For the corr ect connec tion of the con trol, use:
1. Gauge of the c ables: 0.5 mm² (20 AWG) to 1.5 mm² (14 AWG).
2. Maximu m torque: 0.5 N.m (4.50
3. Wiring of the plu g-in module connec tor with shielded cab les separated from the ot her wiring (power,
command in 110 V / 220 Vac, etc.).
10.3 .1 RFI Filter
Built-in RFI filte r option is available to reduc e the conducted disturba nce from the inverter to the ma in
power supply in t he high frequency band (>150 kHz). It is neces sary to meet the maximum le vels of
conducted and radiated emissions of electromagnetic compatibility standards, such as EN 61800-3 and
EN 55011. For further detail s, refer to item 10.2 INSTALL ATIONS ACCORDING TO E UROPEAN DIR ECTIVE
When inverte rs with intern al RFI filter is u sed in IT netwo rks (neutral c onductor not gr ounded
or grounded th rough a high ohm ic value resis tor), remove groun ding screw XE1, since th ose
kinds of netwo rk cause damage to th e filter capacitor s of the inverter.
Table 5: Conducte d and radiated emis sion levels, and add itional informa tion
Inverter Model
Without Ex ternal RFI Fi lter for
Decentralized Installation
With Exter nal RFI Filte r
Conducted Emission
- Maximum Motor
Cable Length
External RFI
Filter Part
Conducted Emission -
Motor Cable Le ngth
- Category
Category C3Category
Category C2Category
1 MW5 00A04P3 S2...C2... 10 m 5 m 30 m C2 - - - 2 MW5 00A06P 0S2...C2... 10 m 5 m 30 m C2 - - - 3 M W500A02 P6T4...C2... 10 m 5 m 30 m C3 - - - 4 M W500A04 P3T4...C2... 10 m 5 m 30 m C3 - - - 5 MW 500B06 P5T4...C2... 6 m - 6 m C3 - - - 6 M W500B10P 0T4...C2... 6 m - 6 m C3 - - - -
The accesso ries are hardware r esources that ca n be added in the appli cation with the MW50 0.
The accesso ries are incorpor ated to the inverters in a n easy and quick way by us ing the "Plug and Play"
concept. Whe n an accessory is conn ected to the inverter, the cont rol circuitry identi fies the model and
informs the cod e of the accessory con nected in parameter P00 27. The accessor y must be installed or
modified with t he inverter de -energized. T hey may be ordere d separately a nd are sent in thei r own
package containing the components and manuals with detailed instructions for their installation, operation
and setting.
Press this key to accele rate the motor up to the spe ed set in P0122 within the tim e determined by the
acceleration ra mp. The motor speed is ke pt while the key is pres sed. When the key is rel eased, the
motor decelerates within the time determined by the deceleration ramp, until it stops.
This function is ac tive when all the con ditions below are m et:
1. Turn/Stop = Stop.
2. Enable General = Ac tive.
3. P0225 = 1 in LOC and/or P0228 = 1 in REM.
Press this key to commute b etween LOCAL
and REMOTE mode.
Active when:
P0220 = 2 or 3
Press this key to define t he motor rotation
Active when:
P0223 = 2 or 3 in LOC and/or
P0226 = 2 or 3 in REM
- When in the monitori ng mode: press this
key to increase the spe ed.
- When in the setting mo de, level 1: press this
key to go to the previous grou p.
- When in the setting m ode, level 2: press
this key to go to the next para meter.
- When in the setting m ode, level 3: press
this key to increase the c ontent of the
- When in the setting m ode, level 1: press
this key to return to the moni toring mode.
- When in the setting m ode, level 2:
press this key to return to leve l 1 of the
setting mode.
- When in the setting m ode, level 3: press
this key to cancel the new v alue (new value
is not saved) and retur n to level 2 of the
setting mode.
When in the monitori ng mode: press this key to en ter
the setting mode.
- When in the setting m ode, level 1: press this key
to select the desire d parameter group - it sho ws the
parameter group selected.
- When in the setting m ode, level 2: press this key
to show the parameter - it s hows the content of the
parameter in order to c hange the content.
- When in the setting m ode, level 3: press this key to
save the new content of the p arameter - it returns to
level 2 of the setting mo de.
When in the monitor ing mode: press this key to
decrease the speed.
- When in the setting m ode, level 1: press this key to
go to the next group.
