 5-10
0 Sys, rw 5-60
2 Sys, rw 4-3
0 Sys, CFG 5-11
Proprieties Page
0-4 | SRW 01
Quick Reference of Parameters
Parameter Description Adjustable Range
P220 Local/Remote Selection 0 = Always Local
P229 Local Command Selection 0 = Ix
P230 Two or Three-wire Command (Ix) 0 = Two wires (Switch)
P231 Stop Logic with Three-wire
Command (Ix)
P232 Remote Command Selection 0 = Ix
P233 Retentive or Impulsive Control
P277 Digital Output O1 Function 0 = Internal Use
P278 Digital Output O2 Function See Options in P277 0 Sys, CFG 5-6 P279 Digital Output O3 Function See Options in P277 1 Sys, CFG 5-6 P280 Digital Output O4 Function See Options in P277 1 Sys, CFG 5-6 P281 Digital Output O5 Function See Options in P277 1 Sys, CFG 5-6 P282 Digital Output O6 Function See Options in P277 1 Sys, CFG 5-6 P283 Digital Output O7 Function See Options in P277 1 Sys, CFG 5-6 P284 Digital Output O8 Function See Options in P277 1 Sys, CFG 5-7 P294 Expansion Digital Unit (EDU) 0 = EDU Not Used
1 = Always Remote 2 = HMI key (LOC) 3 = HMI key (REM) 4 = Digital Input I13 5 = Digital Input I14 6 = Fieldbus (LOC) 7 = Fieldbus (REM) 8 = USB/Ladder 9 = Digital Input I15 10 = Digital Input I16
1 = HMI 2 = USB/Ladder
1 = Three wires (Pushbutton)
0 = Digital Input I11 (NC) 1 = Digital Input I11 (NO)
1 = HMI 2 = USB/Ladder 3 = Fieldbus
0 = Retentive (Switch) 1 = Impulsive (Pushbutton)
1 = Ladder 2 = Fieldbus 3 = Alarm/Fault Signal (NO) 4 = Trip/Error Signal (NO) 5 = Trip/Error Signal (NC) 6 = Check Back Signal (NO) 7 = Trip Signal PTC (NO) 8 = Trip Signal Out of Frequency (NO) 9 = Trip Signal Undercurrent (NO) 10 = Trip Signal Overcurrent (NO) 11 = Trip Signal Phase Loss (current) (NO) 12 = Trip Signal Current Imbalance (NO) 13 = Trip Signal Earth Fault (NO) 14 = Trip Signal Overload (NO) 15 = Trip Signal Earth Leakage (NO) 16 = Trip Signal External Fault (NO) 17 = Trip Signal Trip Test (NO) 18 = Trip Signal Phase Sequence (NO) 19 = Trip Signal Voltage Unbalance (NO) 20 = Trip Signal Phase Loss (voltage) (NO) 21 = Trip Signal Overvoltage (NO) 22 = Trip Signal Undervoltage (NO) 23 = Trip Signal Underpower (NO) 24 = Trip Signal Overpower (NO) 25 = Trip Signal Power Under Factor (NO) 26 = Trip Signal Power Over Factor (NO)
1 = EDU Used
2 Sys, rw 5-2
0 Sys, rw 5-2
1 Sys, CFG 5-5
0 Sys, CFG 5-5
3 Sys, rw 5-3
1 Sys, CFG 5-3
0 Sys, CFG 5-6
0 Sys, CFG 3-10
Proprieties Page
SRW 01 | 0-5
Quick Reference of Parameters
Parameter Description Adjustable Range
P295 Currente and/or Voltage
Measurement Unit (UMC/UMCT)
P296 Number of Turns Through the UMC/
P297 Motor Type 0 = Three-Phase
P298 External CT Primary Current 1 a 5000 A 1 A Sys, CFG 5-27 P299 External CT Secondary Current 0 = 1 A
P310 Configuration of the Serial Interface
P311 Action for HMI Communication Error 0 = Only Fault Indication
P312 Action for EDU Communication
P313 Action in Case of Communication
P315 Action in the Local/Remote
P400 Motor Nominal Voltage 0 to 1000 V 380 V Sys, CFG 5-28 P401 Motor Nominal Current 1 0.0 to 5000.0 A 0.5 A Sys, CFG 5-28 P402 Motor Nominal Current 2 0.0 to 5000.0 A 0.5 A Sys, CFG 5-29 P404 Motor Rated Power 0.1 to 6553.5 kW 75.0 kW Sys, CFG 5-29 P406 Service Factor 1.00 to 1.50 1.15 Sys, CFG 5-48 P407 Line Frequency 0 to 99 Hz 60 Hz Sys, CFG 5-39 P408 Motor Phase Sequence 0 = 1-2-3
P500 Parameter Upload/Download 0 = No Function
P501 User Program Upload/Download 0 = No Function
P601 Reset Selection 0 = Without Local Reset
P602 Function Test/Reset Button 0 = Disabled
P605 Hysteresis 0 to 15 % 5 % Sys, rw 5-33
0 = UMC0/UMCT0 (0.25 – 2.5 A) 1 = UMC1/UMCT1 (0.5 – 5 A) 2 = UMC2/UMCT2 (1.25 – 12.5 A) 3 = UMC3/UMCT3 (2.5 – 25 A) 4 = UMC4/UMCT4 (12.5 – 125 A) 5 = UMC5/UMCT5 (42 – 420 A) 6 = UMC6/UMCT6 (84 – 840 A) 7 = UMC1/UMCT1 + External CT
1 to 10 1 Sys, CFG 5-27
1 = Single-Phase
1 = 5 A
