Waygate Technologies UltraDoc Specifications

GE Inspection Technologies
Krautkramer UltraDOC
2004 General Electric Company. All rights reserved GEIT-20038GB (09/04)
We reserve the right to technical modifications without prior notice.
On the safe side with your documentation
tests depends on the quality of the
corresponding documentation. You know
the statutory provisions: in the case
of damage, an objective proof of all
measures that had been taken for the
quality assurance of a product must be
Test instruments in combination with the
UltraDOC software provide you with the
required safety because UltraDOC makes
the documentation process considerably
UltraDOC allows you to transfer test data
from the test instrument to the PC (for
example parameter dumps, A-scans,
menus) and to store them in usual data
formats so that you will be able to further
process them as you like. Word process-
ing, DTP or spreadsheet programs - the
whole world of EDP is at your feet.
You will have no trouble in creating your
test reports and in carrying out the docu
mentation of your test results quickly,
reliably and conveniently.
Other documents, such as training
documentation or re-search reports, can
also be presented in a professional way
using UltraDOC. But UltraDOC has a lot
more to offer: from the transfer of stored
instrument calibrations back to the test
instrument, through quick viewing of
stored test data on the PC display, up
to the remote control of the test instru
By using UltraDOC you can:
• transfer instrument settings from the
test instrument to a PC, store them as
ASCII text and further process them
• transfer any display contents of your
choice, store them in IMG, BMP or
PCX format and further process them
• store complete instrument settings
and calibration tables and transfer
them back to the testinstrument
• gain a quick overview of stored
test data
• remote control your test instrument.
UltraDOC was developed for a great
number of our flaw detectors and other
test instruments having an RS232 inter
face. It is available as Windows version,
it only requires standard computer
systems, it is easy to install - and even
easier to use.