- When in the setting m ode, level 2: press this key to
go to the previous para meter.
- When in the setting m ode, level 3: press this key to
decrease the conte nt of the parameter
Press this key to accele rate the motor within th e time
determined by the acceleration ramp.
Active when:
P0224 = 0 in LOC or P0227 = 0 in REM
Press this key to decel erate the motor within t he time
determined by the deceleration ramp.
Active when:
P0224 = 0 in LOC or P0227 = 0 in REM
Main display
Menu (to select the
parameter group s) only one parameter
group is shown at
a time
Measurement unit
(it refers to the valu e
of the main indicat ion)
Secondary indication
Bar graph
Inverter status
Monitoring Mode
It is the initial sta tus of the HMIR after the poweri ng up and of the initializati on
screen, with default values
The field Menu is n ot active in this mode
The main display, sec ondary display and ba r graph indicate the value s of three
parameters prede fined by P0205, P0206 a nd P0207
From the monitorin g mode, when you p ress the key ENTER/MENU, you commu te
to the setting mode
level 2
level 3
level 1
Setting Mode
Level 1:
This is the first le vel of the setting mode. It is p ossible to choose the par ameter
group using the keys and
The main display, secondary display, bar graph and measurement units are not
shown in this level
Press the key ENTER/MENU to go to level 2 of the s etting mode - p arameter se lection
Press the key BACK/ ESC to return to the moni toring mode.
Level 2:
O número do parâme tro é exibido no display princi pal e o seu conteúdo no
display secundário
Use the keys and to find the desired parame ter
Press the key ENTER/MENU to go to level 3 of the se tting mode - modifi cation
of the parameter conte nt
Press the key BACK/ ESC to return to level 1 of th e setting mode.
Level 3:
The content of the pa rameter is shown on th e main display an d the number of the
parameter is shown on the secondary display
Use the keys and to configure the new value for the selected parameter
Press the key ENTER/MENU to confirm th e modification (sa ve the new value) or
BACK/ESC to cance l the modific ation (not save the ne w value). In both case s, the
HMIR returns to level 2 of th e setting mode
Always disconnect the main power supply before making any connection.
1. Check if the power, grounding and control connections are correct and firm.
2. Remove all m aterials left fro m the inside of the inve rter.
3. Check if the motor connections and motor current and voltage match the inverter.
4. Mechanically u ncouple the motor from the lo ad. If the motor cannot be uncoup led, be sure that its
turning in any di rection (clockw ise or counterclo ckwise) will not ca use damages to the mac hine or risk
of accidents.
5. Close the co vers of the inverter.
6. Measure th e power supply and ve rify if it is withi n the allowed range.
7. Apply powe r to the input: close the i nput disconnec ting switch.
8. Check the re sult of the first tim e power-up:
The HMI display indicates:
Seq Display Indication/Action Seq Display Indication/Action
Monitoring mode
Press the key ENTER/MENU to enter the 1
level of
the programming mode
The PARAM group is selected, p ress the keys or
until selecting the BASIC group
3 4
When the BASIC group is s elected press the key
Basic Applic ation routine is st arted. If necess ary, modify
the content of "P0100 - Acce leration Time"
Press the key for the next parameter
5 6
If necessar y, modify the content of "P0101 -
Deceleration Time"
Press the key for the next parameter
If necessar y, modify the content of "P0133 - Minim um
Press the key for the next parameter
7 8
If necessar y, modify the conten t of "P0134 - Maximum
Press the key for the next parameter
If necessar y, modify the conte nt of "P0135 - Maximum
Output Current"
Press the key for the next parameter
To end the Start-up rout ine, press the key BAC K/ESC
To return to the monitorin g mode, press the key
BACK/ ESC again
12.2 V/F CON TROL TYPE (P0 202 = 0)
Seq Display Indication/Action Seq Display Indication/Action
Monitoring mode
Press the key ENTER/MENU to enter 1
level of
programming mode
The PARAM group is selected, p ress the keys or
until selecting the STARTUP group
3 4
When the STARTUP group is sele cted press the key
If necessar y, press ENTER/MENU to modify the
content of "P0202 - Cont rol Type" for P0202 = 0 (V/f)
5 6
When the desire d value is reached, press ENTER/
MENU to save the modification
Press the key for the next parameter
If necessar y, modify the content of "P0401 - Motor
Rated Current”
Press the key for the next parameter
7 8
If necessar y, modify the content of "P0402 - Moto r
Rated Speed"
Press the key for the next parameter
If necessar y, modify the content of "P0403 - Moto r
Rated Frequency
Press the key for the next parameter
To end the Start-up rout ine, press the Key B ACK/ESC
To return to the monitorin g mode, press the key
BACK/ESC again
Power Supply:
Tolerance: -15 % to +10 %.