0 = 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit 1 = 8 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit 2 = 8 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit 3 = 8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bit 4 = 8 data bits, even parity, 2 stop bit 5 = 8 data bits, odd parity, 2 stop bit
1 = The Motor is Turned Off
0 = Only Fault Indication 1 = The Motor is Turned Off
0 = Only Fault Indication 1 = The Motor is Turned Off 2 = The Motor is Turned Off and the Commands are Reset 3 = It Changes to Local
0 = Keep Motor Status 1 = The Motor is Turned Off
1 = 3-2-1
1 = Save Bank 1 2 = Save Bank 2 3 = Save Bank 3 4 = Load Bank 1 5 = Load Bank 2 6 = Load Bank 3
1 = Save Applicative 1 2 = Save Applicative 2 3 = Save Applicative 3 4 = Load Applicative 1 5 = Load Applicative 2 6 = Load Applicative 3
1 = Front Button 2 = Reset key (HMI) 3 = Digital Input I13 4 = Digital Input I14 5 = Digital Input I15 6 = Digital Input I16
1 = Enabled
1 Sys, CFG 5-26
0 Sys, CFG 5-27
0 Sys, CFG 5-27
3 Sys, CFG 5-30
0 Sys, rw 5-4
0 Sys, rw 3-10
0 Sys, rw 5-30
0 Sys, CFG 5-3
0 Sys, CFG 5-29
0 Sys, rw 4-5
0 Sys, rw 4-6
1 Sys, rw 5-58
1 Sys, rw 5-59
Proprieties Page
0-6 | SRW 01
Quick Reference of Parameters
Parameter Description Adjustable Range
P606 External Fault Protection 0 = Disabled
P607 Auto-reset External Fault 0 = Disabled
P608 External Fault Timing 0 = Disabled
P609 External Fault Time 1 to 99 s 1 s Sys, rw 5-34 P610 External Fault Monitoring of
P611 External Fault Signal 0 = Digital Input I11
P612 External Fault Signal Logic 0 = Digital Input NC
P613 External Fault Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P614 Current Imbalance 5 to 100 % 40 % Sys, rw 5-36 P615 Current Imbalance Time 0 = Disabled
P616 Current Imbalance Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P617 Earth Fault 40 to 100 % 50 % Sys, rw 5-36 P618 Earth Fault Time 0 = Disabled
P619 Earth Fault Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P620 Phase Loss (Current) Time 0 = Disabled
P621 Phase Loss (Current) Protection
P622 Overcurrent 50 to 1000 % 400 % Sys, rw 5-38 P623 Overcurrent Time 0 = Disabled
P624 Overcurrent Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P625 Undercurrent 5 to 100 % 20 % Sys, rw 5-38 P626 Undercurrent Time 0 = Disabled
P627 Undercurrent Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P628 Frequency Out of Range 5 to 20 % 5 % Sys, rw 5-39 P629 Frequency Out of Range Time 0 = Disabled
P630 Frequency Out of Range Protection
P631 Earth Leakage Protection 0 = Disabled
P632 Earth Leakage Current Level
P633 Earth Leakage Time 0.1 to 99.0 s 0.5 s Sys, rw 5-41 P634 Earth Leakage Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P635 Earth Leakage Start Up Inhibit 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
1 = Enabled
1 = Enabled
0 = Always 1 = Only When the Motor is Running
1 = Digital Input I12 2 = Digital Input I13 3 = Digital Input I14 4 = Digital Input I15 5 = Digital Input I16
1 = Digital Input NO
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Enabled
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Enabled
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Enabled
0 = Alarm 1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Enabled
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Enabled
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Enabled
0 = Alarm 1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 = Enabled
0 = 0.3 A 1 = 0.5 A 2 = 1 A 3 = 2 A 4 = 3 A 5 = 5 A
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 = Enabled
0 Sys, rw 5-33
0 Sys, rw 5-34
0 Sys, rw 5-34
0 Sys, rw 5-34
3 Sys, rw 5-35
1 Sys, rw 5-35
1 Sys, rw 5-35
3 s Sys, rw 5-36
1 Sys, rw 5-36
3 s Sys, rw 5-37
1 Sys, rw 5-37
3 s Sys, rw 5-37
1 Sys, rw 5-37
3 s Sys, rw 5-38
1 Sys, rw 5-38
0 s Sys, rw 5-39
1 Sys, rw 5-39
0 s Sys, rw 5-39
1 Sys, rw 5-40
0 Sys, rw 5-41
2 Sys, rw 5-41
1 Sys, rw 5-41
0 Sys, rw 5-41
Proprieties Page
SRW 01 | 0-7
Quick Reference of Parameters
Parameter Description Adjustable Range
