Waygate Technologies MIC 20 Operating Manual

Krautkramer MIC 20
Technical Reference and Operating Manual
Ident No. 28 702
This Issue 02, 04/2005 applies to the software version V 01.00
The version number of the software is displayed in the menu bar line on the screen or in the menu ConfigInfo (ref. chapter 4.7).
Subject to change without notice.
0-2 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
1 Introduction ....................................... 1-1
1.1 Safety information ................................... 1-2
Power supply ............................................. 1-2
Software .................................................... 1-3
1.2 About this manual ................................... 1-3
Important information ................................. 1-3
1.3 Layout and presentation in this manual . 1-4
Attention and note symbols ....................... 1-4
Listings ...................................................... 1-4
Operating steps ......................................... 1-4
1.4 Prerequisites for hardness testing .......... 1-5
Operator training ........................................ 1-5
Technical test requirements ....................... 1-6
Choice of the appropriate test equipment ... 1-6
1.5 Important information about hardness
testing using the Krautkramer MIC 20 .... 1-7
Test material .............................................. 1-7
Test method ............................................... 1-7
Conversion of hardness values .................. 1-9
1.6 The Krautkramer MIC 20 ......................... 1-10
Special features of the MIC 20.................. 1-11
Large variety of application possibilities ....1-12
2 Standard package and accessories 2-1
2.1 Standard package .................................... 2-3
2.2 Required accessories .............................. 2-5
2.3 Recommended accessories
(general) .................................................... 2-7
2.4 Recommended accessories
(UCI method) ............................................ 2-8
2.5 Recommended accessories
(rebound method) ...................................2-11
2.6 Spare parts requirements
(UCI method) ...........................................2-12
2.7 Spare parts requirements
(rebound method) ...................................2-13
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 0-1
3 Initial start-up ..................................... 3-1
3.1 Power supply ........................................... 3-2
Operation using the power supply unit ........ 3-2
Operation using the battery pack
MIC 20-BAT ............................................... 3-3
3.2 Connecting a probe or
an impact device ...................................... 3-4
Connecting a UCI probe ............................. 3-5
Connecting an impact device ..................... 3-6
Disconnecting the connecting cable ........... 3-7
Exchanging the test attachment ................ 3-8
3.3 Turning on/off .......................................... 3-8
Turning on .................................................. 3-8
Turning off .................................................. 3-8
Emergency-stop ......................................... 3-9
Cold start ................................................... 3-9
4 Operation ........................................... 4-1
4.1 Fundamental principles of operation ..... 4-2
Operator’s controls and displays ................ 4-3
Display screen ........................................... 4-3
User interface ............................................ 4-4
Virtual keyboard......................................... 4-5
Operation using the keypad or
touch screen .............................................. 4-6
Installing the instrument ............................. 4-6
4.2 Probe and impact device ......................... 4-7
Guiding the probe ....................................... 4-7
Operating the impact device ...................... 4-8
4.3 Hardness testing .....................................4-10
Starting and closing a test series .............. 4-10
Viewing and evaluating test results ...........4-11
Conversion into other hardness scales ...... 4-14
4.4 Calibration ...............................................4-15
Carrying out the calibration ....................... 4-16
Saving calibration data ..............................4-18
0-2 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
Deleting calibration data ............................4-19
Restoring the standard calibration ............. 4-20
4.5 Saving the test data ................................4-21
Saving files ............................................... 4-22
Deleting files or directories ........................4-22
Opening and closing directories ................4-23
Creating new directories ............................4-23
Opening files .............................................4-24
Editing saved files .................................... 4-24
File management using instrument keys ...4-25
4.6 Printing test reports ................................ 4-25
Prerequisites for printing ...........................4-26
Selecting and printing a test series ........... 4-27
4.7 Instrument configuration ........................4-30
Evaluation parameters ..............................4-30
System settings........................................ 4-35