Frequency: 50 /60 Hz (48 Hz to 62 Hz).
Phase imbal ance: ≤ 3 % of the rated phas e-to-phase input vo ltage.
Overvolt age according to Cate gory III (EM 61010/UL 508C).
Transient voltage according to Category III.
Maximum of 10 co nnections per ho ur (1 every 6 minutes).
Typical effi ciency: ≥ 97 %.
Table 6: Electronics/general data
Control Method Types o f control:
- V/f (Scalar))
- VVW: voltage vector control.
PWM SVM (Space Vector Modulation)
Output frequency 0 to 500 Hz, resol ution of 0.015 Hz
Performance V/f control S peed regulatio n: 1 % of the rated speed (wit h slip compensat ion)
Speed variati on range: 1:20
Vector control (VVW) Speed regulatio n: 1 % of the rated speedl
Speed variati on range: 1:30
Analog Knob addit ional input for sp eed reference var iation
1 insulated inpu t. Levels: (0 to 10) V or (0 to 20) mA or (4 to 20) mA
Linearity e rror ≤ 0.25 %
Impedance: 100 kΩ fo r voltage input, 50 0 Ω for current input
Programmable functions
Maximum volt age permitted in t he input: 30 Vdc
Digital 4 insulated inputs
Programmable functions:
- active high (PNP): ma ximum low level of 15 Vdc / mi nimum high leve l of 20 Vdc
- active low (NPN): max imum low level of 5 Vdc / mini mum high level of 9 Vdc
Maximum input voltage of 30 Vdc
Input current: 4.5 mA
Maximum input current: 5.5 mA
Relay 1 relay with NC/NO contact
Maximum voltage: 240 Vac
Maximum current: 0.5 A
Programmable functions
Transistor 1 insulated digital output open sink (uses as reference the 24 Vdc power supply)
Maximum current 150 mA
(maximum capacity of the 24 Vdc) power supply
Programmable functions
Power supply 24 Vdc power supply. Maximum capacity: 150 mA
10 Vdc power supply. Maximum capacity: 2 mA
Communication Interface RS-485 Insulated RS-485
Modbus-RTU protocol with maximum communication of 38.4 kbps
Safety Protection Overcurrent/phase-phase short circuit in the output
Overcurrent/phase-ground short circuit in the output
Overtemperature in the heatsink
Overload in the motor
Overload in the power module (IGBTs)
External alarm/fault
Setting error
interface (keypad)
Remote keypad
9 keys: Start/Sto p, up arrow, down arrow, Direction of Rotati on, Jog, Local/
LCD display
View/edition of all parameters
Indication accuracy:
- current: 5 % of the rated cu rrent
- speed resoluti on: 0.1 Hz
Enclosure Degree of protection IP66
UL type 4X
(*) The numbe r and/or type of analog/digita l inputs/outputs may vary, depend ing on the Plug-in module (acce ssory) used. For the table abov e, it was
considered the standard plug-in module. For further information, refer to the programming manual and the guide supplied with the optional item.
(**) The maxim um capacity of 150 mA must be consi dered by adding the load of the 24 V power s upply and transistor outpu t, that is, the sum of the
consumption of both mus t not exceed 150 mA.