P636 Earth Leakage Start up Time Inhibit 1 to 600 s 5 s Sys, rw 5-42 P637 Earth Leakage Short circuit Trip
P640 Relay Tripping Class 0 = Disabled
P641 Overload Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P642 Cooling Time 0 = Disabled
P643 Auto-reset 0 = Disabled
P644 PTC Protection 0 = Disabled
P645 PTC Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P646 Overload Protection Pre-Alarm 0 to 99 % 80 % Sys, rw 5-45 P647 Overload Pre-alarm Auto-Reset 0 to 99 % 75 % Sys, rw 5-45 P648 Phase Sequence 0 = Disabled
P649 Voltage Unbalance 1 to 30 % 5 % Sys, rw 5-52 P650 Voltage Unbalance Time 0 = Disabled
P651 Voltage Unbalance Protection
P652 Phase Loss Time (Voltage) 0 = Disabled
P653 Phase Loss Protection Action
P654 Overvoltage 1 to 30 % 15 % Sys, rw 5-53 P655 Overvoltage Time 0 = Desabilitado
P656 Overvoltage Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P657 Undervoltage 1 to 30 % 15 % Sys, rw 5-54 P658 Undervoltage Time 0 = Disabled
P659 Undervoltage Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P660 Underpower 1 to 100 % 30 % Sys, rw 5-55 P661 Underpower Time 0 = Disabled
P662 Underpower Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P663 Overpower 1 to 100 % 30 % Sys, rw 5-55 P664 Overpower Time 0 = Disabled
P665 Overpower Protection Action 0 = Alarm
P666 Power Under Factor 0.00 to 1.00 0.60 Sys, rw 5-56 P667 Power Under Factor Time 0 = Disabled
P668 Power Under Factor Protection
0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
1 = Class 5 2 = Class 10 3 = Class 15 4 = Class 20 5 = Class 25 6 = Class 30 7 = Class 35 8 = Class 40 9 = Class 45
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 3600 s =Enabled
1 = Enabled
1 = Enabled
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 = Enabled
1 to 99 s = Enabled
0 = Alarm 1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Enabled
0 = Alarm 1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Habilitado
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Enabled
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Enabled
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Enabled
1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 to 99 s = Enabled
0 = Alarm 1 = Switch Off (Trip)
0 Sys, rw 5-42
2 Sys, rw 5-44
1 Sys, rw 5-44
0 s Sys, rw 5-48
0 Sys, rw 5-60
0 Sys, rw 5-43
1 Sys, rw 5-44
0 Sys, rw 5-51
3 s Sys, rw 5-52
1 Sys, rw 5-52
3 s Sys, rw 5-52
1 Sys, rw 5-53
3 s Sys, rw 5-53
1 Sys, rw 5-53
3 s Sys, rw 5-54
1 Sys, rw 5-54
0 s Sys, rw 5-55
1 Sys, rw 5-55
0 s Sys, rw 5-55
1 Sys, rw 5-56
0 s Sys, rw 5-56
1 Sys, rw 5-57
Proprieties Page
0-8 | SRW 01
Quick Reference of Parameters
Parameter Description Adjustable Range
P669 Power Over Factor 0.00 to 1.00 0.89 Sys, rw 5-57 P670 Power Over Factor Time 0 = Disabled
P671 Power Over Factor Protection
P680 Status Word 0000h to FFFFh - RO 5-30 P682 Control Word 0000h to FFFFh 0000h rw 5-30 P751 Ethernet Communication Status 0 = Setup
P753 Ethernet Baud Rate 0 = Auto
P756 Modbus TCP Timeout 0.0 to 65.5 s 0.0 s Sys, rw 5-30 P760 IP Address Config 0 = Parameters
P761 IP Address Config (1) 0 to 255 192 Sys, rw 5-30 P762 IP Address Config (2) 0 to 255 168 Sys, rw 5-30 P763 IP Address Config (3) 0 to 255 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P764 IP Address Config (4) 0 to 255 10 Sys, rw 5-30 P765 CIDR Subnet 0 to 31 24 Sys, rw 5-30 P766 Default Gateway Configuration (1) 0 to 255 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P767 Default Gateway Configuration (2) 0 to 255 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P768 Default Gateway Configuration (3) 0 to 255 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P769 Default Gateway Configuration (4) 0 to 255 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P799 UMC/UMCT Gain Adjustment 0.900 to 1.100 1.000 Sys, rw 5-27 P800 Read Word #1 0 to 65535 680 Sys, rw 5-30 P801 Read Word #2 