System information ...................................4-39
4.8 Saving and loading
instrument parameters ...........................4-41
Saving instrument parameters .................. 4-41
Loading and deleting
instrument parameters ..............................4-41
4.9 Functional tests ......................................4-42
Functional test for UCI method .................4-42
Functional test for rebound method ........... 4-43
4.10 Calibrating the touch screen ..................4-44
4.11 Troubleshooting ......................................4-45
Error messages ........................................ 4-45
Errors ........................................................ 4-45
5 Care and maintenance ...................... 5-1
5.1 Care .......................................................... 5-2
Care of instrument ..................................... 5-2
Care of batteries ........................................ 5-2
Charging the batteries ................................ 5-3
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 0-3
5.2 Maintenance ............................................. 5-4
Cleaning the probe ..................................... 5-4
Cleaning the impact device ........................ 5-4
6 Interfaces and data transfer.............. 6-1
6.1 Interfaces .................................................. 6-2
Serial interface RS232 ............................... 6-3
Ethernet interface ...................................... 6-3
6.2 Data transfer to a printer .......................... 6-4
Requirements for printing ........................... 6-4
6.3 Data transfer to a computer ..................... 6-5
7 Hardness testing method ................. 7-1
7.1 The UCI method ....................................... 7-2
The treatment of test material .................... 7-3
7.2 The rebound method ............................... 7-5
The treatment of test material .................... 7-6
7.3 Conversion of hardness values ............... 7-8
7.4 Information on the
statistical evaluation ............................... 7-12
Statistical average .................................... 7-12
Relative range of spread ...........................7-13
Relative standard deviation ....................... 7-13
Calculation of process capability ...............7-13
8 Specifications .................................... 8-1
Basic instrument ........................................ 8-2
Connections and interfaces ........................ 8-2
Power supply and operating time ................ 8-3
Ambient conditions .................................... 8-3
Evaluation .................................................. 8-4
9 Annex ................................................. 9-1
9.1 EC Declaration of Conformity ................. 9-2
9.2 Manufacturer/Service addresses ............. 9-2
10 Index ................................................. 10-1
0-4 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
Introduction 1
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 1-1
IntroductionIntroduction Safety information
1.1 Safety information
The Krautkramer MIC 20 is designed and tested ac­cording to DIN EN 61 010 Part 1, March 1994, “Safety requirements for electric measuring, control, and labora­tory devices”, and was technically in a perfectly safe and faultless condition when leaving the manufacturing works.
In order to maintain this condition and to ensure a safe operation, it is absolutely necessary that you read the following safety information before putting the instru­ment into operation.
A Attention:
The Krautkramer MIC 20 is an instrument meant for materials testing. Any use in medical or other appli­cations is not allowed!
The instrument may only be used in industrial envi­ronments.
Power supply
Battery pack and power supply unit
The Krautkramer MIC 20 can be operated using the battery pack MIC 20-BAT, or a power supply unit. You can charge the battery pack MIC 20-BAT in the instru­ment itself while the instrument is supplied with power via the power supply unit and turned off. As soon as you turn the instrument on, the power supply to the battery compartment is interrupted.
NiCd or NiMH single cells
The operation using NiCd or NiMH single cells is like­wise possible but is not recommended because of the clearly reduced operating time.
A Attention:
You cannot charge NiCd or NiMH single cells in the instrument itself but only by means of an external bat­tery charger approved for this purpose.
If you are only using the power supply unit for a longer period of time, you should remove the batteries from the instrument.
1-2 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
IntroductionIntroductionSafety information
H Note:
Alkaline cells are not suitable due to their high internal impedance.
According to the current state of the art, software is never completely free from errors or defects.
For this reason, before using any software-controlled test equipment, it should be ensured that the required functions operate perfectly in the intended combination.
If you have any questions regarding the use of the in­strument, please contact your nearest GE Inspection Technologies representative.
1.2 About this manual
This manual describes the operation of the hardness tester Krautkramer MIC 20.