Table 7: Considered standards
EN 61800-5-1 - safety ele ctrical, therma l and energy requi rements
EN 50178 - electronic equi pment for use in power i nstallations
EN 60204-1 - safety of mach inery. Electric al equipment of mac hines. Part 1: gener alrequirement s
Note: For the machine to comply with this standard, the manufacturer of the machine is responsible
for installing an e mergency stop dev ice and equipme nt to disconnect the i nput power suppl y
EN 60146 (IEC 146) - semiconduc tor converters
EN 61800-2 - adjustabl e speed elect rical power dri ve systems - part 2: g eneral requi rements - rating
specifications for low voltage adjustable frequency AC power drive systems
compatibility (EMC)
EN 61800-3 - adjusta ble speed electrical pow er drive systems - part 3: EMC prod uct standard
including specific test methods
EN 55011 - limits and methods o f measurement of radio di sturbance character istics of industrial,
scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment
CISPR 11 - industrial, sci entific and medical (ISM ) radio-frequency equip ment - electromagnetic
disturbance ch aracteristics - l imits and methods of m easurement
EN 61000-4-2 - electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - part 4: testing and measurement techniques
- section 2: electrostatic discharge immunity test
EN 61000-4-3 - electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - part 4: testing and measurement techniques
- section 3: radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test
EN 61000-4-4 - electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - part 4: testing and measurement techniques
- section 4: electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
EN 61000-4-5 - electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - part 4: testing and measurement techniques
- section 5: surge immunity test
EN 61000-4-6 - electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - part 4: testing and measurement techniques
- section 6: immuni ty to conducted dis turbances, indu ced by radio-freq uency fields
EN 60529 - degrees o f protection provid ed by enclosures (I P code)
UL 50 - enclosure s for electrical e quipment
ro = read only para meter.
V/f = parameter avai lable in V/f mode.
cfg = configur ation parameter, value c an only be change d with the motor stoppe d.
Param. Description Adjustable Range
Propr. Groups
P0000 Access to Parameters 0 to 9999 0
P0001 Speed Reference 0 to 65535 ro READ
P0002 Motor Speed 0 to 65535 ro READ
P0003 Motor Current 0.0 to 200.0 A ro READ
P0004 DC Link Vol tage (Ud) 0 to 2000 V ro READ
P0005 Motor Frequency 0.0 to 500.0 Hz ro READ
P0006 Inverter Status 0 = Ready
1 = Run
2 = Undervoltage
3 = Fault
4 = Self-Tuning
5 = Configuration
6 = DC-Braking
7 = Sleep Mode
P0007 Motor Voltage 0 to 2000 V ro READ
P0011 Power Factor -1.00 to 1.00 A ro READ
P0012 DI8 to DI1 Status Bit 0 = DI1
Bit 1 = DI2
Bit 2 = DI3
Bit 3 = DI4
Bit 4 = DI5
Bit 5 = DI6
Bit 6 = DI7
Bit 7 = DI8
ro READ, I/O
P0022 FI Hz Val ue 1 to 20000 Hz ro R EAD, I/O
P0023 Mai n SW Version 0.00 to 6 55.35 ro READ
P0030 Heatsink Temperature -20 to 150 ºC ro READ
P0037 Motor Overload Ixt 0 to 100 % ro READ
P0047 CONFIG Status 0 to 999 ro READ