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P802 Read Word #3 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P803 Read Word #4 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P804 Read Word #5 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P805 Read Word #6 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P806 Read Word #7 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P807 Read Word #8 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P808 Read Word #9 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P809 Read Word #10 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P810 Read Word #11 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P811 Read Word #12 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P812 Read Word #13 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P813 Read Word #14 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P814 Read Word #15 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P815 Read Word #16 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P816 Read Word #17 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P817 Read Word #18 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P818 Read Word #19 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P819 Read Word #20 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-30 P850 Write Word #1 0 to 65535 682 Sys, rw 5-31 P851 Write Word #2 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P852 Write Word #3 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31
1 to 99 s = Enabled
0 = Alarm 1 = Switch Off (Trip)
1 = Init 2 = Wait Comm 3 = Idle 4 = Data Active 5 = Error 6 = Reserved 7 = Exception 8 = Access Error
1 = 10Mbit/s, half duplex 2 = 10Mbit/s, full duplex 3 = 100Mbit/s, half duplex 4 = 100Mbit/s, full duplex
1 = DHCP 2 = DCP
0 s Sys, rw 5-57
1 Sys, rw 5-57
- RO 5-30
0 Sys, rw 5-30
1 Sys, rw 5-30
Proprieties Page
SRW 01 | 0-9
Quick Reference of Parameters
Parameter Description Adjustable Range
P853 Write Word #4 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P854 Write Word #5 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P855 Write Word #6 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P856 Write Word #7 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P857 Write Word #8 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P858 Write Word #9 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P859 Write Word #10 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P860 Write Word #11 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P861 Write Word #12 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P862 Write Word #13 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P863 Write Word #14 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P864 Write Word #15 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P865 Write Word #16 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P866 Write Word #17 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P867 Write Word #18 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P868 Write Word #19 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P869 Write Word #20 0 to 65535 0 Sys, rw 5-31 P899 Update Ethernet Configuration 0 = Normal Operation
P1000 User Program Status 0 = No Program
P1001 User Program Disabling 0 = Executes User Program
P1010 to
User Parameters 0 to 65535 0 Us, rw 5-61
1 = Update Configuration
1 = Install. Program 2 = Incompat. Program 3 = Program Stopped 4 = Program Running
1 = Stops User Program
0 Sys, CFG 5-31
- RO 5-61
0 Sys, rw 5-61
Proprieties Page
RO = read-only parameter. rw = reading/writing parameter. CFG = configuration parameter, it can only be changed with a stopped motor.
Sys = system parameter. Its value is updated when the key is pressed. Us = User parameter. Its value is instantaneously updated by the HMI, even before pressing the key.
0-10 | SRW 01
Safety Instructions