Please read carefully through this manual in order to be able to operate all functions of your instrument quickly and reliably. You’ll be able to use the complete range of instrument functions and, at the same time, to avoid faults and operating errors which may lead to incorrect test results.
Important information
Even if you might be familiar with hardness testing methods, please always observe the information in chapters 1.4 and 1.5. In chapter 1.4, you will find impor­tant limitations and prerequisites for hardness testing in general (training, knowledge of the specific technical test requirements and limits of testing, choice of the appropriate test device).
In chapter 1.5, you will find concrete information about hardness testing using the MIC 20 that you always have to follow in order to ensure correct test results.
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 1-3
IntroductionIntroduction Layout and presentation in this manual
1.3 Layout and presentation in this manual
To make it easier for you to use the manual, the operat­ing steps, notes, etc. are always presented in the same way. This will help you find individual pieces of informa­tion quickly.
Attention and note symbols
A Attention:
You will find the Attention symbol in the case of any peculiarities or special aspects in the operation which could affect the correctness of the results.
H Note:
At Note, you will find e.g. references to other chapters or special recommendations for a function.
Listings are presented in the following form:
Variant A
Variant B
❚ ...
Operating steps
Operating steps appear as shown in the following ex­ample:
– Place the handheld probe vertically to the surface to
be tested.
– Hold the probe tight with one hand so that the foot
stays perpendicular to the surface during the mea­surement.
1-4 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
IntroductionIntroductionPrerequisites for hardness testing
1.4 Prerequisites for hardness testing
In this operating manual you will find all essential infor­mation on how to operate the Krautkramer MIC 20. In addition, there are a number of factors which affect the test results. As a description of these factors would go beyond the scope of an operating manual, only the three most important conditions are therefore described here:
operator training
knowledge of special technical test requirements and
choice of the appropriate test equipment
A Attention:
Lack of knowledge of the above-mentioned subjects may lead to incorrect test results with unforeseeable consequences.
GE Inspection Technologies organizes training courses in the field of hardness testing. You will receive informa­tion on the scheduled dates on request.
Operator training
The reliable and safe operation of a hardness testing device requires a proper training in materials testing.
A proper training comprises for example adequate knowledge of:
hardness testing on metallic materials
effects due to material properties, especially due to
the microstructure, on hardness testing and on the corresponding choice of the appropriate hardness tester
problems relating to the comparability of different
hardness values, such as Vickers, Rockwell, and Brinell
effects due to surface finish on the hardness value
effects of the test load on the determined hardness
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 1-5
IntroductionIntroduction Prerequisites for hardness testing
Technical test requirements
Every hardness test is subject to specific technical test requirements. The most important ones are:
definition of the scope of testing
choice of the appropriate test method
consideration of material properties
determination of limits for evaluation
Choice of the appropriate test equipment
It is the task of those responsible for the test to fully inform the operator about the technical test require­ments. Moreover, a clear and thorough interpretation of the corresponding test specifications is absolutely nec­essary.
Information about test methods and test specifications may be obtained, for example, from various institutions, industrial companies, and authorities.
1-6 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
IntroductionIntroductionImportant information about hardness testing using the Krautkramer MIC 20
1.5 Important information about hardness testing using the Krautkramer MIC 20
Please find in the following a summary of the most important technical test requirements that you always have to observe in order to obtain reliable and reproduc­ible test results.
A Attention:
Do not carry out the hardness test twice at the same test position, otherwise measuring errors may occur due to the hardness increase of the surface. The dis­tance between the test positions should be at least 3 mm.
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 1-7
Test material
The surfaces must be free from any impurities (oil, dust, etc.) and rust. The peak-to-valley height should not exceed approx. 30 % of the penetration depth. Rough surfaces lead to a higher variation range of the single readings. If necessary, polish rougher surfaces, for example using our grinding set MIC 1060 (ref. chap­ter 2).
Test method
The MIC 20 supports both quasi-static hardness testing according to the UCI method and dynamic hardness testing according to the rebound method.
