CL 5 Issue 01, 04/05 0-1
1 General Information........................... 1-1
1.1 Supplying Power to the CL 5................. 1-2
1.2 Powering On and Off the Instrument .... 1-4
1.3 Key Features of the CL 5........................ 1-4
CL 5 Precision Thickness
Measurement Base Instrument .............. 1-5
Instrument Options .................................. 1-6
1.4 Whats in this Manual ............................ 1-6
2 Understanding the Keypad,
Menu System, and Displays ............. 2-1
2.1 Keypad Features .................................... 2-2
2.2 Interpreting Display Screens ................. 2-2
2.3 Working with the Configuration
Display .................................................2-10
3 Setting Up the CL 5 ........................... 3-1
3.1 Connecting a Probe and Loading a
Setup File ............................................. 3-3
3.2 Configuring the Instrument ................... 3-6
3.2.1 Setting Instrument Gain ................ 3-8
3.2.2 Setting Update Rate ..................... 3-8
3.2.3 Setting Nominal Thickness ........... 3-8
3.3 Instrument Calibration........................... 3-9
3.4 Setting the Maximum and Minimum
Alarms .................................................. 3-9
3.5 Creating and Erasing Custom Setup
Files .....................................................3-11
3.6 Locking and Unlocking Instrument
Settings ...............................................3-14
4 Measuring Thickness ........................ 4-1
4.1 Selecting the Displayed View ................ 4-2
4.2 Normal Measurement Mode
(No A-Scan) .......................................... 4-3
4.3 Min Scan and Max Scan Measurement
Mode..................................................... 4-6