This manual contains the necessary information for the correct use of the SRW 01 smart relay.
It has been developed to be used by personnel with adequate training or technical qualification to operate this type of equipment.


The following safety warnings are used in this manual:
The nonobservance of the procedures recommended in this warning can lead to death, serious injuries and considerable material damage.
The nonobservance of the procedures recommended in this warning can lead to material damage.
The text intents to supply important information for the correct understanding and good operation of the product.


Only qualified personnel familiar with the SRW 01 smart relay and associated equipment should plan or implement the installation, start-up, operation and maintenance of this equipment These personnel must follow all the safety instructions included in this Manual and/or defined by local regulations. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in life threatening and/or equipment damage.
For the purpose of this manual, qualified personnel are those trained to be able to:
1. Install, power-up, and operate the SRW 01 according to this manual and to the effective legal safety procedures.
2. Use protection equipment according to the established standards.
3. Provide first aid services.
Always disconnect the main power supply before touching any electrical device associated with the relay.
Control, sensor and communication cables must be installed observing the minimun distance of 25 cm away from power cables, and preferably installed in grounded metal conduits.
For digital inputs, it is recomended the use of shielded cables when the cable length exceeds 200 m or if they are subject to electromagnetic interference. If any further information is necessay to install the cable, refer to the cable manufacturer for the proper installation.
SRW 01 | 1-1
Safety Instructions
The incorrect selection of the Current Measurement Unit (UMC) or Current/Voltage Measurement Unit (UMCT), by means of parameter P295 and/or lack of the setting of the motor rated current (P401 and/ or P402), may result in the incorrect communication of the value of measured current, making bit 3 of parameter P006 – Relay Status (binary) indicate that the motor in ON, not allowing the modification of parameters whose modification is only allowed when the motor is not energized. In the attempt of modifying those parameters, the message “stop” will flash for three seconds on the
HMI and the modification will not be accepted. In those cases, disconnect the cable that interconnects the Control Unit (UC) and the Current Measurement Unit (UMC) or Current/Voltage Measurement Unit (UMCT). The Control Unit (UC) will signal by means of the status led and message “E0085” on the HMI that there is no communication with the UMC/UMCT and the current informed will be zero (0). Set parameter P295 according to the Current Measurement Unit (UMC) or Current/Voltage Measurement Unit (UMCT) obtained and set the motor rated current (P401 and/or P402) according to data on the motor nameplate. After setting those parameters, reconnect the connecting cable between the UC and the UMC/UMCT and run an error reset using the front button, and then set the other parameters of the system.
The digital inputs and outputs functions of the Control Unit are automatically configured according to the selection of the operating mode through parameter P202. The factory default operating mode is the overload relay mode (P202 = 1); digital outputs O1 and O2 are used to signal Trip NO (normally open) and Trip NC (normally closed), respectively.
The electronic boards contain components sensitive to electrostatic discharges. Do not touch components and connectors directly.
Read this manual completely before installing or operating the relay.
1-2 | SRW 01
General Information