All Krautkramer UCI probes and the rebound impact devices D, G, and E are supported in these processes.
The UCI method
The UCI method is a comparative method (contribution of the Young’s modulus to the measurement) with a very high reproducibility of measurements. The UCI method does not replace the classical Vickers hard­ness testing method but constitutes a fast and reliable addition to it.
IntroductionIntroduction Important information about hardness testing
The direct comparison with the results of the standard­ized Vickers measurement according to the material samples is therefore indispensable for the assessment of the measuring accuracy of the UCI method. This means:
The test forces (probes) must match the surface quality of the material:
Smooth, homogeneous surfaces require low test
Rougher, coarse-grained surfaces require as high
test forces as possible.
A Attention:
It is absolutely necessary that you calibrate your MIC 20 to the material to be tested.
The calibration is required only once for this since you can save calibrations and recall them again as required without any problem (ref. chapter 4.4).
The calibration for low-alloy or unalloyed steel is already predefined in the instrument. You should check them from time to time (ref. chapter 4.9 Functional tests).
Please also read the notes on the UCI method in chap­ter 7.
The Rebound method
The rebound method is a dynamic method with a very high reproducibility of measurements. The rebound method does not replace the classical Brinell hardness testing method or other standardized methods but con­stitutes a fast and reliable addition to them.
The still existing energy of an impact body after the rebound from the material surface is measured. It should be kept in mind in this regard that the loss of energy suffered in this process also depends on the mechanical properties of the material, i.e. mainly on its Young’s modulus or modulus of elasticity.
The direct comparison with the results of the standard­ized Vickers measurement according to the material samples is therefore indispensable for the assessment of the measuring accuracy of the method. This means:
1-8 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
IntroductionIntroductionImportant information about hardness testing
A Attention:
It is absolutely necessary that you set your MIC 20 to the suitable material group before carrying out the test and that you additionally calibrate it if necessary.
The calibration is necessary only once in this process since you can save the calibrations and recall them again as required without any problem (ref. chapter 4.4).
The material group for low-alloy or unalloyed steel is predefined in the instrument as a default setting.
You should check this from time to time (ref. chapter
4.9 Functional tests).
Test objects having a mass of at least 5 kg can be tested without any additional supports; more leight­weight objects require a support to which they have to be rigidly coupled. You should use large metal supports that do not give way for this purpose.
The test objects should have a minimum wall thickness of 20 mm. We recommend the UCI method, or the use of a suitable UCI probe in combination with the MIC 20 for test objects having smaller wall thicknesses.
A Attention:
Should the test objects give way or spring, the result may be measuring errors!
Please read also chapter 7 on the rebound method.
Conversion of hardness values
The conversion of hardness values into other hardness scales is only possibly with restrictions.
Hardness values determined according to different methods cannot be converted into each other by means of generally applicable relations. The restrictions regarding the conversion, stated in the DIN 50 150, ASTM E140 specifications, must therefore always be taken into account!
The indentation behavior of the material is determined by its stress-strain behavior. Shape and material of the indenter, the size of indentation, and consequently the measured area vary, depending on the test method used.
The conversion of hardness values both into one an­other and into tensile strength values can be inaccurate
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 1-9
Introduction Important information about hardness testing
or unacceptable depending on the material, treatment condition, and surface quality.
A Attention:
Any illegal or unacceptable conversions may lead to serious errors in the interpretation of test results.
1.6 The Krautkramer MIC 20
The Krautkramer MIC 20 is a mobile and easy-to-use hardness tester which can be equally used for tests according to the UCI method and for tests according to the rebound method.
After connecting the probe, the instrument is automati­cally set to the corresponding test method; tests can be carried out quickly and without any problem.
The fact that both methods are supported leads to a large variety of application possibilities with only one single instrument. Additional probes extend the range of applications if required.
The operation of the Krautkramer MIC 20 (calibration, setup, evaluation, data memory) is carried out by means of the graphic user interface presented on the display and adapted to the known Windows standard. The mouse is replaced by the touch screen for this purpose.