P0048 Present Ala rm 0 to 999 ro READ
P0049 Present Fault 0 to 999 ro READ
P0050 La st Fault 0 to 999 ro READ
P0100 Acceleration Time 0.1 to 999.0 s 10,0 s BASIC
P0101 Deceleration Time 0.1 to 999.0 s 10,0 s BASIC
P0120 Speed Ref. Ba ckup 0 = Inactive
1 = Active
3 = Backup by P0121 1
P0121 S peed Reference v ia HMI 0.0 to 500.0 Hz 3.0 Hz
P0124 Multispe ed Ref. 1 -500.0 to 500.0 Hz 3.0 Hz
P0125 Multispe ed Ref. 2 -500.0 to 500.0 Hz 10.0 (5.0) Hz
P0126 Multisp eed Ref. 3 -500.0 to 500.0 Hz 20.0 (10.0) Hz
P0127 Multispe ed Ref. 4 -500.0 to 500.0 Hz 30.0 (20.0) Hz
P0128 Multisp eed Ref. 5 -500.0 to 500.0 Hz 40.0 (30.0) Hz
P0129 Multisp eed Ref. 6 -500.0 to 500.0 Hz 50.0 (40.0) Hz
P0130 Multispe ed Ref. 7 - 500.0 to 500.0 Hz 60.0 (50.0) Hz
P0131 Multispee d Ref. 8 - 500.0 to 500.0 Hz 66.0 (55.0) Hz
P0133 Minimum Speed 0.0 to 500.0 Hz 3.0 Hz BASIC
P0134 Maximu m Speed 0.0 to 500.0 Hz 66.0 (55.0) Hz BASIC
P0135 Max. Output Current 0.0 to 200.0 A 1.5 x I
P0136 Manual Torque Boost 0.0 to 30.0 % According to
inverter model
P0137 Autom. Torque Boost 0.0 to 30.0 % 0.0 % V/f MOTO R
P0138 Slip Compensation -10.0 to 10.0 % 0.0 % V/f MOTOR
P0139 Output Current Filter 0 to 9999 ms 50 ms
P0142 Max. Output Voltage 0.0 to 100.0 % 100.0 % cfg, V/f
P0143 Interm. Output Voltage 0.0 to 100.0 % 66.7 % cfg, V/f
Param. Description Adjustable Range
Propr. Groups
P0145 Field Weakening Frequency 0.0 to 50 0.0 Hz 60.0 (50.0) Hz cfg, V/f
P0146 Interm ediate Frequency 0.0 to 500.0 Hz 40.0 (33.3) Hz cf g, V/f
P0156 Overl. Cur r. 100 % Speed 0.0 to 200.00 A 1.1 x Inom MOTOR
P0202 Control Type 0 = V/f
1 a 4 = Not Used
5 = VVW 0 cfg STA RTUP
P0204 Load/Save Parameters 0 and 1 = Not Used
2 = Reset P0045
3 and 4 = Not Used
5 = Load WEG 60 Hz
6 = Load WEG 50 Hz
7 = Load User 1
8 = Load User 2
9 = Save User 1
10 = Save User 2
0 cfg
P0220 LOC/REM Selection Source 0 = Always LO C.
1 = Always REM.
2 = HMI Key (LOC)
3 = HMI Key (REM)
4 = DIx
5 = Serial/USB (LOC)
6 = Serial/USB (REM )
7 and 8 = Not Used
9 = CO/DN/DP (LOC)
10 = CO/DN/DP (REM)
11 = SoftPLC
4 cfg I/O
P0221 LOC Reference Sel. 0 = Keypad
1 = AI1
2 = AI2
3 = AI3
4 = FI
5 = AI1 + AI2 > 0
6 = AI1 + AI2
7 = E.P.
8 = Multispeed
9 = Serial/USB
10 = Not Used
11 = CO/DN/DP
12 = SoftPLC
13 = Not Used
14 = AI1 > 0
15 = AI2 > 0
16 = AI3 > 0
17 = FI > 0
18 = Knob
18 cfg I/O
P0222 REM R eference Sel. See options in P0221 9 cfg I/O
P0223 LOC FWD/REV Selection 0 = Always F WD
1 = Always REV
2 = HMI Key (FWD)
3 = HMI Key (REV)
4 = DIx
5 = Serial/USB (F WD)
6 = Se rial/ USB (REV )
7 and 8 = Not Used
9 = CO/DN/DP (H)
10 = CO/DN/DP (AH)
11 = Not Used
12 = SoftPLC
4 cfg I/O
P0263 DI1 Function 0 = Not Used
1 = Run/Stop
2 = General Enable
3 = Quick Stop
4 = FWD Run
5 = REV Run
6 = Start
7 = Stop
8 = Clockwise Rotat ion Dir
10 = JOG
11 = Increase E.P.
12 = Decrease E.P.
13 = Multispeed
14 = 2nd Ramp
15 to 17 = Not Used
18 = Sem Alarme Ext.
19 = Sem Falha Ext.
20 = Reset
21 = SoftPLC
22 = Manual/Auto PID
23 = Not Used
24 = Disable Flying Sta rt
25 = Not Used
26 = Program. Off
27 = Load User 1
28 = Load User 2
29 = PTC
30 and 31 = Not Used
32 = 2nd Ramp Multispeed
33 = 2nd Ramp E.P. Ac.
34 = 2nd Ramp E.P. De.
35 = 2nd Ramp FWD Run
36 = 2nd Ramp REV Run
37 = Start / Inc. E.P.