This manual presents the instructions for the installation and commissioning of the Smart Relay WEG, SRW 01, as well as its main characteristics.
In order to get information on other functions, accessories and operation conditions, refer to the following manuals:
 Ladder programming manual – WLP.
 Ethernet communication manual.
These manuals are they are available for download on the website: www.weg.net.


Amp, A: ampere is the electric current level unit of measurement.
V: volt is the voltage unit of measurement.
PC: Personal computer
PE: protective earth.
UMCT: Current/Voltage Measurement Unit.
W: watt, basic unit of real power. It is obtained by the direct product of voltage (V) by the current (I).
kW: kilowatts = 1000 (103) W.
VA: volt ampere, unit of measurement of apparent power.
kVA: kilovolt-ampere = 1000 (103) VA.
VAr: reactive volt-ampere, unit of measurement of reactive power.
kVAr: kiloVolt-ampere-reactive = 1000 (103) VA.
kWh: kilowatt-hour, it represents the consumed power in a time period. And the product of the load real power (kW) by the number of hours (h) it was on.
MWh: megawatt-hour = 1,000,000 (106) W or 1000 (103) kW.
PTC: resistor whose resistance value in ohms increases proportionally to the temperature increase; used as a
temperature sensor in electric motors.
HMI: human-machine interface; It is a device that allows the motor control, as well as viewing and editing the relay parameters. It presents keys for the motor command, navigation keys and a display.
Flash Memory: non-volatile memory that can be electronically written and erased.
Ram Memory: random access memory (volatile).
USB: universal serial bus; is a serial bus standard that allows devices to be connected using the plug and play
°C: celsius or centigrade degrees.
º F: fahrenheit.
SRW 01 | 2-1
General Information
AC: alternating current.
DC: direct current.
CV: cheval vapeur = 736 Watts (unit of power, used to indicate the mechanical power of electric motors).
hp: horse power = 746 Watts (unit of power, used to indicate the mechanical power of electric motors).
SF: service factor.
Hz: hertz.
mA: milliamp = 0.001 ampere.
min: minute.
ms: millisecond = 0.001 second.
rms: “root mean square”; effective value.
rpm: revolutions per minute; speed unit.
s: second.
V: volts.
Ω: ohms.
NO: normally open contact.
NC: normally closed contact.
Check Back: verification of running motor.
Trip: switching off of the motor by the action of a protection.
UC: control unit.
UMC: current measurement unit.
MC: communication module.
mm: millimeter.
in: inch.
m: meter.
ELS: earth leakage sensor.
RCD: according to IEC 60755, mechanical switching device (or device association developed to cause contacts
to open when a residual current reaches a certain value under specific conditions (Residual Current Device).
FLA: set current at full load (Full Load Amps).
EDU: Expansion Digital Unit.
2-2 | SRW 01
General Information


The SRW 01 is a low voltage electric motor management system that presents cutting edge technology and has network communication capabilities. For being modular, its functionalities can be extended, making it a versatile product, and prepared for several applications.
The SRW 01 has a modular design that allows the expansion of the relay functionalities. The Control Unit (UC) can be mounted together with the Current Measurement Unit (UMC), forming a single unit, or separated (up to 2 meters [6.56 ft]) from it.
By using the Expansion Digital Unit (EDU), it is possible to increase the number of digital inputs and outputs in the Control Unit (SRW01-UC), in a total of 12 digital inputs and 8 outputs.
It is possible to use a Current/Voltage Measurement Unit (UMCT) in place of a Current Measurement Unit (UMC). Besides measuring the motor currents (like the UMC), it is possible to monitor the voltages up to 690 V, phase sequence, power factor (cos ϕ) and all motor powers.
In order to exchange information via Ethernet communication network, the SRW 01 features two RJ45 ports with integral switch, which enables the execution of different network topologies of the fieldbus technique.
The SRW 01 has an USB port that makes the parameterization, monitoring and programming of the relay easier by using a PC with the WLP software. Because of the thermal memory, the relay is able to keep the motor thermal image even when it is not energized.
1 - Digital input indication Led’s 2 - Digital output indication Led’s 3 - Network Led (Net) – indication according to the Table
7.1 on page 7-1
4 - Trip Led
Green – normal operation without Trip Flashing Green – protection alarm Flashing red – protection Trip
5 - Status Led
Green – normal operation without fault or alarm Flashing Green – system alarm
Flashing red – system error 6 - Reset Button 7 - Current Measurement Unit (UMC) connector or Current/ Voltage Measurement Unit (UMCT)
Figure 2.1: SRW 01 control unit identification
I11 I12 I13 I14 I15 I16
(a) Control Unit - SRW 01 - UC (b) HMI (vertical) (c) HMI2 (horizontal)
SRW 01 | 2-3
General Information
(d) Current Measurement Units - SRW 01 -
UMC1 (5 A), 2 (12.5 A) and 3 (25 A)
(e) Current Measurement Unit -
SRW 01 - UMC4 (125 A)
(f) Current Measurement Unit - SRW 01 - UMC5 (420 A)
(g) Current Measurement Unit (with busbar accessory) - SRW 01 - UMC6 (840 A)
(h) Current/Voltage Measurement Unit -
SRW 01-UMCT 1 (5 A), 2 (12.5 A) and 3 (25 A)/690 V
2-4 | SRW 01
(i) Current/Voltage Measurement Unit -
SRW 01-UMCT 4 (125 A)/690 V
General Information
(j) Current/Voltage Measurement Unit – SRW 01-UMCT 5
(420 A/690 V)
1 - SRW01-EL1 2 - SRW01-EL2 3 - SRW01-EL3 4 - SRW01-EL4
(m) Earth Leakage sensors - SRW01-ELS
(l) Current/Voltage Measurement Unit – SRW 01-UMCT 6
(840 A/690 V) – with busbar accessory
1 - Digital input indication Led’s 2 - Digital output indication Led’s 3 - On Led
Green - Energized device Off - Deenergized device
4 - Status Led
Green - Normal operation Flashing green - Communication to the Control Unit (UC) has been reestablished
Flashing red - No communication with the Control Unit (UC) 5 - Connector for the Control Unit (UC) 6 - Connector for the HMI
(n) Expansion Digital Unit – SRW 01-EDU
Figure 2.2: (a) to (n) SRW 01 components
SRW 01 | 2-5
General Information