As an alternative, conventional buttons are available for most operating functions.
1-10 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
IntroductionThe Krautkramer MIC 20
Special features of the MIC 20
Measurements on castings and forgings, hardened
surfaces and welds
Automatic adaptation of the test method and of the
test parameters to the connected probe
Color LCD 5.7" for displays and operating functions
Support of all Krautkramer UCI probes
Support of the Krautkramer rebound
impact devices D, G, and E
Non-directional measurement (patented signal
processing with the rebound method)
Storage of measurement data and clear representa-
tion of measurement series as a diagram and histo­gram
Simple and fast calibration, saving and recalling of
calibration data at the press of a button
Output of measurement data directly to a printer or
transfer to a computer
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 1-11
Introduction The Krautkramer MIC 20
Operation using the battery pack or power supply
Large variety of application possibilities
You can use the Krautkramer MIC 20 to measure any­where and in any direction; the direction must not be set beforehand.
The MIC 20 is mainly suitable
for measuring hardness of low-alloy or unalloyed
for measuring hardness of high-alloy steels,
for measuring hardness of nonferrous metals.
The MIC 20 is available in two versions:
Basic version MIC 20 with color CSTN screen
MIC 20 TFT with color TFT display screen
1-12 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
Standard package and accessories 2
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 2-1
Standard package and accessories Standard package
This chapter informs you about the standard package and the accessories available for the Krautkramer MIC 20.
It describes
component parts of the product
required and recommended accessories
spare parts requirements
2-2 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
2.1 Standard package
Product code Description Order no.
MIC 20 Portable Hardness Tester according to the quasi-static 35 468
Standard package and accessoriesStandard package
UCI principle and the dynamic Rebound principle. Display of the hardness values in HV, HB, HRC, HRB, N/mm in HL and HS.
Instrument MIC 20 35 493
Mains adapter 101 075
Transport case 101 554
Operating manual German 28 701
or Operating manual English 28 702
and additional for the Rebound principle
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 2-3
Standard package and accessories Standard package
Product code Description Order no.
MIC 20 TFT Portable Hardness Tester according to the quasi-static 35 479
UCI principle and the dynamic Rebound principle. Display of the hardness values in HV, HB, HRC, HRB,
and additional for the Rebound principle
in HL and HS.
Instrument MIC 20 TFT 35 492
Mains adapter 101 075
Transport case 101 554
Operating manual German 28 701
or Operating manual English 28 702
2-4 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
2.2 Required accessories
Product code Description Order no.
MIC 201-A Handheld probe 10 N 34 104
MIC 205-A Handheld probe 50 N 34 105
MIC 2010-A Handheld probe 98 N 34 106
MIC 201-AL Extended handheld probe 10 N 34 392
MIC 205-AL Extended handheld probe 50 N 34 282
MIC 201-AS Short handheld probe 10 N 34 711
MIC 205-AS Short handheld probe 50 N 34 712
Standard package and accessoriesRequired accessories
Handheld Probes (UCI method)
(each probe complete with cable)
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 2-5
Standard package and accessories Required accessories
Product code Description Order no.
Motorized Probes (UCI method)
(each probe complete with cable)
MIC 211-A Motor probe 8.6 N 34 381
MIC 2103-A Motor probe 3 N 34 382
MIC 2101-A Motor probe 1 N 35 577
Impact Devices (rebound method)
(each without connecting cable for impact device)
Dyna D Impact device with 3 mm tungsten-carbide 34 248
Dyna G Impact device with 5 mm tungsten-carbide 34 549
Dyna E Impact device with diamond-tipped body 34 588
Dyna 50 Connecting cable for impact device 34 329
2-6 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
Recommended accessories (general)
2.3 Recommended accessories (general)
Product code Description Order no.