38 = Dec. E.P. / Stop
39 = Function 1 Application
40 = Function 2 Application
41 = Function 3 Application
42 = Function 4 Application
43 = Function 5 Application
44 = Function 6 Application
45 = Function 7 Application
46 = Function 8 Application
1 cfg I/O
P0264 DI2 Function See options in P0263 8 cfg I/O
P0265 DI3 Function See options in P0263 20 cfg I/O
P0266 DI4 Function See options in P0263 9 cfg I/O
P0267 DI5 Function See options in P0263 0 cfg I/O
P0268 DI6 Function See options in P0263 0 cfg I/O
P0269 DI7 Function See options in P0263 0 cfg I/O
P0270 DI8 Function See options in P0263 0 cfg I/O
P0295 VFD R ated Curr. 0.0 to 200.0 A According to
inverter model
P0296 Power Supply Rated Voltage 0 = 200 / 240 V
1 = 380 / 480 V
2 = 500 / 600 V
According to
inverter model
ro, cfg READ
P0297 Switching Frequency 1500 to 15000 kH z 4000 kHz
P0401 Motor Rate d Current 0.0 to 200.0 A 1.0 x I
cfg MOTOR,
P0402 Motor R ated Speed 0 to 30000 rpm 1710 (1425) rpm cfg MOTOR,
P0403 Motor Ra ted Frequency 0 to 500 Hz 60 (50) Hz cfg MOTOR,
Falha / Alarme Descrição Causas Prováveis
Motor Overload
Motor overload alarm Overload on the m otor shaft
Power Module
Overtemperature alarm from the
power module temperature sensor
High ambient te mperature ar ound the inver ter (>50 °C (> 122 °F))
and high output current
Blocked or defec tive fan
Heatsink is too dir ty, preventing the ai r flow
External Alarm
External ala rm via DIx (option "No
External Ala rm" in P026x)
Wiring on DI1 to DI8 inp uts are open or have po or contact
Communication Fault
with Remote HMI
No communication with remote HMI,
but there is no spee d command or
reference for this s ource
Check if the communication interface with the HMI is properly
configured in parameter P0312
HMI cable disconnected
Undervoltage on the
DC Link
Undervoltage fault on the
intermediate circuit
Wrong voltage supply; check if the data on the inverter label
complies with the power supply and parameter P0296
Supply voltage to o low, producing vo ltage on the DC li nk below
the minimum value ( in P0004):
Ud < 200 Vdc in 200 / 240 Vac (P0296 = 0)
Ud < 360 Vdc in 380 / 480 Vac (P029 6 = 1)
Ud < 500 Vdc in 500 / 600 Vac (P0 296 = 2)
Phase fault in the i nput
Fault in the pre-c harge circuit
Overvoltage on the DC
Overvoltage fault on the intermediate
Wrong voltage supply; check if the data on the inverter label
complies with the power supply and parameter P0296
Supply voltage i s too high, producing volta ge on the DC link
above the maximu m value (in P0004):
Ud > 410 Vdc in 200 / 240 Vac (P0296 = 0)
Ud > 810 Vdc in 380 / 480 Vac (P0296 = 1)
Ud > 1000 Vdc in 500 / 600 Vac (P02 96 = 2)
Load inertia is to o high or deceler ation ramp is too fast
P0151 or P0153 setting is too high
Communication Fault
with Plug-in Module
Main control cann ot set a
communication link with the plug-in
Plug-in module is damaged
Plug-in module is not properly connected
Problem in the ide ntificati on of the plug-i n module; refe r to P0027
for further information
IGBTs Overtemperature
Overtemperature fault measured
on the temperature s ensor of the
power pack
High ambient te mperature arou nd the inverte r (>50 °C (>122 °F))
and high output current
Blocked or defec tive fan
Heatsink is too dir ty, preventing the ai r flow
Overcurrent or short circuit on the
output, DC link or bra king resistor
Short circuit between two motor phases
Short circuit of the rheostatic braking resistor connecting cables
IGBTs module in short circuit or damaged
Start with too sh ort accelerat ion ramp
Start with motor spinning without the Flying Start function
Motor Overload
Motor Overload Faul t (60 s in
P0156, P0157 and P0158 setting is too low in re lation to the
motor operating current
Overload on the m otor shaft
CPU Fault (Watchdog)
Fault related to the supervision
Electric noise
Inverter firmware fault
Auto-diagnosis Fault
Fault related to the auto matic
identification a lgorithm of the inve rter
hardware and plug-in module
Poor contact in the connection between the main control and
the power pack
Hardware not compatible with the firmware version
Defect on the inter nal circuits of the i nverter
External Fault
External faul t via DIx (“No Exte rnal
Fault” in P026x)
Wiring on DI1 to DI8 inp uts are open or have po or contact
For further information, refer
Document: 10003693218 / 00