1 - Product model 2 - WEG part number 3 - Serial number 4 - Manufacturing date 5 - Maximum ambient temperature 6 - Firmware version 7 - UC supply voltage (voltage and frequency) 8 - Digital input voltage 9 - Connection to the input terminals T1 and T2
10 -UMC/UMCT current range 11 - Protection degree 12 - UMCT voltage range 13 - Connection to the input terminals E1 and E2
MOD.: SRW01-UCE1TE1E47 MAT.: 12105800 OP.: 1234567890
SERIAL#: 1234567890 Us.: 110-240V 50/60Hz-DC Digital Inputs I11-I16: 24VDC Inputs Terminals T1-T2: PTC Inputs Terminals E1-E2: ELS
IEC 60947-4-1 Ui 300V/Uimp 4kv IEC 60947-5-1 Ui 300V/Uimp 4kv
MAX. TA: 55°C (131°F)
AC15 Ie/Ue 1.5A/120V, 0.75A/240V
DC13 Ie/Ue 0.22A/125V, 0.1A/250V Fuse max.: 6A gl/gG Protection degree: IP20
Tripping current at 125% of FLA Aux. Cont. 3A/30VDC/250VAC resistive C300
V 1.00
20 J
MOD.: SRW01-EDU2 MAT.: 10675557 OP.: 12345678 SERIAL#: 1234567890 Digital Inputs I5-I10: 110V50/60Hz
IE C 6 09 47 -4- 1 Ui 300V/Uimp 4kv IE C 6 09 47 -5- 1 Ui 300V/Uimp 4kv MAX. TA: 55°C (131°F) AC15 Ie/Ue 1.5A/120V, 0.75A/240V DC13 Ie/Ue 0.22A/125V, 0.1A/250V Fuse max.: 6A gl/gG Protection degree: IP20
Aux. Cont. 3A/30VDC/250VAC resistive C300
Use only with: SRW01-UC V3.00 or later
47 I
V 1.00
4 6
MOD.: SRW01-UMCT1 MAT.: 12345678 SERIAL#: 1234567890 OP.: 12345678 le.: 0,5-5A 50/60 Hz Ue.: 690V 50/60Hz
IEC 6 0947 -4-1 Ui 690V / Uimp 6K V MAX. TA: 55°C (131°F) Protection degree: IP20
Use only with SRW01-UC V4.00 or later See user manual for short circuit ratings
V 1.234
47 l
MOD.: SRW01-UMC1 MAT.: 10558179 SERIAL#: 1234567890 OP.: 12345678 le.: 0,5-5A 50/60 Hz
IEC 6 0947 -4-1 Ui 690V / Uimp 6K V MAX. TA: 55°C (131°F) Protection degree: IP20
UL 508 MAX. TA: 40°C (104°F) Voltage 600 VAC Trip current at 125% of FLA 75°C CU wire only
Use only with SRW01-UC See user manual for short circuit ratings
V 1.00
47 l
Figure 2.3: Identification labels at the UC, UMC, EDU and UMCT laterals
There is a warning label at the top of the Control Unit (UC) and of the Expansion Digital Unit (EDU), which informs the voltage of the digital inputs for the acquired model.
Figure 2.4: Warning labels at the UC and EDU tops


In order to specify the SRW 01 model, refer to the catalog available for download on the website: www.weg.net.


The SRW 01 is supplied packed in a cardboard box. There is a label outside the box describing the product main characteristics: model, WEG part number, serial number, manufacturing date and firmware version.
In order to open the package:
1. Put the package on a table.
2. Open the package.
3. Take out the product.
2-6 | SRW 01
General Information
Verify if:
 The identification label matches the bought model.
 Damage occurred during transportation. If any problem is detected, contact the carrier immediately.
 If the SRW 01 is not going to be installed soon, keep it in the closed package and store it in a clean and dry
place with temperature between - 25 °C and + 80 °C (- 13 °F and + 176 °F).