MIC 20-BAT NiMH accumulator pack, 4.5 Ah, internal charging 35 452
MIC 1060 Battery grinding set 34 380
MIC 300 Technical book on hardness testing (only in German) 28 837
Printer cable (serial/parallel) for connection to 101 761 Hewlett Packard Printers of the hpdeskjet 9xx series
UDAT UltraDAT data management program for transfer and 35 549
documentation of hardness measurement data
Data transfer cable from the instrument to a PC 101 785
ZG-F Couplant 54 558
Standard package and accessories
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 2-7
Standard package and accessories
2.4 Recommended accessories (UCI method)
Product code Description Order no.
Guiding devices and test supports
MIC 270 Surface attachment for MIC 201-A, MIC 205-A, 32 084
MIC 2010-A
MIC 271 Prism adapter for MIC 201-A, MIC 205-A 32 993
MIC 220 Test specimen holder for MIC 2101-A, MIC 2103-A 30 766
and MIC 211-A
MIC 221 Universal test support with instrument holder 33 541
MIC 227 Test support for determination of hardness progression 35 264
MIC 222-A Precision test support 35 546
MIC 2221 Magnetic foot for support MIC 222-A 33 909
MIC 2220 Support block for flat, thin parts 33 651
Recommended accessories (UCI method)
MIC 225 Camshaft test stand 34 869
2-8 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
Recommended accessories (UCI method)
Product code Description Order no.
MIC 100 Probe attachment set 29 929
MIC 100-1 Prism attachment 29 920
MIC 120 Magnetic probe shoe for curved surfaces 31 854
MIC 223 Quick test support with magnetic foot 34 020
MIC 25C Hardness Reference Plate 25 HRC 33 905
MIC 45C Hardness Reference Plate 45 HRC 33 906
MIC 65C Hardness Reference Plate 65 HRC 33 907
MIC 1V100 Hardness Reference Plate 150 HV10 34 279
MIC 2V010 Hardness Reference Plate 240 HV1 33 896
Standard package and accessories
Guiding devices for motor probes
Hardness reference plates with MPA certificate
MIC 2V050 Hardness Reference Plate 240 HV5 33 899
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 2-9
Standard package and accessories
Product code Description Order no.
MIC 2V100 Hardness Reference Plate 240 HV10 33 902
MIC 5V010 Hardness Reference Plate 540 HV1 33 897
MIC 5V050 Hardness Reference Plate 540 HV5 33 900
MIC 5V100 Hardness Reference Plate 540 HV10 33 903
MIC 8V010 Hardness Reference Plate 840 HV1 33 898
MIC 8V050 Hardness Reference Plate 840 HV5 33 901
MIC 8V100 Hardness Reference Plate 840 HV10 33 904
Recommended accessories (UCI method)
2-10 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
Recommended accessories (rebound method)
Standard package and accessories
2.5 Recommended accessories (rebound method)
Product code Description Order no.
Hardness reference blocks (rebound method)
MIC D62 Hardness reference block 620 HV100 34 393
MIC D62MPA Hardness reference block 620 HV100, 34 573
certified by MPA, Germany
MIC G38 Hardness reference block 380 HV100 34 631
MIC G38MPA Hardness reference block 380 HV100, 34 657
certified by MPA, Germany
Test attachments for Dyna D and E (rebound method)
Dyna 41 Set (5 pcs.) of test attachments for cylindrical and 34 536
hollow-cylindrical surfaces
Dyna 42 Set (5 pcs.) of test attachments for spherical and 34 539
hollow-spherical surfaces
Krautkramer MIC 20 Issue 02, 04/2005 2-11
Standard package and accessories
2.6 Spare parts requirements (UCI method)
Product code Description Order no.
MIC 1050 Probe cable for handheld probes 34 071
MIC 1051 Probe cable for motor probes 34 378
MIC 1052 Probe cable for shortened handheld probes for 34 713
MIC 201-AS and MIC 205-AS
Ball headed probe grip 33 854
Spare parts requirements (UCI method)
2-12 Issue 02, 04/2005 Krautkramer MIC 20
+ 98 hidden pages