The power factor (also called cos ϕ or cosine phi) indicates what percentage of total power supplied (kVA) is effectively used as real power (kW). It can be defined as the relation between the apparent power (S) and the real power (P), or also as the cosine of the displacement between the voltage and current signals.
The apparent power (S), measured in kVA, is the total power generated and transmitted to the load. The real power (P), measured in kW, is the one that effectively performs the work, and the reactive power (Q), measured in kVAr, is only used to create and maintain the electromagnetic fields within the motor.
Thus, while the real power is always consumed in the execution of the work, the reactive power, besides not producing work, circulates between the loads and the power supply, taking a “space” in the electric system that could be used to supply more real power.
The power factor is a dimensionless number between 0.00 and 1.00 and shows the efficiency level of the use of electric systems. Therefore, when we say the power factor is 0.80, it means that 80 % of the apparent power (S) is transformed into real power (P).
The measurement of the power factor, taking into account that the voltage is sine-shaped and the load linear (if there are no harmonics), is obtained by observing the phase displacement between voltage and current in one of the phases that supply the motor in the fundamental frequency. For inductive loads, as in case of asynchroous motors (induction motors), the current signal will always be delayed in relation to the voltage signal.
According to trigonometry, the sinusoidal function can be mapped in a circumference, seeing that a full cycle of the sinusoid is represented by 360º. As the voltage and current signals have the same period, the displacement between signals is easily obtained.
Voltage [V] Current [A]
Time [s]
Figure 2.5: Displacement between voltage and current signals
After obtaining the displacement (ϕ) between the voltage and current signals, the power factor is calculated by means of equation 01.
Power Factor = cos (ϕ)
Equation 01: Calculation of the power factor
SRW 01 | 2-7
General Information
From the power factor value, in the case of sine-shaped waves, the real (P), reactive (Q) and apparent (S) powers can be represented by vectors that form a right triangle, also known as power triangle, as shown in Figure 2.6 on
page 2-8 from which the power relations can be obtained.
Reactive power
Apparent power (kVA)
Real power (kW)
Figure 2.6: Power triangle
2-8 | SRW 01
Installation and Connection


This chapter describes the procedures for the electrical and mechanical installation of the SRW 01. The orientations and suggestions shall be followed in order to guarantee personnel and equipment safety, as well as the proper operation of the relay.


3.1.1 Environmental Conditions

 Exposure to direct sunlight, rain, high humidity, or sea-air.
 Explosive or corrosive gases or liquids.
 Excessive Vibration.
 Dust, metallic particles or oil mist in the air.
 Closeness to strong magnetic fields or high-current cables.
Allowed environmental conditions for operation:
 Temperature: According IEC: 0 °C to 55 °C (32 °F to 131 °F).
According UL: 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F).
 Humidity: 5 % to 90 % non-condensing.
 Pollution degree: 2 (according to UL508) with non-conductive pollution. Condensation shall not originate
conduction through the accumulated residues.
 Maximum altitude: 2000 m (6.600 ft) above sea level - nominal conditions. For applications at higher altitudes,
contact WEG.
In order to prevent overheating, the ventilation openings must not be blocked. It is recommended to provide a side clearance of at least 10 mm (± 0.39 in), and a top and bottom clearance of at least 30 mm (±1.18 in) so as to allow a good air circulation and better cooling.

3.1.2 Mounting

The Control Unit (UC), Current Measurement Unit (UMC1, 2, 3 and 4), the Expansion Digital Unit (EDU) and Current/Voltage Measurement Unit (UMCT1, 2, 3 and 4) can be installed in any position.
They can be mounted on a 35 mm (1.38 in) DIN rail or through the fixing adapter (PLMP) with M4 screws.
SRW 01 | 3-1
Installation and Connection
(a) 35 mm (1.38 in) DIN rail mounting (b) Secured with screws
Figure 3.1: (a) and (b) UC, UMC, EDU and UMCT mounting
The Control Unit (UC) can be mounted together with the Current Measurement Unit (UMC), making a single unit, or separately (up to 2 meters). The Current/Voltage Measurement Unit (UMCT) only allows the mounting separate from the Control Unit (UC).
3-2 | SRW 01
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